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Links to Other Free Software Sites

To help promote knowledge of free software that isn't GNU software distributed by the FSF, we have collected the following links to other web sites that contain free software, or is directly related to the issue of free software.

We do not have links to web sites of the well-known GNU/Linux system distributions, or to the well-known BSD system distributions, because all those sites explicitly describe, and facilitate access to, various non-free programs. We would be glad to know of other free software web sites that we could link to here.

The FSF is not responsible for the content of other web sites, or how up-to-date their content is.

Free GNU/Linux distributions

These are the GNU/Linux distributions we know of which only include and only propose free software. They reject non-free applications, non-free programming platforms, non-free drivers, or non-free firmware “blobs”. If by mistake they do include any, they remove it. To learn more about what makes for a free GNU/Linux distribution, see our Guidelines for Free System Distributions.

If you know of a distribution that may qualify but isn't listed here, please ask the distribution's maintainers if they want to follow these free software principles. If they do, and they would like their distribution to be listed here, they should write to <>. Some distributions are making efforts to move toward a completely free system. We thank them for their on-going work to achieve that goal, and hope to list them here some day.

All of the distributions that follow are installable to a computer hard drive and most can be run live. They are listed in no particular order. We list companies that sell hardware preinstalled with a free GNU/Linux distribution separately.

The following distributions have expressed their intent to follow the Guidelines for Free System Distributions, and are currently under review:

Other free operating systems

We would especially like to know of other free operating systems that have a policy not to include, or recommend, non-free software. Developers of such operating systems that wish us to be aware of their system should contact <>. These systems also follow our Guidelines for Free System Distributions.

Collections of free software

Free software documentation

The documentation at these sites may be older than the latest versions distributed by GNU.

Unofficial GNU sites

Free knowledge & free culture

Organizations related to free software

Companies that support free software development, and exclusively free software development

Organizations that work for freedom in computer development and electronic communications


These sites provide hosting for free software packages, focused on source code. We don't list other well-known hosting sites since they have advertisements or other encouragement for proprietary software. As usual, contact us at <> if you have suggestions for the list.

In contrast, these sites offers general hosting for domains, including email and web support, with an emphasis on the libre philosophy. They are not directly focused on software development.

News about free software

These sites offer updated news about GNU and other free software.

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