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A reader pointed to a viral movie showing the average cyclepath in an average village in The Netherlands. You can see a unicycle in it. And you can see why there usually are no school busses. I always liked WA. Alan Tepper is not the only PE teacher in that state who's school endorses unicycling. Okay. Hello you bunch of sports-unicyclists and/or self-claimed so called extreme unicyclists, who piss on classic circus. Yes I particular address to those childish ones at for example eenwiel.nl who dare to claim it's dull and for sissies.... Last week I had a performance at the Ahoy in Rotterdam, coincidently I met circuspeople I know since long, and was welcome to see the show. So today I went to the wintercircus in Ahoy Rotterdam, to meet a group of 13 (yes, 13) pro unicyclists. If that wasn't unique enought, and for the record, they don't ride unicycles, but only the ultimate wheel. Okay, fair; a large portion of their tricks (yes, I said tricksin stead of skills) are nothing unicycle related. But still... when was the last time you jumped over 4 human? Or did trail with your ultimate wheel on (yes, I wrote on) a human obstacle!? Ever seen that? Or what about (mind you) a for(!)ward summersalt from riding an ultimate-wheel, over the back of someone, string into riding again!!! Makes me wonder: when was the last time you saw a unicycle-act as final act in a world-class circus? Nuff said. The Wolf Hunan Troupe rocks! and so far it's defenitly the best ultimate-wheel act I'd ever seen. Period. Did I made my point? Here are some bad quality pictures (sorry) anyway: Rumours sais even the king and his wife visited the event incognito. I was serving "karak", a tradional tea which is very common in the entire Gulf Area and India. It's just like English tea, except that the sugar and milk are added before boiling. So now I registred unicycle.ae, and translated my entire website into Arabic, because I defenitly would like to return to Qatar or the United Arab Emirates!. On the picture you see me on unicycle and a police-officer in uniform. As unicycle performer I meet also other performers. Like Magic Brian from New York. His site is linking to Amy G, a beautifull woman with an odd way to play the anthem! Kevin Tomczyk is delivering papers on his unicycle. Hope he can buy a nice Muni from the bucks he makes, so he can continue his job even when it's snowing. (found at sanduskyregister.com). unicyclings boosts self-confidence of students. I'd say, not only students, and not only confidence, but also self-esteem, health (especially you back), patience, creativity, persistance, and many other aspects that benefit self-deploying. One of the very 1st fellow unicyclists I knew is now planning 620 mile unicycle-trip trough the Himalayas. update: gizmodo calls him ' future victom of everest'. Dan Heaton from Seattle is on columbia.com's fontpage, including the commercial that's running on TV. unicycle bags seem to be the next cool thing. I think this one is too thin to provide decent protection. I rather have my cheap and strong US AF bags, and have my clothes protect the unicycle. I've been to Seattle to ride my unicycle, but never been under fire of a .38 caliber firearm while unicycling. I had the monopoly on the query "unicycle and pizza" untill this pizza-box of dominos came on you-tube. But what is this pictogram saying? From June 20 to July 20 Mark Lavis is riding 2000 miles in Australia to raise money for the Afghan Mini Circus for Children (AMMCC). On independence day you have parades everywhere, and in many you'll see unicycles. This guy carries on his dad's 35 year long tradition of participating in the oldest continiously running neighbourhood parade. I had a friend who was juggler in the Russian Army. America has has their programs to. A couple of big countries have unicyclists in army unit's for serious special operations. But you hardly ever see any picture. Today Engadget shows a pic of the Chineze SWAT on "Segway's". Dunno I think 'less is more', and 1 wheel without guns is more cool. The unicycle stems from the pennyfarthing. In those days there were no cyclepaths; each time you'd hit a tree branch, you'd learned some unicycling. Then the rear wheel was removed, followed by the bars, and finaly the wheelsize reduced to a more manouvrable size. In 2008 we have inventors who add helping wheels to a unicycle. Next page | Archive |