
A young lady who sent her car plowing through the front of a convenience store, injuring one, appears to have escaped any charges, except general ones of incompetence, even after the basic nature of her mistake came to light…

The accident occurred around 4:30PM on the afternoon of the 26th; a female college student (19) crashed her car into a Family Mart, located in Akita.

According to the lady driver’s account, she had tried to stop the car in the parking lot, but in her haste mistook the accelerator for the brakes.

A 48-year old male customer who was in the store at the time suffered minor injuries to his upper face as a result of broken glass sent flying through the air after the vehicle collided with the store. He was quickly rushed to a hospital for treatment.

The driver appears not to have been injured (except perhaps to her pride).

In Japan incidents involving collisions typically hold the larger of the two involved at fault. This does not however, apply to entire convenience stores…

Via ZakZak.

    Comment by Anonymous
    2009-01-28 09:44:09

    oooh so that’s how you spell conbini meaning convience store XD

    Comment by Anonymous
    2009-01-28 11:30:28

    actually its a Konbini -> コンビに lol

    Comment by Artefact
    2009-01-28 11:42:45

    I’ll let someone else correct your kana abuse in turn…

    Comment by Freedom III
    2009-01-28 12:27:20

    Will do…コンビニ…

    Comment by Anonymous
    2009-01-28 12:50:12

    If there was ever a time to make extra sure you’re not saying something stupid, it’s when you’re trying to correct somebody else. ;)

    Comment by Anonymous
    2009-01-28 19:20:56

    It’s normal to write it with a “c” since it’s from “convenience”.

    Comment by Chen
    2009-01-29 05:14:33

    Wait minute.
    コ = ko
    but isn’t コ = co also true? (Nico Nico?)

    I have no idea. I just started learning kana, like.. last year. But I don’t really need it, so it’s hard to keep those characters in mind.

    And I startet really learning english about 2 years ago, so don’t take me for a moron xD hm.. 2 years ago was also, when I started watching Anime on a regular basis. (With english Fansubs.) God did I feel helpless watching Evangelion three years ago…

    Comment by Anonymous
    2009-01-29 05:33:48

    Since the letter “C” can have the same sound as “K” It’s sometimes used interchangeably. When I was in Japan, I saw many such instances of this. Also personally, I’d romanize it as “Conbini”, for the reasons stated above.

    Comment by Quen
    2009-01-29 05:41:16

    In all the currently used romanization systems for Japanese, コ = ko.

    However, the Japanese syllabaries (similar to alphabets) have a substantially smaller amount of sounds they can make compared to an alphabet system like the Roman alphabet, something it trades in return for losing the “how do I pronounce this word?” problems common in English, French, etc.

    Since there is no “co” kana symbol, a Japanese writer wanting to put “co” into Japanese is forced to use コ or こ, the closest substitute.

    That doesn’t change the fact that the original intent was to write the letters “co”, so some knowledge of the intended romanization is needed by the reader. As an example, everyone knows it’s “Nico” and not “Niko”, because it’s shown all over the website.

    It’s important to remember that the Roman alphabet and Japanese syllabaries are completely different writing systems, and romanization systems are only approximations of what people “think” is closest to the original words.

    In other words, it’s safer and easier to think of コ / こ as コ / こ, and not ko / co.

    Comment by Chen
    2009-01-29 06:07:54

    Thanks for the explanation.

    It’s just too bad, that nearly no one of the people living around me, will ever think of コ / こ as something with a meaning. Well,.. most of the people around here can’t even understand english. But I think it was worth learning anyway. And if it was just to understand every article on this side.

    Comment by Riful
    2009-01-28 09:45:21

    Nice knowing that woman are awful drivers world wide and not just in the U.S.

    Comment by Shimu
    2009-01-28 09:52:26


    Who’s car insurance is more pricey for those under 25 years old?

    Comment by Anonymous
    2009-01-28 10:49:26

    Coincidentally, the under 25 male crowd get in those accidents because they are trying to impress women. Ergo, women are the seed of evil.

    Comment by Anonymous
    2009-01-28 18:59:12

    We women can impress whilst still maintaining our lower car insurance premiums.
    Ergo, suck it.

    Comment by Jarmel
    2009-01-28 23:18:47

    Impressing who? What man in his right mind would let a woman drive a car? In fact she should be spread out on the bed ready for when he gets back picking up “supplies”.

    Comment by Chris
    2009-01-28 10:34:19

    The real question is, what was she doing in the car rather then the kitchen?!

    We can only hope she was making a (dangerous) trip to the convenience store for more cooking supplies.

    Comment by Jarmel
    2009-01-28 10:41:04

    What an irresponsible husband, he should have known better, and just ordered the food online. He needs to smack her when she gets home.

    Comment by Rawr Fear
    2009-01-28 18:51:34

    Dude, that has to be the best comment I’ve ever read on this site. If I could + rep, I so would right now.

    Comment by Anonymous
    2009-01-28 11:13:04

    She had a trifecta going against her. She was a Japanese woman trying to park a car. I could have been worse, though. If she were over 50, there would have been multiple casualties.

    I only half joke about this. The women in my family, and others I know, may drive well enough, but often have trouble parking, regardless of if it’s a pull-in spot or parallel parking. Can I get confirmation from other Asians since, from what I’ve seen on the street, it doesn’t seem to be restricted to Japanese women?

    Comment by Anonymous
    2009-01-28 09:56:38

    Same stories that we hear in other countries as well.
    Seems to happen everywhere in the world.

    Comment by Anonymous
    2009-01-28 10:28:24

    Agreed. Stupid post is stupid.

    Comment by Artefact
    2009-01-28 10:38:55

    We hear them all the same.

    Comment by Sabotei
    2009-01-28 10:00:29

    I once mistook the break for the accelerator… on a motorcycle when I was like 9.

    Nothing specific happened though except me falling off…

    Comment by p1k4ch3w
    2009-01-28 10:59:46

    Pikachu is not impressed.

    Comment by sankyuu
    2009-01-28 11:08:44

    obviously the convenience store is at fault for being in the path of an asian woman driver

    Comment by lolipedofin
    2009-01-28 11:55:13

    lololol…. now how stupid can one be…?!

    Your last remark definitely made my day…

    Comment by Phuong
    2009-01-28 12:19:21

    *sigh* women drivers…

    Comment by KYPMbangi
    2009-01-28 19:00:47

    Looks like you can get away with anything in Japan. LOL

    Comment by ipood
    2009-01-28 22:35:35

    It always impresses me how many insane/incompotent people are able to obtain a driver’s license, nothing pisses me off more than drivers without common sense.

    Comment by Anonymous
    2009-01-29 03:37:04

    comments to this made my day artical is funny to. <3

    Comment by Anonymous
    2009-01-29 01:31:15

    I lol’d

    Comment by rav3n
    2009-01-29 05:04:22

    A driven-in, huh… ?

    Comment by rav3n
    2009-01-29 05:04:45

    meant drive-in though…


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