Guys haven’t got a hope with women if they don’t present themselves well and the same principle applies when it comes to sex, porn actress cum celebrity Nana Natsume tells Spa! (10/30).
“Bed techniques and all that stuff come later. If a guy isn’t well presented, he hasn’t got a hope. Don’t forget that women are creatures who can look around even while they’re eating,” the one-time porn starlet tells Spa! “First think about your fingernails. Women hate it if there’s grime under fingernails. You could get sick if someone touches you with filthy fingers. And nose hairs are a turn-off, too. Bristly beards are no good, either. Let them grow a bit until they’re soft, or soften them up with a wash in the shower. But the worst thing of all is bad breath. That alone is enough to ensure a guy won’t get any sex. I’ve told some porno actors to brush their teeth before I’d agree to film a scene with them. So avoid eating garlic or drinking before sex, they’re absolute no-nos. They make you stink. And I don’t know why anyone would want to drink so much before sex, anyhow, because they just won’t be able to get it up.”
Natsume continues with her advice.
“Guys should make sure they throw out their trash before they bring a woman home. Women will forgive a place for having a manly smell, but if you add the reek of trash to that, the woman will want to go home. Incidentally, guys who haven’t got much confidence in their looks should grow their fringe long enough for it to cover their eyes when they’re in the missionary position. Long bangs give a guy a manly look,” she says. “And when it comes to hair, a guy should make sure that his pubes are neatly trimmed because there’s a chance they might end up in a woman’s mouth.”
And even if a man has got himself sufficiently presented, Natsume argues that there are still presentation rules he should follow once a relationship has been consummated.
“Facials are really a no-go,” she tells Spa! “Sperm gets caught in the nerves behind the eyelids and hurts like hell. But if the heat of the moment does result in a shot in the eye, the best way to treat it is by washing with milk. Milk has the effect of washing sperm cleanly away. That’s common knowledge on the sets of adult movies.” (By Ryann Connell)
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