Love may conquer all, but sometimes there are things you simply can’t turn a blind eye to. Spa! (10/9) finds out from 200 Japanese guys just what they will and won’t permit from their female partners.
Over 70 percent could accept the idea of their girlfriends or wives having had up to five sex partners before them.
“I’d rather have had more partners, but I can handle it if she’s had four or five guys before me,” a 32-year-old self-employed man tells Spa! “If a woman has had dozens of sex partners she knows everything there is to know and there’s nothing there for me to teach her.”
Fewer doesn’t necessarily mean better, though.
“If she’s only ever had one partner, I’d get the impression that she was involved in a really deep long-term relationship and that’s a bit scary,” a 27-year-old man says. “I’d rather she’d been with a few guys and knew her way around a bit.”
Finding out that a woman had cheated on them had surprising results. If the other man was someone they didn’t know, 32 percent would still end the relationship immediately, but an almost equal 26 percent were prepared to look the other way and keep on going. Yet, if the illicit relationship took place with a boss, 74 percent would split instantly, while a friend would see 83 percent call it quits on the spot.
Experience working in the adult entertainment industry was generally frowned on, too, with more than 70 percent saying that they would not be prepared to accept such a past if they were looking to get into a serious relationship with a woman. Still, there were some exceptions.
“I’d be OK with her if she was only a nightclub hostess or had sold her soiled panties,” a 31-year-old construction industry worker tells Spa! “It’s not like they were having sex or anything.”
Women who had worked at a soapland brothel or been among the spate of schoolgirl prostitutes who sold themselves to middle-aged men during the enjo kosai (a euphemism for prostitution that literally translates as “compensated dating”) boom of the mid- to late-1990s were extremely unpopular, with over 70 percent of men saying they’d never consider a relationship. Equally unpopular were women who had appeared in porno movies.
“Even soapland experience would be more acceptable than that,” a 26-year-old government worker tells Spa! “An adult movie can be kept forever and I couldn’t handle that.”
While men were generally evenly divided in their opinions about women who’d undergone an abortion, they were almost three times more likely to be repulsed by a woman who’d had a one-night stand with a man she’d never met before.
“It shows a weak will,” a 25-year-old banker says. “And a lack of control of her sexual urges.”Women’s sexual adventure was also frowned up, with scatological experience or participation in a threesome strongly opposed.
“There must be quite a bit of guilt involved after being treated like a sex object by two guys at the same time,” a 30-year-old nurse says. “Please keep it to one guy at a time.”
Facials and swallowing, however, were widely approved.
“There’s no problem,” the 32-year-old self-employed man tells Spa! “Everybody does that.” (By Ryann Connell)
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