lundi 5 janvier 2009



a quick message to inform you there's a serious bug in 1.02 which prevents the application from running, affecting a significant number of users...
so here's the 1.02.1:

PS3 Media Server 1.02.1 for Windows/Linux/OSX

If you have no troubles with 1.02, you can skip it, as this one has very few fixes, aside this major bug:

- Fixes:
Major Bug in server start due to a faulty MAC address retrieval
PMS do not start after activating the archive browsing option
Media library small fixes

Good news is there's an OSX version working in Java1.5. It should be able to run with more macs !

dimanche 4 janvier 2009



the new version (1.02) is finally released. Some interesting features were added. Main one being the media library: It's a work in progress, so don't expect too much of it :p.
As I'm not a big fan of those huges databases you must constantly refresh,
the feature is disabled by default, so the application will behave like before. However, the media library has two purposes: to offer a view of your media files with some criterias (artist, date, etc.) and also to speedup the display of your folders on XMB, as the media library act like a parsing cache (metadata, thumbnails, etc.). So, to have a better browsing experience, but without the hassle of scanning all your folders, I would suggest to enable the media library (in the general configuration tab), and not touch the scan button (in the folders sharing tab). People who like to have their files organized with tags and such can happily click on that button, though :p (beware of loooong scan time if you have a lot of files). The media library is also a progressive learner, so it will update itself automatically when new or updated folders will be browsed on the XMB.

There's some fixes too. Such as better codecs support and A/V out of sync issues. About this, as there's not (yet?) perfect synchronization with every video file out there, the "Video Settings" Menu has been revamped, so playback options are easily changeable now. You can dynamically enable or disable the A/V sync alternative method (in case of out of sync), a deinterlacing filter, subtitles, etc.

I would also thank the people who are helping on the project code and the google groups, as they contribute to make this project more alive ! You can download new version here:

Download PS3 Media Server 1.02 for Windows/Linux (OSX version should come soon)

And here's the changelog:

- New features

Auto-updater, default configuration, cleanups and windows/linux build scripts (thanks to Tim Cox)
Media library (also act as a parsing cache): you can sort your files by date, ID3 tags, etc.
Playlists (m3u/pls) support
Preliminary album art support, better audio (flac) and tags parsing
New options for video resolution, deinterlace filter, and archives browsing
Video settings with an easier virtual menu (A/V sync, deinterlace, ...)
Windows service installer (working on 32 bits only)
New image parsing library: Better performance / EXIF support (sort photos by camera model, etc.)
DVR-MS addon

- Fixes

A/V out of sync issues with some ISOs and medias / codecs support improvement (flv, rmvb, hdmov, mp4, multichannels avi, etc.)
External subtitles not always loaded
Upnp advertising issue in search reply to the ps3 (thanks to Daniel Pedersen)
SkipLoopFilter is now disabled by default
Regression since 0.98, server would not start on some machines
Newest builds of ffmpeg/mplayer/mencoder for win32
Usual bunch of fixes

dimanche 21 décembre 2008

It's holiday time


A quick update to inform you there's no new official version this sunday (Merry christmas, btw :p). The version 1.00 have been downloaded more than 14000 times as of today (I didn't expect that :p), so I'm waiting for more feedbacks (and mostly time to solve important bugs). Besides, there's not much fixes/new features added now to make a release: You can check the actual Changelog here (there's some other little things, listed in the trunk revision log). If something in there interests you and are not afraid of beta testing , I've uploaded an 1.01 update package here. This is a beta package, remember, so things could be broken. You just have to extract contents into the application folder (and replace the pms.jar file). An official 1.02 version will follow next.

dimanche 14 décembre 2008

v1.00 / project status


first of all, I would like to thank all those who have donated, as it's kinda motivating to work like this :) Also, thanks for encouraging emails...

Project current status needs also some clarity: As I'm redistributing GPL components inside the PMS package (Mplayer, Mencoder, etc.), my project has by definition GPL license too. So I've uploaded the sources on this newly created project (OSX version, anyone ? :p), along with a google group dedicated to PMS. So if you have any questions, requests, issues, you can try there.

Now, about 1.00 version. It's a good step as I think the product somewhat stable (I'm using it since 2 months now). Small update anyway, and there's still some issues though, mostly about network, synched A/V, and video compatibility. I hope these will be solved with time. Also, the auto update feature will come one day, but meantime, from now on, I'll try to support existing PMS.conf files to make you avoid reconfigure settings for each new version. Some other features are on their way (parsing cache, start as a windows service), but not stable enough to include them in this release.

Download PMS v1.00 for Windows/Linux

Here's the changelog:

- New Features

GPL licensing :)
IDX/SUB support for AviSynth ONLY
Revamped some UI, especially transcoding settings for better usage (hope this will be not confusing)
First attempt to make a working and generic LPCM or AC3 automatic conversion with tsMuxer (seeking isn't working well and demuxed audio delays are not managed)
AviSynth script is now really fully customizable

- Fixes

Yet another flac parsing bug
Sync issues management for xvid/mp3
Rare and random video glitch due to another seeking bug
.ass subtitles files support
UUID random generation, it's now possible to launch multiple servers on one network.
Added wmv binary codecs in Windows package for smooth WMV-HD transcoding
VIDEO_TS folders are now case insensitive

dimanche 7 décembre 2008


Hi everyone,

Sunday has arrived and the new version as well! I have hopefully fixed many bugs with network / transcoder / video compatibility and added as well the DVD ISO/VIDEO_TS transcoder, thanks to Mencoder. As some of you kindly suggested me, and also as I stopped counting my hours on this project :), I've added a donation link on the right side of this blog.
Also, the next version (1.00) will be most likely focused on bugs fixing / usability (something like auto-update, with saved parameters), so if anything goes wrong with this one, just drop an email to ps3mediaserver at with detailed infos on what isn't working, joined with the debug file if possible.

PMS 0.99 for Windows
PMS 0.99 for Windows (8.7 Mb) [mirror]
PMS 0.99 for Linux (3.1 Mb)

Here's the Changelog:

- New features:

DVD ISOs images / VIDEO_TS Folder transcoder
DVR-MS support (need feedback)
Better subtitles configuration
Small things: FAQ, Thumbnail seeking position, UI changes, New Options, etc.

- Fixes:

Network/Transcode buffer fix: Wifi/Homeplug streaming should be Ok now.
A/V out of sync correction
Unsupported data error on almost SD videos when maximum bitrate was fixed
tsMuxer broken on Linux
Videos with FLAC audio tracks are now muxed to LPCM, along with DTS
Video was paused due to seeking bug
Audio files parsing method changes (Hope this will solve issues with some flac files)
Better support for audio low sample rates (<= 22kHz) based files
Subtitle files: .sub support was broken

dimanche 30 novembre 2008


Hi !

As every Sunday, new version is around the corner ! Some features were added, main one being the PCM transcoding for DTS movies. You may have some channels ordering issues, but workarounds are available in the Readme file. Try it !

PMS 0.98 for Windows (8.7 Mb)
PMS 0.98 for Windows [mirror]
PMS 0.98 for Linux (3.0 Mb)

Here's the complete changelog:

- New features:
Lossless 5.1 PCM transcoding with DTS movies
Customizable AviSynth script
Audio podcasts, just tested the one from Engadget
tsMuxer now working on Linux for basic muxing (don't forget to give it execution rights)
Web video streamdump engine (Useful for streams natively supported by ps3, such as mpeg on rtsp)
Maximum bitrate management
Small things: Runnable in console mode under Linux (" console"), Folder prioritization of a specific streaming/transcoding engine, Custom cover art, additional infos on thumbnails

- Fixes:
Potential network problem with Java/Vista + increase of packet ttl
Transcode will not start with potential error 80710091
Flac transcoder
Audio tags for all audio codecs
Faster start of audio transcoded files
Usual small bugs

- Changes:
Revamped inter process communication on Windows between Java/Mencoder/tsMuxer (much more elegant now).

dimanche 23 novembre 2008



The new version (0.97) is now ready to be released ! I've added some interesting features, such as a graphical interface to configure the application (no more file to edit!), the ability to remux without transcode in real time for those running on Windows, thanks to tsMuxer, and some little other things. I've hopefully solved this annonying upnp advertising bug, which was preventing some people to make the server work on ps3.

You can download the server here:

PMS 0.97 for Windows (8.4 Mb)
PMS 0.97 for Windows [mirror]
PMS 0.97 for Linux (2.6 Mb)

Here is the complete changelog:

- Added: GUI Configuration / Transcoding options, encoding presets, etc.
- Added: Ability to choose the default transcoding engine (mencoder only, avisynth+mencoder, avisynth+ffmpeg, tsmuxer, or none)
- Added: tsMuxer as a real time muxer (experimental)
- Added: A good audio tag reader library (
- Fixed: Bugs in UPNP advertising. PS3 should see the server now (if not, please send the debug.log file in the application folder to ps3mediaserver at
- Fixed: Mencoder font cache bug which prevents transcode to start
- Fixed: DLNA errors due to character encoding
- Fixed: New folders were not refreshed automatically
- Fixed: (maybe) Network streaming performance issue (need feedback on this)

I will try to add in the future, the possibility to serve lossless audio for those DTS based movies the ps3 does not support as a streaming client (not as easy as it seems :\). Ultimately, evolve this application in a blu ray movies streamer would be great but maybe I dream too much :p