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Mozilla Firefox Multiple Vulnerabilities
Secunia Advisory: SA34145
Release Date: 2009-03-05
Popularity: 164 views

Highly critical
Impact: Security Bypass
Exposure of sensitive information
System access
Where: From remote
Solution Status: Vendor Patch

Software:Mozilla Firefox 3.x

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Some vulnerabilities have been reported in Mozilla Firefox, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct spoofing attacks, bypass certain security restrictions, disclose sensitive information, or compromise a user's system.

1) Multiple errors in the layout and JavaScript engines can be exploited to corrupt memory and potentially execute arbitrary code.

2) An error in the garbage collection process when handling a set of cloned XUL DOM elements linked as a parent and child can be exploited to access freed memory and execute arbitrary code.

3) An error can be exploited via the "nsIRDFService" interface and a cross-domain redirect to bypass the same-origin policy and read XML data from another domain.

4) An error in libpng when handling out-of-memory conditions can be exploited to potentially execute arbitrary code.

For more information:

5) An error when handling invisible control characters included in the location bar can be exploited to spoof a trusted URL.

The vulnerabilities are reported in versions prior to 3.0.7.

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[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]

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Please note: The information that this Secunia Advisory is based on comes from a third party unless stated otherwise.

Secunia collects, validates, and verifies all vulnerability reports issued by security research groups, vendors, and others.
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