Deathly Expansion - a morbidly bizarre affliction

This unfortunate young lady (23) is not pregnant; at least not with child – she harbours instead a truly gargantuan tumourous growth in her belly, which has grown to its current proportions over the last two years or so, and seems set to be her undoing.

Treatment is not forthcoming: she is poor and of limited means, with no family, and Chinese health care is expensive.

What will the grisly conclusion of such a continuing affliction be? The morbidly obvious conclusion is none too appealing, though as she is having trouble eating she may at least be spared that… Her future does not look bright.

Via Heaven, original Chinese article here (plenty of delightful photos there too). Read an update.

Deathly Expansion - a morbidly bizarre affliction

    Comment by Phenie
    2008-07-09 15:23:05

    And after just finishing Trauma Centre 2… and I thought GUILT wasn’t real… just how wrong was I…

    I’m surprised she can stand like that :|

    Comment by DemonLordShugo
    2008-10-31 00:27:01

    Holy shit!!!
    Man, I feel sorry for this chick, maybe it’s a teratoma


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