Diablo III - Release Date rumor and System Requirements

This post was written by admin on March 6, 2009
Posted Under: Entertainment/Games, Technology, World

Diablo III is an action role-playing game currently in development and the third installment of Blizzard’s Diablo franchise.  It was unveiled on June 28, at the 2008 Blizzard Entertainment Worldwide Invitational in Paris, France. Development on Diablo III began some time in 2005 when Blizzard North was still in operation. Four years is about time for a game release.

Associates working on a Diablo 3 game design have supplied the following information.

The release date for the online beta multiplayer trial version is currently set to:

11th September, 2009

The final version, available for purchase is to be released before Christmas:

24th December, 2009

Diablo 3 screenshot

The system requirements are likely to be:

Operating System: Windows XP/ Vista
Processor: 1.4GHz or higher CPU.
RAM: 1Gb or more.
Video:  128Mb video card Dx9
Hard Drive Space: 4-8GB

Operating System: MacOS X 10.3 (Panther) or better.
Processor:1.6GHz or higher.
RAM: 1Gb or higher, DDR RAM recommended.
Video: 128mb ATI or NVIDIA video card
Hard Drive Space: 4-8 GB

Diablo 3 screenshot

Don’t know whether its a coincidince of 9/11, the following information is yet to be verified. Lets hope this rumor is a real release date.

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Reader Comments

I wonder if its gonna have runewords like in diablo 2

Written By Blazman on March 9th, 2009 @ 8:15 am

Why would someone who made the game from america release the game on 9/11…. but whatever, still wanna play it

Written By MdYellowMan on March 9th, 2009 @ 12:31 pm

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