Monday, January 5, 2009

FYI here is a list of Zhang Ziyi movies

Zhang Ziyi movies

[updated 81 photos] Zhang Ziyi caught naked at St. Barth! - 章子怡鹹濕露乳照 - 章子怡 露屁屁

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New Android Phone

there is a new Australian phone that uses the android platform. check out the Kogan Agora Pro

Friday, November 7, 2008

Improving my game

so... after 3 months of playing online poker, I think my game is finally improving. Just finished 3rd in a freeroll poker tournament which was not easy, considering there were 10000 participants. 5 hours of work, and I feel like a poker star =) I guess I should thank whoever posted this poker guide

港剧 - 上海滩

港剧 - 上海滩
主要演员:周润发 赵雅芝 吕良伟

Friday, October 24, 2008

Classic movies never dies

Watched a classic movie Rainman by Tom Cruise

Still love it just like the first time.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


超级星光大道20080926 我的第一张专辑