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* sayaman  
thats because it the same artist... 
* boricua  
I mean they look similar 
* boricua  
Princess Lucia's characters remind me of Kimi no Iru Machi 
* kappuccinoo  
princess lucia pretty funny stuff - thanks for the new manga sharak. also if someone has the missing chapters of Umi no Misaki please upload them ! 
* Sharak  
next new manga Princess Lucia added hf 
* Sharak  
kanokon ch16 added 
* 4roses  
Id also in six monthts 
* fleet79  
kanokon ch16 is out 
* Tab  
UxU volumes come out every 6 months or so, so the next one should be somewhere like late march to mid May. Not sure exactly 
* meltyblood  
when volume 10 is released 
* Star Blade  
I know that this topic comes back like every week but... does anyone knows when UxU new chapters will be aviable(even raw)? 
* gonlha  
Thanks sayaman .Because I can't download form filefactory :) 
* sayaman  
i tried the link, and i got a slot so here it is Shinigami to Chocolat Parfait v2 enjoy. and thx gonlha for the links. 
* Sharak  
thx @gonlha,no free slot at the moment,hm download and upload has to wait until a free download slot appears 
* gonlha  
Shinigami to Chocolat Parfait v01 and v02 http://www.filefactory.com/f/315537ae81e89c0a/ from raw-manga.aceboard.fr  
* Sharak  
TWGOK ch43 added 
* Sharak  
thx kappu for the links and thx saya for uploading ;),next time i should look at first on the ftp before i start downloading it myself^^ 
* kappuccinoo  
Sharak: here is the link http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=fb5aa7a65d7c392d5bf1f12f1ff3f30ae04e75f6e8ebb871 i believe that all of them were magazine scans but archived by the volumes. 
* sayaman  
kenichi c327 raw, kissXsis c23 raw,onidere c46, rosarioxvampireII c17, omamori himari c28, mysterious girlfirend x c32 and fraken fran c23 up. thx fleet79 and rournix for the notice. 
* sotona  
when is going out new change 123? 
* rournix  
ommamori himari 28 is out. 
* fleet79  
mysterious girlfriend x ch 32 is out 
* Sharak  
kk and veritas ch24 added 
* kappuccinoo  
i'll try to upload it tonite have to go work now then give you the link 
* Sharak  
Aiki ch39 added 
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