Holiday Seasonはどうですか?
Hi everyone!!
I hope you’re all having a fantastic holiday time!
I don’t really celebrate Christmas, but I was very happy to get all the happy wishes from you all!!!
So I have to say this has been the busiest week I’ve had in a while. Entertainment wise especially.
I don’t have many pictures from the previous days, but I took a bunch yesterday, to make up for it!
I’m very short on money these days, so I’m extremely grateful for having all these fun things happening, even though I feel I didn’t deserve it…
喜多先輩に参加した「アニソン X’mas サミット~アニソンHolly X’mas in TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FORUM~」イベントに行きました!(ありがとうございました、本当に!!)(http://sp.eplus.jp/event/2008/11/xmas-holly-xmas.html)

So on the 21st, I went to Senpai’s (Shuhei Kita)’s Xmas anime song live event (Thank you so much!!). There were a lot of great anime song singer classics there!!! (http://sp.eplus.jp/event/2008/11/xmas-holly-xmas.html)
They sang popular anime song themes along with an orchestra. It was sooo beautiful!!
I only got to see the first part of the concert though, unfortunately. But I was very satisfied.
On the 23rd, we had another meeting with Tokita-san (from the Sukima Switch duo). Finally, things are progressing little by little. We’re soon going to make a test recording for the TV size version of the song (for the animation studio).
On the night of the 24th, even though I was a bit busy, my roommates were gathering in the kitchen, eating homemade cake, so I joined them for a little bit.

On the 25th, I had an interview for a website article, I’ll let you know when it gets published. 
I hope I got understood even though my japanese is so bad….^^; Everyone is being patient with me. I have to work hard!! Unrelated to the interview, we did a mini test photo session. It was so stressful for me… (lol)
On the 26th’s evening, I had a end-of-year dinner with the people from the same management company. I met a lot of nice and fun people. We ended the night at karaoke.

夜は急にコンサートに誘われました!梶浦由記さんのライブでした!*O* 嬉しすぎ。実は今年、日本に来てから三回目でした。長い話ですけど、すみません。。。(笑)だけど、本当に感謝しています。梶浦さんに羨ましい。。。こんな音楽の天才がいるなんて。。。無理かもしれないけど、私はいつか梶浦さんが書いた曲を歌いたい。。。ちっぽけな私の夢です。
そして、FictionJunction YUUKAのYuukaさんはソロで行く、フルネーム「南里侑香」で!(。。。私の日本語は正しくないと気がします。。。(汗))良かったですね!
続いてはメイン:梶浦さんも(ピアノで)、またWAKANAとKEIKO、そしてKAORIとYURIKO KAIDAと一緒に梶浦さんの素敵な曲を歌いました。セルフカバーもしました!!次のアルバムでそんな形でするらしい。楽しみにしています!!
On the night of the 27th, I had another unexpected concert to attend. Yuki Kajiura’s. I was so happy… To be honest, it was my 3rd Yuki Kajiura concert since I arrived in Japan. It’s a long story on how I even got to go each time, so I won’t talk about it, but I feel so lucky and grateful I had these wonderful opportunities. I envy Kajiura-san for being such a music genius. It might be a crazy dream but I hope someday I can sing a song written by her.
It looks like a Fan Club will finally be opened!
And then, Yuuka (mostly known as the Yuuka from the FictionJunction YUUKA project) also appearead as a special guest around the end and announced she would go solo next year, under her full name Yuuka Nanri.
The Kalafina girls were pretty as ever and sang wonderfully…
Then the concert continued with WAKANA and KEIKO along with the talented KAORI and YURIKO KAIDA, girls who have been doing a lot of projects for Kajiura-san. They did a lot of self-covers that seem like they will get released on an album next year.
They even sang ‘Yume no Tsubasa’, the Sakura/Syaoran character song from the Tsubasa Chronicles soundtrack. That reminded me of when Sakuranek0 and I sang it as a duet together. 
(duet link : http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZqyFk5fTnM)
Anyway….it was truly a wonderful concert. I even cried a little…>_<
I’m thankful for having a chance to go.

On the 29th, I went to the Comiket 75! It was my first japanese ‘convention’ experience. One of my friends really wanted to go to get things, so I tagged along. It was SO crowded. A sea of people (me who prefers calm, empty places….). But I didn’t die.
There was a whole area just for the Touhou doujin tables!!!
And the industry booths were upstairs. Even Nico Nico Douga has a booth… I had no idea.
Then my favorite time was in the cosplay area. I saw a lot of cute/gorgeous cosplayers!! I wanted to take more pictures. I’m sorry I’m only going to share a few (the ones I asked the permission to post).
There were a lot of Touhou cosplayers. And Haruhi. A lot of vocaloids (not just Miku). Gundam people. Macross Frontier. Bleach. Even Ranma 1/2?! Vampire Knight… Clannad…Sailor Moon…to only name a few. There was also a lot of cosplays from series I didn’t know.

I got really excited when I met a Rika and Hanyuu together!! 「Higurashi no Naku Koro ni/When they Cry」They were so cute. ♥♥
(I saw a Shion in her Angel Mort waitress outfit later too but didn’t get a chance to take a picture…T_T) I also saw 2 different Satoko’s, but they were in the comic area so we couldn’t take pictures there…. *cries*
Aren’t they cute?

Hatsune Miku!!! ♥♥
Just too cute. I love Miku.

Then haha, I’m sorry, the rest I’m posting is Macross Frontier!!!
I recently watched the whole series and fell in love with the characters, so I just had to take pictures of a few of them. (The songs from the series are so good, I’m thinking of buying all the singles and albums once I have the money)
The two great singers of Macross Frontier, Ranka Lee and Sheryl Nome!! ♥♥

Another superrrrrr cuuuute singing Ranka!!! ♥♥

And finally, another pair of Ranka and Sheryl.
Here is their cosplay website address, if you want to check it out!! They did a lot cosplays from various series. Wow ♥♥

Picture with the friends I went with! (Phil and Hikari (not the Hikari from the Anime song contest))
大丈夫だったけど、隣の店で水樹奈々のプロモビデオがありました。新しいDVD、Live Fighterの。:D いい偶然でしたね!

Afterwards, Phil needed a few more things and we ended up going to Akihabara. He made Hikari and I wait for a long time outside of the store, but right next to it was the promotion of Nana Mizuki’s new DVDs! What a nice coincidence.
By the way, I received my Nana Mizuki concert ticket on the 24th!! This one I got from my own hard efforts..haha. I’m so excited!! I can’t wait to go next month!! ♥♥

There was also a promotion bus for a game/series called Chaos;Head at the Comiket site, but there was also the same bus in front of us outside the store at Akiba. I thought they were following us. Haha…just kidding. But I watched this series. I thought it was a bit too quick/short, but I kinda liked the concept.
Then we ended up eating at a restaurant in Shinjuku where they had a huge salad bar. *_* I was able to eat a lot of yummy veggies and was happy….
I gotta be thankful to my friends.

Yesterday night (30th), I met with Nano and we went to a coffee shop to talk a little bit and we ended up going to the game center and took a LOT of purikura too!! Nano worked hard to get the both of us matching plushies!! They’re just TOO cute. I get all happy when I look at it now. I still didn’t give him a name. *^-^* ♥♥(Haha…we got a bit of help from a game center employee….*coughs*)
We talked about a lot of meaningful things in the meantime.
About life and this year…
I’m wishing good luck to Nano for the upcoming year. I hope we can both be in the world of music together soon.
Someone recognized me. O_O He asked me if I was Catherine and said he watched the Anisong Grand Prix on TV. Waaaah. XD ;;; I was so embarassed. I forgot to tell him I’m making my debut under the name HIMEKA though!!! >_<;;
I unfortunately caught another cold. I hope it goes away soon…. T_T
This year was both good and bad, but I’d say overall, it was better than worse.
I might not have luck in everything, but this year was the luckiest one for me in….. 20 years?
I am so grateful I have something ahead of me for the upcoming year. I’m really looking forward to it. Thank you to all the people who have been supporting me so far and intend to keep doing so. I will do my best with my debut next year!
もうすぐ2009になります。皆さんはいい目的を決めましたか? :)
My goals/resolutions/want-to-do list for 2009 :
-I want to improve my japanese
-I want to eat better/lose a few pounds/be more healthy
-I need to buy a new wallet (mine is from 1990 or so…) x_x;
-I want to go to the amusement park
-I want to go to the zoo
-I want to go to the aquarium
-I’d like to go back to Montréal for a week if it’s possible
-I want to participate in a holiday/end of year singing event
-I’d like to try to write a song myself
-I want to take good care of my friends
-I want to be more positive
-I want to worry about details less
As I’m typing this, it’s almost 2009 here in Japan. Did everyone decide on goals for the new year?
I hope you’re all having a good time. Take good care,
Love and magic sparkles~
My Last Iced Cocoa of the year :

~BONNE ANNÉE tout le monde!!! ~