UPDATE: 10 May '08
I'm sort of on hiatus. Real life is busy so I haven't had the time
to upload or update that much. Sorry. I'm limiting myself to uploads
on my
vox - you can get Shukudai-kun and Himitsu from there if you're
desperate. Since this site is mostly for archiving purposes, I hope
you'll forgive me if I take a little break.
Please also note that TSD has had an erratic schedule lately, and
there haven't been a lot of episodes recently - hence the gaps between
the episodes.
~ sableheart
17 April '08
The site has been neglected for a while - sorry! m(_ _)m
Arashi has been too active in the last month, and this is reflected
in the huge update I have today. Two new pages! XD
My hard drive is now officially dead, so requests will have to wait.
I'm slowly making my way through the list and other dead links.
And finally, I know there is a problem with dead links on this site.
Please help me by telling me which links have recently died.
~ sableheart
take note:
New requests are not accepted at the moment. Re-upload requests
on alternative servers for files on the site can be made here.
However, please understand that I am not able to reupload files
which I do not have.
Dead links are italicised. If you happen to have the file and would
like to re-upload, it would be very much appreciated. Reporting
of dead links are also welcome.
This site is best viewed in
1152x864 |
+ You may re-post these links as
long as you give proper credits
back to this site and other
sources (if said so).
+ Some files were uploaded by
other ppl, so credits and thanks
goes to them.
+Please don't upload subs else-
where, esp streaming sites.
+ sableheart is the third and current maintainer of this site,
preceded by xiaowanzi and original owner, Lady's Delight.