Musical anime White Album has a long history, starting off as an adult game by Aquaplus, and being adapted into a manga, an anime and a PS3 visual novel.
The character designs show some notable changes throughout:
The PC version:
The manga:
The anime:
The PS3 version:
The PC version illustrated is actually the “Renewal” version; sad voices have been raised at the fact that it still doesn’t come close to the PS3 version’s character designs…
I don’t know why you put this kind of picture to show design for the anime because this pic is only an art to promote the anime while the look of the real anime is much better.
Like all design… anime too, but not this pic, but the one in the actual anime.
dingo on "Test Topic" I noticed earlier you can't delete your images without deleting the post first. ... キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! ( ゚Д゚)ハァ? ... testing Ascii Art. I gu...
Anonymous on "Laws on Underage Hentai" Please read this and tell me what you think. *Cries*.
dingo on "How many manga volumes do you have?" Since starting collecting manga two years ago I've 106 volumes including 19 in the original Japanese. The Japanese volumes are mostly gifts,...
Anonymous on "Anime Dreams 2009" Oops... Sorry... Reposting again with pics fixed... ^^; I dunno why, but I´m can´t post when I´m logged in... ._.;;;; Hey ppl, take a look a...
Anonymous on "Anime Dreams 2009" Hey ppl, take a look at our cosplayers from Brazil. This weekend we had Anime Dreams 2009 edition. More pics at:
The comments posted on Nico videos are inserted into the video instead of the usual comments below the content (like here on Sankaku Complex).
They can... More
>Who the hell voted for Dragonball Evolution they must be total retards
retard here!
Well, i'm sorry, but i don't see how the anime game looks better,... More
Yuki in the PS3 version = Winner
Same goes to Rin.
Hmmm PC version…
Love the PS3 and Manga designs
I really liked hte manga design. Hated the anime design.
PS3 version > All the rest
PS3 is def the winner here!
PC wins, because of the Extra contents :D
I don’t know why you put this kind of picture to show design for the anime because this pic is only an art to promote the anime while the look of the real anime is much better.
Like all design… anime too, but not this pic, but the one in the actual anime.