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コメント インタビュー 今回の気になるぅ〜


Communication entertainment for a new era!


A final word from Yamazaki-san...



You have to be patient sometimes. But please be persistent.
And please be enthusiastic all the time.
Then you will find your path in the future, I believe.


Interview -- Buzz Aldrin


Now let's go back 40 years, when space was truly for the select few.
Two astronauts were the first people in the history of mankind to set foot on the moon.
One of them was Buzz Aldrin, a specialist in astronautical engineering.


Patrick Harlan (PH): If I'd set foot on the moon, I would have been shrieking and jumping up and down and just going nuts. And everyone seemed so composed. Wasn't it just an overwhelming experience?
Buzz Aldrin (BA): Well, it's a sobering experience. It's a reflective experience. And you're on camera. You know, you don't want to do anything...flip or lose control.

PH: But you're cool under fire.
BA: We try and stay that way, yes. That's the best way to survive.


PH: What are your plans? What are your dreams for the future?
BA: I am very proud of what we, as Americans, have been able to do. And I would like to see a leadership position, not just an "open sharing. "

We need cooperation; in many ways, we need the contributions of people. But we really need to make use of the space above us for the resources, for the inspiration for our young people, for the technological advancements, and for finding life somewhere else and living somewhere else.
PH: Right.
BA: think it's about time to consider doing that. And it's a very bright future. And I look forward with optimism.

At 78, he still has that pioneer spirit with regard to the great frontier of space.


今週の『気になるぅ〜!』 もあちゃん


Space travel is uncharted territory. So the contracts are full of specialized language listing every possible danger and demanding fully informed consent.
(宇宙旅行は未知の領域 契約書にはあらゆる危険とそれに対する同意事項が専門用語でぎっしり!)



uncharted territory は「地図になっていない地域、未知の領域」っていう意味で、よくビジネスなどでも
This is uncharted territory for us.




That's Kibo -- a spaceship with a spacious interior. And because weight is a weighty consideration at lift-off, Kibo is made of special lightweight alloys.
(居住空間の大きさが自慢の「きぼう」 宇宙への打ち上げには重量も考慮する必要があるため 軽量な特殊合金を駆使して作られている)





weighty は weightの形容詞で、



Weight is a weighty consideration at lift-off.


ちなみにweight の動詞はweigh
We have to weigh the pros and cons.




Weight is a weighty matter for me!

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