経済学分野のトップジャーナルのひとつ、Econometricaを発行しているEconometric Society (ES)から以下のメールが送られてきました。屈指のエディター陣を揃えて2006年からスタートした理論のオンライン・ジャーナル:Theoretical Economics (TE)がなんと来年からESによって発行されるジャーナルとして生まれ変わるようです!これでますますTEのReputationは上がっていくかもしれませんね。
以下は、筑波大学の金子守さんによる集中講義のお知らせです。 続きを読む
Dear Member of the Econometric Society,
The Council and the Fellowship of the Econometric Society have both voted in favor of a plan for the Society to publish two open-access journals: Quantitative Economics (QE) and Theoretical Economics (TE). All voting Council members were in favor of the proposal. Among the active Fellows, 277 (66.4% of the total) cast their ballots, with 240 votes (86.6%) in favor, 30 (10.8%) against, and 7 (2.5%) abstentions. An announcement together with a description of the new journals may be found in http://www.econometricsociety.org/news1.asp?ref=81.
QE will be started from scratch and its first issue is planned for 2010. TE has been published by the Society for Economic Theory (http://econtheory.org/ ), but is to be adopted by the Econometric Society later this year. The first issue in 2010 will be the first one as a Society journal.
The success of these journals will depend on the editors, the reviewers and, most of all, the authors who submit their work for publication. So, please keep QE and TE in mind, in addition to Econometrica, as places for publishing your best work. More information about how to submit papers will be available soon at the Econometric Society website http://www.econometricsociety.org/.
With best regards,
Roger Myerson
2009 President of the Econometric Society
以下は、筑波大学の金子守さんによる集中講義のお知らせです。 続きを読む