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Microsoft Windows 98

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Windows 98 overview

Microsoft Windows 98 is the upgrade to Microsoft Windows 95. While this was not as big as release as Windows 95, Windows 98 has significant updates, fixes and support for new peripherals. Below is a list of some of its new features.

Protection - Windows 98 includes additional protection for important files on your computer such as backing up your registry automatically.
Improved support - Improved support for new devices such as AGP, DirectX, DVD, USB, MMX,
FAT32 - Windows 98 has the capability of converting your drive to FAT32 without losing any information.
Interface - Users of Windows 95 and NT will enjoy the same easy interface.
PnP - Improved PnP support, to detect devices even better than Windows 95.
Internet Explorer 4.0 - Included Internet Explorer 4.0
Customizable Taskbar - Windows adds many nice new features to the taskbar that 95 and NT do not have.
Includes Plus! - Includes features only found in Microsoft Plus! free.
Active Desktop - Includes Active Desktop that allows for users to customize their desktop with the look of the Internet.

Windows 98 SE

Includes the same additional features as Windows 98; however, includes additional fixes and all of Year 2000 patches have been included in Windows 98 Second Edition. Below is a listing of the various new features Windows 98 SE includes.

Updates - Includes all the latest updates such as the Year 2000 updates, USB support, and more.
Software - Updated versions of Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, Windows Media Player, DirectX, NetMeeting and more.
Drivers / Support - Additional support for latest technology such as MMX, USB, Intel Pentium III and more.


Released 1998
Computer: 100% IBM Compatible
Processor: 486DX/66 MHz or Higher processor
Memory: 16 MB of RAM
Drives: Approximately 195MB; can take up to 295MB
CD-ROM or Floppy
Sound: Standard Sound card for sound capability.
Video: VGA or higher-resolution
Controls: 100% compatible Microsoft keyboard / Mouse
operating system: Windows 3.x, 3.1x or Windows 95 to upgrade
DirectX: Includes DirectX 5.0
Price: $80.00 - $100.00
Windows98 SE
Computer: 100% IBM Compatible
Processor: 486DX/66 MHz or Higher processor
Memory: 24 MB of RAM
Drives: Approximately 205MB; can take up to 315MB
Sound: Standard Sound card for sound capability.
Video: VGA or higher-resolution
Controls: 100% compatible Microsoft keyboard / Mouse
operating system: Windows 3.x, 3.1x or Windows 95 to upgrade
DirectX: Includes DirectX 6.0
Price: $100.00 - $200.00


Operating systems


Related Pages:
Windows 3.x
Windows 95
Windows ME
Windows NT
Windows 2000
Windows XP


See document CH000545.


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