... and being forced to accept a feeding regime that is against their philosophical or religious beliefs. ttp://www.intermanager.org/Resources/News/tabid/82/newsid500/184/mid/500/Default.aspx
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\user1>tracert www.animate.tv
Tracing route to www.animate.tv [] over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 2 ms <1 ms <1 ms air.setup [] 10 32 ms 32 ms 31 ms 11 32 ms 34 ms 33 ms d48i009.bbx.ad.jp [] 12 * * * Request timed out. 13 * * * Request timed out. 14 * ^C