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Old 02-11-2007, 02:07 AM
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Mick Strider has some explaining to do.

Originally Posted by Mick Strider View Post
We live in a world where people feel as if they have the right to act with complete impunity.
That bothers me. Because of that, I hold people accountable for their words and actions.
This document serves to collect information regarding Mickey Ray Burger, a.k.a. Mick Strider of Strider Knives. Since 2000 (and likely before), through present day, Mick Strider has made claims about being a combat veteran, with a background in Special Operations.

Recently, information has been unearthed that calls the veracity of these claims into question. If these claims cannot be reconciled, then in my opinion this is clear evidence of a deliberate pattern of deception, lies through omission and concealment of the truth. To reiterate what I stated in another thread:
Originally Posted by Spark View Post
The magazine articles don't make sense. The claims Mick Strider made don't make sense. The court documents state information that contradict what Mick Strider has claimed repeatedly, since 2000 until present.

I keep hearing comments about "oh, he made a mistake" and he "paid his dues" and "learned his lesson"

I have to wonder, when someone claims that they were to be sentenced to serve in Somalia 5 days ago, claims they were a combat vet in 2000, has multiple magazine articles describing them as Special Operations personnel, and none of this is born out by the facts... what lesson have they learned?

That it's ok to fabricate their history because people will defend them as long as they are charming enough?

That they can get away with it, because as long as they don't answer questions directly they can't be proven wrong? That being able to win in a fistfight negates backing up your argument? That there is no accountability for lying and pretending to be something you aren't?

What are we suppossed to believe here? What would a reasonable man believe?

I'll state this, straight up: I have never heard of a spinal damaged E1, who has been barred from reenlistment, being recruited into any Special Operations role. I have never heard of anyone ever being sentenced to Somalia with their pay kept as forfiet. It is my opinion that these statements are straight out lies, and anyone making these claims is lying throuhg their teeth. This opinion is shared by every other veteran I've asked thus far.

If it was anyone else making these claims, they would be ridiculed and excoriated. If I made claims like this, my reputation would be destroyed, and I would be rightly branded as a liar.

Anyone who disagrees with what I said can come find me at my shop, or through here. I'm not going to hide.
I have based this information on statements made by Mick Strider himself (with appropriate citations), on,,, publicly available documents and corroborating evidence provided by others. When possible, I will use Mick Strider’s words to illustrate my points, with appropriate citations. Typographical, typesetting & spelling errors in quoted materials have been left as is for accuracy.

  1. Mick Strider’s birth name is Mickey Ray Burger.
  2. Mick Strider claims he served in the 2/75th Rangers. .At some point Mick posted a copy of his DD214. Allegations were made that it was altered, specifically that he entered “Honorable” (note mixed case lettering) in the discharge block.
  3. Mick Strider claims that he is a combat veteran.
  4. Mick Strider claims that during service, he developed a spinal injury, causing him to lose jump status, resulting in his discharge. Mick Strider later claims that this injury led him to incur disciplinary action (whether Article 15 or other not known), and be discharged from service as an E1
  5. Court documents involving a libel & defamation case against Mick Strider include a settlement where he states his discharge from Army service as an E1, and barred from reenlistment. Part of the settlement agreement includes statemens refuting combat claims and "black ops" experience. shows Mickey Ray Burger as having a final rank of E1.
  6. From 1986 to 1993 there is no information on Mick Strider's activities. Evidence of Special Operations affiliation during this time is absent and not provided.
  7. Mick Strider states that after his time in the Army, he "rolled" with some "heavy" hitters and alludes that this time was spend performing Special Operations missions during magazine articles.
  8. Mick Strider claims in 1993 he was "tasked" with obtaining a vehicle and stole it / carjacked it. It is intimated that this was done while operating in a “black ops” unit. He was arrested and convicted for this crime.
  9. Mick Strider claims that during sentencing, the prosecutor was supposed to ask for his sentence to be one year’s service in Somalia, with his pay forfeit. Given the nature of the other claims, this service is intimated to be Special Operations in nature, especially given his attempts to tie it to the deaths of Rangers in Mogadishu during that time.
  10. Mick Strider does not “serve for a year in Somalia” and was instead sentenced to 5 years in prison.
  11. After release from prison in 1998, Mick Strider started Strider Knives.
  12. Following Mick Strider’s release from prison, he builds a reputation that his products are based on Special Operations and combat experience. Numerous magazine articles are written alleging to this experience and how it makes his product a better choice.
  13. Mick Strider makes numerous statements online that his is a combat veteran, and makes references to carrying and using firearms, despite revelations that he is, in fact a convicted felon.
  14. Current collaborations with other businesses list Mick Strider as former Special Operations personnel.

I welcome any corrections to this information. Any incorrect information will be immediately corrected or retracted.

I leave it up to the individual reading this to draw their own conclusions about this matter, and the inconsistencies between Mick Striders self related history, what has been published, and what is listed in court documents.

Below, please find relevant quotations, links, and statements about the items listed above
Kevin Jon Schlossberg
Only Sharp Knives are Interesting
Old 02-11-2007, 02:11 AM
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SECTION 1: Mick Strider is also known as Mickey Ray Burger
Mick Strider was sued for libel and defamation by Chris Osman of Tactical Assault Gear on 08/09/2005. Named as defendants in the suit are:

Appropriate Case information:
Case Number: GIN046566
Case Site: North County
Case Type: Civil
Date Filed: 08/09/2005
Category: A60508 Libel
Information retrieved from:

Actual copies of the court case cited require sending a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope with the above information to:
North County Regional Center
Business Office / Records
325 South Melrose
Vista, CA 92081
Since Mick Strider has acknowledged publicly the results of this case, it can be established as fact that Mick Strider is a.k.a. MICKEY RAY BURGER. This is further bolstered by Mick Strider's alleged DD214 in Section 2 below.
Kevin Jon Schlossberg
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Old 02-11-2007, 02:23 AM
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SECTION 2: Mick Strider claims he served in the 2/75th Rangers

When brought up by third parties, only general claims were made about Mick Strider’s military service record until 2005. No one had prior reason to disbelieve claims of service in the Ranger Battalions.

On 7-19-2005, Mick Strider makes the following statement:;p=1#000022
Not really. They also falsified my military history.
im not much of a talker. All anyone knows about my military history, if anything is that i served in a Ranger Battalion.
Never have i told a story of ANY of my military duty.
My parents don’t know
My friends don’t know.
In fact when asked what I did, while in the service I generally say I was in the Infantry. Only knife geeks, and actual real people know more. (because folks sure like to talk about mick)…

Its my business. im a VERY private person.
Nothing i did while serving in the Military was special. i had a head full of spiders then, just like now.
Please note the claims that others falsified his military history and keep this in mind during later statements made by Mick Strider.

Mick Strider posted his “DD214” on presumably during the same time period. The document in question was alleged to be heavily altered.

The following was posted by Beau Springer on 7-21-2005 -;p=1#000000
No one falsified your military history but you. The DD214 that you posted at “” was blacked out and provided details for only two events: that you went to the three week Ranger Indoctrination Program ("RIP"), and Airborne School. The Ranger Indoctrination Program is a school that anyone with hopes of serving in a Ranger Battalion may attend. Attending RIP and Jump School is very different from serving as a Ranger, and one may serve in a Ranger Battalion without doing or seeing much of anything. One cannot fault you for concealing sensitive personal information, but your DD214, as conveyed, is a worthless document. Note at the top left of the DD214 that it states: “ANY ALTERATIONS IN SHADED AREAS MAKE FORM VOID”. If there’s more to your military history then please refute these statements with something stronger than a blacked-out DD214 and some “can’t talk about it” remarks. Your ex-wife states under penalty of perjury that you are a liar and cites specific lies that you have made regarding your military service [Reference attachment, page 2, “Responsive Declaration to Order to Show Cause or Notice of Motion Case No. DN94369” as filed by Chelsea Mayne dated July 12, 1999].

Your DD214 also indicates that you served in the Army from 1984 to 1986, and of course this is insufficient time in which to serve as an Operator with a [high-speed] SOCOM organization, and not enough time to train or learn the skills necessary to be a Ranger (Ranger School alone requires a time commitment in excess of two years time left in service).
The allegedly altered DD214 disappeared from and cannot be seen today. Another individual posted a modified version, superimposed with STRIDER KNIVES APPROVED (see attached file Mickey.jpg) found at

This document is indeed heavily redacted. The only information displayed is:
Block 2: ARMY / RA
Block 5: 670323
Block 9: NA
Block 14: Basic Airborne, 3 wks (84) // Ranger Indoctrination Program, 3 wks (86) //
Block 23: Discharge
Block 24: Honorable
Items of note:
Block 26 (SEPERATION CODE) is redacted, yet circled.
Block 27 (REENLISTMENT CODE) is redacted.
Block 4A (GRADE, RATE OR RANK) is redacted.
Block 4B (PAY GRADE) is redacted.
Block 14, though listing Basic Airborne and Ranger Indoctrination program, has the entire rest of the section redacted, as if to imply that area is filled with additional information. The last citation in this block is terminated with by NOTHING FOLLOWS to prevent easy alteration.
The rest of Mick Strider’s statement on covers a wide variety of topics, but does not contain any denials or refutations of time in service. Since he posted the allegedly modified DD214, and offers no refutation to statements about dates, it therefore can be assumed that he acknowledges his service dates are from 1984-1986, and that at least part of his time in service was spent in the 2/75 Ranger Battalion.

Mick Strider was repeatedly requested for dates of service, unit names, and times spent in those units. Mick Strider refused to provide them.

A FOIA request resulted in the following documents:

Facts revealed by the FOIA documents:
Mickey Ray Burger served from 12-26-85, until 11-26-86. 11 months of total active duty service.
His final pay grade was Private, E-1.
He attended Basic Airborne School in 1986, not 1984.
He was assigned to C CO 2/75 RGR on 05-29-86
He was removed from the 2/75 and sent to A CO 3/47 IN on 08-04-86
He went AWOL on 08-29-86 and returned 1 week later
He is discharged from the Army 81 days later on 11-26-86

Based on this information, Mick Strider was honorably discharged, and served in the Ranger Regiment. However, Mick Strider's posted DD214 did contain incorrect information. Furthermore, Mick Strider has mischaracterized the nature of his time in the 2/75 RGR, unless of course he gained vast amount of Special Operations knowledge in 65 days. FOIA paperwork shows no record of combat service, deployment to any war zone, and discharge before Operation Just Cause.

Claims have been made that Mick Strider was removed from C CO 2/75 RGR because of a jump related injury. No medical documentation has been provided to support these claims, despite numerous requests. Mick Strider's Assignment paperwork indicates no long term hospitalization, or assignment to any Medical hold units. Furthermore, an injury severe enough to remove Mick Strider from 2/75 RGR would almost certainly qualify him for disability; no disability documentation has been provided to support his claims.
Attached Images
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Kevin Jon Schlossberg
Only Sharp Knives are Interesting
Old 02-11-2007, 02:30 AM
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SECTION 3: Mick Strider claims that he is a combat veteran, and alludes to being in combat.

10-02-2000, Mick Strider made the following statement on
Originally Posted by Mick Strider View Post
Okay now lets just get this over with...Both myself and my partner Duane, are combat vets. REAL combat vets. Whatever that may mean, I guarantee we qualify. Nearly every male I know, is involved in what people like to call Spec-Ops. We have thousands of knives in the hands of operators all over the world. That feedback, along with law enforcement feedback, is what drives our company.
On 05-13-2001, Mick Strider made the following statement on
Originally Posted by Mick Strider View Post
I have charged a gunman with a knife.

Not from behind! Not a drop of sneakiness.

And in the service of the US gov.
Then on 03-05-2002, Mick Strider made the following statement, again on
Originally Posted by Mick Strider View Post
Back about a million years ago…
I was a huge 7.62 guy. There is no doubt that it is a better mankilling round than the 5.56.
Every thing about it is better. Even the fear it causes on hard surface impact on the other end.

Then I ran out of ammo.
Then I ran out again.
So then I said, well fck it. Everyone will carry 7.62. We will have a larger ammo pool.
We ran dry.
Next day EVERY one was using 5.56. We switched to m203’s, and the SAW.
Remember what it is that wins the gunfight?
Fire superiority. That translates to fire power. Not weight but rate (VOLUME).
Therefor…my choice in a gunfight? 5.56mm.
Bumble bees sting harder, but you can’t get away from all those damn hornets.

9mm vs 45acp.
I don’t want to be shot by either.
I usually carry a 1911 dropped on the right.
But also a 226 stuffed into a magpouch on my vest.
I know my rules disqualify this. I like the 226 because if I go to it. I really need those bullets quick, with out any reload issues.

My thoughts on 9mm vs 45acp are this.
If you are only carrying one weapon, a 9mm is a good choice. Remember “rate over weight”. Twice as many bullets in the same space.
That being said, I usually carry 45.

I would like to get an SV pistol some time though and try it out for carry. My hand is large enough for double stacked 45.

In the field…1911. It is THE battle hand gun.

Thanks for the great posts.

Ever Vigilant

There is no other way to interpret these statements as Mick Strider claiming to be a combat veteran, presumably in the service of the US Army since he is mentioning SAWs, and M203s and, of course, “RTLW” – Rangers Lead The Way.

The reader is also left with the belief that Mick Strider was in a leadership position where he could dictate what weapons were utilized during missions. As lower enlisted in 2/75, he could not possibly have this authority; therefore it is assumed Mick Strider is referring to Special Operations missions.

These statements were made over a period of years, with no equivocation and no real prompting; if they were made on there is little doubt that there were also made elsewhere. This can be evidenced by statements made by associates of Mick Strider also claiming his status as a decorated combat vet.

Originally Posted by tom mayo View Post

and yes, Mick screwed up, got caught, did his time, and its all behind him..

those guys are my friends, they have worked their butts off to get to where they are and they dont need some little wannabe midget stealing their ideas!!!!!!

I dont appreciate your post at all!!!!!!!!
FOIA Documents linked above show, in fact, Mick Strider has no combat experience during his service in the US Army.

Repeated requests have been made for him to provide any documentation showing combat service outside of the US Army in the period 1986-1993. None have been provided.

It is an exercise for the reader to determine what private military contractor would hire a self admitted E1 with a "shitty attitude", a broken back, zero special skills training, who went AWOL from his Army unit during peacetime operations.
Kevin Jon Schlossberg
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Old 02-11-2007, 02:34 AM
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SECTION 4: Mick Strider claims that during service, he developed a spinal injury, causing him to lose jump status. Mick Strider later claims that this injury led him to incur disciplinary action (whether Article 15 or other not known), and be discharged from service as an E1

The following statements are made by Mick Strider 7-22-2005, indicating his injury was the reason for his discharge:;f=8;t=000514
The most I have told anyone, has been that I served in a Ranger Bn. YOU, having served in the Army understand that what has been posted, proves that I did so. No one goes to RIP and then NOT go to Bn. RIP isn’t fun enough to do for no reason. The rest of my 214 has no relevance to your attack. Nor am I applying for a job, so the fact that "ANY ALTERATIONS IN SHADED AREAS MAKE FORM VOID" a fairly obtuse point.

If you believe that the Ranger Regiment is not a "[high-speed] SOCOM organization", im not going to argue with you, ill leave that to more qualified folks.
That was nearly twenty years ago, and I was DX’d for an injury after all….
Like you not high speed, those hard fuckers broke me like a size XSmall condom.
Information contradicting the “discharge due to injury” claim is first publicized on on 04-02-06, in the following thread:;f=8;t=000555

The settlement for Case Number GIN046566 cited above states:
Mick Strider hereby acknowledges that he has never been deployed as a U.S. Army Ranger. Strider also acknowledges that he has never served in or participated with SOCOM (Special Operations Command). Strider also acknowledges that he has never had any combat experience with any branch of the U.S. Military or U.S.Government Agencies, nor has he participated in any "Black Ops". Strider served in 2/75, but never graduated Ranger School. Strider lost all rank, was barred from re-enlistment and was discharged from the Military as a Private.
On 02-06-2007, Mick Strider makes the following statement: (attached also as file “Badlands Forums - whats up with mick__.pdf”)
While its true that I REALLY wish I had come back with a Ranger Tab rather than a fucked up spinal cord….i didn’t. Does this make me a liar?
Of course not!
For those of you who type with your ass instead of your head…..EVERY person who serves in the 75th Infantry Regiment is a Ranger.
Ranger School is a school people go to… gives you a Tab….it doesn’t make you a Ranger, the 75th Infantry Regiment makes you a Ranger.
And then this final, most recent statement made by Mick Strider on the Badlands Forums on 2-06-2007 (attached also as file “Badlands Forums - whats up with mick__.pdf”)
Lets end out the military stuff with my discharge:

Mick was discharged from the Army as a Private:
Oh hell yes!
I was borne a Ranger.
I spent my early life training to be a Ranger.
I joined the army when I was 17 on delayed entry to be a Ranger.
I became a Ranger and served in the 2/75 Ranger Battalion.
I smashed the cable that runs from my Ranger Ass through my neck to my Ranger computer. Because of this, I walked around with numb hands and feet.
Ever hump a twenty six mile road march?
Ever hump a twenty six, with numb feet? Every toe was broken, every nail was missing…my toes almost had to be removed. No…I did NOT fall out.

I lost my jump status.

Then I heard the words that will ring in my head for eternity:
“Go Put on your BDU’s….”

I had been DX’d.

My attitude became shitty….i lost all rank and was discharged from the Army. I never joined the Army….i was a Ranger.
The reason for discharge has shifted from injury only, to injury leading to misconduct as more information is revealed.

Medical documentation backing up the claims of a parachute related injury have been requested and ignored. Based on my personal experience on Jump status in the US Army, I've never seen someone removed from a unit and sent to another based on injury alone, unless they were sent to a Medical Hold unit. Injured soldiers may be hospitalized, put on profile, or otherwise restricted in their duty, but they were kept in the same unit and their NCO's were expected to keep track of them and follow their progress. Mick Strider was not sent to a Medical Hold unit, he was sent to A CO, 3/47 IN.
Attached Files
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Kevin Jon Schlossberg
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Old 02-11-2007, 02:45 AM
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Section 5: Court documents involving a libel & defamation case against Mick Strider include a settlement where he states his discharge from Army service as an E1, and barred from reenlistment. Part of the settlement agreement includes statemens refuting combat claims and "black ops" experience. shows Mickey Ray Burger as having a final rank of E1.
On 4-02-06 Kevin McClung makes the following statement on;f=8;t=000555
As many of you are aware, Chris Osman and TAG Gear sued Mick Strider and Strider Knives over Mick Strider's Libel Per Se, Slander Per Se, Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage and Unfair Business Practices as related to Mick Strider's statements at TF and elsewhere regarding Chris Osman, his military past and his business practices.

The suit was filed on August 9, 2005 in the Superior Court of the State of California, for the County of San Diego, North County Division, bearing the case number GIN046566.
In the Agreement dated 3-16-06, Settlement of Action, part 1, section (b) Mick had to write a letter of apology to Chris Osman, the text of which follows:

Dear Chris,

Please accept this correspondence as a formal apology. As you are aware, at one time we were business acquaintances on friendly terms. Based in part on information that was provided to me that I did not independently verify, I reached some conclusions about you and your business. Those conclusions colored my perception of you and your company.
In response to the conclusions I reached about you, I said some things and published statements about your company that were more than likely defamatory. I made statements regarding the status of your discharge from the military, wrongfully accused you of being responsible for putting marines I know behind bars, accused you of ripping off other people's products, and made negative statements about the way that you operate your business.

My words have had an impact on your life, have unnecessarily cost you and your company the loss of potential business, and pushed you to the point where you felt it was necessary to file a lawsuit against me to resolve our issues. I hereby apologize to you for the untrue things I previously published about you and your company and am sorry for the resulting consequences to you.

I hope that this formal apology can rectify any damage that may have been caused by my actions, and I hope that we can both put this behind us and move on with our lives.
You have my word that I do not intend to say anything about you or your business, positive or negative, to anyone unless compelled by law or court order to do so.

Mick Strider, President Strider Knives Inc.
Dated 3-16-06

But wait, there's more!

In a real bombshell, section 1, part (c), Mick Strider had to allocute as follows:

Mick Strider hereby acknowledges that he has never been deployed as a U.S. Army Ranger. Strider also acknowledges that he has never served in or participated with SOCOM (Special Operations Command). Strider also acknowledges that he has never had any combat experience with any branch of the U.S. Military or U.S.Government Agencies, nor has he participated in any "Black Ops". Strider served in 2/75, but never graduated Ranger School. Strider lost all rank, was barred from re-enlistment and was discharged from the Military as a Private.

Not quite what the Strider Knives Website, Daryl Bolke and Pat Covert and several others would have had us believe in their published articles on Strider, is it?
Not exactly what we have been reading on Strider's website FAQ for years now, is it?
Not at all like what we have been led to believe about Mick Strider, IS IT??

But wait, there's more!!

In part (d) of the settlement, Strider is compelled to set the record straight wherever and whenever such lies are outted!!

(d) To the extent that any contrary representations have been made or are made in the future, by any other person or entity, Strider agrees he shall take the following affirmative steps within three (3) weeks after notice by Plaintiffs:
(1) send a letter via certified mail to the person or entity identified by the Plaintiffs affirming all of the information set forth in the first sentence of this paragraph and a request that any contrary representations be immediately corrected, and (2) send a copy of that letter and a certified mail receipt to Plaintiffs or their attorneys of record. Notice shall be deemed effective on Strider by sending a letter to Strider at his last known address or by sending a letter to his attorney of record in this litigation via certified mail.

(e)SKI will immediately cease and desist from holding Strider out as having ever been deployed as a U.S. Army Ranger, a member of or a participant with SOCOM, as having ever been deployed in "black ops", or as having had any combat experience with any branch of the U.S.Military or U.S. Government. SKI shall take immediate actions to correct any such representations currently made on its own website (see Exhibit B) and to the extent possible shall take immediate actions to correct any such representations by its business partners, including but not limited to advertising regarding SKI's partnership and distribution through Buck Knives.
When entering Mickey Burger in’s Buddy Finder, the following information is returned:
Service : ARMY
Service Component : REGULAR
Pay Grade : E-1
Military Specialty : 11B1P
Home of Record : Unknown,00.html
Confirmation of a MOS 11B1P designation shows that Mick Strider (a.k.a. Mickey Ray Burger) was never a graduate of Ranger School. A last recorded Pay Grade of E-1 would indicate either a premature separation of service during the first 6 months, or loss of rank due to misconduct.

Loss of rank is acknowledged by Mick Strider repeatedly, as quoted in sections above; this means he received at least one Article 15, or was subject to more severe punishment leading to discharge.

To date, no corrections or statements have been made by Mick Strider correcting the various claims of combat service on made by himself, or others.
Kevin Jon Schlossberg
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Old 02-11-2007, 02:46 AM
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SECTION 6: From 1986 to 1993 there is no information on Mick Strider’s activities.

No corroborating evidence can be found or is provided for any Special Operations activities or combat experience during this time frame. Several requests have been made for Mick Strider to provide any evidence backing up his claims of being a combat vet, each has been met with evasion, misdirection, or equivocation.

Since Mick Strider was incarcerated from 1993 until 1998, and having a very public Strider Knives persona from 1998 until present, any claims of Special Operations activity must fall between the years 1986 through 1993. Furthermore, his felony conviction would disqualify him for any SECRET or above clearances without a special waiver; it is up to the reader to decide whether they find it credible that one would be issued. If no SECRET or above clearance was in effect, any claims of Special Operations service after 1998 can be discounted.

FOIA documents show that Mick Strider went AWOL while on active duty. What effect this would have on being issued a SECRET or above clearance is unknown.

Custody documents from Mick Strider’s divorce indicate he met his then-wife in April of 1992. She relates that Mick Strider described his past as being a Ranger, indicating his service ended before that time. I have chosen not to consider this accurate evidence despite it being a court document as custody hearings lead to extravagent claims on a regular basis.
Kevin Jon Schlossberg
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Old 02-11-2007, 02:50 AM
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SECTION 7: Mick Strider states that after his time in the Army, he "rolled" with some "heavy" hitters and alludes that this time was spend performing Special Operations missions.
(see also attached file Badlands_Forums___whats_up_with_mick__.pdf as viewing the above link requires registration on
Lets move on to my status as a criminal:

Back in the day, I worked with a group of hard hitting fuckers….no doubt. We did a lot of work. Some good, some less than.

One of the group was arrested by the FBI. Not sure if any of you have ever dealt with the Federal Justice System….but it works like this:

“Tell me every thing you know, about everyone you know….or your going away forever.” This guy started spilling. Luckily, we only worked together a few times so he didn’t have much on me. What he DID have was a car theft.
Kevin Jon Schlossberg
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Old 02-11-2007, 03:07 AM
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SECTION 8: Mick Strider claims in 1993 he was "tasked" with obtaining a vehicle and stole it / carjacked it. It is intimated that this was done while operating in a “black ops” style unit; the reader is left to draw their own conclusions based on lack of information and Mick Strider’s “reputation” in the Special Operations community.. He was arrested and convicted for this crime.
(see also attached file Badlands_Forums___whats_up_with_mick__.pdf as viewing the above link requires registration on

In the case in question:
We needed a vehicle. Getting it was one of my tasks.
I went to near by dealership and asked to take a test drive. The sales person drove off the lot. When it was time for me to drive, they got out, I auto locked to doors, jumped the center divider and drove away.

End of harsh carjack story. Until you get to the arrest part.

I get a call from a friend…they tell me that they were just “hot stopped” because the cops thought they were me.

Me, being me, I call the cops and tell them where I am. Im not some scared ass coward….If I have lumps coming…I just take em and get it over with.

Me, also being me…..had never dealt with the Federal Justice System and assumed that things would go differently. I was much too upfront and honest.

“did you do it?”


“did you have a gun?”

“Duh….i ALWAYS have a gun”


Long story short….mick gets in a LOT of trouble because I wouldn’t tell on anyone.
In fact….there are rumors by those present that I may have told the lead guy, that if he wanted anything out of me he was gonna have to suck it out through my dick to get it.
Too bad, in my opinion, more folks don’t hold their mud…..Informants are the lowest form of life on this planet….well….informants and their minions…
The above statement appears to claim that honesty about having a firearm while being arrested is supposed to ameliorate the larger crime of auto-theft. Reconciling armed carjacking being in line with the Ranger Creed is an exercise in futility.

The non-violent claims of this crime, however, are belied by the charges filed in CRIMINAL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 93-CR-693-ALL, USA v. Strider
(see attached file USA_v._Strider_Docket_Info.doc)

Further evidence of the crime’s violent nature is found when the bond is set at $1,000,000
Attached Files
File Type: doc USA_v._Strider_Docket_Info.doc (79.5 KB, 56 views)
Kevin Jon Schlossberg
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Old 02-11-2007, 03:19 AM
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SECTION 9: Mick Strider claims that during sentencing, the prosecutor was supposed to ask for his sentence to be one year’s service in Somalia, with his pay forfeit. Given the nature of the other claims, this service is intimated to be Special Operations in nature, especially given his attempts to tie it to the deaths of Rangers in Mogadishu during that time.
On 07-23-2006, Mick Strider makes the following statement:
Ive been asked a few times now....and i want to be VERY clear.

i have zero assosiation with The Battle of Mogadishu, or 3/75.
Had I been “sentenced” to my year in Somalia…it certainly would not have been as a Ranger. By the time of the battle, I had been DX’d and removed from the Army….and of course incarcerated…

My point in writing about the time frame was to indicate how low and shitty I felt, and feel, that I had Brothers in trouble and I was not only not there, but also a shitbag in prison rather then a Ranger.
Notice how this story changes 7 months later when retold:

On 02-06-2007 Mick Strider made the following statement on
(see also attached file Badlands_Forums___whats_up_with_mick__.pdf as viewing the above link requires registration on
In the end…it was decided that I would serve for a year in Somalia, this service would act as my “cooperation” that the Feds are so fond of. I would then forfeit any money earned that year as a fine. In addition I would have a term of probation upon my return to the US.

While in the courtroom, during my sentencing…when the prosecutor was supposed to be saying “Your Honor, we recommend Mr. Strider be sentenced to one year service in Somalia…” what came out of his mouth was “we changed our mind…”

So rather than go to Somalia, I went to prison for 5 years. Luckily I only had to do 59.5 months of that five years….
Yes by the way….that was in mid 1993. I DO feel the deaths of my Ranger buddies, that I failed by sitting in jail during their fight, VERY heavily.
No physical evidence is provided of this claim, let alone an explanation of why
  • after discharge as an E-1,
  • being barred from re-enlistment,
  • and having a self professed spinal injury,
  • went AWOL,
  • possessing no listed special skills
the Government would even consider deploying him in such a manner as to be punishment for the above charges.

Other data making it unlikely that any such "plea bargain deal" existed:
  • No other examples of prosecutors making such deals has been provided to corroborate such a claim.
  • The US Military has been an all volunteer force since the 70's, when the draft was eliminated. "Join the military or go to jail" is no longer an option for sentencing.
  • Federal Sentencing guidelines quoted later in this thread indicate that no Judge could possibly have Mick Strider serve in the military in lieu of prison.
  • No plea bargain agreement would be made without it being put into writing, and approved by the defendant's lawyer. Plea bargains are considered contracts with legal binding consequences.
  • After being out of the the military for 6 years, Mick Strider would require retraining & a physical before being allowed back in. With a "busted spine" it's doubtful he'd be allowed to perform any military duty.
  • As a convicted felon, Mick Strider is prohibited from possessing or using firearms. This would prevent him from using or possessing a firearm during duty or operations; whether as an enlisted soldier or civilian contractor.
  • As a convicted felon, who'd already gone AWOL in the military, Mick Strider would be considered a flight risk. There is little chance anyone would "trust" him to stay in his unit, especially after being armed and put in a foriegn country.

I strongly urge that the reader examine the above quote in context in the Badlands PDF file attached above; then decide for themselves what is being conveyed, especially through the omission of extra information.

EDIT: Mick Strider posted the following letter from his attorney:

No evidence of a written plea agreement. No evidence of any agreement. No mention of courtroom change of hearts by the prosecution. Just a mention of an offer, by the defense, that was rejected.
Kevin Jon Schlossberg
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Old 02-11-2007, 03:21 AM
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SECTION 10: Mick Strider does not “serve for a year in Somalia” and was instead sentenced to 5 years in prison.
From CRIMINAL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 93-CR-693-ALL, USA v. Strider
(see attached file USA_v._Strider_Docket_Info.doc)

Kevin Jon Schlossberg
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Old 02-11-2007, 03:23 AM
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SECTION 11: After release from prison in 1998, Mick Strider started Strider Knives.

Contradictory information exists in several locations regarding the accurate beginning of Strider Knives Inc. Magazine articles reference Strider Knives starting in 1994, Wikipedia lists 1997, and Mick Strider was released from prison in 1998.

Since it is near impossible to run a business while incarcerated, it can be presumed that Strider Knives, Inc was founded after Mick Strider’s release from prison.

On 7-22-2005 on, Mick Strider makes the following statement:;p=1#000022

You know the funny thing about all this,
When I was a young knife maker, still out doing Gods work, spending my off time making knives. I had a little group of guys that wanted them, even a little waiting list. I had no idea that there was such a thing as “knife making”. I just knew I was doing it..

When I went to prison, I learned about knife magazines.
What? There is such a thing as knife magazines??!!
I would read the things Kevin Mclung would write as often as I could. Just like a lot of guys here, I thought he was pretty cool. He was not like all the other writers back then. Much more scientific and real world. He would even mention the type of equipment he used to do the testing.

Very Cool! I remember how stoked I was to read about two of my favorite handle materials in one article. G10 and Para-Cord. Sweet!
One of the VERY best parts of prison, was when a new knife mag would come in with an article written by Kevin.
Being ignorant of industry publications prior to his incarceration, it is difficult to claim that Strider Knives, Inc was created prior to Mick Strider’s release from prison.

EDIT: New info
Posted on BadlandsForums: and;p=1#000022
Originally Posted by Mick Strider
See, everyone, the plan was that a felon can’t contract with the US Government. Which of course is much of our business. Kevin wishes he could have it, and thinks if we didn’t have it, he would.
Good news for us! We’re a Corporation. Sammy don’t care about felons no-mo!
STRIDER KNIVES, INC was incorporated 1/5/2001

Number: C2325878 Date Filed: 1/5/2001 Status: active
Jurisdiction: California
Agent for Service of Process

Mick Strider statement above implies that since the corporation is not registered in Mick Strider's name, Government contract regulations about purchasing from convicted felons are neatly bypassed.
Kevin Jon Schlossberg
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Old 02-11-2007, 03:31 AM
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SECTION 12: Following his release Mick Strider builds a reputation that his products are based on Special Operations and combat experience. Numerous magazine articles are written alleging to this experience and how it makes his product a better choice.

From American Handgunner 2002 Tactical Annual article titled “STRIDER KNIVES!” written by Darryl Bolke (see attached file AmericanHandgunner_2002TacticalAnnual_StriderKnive s.pdf which is also available for download from )
"In 1984, while serving in the Army, Mick took up building knives for his fellow soldiers. According to Mick, he made around 75 knives from 1984 to 1994. In 1994, the up and coming business was awarded a government contract to make knives for Naval Special Warfare Group 1. These models are known as the WB and BG.

In order to fulfill this contract, Mick became partners with Duane Dwyer. The two had met in a martial arts class and had become close friends. Mick has a background in Specials Operations Command (SOCOM) with the US Army. Nothing else really needs to be said."

"During this period Mick and Duane were still regularly deploying and had to share knifemaking duties. I remember buying my first Strider knives in 1994 when both Mick and Duane were out of the country. My partner and I scooped up every knife we could lay our hands on because we were unsure if these two guys would ever make it back."

"The Strider Guys understand, first-hand, what occurs during combat."

"If you have never seen the elephant, it's hard to explain. The buyer of any Strider knife gets a whole lot of "seeing the elephant" built into every one. You cannot put a price on the experience that goes into every blade they make."
This article makes claims which contradict the court documents showing Mick Strider was incarcerated from 1994-1998.

From American Handgunner, Jan-Feb 2005 article Evolving edges: Strider knives get better and badder, by Pat Covert
It may come as a surprise to some, but Strider Knives is now 12 years old. Surprising because about three-quarters of those years were spent under the radar. During those years founders Mick Strider and Duane Dwyer, special ops veterans and super-patriots alike, quietly went about achieving their goal of building hard-use knives for military personnel who rely on a knife to cut all types of cord, including those of the vocal variety.
Basic math tells us that this article states Strider Knives was started in 1994, while Mick Strider was incarcerated.

From American Handgunner, March 2000 article Strider Knives are Hard Corps again by Pat Covert
Strider Knives is privately owned by a small group of former military personnel who would, quite frankly, just as soon you not know their names. Their mission is to design and build edged tools that can be used in the harshest of conditions and worst of circumstances
Notice again the suggestion of a secretive background of the company.

Other article quotes will be added as they are located.
Kevin Jon Schlossberg
Only Sharp Knives are Interesting
Old 02-11-2007, 03:43 AM
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SECTION 13: Mick Strider makes references to carrying and using firearms, despite that he is a convicted felon.

On 3-28-2002 Mick Strider makes the following statement on
Originally Posted by MickStrider View Post
I shot Duanes AI rifle. It is very badass.

But don't they make one that isn't pink?

On 6-13-2002 Mick Strider makes the following statement on
Originally Posted by Mick Strider View Post
Not that my input counts after Vince and Pat, but I wear an SOE force vest left panel and a SOE patrol vest right panel. The Zipper pocket on the Force right panel didn’t work for me. On the left side behind the mag pouches I mount a SAW box. It will hold seven M4 mags or a ton of shotgun. On the right I wear a SOE mask cover. I never carry a mask in it. I use it to carry my throwables. The only knife I carry on the vest is an SLCC on the shoulder (cool guy style).
I always wear my knife on my first line gear. I move it to wherever it fits, but usually either on the pistol belt just behind the pistol hanger, or on the holster leg strap.
On 6-14-2002, Mick Strider makes the following statement on
Originally Posted by Mick Strider View Post
I dump mags in several different ways.
As a default, I use an empty buttpack. But I also have an off side sub-load drop pouch, as well as a pouch that I mount from the front of my vest. It kind of depends on how much ammo Im dragging around. If I have immediate re-supply (never), I carry less mags and have more space to stuff empties. A lot of people drop their mags on the ground when they have a trailer group to police them. Im a picky mag motherfker, I like to keep my own if I can. Nothing I hate worse than running out of ammo when I have a whole mag full of pain pills that I could send down range if only the mag would function. I personally don’t like the SOE drop pouch. Well… I love the pouch, just not as a drop pouch. I use them as mag pouches, but they are to small to work well as an M4 drop. You could only get one or two mags in there if they went in wrong. I use the SOE horizontal mask cover

I don’t wear a riggers belt. It is too much for me to just hold up the pants. I use a regular belt to hold my pants. Then my first line is on a rigid duty belt. I use suspenders on this because it has the ability to hold 21 m4 mags if I need it to. If you guys want Ill shoot some photos of my current rig. I have run the gamut of this’s and that’s and have gone back to utility.
This is followed by a picture of the above mentioned “rig” on 6-17-2002 (see also attached file micks rig.jpg )

The picture in question displays an apparently well used Load Bearing Equipment set up, made by Special Operations Equipment. Visible at the top left is a 1911 style magazine in a pistol magazine pouch. Multiple rifle magazine pouches are visible. At the lower right, a Safariland 6004 holster for 1911 style pistols is attached to the harness. Also visible is a Protec style hockey helmet with goggles. The overall impression presented by this picture is that this is Special Forces CQB style gear, worn by a Special Operations person during operations. It bears no resemblance to standard issue equipment configurations for any regular Army unit.

Given that this is 4 years after Mick Strider’s release from federal custody, the guidelines set forth in the document “AMENDED JUDGEMENT INCLUDING SENTENCE” for “CRIMINAL CASE NO. 93CR0693-GT” (see attached file Strider_J_C.pdf) would still have been in effect

The defendant shall not possess a firearm as defined in 18 U.S.C. 921

13) as directed by the probation officer, the defendant shall notify third parties of risks that may be occasioned by the defendant's criminal record or personal history or characteristics, and shall permit the probation officer to make such notifications and to confirm the defendant's compliance with such notification requirement.
Neither Mick Strider nor his probation officer ever made mention of his felony conviction on, or that he was prohibited from carrying firearms.
Attached Images
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Kevin Jon Schlossberg
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Last edited by Spark; 01-01-2008 at 03:59 PM. Reason: Update with quote
Old 02-11-2007, 03:45 AM
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SECTION 14: Current collaborations with other businesses list Mick Strider as former Special Operations personnel.
Mick Strider has worked with Buck Knives, Inc, for several years, releasing multiple “Buck Strider” branded items. Buck Knives has repeatedly published information stating that Mick Strider is former Special Operations personnel, including the current description in their paper catalog, and on their website as follows:

Tactical Experts: Mick Strider, Duane Dwyer of Strider Knives
When Buck Knives began to develop a line of tactical knives, we turned to the best in the industry-former military Special Operations personnel Mick Strider and Duane Dwyer of Strider Knives. Both Strider and Dwyer have personally experienced dangerous situations and know what it takes for a knife to deliver when lives depend on it. With finely tuned details, high-end steels and virtually indestructible handles, Buck Strider Tactical knives deliver the dependable performance that is crucial for tactical and survival missions. (See
Kevin Jon Schlossberg
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Old 02-11-2007, 06:59 AM
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Just one civil question please Kevin.
If all of this is true, and it is all OLD news that has been talked about, hashed and rehashed, dissected and detected, why would you spend all the time and effort to gather it all together and bring it up again?
To my knowledge, Mick has apologized to his family, friends,customers,those important to him, and moved on. Should he have to pay for it for the rest of time?
It is all OLD news. And dont blame Strider for that other thread about cold steal, he didnt post in it or have anything to do with it. Even Kevin McClung calls it yesterday's news.

Strider has no forum or presence at all on BF, hasnt for long time. You took the time to search tactical forums, badlands forum, bladeforums archives, legal papers,in other words you spent a decent amount of time on it. One really has to question your motives and ask why? Dont tell me it's because you want to protect Bladeforums members from that big bad liar Mick. I doubt your motives are that pristine Kevin. Heck, you had one of the biggest liars of all time start this place with you, remember? And it doesnt affect your business because they dont post here, 1sks doesnt sell Strider products, so tell us why the need to document it all and bring it up again? He has admitted and apologized so why the need for another public flogging? Are you punishing him for things his friends and defenders have said? And if you've seen the paperwork you know that he is not the owner of Strider knives.

Go ahead and ban me if you like, no matter, I'll probably survive, but you know that I know that your motives are not pure. I've seen alot of situations arise here at BF since 1999, some involving members getting ripped off for lots of cash and you never got this involved. Is it time for a little revenge? Payback? Maybe a little financial or professional jealousy? Why???

What about the fact that he apologized and paid for it?
Do you mention the truckloads of gear he has given soldiers?
The money raised for and the help given to Rob Simonich's family when Rob passed away?
The huge amount of money he raises every year for kids with autism?
The fact that a percentage of the money from the collaboration with Ken Onion and kershaw goes to paralyzed veterans?
The fact that a percentage of the money from the collaboration with Kit Carson goes to the EOD memorial?

Tell the good with the bad, tell the whole story.

So let's say everything you posted is true(I know some of it not to be, small points but suppose it's all true) and he admitted it and apologized.
Notice I have not defended or tried to justify one single thing.
What would you have him do?
Grovel for the rest of his life? Close down the business and get a job in a factory? What would be enough for you?

Again I say why? And why now? And why put in all the time and effort if you're not involved?

You and I have always been friendly, not friends exactly but friendly. You even called me on the phone that time to tell me all your big plans for raising money for Rob Simonich's family, remember?

So what is your stake in all of this and why would you put all this effort into it?
Old 02-11-2007, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by lifter4Him View Post
Do you mention the truckloads of gear he has given soldiers?
While it doesn't speak against him, it doesn't speak for him either. It's marketing. You give soldiers knives and get real authentic pictures from Iraq or Afghanistan with these knives on it. It underlines the hardcoreness and leads people into buying more of these knives "made by a hero" and carried by lots of real soldiers.
I'd do the same thing if I were him. You can't reach the same goal by just having tough looking ads in magazines.
Old 02-11-2007, 07:42 AM
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Question I'm confused

Originally Posted by lifter4Him View Post
It is all OLD news.

He has admitted and apologized so why the need for another public flogging?

What about the fact that he apologized and paid for it?

Tell the good with the bad, tell the whole story.

So let's say everything you posted is true(I know some of it not to be, small points but suppose it's all true) and he admitted it and apologized.
You are a very well respected, kind, and talented guy. I, however, have to question what exactly you're talking about when you say that this is all "old news" and has been "admitted" to. I think your "why now" and "what do you want" questions could be answered by taking a good look at the following (all are recent posts):

Originally Posted by tom mayo View Post
Originally Posted by Michelle View Post
Yes. I've known Mick for several years and he has never told me or anyone else I know of that he was in a combat or dangerous situation with the US Army or Rangers, or that he was wounded in that employment/capacity. I don't know of any combat related medals he has gotten. I love Tom, but I wonder if he is thinking of Duane in that regard.
Originally Posted by Michelle View Post
Come on guys. You are thinking narrow. You have all heard of privatised companies... Blackwater is well known... there are a zillion others out there that aren't well known.... there is an estimated 20,000 private contractors working the GWOT right now.
Originally Posted by tom mayo View Post
I have talked to Mick extensively about what he did when he was in the Army........He is the real deal.
So, what is the truth exactly? Strider was the real deal, has medals, and was wounded in combat? Strider never told anyone he was deployed and was wounded in combat? Strider never saw combat and wasn't a Ranger? Strider worked as a privately (or Govenment) contracted Merc? Strider was offered a plea-deal to serve as a Ranger in Somalia? Was the allocution letter in the TAG suit true? Was it bogus? Did Strider recently imply he wrote/signed it to just make it go away? Where has anything been "admitted to" and "apologized for"? What is the truth, and who will tell it?


Last edited by 3Guardsmen; 02-11-2007 at 07:55 AM. Reason: spelling and link fix
Old 02-11-2007, 07:52 AM
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Not that long ago.
On 02-06-2007 Mick Strider made the following statement on
(see also attached file Badlands_Forums___whats_up_with_mick__.pdf as viewing the above link requires registration on

In the end…it was decided that I would serve for a year in Somalia, this service would act as my “cooperation” that the Feds are so fond of. I would then forfeit any money earned that year as a fine. In addition I would have a term of probation upon my return to the US.

While in the courtroom, during my sentencing…when the prosecutor was supposed to be saying “Your Honor, we recommend Mr. Strider be sentenced to one year service in Somalia…” what came out of his mouth was “we changed our mind…”

So rather than go to Somalia, I went to prison for 5 years. Luckily I only had to do 59.5 months of that five years….
Yes by the way….that was in mid 1993. I DO feel the deaths of my Ranger buddies, that I failed by sitting in jail during their fight, VERY heavily.
Please post showing his apologies to his fans about his misreprentation of his military background. I have been scouring the web and his forums for such a document and can't find it. I could give a shit about his jail time except to as how it relates to the rest of the story. I like many other Vets want to see the truth. If you say he apologised publicly for misrepresenting himself in order to sell knives to REAL service men and women please lets see it.

As far as his numerous claims of weapons possession since his conviction. He is either lying or violating the agreement of his release. Anyone have any pictures of him holding/using a weapon since his release. The Feds would probably just love to reaquaint him with a prison cell for this.

Part of his agreement in the cival suit settlement was to retract his claims where ever they showed up. Buck is still using them. He uses them on his own site as well as in magazine copy. Maby a concerned citizen should drop a dime to the judge that handed down the ruling and oversaw the settlement along with a copy of all his posts and boasts since the settlement and see what he thinks of it.

I know there is more than enough evidence for me to never buy a Strider knife and to advise everyone I know not to and why. It is a shame, his partner seems to be the real deal. To bad he got tied up with a scumbag like Mick. Without his partner Mick is nothing, convicted felons can't do contract sales to the government. So all those knives being sold to the government would be going to a company that would actually deserve the bussiness.
All errors in spelling and grammer are entirely by design in order to enrage those who have nothing left to add to the discussion and therefore seek superiority through personal attacks.

Last edited by Jim G.; 02-11-2007 at 07:58 AM.
Old 02-11-2007, 08:12 AM
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hey spark=what happened to the bf auction knives?
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