SaHa Batch Torrent January 2009 (Sticky)

This is stickied for a reason! If you haven’t read this yet, READ IT!!!!!!!

Just reposting news of the batch torrent for those who’ve missed it.
I forgot to include Kodomo no Jikan Vol.7 in the torrent, so you can grab that here for now:
Kodomo no Jikan Vol7(Chapter 43-45)

As is highly evident, “Sir Igarglecumeverymorning” is still going out of his way to get all the files deleted from the megaupload folders. Now he’s going so far as to hit this blog on an almost daily basis. I’m in the process of uploading everything to a new DDL host at the moment, so once that’s set up, I will begin filling the commission lists with new DDL links and once Acidrain’s servers are up, there will be 2 separate DDL links per file. Once those are up, this guy will be able to go fuck himself with a pineapple until he bleeds to death.

And for the people complaining about dead links, cut it the fuck out. Read the bloody announcements.

Nekonomori Maririn - Sweat Fetish! Ch.4-5

Here are a couple more chapters courtesy of EcchiVoid, JukanX, Maeno, & Tivums.

Some small bit of news. I may be moving to a new host soon. While I haven’t had any recent problems with wordpress, I’ve considered finding a more stable host for a while. If I do move, I’ll be taking the link with me, so as long as you have that bookmarked, you’ll be redirected. If you’re still using the wordpress link, you’ll be sent here, and I’ll likely have a sticky telling you to use The good news is that I’ll probably have yet another ddl source, for a total of 3, which should make services like rapidshare and mediafire obsolete, which should also make the faggot deleting all the links go away.

As for an update on the status of the ddl links… I’m still uploading files. I think I still have about 250 out of 500+ files left to upload to the ftp. After that, I’ll need to add the links 1-by-1 to the commission lists and then I’ll update those with the new ddl links. ETA is probably Saturday or Sunday. Obviously, the hours I’ll be spending updating the commission lists will detract from the time I have available for translating. I’ll still be trying to get a steady flow of stuff out, though.

Type.90 - Angel’s Drop Ch.7-8

Here are 2 more chapters courtesy of Rune, Sleepwalker, & Vladis1.

Takao Saeki - Onigashima Ch.6

Here’s another chapter courtesy of SSoM/Fanservicefan. It continues where chapter 5 left off and as is the standard with this artist, he’s not very nice to his lolis. Keep that in mind before you download.

I should hopefully have some more releases tomorrow. This week in general should be pretty heavy on releases.

Outerwold - Midgard Hael

Here’s the newest Midgard courtesy of Treetop, SL-Gundam, & Sonicfist. A note that this volume is almost entirely beast(with a dog) so keep that in mind before you download it. This volume does seem to cap off the Urd arc that takes place during the witch hunts, though.

Behind Moon - Louise’s Tsukaimara

Here’s a new one courtesy of Darklord.

Kabayakiya - Black Diary

Here’s a new Code Geass doujin courtesy of Niagatrats. It’s small but it’s full color.

The ETA on Midgard is “soon”. I’ll also throw out another doujin around the same time. I was asked to wait a couple of days before posting it. Some of you likely already have it, though.

Type.90 - Angel’s Drop Ch.5-6

Here are a couple more chapters courtesy of Rune, Sleepwalker, & Vladis1. Chapter 5 finishes up the main story and chapter 6 is an unrelated story. I do plan to get some more chapters of this out very soon and it’ll likely be finished off before the end of the week.

Kyougoku Akira - Great Tear Breasts

Here’s another one courtesy of FantasyWhiz. It’s a Tales of the Abyss doujin.

Kokonoki Nao - Second Virgin Ch.7

Here’s another chapter of this manga you can grab over at Anonymous Scanner’s blog. This one technically doesn’t contain any sex. Just blowjobs and bukkake.

The Amanoja 9 - T.S. I Love You Ch.13-14

Here are some more men with tits courtesy of Chibi_Kaji & Gougar84. As mentioned before with the first 3 chapters of this volume, there are no actual women in this manga, so keep that in mind before you download it and then come whining to me about the content.