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Your Right To Innovate:
EFF is applying for DMCA exemptions for freeing your phone and remixing your DVDs -
Warrantless Wiretapping:
EFF is leading lawsuits against AT&T, the Government and Bush Administration officials to stop the warrantless wiretapping. -
Invasive Border Searches:
EFF is lobbying and litigating to stop government seizure of laptops and personal data at the US border. -
Illegal Computer Seizures:
EFF is defending two San Francisco Bay Area community organizations after the FBI seized their computers and data.
Upcoming Events
- February 19, 2009 EFF at the 7th Annual Southern California Linux Expo
- March 10, 2009 EFF at ETech in San Jose
- March 13, 2009 Cindy Cohn at the Law of the Commons in Seattle
What Is EFF?
EFF is the leading civil liberties group defending your rights in the digital world. » About UsEFF Updates
- DEEPLINKS BLOG | February 06, 2009 Privacy Advisers Tell Government to Improve REAL ID, Border Search Policies
- DEEPLINKS BLOG | February 05, 2009 Court Orders County to Release Geographic Mapping Data
- DEEPLINKS BLOG | February 05, 2009 RFID PASScards Easily Cloned
- DEEPLINKS BLOG | February 05, 2009 minilinks for 2009-02-05
- ACTION ALERT | February 04, 2009 Act on ACTA: Tell the New Congress to Open the Secret IP Pact
EFF in the News
- SC MAGAZINE | February 06, 2009 White-hat hacker to show way to clone passport card data
- NETWORK WORLD | February 05, 2009 Groups: Calif. DMV snuck in biometrics for driver's licenses
- LOS ANGELES TIMES | February 05, 2009 Google puts 1.5 million free books on your cellphone