When time shall have softened passion and
prejudice, when Reason shall have stripped
the mask from misrepresentation, then justice,
holding evenly her scales, will require much
of past censure and praise to change places.
- Justice Radhabinod Pal
Kiam la tempo moligos la pasion kaj la antaŭjuĝon,
kiam la Racio forigos la maskon for de misreprezento,
tiam la justeco, tenante ekvilibre sian pesilon,
postulos ke multaj el la pasintaj malaproboj
kaj laŭdoj ŝanĝu sian lokon. - Juĝisto
Radhabinod Pal
A Letter to The Japan Times: "Truth" about the Comfort Women (21 January, 2001)
Last December (i.e. in 2000) I sent a letter to The Japan Times as below:
<< Dear Editor,
I read your Dec. 13 articles about the
mock trial held in Tokyo on the liabilities
of the Japanese government in relation to
the "comfort women" (a euphemism
for those women who had to serve as prostitutes
for Japanese militaries in WWII).
It might be true that there were a number
of cases where certain soldiers behaved like
brutal tyrants in front of the comfort women. Such cases, if any, would have been unexcusable crimes and deserve condemnation.
Think about, however, the broad range of
cruelty of war. Illegal bombings aiming at
residential quarters, fires, stray bullets,
maltreatment of refugees... a myriad of sorts
of tragedies were caused during the war. Millions of people lost their parents, children,
friends -- this all left uncurable traumas. Millions lost their lives.
All those civilians, dead or alive, were
not individually compensated. If the supporters of the comfort women were
to claim that theirs were exceptionally miserable
tragedies, I am afraid they are even rendering
a distorted picture of the whole complex
disaster called "war".
If the Emperor Showa were to be blamed for
neglecting the comfort women, so should be
the press. The press could have reported and appealed
for the elimination of the comfort women
system. The comfort women were no secret during the
Among the books I read, I would like to recommend "Comfort Women and
Sex in the Battlefield", an objective review made by Dr. HATA Ikuhiko (published in Japanese by Shinchosha Publishers in 1999).
According to Dr. Hata's detailed study and assumption, the comfort women
numbered approximately twenty thousand (20,000) in total, out of which
40% were women from Japan proper and 30% were ethnic Koreans (at that time
having Japanese nationality). 90% of the comfort women presumably returned
home alive after the war.
IZUMI Yukio >>
This letter did not appear in The Japan Times. Instead the Editor selected
a letter written by Ms. Jennifer Sauer, living in Yamanashi Prefecture,
which was printed in its Dec. 27 issue.
The Japan Times titled it "Sex-slave issue remains relevant".
Ms Sauer wrote, among others, "I do
sincerely hope that the total truth may be
known about the history of World War II,
including the use of comfort stations by
my own country, the United States, after
the war.... By illuminating the truth of
war, we, as humanity, are closer to becoming
a truly civil world."
Agreed. The public is misled by very limited, sometimes fake, information
about the comfort women. I also sincerely hope that this issue will be
reviewed from various directions.
When you would really like to talk about
the fate of the comfort women, be so courageous
as to touch the sensitive issues of who "sold"
the young girls and ladies to the comfort
station agents. No evidence has ever been
found that any Japanese police or army mobilized
by order any young girls for having comfort
Life in poverty is full of things undesired
but inevitable. Typically it was the parents
or relatives who "sold" their daughters
to brothel agents. In Japan, you had Japanese
parents and Japanese agents; in Korea, Korean
parents and Korean agents. If you wish, the
"total truth" may be sought. Or
would you choose the easy way of blaming
the Emperor of Japan to avoid opening up
Pandora's box...?
The comfort women were paid. Their jobs were
painful, of course. But they were not slaves
by definition. I cannot trust those reports
which choose to use the word "sex slave",
a shrewd term invented to mislead the general
public and extremely derogatory to the former
comfort women themselves. I myself choose
to use the euphemism "comfort women"
to show my sense of respect to them.
The study made by Dr. Hata Ikuhiko that I mentioned above deserves an English translation. I would be happy to give certain donation to realize it.
The political groups that use the issue of
comfort women for the denunciation of the
Japanese government are skillfully utilizing
the hidden sense of discrimination found
among the general public against the prostitutes.
If you are successful to make a story where
the government were involved in forcing an
innocent girl to become a prostitute, you
may exaggerate it as if it were one of the
greatest tragedies of the World War II.
I can only say words of deep thanks to the former comfort women, who I
do believe were from time to time the last comfort to our soldiers, whom
The Japan Times should choose to call "military slaves".
If we are courageous enough to see the mechanism of this tragedy and uses
the power of reason for fair comparison with various other tragedies, there
will be a day when the comfort women have reasonable places in a footnote
to comprehensive histories and in unbiased chapters of some specialized
books like that of Dr. Hata.
Comfort women issue remains relevant.
この催しは、きっと『朝日新聞』が大報道するだろうと思った。ところが、社会面の一般報道記事は思いのほか地味な扱われ方だった。(見出しはいかにも朝日らしく、《「昭和天皇にも責任」指摘 政府に謝罪を勧告》 であったが。)
そんな中で浮かれているのが The Japan Times
'Comfort women' mock trial finds Emperor
Showa guilty. 記事本文も、いきなり昭和天皇への言及で始まる。
《The late Emperor Showa was "guilty
of crimes against humanity," judges
ruled Tuesday at the end of a mock trial
on Japan's role in forcing women into sexual
slavery for its military before and during
World War II.》
The Japan Times 報道部に確認したら、「客観報道の自社記事」だそうである。
政治や世相の細部に至るまで元首に罪を負わせるといった荒っぽい議論からは、何らの教訓も得られないだろう。それでよいのだろうか。空しい蔑さげすみや嫌悪が渦を巻くばかりではないか。(なお、The Japan Times には投稿を送った。来年になったらこのホームページでもご紹介したい。)
Japan Times も、「天皇有罪」の見出しをつけて浮かれる前に、まず自らのかつての沈黙を責めるがよい。そういう、ひしひしとした断罪なら、納得がいく。
何だ、この「慰安婦」というのは? うぶな中学生だったコラム子には、何のことかさっぱり分からなかった。そうしたら、父が血相を変えてやってきて、いきなりテレビのスイッチを切るではないか。
■客観的事実は? 実態は?
この関係の研究としては、秦 郁彦はた・いくひこ博士の『慰安婦と戦場の性』(新潮選書)がもっとも信頼できる。
日本人(内地人) 4割
現地人 3割
朝鮮人 2割
その他 1割
空襲で鉄柱に腕をはさまれ、どうしても逃げられない人。火がそこまで迫ってくる。「この腕を切ってくれぇ!」と絶叫が響く。しかし、どうすることもできなかった。その人は火にあぶられ、いかなる苦しみのなかで死んでいったことか… そんな話を、母校愛光学園(松山市)の国語の先生から聞いたことがある。
戦後、物資の乏しいなか、最愛の夫は帰らず、幾人もの子供をかかえてどうしようもなく、米国人兵士に春を売った女性。ある日、その夫が帰ってくるとの知らせが届く。周囲の人々は祝福するが、女性は愛しい夫に見まみえることなく、電車に身を投げた… これもその国語の先生の話である。
われわれに出来る償いとは、よりよい国、よりよい世の中を作らんと、愚直に歩むことだけではないか。元慰安婦の女性たちの せめてもの尊厳をダシにして、善人を演ずる運動家や弁護士・マスコミ関係者こそ、償いの道から最も遠い人々と言わなければならない。