SCAPIN293 日本における地方引揚援護局
17 November 1945
AG 370.05(17 Nov 45)GC
THROUGH : Central Liaison Office, Tokyo.
SUBJECT : Reception Centers in Japan for processing Repatriates.
1.The instructions contained in memorandum this headquarters, AG 370.05 (15 Oct 45)GC, subject as above, dated 15 October 1945, and the directives rescinded therein, are superseded by this directive.
2.The Ministry of Public Welfare, having been designated by the Japanese Government to handle repatriation matters, will:
a.Establish a central agency to effect: Coordination with other governmental agencies regarding supply, customs, transportation, physical inspections, quarantine and demobilization; and liaison with the headquarters of the Sixth US Army and of the Eighth US Army.
b.Establish and operate reception centers at designated ports (see par 3a), each under a single organization to:
(1)Receive process, care for and evacuate all Japanese repatriates returning to Japan proper from overseas.
(2)Assemble, process, care for and load non-Japanese national to be returned to their homelands, as outlined in memorandum this headquarters, AG 370.5 (17 Nov 45)GC, subject: "Repatriation of Non-Japanese from Japan," dated 17 November 1945.
(3)Maintain liaison with local US military authorities.
3.a.Reception Centers: Location, character and capacity.
Reception centers will be located as indicated below, and only these Centers will be used for repatriation purposes:
Capacity Per Day |
Incoming |
Outgoing |
(Par 2b) |
(Per 2b) |
Hakata |
5,000 |
5,000 |
Hakodate |
2,500 |
2,500 |
Kagoshima |
3,000 |
3,000 |
Kure |
* |
5,000 |
2,500 |
Maizuru |
2,500 |
2,500 |
Moji |
** |
2,500 |
2,500 |
Sasebo |
ff |
5,000 |
5,000 |
Senzaki |
2,500 |
2,500 |
Shimonoseki |
** |
2,500 |
2,500 |
Ujina |
5,000 |
2,500 |
Uraga |
10,000 |
0 |
* To be used Ujina is mine free. Thereafter will not be used.
** To be used as a staging area (an area to billet and process repatriates moving to and from other reception centers) until such time as port is mine free.
ff To be used by Allied shipping only.
Adecuate facilities will be established at each of the above designated ports to receive, process and evacuate repatriates in the numbers indicated. They will include necessary storage space for food, clothing and medical Supplies as well as space for administration, necessary medical examinations, quarantines and quarantine hospitals. The Ministry of Public Welfare will make arrangements with the Commanding Generals of Sixth and Eighth United States Armies for assignment of necessary space for these facilities.
c.Medical Procedures.
Adequate inspection and Quarantine stations will be established immediately at the above designated ports. They will be operated in accordance with the procedures prescribed in Memorandum this headquarters, file AG 720 (20 0ct 45)PH, dated 20 October 1945, subject: "Medical and Sanitary rocedures for Debarkation and Port Sanitation in Repatriation." The procedures as outlined in above mentioned memorandum, and such edditional measures as are subsecquently directed by this headquarters, will also be carried out in processing non-Japanese nationals departing from Japan.
(1)Adequate food and medical supplies will be provided repatriates while in the recception centers.
(2)Vessels leaving designated ports in the home islands will be provided by the reception centers with sufficient stocks of food, medical supplies clothing and other items required for the ships' crews and epatriates on the outgoing and return voyages.
(1)Each reception center will arrange for the necessary transportation to move incoming repatriates from its area within twenty-four hours after completion of processing.
(2)Each reception center will regulate the flow of non-Japanese repatriates to be returned to their homelands from Japan in accordance with shipping schedules. These schedules will be established by this headquarters and copies thereof will be furnished the Central Liaison Office, Tokyo. Changes in schedule, ports of destination, estimated time of arrival and loadings Will be furnished the same office by this headquarters as information is received.
f.Currency and Securities.
(1)Reception center commanders will permit non-Japanese repatriates returning to foreign countries to take with them Yen currency in amounts not to exceed 1,000.00 per person.
(2)Reception center commanders will take up against individual receipt from non-Japanese repatriates returning to foreign countries Yen currency in excess of 1,000.00 per individual, all other currencies, securities and such other items as are enumerated in Memorandum this headquarters, file AG 091.3 (22 Sep 45)LSS, dated 22 September 1945, subject: "Controls over Exports and Imports of Gold, SilVer, Securities and Financial Instruments. "
4.The establishment, organization and operation of each reception center will be under the supervision of the United States Army Commander who exercises control over the area in which the reception center is located.
Colonel, A.G.D.,
Asst Adjutant General