What is kernel32.dll? Is kernel32.dll spyware or a virus?

How to fix kernel32.dll related problems?
1. Run Security Task Manager to check your kernel32.dll process
2. Run Registry Booster to fix kernel32.dll related errors
3. Run Spyware Doctor to remove persistent malware

Process name: Win32 Kernel core component
Product: Windows
Company: Microsoft
File: kernel32.dll
Security Rating:

The Kernel32.dll file is a 32-bit dynamic link library file in Windows 95,98,Me. The Kernel32.dll file handles memory management, input/output operations, and interrupts. When you start Windows, Kernel32.dll is loaded into a protected memory space so that other programs do not take over that memory space.

Get more detailed information about kernel32.dll and all other running background processes with Security Task Manager.

Note: Any malware can be named anything - so you should check where the files of the running processes are located on your disk. If a "non-Microsoft" .exe file is located in the C:\Windows or C:\Windows\System32 folder, then there is a high risk for a virus, spyware, trojan or worm infection! Check it out!

Users Opinions

313 users ask for this file. 15 users didn't rate it ("don't know"). 47 users rated it as not dangerous. 2 users rated it as not so dangerous. 13 users rated it as neutral. 20 users rated it as dangerous.

All comments about kernel32.dll:
Alex Windows Kernel Process
JR Windows Hauptkomponente
Mick Finger weg !
Inuyasha One of the most important files of Windows. It handles memory operations and other such things. Windows won't work without it (but you can't delete it from windows anyway).  See also: Link
Moin bei mir läuft die überhaupt nicht ??? w2k
mebo it can be easily exploited by hackers and trojans such as the recenw killmnenow.bd trojan.
it can't be deleted, but it is used to run windows. it does have a high risk for virus infection because it's in the start up of any program - it's also vulnerable to spyware
D'abo Dynamic link library file. Cpu needs cleaning because it is most likely overheating.
john smith part of the floodnet virus! if found in WinXP/2K
Trevor Dola its in winxp and win2000, actually, win XP uses the same kernel as win 2000, you can see this if you open the properties menu on a dos app, in win XP, click the misc tab, and right click the check boxes at the bottom and pick what's this? it will refer to your system as windows 2000. it is possible to delete it, but foolish, always keep a backup of it handy anyways, to replace it, simply boot to dos and replace it from there, usually C:\ copy C:\backups\kernel32.dll C:\windows\system thats how it works for most systems, in XP i believe its in the system32 folder.
linus torvalds the only cure is to replace entire os with linux
Ray As long as you have an up-to-date Antivirus & Firewall, this file is of no threat and will only cause you trouble if you play with it.
debian sofort löschen, stattdessen besser kernel 2.6.9 installieren  See also: Link
Jan Extrem wichtige Windows-DLL, ohne die geht gar nichts! ACHTUNG: diverse Viren/Würmer nutzen diesen Dateinamen, um sich zu verstecken, mehr Infos dazu findet Ihr bei folgendem Link  See also: Link
lookain you should scan the file steady
Makes your computer useles. Use the newer kernel64.dll
nierka Kernell32.dll is a net.devil trojan , it was at my pc.
microsoft windows xp/kernel32.dll process free/download.
'Wicken ICT It is a processor that runs all required insuctions for windows, such Handles memory operations and Hex Insuctions, and also runs the windows GUI interface or shell. Nothing works without it apart from vmm32.vxd witch controls memory allcoation hex for the kernal32.dll in-witch vmm32.vxd executes kernel32.dll and than kernel32.dll executes explorer.exe GDI.
Chaso if you have a legal copy of windows this file is very normal, its not an apocalyptic virus...
UnKnOwN Ich hab gehört das hacker das Programm benutzen um den PC auszuspioninieren.
DataFighter Die kernel32.dll gehört zum Windowsfundament. - (kernel = Kern) Sie steuert und vergibt z.B. den Speicher, Abläufe und andere Ressourcen. Die kernel32.dll ist auch für die Auslagerung der Dateien im RAM verantwortlich.
It is the CORE of Windows, if you haven't noticed. Try to shut it down, and freeze your PC instantly. If you do, you will have to reach for the Reset button. Simple as it is. Everything runs through this file. Explorer.exe isn't the real core of any Windows, this file is. The dream of every virus is to get this one infected.
dark inca if it is a .dll it isn't a floodnet virus is it a .exe then it is
Ironic It handles memory management, input/output operations, and interrupts. When Windows boots up, kernel32.dll is loaded into a protected memory space so other applications do not take that space over.  See also: Link
rypaintD kernell32.dll is spyware. but kernel32.dll is a windows process.
P.D.S. Diese Datei muss sich im C:/WINDOWS/system32 Ordner befinden, ansonsten sofort löschen..!
Mr. Kernel xD KERNEL32.DLL hatt meinen PC geschrottet ich habe kaum Internet angeschlossen , schon meint er hat z.B. in Firefox einen Fehler festgestellt und muss beendet werden ... Ich kann nichts mehr starten ohne das es abschmiert !! Naja ich habe auch momentan Windows ME drauf gepackt ^^ Sonst bei XP läuft alles gut -.,.-
M. Hancock Jr. Out of date you can download newer kernel64.dll file  See also: Link
computer is faster if its blocked
bill unable to load function :ft_thunk
mustafa unal saritas I know nothing about it till now  See also: Link
This file is causing application errors for me, saying the memory could not be "read"
[99s]Bunny Windows Multitasking Kernel (without Windows won't work) is responsible for the whole task mangement(Win9x)
MacBraveheart Not sure why folk are so confused- kernel32.dll is a Windows file which you need and kernel32.exe (note the program suffix?) is a virus. The two are NOT the same. Recap: File ending in .dll is good and file ending in .exe is bad. Simple!
guillermo gutierrez gomez Why apper error mesage about "kernel32.dll" when Iwant to sync the palmone with PC
Shirls I haven't a clue what it is but I do know it will not let me run my new virus software - it crashes everytime at 7% scanned! I will report right back when I do find out!
Felix In my system (Windows 98SE) it got corrupted (or virus infected?) and some applications failed to start. To replace it, you can find the file in the WIN98_30.cab archive on the Windows CD; first extract it to your C: drive, and then move or copy it to the C:\Windows\System directory from outside Windows (from the DOS command prompt).
Bozqo i have installed an old scanning program called IMS Shell. When i want to use the scanner, an error, produced in kernel32.dll doesn´t let me use the scanner. What can i do?? i have win 98
Dagywagy Die kernel32 / kernel32.dll gehört zum "Windowsfundament." - (kernel = Kern)Sie steuert und vergibt z.B. den Speicher, Abläufe und andere Ressourcen. Die kernel32.dll ist auch für die Auslagerung der Dateien im RAM verantwortlich. Wenn der Hauptspeicher mit zu vielen Programmen belegt ist, schiebt die kernel32.dll die Daten einfach auf die Festplatte. Der Computer tut dann so als wäre ein teil der Festplatte weiterer Hauptspeicher. Nicht verwechseln mit der kernel32.exe!!! Sie ist nämlich ein Teil eines Virus!!!
loser take a good look in help and support kernel 32.dll version, size file datenot availble a liitle suspicious?  See also: Link
G. Madan System file for i/o,interrupts,memory mgmt
Eduardo eduardoaprea El vmm32.vxd desaparece en el arranque cuando se trata de instalar el USB  See also: Link
matty ive tried to replace it with a newer version,but it gets the old file from nowhere
brett this file isnt dangerous the .exe is dangerous
Hartmut in 3 von 10 Fällen stürtz mir mein Computer bei der Einwahl ins Internet ab Begründung Kernel32 hat... (Win 98)
KrisWald Dont touch it, They are right it is the core of your OS The Kernel think of a heart :P its the heart :P kill the heart the whole body dies. :P
Phil One of the most if not the most important process in the windows environment
Who Cares? Windows 9x Core Component - Windows 9x NEEDS This to RUN - Required Component
Michel Loos Means you are running Malware OS from M$, remove this OS and install Linux or BSD
Kernel Core Is part of the most dangerous, extended and "EXPENSIVE" VIRUS, called "WINDOWS" (you have to pay to get it) :-) This module is a memory manager, I/O and IRQs. Is loaded in protected memory space, (errors occurs when a program is trying to access that protected memory, creating "invalid page fault", and others nice "blue screens")
Jack kernel32.dll is not a virus! kernel.exe is!
koen file kernel32.dll can't be a virus only if it is an .exe if you have a problem with it if every game crashes then you have to repair the file or update windows
hungyhungy it is not part opf the floodnet virus! The floodnet virus process is kernel32.exe (.exe not .dll)
U. Kumaresan Can Use in write source code Program
clerx i turn my spygate firewall to "block" for kernel.dll, first let me say that i have had problems with lots of porn related viruses/trojans and that is the only reason i got so up to date with the defenses :P My online games run fine and images/surfing is fine too with it on "block". It keeps trying to access the internet and i see no reason to let it. Two of the ips it keeps trying to reach are and
TheWay kernel64.dll is the bad one. It causes your system to run at half speed and devoures memory. Tip don't install XP or Vista. 2000 or Linux is the only solution.
Hayet It's core of the crapy windows and I can't play F.E.A.R. combat 'cause of it -_-
Uchiha Itachi education in malaysia
Lars This file isnt a virus itself, but can be infected easily by a virus or trojan. Trust me, I learned the hard way...
Lapos Would love to know the source code of this baby...
Kann villeicht virus sein, muss aber nicht
Berry one time it was caught as a virus, and then one of my games couldnt work properly after i deleted it...........i think
thamarakshan kernal32.dll error-prevents from instaling the printer driver s/w on to the computer using me o.s/98 .its an important file in windows o.s...so anyproblem relating it must be consulted with microsoft
Bob Heinbokel If it is an exe then that is very bad, but if it is a .dll then it is fine. If you use AVG and it says "change" under the result/infection, and it is in the system32 folder, ignore it.
kernel32.dll ist ein Windowsdatei und wird von Windows benötigt !!
grim my kernel32.dll keeps showing up in my virus scanner, but not as a threat. also been having connection issues, and when i replaced kernel32.dll they went away. but the next day the same problems were back again.
c-MON3Y It is a part of windows..the kernal....which is obvious by the name. it may show up as a virus when it is infected, dont choose delete, but instead clean, and windows will work again...delete it, and windows (xp sp2) will recover it to norm(any hacks or patches will disapear...)
jackson i need to fix a game called legacy gunz
jf This is the simplest file i have ever seen
Tilton AVG Anti-Virus Free edition identified kernel32.dll, but does not identify it as a threat
Roland Marsolais Avast suggests to remove kernel32.dll
CodeManner kernel32.dll is system file that is necessary for the windows to start beacuse it manages all memory for windows and as well used to provide memory to other applicaions,and take care of specific windows required area and didn't allow other application to overwrite it,but yes its true that if virus is successful to inject in it then it will infect all other program beacuse every program which is run on window must pass through it so that it can then add code to that application,although its not dangerous file but it can be after injection of virus,
royal lakhemaru my avira antivirus detected that kernel32.dll is a TR/Spy.Delf.aof.1.Every time i should delete it.Is there any permenent solution to get rid of it.
John It's a necessary Windows file. This site has a number of things to try to fix the kernel32.dll problem.  See also: Link
J DADDY System File

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