Oklahoma students vow to fight violence

Published: November 19, 2008

An nonviolence exhibit opened Tuesday at the state Capitol. PHOTO BY JIM BECKEL, THE OKLAHOMAN

Teasing, gossip, bullying and name-calling are root causes of violence among today’s youths, a coordinator for a group trying to curb violent acts in Oklahoma’s schools said Tuesday.


"We see violence constantly on television and films and video games.” said Dianna Freeland, area coordinator for the local chapter of Soka Gakkai InternationalUSA.

Freeland’s organization brought a national, nondenominational exhibit, "Victory over Violence,” for display through Thursday in the first floor of the state Capitol.

The Capitol is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

During a ceremony to mark the exhibit’s arrival at the Capitol, about 60 students from Millwood Public Schools presented signed pledges to respect others and to value their own lives.

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