대한민국에 위대한 네티즌 여러분 열도 아이돌 그룹에 아돌프 히틀러 옹호 동영상을 우리 대한민국에 네티즌들만 볼수 있나요 이 동영상을 전세계에 선량한 시민들 하고 공유을 해야 한다고 생각을 합니다
2008.12.09 12:03:53 211 * 118 *
아돌프 히틀러 옹호동영상을 아이돌 그룹에서 만들었다구요???
아주 세계적으로 홍보해야할 동영상이군요. ^^
아주 므흣한 소식입니다.
전세계를 안티로 만들수 있는 동영상입니다. ^^
아주 세계적으로 홍보해야할 동영상이군요. ^^
아주 므흣한 소식입니다.
전세계를 안티로 만들수 있는 동영상입니다. ^^
2008.12.09 14:00:19 61 * 28 *
반중반일 입니다 여러 네티즌 뜨거운 호흥에 감사 합니다 대한민국에 위대한 네티즌 여러분 이 아름다운 동영상을 전세계에 널리널리 전파을 하도록 위대한 대한민국에 네티즌 여러분에 필요한 시기 입니다
2008.12.09 22:21:38 211 * 176 *
제가 영어 자막제작중인데 틀린거 있나요. 그리고 유라기 효과가 yuraki effect 인지..
짠... 같은 말은 뭐에요. 영어로... 자랑이나 강조할떄
오늘 옛위인을 가르치겠습니다
옛날 세계의위인 히틀러 (1889~1945) 오스트리아
말하고싶은가요. 마이미짱
아니 말하고싶지않아 그러니까 모르는걸
그런가요 하지만 들어본적은 있어
히틀러와 자비에르를 가르칩니다
얼굴보면 생각날지모르겠네요.
에 하지만 그거 얼마나 비슷한가에 달려있어
부탁해 낫키
모르겠어 모르겠어 모르겠어
이사람은 연설에능숙해서
국민의 마음을 잡고있었습니다
아돌프히틀러 (1889~1945) 오스트리아
반유대주의를 들며 제2차세계대전으로패전한나치스지도자
실은요 깊은 비밀이있었어요
그거는요 히틀러 아저씨의연설을 분석하면
위안효과가있는 유라기리듬으로 말하고있던것을 알수있습니다
히틀러의연설= 유라기의효과
국민은 히틀러 아저씨의연설에 끌리면서
마음을 잡은듯 합니다.
그치 대단하지더욱이히틀러 아저씨는
Will teach the great man of history today
Great man of history... Hitler (1889~1945) Austria
says and the song. Ms.maimi
Will know and to say does not want will not be and will hang
Is like that. but listens and is a legal residence.
Being like that, says,
To everybody teaches the in Hitler and Javier old world-wide great man.
The face seeing and thought being born, will not know.
But the thing how many is similar is running,
please, Ms.naki
This person suffering each resembles quite does
Don't worry. Like that does not worry E
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Is an internal bleeding
pin is a flower tongue to the head,
This person from was catching the mind of the citizen skillfully in speech
Hitler Adolph (holds 1889~1945) Austria
Holds an anti-tie attention and the Nazis map person who is defeated in second world war
The thread there to be a deep secret
When that analyzes the speech of the Hitler uncle whom hangs,
there is a comfort effect and a possibility the fact that will be saying with rhythm yuraki there is
Hitler's speech = yuraki effect
The citizen is dragged in speech of the Hitler uncle and catches a mind does.
Is fabulous
He is a respectable person
More this Hitler uncle....
짠... 같은 말은 뭐에요. 영어로... 자랑이나 강조할떄
오늘 옛위인을 가르치겠습니다
옛날 세계의위인 히틀러 (1889~1945) 오스트리아
말하고싶은가요. 마이미짱
아니 말하고싶지않아 그러니까 모르는걸
그런가요 하지만 들어본적은 있어
히틀러와 자비에르를 가르칩니다
얼굴보면 생각날지모르겠네요.
에 하지만 그거 얼마나 비슷한가에 달려있어
부탁해 낫키
모르겠어 모르겠어 모르겠어
이사람은 연설에능숙해서
국민의 마음을 잡고있었습니다
아돌프히틀러 (1889~1945) 오스트리아
반유대주의를 들며 제2차세계대전으로패전한나치스지도자
실은요 깊은 비밀이있었어요
그거는요 히틀러 아저씨의연설을 분석하면
위안효과가있는 유라기리듬으로 말하고있던것을 알수있습니다
히틀러의연설= 유라기의효과
국민은 히틀러 아저씨의연설에 끌리면서
마음을 잡은듯 합니다.
그치 대단하지더욱이히틀러 아저씨는
Will teach the great man of history today
Great man of history... Hitler (1889~1945) Austria
says and the song. Ms.maimi
Will know and to say does not want will not be and will hang
Is like that. but listens and is a legal residence.
Being like that, says,
To everybody teaches the in Hitler and Javier old world-wide great man.
The face seeing and thought being born, will not know.
But the thing how many is similar is running,
please, Ms.naki
This person suffering each resembles quite does
Don't worry. Like that does not worry E
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Is an internal bleeding
pin is a flower tongue to the head,
This person from was catching the mind of the citizen skillfully in speech
Hitler Adolph (holds 1889~1945) Austria
Holds an anti-tie attention and the Nazis map person who is defeated in second world war
The thread there to be a deep secret
When that analyzes the speech of the Hitler uncle whom hangs,
there is a comfort effect and a possibility the fact that will be saying with rhythm yuraki there is
Hitler's speech = yuraki effect
The citizen is dragged in speech of the Hitler uncle and catches a mind does.
Is fabulous
He is a respectable person
More this Hitler uncle....
2008.12.10 01:49:42 222 * 160 *
위 해석 좀 난해한듯 내 나름대로 더 쉽고 정확하게 해석해봤음
Today, we will teach you a great man.
Who is the man whom I was about to say?
A great man of the fast, Hitler (1899~1945), Austria
Do you want to say, Ms.maimi?
No, I don't. Actually, I don't know.
Well... but I have been hear someday.
then, I will tell you now.
The world great man of the fast.
I teach Hitler and Javier.
I think I will be able to remember him when I see him.
umh... but it rests with how many similar.
Request please, Ms.Natki.
I think this man pretty resemble him.
They is no way to know. ×3
This is an internal hemorrhage.
There is a hairpin in his head.
This man was good at a speech, then he seized the mind of the nation.
Adolf Hitler (1899~1945) Austria
The leader who loose at World War II led the Nazis with anti-Semitism.
Actually , there is a deep secret.
If we analyse the speech of Hitler, we can know that he said with Yuraki effect which has a comfort effect.
Hitler's speech = Yuraki effect
I think the nation was seized by a hitler's speech.
Yeah, great, furthermore this Hitler.
Today, we will teach you a great man.
Who is the man whom I was about to say?
A great man of the fast, Hitler (1899~1945), Austria
Do you want to say, Ms.maimi?
No, I don't. Actually, I don't know.
Well... but I have been hear someday.
then, I will tell you now.
The world great man of the fast.
I teach Hitler and Javier.
I think I will be able to remember him when I see him.
umh... but it rests with how many similar.
Request please, Ms.Natki.
I think this man pretty resemble him.
They is no way to know. ×3
This is an internal hemorrhage.
There is a hairpin in his head.
This man was good at a speech, then he seized the mind of the nation.
Adolf Hitler (1899~1945) Austria
The leader who loose at World War II led the Nazis with anti-Semitism.
Actually , there is a deep secret.
If we analyse the speech of Hitler, we can know that he said with Yuraki effect which has a comfort effect.
Hitler's speech = Yuraki effect
I think the nation was seized by a hitler's speech.
Yeah, great, furthermore this Hitler.
2008.12.10 01:53:50 222 * 160 *
They is no way to know. ×3 여기서 they를 there 로 수정
There is a hairpin in his head. 여기서 head를 hair로 수정
There is a hairpin in his head. 여기서 head를 hair로 수정
2008.12.10 10:35:27 218 * 220 *
올릴려면..."이스라엘"에다 올려야지^^...일본애들 이러고 논다구...아님 미국의 유태인애들 단체나^^ 왜? 힘들여 손에다 피묻히냐? ㅋㅋㅋ...뚜겅 열려..난리 칠 당사자 애들한테..."차도살인"시켜야지....ㅎㅎ
2008.12.10 14:54:15 211 * 176 *
국제유대인인권단체 사이먼 비젠탈 센터 주소 http://www.wiesenthal.com/site/pp.asp?c=lsKWLbPJLnF&b=4441251
메일 information@wiesenthal.net
한국에선 먼나라 이웃나라 사건으로 유명한 극성 유대인 인권 단체... 영어좀 되시는분 메일보내주시길... 되도록 많은 분이... 이스라엘 홈페이지보다 효과적일꺼라고봄
메일 information@wiesenthal.net
한국에선 먼나라 이웃나라 사건으로 유명한 극성 유대인 인권 단체... 영어좀 되시는분 메일보내주시길... 되도록 많은 분이... 이스라엘 홈페이지보다 효과적일꺼라고봄
2008.12.10 19:35:02 211 * 176 *
올렸습니다. 도움을주신 424님, 헉스님 감사합니다. 그밖에 성원해주신 분들도 감사합니다