

User of the day

User profile Profile lazymamba
I'm not good at English.
Therefore, please forgive if I mistakes.

I'm 27 years old Japanese male.

Project total CPU time equivalent to: 888 years, 49 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes of Athlon 1400 CPU time.

Best Results:

hceyz72: Score: 1883763  Settings: B:GI:XMXF:B256:AUBXCMERFGIQJKNYOTPWVZ
effenyodendetersixssfruenrdursersumnenxannuenioiiningrneunebeuenkuleplnu found by Eliot Meadow

awgly100: Score: 2244349  Settings: B:CS:AXWI:B152:BKCLDOEHFSGXITPUQRWZ
ygrentbsnwahagegenfnwosstvendrrvehtverseteabeglnxmfagerendansenhatenxsufecktrtelleinuyquineldkrhrlep found by The Uncle Bs


BOINC 6.6.0 for Mac
January 12, 2009
BOINC 6.6.0 alpha for Mac is now available at http://boinc.berkeley.edu/download_all.php. This version fixes wrong file permissions issues with Enigma@Home (and probably any other project which uses copy_file flag).
Also, BOINC dev-team could use some more Mac alpha testers, if anyone would like to become an alpha tester, please read here about it: http://isaac.ssl.berkeley.edu/alpha/.

Short downtime
December 11, 2008
Today (11 December) around 1pm GMT+2 the server will be shut down for a short period of time (around 1~2 hours), because one of the databases has to be moved to new hard drive.
Hardware replacement
November 04, 2008
I'm going to shutdown one of the servers to replace faulty network card. The BOINC server will stay online, however the work generator will be stopped so it's possible that the server will run out of work.
5.19/5.20 Optimized app
August 10, 2008
If you're running v5.17 optimized app, please update your app_info.xml and all app files to 5.19 (Windows) or 5.20 (Linux). Old version can't handle new task templates so it can't run awgly100 workunits.
Forum thread

Server up
July 20, 2008
After a long break the project is up, with a lot of workunits to crunch. Please read these forum posts to see what's planned/changed: 501 505 504

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