Welcome. TED2009 is happening this week.
The talks we'll share throughout the year are happening live now, in California. We've just released the first -- Bill Gates unplugged -- with more to come. Of course, the rest of TED.com is available to you during the conference. Browse talks here >>
For news, photos and more:
See live in-depth coverage from TED2009 >>
Yesterday at TED2009, Bill Gates made a passionate and funny case for solving the world's problems. Watch it now!
On Wednesday evening, Jake Eberts (above) and Jacques Perrin previewed 9 amazing minutes of their film Oceans, about life beyond land and beyond words.
Set aside time for your own private TED. Gather friends and show talks around a specific theme…
Unconventional Explanations
53 TEDTalks in this Theme
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