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Kurione-Sha, the circle of YU-RI, has released many excellent hentai doujinshi for Bleach and One Piece. Here are some of them. And Kokucho Ranbu has been completely translated into English. More will be added here later.
Collected Hentai Doujin Comics by YU-RI in Kurione-Sha (くりおね社) :
- Kokucho Ranbu (黒蝶乱舞) (Series: Bleach) (EN, J)
- Nami Biyori (ナミ日和) (Series: One Piece / ワンピース) (J)
- Otome Kaikin (乙女解禁) (Series: One Piece / ワンピース) (J)
- Shiawase Punch! 3, 4 (Happy Punch!, 幸せPUNCH!) (Series: One Piece / ワンピース) (J)
- Spicy Honey (スパイシー☆ハニー) (Series: Bleach) (CN, J)
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Tags: big tit, Bleach, English, lesbian, One Piece, rape
Hentai Doujin Comics - Dec 3rd, 2008, 3:15 pm
Atsushi Tachibana impresses me on his very immoral hentai manga books. Innocent hot girls fall into dirty sex humiliation and sperm showers.
Collected Hentai Manga by Atsushi Tachibana (橘敦司) :
- Immoral Girls (背徳の少女) (J)
- The Immoral Virgin (背徳の処女) (J)
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Tags: anal, big tit, blow job, bondage, gang bang, humiliation, rape
Hentai Manga - Dec 1st, 2008, 11:48 pm
Pokemon is a very famous anime series created in Japan and then adapted in North American. At present, in hentai world, pokemon hentai is the second hottest series in search, beaten by Naruto only. However, few of pokemon hentai doujins have been drawn really well. Here I’m glad to share my best findings for drawing style, Ketsu! Megaton R and Three, in the genre of femdom, drawn by the artist Pierre Norano of the circle Toluene Ittokan. These doujins used to very hard to be found for free download when I first saw its cover’s thumb by chance. Now, after hours of search, I’ve happily got it and we can enjoy it together.
If you know any more info of good pokemon doujins, please feel free to share with us here.
Collected Hentai Doujin Comics by Pierre Norano (ピエールのらの) in Toluene Ittokan (トルエン一斗缶) :
- Ketsu! Megaton R (J) (Series: Pokemon / Pocket Monsters / ポケットモンスター)
- Three (J) (Series: Pokemon / Pocket Monsters / ポケットモンスター)
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Tags: 3P, big tit, bondage, lesbian, Pokemon, SM
Hentai Doujin Comics - Nov 28th, 2008, 8:15 pm
Kyo Hatsuki (pen name for regular manga), or Naizo Kudara (for adult manga), is a great female mangaka famous for the hot comics Love Junkies, a long series of comedy hentai manga in beautiful drawing style of cute faces and big boobs. 23 volumes of Japanese raw are available here. And the first 4 volumes have been completely translated into English (missing the Extra and Omake chapters of Volume 4 here). Sex Crime in 3 volumes is her another hentai manga series with common stories but awesome art.
Collected Hentai Manga by Kyo Hatsuki (葉月京) / Naizo Kudara (百済内創) :
- Baby Powder (J)
- Love Junkies 01~23 (Renai Junkies, 戀愛達令, 恋愛ジャンキー) (EN: 1~4, CN: 1~6, J: 1~23)
- Sex Crime 1~3 (CN: 2, 3; J: 1)
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Tags: big tit, catgirls, ecchi, English, fun, lesbian
Hentai Manga - Nov 25th, 2008, 10:50 pm
Joji Manabe has also illustrated lots of excellent hentai manga books in addition to doujins. Here I’m glad to recommend Makunouchi Deluxe and Tail Chaser for the very hot sex and Tail Chaser Volume 1 has been completely translated into English.
Collected Hentai Manga by Joji Manabe (真鍋譲治) :
- Makunouchi Deluxe 1, 2, 3 (幕の内でらっくす) (CN: 1; J: 1~3)
- Ogin (お吟) (J)
- Oniku de CHU (お肉でCHU~) (CN, J)
- Tail Chaser 1, 2, 3 (てぇいる・ちぇいさ) (EN: 1; J: 1~3)
- More: Hentai Doujin Comics by Joji Manabe
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Tags: 3P, big tit, catgirls, English, lesbian, rape, violence, warriors
Hentai Manga - Nov 16th, 2008, 2:40 pm
Welcome to H-Zip for completely free hentai pack downloads by Easy-Share, Depositfiles, SharingMatrix, Megaupload and Rapidshare and online galleries of hentai sex comics in English, Chinese and Japanese raw scanlation and high quality anime porn game CG sets! All stuffs here, hardcore or softcore, are strictly selected and sorted for excellent drawing styles of the best circles of artists and famous series! Should you have any questions, please feel free to check out the page of Frequently Asked Questions and leave your messages there.
無料エロ美少女, 18禁H漫画単行本/同人誌/HCG 免費打包下載