| Nick Griffin | Mark Collett | Tony Lecomber | John Tyndall |
The BNP leadership in their own words
Don't just take our word for our extreme the BNP is, just read what their own leaders have said and written
Nick Griffin
On Race: "Without the White race nothing matters [other right-wing parties] believe that the answer to the race question is integration and a futile attempt to create "Black Britons", while we affirm that non-Whites have no place here at all and will not rest until every last one has left our land."
On Nazi leader Adolf Hitler: 'Yes, Adolf went a bit too far. His legacy is the biggest problem that the British nationalist movement has to deal with. It just creates a bad image."
On Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler's autobiography: "At 13, I read Mein Kampf, making notes in the margins… I remember thinking, are the Jews really that bad? The chapter I most enjoyed was the one on propaganda and organisation there are some really useful ideas there."
On democracy: “[BNP voters backed] what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan ‘Defend Rights for Whites’ with well-directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate.”
On the Holocaust:
“I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated or turned into lamp shades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the earth is flat … I have reached the conclusion that the ‘extermination’ tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie and latter witch-hysteria.”
"The "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie and latter witch hysteria."
On Sir Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists: "'There is a strong, direct link from Oswald Mosley to me."
On the Soho pub bombings: “The TV footage of dozens of ‘gay’ demonstrators flaunting their perversions in front of the world’s journalists showed just why so many ordinary people find these creatures so repulsive.”
On why the two countries that sponsored terrorism should be supported: “Common interest must be turned into practical cooperation. Those involved must work to nail the media lies which are used by our enemies to try to divide us and make us afraid to be seen standing side by side with Third Way nations such as Libya and Iran.”
Mark Collett
On Winston Churchill: "Churchill was a fucking cunt who led us into a pointless war with other whites [i.e. The Nazis] standing up for their race".
On the Prince of Wales: "He's a fucking traitor."
On the Royal Family: "The Royals have betrayed their people. When we're in power they'll be wiped out and we'll get some Germans to rule properly."
On whether British-born blacks are British
On Aids: "A friendly disease because blacks, drug users and gays have it."
On Jews: "There's not a European country the Jews haven't been thrown out of. When it happens that many times, it's not just persecution. There's no smoke without fire."
On Adolf Hitler: "Hitler will live forever; and maybe I will."
Tony Lecomber, Nick Griffin's chief lieutenant 1999-2006
Winston Churchill: “A drunken, warmongering slob.”
On the Holocaust
Tony Lecomber has advocated a “racially purer” Britain through the sterilisation of the poor, the sick and the disabled. Lecomber even thinks that the rich are “genetically superior” to ordinary people and that poor people shouldn’t be allowed to have their own children.
John Tyndall, founder of the BNP
Mein Kampf is my bible.
John Tyndall (left)