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 CollabNet Desktop - Eclipse Edition 1.7
 by John Mark - Sat, Feb 7th 2009 00:13 UTC

About: CollabNet Desktop - Eclipse Edition is a set of plugins that CollabNet provides for the Eclipse IDE. This integration works with and is part of all CollabNet products: CollabNet Subversion, SourceForge Enterprise Edition, CollabNet Enterprise Edition, and CollabNet CUBiT. The package consists of a suite of Eclipse plugins united under a common framework that allows developers to access any of the CollabNet Platform components that they use from within the Eclipse development environment.

Focus License URLs
Initial freshmeat announcement Eclipse Public License Homepage Zip Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Groogle 0.8.1
 by Graham - Sat, Feb 7th 2009 00:13 UTC

About: Groogle is a Web-based peer code review tool providing Subversion integration (working with live repositories), syntax highlighting for a wide variety of languages, file and repository level diffing, and email notifications. It is a Web 2.0 LAMP application.

Changes: This is a maintenance release containing fixes to the installation checker to help ease and guide the installation process. There are no other fixes or features.

Focus License URLs
Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 CPAN shell 1.93_51
 by Alexandr Ciornii - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 22:57 UTC

About: The CPAN shell (and module) automates or at least simplifies the building and installation of Perl modules and extensions. It includes some primitive searching capabilities and knows how to use Net::FTP, LWP, and certain external download clients to fetch distributions from the Internet. Then it automatically tests and installs them and their dependencies.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Libraries :: Perl Modules
System :: Installation/Setup
System :: Systems Administration
Initial freshmeat announcement Perl License Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Sticker 3.1.0
 by Matthew Phillips - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 22:34 UTC

About: Sticker is a tickertape instant messaging and virtual presence client for the Elvin event routing service. It supports integrated virtual presence, multiple scrolling tickertapes, message processing rules, secure messaging, and full desktop integration on Windows.

Changes: This release fixes an incompatibility with the Avis router that caused an error when trying to change presence groups. It also updates SWT to the latest release, which fixes a number of small user interface annoyances on Mac OS X and Linux.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Communications :: Chat
Communications :: Usenet News
Minor bugfixes Mozilla Public License (MPL) Homepage Zip Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 awesome 3.2-rc1 (3.x)
 by Julien Danjou - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 22:34 UTC

About: awesome is a highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X. It is very fast, light, and extensible. It is primarily targeted at the power user, developer, and anyone dealing with everyday computing tasks who wants to have fine-grained control over a graphical environment.

Changes: This version adds support for the D-Bus notification protocol, Lua coded layouts with full window resize support, and key bindings by client.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: Window Managers Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License v2 Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 gurlchecker 0.10.3 (Stable)
 by Emmanuel Saracco - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 22:30 UTC

About: gurlchecker is a graphical Web link checker. It can work on a whole site, a single local page, or a browser bookmarks file.

Changes: One must save settings again before scanning for viruses. Content types to check for viruses have been updated to be more coherent. A virus detection problem, a content download problem, a segfault problem with settings validation, a compatibility problem with ClamAV 0.93 or higher, and an issue with options enable/disable management have been fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: Gnome
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management :: Link Checking
Major bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Moccatroller 1.8r3
 by Trent Gamblin - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 22:23 UTC

About: Moccatroller is a remote desktop application for mobile devices, supporting Bluetooth and Internet connections. Moccatroller has two parts: a Java application that runs on your PC or laptop, and a J2ME application that runs on your phone or PDA.

Changes: This release adds a server for Mac OS X, which is currently limited to Bluetooth v1.2.

Focus License URLs
Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 PXE manager 0.2
 by Fred - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 22:22 UTC

About: The PXE manager is a system to control PXE configuration on a machine-by-machine basis.

Changes: A contrib directory with a generic installer based on a Debian debootstrap. A pxemngr command to launch the sub-commands and pollute the global namespace with a lot of commands. An install target in the Makefile to allow you to install the pxemngr on a system. syncbootname checks that the local profile is defined.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Networking Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/BZ2 Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Gnome PulseAudio Applet 0.2
 by Hatell - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 22:20 UTC

About: Gnome PulseAudio Applet is a GNOME applet for controlling PulseAudio streams. It supports volume control and a mute/unmute feature.

Changes: This release has a new layout and few new features.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: Gnome
Multimedia :: Sound/Audio
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Laconica 0.7.1
 by Evan Prodromou - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 22:19 UTC

About: Laconica (pronounced "luh-KAWN-ih-kuh") is a microblogging platform. It helps people in a community, company, or group to exchange short (140 character) messages over the Web. Users can choose which people to "follow" and receive only their friends' or colleagues' status messages. It provides a similar service to sites like Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce, and Plurk.

Changes: A vast improvement in auto-linking to URLs. An improved interface in the Facebook application. A fix for bad redirects in delete notice. An updated PostgreSQL database creation script. Vastly improved avatar/logo upload. Re-authentication with OpenID is allowed. Hashtags are correctly linked inside parens and brackets. Group and avatar image transparency works. Better handling of commands through the Web and AJAX channels. Links for profile page feeds are fixed. The destroy method in the API is fixed. The number of group members is shown. Configuration files in /etc/laconica/ are enabled.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: News/Diary
Minor bugfixes Affero General Public License Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 gdigi 0.1.1
 by Tomasz Moń - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 22:13 UTC

About: gdigi is a tool aimed to provide X-Edit functionality to Linux users. It allows users to control Digitech effect pedal features.

Changes: This release uses MIDI SysEx messages instead of raw USB.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Sound/Audio Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/BZ2 Subscribe Ignore Rate

 J!Research 1.1 Beta 2 (Development)
 by Luis Galárraga - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 22:13 UTC

About: J! Research is a component for Joomla! 1.5 that allows for management of research-related work such as publications, projects, and theses categorized by research area.

Changes: Correction of a bug when importing BibTeX files generated by JabRef. Minor corrections in translations and publications list views.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management
Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License v2 Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Silktree 0.2.1
 by Aleksandr O. Levchuk - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 22:13 UTC

About: Silktree synchronizes /etc/passwd and /etc/group files from the head node to a list of child nodes via SSH. At the lowest level, six Debian system utilities are employed: {add,del}{user,group}, {user,group}mod. The transaction is done as a non-root user on both the head node and the child nodes. Several read-only sudo-capable mini-scripts on the child nodes ensure limitations and commit the changes to /etc. The end-to-end check ensures a reliable update.

Changes: Almost everything was refactored. The propogation script is much more robust now: it does updates with usermod and groupmod, recognizes changes in the group member list, and makes fine-grained updates.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Networking :: LDAP
Major bugfixes GNU General Public License v3 Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate 3.0.1 (Stable)
 by Martin Hollmichel - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 22:12 UTC

About: is the Open Source project through which Sun Microsystems is releasing the technology for the popular StarOffice productivity suite.

Changes: Improvement for grammar checking and file locking fixes.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Office/Business :: Office Suites
Minor bugfixes GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 clive-utils 2.1.2
 by legatvs - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 22:10 UTC

About: clive-utils is a project that contains additional utilities that can be used together with the clive utility.

Changes: This release makes minor performance tweaks and adds a GNU makefile.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Video Minor feature enhancements BSD License (revised) Homepage Tar/BZ2 Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 clive 2.1.5 (Stable)
 by legatvs - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 22:10 UTC

About: clive is a command line utility for extracting videos from Youtube and other video sharing Web sites. It was originally written to bypass the Adobe Flash requirement needed to view the hosted videos. It is non-interactive, meaning it can work in the background while the user is not logged on. This allows the user to start an extraction and disconnect from the system, letting clive finish the work.

Changes: This release fixes Sevenload support.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Video Major bugfixes BSD License (revised) Homepage Tar/BZ2 Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 webERP 3.10
 by Tim Schofield - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 19:13 UTC

About: webERP is a Web-based integrated accounting system. It offers multi-currency sales orders and accounts receivable, multi-currency purchase orders and accounts payable, multiple inventory locations, unlimited number of price lists, pricing by customer and currency, integrated general ledger journals created for all transactions in accounts receivable and payable, standard costing, user definable sales analysis reports, and standard cost stock valuation and stock planning reports. It also features serialised inventory and lot tracking that is all multi-language capable.

Changes: Many new features and bugfixes from the last release including geo mapping, new CRM functionality, significant improvements to the API, two new themes, and the inclusion of Javascript to check the input on certain forms.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Office/Business :: Financial :: Accounting N/A GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Zip Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Cuneiform for Linux 0.6
 by JussiP - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 19:12 UTC

About: Cuneiform is a commercial grade optical character recognition (OCR) system. It was originally developed and open sourced by Cognitive technologies, and was originally Windows-only. This project aims to port Cuneiform to run natively on Linux.

Changes: This release has many bugfixes and full support for MSVC.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Text Processing Minor feature enhancements BSD License (revised) Homepage Tar/BZ2 Subscribe Ignore Rate

 rawdog 2.12
 by Adam Sampson - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 19:12 UTC

About: rawdog is an RSS Aggregator Without Delusions Of Grandeur. It supports most common feed formats, including all versions of RSS and Atom using feedparser. It runs from cron, collects articles from a number of feeds, and generates a static HTML page listing the newest articles in date order. It supports per-feed customizable update times, and uses ETags, Last-Modified, gzip compression, and RFC3229+feed to minimize network bandwidth usage. Its behaviour is highly customisable using plugins written in Python.

Changes: This release can use article GUIDs to update existing articles. The state file can be split into multiple smaller files to reduce memory usage. Writing output files is much faster. rawdog now works with Python 2.6, and some minor bugs were fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 papyrus Canvas Library 0.9.0
 by Rick Vinyard - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 19:11 UTC

About: Papyrus is a 2D C++ scenegraph (canvas) library that utilizes the cairo library to perform drawing operations. Similar canvas libraries are the Gnome Canvas, Diacanvas, and the QT Canvas. Numerous canvas primitives are available, including arcs, rectangles, polylines, and line markers. An optional companion library, Papyrusmm, provides a set of Gtkmm widgets which includes viewports (a canvas display widget similar to Gtk::DrawingArea) and other UI widgets related to drawing interfaces.

Changes: With this release, papyrus changes from the GPLv3 to the LGPLv3. This release also contains a rewrite of the extents calculation mechanisms (fixing some issues with viewboxes) and the controller hierarchy. Other changes include the addition of a new Annulus shape (aka donut or ring), extended documentation including a brief discussion on the role of MVC within papyrus, and a few other code cleanups and bugfixes.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Artistic Software
Multimedia :: Graphics
Multimedia :: Graphics :: Editors :: Vector-Based
Minor feature enhancements GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 LuSql 0.901
 by gnewton - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 19:06 UTC

About: LuSql is a command line Java application for the construction of a Lucene index from an arbitrary SQL query of a JDBC-accessible SQL database. It allows a user to control a number of parameters, including the SQL query to use, individual indexing/storage/term-vector nature of fields, analyzer, stop word list, and other tuning parameters. In its default mode, it uses threading to take advantage of multiple cores. LuSql can handle complex queries, allows for additional per record sub-queries, and has a plug-in architecture for arbitrary Lucene document manipulation.

Changes: This release adds a new command line parameter (-E) to allow the user to set JDBC transaction isolation. Previously, the default (and non-user-settable) JDBC transaction isolation of TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED worked for MySQL but not for the Oracle 9i driver.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Information Management :: Document Repositories
Text Processing :: Indexing
Minor bugfixes The Apache License 2.0 Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 CrunchyFrog 0.3.3
 by Andi Albrecht - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 19:05 UTC

About: CrunchyFrog is a database navigator and SQL client. Currently, the PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite3, MS-SQL databases and LDAP servers are supported for browsing and querying. More databases and features can be added using the plugin system.

Changes: This release fixes some bugs that slipped into 0.3.2.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Database :: Front-Ends Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Conquest: Divide and Conquer 0.12.1
 by SephiRok - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 15:12 UTC

About: Conquest is a simultaneous turn-based online multiplayer strategy game placed in a dark and distant future. Play the role of a futuristic Commander. Divide your armies and conquer the world. Position satellites to reveal your opponents. Launch missiles to annihilate big armies, but watch out for incoming drop pods behind your back. Standing in your path to victory are other Commanders like yourself. Fight them off one by one and prove you are the greatest of the great. The game uses 2D graphics, a slick interface, strategic depth, and fast-paced turns. Drag and drop your way to victory.

Changes: This release improves the join server panel, makes mirror battles result in both armies dying, and enhances features added in the previous release.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Games/Entertainment :: Turn Based Strategy
Minor feature enhancements Freeware Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 qwebcam 0.0.3
 by Stephane List - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 15:12 UTC

About: qwebcam is a widget to display a webcam image in a Qt application.

Changes: This release displays an error message in a 320x240 window if no webcam is detected.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 OCaml Batteries Included Alpha 3
 by Yoric - Fri, Feb 6th 2009 15:10 UTC

About: OCaml Batteries Included serves the following purposes: define a standard set of libraries that may be expected on every compliant installation of OCaml, organize these libraries into a hierarchy of modules with one source of documentation, and provide a consistent API for otherwise independent libraries.

Changes: This is the official release of Alpha 3. With respect to the preview release of Alpha 3, it fixes a number of bugs (particularly related to Enum) and improves documentation.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Documentation
Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks
Minor feature enhancements GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

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- Third time is the charm (Jan 21st)

- Debian: New vnc4 packages fix remote code execution (Feb 1st)
- SuSE: New kernel packages fix local privilege escalation (Feb 1st)
- SuSE: New IBM Java packages fix local privilege escalation (Feb 1st)

1. MPlayer 100.00%
2. Linux 87.37%
3. cdrtools 80.59%
4. Apache 75.20%
5. gcc 74.58%
6. VLC media player 69.08%
7. PHP 65.29%
8. TightVNC 59.79%
9. Clam AntiVirus 58.73%
10. PostgreSQL 56.14%


- CollabNet Desktop - Eclipse Edition 1.7
- Groogle 0.8.1

- CPAN shell 1.93_51
- Sticker 3.1.0
- awesome 3.2-rc1 (3.x)
- gurlchecker 0.10.3 (Stable)
- Moccatroller 1.8r3
- PXE manager 0.2
- Gnome PulseAudio Applet 0.2
- Laconica 0.7.1
- gdigi 0.1.1
- J!Research 1.1 Beta 2 (Development)
- Silktree 0.2.1
- 3.0.1 (Stable)
- clive-utils 2.1.2
- clive 2.1.5 (Stable)
- webERP 3.10
- Cuneiform for Linux 0.6
- rawdog 2.12
- papyrus Canvas Library 0.9.0
- LuSql 0.901
- CrunchyFrog 0.3.3
- Conquest: Divide and Conquer 0.12.1
- qwebcam 0.0.3
- OCaml Batteries Included Alpha 3 «
- JSend NSCA 1.1.1.
- Monotone Browser 0.60
- Fire j2me 2.1
- Data Crow 3.4.8 patch 2
- fio 1.24
- Anyterm 1.1.29 (Development)
- Source Navigator NG NG4
- Gtk Image Viewer 0.9.3
- getsnmp 0.10
- giv 0.9.13
- Tennix! 0.7.0
- Splix 2.0.0
- Astaro Security Linux 7.390 (Beta)
- Patch Check Advanced 20090206-01 (Development)
- Stellarium 0.10.1 (Stable)
- 0MQ 0.5
- get_iplayer 1.31
- JSXGraph 0.69
- cego 2.2.1
- DokuWiki rc2009-02-06 (Release Candidates)
- Joshua 0.1.6a
- Gearmand 0.3
- Fingerprint GUI 0.8
- HeliDB 1.0.1
- PIE - Property Investment Evaluation 0.1.2
- EntityFS 1.1
- DRBGuestbook 1.1.22
- Courier 0.61.1
- Hatta Wiki 1.2.3
- wview 5.0.0
- Webtunnel 0.0.2
- Fusil 1.2.1
- TAU 2.18.1
- OPeNDAP 3.9.0-beta (DAP++ SDK)
- BACnet 0.5.0
- cb2Bib 1.1.1
- BalanceNG 2.214
- Sutekh 0.6.2 (Stable)
- TestLink 1.8 RC4
- DemoWave 0.2

- Kheops beta 1
- ReactOS 0.3.8
- transmorph 2.0.0
- Simple Groupware 0.1
- OpenMeetings 0.7 RC2
- tig 0.14
- Dnsmasq 2.47
- Aspyct 3k beta 1
- Nebula3 3-stable1
- Ghostscript 8.64
- Nanoki 1.12
- Asycle 1.0.2
- OBM 2.1.14
- get_iplayer 1.29
- ZK Mobile 0.8.10
- Thread Safe Template Library 1.2.5
- Internet Media Manager 0.2
- WiKID Strong Authentication System 3.2.15
- MSAR-W 1.3
- ff_rename 0.3.0
- QMotion 1.8
- AsDoclet 1.1.3
- massXpert mass spectrometry package 1.9.0
- picturesort 0.2
- Online Grades 3.2.5
- Online Grades
- QMotion 1.7
- fsarchiver 0.4.1
- libscgi 0.8
- Scannedonly 0.12
- TCExam 7.0.029
- dhcpcd-gtk 0.2.0
- mxGraph
- dhcpcd-dbus 0.2.0
- DynaStop 08333.1634-054
- MySAC 0.0b-1
- phpLiveDocx 1.0
- magicErmine 2.2.1
- Asymptote 1.61
- LaTeX::Table 0.9.13
- ORLite 1.19
- [fleXive] 3.0.2
- m2secret 0.1
- QtAda 2.1.0
- Poddy Home 0.5
- Hawkscope 0.4.0
- XPTracker 20090104
- releaser 0.5.0
- Neverball 1.5.0
- GNU SIP Witch 0.3.12
- safecopy 1.0
- pymssql 1.0.1
- sqlmap 0.6.4
- Wolverine Firewall and VPN Server 2.10.1062 (Development)
- FBReader 0.10.3
- PETSc 3.0.0
- MGRX 1.0.0

- JOpt.ASP 2.2.8
- Piggy Market Squeak 0.8.0
- PXE manager 0.1
- CrossVC 2.1.3 (XXL)
- libLAS 1.0.1
- Python bsddb3 4.7.5
- BRisa UPnP Framework 0.8
- Sculptor 1.5.0
- XUIML for Adobe Flex 1.0
- uHub 0.2.4-3470
- Conquest: Divide and Conquer 0.12.0
- MPGEDIT 0.74beta1
- libspopc 0.10-1 (Stable)
- werc
- NolaPro 4.0.4149
- Ubuntu Customization Kit 2.0.8
- Paludis 0.34.2
- Webtunnel 0.0.1
- Lumbricidae WORM 0.1.0
- EAAL 0.1.2
- BleachBit 0.3.1
- Redback Webwidgets 0.9.0
- GNU Common C++ 1.7.1
- XWiki 1.8M2
- Mozilla Firefox 3.0.6
- XSD/e 3.0.0
- pftabled 1.07
- Makagiga 3.2
- YourKit Java Profiler 8.0-build4052 (EAP)
- GLib 2.19.6 (Development)
- GTK+ 2.15.3 (Development)
- Arachne Image Resizer 1.1.1
- Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.4.20
- dlib C++ Library 17.15
- Seamstress Library 1.0.2
- IndiMail 1.3.3
- Java Base64 1.3
- Grub Next Generation C# Client 0.8.4
- Group-Office 3.00-stable-16
- Gammu 1.22.93 (Testing)
- nwcc 0.7.7
- dhcpcd 4.0.10
- htmLawed 1.1.6
- Mollify 0.7
- Tidydoc 0.4
- AutoEmbed 1.2
- Cache 901 0.6.1
- Python-GPSBabel 0.8.2
- OpenGrade 3.1.1
- localcast 0.7
- TAMS Analyzer 3.45b3
- Gourmet Recipe Manager 0.14.5 (Development)
- multimidicast 1.2
- scrotwm 0.8
- NuFW 2.2.21 (Stable 2.2)
- Opale 1.0rc1
- SitemapGen4j 1.0
- The Eagle Project 1.0 beta 3
- IDAutomation Code 128 Barcode Fonts 9.01
- NetCDF 4.0.1-beta3 (Development)

- System Data Recorder 0.62
- WebIssues 0.9.4-rc1 (Client)
- WebIssues 0.8.4-rc1 (Server)
- NOC 0.1
- Xataface DataGrid Module 0.2.1
- LionWiki 2.2
- Xataface 1.1.3
- rdup 0.7.0
- ACE 1.5-pl10 (OCI)
- RESTClient 2.3 Beta 1
- wxDesigner 2.17
- Openfiler 2.3 Respin
- XORP 1.6
- Mumps Compiler 11.13
- Hierarchical Data Format 1.9.29 (Pre-release)
- Gallery 3.0-alpha-1 (3.0)
- ATLAS 3.9.6 (Development)


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- News: Group attacks flaw in browser crypto security
- News: Commission calls for cybersecurity czar
- News: Microsoft hopes free security means less malware
- Brief: Data-breach lawsuit follows $9 million heist
- Brief: Alleged attacker flaunts details of phpBB hack
- Brief: Mozilla shutters seven Firefox flaws
- Brief: Data breach costs rise, response costs fall
- News: RFID passports cloned wholesale
- News: Mac OS X research warns of stealthier attacks :: Forum Index

- RIAA Drops Enforcement Case To "Sort Out" Inaccuracies
- Major Spike in Security Threats to Online Games
- Privacy Group Calls Google Latitude a Real 'Danger'
- Universal Power Adapter Struggling For Support
- Help Writing an Open Standards Policy?
- IBM Offers to Send Laid-Off Staff to Other Countries
- Phantom OS, the 21st Century OS?
- Intel To Design PlayStation 4 GPU
- Nanotube Memory Finally Beats Flash For Speed
- HP Releases New Netbook GUI For Ubuntu

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