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Title: Kudo Shizuka (+ pernikahannya dgn Takuya) ~news, facts, bits & pieces~
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Registered: 09/23/2005
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(Date Posted:01/13/2006 04:01:53)


Dari Daily Mainichi News

Pop-culture vultures spy cracks in famous family unit
SMAP heartthrob Takuya Kimura and his squeaky-voiced singer spouse Shizuka Kudo are set to split -- at least that's what Japan's tabloid media would have people believe, according to Shukan Shincho (1/19).

"There was this rumor that all the sports (tabloid) newspapers were going to run the divorce story on their front pages of their New Year's Day editions. It didn't end up working out that way. But there were reports that, toward the end of last year, one of the top executives of Burning, a talent agency that runs the agency that looks after Kudo, gathered a bunch of reporters and asked them to find out who'd spread the rumor of a divorce."

An insider from the English conversation school where Kudo takes classes has been cited as the source of the salacious story snippets.

"Everybody was talking about how one of the couple had found a new 'friend' of the opposite sex, but it turns out this news was actually a deliberate leak," an editor for the entertainment section of a woman's magazine tells Shukan Shincho. "Apparently, what's going around on the grapevine now is that the couple's kids have gotten older and Shizuka's got more spare time on her hands. She wants to get her singing career back into swing full-time, but Kimura wants her to stay at home."

Kimura and Kudo have two young daughters. But there are plenty of people out there who would like to see the family split.

"In an Internet poll of the celebrity couple most likely to divorce, the Kimura-Kudo match ranked top," the entertainment beat editor says. "There are loads of fans who expect them to call it quits."

SMAP's decision to ease the firm control over its destiny held by its talent agency, Johnny & Associates Inc., has also fueled divorce talk.

"Johnny's would love to see Kimura divorce," the sports rag hack tells Shukan Shincho. "If he can become a movie superstar as he gets older, he's going to attract plenty of attention from unmarried fans."

But through all the hints of disharmony, there are others who argue the opposite.

"All this innuendo started because during some year-end TV show somebody wrote down the couples' initials as the most likely pair to part," glitterati reporter Kozo Inoue tells Shukan Shincho. "But I doubt Kimura and Kudo will divorce. They've probably got the best relationship of any celebrity couple in the entertainment world." (By Ryann Connell)

January 13, 2006

Tapi minna, mohon diingat kebenaran ttg kemungkinan cerai masih harus benar2 menunggu konfirmasi dari pihak Kimura & K***. Bisa jadi bener, bisa jadi tidak. 

Sebagai fans yg baik, lebih kita berdoa supaya Tuhan nunjukin ke kita ttg benar tidaknya berita itu, dan yg terpenting supaya Kimura dikasi yg terbaik. Amiiin.

Gue sedih banget nih... Kimura-kun, daijoubu kana...


My dear firefly, with your beautiful illuminous light. Chasing after you to make you mine. Brightening the darkest of my nights. I reach through the air towards where you are, still glowing, still sliding, still floating, still flying...

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Registered: 09/24/2005
Time spent: 8781 hours

(Date Posted:01/13/2006 06:04:57)

Kok gue bacanya sedih gitu ya, merinding di setiap kalimat yg gue baca dan bikin mata berkaca2. Gak tau beritanya bener apa ngga tapi yg kebayang sama gue perasaaan Takuya aja. Kebayang gimana dulu dia menerima segala resiko dengan menikah dan sekarang gosipnya kayak gitu. Kimura-kun daijoubu kanaa....

kimi wa atashi no sekai no subete


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Rank:in Love
From: indonesia
Registered: 09/25/2005
Time spent: 3286 hours

(Date Posted:01/13/2006 06:40:20)

ahhh jadi beneran toh ada gossip2 seperti ini ??...kemaren siang waktu amaguri ngasih kabar ini, bener2 nggak percaya kiarain boongan, sampe malemnya sms-an ama kai-ho-ku saking penasarannya...ooohhhh kimura kun sabar ya yg tabah semoga cobaan ini cepet berlalu....

sebenernya nih dr lubuk hati yg paling dalam gw sedih banget denger gossip ini taappiiii disisi lain gw juga seneng seandainya berita ini bener (nahh lho..,bingung kan)......mmmhhh jd gmn nih disatu sisi gw dukung banget kalo Takuya-K*** cerai tapi disisi lain kasian dan nggak tega liat 2 anak perempuan mereka mesti nanggung perceraian ortu mrk...duh duh bagai makan buah simalakama nih

Kimura-kun...., meski ini baru rumor/gossip kami tetep mendukungmu apapun keputusannya nanti

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Registered: 09/24/2005
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(Date Posted:01/13/2006 07:15:22)

Minna-san, denger gosip kimura mau cerai kok gw rada nggak percaya ya? Buat gw itu cuma strategi surat kabar/majalah aja bikin gosip supaya oplahnya naik. Lagipula, di bayangan gw, karakter Kimura tuh bukan tipe orang yang gampang ngambil keputusan "cerai", blum lagi Kimura pasti mikirn banget nasib kedua anaknya. Gw percaya, Kimura tipe orang yang ngedepanin keluarga, dan kalaupun ada goncangan, dia akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin mempertahankan keluarganya. Ini pandangan gw lho... Kalaupun Kimura-san mau cerai, palingan gara2 Kudo-nya yang nggak beres atau selingkuh. Gw jadi inget, dulu kan banyak juga gosip Hyde-Megumi mau cerai, tapi sampai sekarang masih adem-adem aja Mungkin kimura-kudo juga kaya gitu yah..


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From: Indonesia
Registered: 01/08/2003
Time spent: 893 hours

(Date Posted:01/13/2006 08:23:26)

Takashi Sorimachi dan Nanako Matsushima juga digosipin mau cerai terus, tapi skrg malah punya anak^^  Mungkin kalo Takuya-Kudo mau cerai, gue dukung kalo 5thn lagi....biar anak2nya udah gedean dikit x)  Tapi kayaknya ini masih gosip aja ya. Gue juga engga percaya kalo Takuya mau cerai segampang itu....kecuali kalo pernikahan mereka memang sudah ada masalah sejak 3-5 thn yg lalu, dan Takuya berhasil menutupi masalah2 itu gak bocor ke media, dan baru skrg mau cerai.

Kata media2 Cina, alasan2 perceraiannya gara2 Kudo terlihat dgn laki2 lain. Dan masalah timbul sejak bpk mertua Takuya meninggal....Kudo dan ibunya jadi menguasai keluarga Takuya, yg memutuskan segala2nya. Ada juga gosip krn Kudo pengen berkarir penuh lagi sbg penyanyi, tapi dilarang Takuya.

Halah, halah....gosip, gosip...

But, by the way...kok gue gak liat Takuya down sama skali ya, di Kouhaku? Kayaknya fine2 aja. Malah akhir2 ini, gue liat Takuya lagi genki2nya di SxS. Lagi terlihat senang.... O_o


A Daily Journal: http://yanie02.livejournal.com

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Registered: 10/01/2005
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(Date Posted:01/14/2006 04:33:59)

so... so... ya udah deh kalo gitu qt liat aja nanti... ng... kalo ada apa2... ngantri duluan ah... lagian surat lamaran dah siap dari dulu... heeeee.... *lariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii*
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Registered: 10/03/2005
Time spent: 1946 hours

(Date Posted:01/15/2006 04:03:06)

Binuuunnn...... binuuuunnnnn......... denger kabar Kimura kun mau cerai gue juga jadi binun niii....... antara seneng n bahagia (???)

Kalo mereka bener2 cerai, gue seneng banget krn si K*** jadi nggak mengganjal pikiran lagi. Tapi...... gimana dgn anak2nya ya... kan masih kecil. Gue berharap yg dpt hak asuh adalah Takuya. Krn kayaknya doi sayang banget sama kedua anaknya. Tapi ntar siapa yg ngasuh coba?? (Takuya ichiban ngacung semua deh!) Takuya kan super duper sibuk. Sedangkan di Jepang kayaknya ga model misalnya dititipin ke neneknya, ato obasan-nya, ato sodara lain lah!

Pokoknya gue gak bisa ngebayangin kalo Takuya harus pisah sama anak2nya. Tiiiidddaaaaaaakkkkkkk!!!! gue bakal menangis meraung raung! 

*yg lagi kepikiran*


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From: Indonesia
Registered: 09/25/2005
Time spent: 2953 hours

(Date Posted:01/15/2006 07:16:50)

Aku jadi sedih denger berita ini..  

moga it's not true.. just rumor


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Registered: 11/11/2005
Time spent: 1231 hours

(Date Posted:01/15/2006 08:06:27)

Reply to : hanbok

Aku jadi sedih denger berita ini..moga it's not true.. just rumor

Honest....gue sih, gak begitu "masalah" sih ma K***....maunya....takuya happy selalu deehh...tapi denger berita itu...gue sediiiiihh...kasian ma takuya, terlebih ma 2 angelnya yang masih pada kecil2....Gue berharap...cuma gosssippppp...ayo berdoaaa.....!!!!...


Credit : ladyusagi of la creme_de asie

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Registered: 10/04/2005
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(Date Posted:01/15/2006 13:13:40)

Wahhh rame bener nich, kayaknya gw ketinggalan ya tp karena masih gosip 'n cuma perkiraan2 dr orang2 yg menurut gw belum bisa dipercaya jadi gw tenang2 aja sebab gw yakin klu Takuya mo divorce dia hrs mikirin 2 musume nya yg masih Balita yg artinya menurut hukum (klu gak salah) hrs ikut ibunya padahal dia kan suayang bgt ama 2 gadis kecilnya itu & kayaknya gak keliatan juga dr sikapnya dia yg tetep cerah ceria ditiap acara akhir tahun kemarin termasuk di Santaku kayaknya Ta-kun bahagia2 aja tuh jalan2 bareng Sanma mancing, jadi host di Santaku ketawanya juga masih ngakak seperti biasa dr awal sampe akhir acara. Apapun akhirnya nanti sebagai fans beratnya gw cuma bisa berharap yg terbaik utk my beloved Takuya Kimura, Ganbarimasho ne...
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From: Indonesia
Registered: 09/24/2005
Time spent: 8572 hours

(Date Posted:01/15/2006 13:35:39)


ketinggalan gosip ketinggalan gosip ^0^,,,

baru dah ada tekad mau nerima takuya apa adanya eh malah ada gosip mau cerai...BNR BGT yang bikin sedih and ga rela tuh anak2xnya,,.....apa yang gw bayangin jgn2x bakal kejadian nih..!!! *jgn ampe2x jgn ampe...(smbil komat kamit)


Hikkie CozY Place

Taku chan
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Rank:in Love
Registered: 09/26/2005
Time spent: 0 hours

(Date Posted:01/18/2006 03:38:08)

Semula gw n banyak Smappy ( gw yakin banget ) kalo tiup lilin make a wish-nya supaya Takuya C E R A I.

Tapi baca gossip kayak gini kok ternyata sedih juga yach. berarti selama ini kita salah baca doa yah??

Disatu sisi gw seneng, tapi disisi laen sedih. Sebagiai ibu dengan 2 anak, gw ngga rela kalo orang tua berpisah karna effeknya pasti jelek ke anak. gw sendiri beberapa kali punya big-big problem ma 'papanya' anak2x tapi dgn banyak discusi akhirnya kita ambil keputusan tuk ngga egois tapi mikirin banget kepentingan anak2x.( kok gw jadi curhat gini seeh....! )

Ngga ada intinya banget yak postingan gw .Tapi doa gw sekarang berubah deh, gw berdoa supaya TUHAN kasih jalan yang terbaik tuk Yayang yang jauh di sana. Kalo emang ternyata Takuya happi dengan perkawinannya gw juga ikut happi kok. Dan kalo  cerai emang jalan yang terbaik tuk dia, semoga Takuya n K***  punya kesepakatan yang baik untuk Kokomi n Mitsuki supaya 2 angel ini tetep punya masa depan yang cerah dan masa kanak2x yang terindah. Amin.....

Tapi gw udah siapin nih lamaran tuk jadi baby sitternya Kokomi n Mitsuki, jadi begitu rumor itu jadi kenyataan gw orang pertama yang kirim lamaran.(tetep...)kek..kek...kek...

IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r229/kucici/chrismastpoem.jpg[/IMG]credit yoogals@yoohouse

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From: Indonesia
Registered: 09/25/2005
Time spent: 2953 hours

(Date Posted:01/18/2006 07:36:34)

Pop-culture vultures spy cracks in famous family unit

SMAP heartthrob Takuya Kimura and his squeaky-voiced singer spouse Shizuka Kudo are set to split -- at least that's what Japan's tabloid media would have people believe, according to Shukan Shincho (1/19).

"There was this rumor that all the sports (tabloid) newspapers were going to run the divorce story on their front pages of their New Year's Day editions. It didn't end up working out that way. But there were reports that, toward the end of last year, one of the top executives of Burning, a talent agency that runs the agency that looks after Kudo, gathered a bunch of reporters and asked them to find out who'd spread the rumor of a divorce."

An insider from the English conversation school where Kudo takes classes has been cited as the source of the salacious story snippets.
Takuya Kimura

"Everybody was talking about how one of the couple had found a new 'friend' of the opposite sex, but it turns out this news was actually a deliberate leak," an editor for the entertainment section of a woman's magazine tells Shukan Shincho. "Apparently, what's going around on the grapevine now is that the couple's kids have gotten older and Shizuka's got more spare time on her hands. She wants to get her singing career back into swing full-time, but Kimura wants her to stay at home."

Kimura and Kudo have two young daughters. But there are plenty of people out there who would like to see the family split.

"In an Internet poll of the celebrity couple most likely to divorce, the Kimura-Kudo match ranked top," the entertainment beat editor says. "There are loads of fans who expect them to call it quits."

SMAP's decision to ease the firm control over its destiny held by its talent agency, Johnny & Associates Inc., has also fueled divorce talk.

"Johnny's would love to see Kimura divorce," the sports rag hack tells Shukan Shincho. "If he can become a movie superstar as he gets older, he's going to attract plenty of attention from unmarried fans."

But through all the hints of disharmony, there are others who argue the opposite.

"All this innuendo started because during some year-end TV show somebody wrote down the couples' initials as the most likely pair to part," glitterati reporter Kozo Inoue tells Shukan Shincho. "But I doubt Kimura and Kudo will divorce. They've probably got the best relationship of any celebrity couple in the entertainment world." (By Ryann Connell)

January 13, 2006

Sumber:Mainichi-Daily News


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Registered: 07/29/2005
Time spent: 2576 hours

(Date Posted:01/18/2006 08:19:24)

Reply to : hanbok

Pop-culture vultures spy cracks in famous family unitSMAP heartthrob Takuya Kimura and his squeaky-voiced singer spouse Shizuka Kudo are set to split -- at least that's what Japan's tabloid media would have people believe, according to Shukan Shincho (1/19)."There was this rumor that all the sports (tabloid) newspapers were going to run the divorce story on their front pages of their New Year's Day editions. It didn't end up working out that way. But there were reports that, toward the end of last year, one of the top executives of Burning, a talent agency that runs the agency that looks after Kudo, gathered a bunch of reporters and asked them to find out who'd spread the rumor of a divorce."An insider from the English conversation school where Kudo takes classes has been cited as the source of the salacious st

Takuya divorce story...????
Wuah sampe2 Om Johny ikut ngedukung..
kok gue gue mikirnya jadi kasian ya karena kayaknya SMAP n anak2 johnys lain emang ga didukung untuk berkeluarga n diijinin have a nice family gitu ya ??? teganya om johnnys

Tapi Perasaan gue, kayaknya kok Takuya emang mau cerai ya...??
Ngeliat tingkah laku Takuya belakangan ...


P - chan
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Rank:first love
Registered: 10/02/2005
Time spent: 4496 hours

(Date Posted:01/20/2006 10:14:24)

reibaa ga suki !!! 野明

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From: Indonesia
Registered: 09/24/2005
Time spent: 8572 hours

(Date Posted:01/21/2006 04:39:25)

baru baca tabloid APLUS...ternyata gosip takuya kudo cerai dah sampe koran Indo nih *LOL*

isinya ttg gosip cerai takuya kudo yang dicurigai dah dari setahun yang lalu,gara2x ga pernah keliatan liburan musim panas berdua lagi,and terakhir kali mereka liburan tuh 2 th yang lalu,ditambah si kudo ketauan jalan ma laki lain and bilang kalo dia mau balik lagi ke dunia nyanyi tapi dilarang ma takuya

berita yang itu sih cuma sedikit..tapi yang gw seneng disebelahnya ada bahasan ttg SMAP satu halaman (akhirnya ada juga..^0^)



Hikkie CozY Place

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From: Indonesia
Registered: 01/08/2003
Time spent: 893 hours

(Date Posted:01/21/2006 07:20:12)

Posted by nakai_lover:

takuya-shizuka divorce???? o_O;

check di http://mdn.mainichi-msn.co.jp/waiwai/face/news/20060113p2g00m0dm028000c.html

um..gue ga tau ini bener apa ga..tp lagi rame di bicarain yak..
sedih sih kalo ini beneran...moga aja cuma gosip.. >_<
toh mrk uda punya 2 anak...kasian anaknya uey kalo sampe cere

Moderator: Mei, thread yg loe create gue delete yah...kan udah dibahas disini^^ yoroshiku.

A Daily Journal: http://yanie02.livejournal.com

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From: Indonesia
Registered: 09/25/2005
Time spent: 2953 hours

(Date Posted:01/23/2006 05:29:15)

Source: http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg

Marriage on the rocks?

TALK is rife that Japanese couple Takuya Kimura and Shizuka Kudo have filed for divorce.

News apparently broke on 30 Dec, but was suppressed until recently as both their agencies denied the speculation.

The first signs of a rocky marriage reportedly surfaced mid last year, when the two surfing fanatics did not go on their annual beach vacation in Chiba.

Shizuka, 36, was later spotted shopping in Daikanyama with a man said to be a tutor in the English language school that she attends, and she apparently complained to friends that she yearned to return to showbiz but Takuya objected.

There was also talk that Takuya, 34, was unhappy living with Shizuka's parents and not allowed any voice in major family decisions, like his two daughters' education.

Further fuelling the divorce rumours last week was news that Takuya was selling the four-storey house in Tokyo that he was in the midst of building for his girls.

Both their agencies insisted that the couple will 'never divorce', but surely there is no smoke without fire?

by Chang May Choon


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From: Indonesia
Registered: 09/24/2005
Time spent: 8572 hours

(Date Posted:03/07/2006 19:01:36)

Heh..thread takuya kok ilang..taunya di hal 2

mau sharing..gara2x penasaran ma lukisan kudo ( kok gw ga ketemu2x yah ) jadi ikut ngubek2x freebird...eh malah nemu poto takuya lagi gandeng mitsuki,kokomi didepan suzuka dibelakang...huaaaaaaaaaa gw kok jadi doki2x..gimana gitu..!! takuya pake baju nyantai bgt..celana pendek ,ktnya nganter kokomi yang mau masuk Sekolah international ...

jadi rada kasihan,salut,..campur aduk dech..!!! kok kasihan..duh ga tau dech..ga bisa dijelasin...

eh kokomi ma mitsuki kok gedenya sepantaran yah sekarang..beda berapa sih 2 than yah??..


Hikkie CozY Place

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From: Indonesia
Registered: 09/24/2005
Time spent: 8572 hours

(Date Posted:06/14/2006 07:30:25)

Article: June 13, 2006

In this issue's Female Weekly, they managed to photograph Kimura and his wife taking their children to preschool last Thursday. The three year old has grown taller and nearing her 5 year old sister's height. Shizuka put them in similar clothes and they look like twins from afar. Kimura was walking a bit faster and called out to the three at the back, "Walk faster!" Shizuka held the hands of the two girls and smiled, looking very blissful.

Oricon Style magazine polled 600 members in their 20's and they voted Kimura as no. 1 dad, followed by Takashi Sorimachi. It is no wonder that Kimura wins because he spends time with his kids and yet he still looks young and fresh.


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Hikkie CozY Place

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Registered: 10/03/2005
Time spent: 1946 hours

(Date Posted:06/14/2006 07:40:52)

Reply to : hikkie

.Oricon Style magazine polled 600 members in their 20's and they voted Kimura as no. 1 dad, followed by Takashi Sorimachi. It is no wonder that Kimura wins because he spends time with his kids and yet he still looks young and fresh.

Makin cintaaa........!! Takuya emang papa yg baik. Cinta banget sama anak2nya. Dan masih awet muda. Yup! ga salah! He is a very good Papa!!

Tapi........... knp hrs ada tante itu??????!!!!!!!

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Registered: 09/24/2005
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(Date Posted:06/14/2006 13:56:33)

Reply to : amaguri

Reply to : hikkie.Oricon Style magazine polled 600 members in their 20's and they voted Kimura as no. 1 dad, followed by Takashi Sorimachi. It is no wonder that Kimura wins because he spends time with his kids and yet he still looks young and fresh.Makin cintaaa........!! Takuya emang papa yg baik. Cinta banget sama anak2nya. Dan masih awet muda. Yup! ga salah! He is avery good Papa!!Tapi........... knp hrs ada tante itu??????!!!!!!!
Tenang aja gur, taun depan tantenya bakalan ganti kok  keep on supporting Takuya-Matsu

kimi wa atashi no sekai no subete


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From: Indonesia
Registered: 09/24/2005
Time spent: 8572 hours

(Date Posted:07/20/2006 21:46:05)

In wen wei po, it was reported that Kimura's new residence is being constructed. Recently they were spotted in 代官山公園 a park. Every month the whole family went surfing once. In May, they went to Hawaii. So marriage problems rumors are not real.

**thanks to kimurafan


Hikkie CozY Place

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From: Indonesia
Registered: 01/08/2003
Time spent: 893 hours

(Date Posted:08/16/2006 12:46:47)

Kudo Shizuka mulai kerja lagi, dan mau release single baru. Gue punya 2 komentar baca berita ini, 1-2 minggu yg lalu:

1. Sapa yg mau beli single-nya?!?!??? xD  (apalagi, after all the uproar she created 6 yrs ago?? )  Eh, tapi sebaiknya jangan diremehkan juga deh, ibu satu ini. Sepertinya dia masih punya fans club yg anggotanya bapak2 middle-aged yg masih setia ama dia kok^^  I wish her all the luck in her career!(and I DO mean it^^)

2. Masa' sih, Takuya setuju? Takuya kan termasuk laki2 idealis yg pengen istrinya ngurus anak dan rumah. Dan kalo ga salah, ini udah perjanjian Takuya-Kudo dulu, sebelon Kokomi-Mitsuki cukup umur....Kudo gak boleh ber-karir musik dulu. Eh, bener gak, kai-ho-ku?? Confirm, please.  Atau mungkin Kokomi yg 5 taon dan Mitsuki yg 3 taon udah mereka anggap cukup besar?

Terakhir, hari ini ada berita artikel keluar di Jepang yg intinya: Kimura Takuya and Kudo Shizuka's relationship is in trouble now.

Gue SAMA SKALI tidak bermaksud apa2 ya, posting berita ini. Cuma hanya sekedar sharing, lagipula kemungkinan besar kan cuma gosip ^_~  Kali aja Takuya-Kudo lagi rukun2nya sekarang, mengingat foto2 Takuya di majalah2 sekarang ini lagi CERIAAAA, SMILEY dan GENKIII banget^^


A Daily Journal: http://yanie02.livejournal.com

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Registered: 10/03/2005
Time spent: 1946 hours

(Date Posted:08/17/2006 06:22:33)

Reply to : yanie

Terakhir, hari ini ada berita artikel keluar di Jepang yg intinya: Kimura Takuya and Kudo Shizuka's relationship is in trouble now.


Lebih cepat lebih baik deh. biar semuanya jelas. ga bikin gue H2C gini.

Yan, Takuya genki justru krn dia merasa kalo bentar lagi dia terbebas dari semua beban krn nenek itu kali..... bukan karena lagi rukun2nya (setidaknya itulah harapan gue)

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From: Indonesia
Registered: 01/08/2003
Time spent: 893 hours

(Date Posted:09/30/2006 08:19:22)

Waduh! Gawat....minna disini selaen hikkie sapa yg sering ke lacreme yak?? xD  Kalo hikkie sih, gak papa. Tapi cuma mau warning... kimuira, amaguri, jangan sampe visit2 lacreme kalo gak mau patah hati xD

Katanya Kudo Shizuka baru muncul di talk show dan bicara tentang kehidupan marriage-nya yg bahagia. Tahun pertama menikah, katanya mereka mesra banget kayak masih pacaran *muntah dulu sebentar*....  Sayang, yg ngomong begini bukan Takuya...gue jd agak mencurigai keakuratan-nya

Benernya, temennya ibu reverie, sang psikolog itu udah meng-analisa hasil lukisan Kudo^^ Tapi karena ternyata hasil analisa-nya adalah Kudo itu karakter yg menarik, terbuka, enak diajak ngomong, dan laen2 yg bagus2....reverie gak mau bagi2, takut pd gak siap mental bacanya    Dan reverie juga minta di-analisa kalo orang yg nge-lukis itu kawin ama orang yg ngelukis ini(gambar Takuya). Ternyata kata reverie, hasilnya juga bagus...tapi belon dibagi ke gue....takut gue gak siap mental, katanya...LOL! xD

At one point....gue memang sudah harus siap menerima kenyataan bahwa semua analisa gue ttg feeling Takuya salah.... Tapi pendapat gue tentang Kudo tidak berubah dan pendapat ttg pernikahannya yg aneh bin ajaib itu tetap tidak berubah. Hanya saja....ending yg gue harapkan, mungkin harus pasrah gue relakan tdk akan pernah terjadi x)  Zannen desu nee....  Tapiiii.......nasib orang siapa yang tahu sihh......  Pertama, ini Kudo yg ngomong bukan Takuya. Kedua, taon depan kan Takuya bakal syuting HERO movieee!!! Cihuy! LOL!!! (taunya Matsu gak bisa jadi peran utama lagi!! Sial! )


A Daily Journal: http://yanie02.livejournal.com

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Registered: 09/24/2005
Time spent: 8781 hours

(Date Posted:09/30/2006 09:11:33)

Gue juga akhir2 ini sering ke la creme yan.

Alamaaakkk...ternyata ada thread khusus foto2nya Kudo ya. Gue sampe melongo bacanya, lebih males lagi liat foto2nya (duh, puasa nih....)
Ternyata banyak juga ya yg pro Kudo di la creme

kimi wa atashi no sekai no subete


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Registered: 10/03/2005
Time spent: 1946 hours

(Date Posted:09/30/2006 09:13:01)

Apes nih Yan!

Gue yg jaraaaanngg.... banget (baru 1x mungkin) masuk la creme, 2 hari terakhir ini gue iseng2 masuk sana. Dan apes lagi, gue langsung menemukan tred soal si nenek itu. Tentu aja beserta foto2nya yg nurut gue ada yg kliatan cantik (jujur nih), ada yg kliatan tua n jelek (lebih banyak yg ini sih drpd yg cantik). Dan tentu aja gue juga uda baca soal kluarga mereka yg katanya lagi mesra2nya itu. huek banget deh!!!

Makanya kemarin wkt arisan (kita biasa arisan lewat YM nih.,hhihhiii...) sama cendol n eno, temanya si nenek itu. dgn segala ketabahan hati tentunya. dan kali puasanya eno udah batal tuh, gara2 nyela2 si nenek mulu! ya ga no??

Walopun gw udah pernah dgr dari yani kalo org LC itu pd memihak takuya-kudo, tp wkt baca sendiri kemarin gue ngerasa sakit ati!! muji kudo nya berlebihan banget! ih! cuih!

Ups! ga gue terusin ah, ntar puasa batal.

Yah, tunggu aja berita selanjutnya deh!

O iya... hasil analisa lukisan itu ternyata bagus yaa...... no komen ah!

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From: Indonesia
Registered: 09/24/2005
Time spent: 8572 hours

(Date Posted:09/30/2006 20:17:48)

gw dah baca tuh artikel..kayanya dari show HEY3x dech karena kudo cuma muncul baru2x ini di acara talkshow itu !!........gw pernah ntn yang recapnya sumpah gak boong pas bagian kudo cdnya hang *LOL*

gw dah tau sih kl banyakan org2x lacreme dukung takuya kudo ..atau bisa dibilang kasarnya nerima !! krn waktu itu ada yang nanya knpa disini banyak yang suka kudo..trus dijawab!! mereka bukannya suka kudo tapi karena karena kenyataannya kaya gitu yah kita terima aja ..as long as perkawinannya baik2x aja yah gitu dech !! ** maap ini sebetulnya pendapat gw juga gini !! ** waktu pertama sih aga shock gw baca wahh kudo kok diterima dengan terbuka yah disini..tapi lama2x sudah biasa !! tapi gw gak pernah baca2x or ikutan di threadnya tuh !! abis liat SXS dia nyanyi ma takuya kok jadi mules yah hehe....liat2x potonya aja paling ...( li ngapain loe buka2x ?hehe gara2x gw bilang ada foto takuya kudo ntn bola yah ? ^0^ )

gw aja males liat potonya nyonya abis suka mikir " ihh takuya baka ja nee !! kaya gini kok mau" hehe....................


Hikkie CozY Place

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From: Indonesia
Registered: 01/08/2003
Time spent: 893 hours

(Date Posted:10/01/2006 07:29:56)

A Daily Journal: http://yanie02.livejournal.com

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