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    Holland Township family angry that supermarket won't personalize cake for their son

    by Express-Times staff
    Sunday December 14, 2008, 12:16 AM

    Holland Township resident Heath Campbell holds his daughter, 1-year-old JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell.

    JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell and Adolf Hitler Campbell.

    Good names for a trio of toddlers? Heath and Deborah Campbell think so. The Holland Township couple has picked those names and the oldest child, Adolf Hitler Campbell, turns 3 today.

    This has given rise to a problem, because the ShopRite supermarket in Greenwich Township has refused to make a cake for young Adolf's birthday.

    "We believe the request ... to inscribe a birthday wish to Adolf Hitler is inappropriate," said Karen Meleta, a ShopRite spokeswoman.

    The Campbells turned down the market's offer to make a cake with enough room for them to write their own inscription and can't understand what all of the fuss is about.

    Young Adolf Hitler Campbell will be getting a cake from Wal-Mart this year.
    "ShopRite can't even make a cake for a 3-year-old," said Deborah Campbell, 25, who is Heath's wife of three years and the mother of the children. "That's sad."

    Others, such as Anti-Defamation League director Barry Morrison, applauded Shop Rite's decision.

    "Might as well put a sign around their (the children's) neck that says bigot, racist, hatemonger," said Morrison. "What's the difference?"

    What do you think? Was ShopRite correct for refusing to personalize a cake for the Campbells? Feel free to comment below and take the time to vote in our online poll.

    Also, check out a photo gallery from the Campbell family home.

    UPDATE:In his Steaming Cup of Joe blog, Express-Times editor Joseph P. Owens replies to some of the reaction to the Campbell family story.

    COMMENTS (337)Post a comment
    Posted by Heimat on 12/14/08 at 12:39AM

    They were discriminated against just like when a pharmacy clerk refuses to fill an order for birth control.

    Posted by barmaidbitch on 12/14/08 at 1:06AM

    Well for the love of god!
    This is just a small child that is having a birthday.
    What seems to be the problem with putting the name on the cake.
    It sure as hell isn't the child's fault that the parents gave him that name.
    I hope you have a very "Happy Birthday" Adolf.

    Posted by onceaday1 on 12/14/08 at 2:17AM

    The whole situation is sick, sick, sick. I might add that there is something wrong in the food of that family as well. No one puts the whole name of someone having a birthday anyway. Just put Happy Birthday Adolph on the cake and let it rest.

    Posted by asker on 12/14/08 at 3:49AM

    shop rite is only the beginning of thi child's nightmare when in school and they talk about adolf hitler what is this child to do are they going to have a child and call oasam bin laden

    Posted by goback2nj on 12/14/08 at 6:33AM

    is that a mullet? in 2008? wow! that alone is almost child abuse

    Posted by chloe3 on 12/14/08 at 7:23AM

    What were they parents thinking when they named their children? The names are going to cause a lot of problems in their children's lives.

    Posted by van2028 on 12/14/08 at 7:38AM

    What I see here is a craving for media attention. In my short 18 1/2 years on this earth, I can pretty much say that I have never seen a full name on a cake. I personally, am sorry that the young child had to suffer, but his parents are downright stupid. Did they even begin to ponder a future for their children with these names?

    Adolf, you have a very happy birthday, cake or not. I apologize for your parents stupidity as well. Oh yea, and have fun being unemployed in 20 years.

    Posted by BigEForever on 12/14/08 at 7:41AM

    Forget the cake...These so called "parents" need to have their heads examined. Who in their right mind, would name their children "Aryan Nation" and "Adolf Hitler". These poor, innocent kids, are in for a lifetime of hell, because they have idiots for parents. How selfish for them to name these children like this. They ought to be ashamed of themselves, but then again, nitwits like this, have no shame.

    Posted by dinnaJoe on 12/14/08 at 7:48AM

    I am on shop Rite side!!!!! This poor angel has to carry a horrible name of a man that was so "EVIL"!! The parents of this child need to go back to Shop Rite and tell the bakery that they are sorry for being dumb and pick up a couple of cake mixes and learn to read and make this child a birthday cake! Parents of this child are trying to start trouble and it looks like it's going to be a law suit that is not going to win!!!

    Posted by ddalmaso on 12/14/08 at 7:58AM

    As I understand it, parental rights as defined by statute and case law certainly include the power to name their children. No one in America can imagine the State assuming that power.

    However, children have rights as well and I wonder if their being injected into a potentially vitriolic political debate conducted exclusively by us adults, who have most of the power, and including their photos being published and widely distributed with the consent of their parents, does not infringe on those rights.

    We have a modern concept that early childhood is a protected area of life during which we have to ask if any adult agenda is displacing the child's "work." That work (mainly conducted in what adults call "play") is to achieve mastery over a lot of basic tasks, including the experience of relating to others outside the family. Tasks that are too great for a child's skill belong to a later time in life.

    Right now the question is how our entire community, including the extremists on both ends, can make sense among ourselves out of this situation, especially in the interests of anyone who might be unprotected.

    And those merchants who refused the opportunity to collect money for something they consider unacceptable or unethical--they deserve praise.

    Posted by Krackerman on 12/14/08 at 8:15AM

    why is the kid named after him to begin with are they racist biggots or is there some family heritage. I tend to believe they are white supremacists so Shop Rite made the right choice. Matbe The Express could find out more info this article is stupid without info I could do a better job reporting.

    Posted by trueburnsy on 12/14/08 at 8:49AM

    The parents don't even know what they stand for. The swastika does stand for good luck, but not in the context of anything that has to do with the Nazi's. As for the children's names, it's a sick way for the parents to get attention at the childrens cost. these parents are obviously confused white trash. Adolf Happy Birthday, and you have my condolences for living with your parents sick games.

    Posted by Wayfynder on 12/14/08 at 8:55AM

    If I were a pharmacy clerk I certainly would not deny these two birth control. Nice job on giving this scum front page exposure in a Sunday paper Express-Times. You honestly could not find a better story during a Holiday season? While I believe that it is every parents right to share their beliefs with their children, permanantly marking them with the names is abuse. At least they can change their names themselves later on down the road. Lets hope next Sunday's front page depicts acts of kindness and someone doing something GOOD for children.

    Posted by emmadog on 12/14/08 at 8:55AM

    Just another example of the sad state of affairs in this country. Those poor children. These parents are just craving attention. I note that they both do not work. Therefore they have plenty of time to bake and decorate their own cakes. Shoprite should be applauded for doing the right thing. It is rare to put "right" before profit.

    Posted by farnes on 12/14/08 at 9:06AM

    What a bunch of trash. This is a perfect example of legal child abuse. How in the world do these so called parents expect these kids to survive in life with monikers like this? Hopefully, the kids will change their names when they become of age, but it's going to be a rough road till then. How do the parents expect these kids to get a job. No boss is going to hire Adolf Hitler or Arian Nation. These kids were doomed the day they were named. What a disgrace. The so called father looks like a real loser too. Nice tattoos.
    I'll bet he does well at job interviews with swastikas all over his arms and hands. Nice mullet though !!! Peace !!

    Posted by mack03 on 12/14/08 at 9:09AM

    Does anybody think that NJ Div. of youth & family services may be onto something? Why were they there in the first place?! Why would any parent want to doom his children from birth? I suggest Mr and Mrs. Campbell take their chldren to the national holocaust museum in Wash., DC for a visit and let the children make up there own minds about their beliefs and their future. Kudos to Shop-Rite. As a family member of a Shop Rite employee, I know first hand the values and morals that Mr. Colallio instills in his employees. This is an excellent example of his impeccable character and judgement.

    Posted by ny2nj2ny on 12/14/08 at 9:18AM

    If I still lived there, I would travel the additional distance to shop at that Shop-Rite. I, too, applaud the store's decision and courage, and while that's really the main point of the report, the details are bringing attention to the parents' decision to saddle their children with names that will socially cripple them.
    It's stories like this that confirm the legend that Warren County is little more than a safe place for neo (and old-school) Nazis and other poorly educated and morally backward individuals, but having lived there for almost two decades I discovered these people are an exception.

    Posted by THINKPEACE on 12/14/08 at 9:49AM

    This is America, not the United States of Shoprite. I'm sure Shoprite would not refuse to personalize a cake for Barack HUSSEIN Obama who turned out great, in spite of his given name. If that is the child's lawful given name, then his rights have been violated, and I smell a small claims court case. Adolf's father doesn't look too upset in the newspaper photo, so I guess he's happy to get all this attention, however I suggest he would be happier in Germany. I toured a Nazi concentration camp in Germany, and I fail to understand why a parent would name his child after such an evil dictator as Hitler. Those people who have not experienced true history apparently think it is "cute" to burden their child with such a rememberance of history. The cake inscription should be, "Happy Birthday Adolf and Good Luck, you'll need it".

    Posted by srddave on 12/14/08 at 9:55AM

    If you are are on ShopRite's side cuz you hate fascism and neo-nazis, then you are missing the point. By not writing on the cake, ShopRite is basically saying that they make the decision as to what is acceptable and not acceptable in your homes. Do you really want to trust this to a supermarket? (Albeit one of the best supermarkets in the country)
    What if tomorrow, that same store decided that it was "inappropriate" to make a cake that honored someone's birthday who was named after Martin Luther King Jr., or maybe Jesus or someone who you thought was a very honorable person.

    YES--99.999% of the people in the world think Adolf Hitler was one of the most despicable people that ever lived, and YES, this family is most definitely (at most) one generation away from the trailer park --but the bottom line is that if you only want free speech for those who you agree with, then that's a sort of fascism in itself. Fascist--just like this kid's namesake. Kinda ironic.

    Posted by srddave on 12/14/08 at 9:55AM

    If you are are on ShopRite's side cuz you hate fascism and neo-nazis, then you are missing the point. By not writing on the cake, ShopRite is basically saying that they make the decision as to what is acceptable and not acceptable in your homes. Do you really want to trust this to a supermarket? (Albeit one of the best supermarkets in the country)
    What if tomorrow, that same store decided that it was "inappropriate" to make a cake that honored someone's birthday who was named after Martin Luther King Jr., or maybe Jesus or someone who you thought was a very honorable person.

    YES--99.999% of the people in the world think Adolf Hitler was one of the most despicable people that ever lived, and YES, this family is most definitely (at most) one generation away from the trailer park --but the bottom line is that if you only want free speech for those who you agree with, then that's a sort of fascism in itself. Fascist--just like this kid's namesake. Kinda ironic.

    Posted by mfnterp on 12/14/08 at 10:19AM

    Is this story really front page news for the Sunday paper? The Express needs to work a bit harder in finding real news stories.

    Posted by osuzieq on 12/14/08 at 10:27AM

    First, I am confused about the story that ShopRite denied birth control to a customer. Whoever threw that story in really needs to either clarify that comment with more info or reference it to a story. I feel that comment and others that commented about that are ridiculous. How can you comment if you are not informed about the circumstances behind that statement or if it even really happened?
    Second, the person commenting that says he could write a better story needs to look closer at the total story written here.
    And finally the issue at hand...I am happy to support my ShopRite. They accomodate many requests from individuals, companies and organizations throughout the three communities that Mr. Colalillo runs his stores. I am proud that the store, the workers and the owner had the integrity to refuse to write the full name.
    As for these parents, I am troubled by the rest of the article. Neither parent works but can afford to have these children to fulfill their own selfish purpose on us. We pay into the Social Security and programs that have afforded them the equal right and opportunity to support and perpetuate this hate. For those of you that read on you will see that they feel that races shouldn't mix but are not racists. Huh? Hello! this makes no sense whatsoever. I also feel sorry for these children but know that these parents will make sure that they are just as despicable as themselves and the original Adolf Hitler. I am proud to be an American and thankful for the freedoms it allows all of us. Today, though, I am sad that someone has chosen to mishandle this gift so recklessly and hope that goodness will prevail.

    Posted by stringslappe on 12/14/08 at 10:34AM

    I always knew Jersey was another country! A shame the taxpayers have to foot the bill for unemployed people that support hatred. A real pity for the kids! Only in America this could happen. This is how a Columbine massacre begins!

    Posted by tillielouwho on 12/14/08 at 11:04AM

    I'm sorry that this child's parents saw fit to even think of naming a child such! You're setting your children up for immediate failure and discrimination. A friend and I often have said that we should issue licenses to have children. I'm horrified. Good for you Shop-Rite. You have just the same rights/freedoms of doing business the way you see fit. Goodness....

    Posted by suzyq256 on 12/14/08 at 11:10AM

    This is obviously two people who have way too much time on their hands, who are looking for attention and perhaps more.

    If they wanted to make a statement, why not change their own names to Hitler and Aryan Nation? They are adults who, after making the choice for themselves, can deal with the pressure. Instead they saddle innocent babies with these names which stand for bigotry, racism and hatred? They are nothing more than cowards, and this seems to me a form of child abuse.

    I commend Shoprite for sticking to their guns. This company donates thousands to the community, what is this couple giving back? Nothing!

    Posted by cryout on 12/14/08 at 11:11AM

    Give us a break! At first I wondered why the paper would print this........now I'm glad it was.
    Since these ignorant racists have nothing better to do with their time, (how about getting a job!),
    maybe someone will read the article to them and they'll somehow have an "aha" moment. Seems the parents disabilities don't keep them from reproducing. Excuse me, but childbirth is very hard on a women's back!!! Perhaps the father's asthma is causing a lack of oxygen from getting to his brain. GROW UP! So glad my tax dollars are supporting two bums like this!!
    Nazareth, PA

    Posted by bull99 on 12/14/08 at 11:15AM

    I am sincerely disappointed that you would allow The Express-times to provide a forum an idea that is obsessed with the belief, because of birth-right, with the destruction of others. This whole episode is a scheme that this bigot has been planning to “bait” someone into to and The Express-Times fell for it “hook, line and sinker”!

    Posted by suzyq256 on 12/14/08 at 11:26AM

    If you are are on ShopRite's side cuz you hate fascism and neo-nazis, then you are missing the point. By not writing on the cake, ShopRite is basically saying that they make the decision as to what is acceptable and not acceptable in your homes. Do you really want to trust this to a supermarket?

    By not writing on the cake, perhaps they are making the statement that THEY would find it offensive to write those names. Are we to take away Shoprite's right to make that choice? They are allowed to decide what is right for their employees to do, it has absolutely NO bearing on what goes on in our homes!

    Posted by DirkD on 12/14/08 at 11:50AM

    NO Shoes NO Shirt No Service.
    Its there store if they dont wanna make it. Then who has the right to make them ??????????? And the parents should be lined up and shot............

    Posted by srddave on 12/14/08 at 11:51AM

    Are you suggesting that corporations and supermarkets are afforded "free speech" rights by the US Constitution? This is afforded to US CITIZENS. Not US Companies. Sheesh! And we wonder why people think Americans are ignorant of their own governmental system!

    Posted by deafevilbitc on 12/14/08 at 11:59AM

    For osuzieq, just to clarify....

    Shoprite pharmacy did not deny birth control to anybody.

    This story surfaced earlier this year in various national papers and several news sites such as CNN. Some right wing Christian nut job pharmacies think they have the right not to sell birth control due to religious beliefs. The original poster was just referencing how they feel this is the same sort of discrimination.

    With non-working white trash like these folks, I think we need ALL of the birth control we can get. Which, by the way, we are probably paying for them, their kids and this stupid cake!

    Posted by esmerelda58 on 12/14/08 at 12:19PM


    This company is owned by a citizen...it EMPLOYS citizens. Citizens that perhaps were too offended to write this name on a cake. The company agreed.

    Are you suggesting that the employees should be FORCED to do something which goes against their ethics and morals? What about THEIR rights?

    In this day and age where everyone feels entitled to every right and privelege, I am happy to see a company which I assume is in the business to make a profit, standing up for their convictions!

    Posted by acaroprese on 12/14/08 at 12:23PM

    Hurray for Shoprite's decision!. I am so tired of people feeling there are no boundaries to freedom of expression. We are so worried today about being politically correct and offending anyone's feelings that we are losing sight of our history. I feel the real victims are the two small children who had no say in their names. Some people should have to have a license to become parents. Shoprite offered them the opportunity to decorate their own cake and they should have taken them up on their offer if their only motive was the birthday cake. Instead they chose to make this a publicity issue. I suggest they save their money to pay the psychiatrist bills their poor children will accrue after living with these parents and the consequences of the name they have chosen. Shoprite is a wonderful store that does so much to foster good works in the community. I wish others would have the guts to stand up when they feel requests are inappropriate or against values people hold dear.

    Posted by ddalmaso on 12/14/08 at 12:24PM

    A shout to TScheisskopf--I've had the pleasure of reading some of your varied articles online elsewhere. They are really high octane and superbly written. Please keep up the great work and where possible let the rest of us in Northpamton County know about your future work.

    As for this sad story here, the children are in an impossible position.

    Posted by pennsynative on 12/14/08 at 12:37PM

    Hooray to ShopRite and shame on Wegmans. First of all, these parents are pushing their beliefs on their innocent children with these names. These children will NEVER be given the opportunity to form their OWN beliefs.

    As for the name on the cake, another poster was correct that no one uses several names on a cake. If they would have just used Adolph there wouldn't have been a problem, but they chose to try to make it a problem. They wanted to create an issue. If I were the one having to decorate this cake, I would have not been able to do it. It's no different than using any other type of racist wording and I'm sure most stores would refuse such a request.

    I feel so sorry for these children and I hope that one day they choose to rebel and all marry OUTSIDE of their race! Won't that be perfect punishment for the parents?

    Posted by srddave on 12/14/08 at 12:39PM

    ROFL--The irony here is so thick that they should make a Simpsons episode out of this angry Jersey mob!

    OK, then...you tell us, Acaroprese...what exactly are the boundaries of free speech? Who's speech should be free and whose should be censored? We'll leave it up to you and the bakery department manager at ShopRite.

    Posted by TScheisskopf on 12/14/08 at 12:41PM

    Thanks, Don. I just write when the spirit moves me. William Rivers Pitt, the NYT best-selling author, has, in the past, busted on me to write something more lengthy. I am afraid I cannot think of one damned thing I could write that people would actually want to read.

    I suppose I could write about my years in the music business, but I would have to tell truths and I don't now, nor have I ever, harbored a secret desire to be garotted with a piano wire in my sleep. ;-)

    And besides, what would happen if I became successful and famous? I like cheese, but I don't drink wine or any other spirits, so book signing parties would be a chore, and I have seen more than enough of fame to know that I would not want that albatross hanging around my neck. Root canals are a lot more enjoyable. And useful.

    Posted by suzyq256 on 12/14/08 at 12:59PM

    This really isn't an issue of Freedom of Speech...this couple have been able to say whatever they want, name their children whatever they want...where does the issue of Freedom of Speech come into play?

    Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation.

    Nobody said they couldnt write on their cake themselves. They were given that option. They refused.

    To force others to write or speak your beliefs, is an entirely different issue!

    Posted by nomorehate on 12/14/08 at 1:02PM

    Shop Rite was correct in refusing to promote hatred and violence. The Express-Times was wrong in presenting these clowns as 'normal' people fighting the big corporate bully. By presenting the story without challenging these views, the Express Times has given endorsement to the Campbell clowns. I cancelled my paper subscription.

    Posted by ice052man on 12/14/08 at 1:03PM

    Their freedom of speech is not an issue i agree with suzq256. The problem as i see it is a lack of common sense on the parents part. You do have the right to name your children whatever you wish. However you also need to be aware of the possible effects of the children. These two mental defectives apparently do not have the common sense given a cucmber!

    Posted by andreadee on 12/14/08 at 1:04PM

    I believe in the freedom of speech--and that gives Shop Rite workers the right to _not_ write that which makes them uncomfortable.

    Posted by keepitreal77 on 12/14/08 at 1:07PM

    Whacko to name your kid that.

    Posted by andreadee on 12/14/08 at 1:10PM

    Where is DYFS when we need them? If these parents liked those names so much, these parents can change their own names. Imagine what these poor children are going to go through as they grow up.

    Posted by biha on 12/14/08 at 1:25PM

    I have a much higher opinion of SHOP-RITE. I can't believe parents would be that stupid to name their kids like that. Those kids will have a lifetime of suffering because their parents want to be bigots and racists. If they want to go idolize Hitler, then move over to Germany. Unfortunately for them, Germany has been trying to erase all of there history that pertains to Hitler as well. I have to agree with nomorehate. I don't think I will be buying the Express-Times anymore. I can not give money to people who support this kind of bigotry. It's one thing to report, but another to make these parents look like they are victims.

    Posted by THINKPEACE on 12/14/08 at 1:59PM

    Wait a minute with this "Freedom of Speech" stuff. So if, for instance, ShopRite was owned by a Jew, or Jehovah's Witness or a Muslim, for instance, they can refuse to put a cross on my child's baptism cake because it freakin' offends them ? Excuse that reference, but this is getting too personal for my taste. I feel sorry for the teacher who might have to deal with a classroom of Adolf's fellow students named Benitto Mussilini Miller, Satan Stalin Smith,and Judas Jones. Maybe they'll be a few Hispanic kids named Jesus to round out the classroom, so peace and tolerance can prevail.

    Posted by jerseygirl46 on 12/14/08 at 2:01PM

    #1, what the heck was the Express Times thinking placing this story on the front page? With all the breaking news stories in the world this is the most important thing you can place on the front page? #2, I side with Shop Rite. They didn't say they wouldn't make a cake for this so called parents, they said they wouldn't put the horrible name on it. All the Express Times has done is give this family the attention they think they deserve for their so-called beliefs. Are we also to feel sorry that neither parent is working and existing on SS payments? Or was this article done to incur sympthay during the upcoming Holiday season? I feel sorry for these children now and in the future. I guess it's true, you just can't fix stupid and stupid is as stupid does. Shame on the Express, again for a story that was unnecessary and distasteful.

    Posted by SMD2210 on 12/14/08 at 2:06PM

    I am absolutely horrified and disturbed that The Express Times would give these ignorant, pathetic excuses for human lives the publicity and attention they clearly crave as a result of being too stupid to know any better. First and foremost, these children will suffer for the rest of their lives because their parents believe they were only giving them "names". These names are some of the worlds most hated and whether they believe the holocaust occurred or not (I'd be apt to bet this couple couldn't even name the first 5 presidents of the U.S.) is beside the point. Their children will spend most of their lives defending themselives and explaining to their peers why their parents themselves hated them enough to purport such evil on them. There is at least one therapist out there who will make a killing trying to give back the confidence and self-esteem these poor children will clearly be stripped of over their life time.

    Of course reading further and noting that both parents were on disability - emphysema no doubt self inflicted by smoking and "back pain" it came as no surprise that while they no doubt sit around and watch bigotry, trash and prejudicial shows all day long, they had plenty of time to come up with sadistic names for their poor children.

    With ALL the hatred in this world today and in light of the recent attacks in Mumbai, The Express Times did a disservice to this community and the time of year by printing this article and giving this couple an opportunity to explain why they are promoting hate and evil through their innocent children. The ONLY ones who did the right thing were the Shop-Rite employees. I was a big Express reader, I'd think twice now before buying one of their papers.

    Finally, I'd like to offer a new poll to readers to vote on - All those who agree that the parents ought to be renamed "Dumb and Dumber", vote YES now!

    Posted by halfacop on 12/14/08 at 2:14PM

    Amazing...this knucklehead was able to put ShopRite in an actionable position, and Shoprite was not smart enough to see him coming. Who puts a child's middle name on a birthday cake? no one. the knucklehead ordered it for shock value and now is going to sue Shoprite (why else would a press release be issued?) And shoprite ,realizing the PC atmosphere of the Civil courts will weigh paying their lawyers,time involved,court costs if they lose, and settle out of court with Mr. Knucklehead.

    Posted by THINKPEACE on 12/14/08 at 2:19PM

    Shoprite, have a heart, it's not too late for the "offended" ShopRite employee to deliver an undecorated birthday cake to little Adolf, along with a tube of icing so his parents can write their preferred inscription on his cake. Don't make the kid suffer for the affliction his parents put on him.
    The Express-Times is just reporting the news, so don't blame them as they are not siding either way. They simply asked for our opinion. Get over it.

    Posted by trebor2358 on 12/14/08 at 2:30PM

    A normal person would read all these posts about what they did and think "maybe I am wrong". The sad thing about these morons is that they aren't smart enough to know the difference between right and wrong. It's probably just a good laugh for them. What a disapointment they must be to their parents. The only hope those kids have if the parents got killed and a normal family raised them. Obviously the parents will never amount to anything and neither will the kids unless they get new parents. With all the attention they are getting hopefully that will come true. And to the Express Times, I always said your paper was garbage. You just proved it. I would like to meet the ass hole that made the decision to print this story. I guess anything for a buck, no morals....

    Posted by esmerelda58 on 12/14/08 at 2:36PM

    Thinkpeace...they were offered that option, they refused...remember? They do not care about little Adolph having a birthday cake from Shoprite. They wanted to shock people, and then collect.

    If they were sensitive, loving parents who wanted a cake for their son, they would just have said "Adolph". They had to take it one step further.

    I hope you were speaking tongue-in-cheek about the "offended" SR employee.Personally, I would refuse to write the name of that monster on a cake. That is MY freedom of speech!

    Posted by Bhaltazhar on 12/14/08 at 2:41PM

    This is a terrible shame.

    Posted by shopdog97 on 12/14/08 at 3:44PM

    Hatred has been with us since the dawn of Mankind and believe me when I tell you that it isn't going anywhere soon. But remember, hatred or love, for that matter is LEARNED, not something we're born with. If the Campbell children grow up to hate, it will be because of something they have been taught, not something inherited. What bugs me the most is that the Express-Times chose to put this story on the FRONT page of Sunday's paper. Someone please tell me, what qualifies this as front page news? Do I have anything to say to the Campbells? Only this: As you sow, so shall you reap.

    Posted by nicholas75 on 12/14/08 at 3:59PM


    Posted by Mishigos on 12/14/08 at 4:07PM

    MikeyMac, you do not understand the Constitution (or more specifically, the Bill of Rights). It says the GOVERNMENT can make no laws restricting free speech. It doesn't say anything about Shoprite restricting speech. It's a private company.

    And by the way, I doubt the person working in the bakery department was a Zionist. Please take your diatribe somewhere else.

    Posted by cryout on 12/14/08 at 4:27PM

    Gee, If these two idiots were in Germany during Hitler's time.......both disabled? I'm sure Hitler would have given them a free train ride, living quarters and a "shower." Only "perfect"
    people were accepted by the monster. One had to be able to work and serve.

    Posted by meamerican on 12/14/08 at 4:28PM

    to name your child with such despicable names is a form of child abuse...i think children and youth should pay a visit to this home. i applaud shop rite for refusing to put the name on the cake..i'm surprised at wegmans for actually doing it but i guess anything for a sale..again, shame on the parents you have subjected these children to a lifetime of harrassment.

    Posted by TScheisskopf on 12/14/08 at 4:39PM


    Zionists, shmionists, as a get-to-the-point Jewish Grandmother(The model by which all Marine Corps Drill Instructors are made...) would say. A very reliable trope, oft used by the "Aryans", to make a for-public-consumption distinction between the "zionists" they supposedly despise, and "good Jewish folks" they have supposedly no problem with. Said "Aryans" then repair to their fever swamp forums and out come the hooked-nose charactatures and The Protocols of The Elders of Zion(A long-proven libelous and fictitious work).

    Besides, if these guys were such "Aryans", why do they not have, as the late Terrence McKenna has pointed out in his scholarly treatises on Societies and their use of various psychoactive plants as religious sacraments, a hereditary priesthood that eats, as part of religious ritual, amanita muscaria mushrooms, then collects the active-alkaloid-heavy urine of the priests and hands it out to their followers to imbibe as a part of their religious rituals? If they were REAL Aryans, they would be gettin' down with that stuff, however distasteful.

    The fact is that no real Aryans, who were from northern India and that area, still exist. What passes for them are a bunch of white broken toys who identify as such. Because their great god, Dolfie, wouldn't have known accurate history if it bit him in his largest muscle group.

    The issue here is stupidity. As in the awesome and ineffable stupidity evinced by these two breeding units who created kids who, I predict, will end up petitioning the courts for a name change, and perhaps emancipation from their knuckleheaded breeding units..

    Calling them "parents" demeans the word and parents everywhere.

    Posted by etteluap on 12/14/08 at 4:42PM

    I read that the newspaper stated they were renters....if I was the land lord they would be out of a home. They wanted the attention. Mom doesn't seem to be that bright, then again neither is working, so they're smart enough to use the system, she doesn't understand the big deal people are making over those names? Did she skip every history class. Sorry mom, but I wouldn't let your little adolf play with my child over what you taught your kids; you hang around trash, you start to smell like trash.

    Do your children a favor and change their names before they go to school.

    Posted by anna08865 on 12/14/08 at 4:52PM

    I feel your all being racist to the family and shop right. i would never in my life say the things you all have said about no one. Wonder whom has not been raised right.

    As for the kids today go ahead and beat your kid like you got beat I dare you cause DYFS is called and Jail is where you will be.

    Posted by slumlandlord on 12/14/08 at 4:53PM

    trailer trash parents. how can they name a child that name????they were not even alive when that evil guy was at the helm??? not only are the parents trailer trash, they are bums.

    Posted by ddalmaso on 12/14/08 at 4:57PM

    Dear TScheisskopf, In refusing to take up such a remarkable invitation from a fine writer--well, there you go again thinking about yourself first. Why don't you think about MOI and the REST OF US? Not fancying the wine-and-cheese crowd is not enough reason to avoid making other people more thoughtful, better connected to life, happier.

    Freud said, in fancier words, individuals aren't afraid of failure, they are afraid of success. Your fearlessness, my friend, should set you apart from both poles. We've lost David Foster Wallace and we need all the help we can get. Please reconsider! PS A colleague of mine, Blair Tindall, wrote "Mozart in the Jungle" and in spite of the tell-all trash it's a well researched book in the other parts. It did very well in the market and the only people she offended were those she clearly had it in for. The public is very eager to hear about the working of the music industry and memoir requires just the right things from a writer.

    Now regarding this story about the Campbell family, I wish I had a clue where it will go. I actually feel sorry for the parents in the midst of their mess (for so it is in my view). They were once little children themselves. But D.W. Winnicott wrote that "against the unconscious of the mother the child has no defence."

    Posted by spiegel on 12/14/08 at 4:59PM

    "Might as well put a sign around their (the children's) neck that says bigot, racist, hatemonger," said Morrison. "What's the difference?"

    What a fine sentiment- for a NAZI or Fascist!! Can't believe this could actually come out of the mouth of someone in the anti-defamation league!

    What's the difference? We live in a free country with a Bill of Rights and supposedly uphold freedom and stand against bigotry... that would be hard to tell from many of the comments here.

    My father and uncles fought a long hard war to defeat NAZIs and Fascists, and now, here we are, living right among them- people full of the same hate and bigotry their fathers (grandfathers) fought against.

    Shop Rite was wrong, it violated this boy's rights and evidently hurt his feelings. My most sincere wish is that he hooks up with an ACLU lawyer and sues for $50M...and gets every penny, along with re-education for the Shop-Rite Fascist on what living in a democracy means.

    Posted by Uptohear1 on 12/14/08 at 5:35PM

    Hip Hip Hooray to Shop Rite, I appalud them for the courage to make the decision not to decorate the cake as requested. These parents are frightful and ignorant. The children will pay the price for their lust for attention and I truly hope the parents will suffer twice fold. As a retail business owner, I exercise the right not to serve anyone I do not agree with. The price I pay is a lost customer but that is my right to do so.
    Lastly, SHAME on the Expres Times for choosing this as the front page headline story. How about something on the lines of how Americans can help each other. Particularly when there are foodbanks reporting dropping doantions and increased demands, folks loosing jobs and gloabl financial uncertainty abounding as the holiday approaches.

    Posted by lvteacher on 12/14/08 at 5:49PM

    Shop Rite is a private company, and by no means had any obligation to print anything it deems as inappropriate on a cake.

    I think that some people are not clearly seeing the bigger picture of the story...the disgusting nature of these low life scumbags. They will probably try to sue Shop Rite, make off with a sizeable settlement, and continue living a worthless existence without paying their way. Their children will be undoubtedly be persecuted, discriminated against, and will turn out to be losers and freeloaders just like their parents.

    Posted by nwnjed71 on 12/14/08 at 5:57PM

    i don't know what i can really say here
    yes i would think it is dum to have your wole name on your birthday cake i think the parents ask for it that so they can start a big mess and if they got the cake done by walmart before then
    why not go back there and get done there again ?
    i like to see a photo of 2 other cakes that where done with his wole name on the cake...

    Posted by pboba on 12/14/08 at 6:59PM

    Two words...........Jerry Springer.

    Posted by myob on 12/14/08 at 7:15PM

    THINKPEACE-You need to get over yourself!!!!
    Why should anyone at Shoprite make this kid a cake and give him an tube of icing? It was not one individual person who made this decision. It was a decision greatly agreed upon with more than just one person. Why don't you make a cake and take it to the kid? Do you shop there? OBVIOUSLY NOT!!! Get a grip,get a life,maybe you can help the poor kid's parents find one,too! If you honestly agree with this family,then you are as SICK as they are!!!

    Posted by twokidz on 12/14/08 at 7:32PM

    Of all of the names to pick out for your child, these parents should be ashamed of themselves. I guess having a child must be a joke to them to give him such a name that he will have to go to school with and carry for the rest of his life. Anything for attention. Obviously, from the name that these parents gave to their child they are the type that looks for attention.

    Posted by THINKPEACE on 12/14/08 at 7:34PM

    "Cryout" is absolutely correct that Adolf's parents would be irradicated if they lived during Hitler's regime. Hitler had no use for disabled people, and he called them "useless eaters". That is the kind of monster they admire. It would be more appropriate to name the children after the people who started our social security and disability systems. Think of the possibilities ... keep having children that you can't afford ... give them controversial names that will be sure to cause conflict their entire lives... then sue someone at every remote opportunity.

    Posted by pennsynative on 12/14/08 at 7:59PM

    My apologies to Wegmans. After reading the story properly, it was WALMART that made the cake. To say I'm not surprised is an understatement.

    Maybe these parents just wanted to publicize this to make people feel sorry for them so they could get handouts. She's 25 and can't work because of a bad back? Get over it. Thousands of people work every day with a bad back. There is always some type of job out there that one can find that won't affect the back. Most likely, they swayed a doctor into signing the disability papers. I am acquainted with several people who are "disabled" with nothing really wrong with them other than something so simple as a knee that acts up with the weather and these people are in their 30's and 40's. I'm tired of supporting slugs like this.

    Posted by THINKPEACE on 12/14/08 at 7:59PM

    "myob" ... the human logic of certain posters like you amazes me ... how quick to anger and accuse each other. I meant no respect to ShopRite, I just expressed my opinion that the parents have a legal right to have their child's legally given name respected due to his constitutional rights. Perhaps those rights don't apply if the company is privately owned. They did offer the family an alternative solution. I also feel this name was given for shock value (due to some deep hidden hangups in his father's past), and the public fed into it with a frenzy, calling the parents terrible names (like that helps). The whole family will be in counseling in a few years, and we will probably be paying for it. They should have said the cake was for their family dog. I just saw on TV that an artist was going to exhibit his sculpted busts, and his first name is Geronimo ... ut-oh ! Now remember bigots ... the Indians were here before us !

    Posted by nicholas75 on 12/14/08 at 8:18PM


    Posted by myob on 12/14/08 at 8:21PM

    did you mean you meant no DISRESPECT to Shoprite?

    Posted by THINKPEACE on 12/14/08 at 8:40PM

    Yes, "myob", I meant no DISRESPECT to SHOPRITE...and no disrespect to you either. I hope Adolf's father can understand the turmoil he has caused ALL OF US by naming his children after evil monsters. Adolf's father can defend himself, but it's always the innocent children who suffer, and suffer, and suffer !

    Posted by curly1982 on 12/14/08 at 8:49PM

    Adolf Hitler was a man who represents hatred and cruelty. He was responsible for the most heinous murders know to this day... and some are questioning why Shop Rite refused to inscribe his name on a cake? I am proud of Shop Rite. I think they made a responsible and courageous decision.

    It should be against the law... Poor kid.

    Posted by cdking455 on 12/14/08 at 8:59PM

    I am with shop rite with this one they said they would make the cake and all the family had to do is put the name down.The parents in no why should be upset "what in gods name whould they expect be anyone to act like with seeing that as a name.I feel sorry for a child who has a numbskulls for parents.You name your child after someone in your family you look up to and want their memory not to be forgotten.NOT AFTER ONE OF THE MOST EVIL MEN IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD and if you disagree maybe you should go spend some time in a library get some facts or think what if my family had to go through that torture.I really think suing someone was perhaps a motive behind naming a child that name.

    Posted by aj081207 on 12/14/08 at 9:13PM

    SHAME on the Express for running OLD news. Had they researched this they would have found the following: the cake in question was ordered for a first birthday (not the child's recent 3rd), secondly they wanted it decorated with swastikas as well as the full name and third the Colalillo ShopRites are pillars in the community. They support all KINDS of organizations as well as donate over half a million dollars annually to these groups and the food bank. Hmm, what have the Campbell's done other than try to get rich quick on an already generous community leader. Shame on them! Shame on the Express.

    Posted by THINKPEACE on 12/14/08 at 9:13PM

    BUT...this 3 year year old child is NOT the original Adolf Hitler. He is an innocent child who is already being judged as unfit for other children to play with. This reminds me of that song by Johnny Cash about a boy who was given the name of Sue in orderto toughen him up for whatever life has to offer. Samson might have been more appropriate. The father has identity issues, and he has now indirectly forced his beliefs on his son,thereby continuing the pattern of his youth (?). It's sort of like parents who insist on naming their parents after themselves or some other relative, thinking this will assure that the child will have the identical personality traits of the honored relative, when in fact, many times the opposite comes true. I can't talk because I named three family pets after my favorite old time Yankees, but I will say, they were all good at playing ball.

    Posted by aj081207 on 12/14/08 at 9:18PM

    SHAME on the Express for running this article. They should have researched both sides because they would have found the following (1) this cake was ordered for the child's first birthday, not his recent 3rd, (2) they wanted SWASTIKAS on the cake, not something you put on a first year's birthday cake. (3) they wanted it FREE and (4) when offered a compromise, they refused. How stupid can we be????? Oh yeah, let's attack a generous company who GIVES back over half a million to the local community as well as the NORWESCAP food bank. What have the Campbells given???? It's a shame for their children, but most of all it is shame on their parents and the EXPRESS for entertaining this.

    Posted by THINKPEACE on 12/14/08 at 9:19PM

    SORRY... I meant to say that some people name their CHILDREN after themselves hoping they will have the same personality traits.

    Posted by jennyjumper on 12/14/08 at 10:29PM

    Just two words about the parents...mentally deranged.

    Posted by iluvjulian1 on 12/14/08 at 10:42PM

    This is horrible! That poor kid is going to have such a hard time growing up!!!!

    I read something a few months ago someone named there child, Lula likes to Hula in Hawaii,

    This should be done to this family.

    Posted by bull99 on 12/14/08 at 11:13PM

    I would think the reaction to this trash journalism speaks for it's self. I would hope the editors of the Express-Times would apologize to their loyal readers and give notice to those employees that allow this to be printed!

    Posted by TootlessinUK on 12/14/08 at 11:54PM

    I applaud Shoprite!! It took a huge courage to say, this isn't acceptable. This world is already so crazy, to suggest people are proud of EVIL LEADERS and its OK? Its not OK! Those parents should go trough intense history lessons, ( assuming they can read?) Unforgivably, there are admirers of EVIL. You and I do not have the power to correct it.

    Its also admirable that Express times cared enough to call attention to such admirers to teach a lesson to everyone and open peoples mind to re think and reevaluate history and to see where do people stand on such issues?

    Posted by sandra1945 on 12/15/08 at 12:04AM

    What is wrong with the parents. Do they think the names of their children are funny? One big joke!! I feel sorry for the children and what they will have to go through in school.I actually thought the boy was a girl when I looked at the picture.Guess they don't believe in hair cuts either.Really sad.
    These parents need some serious help!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by sandra1945 on 12/15/08 at 12:10AM

    Guess I should have checked the family photos before I posted before. Now that I realize that they are neo-natzi; the whole thing makes sense.
    They are sicker then I thought!!!!

    Posted by snifflesmcg on 12/15/08 at 12:17AM

    Ah, iluvjulian1, I was thinking earlier of this case but couldn't remember the name. That to me (Lula like to hula in Hawaii) is a more suitable name than Adolf Hitler and they not only had their child removed from the home but the name was also legally changed by the courts.

    Personally, if I were working there that day, I probably would have shrugged it off. I don't get offended easily.However, Shop Rite has every right to refuse. The government can refuse what you put on the licence plate of your own car. Also, if you wanna talk about WalMart (which I NEVER EVER EVER shop at) they won't sell explicit lyric Cd's or books THEY deem inappropriate (see John Stewart's book) but they will put Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler. Just prove what kind of trash that store is.

    Nicholas75, agreed! I laughed at your whole post. This family is a bunch of white trash, inbred, trailer park scum bags. Did you see how much dust was on the entertainment stand? I find it funny they can afford tattoos and 3 kids. He probably got emphysema from pot and Marlboro Reds and apparently they can't find any other job besides gas attendant and waitress. Nothing wrong with both of these jobs (once upon a time I did them both) but it is a well known fact that it is more physically demanding to conceive and give birth to children than work at let's say a call center. These kids should be taken away, renamed and these "parents" should have their section 8, food stamps, disability, medicaid and welfare revoked!!

    I would also like to say how much I love Shop Rite in Phillipsburg. I shop there without fail every week and know several employees in a few of their departments. Can't wait to do my grocery shopping this week!!

    Posted by roflcopters on 12/15/08 at 12:45AM

    Posted by DirkD on 12/14/08 at 11:50AM

    NO Shoes NO Shirt No Service.
    Its there store if they dont wanna make it. Then who has the right to make them ??????????? And the parents should be lined up and shot............

    Posted by MikeyMac on 12/14/08 at 3:51PM

    Who is Shoprite to say what can or cannot be printed on a cake?! They have violated our nations' freedom laws by interpreting what is and what is not fit. Our Constitution of the United States clearly dictates that ALL Americans have the right to freedom of speech, beliefs and expression. Therefore, Shoprite is in contempt of the laws of our land. We are living in a nation of hypocrisy, Ladies and Gentlemen, and this is an example of it. We cannot have a double standard. As for the specific complaint, I understand most Jews have a problem with Aldolf Hitler assigned as a name of a Child. I say this: If you do not wish to be a hypocrite, do not support the zionists. Relinquish the occupied lands of the Palestinians of which they have enslaved and brutally massacred. The zionists have been in comtempt since 1967 by the United Nations Resolutions. Only until then, you can separate yourselves from the so-called evil "Hitler" you complain about.

    Posted by lvteacher on 12/14/08 at 5:49PM

    Shop Rite is a private company, and by no means had any obligation to print anything it deems as inappropriate on a cake.

    I think that some people are not clearly seeing the bigger picture of the story...the disgusting nature of these low life scumbags. They will probably try to sue Shop Rite, make off with a sizeable settlement, and continue living a worthless existence without paying their way. Their children will be undoubtedly be persecuted, discriminated against, and will turn out to be losers and freeloaders just like their parents.

    Posted by bull99 on 12/14/08 at 11:13PM

    I would think the reaction to this trash journalism speaks for it's self. I would hope the editors of the Express-Times would apologize to their loyal readers and give notice to those employees that allow this to be printed!


    Okay... first off all, I have to say this is a disappointment to a LOT of people including me. I am all for the creative names for children, but I'm leaning more towards the side of having my last name changed to "switch" and naming my kid "delight" (the light switch, ha ha get it? whatever)..

    "no shirt,no shoes, no service." -- correct. i OWN my own business and i've turned down people for their appearance (for example, one person, i told them to go to hell recently because they wanted me to do a TFCD, at a bar, for a "fashion show" errrmmm... how about coyote ugly remake? no thanks... I have the right to refuse business to anyone i please as a business owner. just liek ShopRite.

    ShopRite broke no freedoms, they excersized their own freedoms and rights, not only to refuse to do business, but to use their freedom of speech to tell the person no, on top of offering to allow them to decorate their own cake.

    Although it was in very poor taste to take the side of trash like these people, the paper has the right to report the news, but it is supposed to be unbiased. Think about how the economy works in general. the paper is a business, working in the economy just like ShopRite. every business in some way affects another. for example i do graphics and photography for a living and a restaurant could ask me to do photos and a website for them. in turn the restaurant could also be confronted with an attempt to make a reservation by a neo-nazi group, or be to local get together for a dog fighting ring to get food after a fight. i would then in turn shut the website down and require all pictures and designs be returned immediately after wards if i knew they allowed that kind of people to patronize their shop. in result causing that establishment to lost a lot of money with nothing to show for. all because I have in my contract that nothing of that type is to be allowed to be connected to me for a variety of reasons.

    but on the other hand that restaurant could refuse the ill-mannered groups and in turn accept a nonprofit, community outreach program benefit group for reservation and would then possibly get me more business from the right people.

    there is something called 6 degrees of separation. you are associated with someone for one reason or another within 6 relationships of anyone. I choose to remain respectful and in good morale with whom i associate with as much as possible for the same reason ShopRite may have. all their vendors, that deliver to them, could do to them, what i would do to the hypothetical restaurant, if they associated with those types of people.

    ShopRite 1, Nazi-loving scumbag trash 0

    nuff' said uncle fred.

    Posted by highered1 on 12/15/08 at 1:20AM

    Don't think these wackos had any effect on Mr. Colalillo's Shop Rite of Greenwich, business this weekend. Was past there both yesterday and today and there was not a parking spot to be found. One less Nazi piece of crap and his family won't be missed. Mr. Colalillo has been great to all of the communities around his three stores in Clinton, Flemington and Greenwich. He has donated greatly to many community organizations and his stores are the favorites over his competitors in the area. I know our community supports him and his business. Keep the Milford rental scum where they belong or send them back to South of the Mason/Dixon line, with their own white trash kind. Let them shop at one of those "small" grocery stores which run along the river. The Express-Times should be ashamed of themselves for grandizing this crap.

    Posted by oldtimesport on 12/15/08 at 1:27AM

    My kids and I have a nick name for the Walmart that made the cake..."white trash Walmart." Go in there any time and you will see what I mean. It it especially bad, late at night. Fitting that this place would make a cake for these scum.

    Posted by suzyq256 on 12/15/08 at 4:26AM

    aj081207 said:

    this cake was ordered for the child's first birthday, not his recent 3rd, (2) they wanted SWASTIKAS on the cake, not something you put on a first year's birthday cake. (3) they wanted it FREE and (4) when offered a compromise, they refused.

    Thank you for clarifying this whole sordid story! Funny how they left that detail out of the tale. Also, the fact that they call and harrass the store a couple times a year.

    Shoprite, I am sure DID know where this was going to lead, who wouldn't? In this society you can sue and collect because you spilled hot coffee on yourself, thieves can tie up the court system suing the homeowner whose skylight they fell through!OfCOURSE they will try to sue, and I am sure there will be some sorry excuse for a Lawyer that will grab the chance to make a quick buck and gain some notoriety for himself.There are so many important issues in life, and THIS makes headlines! I am proud of Shoprite for sticking by their convictions.

    These parents could give a damn about their child's birthday cake.I feel for these little children. They are truly the victims, and it's not because they didn't get an inscribed cake from Shoprite!

    Posted by mommy1971 on 12/15/08 at 6:22AM

    It is true; a picture is worth a thousand words. He can’t find a job because of the prison tats and no GED, I know guys with a MBA who would pump gas right now. Look at the figurine hand giving the finger on the shelf just to the right of the child, nice. And check out the photo album; is there a chapter on Jesus Christ in the Nazi handbook? Those kids don’t have a fighting chance.

    Posted by eastonres on 12/15/08 at 8:06AM

    I have a better idea. How about the Express Times shouldn't have run this story in the first place. These people are obviously racists. The Express-Times exploited this family and their children in order to sensationalize a story. They found a dopey family who was willing to pose for pictures as if they were being honored for something. All along the ET wanted to embarrass them and prove that racism is still alive and well. Next thing you know they will run a story on all people who have named their kids "George." They will say that these parents must be for terror. Pathetic.

    Posted by Luckychick on 12/15/08 at 8:40AM

    I don't understand why a bad back or emphysema rules out any job possibilities for this couple. Bad back? Why not work a desk job? Having trouble breathing? Maybe you should wait tables. The smoking ban will make it really easy on you. The supposed ailments are excuses, just like the parents' ridiculous reasons for naming their children after models of hatred. No sane person could ever think these are appropriate names for children, and I seriously doubt, as the dad says, that these kids will have the freedom to make their own decisions about race. And, despite what many seem to think, this IS news. It's news that people could harbor such hatred. It's news that Shop Rite took a stand. What the Anti-Defamation League had to say about it is news. This was not a story glorifying these horrendous parents. It was a story that took a gripe these people had, examined all sides and spread out the facts. Let the reader determine who's right. But I don't think anyone can deny these children are going to suffer down the line.

    Posted by jerryzpurdy on 12/15/08 at 9:16AM

    Obviously, these folks are looking for attention and The Express-Times took the bait.
    There is an irony in 'the firm principles' this couple holds- enough to name their children after them.
    I have to wonder where their principles are in holding a job and being responsible citizens. They seem to have no problem milking the system.
    If Heath the 'dad' can hold his child for a photo-op, then he can work.

    Posted by Willielite on 12/15/08 at 9:46AM

    Bravo people. . .

    102 responses on a non-issue. 102 response about someones privte life that is no ones business to pass judgement on, especially a NAME just a NAME, but no one ever wants to discuss real life issues in their communities that actually AFFECT you. Shame on you all. "REAL" issues maybe garner 1-6 responses tops before the article vanishes to obscurity. You cry about them milking the system? You at the trash floating round Easton and Allentown....they can work too....oh yeah....they're oppressed and discriminated against.....funny how the the libs switch sides when a White person is on the dole.

    Posted by watchya6 on 12/15/08 at 10:33AM

    They are bums. Get jobs! The kids name is Adolf Campbell right? That is what shoul be on the cake. They are looking for attention. I am GLAD shoprite said no way. How many Americans have died to get that scumbag and these scumbags live in America. And they want to honor someone like that by naming their child after him. I can't wait to seen them in school.. oh boy! They will love you parents for those names.. Even Richards have a tough time in schools.. Good luck kids, thank your parents!

    Posted by watchya6 on 12/15/08 at 10:35AM

    And another thing.. Is that a Wii? Wow, the gov't sure hooked them up.

    Posted by anna08865 on 12/15/08 at 10:56AM

    I feel your all being racist to the family and shop right. i would never in my life say the things you all have said about no one. Wonder whom has not been raised right.

    You all need to drop this it is getting out of hand.


    the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.

    Posted by ProCannibal on 12/15/08 at 11:39AM

    It's a private company, they can do that if they want and should be allowed to. If the parents want to give their kid a controversial name then they should be ready to accept the consequences. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time as they say. Personally I think they should be skinned, gutted, roasted and served up to more decent individuals in a delicious banquet, but I guess that'd be hard to pass off as a birthday cake.

    Posted by ProCannibal on 12/15/08 at 11:41AM

    As is their right. Personally I'm pro-birth control - anything that stunts human proliferation really.

    Posted by mgorvine on 12/15/08 at 11:53AM

    I think these people should be allowed to have their birthday cake (and eat it, too), on condition they be made to watch at least forty hours of archival footage of the liberation of the death camps.

    Anyone else notice these yutzes can't even spell the name of their hero, the mass murderer Heinrich Himmler? Social Services should take their children away from them. Sick, sick, sick.

    Posted by TScheisskopf on 12/15/08 at 12:21PM


    Yes, it's the liberals who created this issue! It's all so clear to me now! Why didn't I think of this sooner! Why didn't I get the secret, coded message, being a big, honkin' liberal and all!

    Oh, and do keep an eye out for use this holiday season: To strike our latest blow in The War Against Christmas, we shall be out caroling, all dressed as Che' Guevara and singing "The Internationale" in 5 part harmony.

    It'll bring a tear to a glass eye, it will.

    Posted by 46498711 on 12/15/08 at 12:41PM

    The state of Pennsylvania never should have allowed them to name their children any of these names to begin with! Furthermore - the names alone should be considered child abuse and the state should take the children. And why not do it now when you know that these two are going to end up in jail anyway? Those poor babies will be so much better off being away from these people who have the poor taste to call themselves parents! Children should not be raised by people like this who have so much hate and are only going to teach that to their kids. They're disgusting!!!!!

    Posted by igmobile on 12/15/08 at 12:52PM

    Love those mullets. And curious what kind of car they have--that red pinstripe visible in the photo gallery just screams "Classy"!

    Posted by nicholas75 on 12/15/08 at 1:18PM


    Posted by Furibondo on 12/15/08 at 1:33PM

    Froeliche Geburtstag, mein kleiner Adolf!

    Posted by Furibondo on 12/15/08 at 1:34PM

    Ach, ich habe ein Mistake gemacht!
    FroeHliche Geburtstag! Mein Buebchen.

    Posted by irishbud on 12/15/08 at 1:55PM

    First, the Express-Times should have printed the parents pictures on the front page and left the boy's picture in the gallery section which was disappointing.
    Secondly, the lazy, ignorant, idoit parents should have their children removed and the state should never have allowed the racist names. The parents should be made to read aloud (if they can read) "The Diary of Anne Frank, be made to tour the Holocast Museums in Washington and Isreal, and be made to visit Buchenwald.
    Third, I would recommend a re-examination of their conditions for their SSI payments by a group of their hard-working peers.

    Posted by NoleATL on 12/15/08 at 1:56PM

    Its unfortunate for these kids that our free society allows idiots like this to reproduce. Their political/racist statement is going to turn into a lifetime torment for these kids because of these names. Hopefully the kids will not be too brainwashed to see they have idiots for parents and move forward with changing their name as soon as they are legally allowed. Too bad these parents were not named after Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks.

    Posted by kenboy on 12/15/08 at 2:18PM

    What a disgrace this guy is. The only thing missing is his shaved head. Good job Shop-Rite!

    Posted by theotherview on 12/15/08 at 3:13PM

    *Throws his shoes at these parents.*

    Posted by BackwoodsHic on 12/15/08 at 3:28PM

    This is why we call it Pennsyltucky 'round these parts. I hope a crusty old WWII vet gun buts this father. Better hope these kids go to an all-white all-christian school for the rest of their lives. Wait, these kid's won't make it through pre-k.

    Posted by miramesa on 12/15/08 at 3:38PM

    Why isn't there a law against naming your children such ridiculous names?

    Posted by suzyq256 on 12/15/08 at 3:39PM

    mgorvine said:
    I think these people should be allowed to have their birthday cake (and eat it, too), on condition they be made to watch at least forty hours of archival footage of the liberation of the death camps.


    The problem is they are Holocaust deniers (sp?)They say that all those films are doctored to perpetuate the great hoax of the Holocaust. People like this will never see reality. It's all very sad.

    Posted by pinkdiamond1 on 12/15/08 at 3:39PM

    Thumbs up to Shoprite for saying no to this white trashtastic family.

    Shame on the ExpressTimes for posting such non-sense & giving this family the attention they crave.

    Posted by suzyq256 on 12/15/08 at 3:45PM


    Although there are many important issues out there, more important on the surface than a birthday cake, this has opened up an important discussion about prejudice, hatred, rights and parenting. Those issues will always be important.

    Posted by TlalocW on 12/15/08 at 4:32PM

    Ha! The ultimate joke is on the parents! I see that young Adolph is wearing an Optimus Prime sweatshirt in one of the photos. The "Family Guy" episode, "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein," has established that Optimus Prime is Jewish.

    Posted by daykota on 12/15/08 at 4:49PM

    I grew up in Holland Twp, and I just have to say that these people totally make me sick! Those poor kids, being "punished" by their parents for giving them those names. They will have a tough time growing up with names like those. And I'm sure, with the help of their prejudice parents, they will grow up hating a lot of people. It's really sad that people like that have kids. Just because they hate their lives doesn't mean they have to make innocent children suffer. Karma is a bitch though, they will eventually get theirs.

    Posted by jenminsook on 12/15/08 at 5:17PM

    I feel it was wrong of the store for refusing service. The parents have every right to name their children whatever they prefer. Just like I have the right to disapprove of the parents' name selections. But I do not have the right to discriminate and violate others' personal religious freedom/freedom of the speech and the right to express their views, etc.

    The victims in this care are the children. They are ahead for a long road of discriminations, predjustice, bias opinions, and other cruelties all thanks to their given names. Their parents must not love them enough to shelter and help protect them from future inevitable harms and dangers. Might as well lead them right to the fire without explaining the possible consequences. jen

    Posted by PollyPotter on 12/15/08 at 5:27PM

    I had a similar problem at T.G.I Friday's on my Birthday. The staff refused to use my nickname when bringing out my cake and singing me Happy Birthday.


    Posted by esmerelda58 on 12/15/08 at 5:29PM

    jenminsook said:
    I feel it was wrong of the store for refusing service. The parents have every right to name their children whatever they prefer. Just like I have the right to disapprove of the parents' name selections. But I do not have the right to discriminate and violate others' personal religious freedom/freedom of the speech and the right to express their views, etc.

    NO ONE is violating their personal religious freedom/freedom of speech or the right to express their views. They said what they wanted and named the children what they wanted. However, they do not have the power to force ME to do something which OFFENDS me. They cannot force THEIR beliefs on ME. It is as simple as that.

    Posted by highered1 on 12/15/08 at 5:29PM

    I thinks these chillins, best be home skooled.

    Posted by Poopoopeedoo on 12/15/08 at 5:38PM

    I love the comments about lawsuits...What a joke !
    To have a lawsuit you have to have suffered damages, so what are their damages? The price of a cake ?? Don't start with humiliation as they've brought enough of that on themselves with these retarded names ! Seriously though, they'd get nothing in court for this although there might be some ambulance chaser willing to take it on. Best of luck to em ! If I were Shoprite's attorney I would slam that guy with mountains of motions so that the lawyer (who will be on contigency fee) would quit. I say that he would only be on a contingecy fee basis as these cretins could never afford an attorney. I can tell by the looks of that fine 19.00 VHS player in their entertainment center. If Hitler were around today, he wouldn't allow these people to breed !

    Posted by Poopoopeedoo on 12/15/08 at 5:38PM

    I love the comments about lawsuits...What a joke !
    To have a lawsuit you have to have suffered damages, so what are their damages? The price of a cake ?? Don't start with humiliation as they've brought enough of that on themselves with these retarded names ! Seriously though, they'd get nothing in court for this although there might be some ambulance chaser willing to take it on. Best of luck to em ! If I were Shoprite's attorney I would slam that guy with mountains of motions so that the lawyer (who will be on contigency fee) would quit. I say that he would only be on a contingecy fee basis as these cretins could never afford an attorney. I can tell by the looks of that fine 19.00 VHS player in their entertainment center. If Hitler were around today, he wouldn't allow these people to breed !

    Posted by jenminsook on 12/15/08 at 6:08PM

    To Esmeralda58.... what's the difference of refuse of service because you are black or a jew from this case, you named your child after Adolf Hitler? I see a very little difference. It's still a form of a discrimination. Also a bigotry on the store part. BTW, I am an AsianAmerican and don't condone white supremacy messages or practice of any hatred/bigotry/racism/discrimination/etc.

    Posted by esmerelda58 on 12/15/08 at 6:14PM

    jenminsook...I dont care what you name your children (in theory) however, you cannot force me to write the name on a cake if it offends me. If my employer backs me up, then you must go elsewhere. What is the problem? You wouldn't be trying to force your views on me, now, would you? That would be unconstitutional.

    Posted by 45flight on 12/15/08 at 6:18PM

    You people are atrocious. Have a heart. They're just names.

    esmerelda58 said:
    NO ONE is violating their personal religious freedom/freedom of speech or the right to express their views. They said what they wanted and named the children what they wanted. However, they do not have the power to force ME to do something which OFFENDS me. They cannot force THEIR beliefs on ME. It is as simple as that.


    No one's forcing their beliefs on anybody. Okay, the holocaust was a bad thing. Whatever, get over it. No one cares how offended you are about something that happened years ago, you're being asked to provide a service that you willingly provide to other people. Singling out a few people for which it is excluded is discrimination, which is the same thing as the holocaust. So, discrimination is bad when its the holocaust, but when it's depriving a child of celebrating their birthday, it's perfectly okay? You're a horrible excuse for a human being.

    pinkdiamond1 said:

    Thumbs up to Shoprite for saying no to this white trashtastic family.

    Shame on the ExpressTimes for posting such non-sense & giving this family the attention they crave.


    People like you shouldn't be allowed to live. You say the holocaust is a bad thing, and then praise someone for doing the exact same thing, albeit on a smaller scale. You disgust me.

    miramesa said:

    Why isn't there a law against naming your children such ridiculous names?


    You're kidding me, right? Adolf means 'noble wolf', hardly a ridiculous name. Get your facts straight before you write off a child.

    46498711 said:

    The state of Pennsylvania never should have allowed them to name their children any of these names to begin with! Furthermore - the names alone should be considered child abuse and the state should take the children. And why not do it now when you know that these two are going to end up in jail anyway? Those poor babies will be so much better off being away from these people who have the poor taste to call themselves parents! Children should not be raised by people like this who have so much hate and are only going to teach that to their kids. They're disgusting!!!!!


    They're the disgusting ones? DID YOU READ WHAT YOU JUST SAID? You want to take kids away from a family that clearly loves them, because of their NAME? That is absolutely appalling.

    nomorehate said:

    Shop Rite was correct in refusing to promote hatred and violence. The Express-Times was wrong in presenting these clowns as 'normal' people fighting the big corporate bully. By presenting the story without challenging these views, the Express Times has given endorsement to the Campbell clowns. I cancelled my paper subscription.


    You're the one spreading the hate here. Words don't mean anything unless you give them meaning! Just because you're too close-minded doesn't mean you have to force your disgusting views on others, you foolish, pathetic excuse for a person.

    Frankly, the basic grammar and spelling errors running rampant through these comments should speak volumes to anyone reading them. The kind of undereducated bigoted people trying to discriminate against someone because of their name is horrendous. How would you like it if I denied you getting a job because I didn't like your name? If I mugged you because your I didn't like the couple syllables you use to refer to yourself? And what if I wouldn't make you such a trivial thing as a birthday cake because of a WORD? How horrible is that?

    I feel terrible for taking the time to expose these people. Take me away, Paul.

    "Imagine all, the people..."

    Posted by rhiannon05 on 12/15/08 at 6:23PM

    Hmm... so did these idiots have this plan from the beginning? Begin by living off taxpayers by collecting ridiculous disability checks, follow that by naming their poor innocent children names that will no doubt cause controversy, then scheme and find a way to make national news? Seems all too peculiar that if Wal-Mart had supposedly made their son's cake the previous two years, that they would all of a sudden try to have Shoprite make the cake this year. Instead of understanding that the names were uncomfortable for the workers at Shoprite and complying with simply writing the child's name on the cake themselves per suggestion of the employees, the parents decided to see just how far they could push this and pull the "discrimination card." Typical unintelligent low-lives trying to make a buck by going lawyer-happy and suing. Disability checks not enough to pay to wallpaper the house in swastikas?
    Get those kids into custody of parents who deserve children ASAP. If you have a point you want to make, do it by compromising yourself- not your children.

    Posted by esmerelda58 on 12/15/08 at 6:31PM

    45flight said:
    Frankly, the basic grammar and spelling errors running rampant through these comments should speak volumes to anyone reading them.

    If I mugged you because your I didn't like the couple syllables you use to refer to yourself?


    Okay...need I say more? As to your comment about the Holocaust...history is how we form our present. How dare you belittle that evil incident in our past?

    No one is depriving this child of a birthday cake. Except the parents, of course! If they cared at all they would have made a cake for the boy, or decided to forgo the shock value of spelling out H-I-T-L-E-R when placing a cake order.

    Posted by 45flight on 12/15/08 at 6:38PM

    esmerelda58 on 12/15/08 at 6:31PM
    Frankly, the basic grammar and spelling errors running rampant through these comments should speak volumes to anyone reading them.

    If I mugged you because your I didn't like the couple syllables you use to refer to yourself?


    Okay...need I say more? As to your comment about the Holocaust...history is how we form our present. How dare you belittle that evil incident in our past?

    No one is depriving this child of a birthday cake. Except the parents, of course! If they cared at all they would have made a cake for the boy, or decided to forgo the shock value of spelling out H-I-T-L-E-R when placing a cake order.


    First of all, smart-ass, when you remove a single sentence from a paragraph, you take it out of context. In literature, that is a perfectly correct sentence when looked at as a whole.

    I've had my full name on a birthday cake plenty of times. It gives individuality. You are still discriminating against someone because of a word.

    PAST. Do you understand the word? It's called that for a reason, because it is outdated. Living with the holocaust on your mind and applying it in your life is using dated ideas and thoughts to govern your current life. That's small thinking if there ever was one.

    Posted by esmerelda58 on 12/15/08 at 6:43PM

    45flight, I feel sorry for you.

    Posted by abby45 on 12/15/08 at 7:47PM

    45flight, please take a moment to reread the sentence esmerelda so kindly pointed out to you. It did not make sense in or out of context, so I hope you feel pretty stupid eating your words :)

    As for the rest of the bullshit you are trying to put past everyone, you are full of it.

    These people are not being discriminated againts in the least. The Shoprite did not refuse services based on race, religion, or ethnicity. They tried providing their services to the best of their ability without sacrificing their own integrity.

    So please, get your head out of your ass and face reality. You are just as trashy as the people you are defending.

    Posted by smartass123 on 12/15/08 at 8:08PM

    So, as posted by all, we have two main issues here. 1) The store discriminated against the kid. 2) The store had a right to refuse service. Now, since the store is NOT a government facility, and, is in fact, built on private property, it has EVERY right to refuse service to anybody for any reason other then race and gender(Including ethnicity). Therefore, the store is acting in a legal way, regardless of how certain people feel about certain things.

    Now, I do feel sorry for that kid. It's not his fault that his parents named him Adolf Hitler. Clearly he is going to have a hard time in life. Also I feel sorry for the parents that they scar their kid like that. However, if I were a shop/store owner I probably would refuse service. It does not tickle my fancy to inscribe the name of one of the largest mass murderers on a cake.

    Now, without resorting to personal attacks, I will say that there are several people who are clearly wrong in their arguments. Speaking directly to 45flight, I understand that we must let bygones be bygones. I get that. Water under the bridge and all that. But when the water is so stained with the red blood of 6 million people killed in ovens, for god sake, man have a heart. Regardless of the fact that in order to prevent our history from becoming circular, we MUST remember the past.

    In conclusion, the store has EVERY legal right to do it, and there are certain past events that must NOT be ignored to ensure a successful future.

    Posted by pystawff on 12/15/08 at 8:10PM

    Now remember class. It's okay for these choads to marry, breed, and feed on our taxes because they're not gay. Heterosexuality makes them inherently better parents. Right?

    Posted by CWSensation on 12/15/08 at 8:13PM

    No one's constitutional rights are being violated here. Nowhere in the constitution is someone's name federally protected from discrimination. ShopRites are individually-owned co-op supermarkets, and they, like many, reserve the right to refuse service for any reason, as long as that reason is not forbidden by law. Refusing to write a potentially offensive name on a cake is not forbidden by law. Therefore, ShopRite has not infringed on anyone's freedom and anyone who says they are simply doesn't understand constitutional law and Equal Rights Protection.

    Posted by Poopoopeedoo on 12/15/08 at 8:20PM

    I like Stevie Nicks and all but I don't get the whole lawsuit/disability thing. They have no grounds for a lawsuit and no grounds for disability. If they try for any of this they will get squat ! The last time I checked, Stupidity was not a disability..Although their hero Adolf
    Hitler may have made stupidity a disability had he progressed any further. And of course we know what Hitler did to the disabled ! I'm sure the parents aren't too disabled to clean the toilets at Walmart with a Spongebob Squarepants toilet brush ! That's about all they are qualified to do...
    This is a non issue, just more Jerry Springer type BS presented to get attention. So they didn't get their speed and rage addicted psychopathic, failed artist name on a cake... WAH ! Boo Friggin' Hoo ! I think I'm gonna name my next kid FESTERING PUSTULE ! Do ya think they'll make a cake for my kid at Shop Rite?

    Posted by daisyhann on 12/15/08 at 8:27PM

    I agree for wat Shoprite not to do that..That poor child and the other children they have they have to live with those name's and go through life that is just messed up for them children..
    Shop rite offered to put his 1st name so that should have been ok but the family didn't want that..I am on shoprite's side all the way.They did nuttin wrong..Them parent's r very strange and weird in my mind..


    Posted by paulgval on 12/15/08 at 8:48PM

    This has nothing to do with refusing to put a childs name on a cake. It has to do with what that name stands for, what it means. The name Adolf Hitler conjures all kinds of evil deeds and hate mongering, it stands for hate and evil. It stands for the man responsible for 6 million deaths of innocent civilians, and untold millions of deaths due to the War he started. Shoprite did the right thing, and these parents should be investigated by Child Services. these parents represent an extreme gross aboration of parenting, they are guaranteeing their children will have a hard, unforgiving life.

    Posted by jenminsook on 12/15/08 at 8:52PM

    I find it sad that after what we have learned from our history of the WWII (Hitler's acts of cruelty against humanity), the civil rights movement, etc.. we still allow the history to repeat itself by practicing discrimination. This story isn't about a child who didn't get a cake for his birthday. It's about our society's narrow views on what should be considered acceptable or not. The popular belief and general consensus throughout the world is that Hitler was beyond cruel man, but obviously, this belief isn't agreed by everyone. To prevent discrimination and promote tolerance, we need to relax a little more and allow all people entitled to their opinions as long as they are not harmful to others.

    Posted by oodabadabay on 12/15/08 at 9:18PM

    Zyklon--what about skanky boys who can't keep it behind the zipper? Takes two to tango, last I checked.

    As abhorrent as this whole thing is, I don't want the government telling me what I can name my children. I think as an independent entity, the store can choose to take this person's business or not. I don't see where they're necessarily wrong here. Why is it required that a business MUST do what a customer wants? This society is so offended by the word NO. It's why we have a generation of kids who are so entitled. No one says, "NO!" any more. Sad, really.

    Posted by comandertaco on 12/15/08 at 9:37PM

    There is no issue here. None. Are the parents idiots? Sure! Thats not illegal. Are the kids the recipient of careless and thoughtless profiteering by the parents? Yup. The fact that governemt can't legislate how parents name their children is irrelevant people. Shoprite is a private company and can do business with whom ever it chooses for whatever reasons. It's not illegal to bar a black man or a white woman from a private country club in the United States. Simillarly there is no constitutional /right/ to a birthday cake. What would you base a courtcase on? A store is under no obligation to serve you. Most of them in fact have a sign and/or policy saying just that. If they refused to HIRE the kid based on his name, /that/ would be a courtcase.

    Employment, public education, housing, medical care, etc, these things are protected from discrimination. . . desert is not.

    Posted by rickboca74 on 12/15/08 at 9:51PM

    Cheers to the store! The parents are the messed up bigots. They should be watched carefully. They are far from normal. Their poor kids will grow up bigots unfortunately and probably end up in jail due to the way they will be treated by the other kids and when they get older they will want to fight back and that will end up with them going to jail instead of being able to grow up with normal parents. Someone should take these kids away from the parents right away before there is problem, especially when the next kid is named Sadam Hussein!

    Posted by markca on 12/15/08 at 10:33PM

    Those poor kids, having parents like that.

    These people shouldn't even be allowed to reproduce.

    Posted by BROADWAYTHEC on 12/15/08 at 10:59PM

    Obviously, the parents want everyone to know that they are racist...the children's names say it all.

    Posted by kdavis1001 on 12/15/08 at 11:11PM

    Those poor children... I sincerely hope that they won't follow in their parents' footsteps and that they'll change those hideous names as soon as possible. However, that being said, it is never a child's fault what their parents decide to name them. Why make the child suffer? Don't you think his name is punishment enough?
    While i understand Shop Rite's decision to fight for racial equality, i don't think that denying a toddler his birthday cake is going to help the cause much. More appropriate methods for a grocery store would probably include having an equal-rights policy. Then again, the parents should have seen this coming...

    Posted by kdavis1001 on 12/15/08 at 11:12PM

    I don't think these people would name a child Saddam Hussein... He's not exactly the most Aryan of people... In fact, he's quite the opposite.

    Posted by marktin on 12/15/08 at 11:18PM

    Obama was not named after Saddam Hussein, so that argument is WAAAY out in left field.

    Hopefully the discrimination these children will face throughout life due to their names will result in them realizing just how wrong it is to discriminate against others for reasons such as skin color. The parents did these kids a favor by giving them names that will cause them to be harassed and looked down upon - a child that goes through that will be able to relate to Blacks and Jews who are looked down upon because they are blacks and Jews and will realize just how wrong it is to treat those people differently. At least with these names, the children have a chance to break away from their parents hate of others

    Posted by Heimat on 12/15/08 at 11:24PM

    Many people have made some seriously questionable comments here. It appears few know anything about Hitler, nor do they understand the very real link between Anti-Semitism and the sordid history of Christianity.

    As for these "parents," well, yes, they appear to be semi-literate white trash bums. However, why is it perfectly ok to call white trash "white trash," but when you want to point out the trash of any other group you'll be denounced with a hundred accusations?

    Shop Rite does NOT have the right to refuse these people service because they do not agree with their politics any more than a teller at a pharmacy has the right to refuse to fill a perscription for birth control because the teller does not agree with the customer's stand on reproduction. It's the same as a store telling a long haired person we won't serve you because we don't like your hair, or we don't like your Muslim name, or we don't like your Jewish prayer shawl. A store can not discriminate because they don't like a person's t-shirt, or choice of shoes or how thick your eye brows are. As reprehensible as these parents seem to be to most people that does not allow the store the right to deny them service. Now the ACLU might get involved, the store will get sued, and these bums who don't want to work will end up getting rich. Wonderful, just wonderful.

    Posted by Somnilocus on 12/15/08 at 11:29PM

    Marktin - Obama was not given Saddam's full name either. The point is, despite that, and despite not even being named after him, he still gets the "terrorist" crap all the time.

    srddave - oh my god, seriously, get a life. "Do you really want to trust this supermarket?" LOL. What this article failed to mention is that they offered to make the cake and allow the parents or someone else to write the name on it. They're allowed to refuse to do something that they feel is a sign of racism and disrespect. The parents probably planned this since the kids' births... give them these stupid names, suspiciously ask for the full name on a birthday cake, watch the shop refuse, bam, front page. They want to sue? For WHAT? For christ sake, America changed the name of "french fries" to bloody "freedom fries" but a private shop can't refuse to write "happy birthday Adolph Hitler" on a cake (yet still be reasonable and bake the cake for them)?

    And to the fool who suggested these parents did the kids a favour because now they'll be all sympathetic towards the Jews and deny racism and blah blah BLAH. You seem to have yourself, without having been named Adolph Hitler. Would you like to be named after one of the most evil people in history? Everyone gets bullied in school, you don't need to set your kids up for even more.

    Posted by Somnilocus on 12/15/08 at 11:32PM

    Ugh, and Spiegel, you need to get a frickin grip too! The point that the doctor was making was not that the kids were going to racists/bigots, but that people are going to, HMM, associate the name "Adolph Hitler" with... Adolph Hitler, perhaps? And whether you want to accept it or not, there are people out there who would hurt someone over that. Just like no one in their right mind would name a kid "Osama Bin Laden" in today's world, because you'd be putting a bloody target on the kid's head.

    Posted by orangekw on 12/16/08 at 12:05AM

    Go Wal-Mart! Seriously . . . pfft. . . Maybe next year young Adolf can get a cake decorated w/ a burning cross, or maybe just a tastefull Jewish star w/ an X through it!! Hate sucks!

    Posted by grendel328 on 12/16/08 at 12:18AM

    WOW! What a wonderful Country! I think I'm going to follow suit with Mr. Campbell and name my kids after things people hate-My oldest son I'm going to rename Dogpoop,my daughter I'm going to rename Body Louse,and my youngest son-for him the most special name of all;Yeast Infection!
    Somewhere along the line,the Human Race made a mistake in eliminating many of the things that helped the natural process of selection weed out the truly stupid(not just the weak and infirm).Why not just give the poor kids a good,strong Germano-Celtic name and be done with it? Nooo...You HAD to name your kid Adolph Hitler.
    Well,Little Adolph,HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Enjoy those birthdays while your still unaware that your Father named you after a complete NITWIT!
    PS People:Unless some of those pics are reversed,some of the swastikas are BACKWARDS.

    Posted by jyort on 12/16/08 at 12:21AM

    You think they would have the decency to mention the type of cake. I wonder if it was a chocolate cake.

    Posted by kokoloco53 on 12/16/08 at 12:36AM

    What the heck? I am just about finished reading "Einstein", the biography by Walter Isaacson, and I have a deep affection for the Jewish people in the world, except for Jewish people that for some STUPID, ILLOGICAL reason would deprive a 3 yr old child of a birthday cake because of the STUPIDITY of her parents. Einstein himself was quoted as telling his own Jewish community that was in his time in the beginnings of their Zionist momement to extablsh Israel, that if the Jews couldn't move to Israel and establish peace with the Arab community living there, that it would end up in turmoil and tragedy. That was in the 1920s when he saw that. How prophetic was he. The Anti-Defamation League dude should be fired, escorted away from his job. Jewish folks and all of us need to mellow out and get real. Take a chill pill. Get a life. Leave your past prejudice behind you. Give the little girl a happy, happy birthday. I hope she doesn't grow up to be a bigot like her parents though, but she is entitled to a birthday cake. IDIOTS, IDIOTS, IDIOTS.

    Posted by vengence911 on 12/16/08 at 12:37AM

    "ShopRite can't even make a cake for a 3-year-old,"

    Seems to me they would make the cake but leave room for the racists to put their own hatespeach on it.

    It's obvious just from the names they have burdened their children with, that they are selfish attention whores and this is just another example of it.

    In fact, this story should not have even been reported. It is a non-issue. As far as I'm concerned, a business should have the right to refuse a customer whenever they please. It is THEIR business! Thunbs up to Karen Meleta and the ShopRite in question.

    Why didnt they buy the candy alphabet letters and write ever the hell they wanted on the cake themselves? Oh, because it wouldn't get their names in the news!

    Posted by Grendel328 on 12/16/08 at 1:16AM

    Vengence911-I absolutely agree with you except I would have made the damn cake for them just to prevent this sort of thing from happening.
    I merely wrote what I did to inject a little Carlinesque humor into a completely absurd forum regarding a completely absurd article informing us about a completely absurd set of parents whom,I might add,should have been sterilized just before their wedding.

    Posted by MrsFudd on 12/16/08 at 1:24AM

    These parents are guilty of child abuse. Everyone knows that Adolph Hitler was a murdering madman. Any parent who would name their son after him is subjecting their child to their own perverted agenda. This poor boy will have to suffer for the rest of his childhood because of these warped, stupid parents. God help this little boy. He's got idiots for parents.

    Posted by epstud74 on 12/16/08 at 1:56AM

    What an idiot, and I read the other article. What kind of "German" name is Campbell? Also, if he claims to have a relative that fought in the SS, I'm sure a decent search through the Bundsarchiv would prove him to be a liar. Is "Hinler" a mispronounciation of "Himmler?" Something tells me these pretenders are not too bright. This couple is far from the "Aryan ideal" with their disability issues at such a young age. What weak constitutions these two have.

    Posted by Stackeye210 on 12/16/08 at 8:17AM

    Did anyone notice the classy bronze middle finger decor in the background?

    Posted by ilovelucyxox on 12/16/08 at 8:23AM

    Someone needs to get that family some help. those poor children are ahead for a long tough road. trouble in school, problems making friends, being teased and living with parents that are going to be raising them with horrible values. the cycle of hate has to be broken. the children are not going to have a fun and normal childhood. it is very sad. they are going to suffer mental illness as they get older. maybe even be violent. it is not a good environment for any child to grow up in. now that this is in the news it is the state's responsibility to get those children out of that house so that they can have a normal life.

    Posted by Zang2nd on 12/16/08 at 8:31AM

    I applaud ShopRight for knowing where to draw the line. Enough is enough.

    Posted by gerty6271 on 12/16/08 at 8:47AM

    Dear Campbell Family,
    My Papa, fought in the war, on Germany's side. Knew Hitler personally, and even myself and my family have the common sence to know what you have done to those children will be a thorn in their side for the rest of their lives. No not a thorn, a sword.

    You are intiteled to have your beliefs, as was my family, but why would you involve innocent children. Give them the right to choose their own set of beliefs when they are adults. Clearly you didn't get news that whites will be the minority by 2020. Your kids will be ridiculed, teased and tormented all through school and probably life, that is unless you keep them tied down to some back woods hate community for the rest of thier lives.
    If you knew anything about the Germans, you would know very few supported Hitler, the ones who did were either lunitics, or were threatend with their lives, brain washed , or other scare tatics. Most are not proud of what their ancestors did. Do your research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by gerty6271 on 12/16/08 at 8:49AM

    Hey Warwulf, Christ was a jew!!!! Man are you twisting the bible for your own personal gain.

    Posted by hreagle on 12/16/08 at 8:49AM

    As Martin Mull once said, "It's sad when cousins marry". What a pair of losers! I would think that you'd be more likely to see a couple of morons like these in a trailer park in the back woods of Arkansas, than in Holland Township. It's a crime that we taxpayers are paying money to support deadbeats like these. In a fair world, people like them would have to fend for themselves and maybe not get to pass their DNA on to the next generation. I feel sorry for their kids and I hope they manage to survive without too much psychological damage before reaching the age of consent, at which time they'll probably disown their parents and change their names.


    Posted by Triaxis on 12/16/08 at 9:24AM

    Although I find the name that they gave their child to be deplorable, this store was absolutely wrong to deny this innocent child its personalized cake.

    The parents should file a discrimination suit asap. Fascism was wrong in the 30's and 40's and it's still wrong now.

    Posted by ChrisDrake on 12/16/08 at 9:30AM

    Wow! Look at all the anti-white racism! You'd almost think there is a huge double standard here in the United States.

    And what is all this "sins of their fathers" crap? What is a sin? Do we have God himself present during this discussion? What about Muslims who name their children Mohammed? What if one day they would rather be a Christian or an Atheist?

    Posted by Frierson99 on 12/16/08 at 10:07AM

    Well I think that ShopRite had every right to refuse to do something that they felt was immoral. ShopRite is a private business and they have every right to do what they feel is in their best interest. It's not like ShopRite refused to bake them a cake , they just refused to write a particular name on it.

    To be fair though, I think that ShopRite should've given them a complimentary tube of gel icing so that the Campbells could've written whatever they wanted on the cake..assuming they are literate.

    Certainly giving a child a name that is associated with a mass muder and dictator, sets the child up for future teasing from his peers and adults alike. But the fact that he will probably catch so much hell about his name, later on down the road, may make him rebel from his parents ideology.

    Posted by Frierson99 on 12/16/08 at 10:12AM

    Did anyone else notice the subliminal attempt to smear Wal-Mart?? Check out the caption underneath the photo of Adolf H. Campbell.

    "Young Adolf Hitler Campbell will be getting a cake from Wal-Mart this year."

    So is it a bad thing to get a cake from Wal*Mart or are they trying to imply that Wal*mart sympathizes with NeoNazis??

    Okay there is your conspiracy for the day.:)

    Posted by dianak on 12/16/08 at 10:14AM

    What a couple of ignorant idiots these people are. Why in the world would you want to name your children after such people? It's one thing if the parents want to change their names, but giving that to those poor children, they should be ashamed of themselves. I have spent years teaching my son that color, religion, and disability doesn't matter in a person, it's what's in their heart that matters. I don't blame that store a bit for refusing to put the name on the cake. Those poor kids are going to suffer for the ignorance of their parents, and I hope they change their names when they are of age. Useless waste of genetic material, they both should be sterilized.

    Posted by kenboy on 12/16/08 at 10:19AM

    The store did not refuse service. It was the dumbass parents that refused the cake. The store just ran out of bigot icing......

    Posted by JoeyShabadoo on 12/16/08 at 11:19AM

    As a couple of fun loving white separatists, they should be familiar with the argument that businesses must be allowed to refuse service to whomever they want.

    This isn't the US GOVERNMENT making a law to attack this couple's "free speech", this is a PRIVATE BUSINESS deciding not to do business with a potential customer.

    And anyway, it's not like they can't get the cake somewhere else. Wal-Mart sells Neo Nazi t-shirts, so I'm sure they'll make this cake!

    Posted by smon on 12/16/08 at 11:49AM

    Welcome to America, where the parents are FREE to name their kids whatever they want (no matter how idiotic those names may be), and where the parents are FREE to go somewhere else for a birthday cake. The store offered to make a cake with enough room on it for them to inscribe it themselves, but these parents have to go and make a big deal out of it. "Oh, I'm being discriminated against!" they cry. Yes! Yes, you are, just like you discriminately chose to bestow upon your kids the most outrageous, controversial names and then claim to "not know what the fuss is about." You know EXACTLY what the fuss is about. You made this bed, now sleep in it, fools.

    Posted by Maezeppa on 12/16/08 at 11:58AM

    Naming a child Adolph Hitler is tantamount to child abuse. I wouldn't make a cake with that name, either. I would be happy to put initials on it but that poor child is going to go through life scorned and reviled, until he changes his name.

    Posted by 542684 on 12/16/08 at 12:14PM

    Lets look at this as realistically as possible. If I named my child Michael Osama or Benjamin Bin Laden. People are going to have a problem with it. Just like the stir it caused when people found out Barak Obamas middle name was Hussein. His name just sort of sounded like or reminded people terrorists and he was born before any of that happened. I can't imagine with these children are going to go through.. Forget getting jobs in show business or politics. Forget getting jobs with and Jewish based or moral company. I wouldn't hire someone named Adolf Hitler. How would that look to my customers. Just a name or not its the most offensive of names. What happened during that time was horrific and people do not need or want a reminder of it. Kids won't think anything of it until they learn about WWII in school and then these kids are done for. What if little Adolf makes friends with little Jacob Moskowitz. Do you think Jacobs parents would let him any where near Adolf or his parents. It might be "Just a name" But its a name that brings a lot with it. I hope with thought the parents decide to change their names.

    Posted by bbbob on 12/16/08 at 12:26PM

    Never mind Shop Rite, the real menace here is the NJ Division of Youth and Family Services. In the complete story which ran in the newsprint version , the father said that he used to have a swastika on his car but the NJ DYFS made him remove it because it could endanger the children. How? because someone who has a different opinion than you may throw a brick through your car window when your child is sitting on the othe side of the glass? And what if you have a sticker glorifying Islam, because you happen to be a Muslim, that might offend someone. Or if you had a rainbow gay rights sticker? Or even a George W Bush sticker? Now the NJ DYFS can limit your freedom of speech because some moron doesn't like what you have to say and may attack your vehicle with your child inside? The 21st century Nazis are not the idiot white supremacists but rather the so-called "child protection" government agencies who can threaten to take your children if you do anything that they don't like. Just ask anyone who has been the victim of an anonymous tip to an agency, who has allegedly abused their child, but in reality has done nothing. The agency will not leave you alone even on ther basis of just one unfounded tip. Forget about suing Shop Rite over sometjing as meanless as a cake. Stand up for your right to freedom of speech and take action against the NJ DYFS, that is where real battle should be, if you want a swatika on your car then you have the right to have one, same with the gay sticker or the Bush sticker.

    Posted by MomTo3Boyz on 12/16/08 at 12:26PM

    I feel so sorry for the children in this. Those poor kids don't have a chance of being normal thanks to their horrible parents.

    This, Shop-Rite not making a cake, is just the first of many ways that they will suffer because of the small mindedness of their parents.

    SHAME on you Heath and Deborah!! You're horrible people and even worse parents.

    Nice statue behind you dad - another great example for your three poor children.

    Posted by rhiannon05 on 12/16/08 at 12:37PM

    So if the Campbells want to hold little Adolph's next birthday party at a local rec center or something like that... should they be able to insist that the employees there set up a rousing game of stick the Jew in the gas chamber?

    Posted by lizz731 on 12/16/08 at 12:40PM

    Well, let's see...the parents are VERY aware that their children will get attention for their names, even thought it will be in a negative light. They do this for their own selfish reasons, for obsession with Nazism and WWII, and for their own hateful beliefs. Children are all subject to what their parents tell them to believe. Hopefully, as the children get older, they will be able to see the difference between the world we live in now, and the fantasy one their parents have created.
    But as for the Shop Rite, just put the first name on their, and call it 50/50 ... I agree with not putting the complete name BUT leave it at just the first name and call it a day
    Hopefully after having seen this, maybe child and family services will keep a keen eye on these parents...
    They seem like the kind of people that were total losers in high school and had nothing to cling onto except some past historical event that some how made them feel good or gave them validation in some way ... it is sad... but it exits .. I say drop them off in a Central Republic of Africa and tell them to survive....they wouln't be able to do it... cuz the only thing they know is stupidity, not reality.

    Posted by thebertab on 12/16/08 at 12:44PM

    What's gonna be really funny about all of this is when the kids go through their rebellious teenage years. They already know that their parents are racists...

    What is young Adolf decides he likes black girls? ...or Aryan marries a Jewish man?

    This could very likely happen. We will probably see these youngins in the news again some day. It's really funny, if you think about how this could backfire on this disgusting couple.

    Posted by thebertab on 12/16/08 at 12:46PM

    Wait til little Adolf is a rebellious teen and comes home with a cute little black girlfriend...

    This very well could backfire on the parents.


    Posted by SkeebWilcox on 12/16/08 at 12:55PM

    The lesser of the two problems is that ShopRite should take the folks' money and personalize the cake.

    The greater problem is the fact the parent's have named their son after a man who, according to God's Word, is being tormented in Hell right now. And unless the parents, along with the child later on, change their views, minds, and lifestyle...

    Posted by thebertab on 12/16/08 at 1:06PM

    More names for the Campbells to pick from for future offspring:

    Jim Jones Campbell
    John Wayne Gayce Campbell
    Charles Manson Campbell
    Lizzie Borden Campbell

    Posted by jackyomama on 12/16/08 at 1:15PM

    the parents are idoits as are the rest of you who think the supermarket should comply with their request - yes the child is only 3 and deserves a birthday cake - and when the child asks why the supermarket refused put his name on the cake - you can tell him because your parents are retards who named you after a man associated with one of the worst cases of genocide in the history of mankind.....sometimes it seems like only the stupid people are reproducing

    Posted by tommytomata on 12/16/08 at 1:23PM

    Hopefully, the loving, sensitive parents didn't tell the little three year old that nobody in the horrible store run by God-knows-what kind of people,would make his birthday cake!!

    I highly doubt it,though. If the store had inscribed what the parents wanted on the cake they would have found another way to gain notoriety. That is their goal. Publicity and money, at the expense of their children. Pathetic,really.

    Posted by amandatwist on 12/16/08 at 1:38PM

    These people are nothing but racist white trash seeking attention through their children. No one can be so stupid as to think this is not going to affect their children negatively and if they are that stupid then CPS should step in and take those kids. I would be more than happy to take those children into my loving home and teach them about tolerance and acceptance rather than hate and bigotry because it's obvious they aren't going to be learning that at home.

    and no I don't think we should tolerate or accept hate in any form.

    Posted by AngelD1964 on 12/16/08 at 1:47PM

    Anyone notice the statue in the lower left corner. If I'm not mistaken, its a statue of the Virgin Mary...a Jew.

    Its so sad that people use their children to get attention (pardon my spelling here) Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy in my book.

    Posted by Greenstar on 12/16/08 at 2:10PM

    Posted by AngelD1964 on 12/16/08 at 1:47PM

    Anyone notice the statue in the lower left corner. If I'm not mistaken, its a statue of the Virgin Mary...a Jew.

    Looks more like Medusa to me.

    Posted by chinoplz on 12/16/08 at 2:24PM

    Poor kid, stupid parents and why won't store just print first name? If parents want both names they can add hitler themselves. Don't blame the store one bit for not printing both names. Do they call the boy by both names all the time? most people go by first names only - unless u live in the south then u go by ur middle name only. That's still a mystery to me...

    Posted by Nimbrethil on 12/16/08 at 3:04PM


    Refusing to decorate a birthday cake with a person's given name is NOT AT ALL the same thing as refusing to fill a prescription for birth control. I'll grant that this qualifies as discrimination, but the two situations are in no way equivalent.

    Posted by coolkells28 on 12/16/08 at 3:05PM

    the parents are losers. Only an idiot would choose those names. and how about these morons slow down on popping out kids. 3 kids in 3 years, neither are employeed. family of 5 living off of you and me! sterilize the mother and father please.

    Posted by Nimbrethil on 12/16/08 at 3:07PM


    Given that one of the children is named "Aryan Nation" I think you answered your own question. That these people are racists is obvious and hardly needs even to be asked.

    Posted by daveyob on 12/16/08 at 3:11PM

    If the owners of Shoprite are not aloud to proactively express their views in a non aggressive way, then how are people with positive views supposed to act? There are many ways to express negative views. I am sure the parents of these children can find another outlet for their views. Even if you don't agree with what Shoprite did, the action they took was not inappropriate. I certainly wouldn't want to write something on a cake that I felt was wrong so why should anyone else have to do that?

    Posted by nimbrethil on 12/16/08 at 3:12PM


    Try again. Barack Obama was, one, not named after Saddam Hussein (the man was a young adult when Saddam came into power, for those who lack critical thinking skills), and two, the name Hussein by itself does not carry the kind of baggage that the full name of Adolf Hitler does, or Saddam Hussein, or, better yet "Osama bin Laden" would were children named after them. If someone were named "Barack Saddam Hussein Obama" you might have a case, but you don't, so there you go. But to name one's child Adolf Hitler is an obvious means of honoring genocide and ethnic cleansing. So your attempt at drawing a valid comparison falls flat. Back to Logic 101 for you.

    Posted by tommytomata on 12/16/08 at 3:22PM

    Should we force them next to write the N word? Where do we draw the line? In my opinion (and it seems I am not alone) the name Adolph Hitler is synonymous with hatred, genocide and racism. That is the way it is. That is that man's legacy.

    I feel that little boy is a victim, but nobody should sacrifice their convictions to make sure he gets a cake from Shoprite. If he doesnt have a cake, it's his parents' fault. No one else's.

    Posted by jamie771 on 12/16/08 at 3:45PM

    Give me a break. People name kids all sorts of wierd names. Worst case they should have put his first name. It is discrimanation whether people agree with the name or what it stood for. This is America, free speech, etc... people need to get over thier own issues and not be so hyper sensitive. Don't get me started on the inequalities in all area's.

    Posted by tommytomata on 12/16/08 at 3:51PM

    Worst case they should have put his first name. It is discrimanation whether people agree with the name or what it stood for. This is America, free speech, etc...

    It is NOT discrimination!! They named their kids what they wanted. They CANNOT force others to conform to their beliefs. They had the offer of a cake, to write the name themselves. Where does discrimination come into it??

    Posted by Heimat on 12/16/08 at 3:53PM

    "Gertie6271" wrote this completely ridiculous post:

    "Dear Campbell Family,
    My Papa, fought in the war, on Germany's side. Knew Hitler personally, and even myself and my family have the common sence to know what you have done to those children will be a thorn in their side for the rest of their lives. No not a thorn, a sword.

    You are intiteled to have your beliefs, as was my family, but why would you involve innocent children. Give them the right to choose their own set of beliefs when they are adults. Clearly you didn't get news that whites will be the minority by 2020. Your kids will be ridiculed, teased and tormented all through school and probably life, that is unless you keep them tied down to some back woods hate community for the rest of thier lives.
    If you knew anything about the Germans, you would know very few supported Hitler, the ones who did were either lunitics, or were threatend with their lives, brain washed , or other scare tatics. Most are not proud of what their ancestors did. Do your research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Once again a posting that is completely ridiculous for its historical inaccuracy. Until the last year of the war Hitler was extremely popular. It was not just lunatics or those who were brainwashed. In fact, if you look at the leven of freedom, standard of living, and percentage of the people in jail between the DDR and Hitler's Germany, the people in Hitler's Germany were considerably better off.

    Remember also that hundreds of thousands of people from occupied and neutral nations freely and willingly joined up to help Hitler fight the USSR because they correctly saw that the biggest threat to the world was Stalin'd Russia, NOT Hitler's Germany.

    As far as what Hitler said about the Jews, remember that it was not that much different than what ministers and priests had been saying for alomst 2000 years: The Jews were collectively guilty for the murder of Jesus, none of them will go to Heaven (and thus they will rot in the other place) unless they accept Jesus, God does not hear the prayer of the Jew, and that they were the enemy of God. Every Christian denomination preached this from the pulpit for almost 2000 years.

    Posted by daveyob on 12/16/08 at 3:54PM

    Free speech and the freedom not to speak are both rights that we have. Shoprite made a decision not present negative speech in the written form. Do you think the people at Shoprite should have been forced to give uop their right to do what they did?

    Posted by Momo516 on 12/16/08 at 4:13PM

    nimbrethil, I was so going to post exactly what you said about the whole Hussein thing. Political perspective aside, that whole thing drove me CRAZY by people who latched on to it as a reason to hate Obama. It is an extremely common name, which actually means good or beautiful--it's sad it got tied to hatred.

    And I absolutely suport Shop Rite's stance for many of the same well stated reasons in this thread.

    I only hope the children are able to overcome an upbringing that seems to be shadowing the same twisted one the father stated he had in the full article.

    Posted by susant on 12/16/08 at 4:14PM

    I'll tell you what I think. I think this couple is guilty of child abuse for making their kids walk through life with names like these. A name is a serious matter. They think they're very funny doing this to little babies. They are despicable people and they are using their children to "express" their hateful selves. Awful.

    Posted by jenminsook on 12/16/08 at 4:17PM

    Most of the comments are full of insults and hatred. Yes, I agree that the parents did not make the wisest decisions when naming their children. But it still does not give me , you, or anyone else the right to publicly condemne their decisions. All the insults displayed here are no better than the KKK's racial slurs or Hitler's antisemitic messages. I believe Hitler too discussed and experimented with the idea of sterilizing the jewish population before reserving to the idea of genocide. I read numerous comments here that the parents are unfit and should be sterilized. The big question I have for everyone is: Are you so much better and superior that you have the right to pass judgements onto others? I believe that's what Hitler believed in and developed whole political campaigne of "Superior Aryan Race".

    Posted by jackyomama on 12/16/08 at 4:18PM

    I think that every attorney who is participating in this blog would agree that it's not descrimination - the store has the right to refuse service to anyone (and their decision was not based their desire to refuse service to a proptected minority) - not to mention the store even offered to make the cake and allow the parents to write the inscription (very nice offer, but not required by law) - and I hate to say it, and I know that this is just a little 3 year old boy who does deserve a birthday cake, but nonetheless when your parents are idiots, chances are you will be paying for their stupidity for a substantial portion of your life - my real fear is that they will continue to populate our country with more idiots - I hate to to quote Keanu, but it just seemed appropriate "You know, Mrs. Buckman, you need a license to buy a dog, to drive a car...hell, you even need a license to catch a fish. But they'll let any butt-reaming a-hole be a father."

    Posted by jackyomama on 12/16/08 at 4:38PM

    and Jenminsook - actually if you are going to take the stance that these people (the Campbells) have the right to their own opinion (they idolize Hitler) - then shouldn't we have the right to critisize their opinion - I mean...we also are entitled to our opinion right?

    also...it's very easy to play the "standing my moral ground" card when you aren't deeply entrenched in the issue at hand - my grandfather (RIP) wrote a book about the camps ("Witness to the Truth") - and let me tell you, if it was people you care about that were tortured and killed...you'd be singing a different tune

    Much like how I wish that those who voted yes on prop 8 have homosexual children....I hope that the Campells son becomes a Rabbi....

    Posted by bamajan on 12/16/08 at 4:40PM

    First of all, this is not a freedom of speech issue. The First Amendment says CONGRESS shall make no law... What this means is that, except for in narrowly prescribed areas, the government can't keep you from saying what you wish or punish you after you ahve said it.

    Your fellow citizens, including corproate entities, are free to tell you to shut up, boycott your business, boo you at a concert or baseball game, or shun you socially for anything you say. That does not impinge on your constitutional rights.

    Second, none of our constitutional rights are absolute. There is freedom of speech, but congress and the courts regulate commercial speech, pornography, profanity, and other forms and acts of communication.

    Freedom of assembly is limited by fire codes/building capacity, parade permits, etc.

    Freedom of religion is limited by laws which forbid certain activities no matter who is involved or for what purpose. For instance, some Native American tribes legitimately smoke intoxicating plants in certain religious rites. Those doing so are subject to felony prosecution for use and possession of narcotics. Ther is no religious waiver for the use of controlled substances.

    This couple was free to name their children what ever they want. Their fellow citizens, however, are not required to be supportive, cordial or even respectful of these choices. None of that implicates anyone's freedom of speech rights.

    Posted by tommytomata on 12/16/08 at 4:42PM

    As far as what Hitler said about the Jews, remember that it was not that much different than what ministers and priests had been saying for alomst 2000 years: The Jews were collectively guilty for the murder of Jesus, none of them will go to Heaven (and thus they will rot in the other place)

    The Romans were guilty of executing Jesus...shouldn't we also persecute the Italian population?? My God, where does this end? Jesus would never put up with this crap!

    Posted by jgmurphy on 12/16/08 at 4:43PM

    I think these people are either totally stupid or this was a cynical ploy to use their innocent child to publicize their odious movement.

    Obviously they knew what they were doing when they gave their offspring names like Aryan Nation and Adolph Hitler. Of course they are free to name their kids this way but the freedom to accept or reject these sentiments also extends to others.

    Shoprite is exercising ITS freedom in opting not to publicize or appear to endorse the name Adolph Hitler by personalizing a cake in this way. That is their right, just as it was these goofballs' right to name their kids after Nazis.

    Posted by tommytomata on 12/16/08 at 4:49PM


    Thank you.

    Posted by jenminsook on 12/16/08 at 5:07PM

    To jackomama: I am 1st generation KoreanAmerican and do not tell me about the horrific crimes against humanity without doing some research on the Korean history during Japanese occupations in the early 20th century. The brutal inhumane treatments many koreans faced by the Japanese army is too gruesome to think of and even speak of today. and some of my relatives were victims of this brutality. So please do not accuse me of not sympathazing and understanding what many jews experienced during the WWII in Europe.

    Posted by nimbrethil on 12/16/08 at 5:08PM


    Whites will be the minority by 2020? For the love of God, that's ridiculous scaremongering that only racist whites actually believe.

    Posted by nimbrethil on 12/16/08 at 5:25PM


    On what do you base your assertion that "very few" Germans supported Hitler?

    First you talked about the Germans of Hitler's time, then you immediately switched to Germans of today, when you talked about Germans not supporting what their ancestors did.

    The reality is that a LOT of Germans supported Hitler, though not, of course because they were Germans, of course, lest someone else lacking critical thinking skills attempt to conflate German with "racist." But support him they did, though it would be remiss to ignore those Germans that opposed him. But I'd like to see some actual sources behind your claim that the "very few" Germans who did were either "lunatics," or driven to support Hitler through brain washing or threats.

    Hitler did not create the anti-semitic hysteria against Jews, of course. He merely latched onto it as a tool, and fanned the flames of this pre-existing hatred to suit his own ends. Yes, he was able to exacerbate anti-semitic feeling through propaganda. But that does not excuse the Germans who did support him (and they were FAR from being "very few" in number), as they needed little encouragement to blame all their problems on the Jews.

    I am not suggesting that Hitler and his cronies did not resort to brain washing and threats. Obviously they did avail themselves of these tactics where needed. But the fact remains that anti-semitic feelings ran deep and Hitler's gifts of oratory were sufficient to turn that racism to his advantage.

    Posted by nimbrethil on 12/16/08 at 5:28PM

    I see that a bit of my previous comment got hacked, so I wanted to clarify that Gerty conflated the Germans of Hitler's time with the Germans of today when she first yammered about Hitler having few supporters among the Germans and then talking about present-day Germans not supporting what their ancestors did. We're talking about two separate groups of people, and you cannot talk as if they're one and the same.

    Posted by jackyomama on 12/16/08 at 5:30PM

    my point exactly - you are not personally involved in the history assocaited with this discussion, yet you decide to chastize everyone for condemning these people for being idiots - and my arguement (which was only reinforced by your reply) is that you might feel differently if this were a discussion about a Japanese ruler who massacred Koreans

    and to be honest - you are mixing issues - the Japanese occupation of KOrea has nothing to do with the issue, that is unless the Campbells have another child named Taishô (emperor of Japan 1912-1926....just in case)

    also side note: to date the Holocaust is still the largest case of genocide known to man

    Posted by ottistoole on 12/16/08 at 5:34PM

    @nimbrethil actually saddam came into power in 1963 when he overthrew the iraqi government at that time. while he didnt hold a political office, he was well known to be the one pulling all the strings. also, for those who lack critical thinking skills i think barack obama was a young toddler at the time.

    Posted by tommytomata on 12/16/08 at 5:40PM

    In effect Hitler was a master in using propaganda to fuel the feeling that Jews were the cause of all problems.There are always people that will look for excuses for their bleak lives, instead of taking responsibility. These are the ones that hold to Hitler's doctrine, it is easier for them, especially during tough times.

    Ofcourse, following through, you must realize that unproductive undesirables were put to death in Hitler's time. How ironic...

    Posted by forceten on 12/16/08 at 6:00PM

    Errrrr... as has been stated:

    1. Freedom of Speech is related to government making laws, not private citizens or companies on private property. It does not apply.

    2. The kid's rights were violated? I'm sorry, but getting a cake on your birthday is not a right by any legal definition.

    Shop Rite has the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

    The fact that anyone would defend these lazy racist and bigoted freeloaders is disturbing. There is no defense - they named their children what they did - you know the hatred they're raising them with.

    In Germany, since someone brought it up, they would not have been allowed to name their children those names.

    Posted by highgamer on 12/16/08 at 6:55PM

    Shame on shop-rite, this is still a child we are talking about, So what if the employees don't like the name, their child doesn't have to live with it.. I bet shop-rite has decorated plenty of cakes with Jesus on them....I say live and let live

    Posted by tonya1488 on 12/16/08 at 6:56PM

    Shame on Shop Rite. This is so sad . I'll make that baby a birthday cake !!

    Posted by tommytomata on 12/16/08 at 7:01PM

    I bet shop-rite has decorated plenty of cakes with Jesus on them

    Probably not...still I don't see the correlation between Jesus and Adolph Hitler...clue me in please?

    Posted by grovrat on 12/16/08 at 7:04PM

    There's an obvious reason that neither of these parents was named Einstein.

    Posted by jackyomama on 12/16/08 at 7:39PM

    Valid Points:

    TommyT - there is no connection that I can see between Jesus and Hitler - whomever first posted that comment (Highgammer)...your comment is absurd

    Forceten - no rights have been violated, this is not discrimination in any way shape or form

    Otistoole - Barak was named prior to Saddam coming into power - and regardless I don't belive his parents named him in an attempt to imortalize Saddam

    Grovat - the parents have the IQ of a peanut

    I would like to wish the little boy a Happy 3rd Birthday, granted I refuse to call him by his name - and I hope he falls in love with an African American Jew

    Posted by mehhehh on 12/16/08 at 8:18PM

    I think that is so disgusting it is beyond me, who in the friggin world would name their kid adolf hitler who is the most disgusting disgrace devil in all of history, i don't even have words to describe that sick b*stard. What kind of ignorant complete fools would name their child that, i mean seriously do they honestly have brains i highly doubt it. I think that is a disgrace that these parents would name the poor kid that, i have nothing more to say, this is beyond me and beyond the word ignorance.

    Posted by cheesefry on 12/16/08 at 8:20PM

    These two 'adults' are white trash pieces of crap. And anyone on their side, who think it's OK to name children in that manner, need to be taken out with the trash.

    Posted by dancingdave9 on 12/16/08 at 8:23PM

    What somebody up there in New Jersey ought to do is take that long hair outside and knock the ever lovin stuffin out of him until some common sense appears in his tiny little mind. Then he could pick up the phone and take another stab at ordering a birthday cake.

    Posted by JVonnemourne on 12/16/08 at 8:25PM

    His parents say it's just a name. Then if names are just names, why didn't they name their son Charles Manson Campbell, or John Dillinger Campbell, or Joseph Stalin Campbell, or maybe even Fidel Castro Campbell? And why didn't hty name their daughter Lizzie Borden Campbell? There is a reason we don't forget the past, and naming a child a name associated with oppression or murder or thievery, no matter how noble their intentions, will still make it hard for that child when they grow up because of those who are just expected to forget the past. Naming a child "Adolf Hitler" is just asking for trouble.

    Posted by neomanrex on 12/16/08 at 8:27PM

    Actually shoprite is not the USA shoprite is a privately owned company on privately owned property. So as far as decorating cakes shoprite can choose not to put "mary" on a cake if they really want to. It's their company if you don't like it you don't go there. If say the government refused to issue a birth certificate or discriminated in any way against the kids then yes it would in fact be a legal matter . I do so wish people would keep saying "free speech" when free speech only applies to the governments ability to censor not people or organizations. The Constitution does not apply to business no matter how much you want it to it applies to government.
    As for the obviously Racist parents. Sigh. I'd kick them out of my bar. Adolf is fine Aryan even is fine for a first name. But when you go the full monty and respectively Hitler and then Nation. You deserve to get your teeth knocked in. Now whoever knocks your teeth in should be prosecuted as well but you definitely deserve it.

    Posted by garmin64 on 12/16/08 at 8:41PM

    These parents are unbelievable, they are setting these kids up for a world of psychological trauma as they grow older and go to school. The father claims to have been taught intolerance at the hands of foster parents, now he is setting up his kids to experience a different kind of intolerance.

    The supermarket is well within its rights to refuse any purchase for any reason. In some way I am glad that the newspaper ran this story, these parents need to be exposed for what they are, morons.

    Posted by seanswife on 12/16/08 at 8:58PM

    CPS needs to take these kids away and give them new parents with a tad bit more brains and some new names. WTF were these people thinking when they named their children? Apparently they weren't thinking of the hatred these kids will face from people growing up. Its funny how these people don't work but can afford to have three children and its OUR tax money that payed for the damn cake! Our world is going to shitttsss..

    Posted by JVonnemourne on 12/16/08 at 9:03PM

    I agree with what the director of the Anti-Defamation League had to say:
    "Might as well put a sign around their (the children's) necks that say bigot, racist, hatemonger. What's the difference?"

    Posted by nimbrethil on 12/16/08 at 9:03PM


    I believe it was '68, not '63, but either way, the point is that Obama was born in 1961, and thus was not named after Hussein. Anyone who believes this is an idiot. What's sad is that so many people do believe this. Saddam Hussein...Barack Hussein Obama...OMFG THEY NAMED THEIR SON AFTER SADDAM HUSSEIN OMG!!!! The only scenario in which this claim might be valid would be if he'd been named Barack Saddam Hussein Obama. Hussein, by itself, just like Adolf, is an innocuous, common name (common in reference to the culture and language, I am aware it's not a common name within the U.S.).

    You might as well start saying that everyone in the world who is named Michael was named after the pop singer. It's just as absurd and makes just as much sense, which is to say none. But, hey, enough Americans are foolish enough and lacking in that critical thinking faculty that Republican propagandists were able to convince 'em.

    Posted by geckoman012 on 12/16/08 at 9:08PM

    Are u kidding me , they will never be put into public school to take that abuse and criticism. I see them being homeschooled and brainwashed, especially when they get to the part of who hitler was and etc. Funny thing...our tax dollars will pay for this. and they'll probably get some sort of public assistance and claim their children suffer from emotional "problems". I do hope those children grow up and realize their parents' stupidity and legally change their names when they are able to.

    Its no surprise how low walmart will go. All they were interested in was the almighty dollar.

    Posted by heathmoron on 12/16/08 at 9:24PM

    Wow, Heath Campbell, I will remember that name forever. I don't think I have ever heard of someone as idiotic as this guy. Extremely nice names to give your children. Way to think of only yourself when naming them. Now they have to live with those god awful names until they are 18 and can legally change them. They should both hate you by then for being suck an idiot racist piece of crap loser. I hope your kids run away or get taken from you and get to live with someone that actually loves them and WILL teach them right from wrong. Because we all know what you think is right. You idiot a-hole.

    Posted by nicholas75 on 12/16/08 at 9:27PM


    Posted by soozieqty on 12/16/08 at 9:33PM

    These Campbell people are not even true genetic Aryans! They are not blond and they do not have blue eyes. That marks them as genetically flawed by Aryan standards. They would have been gassed with the jews in Hitlers day if he had had his way!
    They have a right to a cake under any circumstances with any name. Hell you can buy cakes like penises and breasts why not Hitler! This is not headline news at all. They only named their kids like that to get in the news and to stir negative emotions. Why allow people like this to get their way over something this ridiculous? What is gained by this rehetoric? They need to be forgotten about completely!

    Posted by xodanceqt on 12/16/08 at 9:33PM

    kudos to shoprite! the parents are neo nazi psychopaths and the last thing they need is for people like Walmart employees to acknowledge their racism.

    Posted by geckosgirl36 on 12/16/08 at 9:41PM

    This family had to have understood, that the controversial names they chose for their children would create problems. For one saying why would i have mixed people in my home, yet saying if he grows up hanging with black people its his choice is double edged. Choosing a name which in itself for a child that is racially charged is completely ignorant. Having an adolph hitler and an aryan nation child say alot! If the store chose not to honor the request i feel it was warranted. How do you know they werent Jewish and it was offensive to them? Children need names that they feel good about. I grew up as an Italian German mixed child, my husband is German. I myself find the names he has chosen as offensive. That would be like me naming my daughter Rebecca hairy dago and not expecting her to take teasing,bullying,and criticism for the odd name. If you did not want a lot of negative attention why chose such negatively charged names for your children? I feel like Heath Campbell and his wife deserve what ever they get for their own stupidity. I myself would hand them the golden ass hat of the year award!

    Posted by bradmanz on 12/16/08 at 9:42PM

    Did anyone notice that little Adolph Hitler has red hair. Big Hitler of WWII infamy would have sent the little red head off to one of his camps, red heads not being of the master race and all.

    It is truly sad how ignorant these parents are.

    Posted by piercedchick on 12/16/08 at 9:47PM

    these people are horrible. i'm sure that they are racist pieces of scum. but i think that the appeal of their kids name is more for some kind of sick fame. the sad thing is, they kind of got it now. look, we're all talking a/b it. man, i hope they read this or someone they know reads this, if they can afford a computer. ahh, white trash, all around! if i were the bakery manager i wouldn't do it either, regardless of the results or action taken against me.
    i feel bad for these children. i'm white and i wouldn't let my children around their kids. could you imagine why anyone that's different in any way would let their children play w/ them.

    ottistoole- just you're name... are you serious? ottis toole, like the pathological liar that dressed up in womens clothes and sexual assulted and killed little boys and hung out w/ henry lee lucas, who also lied a/b his crimes? wow! that's it, just wow!!

    Posted by geckosgirl36 on 12/16/08 at 9:49PM


    They have a right to a cake under any circumstances with any name. Hell you can buy cakes like penises and breasts why not Hitler!

    I agree you can get penis cakes and breast cakes, however not at walmart and grocery stores. You have to special order such items from specialty shops.Maybe they shouldve special ordered their cake? Point is they chose the name knowing it was one that was not readily accepted by society. Now they must deal with it. In my opinion they are the ones who chose that name for him why not order a cake and write it on the cake themselves? I would not want to make a happy birthday adolph hitler cake , and no one should have to do something uncomfortable to them to suit these morons

    Posted by geckoman012 on 12/16/08 at 9:49PM

    Anyone notice the golden hand giving the finger on the shelf of the entertainment center? Its either a lighter or a pipe.

    Posted by geckosgirl36 on 12/16/08 at 10:04PM

    I think it is truly sad to see anyone naming their children with names like this. We as a nation should be working together to fix our problems. Learn to live together as one race, the human kind. Things like this just hinder us all. Mr Campbell might not see it like this. I do, and I am sure many others do as well. I think somethings just shouldn't be done. Naming your children offensively being one of those things. We need to learn no matter what our colors are, or our cultures that we are all the same. You can say its your childs choice to hang out with black people when he grows up. Why do you need to bring up their color? I dont see people this way. I tell my children this when they have asked about peoples differences in color. God made all of us a different skin color because thats how he tells us apart. we can dye our hair but no two ppl really are exactly the same shade of color. How can he teach his children to be non-racial with names like those? How about when they get into history class and find out who Adolph Hitler is? How does he think his son will feel then? Will he want to Sue the school for his sons feelings over his own name too?

    Posted by Heimat on 12/16/08 at 10:12PM

    "Tommytomata" wrote:

    "The Romans were guilty of executing Jesus...shouldn't we also persecute the Italian population?? My God, where does this end? Jesus would never put up with this crap!"

    Obviously you have not read the infamous book of Matthew. In this book, written as usual by someone after the fact, the author says that Pilate considered freeing Jesus, but then was swayed by the mostly Jewish crowd who demanded that Jesus be executed for being a troublemaker. Pilate then says he wipes his hands of this man's blood. The Jewish crowd then says, "His blood be on us and oour children." It was this quote in Matthew that Christianity has used for almostt 2000 years to justify their discrimination and pogroms against the Jews.

    You should check out "Sermons Against the Jews" by Saint John Crystostom, as well as "The Jews and Their Lies" by Martin Luther.

    Posted by vellac83 on 12/16/08 at 10:21PM

    I don't live in this community, or even in the state, but I read about this on cnn.com earlier today. As a Jew, this story makes me sick (although it should make any human being that isn't bigot sick). I'm not sure what I find more offensive -- the fact the Campbells are stupid enough to believe Adolf Hitler is just another name or the fact they would actually name an innocent child that. Frankly, if people want to be blantant neo nazis and name their children Hitler and Ayran Race, you know what, FINE -- it's your God-given right as an American to be a racist bigot and speak your mind about it. Hatred will never go away. But my problem is that this couple is actually naive enough to believe their children will coast through life with names like those. Adolf Hitler is not "just a name" to millions of Jews worldwide, Mr. Campbell, it is a reminder of a man who was dead set on killing every Jew on earth for no other apparent reason other than he just felt like it. My grandfather didn't endure torture and humiliation, and face death every day for two years in Auschwitz just so some stupid couple could name their son something they think is unique and "just a name."

    Obviously, these kids will have to be home-schooled. Doesn't matter if they're the sweetest kids in town, they're going to get teased and beat up incessantly because their parents are a couple of ding-bats.

    People like Heath and Deborah Campbell are the exact reason why people should have to get a license to breed. I mean, is this couple even mentally competent?

    Little Adolf, I hope you have a good birthday regardless, and when you turn 18 years old, I have no doubt in my mind the only gift you'll want is for someone to pay the fee to legally change your name. Heck, I'll pay the fee for you myself. Good luck, kiddo, you're going to need it!

    Posted by harchickgirl on 12/16/08 at 10:47PM

    I believe that an all-expenses paid trip for two to Auschwitz is in order.

    To LEARN, not to be cremated.

    Anyone else want to donate?

    Posted by fuzzzy on 12/16/08 at 10:47PM

    I just have to shake my head. Most of us if we want to prove a point would do so in a protest….sit in….boycott or what have you. But to name your child is such a way to prove a point is just foolish, thoughtless and at the end of the day stupid. So as a parent you have the right to say “hey what is wrong with my child’s name, this is why I did it and this is what I meant”? And the reason is because you “liked the sound of the name”? what is so rythmic or melodic about Adolph Hitler? Doesn’t rhyme, no song after it etc? The only reason you did it was to prove a point, or, becuase you are a racist arian bigot….I don’t know, have never met you and will never know why.

    What I can say is think about what you have done for your child and his future. By a 20 second decision on a birth certificate and your 5 minutes of shoprite fame, you have chosen your child’s destiny into a life of hate, teasing, etc…. because of what he will have to endure by others that don’t share your shallow minded, dimwhitted reason for his name. He is doomed to never reach his full potential and to be tormented and ridiculed (looke it up if you have to) for the rest of his life for his name that he had no choice in selecting.

    Next time you want to make a point, here is an idea, give your child a regular name and have the balls to go to the courthouse and change your name to Aldoph Hitler…and your wife can change her name legally to Eva Braun....but of course you would never do that as an adult because you know the reprecussions of such and act but have no problem inflicting it on your children.

    Posted by bkeller on 12/16/08 at 10:55PM

    The levels of insanity in this article are spell binding. However, as a historian I need to point out just one or two things.

    One... the other daughters name is Hinler. I am guessing that the superior intellect at hand failed to know that HIMMLER was the chief of the SS and they didn't bother to look it up. This is simply a guess as the astounding brain trust may have and this is simply a family name.

    Two... If one is going to get ink, then one might really wish to do some research. The fact that on the 3 images, the skull, the car and the tattoo show the SWASTIKA inverted shows that even for a brain dead neo nazi, he is doing it wrong.

    Bang up job on studying german history. I would recommend reading a book. Congratulations on Adolf's 3rd birthday. I can only hope that he learns where his parents have failed. Hopefully, he will grow up to marry a person from Beta Israel. That would make me grin like an idiot.

    Posted by jenminsook on 12/16/08 at 10:56PM

    my comment:Most of the comments are full of insults and hatred. Yes, I agree that the parents did not make the wisest decisions when naming their children. But it still does not give me , you, or anyone else the right to publicly condemne their decisions. All the insults displayed here are no better than the KKK's racial slurs or Hitler's antisemitic messages. I believe Hitler too discussed and experimented with the idea of sterilizing the jewish population before reserving to the idea of genocide. I read numerous comments here that the parents are unfit and should be sterilized. The big question I have for everyone is: Are you so much better and superior that you have the right to pass judgements onto others? I believe that's what Hitler believed in

    Jenminsook - actually if you are going to take the stance that these people (the Campbells) have the right to their own opinion (they idolize Hitler) - then shouldn't we have the right to critisize their opinion - I mean...we also are entitled to our opinion right?

    also...it's very easy to play the "standing my moral ground" card when you aren't deeply entrenched in the issue at hand - my grandfather (RIP) wrote a book about the camps ("Witness to the Truth") - and let me tell you, if it was people you care about that were tortured and killed...you'd be singing a different tune

    my reply:To jackomama: I am 1st generation KoreanAmerican and do not tell me about the horrific crimes against humanity without doing some research on the Korean history during Japanese occupations in the early 20th century. The brutal inhumane treatments many koreans faced by the Japanese army is too gruesome to think of and even speak of today. and some of my relatives were victims of this brutality. So please do not accuse me of not sympathazing and understanding what many jews experienced during the WWII in Europe.

    Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by nimbrethil on 12/16/08 at 5:08PM

    Whites will be the minority by 2020? For the love of God, that's ridiculous scaremongering that only racist whites actually believe.

    Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by nimbrethil on 12/16/08 at 5:25PM

    On what do you base your assertion that "very few" Germans supported Hitler?

    First you talked about the Germans of Hitler's time, then you immediately switched to Germans of today, when you talked about Germans not supporting what their ancestors did.

    The reality is that a LOT of Germans supported Hitler, though not, of course because they were Germans, of course, lest someone else lacking critical thinking skills attempt to conflate German with "racist." But support him they did, though it would be remiss to ignore those Germans that opposed him. But I'd like to see some actual sources behind your claim that the "very few" Germans who did were either "lunatics," or driven to support Hitler through brain washing or threats.

    Hitler did not create the anti-semitic hysteria against Jews, of course. He merely latched onto it as a tool, and fanned the flames of this pre-existing hatred to suit his own ends. Yes, he was able to exacerbate anti-semitic feeling through propaganda. But that does not excuse the Germans who did support him (and they were FAR from being "very few" in number), as they needed little encouragement to blame all their problems on the Jews.

    I am not suggesting that Hitler and his cronies did not resort to brain washing and threats. Obviously they did avail themselves of these tactics where needed. But the fact remains that anti-semitic feelings ran deep and Hitler's gifts of oratory were sufficient to turn that racism to his advantage.

    Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by nimbrethil on 12/16/08 at 5:28PM
    I see that a bit of my previous comment got hacked, so I wanted to clarify that Gerty conflated the Germans of Hitler's time with the Germans of today when she first yammered about Hitler having few supporters among the Germans and then talking about present-day Germans not supporting what their ancestors did. We're talking about two separate groups of people, and you cannot talk as if they're one and the same.

    Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by jackyomama on 12/16/08 at 5:30PM
    my point exactly - you are not personally involved in the history assocaited with this discussion, yet you decide to chastize everyone for condemning these people for being idiots - and my arguement (which was only reinforced by your reply) is that you might feel differently if this were a discussion about a Japanese ruler who massacred Koreans

    and to be honest - you are mixing issues - the Japanese occupation of KOrea has nothing to do with the issue, that is unless the Campbells have another child named Taishô (emperor of Japan 1912-1926....just in case)

    also side note: to date the Holocaust is still the largest case of genocide known to man

    Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by ottistoole on 12/16/08 at 5:34PM
    @nimbrethil actually saddam came into power in 1963 when he overthrew the iraqi government at that time. while he didnt hold a political office, he was well known to be the one pulling all the strings. also, for those who lack critical thinking skills i think barack obama was a young toddler at the time.

    Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by tommytomata on 12/16/08 at 5:40PM

    between Jesus and Hitler - whomever first posted that comment (Highgammer)...your comment is absurd

    Forceten - no rights have been violated, this is not discrimination in any way shape or form

    Otistoole - Barak was named prior to Saddam coming into power - and regardless I don't belive his parents named him in an attempt to imortalize Saddam

    Grovat - the parents have the IQ of a peanut

    I would like to wish the little boy a Happy 3rd Birthday, granted I refuse to call him by his name - and I hope he falls in love with an African American Jew

    Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by warwulf on 12/16/08 at 7:43PM
    I see... my original comment was removed. Amazing. Had no idea my words were so "dangerous". You'd have thought I was advocating killing babies and raping little girls like MOSES had ordered to be done in the "Bible". Let's see how long this comment stands in America, land of "freedom".

    And gerty, apparently YOU can't comprehend simple English, because the "Bible" is very clear and explicit regarding killing children, "smiting every living thing" with the edge of a sword, etc. Read "Numbers 31", dear gerty, and "Joshua" for starters. Then we'll talk some more. And uh, gerty, why exactly would I care WHAT this Jesus was? When he was running around "smiting" unproductive fig trees in the Middle East, my ancestors (my actual BLOOD) were busy fighting for their existence against the Romans north of the Alps more than a thousand miles away...

    Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by warwulf on 12/16/08 at 7:56PM
    skeeb wilcox, you clearly haven't read your own silly "Bible". Your "god" doesn't punish murderers (like Moses, Joshua), or even child rapists (like Moses and the Israelites) with "burning in Hell", those scum are REWARDED by "Him", IF they are "HIS" "Chosen" people. Read Numbers 31, ya moron.

    Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by mehhehh on 12/16/08 at 8:18PM
    I think that is so disgusting it is beyond me, who in the friggin world would name their kid adolf hitler who is the most disgusting disgrace devil in all of history, i don't even have words to describe that sick b*stard. What kind of ignorant complete fools would name their child that, i mean seriously do they honestly have brains i highly doubt it. I think that is a disgrace that these parents would name the poor kid that, i have nothing more to say, this is beyond me and beyond the word ignorance.

    Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by cheesefry on 12/16/08 at 8:20PM
    These two 'adults' are white trash pieces of crap. And anyone on their side, who think it's OK to name children in that manner, need to be taken out with the trash.

    Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by dancingdave9 on 12/16/08 at 8:23PM
    What somebody up there in New Jersey ought to do is take that long hair outside and knock the ever lovin stuffin out of him until some common sense appears in his tiny little mind. Then he could pick up the phone and take another stab at ordering a birthday cake.

    Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by JVonnemourne on 12/16/08 at 8:25PM
    His parents say it's just a name. Then if names are just names, why didn't they name their son Charles Manson Campbell, or John Dillinger Campbell, or Joseph Stalin Campbell, or maybe even Fidel Castro Campbell? And why didn't hty name their daughter Lizzie Borden Campbell? There is a reason we don't forget the past, and naming a child a name associated with oppression or murder or thievery, no matter how noble their intentions, will still make it hard for that child when they grow up because of those who are just expected to forget the past. Naming a child "Adolf Hitler" is just asking for trouble.

    Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by neomanrex on 12/16/08 at 8:27PM
    Actually shoprite is not the USA shoprite is a privately owned company on privately owned property. So as far as decorating cakes shoprite can choose not to put "mary" on a cake if they really want to. It's their company if you don't like it you don't go there. If say the government refused to issue a birth certificate or discriminated in any way against the kids then yes it would in fact be a legal matter . I do so wish people would keep saying "free speech" when free speech only applies to the governments ability to censor not people or organizations. The Constitution does not apply to business no matter how much you want it to it applies to government.
    As for the obviously Racist parents. Sigh. I'd kick them out of my bar. Adolf is fine Aryan even is fine for a first name. But when you go the full monty and respectively Hitler and then Nation. You deserve to get your teeth knocked in. Now whoever knocks your teeth in should be prosecuted as well but you definitely deserve it.

    Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a commentPosted by garmin64 on 12/16/08 at 8:41PM
    These parents are unbelievable, they are setting these kids up for a world of psychological trauma as they grow older and go to school. The father claims to have been taught intolerance at the hands of foster parents, now he is setting up his kids to experience a different kind of intolerance.

    The supermarket is well within its rights to refuse any purchase for any reason. In some way I am glad that the newspaper ran this story, these parents need to be exposed for what they are, morons.

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    Remember Me
    Welcome back, jenminsook! Comments: (you may use HTML tags for style) my comment:Most of the comments are full of insults and hatred. Yes, I agree that the parents did not make the wisest decisions when naming their children. But it still does not give me , you, or anyone else the right to publicly condemne their decisions. All the insults displayed here are no better than the KKK's racial slurs or Hitler's antisemitic messages. I believe Hitler too discussed and experimented with the idea of sterilizing the jewish population before reserving to the idea of genocide. I read numerous comments here that the parents are unfit and should be sterilized. The big question I have for everyone is: Are you so much better and superior that you have the right to pass judgements onto others? I believe that's what Hitler believed in

    Jenminsook - actually if you are going to take the stance that these people (the Campbells) have the right to their own opinion (they idolize Hitler) - then shouldn't we have the right to critisize their opinion - I mean...we also are entitled to our opinion right?

    also...it's very easy to play the "standing my moral ground" card when you aren't deeply entrenched in the issue at hand - my grandfather (RIP) wrote a book about the camps ("Witness to the Truth") - and let me tell you, if it was people you care about that were tortured and killed...you'd be singing a different tune

    my reply:
    To jackomama: I am 1st generation KoreanAmerican and do not tell me about the horrific crimes against humanity without doing some research on the Korean history during Japanese occupations in the early 20th century. The brutal inhumane treatments many koreans faced by the Japanese army is too gruesome to think of and even speak of today. and some of my relatives were victims of this brutality. So please do not accuse me of not sympathazing and understanding what many jews experienced during the WWII in Europe.

    jackyomama wrote:
    my point exactly - you are not personally involved in the history assocaited with this discussion, yet you decide to chastize everyone for condemning these people for being idiots - and my arguement (which was only reinforced by your reply) is that you might feel differently if this were a discussion about a Japanese ruler who massacred Koreans

    and to be honest - you are mixing issues - the Japanese occupation of KOrea has nothing to do with the issue, that is unless the Campbells have another child named Taishô (emperor of Japan 1912-1926....just in case)

    also side note: to date the Holocaust is still the largest case of genocide known to man

    My last final reply:
    Jackyomama is correct that the holocaust n its atrocities are not part of my heiritage history. but I am inquriing, is it part of her jewish history which makes her more of an authority on the suffrage and pain many jews faced during during WWII? For me, the events/tyrannts/causes/geography may be different, but one thing that I can't ignore is the emotions I feel when I experience/hear/read about how cruel and inhumane we can be with one another. I can channel my anger by insulting/condemning/assaulting/revenging/etc but that would only perpetuate the hatred and continue the cycle of racism, discrimination, bigotry, ignorance, and worst of all, wars.
    Koreans were treated worser than animals during the Japnaese occupation era, but I hold no grudge or hatred against the japanese and their past. I even visited there for the love of their culture/food. I even became very upset when I read about the attempted genocide of the christians in Sudan. and I am not even a christan. I don't have to be one to relate to the emotions and share the pain. Jen

    Posted by bkeller on 12/16/08 at 10:57PM

    harchick...They would not go. You could tell them and they would show up in all their paraphenalia.

    Unfortunately...I do not think they can be educated.

    Posted by nORMANn on 12/16/08 at 11:00PM

    What a bunch of Hillbillies. Great parenting. These kids are doomed with those names. Wait untill little Hitler tries to to get a job. It figures Wal Mart would make the Hitler Cake.

    Posted by lorrialex on 12/16/08 at 11:12PM

    Well these parents name their kids after hate words and names....Aryan Nation and Adolf Hitler? Maybe these parents need to embrace the rest of the world and stop the hatred. And I agree with others, who puts the whole name on a cake???? I doubt this child is the only 'Adolf.' These parents just want to see themselves in the newspaper. GROW UP IDIOTS.

    Posted by jaycfresh on 12/16/08 at 11:24PM

    Poor kids .... the parents are obviously descended from trailer trash hillbilly scum.
    Ick. What a waste of air these nasty inbreds/brother/sister/cousins are.
    Please don't waste your time trying to explain yourselves, trailer trash racists. You are nasty in every sense of the word.
    Feigning confusion over this situation only reinforces why you should be weeded out of the gene pool.
    I truly feel sorry for these children.

    Posted by Jublikhan on 12/16/08 at 11:53PM

    Bhaltazhar is out back diggin' up the bones?

    Posted by birkee on 12/17/08 at 12:09AM

    This wannabe Nazi is below the cretin level of intelligence, not only does he not know how to spell Himmler which has been pointed out several times by other posters, but check out the pictures in the photo gallery, he has a skull with a supposed swastika on it, a skull that he painted a swastika on the forehead and a swatika tattoo on his hand, only problem is....all three of them are backwards. Lokk, son, if you want to play third reich, at least do it correctly.

    Posted by anynameleft on 12/17/08 at 12:16AM

    What's the deal with Honszlynn Hinler? Is it a little much to assume they were meaning Himmler...as in Heinrich Himmler? It's wonderful to know that in their attempts at continuing hatred they've only managed to show how ignorant they truly are.
    Some one made the comment about how selfish the parents are and I have to agree. The ONLY reason for the names of these children were the 15 minutes of fame the parents were hoping for. A)Requesting the name be written out fully. B)Refusing to do it themselves. C) Having Wal-Mart full fill the request and STILL make a big stink about it. D)Pretending ignorance on the whole matter. And the coup de grace E) Touting President elect Obama's "Change"!

    Now for those of you who insist on insulting hillbillies by calling the trailer trash hillbillies, please note if they were true hillbillies, they would have gone to Wal-Mart FIRST.

    Posted by momof4kidz on 12/17/08 at 12:23AM

    Naming a child is one of the most important things a parent will do for their child. The name will be with the child throughout it's school,social and work life.

    The names that the Campbell parents have picked for 2 of their children, especially Adolph, shows total disrespect for their own children.

    In their lack of maturity and judgement, they have branded their son for as long as he carries that name.

    That name is associated with hatred, murder, torture, genocide, bigotry, racism, insanity,facism and is not appropriate for any child or person.

    This poor decision on the Campbells part is far beyond their parental right to name their child whatever they want.

    Wrong wrong wrong and totally inexcusable decision.

    I applaud the store that denied putting the name on the birthday cake. It's time for businesses and people to stand up for what they believe is right and just.

    As for the parents, it is obvious they lack judgement and are immature. They have not given their children a solid start in life, and unfortunately and most probably, the tax payers will have to pay for their poor decision in years to come.

    Posted by stern99 on 12/17/08 at 2:35AM

    Well Hitler is better than being named CACADODO

    Posted by GeorgiePoorG on 12/17/08 at 3:20AM

    I am really happy for Shop-Rite and their bakery. They deserve the free advertising and Wal-Mart accepts food stamps all the same and not really into having an opinion when it comes to morals or community. Good job Shop-Rite!
    I hope CPS gets involved in this families life and removes those children as soon as possible. These two parents carried their dungeons and dragons roll playing game into the real world and cursed these children (not only with being the two most ignorant people in New Jersey and possibly America) with silly babies to raise them.
    Help these childen and have them removed from this environment. They would be better off adopted out to real people who probably deserve the welfare check. Thanks Shop-Rite for not being another Wal-Mart Family Store.

    Posted by jaylu on 12/17/08 at 3:46AM

    "They're being unfair to my son"??? WTF? Unfair was giving the child the name in the first place. Hillbilly's.

    Posted by ohmygosh1243 on 12/17/08 at 8:04AM

    While I'm appalled at the names and agree that the parents are obviously looking to start something by using the child's full name on the cake, I think the name should have been written on the cake. By not writing the name on the cake, they are being discriminatory. They are perpetrating the same unfairness they are disgusted at. Anyone in this country can name their child anything they want...after a fruit, a beverage, a religious leader or a nazi. I think the names are terrible, but the parents have every right, no matter how disgusting. There are pleny of neonazi's and kkk members in this country who put Hitler on a pedestal...and they're allowed to. Our country's freedom of expression, beliefs and practices are what makes this country great. ...no matter how much certain things make me want to vomit.

    Posted by mellobex on 12/17/08 at 8:09AM

    I have to agree with most comments above in saying that the parents made a huge error in judgement in their choices for the names of their three children. If they want attention, they should do something to themselves instead of their kids.


    Now that the children are stuck with these names, I think it's positively silly that Shop Rite is punishing them further by not making them a cake. Sure, they offered to make a blank cake, but most peoples' penmanship is mediocre at best, and writing on a cake isn't easy.

    To those of you making an issue about putting the boy's first AND middle names on the cake: Leave off. My mother put "Happy Birthday Rebecca Lynn" on my cakes for years. There's nothing wrong with using both names.

    And please, PLEASE, stop talking about taking the kids away from their parents. You know nothing about their homelife and situation other than the fact that the parents are Nazis. If child services took kids away from every bigoted parent in the country, do you know how freaking FULL the homes would be? Think. There are more than enough children in the system already (thanks, in part, to the Safe Haven Laws that allowed mothers to leave their teenagers at hospitals).


    Posted by getreal8 on 12/17/08 at 8:30AM

    Do these people have any idea what this wretched man did? They say they are from Germany. Do they realize that not only Jews were exterminated. But Germans who would not "conform" were exterminated as well? Wearing German Soldier boots leads me to believe that he was for the extinction of Jews. When his child learns the history of Germany-how will he feel about his name. Hopefully ashamed. And it won't be his fault. His completely ignorant parents will be to blame. The comment of having many black friends? No respect to call them African American-as he calls himself German-they have a background too. Sounds like a cover to me. Kids can be cruel. When we chose our daughters name-we actually put into consideration how other children could tear it apart to give her some poor nickname (I'm sure some smart ass child will find a way anyway). But this child is truely "marked". They say they were free to do this. That Obama whants change. I don't think Obama meant to ignore history. The impact something so large had on all those people. I am German and my family was part of the lucky ones to escape. The free thinkers left. This man was obviousely one to be brainwashed. I wouldn't trust this man with my life. He is not only abusing his child. But also the families that will never be able to forget what happened-and by using that name in the US is like rubbing it in their face. Wake up campbell. We'd should send you back to Germany-but why ruin what they have tried to mend. You and your wife are very ignorant, sick people. You CANNOT JUSTIFY what you have done. If I was a business owner here in the United States-you would kicked out of my business. I don't trust you. I feel so very sorry for what you did to your trial. Wait til the day he seperates himself from his family and hopefully (I believe he will) change his name. You lose all around.

    Posted by Fritz61 on 12/17/08 at 8:34AM

    This is a clear cut case of political discrimination. Shoprite doesn't agree with the political beliefs of the parents, so they are going to refuse services to a 3 year old child. What if the child had been named Barrak Obama Campbell? Would you still think it ok to refuse services to him? What about Ricard Nixon Campbell? I'm sure many knowledgeable people would be highly offended by a Joseph Stalin Campbell. I know I would. Would it be ok to refuse services to little Joe Stalin Campbell?

    This kind of thing puts us on a slippery slope, where before long it will be ok for a mechanic to refuse to work on a car if it has an Obama bumper sticker or an employer the right to not hire an individual unless they have a Democrat Party membership card.

    Posted by Fritz61 on 12/17/08 at 8:40AM

    GeorgiePoorG said

    "I hope CPS gets involved in this families life and removes those children as soon as possible"

    How about this. I hope CPS gets involved in the lives of every idiot that voted for Obama and removes their children as soon as possible.

    Posted by getreal8 on 12/17/08 at 8:40AM

    I guess the KKK is still alive and kicking. Perhaps a cross burning is needed on his front lawn. People like these need to face extinction-see how they feel about it.

    Posted by Fritz61 on 12/17/08 at 8:44AM

    "Posted by miramesa on 12/15/08 at 3:38PM

    Why isn't there a law against naming your children such ridiculous names?"

    Why isn't there a law against naming your children ridicules names like LaKesha or LaTrina?

    Posted by getreal8 on 12/17/08 at 8:45AM

    Hey Fritz61....Obama hasn't tried to exterminate a people with a religion that was not to Hitlers liking. Nor did Richard Nixon-he was just stupid.
    Get real.

    Posted by momofsrl on 12/17/08 at 8:49AM

    I read an article about this in my local newspaper. "tribtoday.com" if you are interested ... go down to "National News" on the left hand side. So this is a compilation of that and this article.

    Yeah, “a name’s a name”. Accept change??? He has a point. But what was point of wanting a swastika on a previous birthday cake? No, this man’s kids probably aren’t going to grow up and do what Adolf Hitler did. But everyone I know who has named their child after someone … it has always been to honor someone. Dad likes the name and the name is original? PUH-LEEZE!!! Mixed-race children at the birthday party? Good! So are these people “closet racists” or are they just like kids who didn’t get enough attention and “act out” for any attention they can possibly grasp? Yes, this is just a child’s birthday cake, and little Adolf cannot be held responsible for the ignorance of his parents. Aren’t they supposed to protect him? Good job, Mom and Dad!!!

    Posted by getreal8 on 12/17/08 at 8:52AM

    Hmmm, Remove the children from families who voted for Obama??? Ban names that come from African American tradition? Perhaps your parents should have named you Adolph Hitler. Once again-Have Obama voters or African Americans tried to exterminate a whole race...what's it like being part of the KKK?

    Posted by Fritz61 on 12/17/08 at 8:58AM

    "Posted by getreal8 on 12/17/08 at 8:45AM

    Hey Fritz61....Obama hasn't tried to exterminate a people with a religion that was not to Hitlers liking. Nor did Richard Nixon-he was just stupid.
    Get real."

    Would you have a problem with Joseph Stalin Campbell or Che Guevara Campbel? I didn't think so.

    The point is that condoning what this supermarket did, puts us on a slippery slope.

    Posted by bioya on 12/17/08 at 9:02AM

    THINKPEACE posted "This is America, not the United States of Shoprite. I'm sure Shoprite would not refuse to personalize a cake for Barack HUSSEIN Obama who turned out great, in spite of his given name."

    That comment just demonstrates the ignorance of so many people in this country. Hussein is a common name in the Middle East - like Smith or Jones in the United States. Jordan had a King Hussein - and you know what? He was a friend of Israel's and worked hard for peace in the Middle East. He was a good friend of the United States also. I know someone who has Hussein as their last name. How many Hitlers have you ever heard of? Not many. I can only think of one. Don't try and equate the name Hussein with the name Hitler - it's a pathetic analogy. If you want to equate Hussein with something negative, make sure it's preceded by SADDAM!!! The whole Hussein thing was nothing more than a slimey, GOP attempt to smear Barack Obama, and it was all done banking on the ignorance of the American people. So if you want to include yourself as one (an ignorant fool), go ahead and keep throwing around Hussein like it's associated with terrorists, etc.. By the way, Saddam Hussein wasn't a terrorist, he was a dictator, and he and his regime was supported by the United States for quite awhile.

    As far as the Campbells go - they're just white trash, the same kind of ignorant people that throw around Hussein and automatically associate it with something negative.

    Posted by JudyBee on 12/17/08 at 9:06AM

    THINKPEACE, there is nothing inherently wrong with the name Hussein, and comparing it to the name Adolf Hitler is ridiculous. The two are not the same, and simply shows an anti-Moslem mindset on your end, whether you realize it or not.

    Posted by karen1226 on 12/17/08 at 9:08AM

    These people purposefully chose a name for their son that reflects their personal beliefs - they are admitted holocaust deniers and I don't care what anyone has to say about freedom of speech blah blah blah. Some things are just plainly offensive and naming your son after one of history's most evil and reviled figures is just wrong. And they were plainly making a statement and purposefully drawing attention to their child's name by requesting that the boy's full name, including his middle name, be included on the cake. And then they act all shocked and surprised when someone calls them on their bull crap. These people even had the nerve to call for "tolerance" on this issue. Give me a break. There is no defense for these two people, they are obviously ignorant, ill-educated idiots and no, they shouldn't be raising children.

    Posted by Fritz61 on 12/17/08 at 9:11AM

    Posted by getreal8 on 12/17/08 at 8:52AM

    Hmmm, Remove the children from families who voted for Obama??? Ban names that come from African American tradition? Perhaps your parents should have named you Adolph Hitler. Once again-Have Obama voters or African Americans tried to exterminate a whole race...what's it like being part of the KKK?

    Ok would the name Nelson Mandela Campbell be acceptable to you. I'm sure you think he is a saint, but go to youtube and put these words in a search; Mandela Kill Whites. Then google "stop boer genocide" and look through some of the photos and statistics on the first website that pops up.

    In the USA the First Amendment Guarantees us freedom of speech. That should extend to what parents choose to name their children. If you want to say that they can be discriminated against because you don't like their name, then I should have the right to discriminate against all the little Obamas that will be born in the coming year.

    Posted by Fritz61 on 12/17/08 at 9:14AM

    "Posted by bioya on 12/17/08 at 9:02AM

    As far as the Campbells go - they're just white trash, the same kind of ignorant people that throw around Hussein and automatically associate it with something negative."

    Don't have a real argument, then go for the ad hominem attack, Typical

    Posted by Fritz61 on 12/17/08 at 9:17AM

    "Posted by karen1226 on 12/17/08 at 9:08AM

    There is no defense for these two people, they are obviously ignorant, ill-educated idiots and no, they shouldn't be raising children."

    Don't have a real argument, go for the ad hominem attack. Typical.

    Posted by Fritz61 on 12/17/08 at 9:23AM

    "getreal8 on 12/17/08 at 8:52AM
    what's it like being part of the KKK?"

    Don't have a real agument, then go for the ad hominem attack. Typical.

    Posted by bchhvn08008 on 12/17/08 at 9:37AM

    I applaud ShopRite for not making this cake. The family openly admits to having Nazi items decorating their home...and they have the choise to serve or not serve whomever they choose. These parents should be ashamed of themselves - naming their children these names. It promotes hate and discrimination. And although manypeople claim - these are just children - they are children being raised by parents who belive in this hatred - therefore - the apples will not fall far from the tree.

    Posted by aflecha on 12/17/08 at 9:47AM

    Ok, so the parents have a desperate craving for media attention, I don't see a huge problem with that. But why didn't they just change their own names, so they could get all the attention they want, instead of putting that huge burden on 3 small children?
    That is child abuse, yes. If they want the attention, or to "honor" whoever they wish, they should live with the consequences. They should live with the not getting a job, not being accepted at clubs or not getting a cake with their names on it. Not just putting it on their children and then watch from a safe distance sitting on their asses as their kids struggle to do things that other people get done easily.

    I also applaud ShopRite for making a statement over money. Other shops should have that same philosophy.

    Posted by Fritz61 on 12/17/08 at 9:47AM

    "Posted by bchhvn08008 on 12/17/08 at 9:37AM

    I applaud ShopRite for not making this cake. The family openly admits to having Nazi items decorating their home...and they have the choice to serve or not serve whomever they choose."

    Would you be applauding them if they chose not to serve Barrak Obama Campbell, or do you applaud only when you agree with them?

    Posted by anglyn1 on 12/17/08 at 9:53AM

    I just wanted to say to FLBryce: Cute WV comment. Congratulations you may possibly be more ignorant than the family in question.

    Posted by Fritz61 on 12/17/08 at 9:53AM

    "Posted by aflecha on 12/17/08 at 9:47AM

    I also applaud ShopRite for making a statement over money. Other shops should have that same philosophy."

    Would you applaud a shop who's owner, was deeply philosophy opposed to Barrak Obama or George Bush, who refused to decorate a cake for Barrak Obama Campbell or George Bush Campbell?

    My guess is that you would want to take that shop owner to court for discrimination. Please correct me if I am wrong, and if I am, enplane how it differs.

    Posted by happynlife on 12/17/08 at 9:58AM

    I think the authorities should look into this family because naming their child after the worst mass murderer in history is a form of child abuse. I'm a teacher and I feel so sorry that these poor children have to go through life with these names because they have ignorant parents.

    Posted by Fritz61 on 12/17/08 at 10:04AM

    "Posted by happynlife on 12/17/08 at 9:58AM

    I think the authorities should look into this family because naming their child after the worst mass murderer in history is a form of child abuse. I'm a teacher and I feel so sorry that these poor children have to go through life with these names because they have ignorant parents."

    By what criteria is Adolph Hitler the worst Mass Murderer in History? Both Stalin and Mao killed more innocent people in total numbers then Hitler ever did. Po Pot killed far a far larger percentage of the population of his country then Stalin, Mao or Hitler.

    Yet I'd be willing to bet, I would have no problem getting Happy Birthday Joseph Stalin Campbell in a birthday cake with a hammer and cycle.

    Posted by Alexa1972 on 12/17/08 at 10:09AM

    I am horrified that this family would honor the moniker of one of the worst murderers in recorded history. I feel sorry for the children in this family, but the parents disgust me. They are a perfect example of why I left Hunterdon County as soon as I was 18. My parents bought a home there because it was a bucolic, safe setting and the public schools had a great reputation, but what they didn't realize was that bigoted white trash like the Campbells run rampant through the hills of Hunterdon. I graduated from Voorhees High School in the 1990s, and this sort of nonsense went on there as well. There was a segment of the student body that seemed to think it was acceptable to tease students of a "different" nationality or race. At times the already unacceptable teasing would escalate to downright abuse and harassment. Nothing was ever done to protect the minorities; many of them wound up going to college and moving out-of-state to find a better life and a world of cultural acceptance. The bigots, of course, stayed behind, didn't go to college, and to this day, they stick together like flies on flypaper. Ever heard of the Grand Ol' Opry in the hills of Tewksbury/Califon? It's a racist mecca. Check out the website, but don't swing by, especially if you're not white, you are highly-educated and if you drive a foreign-made vehicle. It looks like one good thing may come out of the ever-increasing real estate values and soaring property taxes in Hunterdon County; hopefully it will continuing bringing in the highly educated urbanites from NYC and other metropolitan areas. If the affluent, highly educated immigrant populus continues to settle here and are willing and able to afford the real estate it will hopefully force out the "disabled" (please, give me a break here), bigoted sorts like the Campbells. I really hope that the children are taken away from the Campbells; these people are mentally, physically and financially unable to support these children.

    Posted by jobzombi on 12/17/08 at 10:15AM

    He should sue. We all have certain unalienable rights, of which also include the freedom of speech and to pick your son's name. The supermarket chain's choice to deny him service due to them not "liking" his name is discriminatory. Their denial of this common service on ground of them not liking his name is the same as denying the service to blacks and latinos because they do not like their color or names. I myself am Latino and have felt racism, but have come to the understanding that as long as they do not physically harm me, they have the right to think how ever they want to think. My wish would be for them to change their views and no longer be racist, but they have their right to choose to be or not to be.

    Posted by Fritz61 on 12/17/08 at 10:20AM

    "Posted by jobzombi on 12/17/08 at 10:15AM

    He should sue. We all have certain unalienable rights, of which also include the freedom of speech and to pick your son's name. The supermarket chain's choice to deny him service due to them not "liking" his name is discriminatory. Their denial of this common service on ground of them not liking his name is the same as denying the service to blacks and latinos because they do not like their color or names. I myself am Latino and have felt racism, but have come to the understanding that as long as they do not physically harm me, they have the right to think how ever they want to think. My wish would be for them to change their views and no longer be racist, but they have their right to choose to be or not to be."

    You understand the First Amendment!!!!!!!

    God Bless you and Welcome to America!!!!!

    Posted by MsBehavin on 12/17/08 at 10:21AM

    These folks are a little out there, for sure. Freedom of speech being what it is, I can't argue with their RIGHT to name their children whatever they choose. I can agree, however, that people should give a lot more thought to what names they hang on their children. I do not understand what would provoke a parent, who supposedly loves their child, to hang a name on them that will likely make the child a target of hatred and abuse. They should be forced to bear names like "Terminally Stupid" or "Insult to Intelligence". God bless these poor children.

    As to the store that refused to make the cake, next time you should sell them the cake and a tube of frosting and let them spell out the name themselves. And if you are going to go out of your way to choose an offensive name for your child as a way to garner your 15 minutes, you should not be surprised that folks are offended and just learn to decorate your own cake.

    Posted by KimHall on 12/17/08 at 10:36AM

    Who in their right mind would name their child after the most reviled man in history? I suppose the same people who want a swastika placed on the birthday cake also. Nobody needs to "accept the name"; these parents need to accept the consequences of their actions and "take their heads out of the clouds".


    These parents' rights were not violated. The store in question exercised their policy not to decorate a cake with anything that they consider offensive. Deal with the decision and move on. Either that or call the ACLU and wage a class action lawsuit against ShopRite. Maybe another family who named their son "Charles Manson Smith" will join them in their protest and court battle. What a sick reflection on how "tolerant" our society has become. Blah.

    Posted by TXDemocrat on 12/17/08 at 10:57AM

    Mr. Campbell should understand that this country is not filled entirely with idiots who automatically believe any nonsense that is fed to them. He is not fooling me or gaining my sympathy with his nonsensical explanations of why he and his wife chose his son's name or his pleading that we should all feel sympathy for his family because his child has a hard time getting a birthday cake. Mr. Campbell pleads for tolerance for his family, yet as a bigot, he does not provide the same tolerance for the melting pot that is the American people. He and his family deserve no such sympathy or tolerance.

    I supposed he could try to make an argument that he "just likes" the name Adolph Hitler. However, with one of his children named Adolph Hitler and another of his children's names including the phrase "Aryan Nation," no reasonable person should, for a moment, believe that he chose those names simply because he likes them. I assert that, given the content of his children's names, Mr. Campbell is a white supremacist, bigot, hate mongerer and Hitler sympathizer, all of which are deplorable and have no place in this country or in the 21st century. Nobody should believe that it's just a coincidence that his son shares his name with the most notorious, despicable bigot, hate mongerer and mass murderer in history. The only reasonable explanation is that he chose this name because he admires the handiwork of Hitler, the monster who murdered millions in the name of hate.

    I also assert that any reasonable person should refuse to support him in his hate and bigotry and, yes, that includes refusing to produce a birthday cake for him that includes the name of his son on it.

    He may argue that his son doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. I absolutely agree that no child deserves to be treated this way, but because Mr. Campbell has chosen this patently offensive name for his son, he should expect his son to continue to be treated this way now and in the future. Mr. Campbell seems unwilling to admit the truth that he has doomed his son to a lifetime of being treated like this. He should realize that because of his own choices as a parent, his son will endure a lifetime of being treated in ways far worse than having trouble getting his name printed on a cake.

    I very much hope that this child lives a long, happy and healthy life, which every person deserves. However, I believe that Mr. Campbell has made it impossible for his son to experience this kind of life. His actions are those a profoundly irresponsible and negligent parent. He shows no interest in his son's happiness or success in life.

    Shame on you, Mr. Campbell. Shame on you for damning your son to a lifetime of abuse and exclusion. Shame on you for choosing to name your child Adolf Hitler and then feigning surprise when you face discrimination. Shame on you and your family.

    Frisco, TX

    Posted by TXDemocrat on 12/17/08 at 11:00AM

    Mr. Campbell should understand that this country is not filled entirely with idiots who automatically believe any nonsense that is fed to them. He is not fooling me or gaining my sympathy with his nonsensical explanations of why he and his wife chose his son's name or his pleading that we should all feel sympathy for his family because his child has a hard time getting a birthday cake. Mr. Campbell pleads for tolerance for his family, yet as a bigot, he does not provide the same tolerance for the melting pot that is the American people. He and his family deserve no such sympathy or tolerance.

    I supposed he could try to make an argument that he "just likes" the name Adolph Hitler. However, with one of his children named Adolph Hitler and another of his children's names including the phrase "Aryan Nation," no reasonable person should, for a moment, believe that he chose those names simply because he likes them. I assert that, given the content of his children's names, Mr. Campbell is a white supremacist, bigot, hate mongerer and Hitler sympathizer, all of which are deplorable and have no place in this country or in the 21st century. Nobody should believe that it's just a coincidence that his son shares his name with the most notorious, despicable bigot, hate mongerer and mass murderer in history. The only reasonable explanation is that he chose this name because he admires the handiwork of Hitler, the monster who murdered millions in the name of hate.

    I also assert that any reasonable person should refuse to support him in his hate and bigotry and, yes, that includes refusing to produce a birthday cake for him that includes the name of his son on it.

    He may argue that his son doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. I absolutely agree that no child deserves to be treated this way, but because Mr. Campbell has chosen this patently offensive name for his son, he should expect his son to continue to be treated this way now and in the future. Mr. Campbell seems unwilling to admit the truth that he has doomed his son to a lifetime of being treated like this. He should realize that because of his own choices as a parent, his son will endure a lifetime of being treated in ways far worse than having trouble getting his name printed on a cake.

    I very much hope that this child lives a long, happy and healthy life, which every person deserves. However, I believe that Mr. Campbell has made it impossible for his son to experience this kind of life. His actions are those a profoundly irresponsible and negligent parent. He shows no interest in his son's happiness or success in life.

    Shame on you, Mr. Campbell. Shame on you for damning your son to a lifetime of abuse and exclusion. Shame on you for choosing to name your child Adolf Hitler and then feigning surprise when you face discrimination. Shame on you and your family.

    Frisco, TX

    Posted by karen1226 on 12/17/08 at 11:10AM

    To be a holocaust denier IS to be an ignorant, ill-educated idiot. And these two ignorant, ill-educated idiots are now raising children to have the same hateful beliefs as they do. And once again, if they choose to name their children with such obvious symbols of hate and racism they should not be surprised when they get the reaction that they did. It is not reasonable to suggest that freedoms don't work in both directions. If they have the freedom to be morons and name their children with such despicable names AND make a big public issue out of it, I also have the freedom to choose to make my opinion known about these people and I choose to do so.

    It's funny how nutjobs like yourself, Fritz61 always seem to feel that they and they alone have the right to decide who is conferred with rights and who is not. You are not nearly as smart as you seem to think you are.

    Posted by bigmikeb1964 on 12/17/08 at 11:26AM

    This story screams REDNECK all over it.

    Posted by Fritz61 on 12/17/08 at 11:40AM

    "Posted by karen1226 on 12/17/08 at 11:10AM

    To be a holocaust denier IS to be an ignorant, ill-educated idiot. And these two ignorant, ill-educated idiots are now raising children to have the same hateful beliefs as they do. And once again, if they choose to name their children with such obvious symbols of hate and racism they should not be surprised when they get the reaction that they did. It is not reasonable to suggest that freedoms don't work in both directions. If they have the freedom to be morons and name their children with such despicable names AND make a big public issue out of it, I also have the freedom to choose to make my opinion known about these people and I choose to do so.

    It's funny how nutjobs like yourself, Fritz61 always seem to feel that they and they alone have the right to decide who is conferred with rights and who is not. You are not nearly as smart as you seem to think you are."

    "Nut jobs", "ignorant, ill-educated idiots", "morons"?

    If you can't make a logical argument go for the ad hominem attack.

    To the contrary I believe that everyone has First Amendment rights. People that name their child Adolph Hitler have first amendment right, the people who own supermarkets have First Amendment rights and you have First Amendment rights.

    In my humble opinion the people at the supermarket have every right not to put Adolph Hitler on a birthday cake. I think that they also have the right to refuse to put Barrak Obama on a cake and an auto mechanic has the right to refuse to work on a car with a George W Bush bumper sticker.

    You have every right to express your opinion, and I have every right to express my opinion that your opinion is illogical and filled with ad hominem attacks.

    Posted by Fritz61 on 12/17/08 at 11:42AM

    "Posted by bigmikeb1964 on 12/17/08 at 11:26AM

    This story screams REDNECK all over it."

    If you can't make a logical argument, then go for the ad hominem attack.

    Posted by hateracism on 12/17/08 at 11:49AM

    You redneck idiots did this to your kids. I hope they grow up and hate you both. Sorry.

    Posted by YatPingAu on 12/17/08 at 12:15PM

    This whole story is sick. I hope the parents of the innocent child who was discriminated against SUE that Supermarket for violation of Civil Rights! How can a huge billion dollar corporation discriminate against a 3 year old child? She didn't name herself, her parents did. So why should she be a victim? Did Barak Hussein Obama name himself? Would someone discriminate against him based on his name? The nation is great because of civil rights that is given to all-minorities, women, gay/lesbian/transgender folks, and the elderly. I am from San Francisco and it makes me sick to hear a fat cat corporation can kick a little child in the teeth. Sue baby sue!!

    Posted by YatPingAu on 12/17/08 at 12:16PM

    This whole story is sick. I hope the parents of the innocent child who was discriminated against SUE that Supermarket for violation of Civil Rights! How can a huge billion dollar corporation discriminate against a 3 year old child? She didn't name herself, her parents did. So why should she be a victim? Did Barak Hussein Obama name himself? Would someone discriminate against him based on his name? The nation is great because of civil rights that is given to all-minorities, women, gay/lesbian/transgender folks, and the elderly. I am from San Francisco and it makes me sick to hear a fat cat corporation can kick a little child in the teeth. Sue baby sue!!

    Posted by yatpingau on 12/17/08 at 12:23PM

    CEO of Shoprite company:

    James Sumas
    CEO/Chairman of the Board/COO/Director
    Village Super Market, Incorporated
    Springfield , NJ
    Sector: SERVICES / Grocery Stores
    Officer since January 1955

    75 Years Old
    James Sumas was elected Chairman of the Board in 1989. He was named Chief Executive Officer in 2002. He also serves as the Company's Chief Operating Officer. He has served as variously Vice President, Treasurer and a Director of the Company since its incorporation in 1955. James Sumas is Vice Chairman of Wakefern Food Corporation and is a member of its Board of Directors. Mr. Sumas also is the Chairman of Wakefern's Grocery Committee and its Advertising Committee. In addition, he is Vice Chairman of Wakefern's Sales and Merchandising Committee and of ShopRite Supermarkets, Inc., Wakefern's supermarket operating subsidiary. Mr. Sumas also is a member of Wakefern's Finance, Trade Name and Trademark, Strategic Planning and Customer Satisfaction Committees.
    Salary $730,888.00
    Bonus $217,500.00
    Other Annual Compensation $0.00
    Long term incentive plan payouts $0.00
    Restricted stock awards $144,224.00
    Security underlying options $0.00
    All other compensation $6,614.00
    Option awards $ $0.00
    Non-equity incentive plan compensation $0.00
    Change in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings $375,825.00
    Total Compensation $1,475,051.00

    Posted by YatPingAu on 12/17/08 at 12:23PM

    James Sumas
    CEO/Chairman of the Board/COO/Director
    Village Super Market, Incorporated
    Springfield , NJ
    Sector: SERVICES / Grocery Stores
    Officer since January 1955

    75 Years Old
    James Sumas was elected Chairman of the Board in 1989. He was named Chief Executive Officer in 2002. He also serves as the Company's Chief Operating Officer. He has served as variously Vice President, Treasurer and a Director of the Company since its incorporation in 1955. James Sumas is Vice Chairman of Wakefern Food Corporation and is a member of its Board of Directors. Mr. Sumas also is the Chairman of Wakefern's Grocery Committee and its Advertising Committee. In addition, he is Vice Chairman of Wakefern's Sales and Merchandising Committee and of ShopRite Supermarkets, Inc., Wakefern's supermarket operating subsidiary. Mr. Sumas also is a member of Wakefern's Finance, Trade Name and Trademark, Strategic Planning and Customer Satisfaction Committees.
    Salary $730,888.00
    Bonus $217,500.00
    Other Annual Compensation $0.00
    Long term incentive plan payouts $0.00
    Restricted stock awards $144,224.00
    Security underlying options $0.00
    All other compensation $6,614.00
    Option awards $ $0.00
    Non-equity incentive plan compensation $0.00
    Change in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings $375,825.00
    Total Compensation $1,475,051.00

    Posted by yatpingau on 12/17/08 at 12:32PM

    It looks like the CEO of Shoprite donated to the George W. Bush Republican party:

    James Sumas Contribution List in 2008
    Name & Location Employer/Occupation Dollar
    Amount Date Primary/
    General Contibuted To
    Sumas, James
    07960 Village Super Market, Inc./Chief Ex $1,000 05/20/2008 P FOOD MARKETING INSTITUTE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE FOODPAC - Unknown
    Sumas, James
    07960 Village Super Market Inc./Executive $500 02/14/2008 P FRELINGHUYSEN FOR CONGRESS - Republican

    Posted by nemes5 on 12/17/08 at 12:35PM

    Can you imagine being at Chucky Cheese and hearing the birthday song for these morons??

    You must be a friend. No one with class would show an ounce of support for those people.

    Posted by glengal on 12/17/08 at 12:47PM


    I guess you haven't read the entire article. Shoprite did not refuse to sell a cake, just refused to letter it. Also the child in question was a boy not a girl. The store offered to provide a tube of cake decoration. I am also assuming you are not familiar with Shoprite at all. Corporations are in business to make money I am sure Wakefern is no exception. I am familiar with this shoprite. I have never seen a corporation give back to a community such as they do. There is seldom a school or community event that you do not see a mention of thanks. I understand they are very generous to the local foodbank.

    The parents have every right to name their children whatever they like, they have the right to request a cake with whatever on it. Private citizens and companies certainly have a right to have an opinion though to. Rights does not mean without consequence.

    There are 3 A&Ps that are closer to where I live. I drive the extra few miles to patronize shoprite, and will continue to do so.

    Posted by Donauspatz on 12/17/08 at 12:58PM

    How sick that is!!!

    Here in Germany names like that are prohibited by law. We cannot even name our children Pumuckel, Spezi or Fanta, nor Pepsi. I cannot believe those people were allowed to register a name like this.

    Is there a legal possibility for those kids to ever change their names when they are grown up?

    Make the parents visit Yad Vashem in Jerusalem or let them talk to any old German citizens.

    Posted by glengal on 12/17/08 at 1:04PM

    Yes fortunately for the children once they become adults they can legally change their name.

    Posted by gneirre on 12/17/08 at 1:06PM

    Parents should remember that children have to attend school,and when they get older, get a job, and have some type of social life. Name your children something that will not prevent them in from functioning in a relatively 'normal' society. Do not name your children Chlamydia, Jaundice, Idi Amin, Adolf Hitler, or George Bush! Since I'm on a roll, do not put two names together and think it has an African tone and call it ethnic!!!! Putting "La" in the front of a word does not a name make!!!! The child can not be blamed for his parent's ignorance or stupidity. I hope he learns later in life that people really should be 'judged on the content of their character rather than color of their skin' or their religion, political affiliation, or sexual preference.

    Posted by nemes5 on 12/17/08 at 1:18PM


    Are you out of your mind?

    Leave the courts for the real issues.

    You fracture your arm and wait a year in a half to have a real wrong righted. When you go shopping, let a box drop on your arm, and tell me what would you do??

    10,000.00 out of my pocket. To wait to be paid back. From a store
    employee that was screwing around.

    Because of freakin morons like you who boo hoo every time someone gets their feelings hurt.

    Heck why not let the former classmates sue these breeders for infringing on their right not to be reminded daily of that
    skummy name?? Of the scary things ......did . I can't even type his name. It makes me puke.

    Save the courts for real injuries.

    Posted by nemes5 on 12/17/08 at 1:23PM

    What are these morons on SSI for??

    They look like they could work.

    All smiles. That is not someone who suffers from something.

    Looks like they have extra money for tacky decorations.

    Posted by misssee on 12/17/08 at 1:54PM

    I wonder if ShopRite would make a cake that reads "suck it and die you racist moron"

    Posted by yatpingau on 12/17/08 at 2:00PM

    Focus on the girl as a victim. Stick with the real issue: She was discriminated against. Case closed.

    Posted by jackieblue4u on 12/17/08 at 2:24PM

    To Donauspatz:

    It absolutely should be illegal to name the children these names. I know in many European countries there are names that are off-limits legally and we should have that here. And before everyone starts screaming about American Freedom, what freedom does a child have to be stuck with such a horrific name. Maybe in their circles he'll be revered, I don't know and quite frankly I don't want to know.

    Yes, children can legally change their birth names when they reach adulthood.

    I think I'll write ShopRite a letter of support and thanks for doing the right thing.

    Posted by caffemaven on 12/17/08 at 2:50PM

    This will be a really wonderfl, balanced child. I'm sure our tax dollars will support him till he's 21 for every welfare benefit and then at 21 he will enter the penitentiary system after he murders a black or a jew in cold blood. Yes, anything a parent does in the privacy of their home is OK including birthing as many new racists and future murderers as they want.

    Oh yeah, the problem here is a stupid birthday cake and not the family situation.

    Kudos to your exploitative newspaper for increasing readership by giving free press to a family of NAZIS! Perhaps you can devote a special edition to Hitler's birthday and a celebration of the gassing of Jews in the Holocaust!

    Posted by mmacc on 12/17/08 at 2:52PM

    'Parents should be lined up and shot'?? I'm sorry, but are you in favor of Nazis or against them? I'm not sure, since you're advocating shooting parents for doing something you don't agree with.

    Freedom isn't just for things we all like or feel comfy with. It's also about having to put up with other people's rights, even if they offend the rest of us.

    Posted by tr43 on 12/17/08 at 3:04PM

    Got this from Iwon.com, good thing this jerk isn't a racist...
    **About 12 people attended the birthday party on Sunday, including several children who were of mixed race, according to Heath Campbell.
    "If we're so racist, then why would I have them come into my home?" he asked**...**He said he was raised not to avoid people of other races but not to mix with them socially or romantically. But he said he would try to raise his children differently. "Say he grows up and hangs out with black people. That's fine, I don't really care," he said. "That's his choice." **

    them? those people? the other colors? this guy's a total racist. Might as well have said "i'm not a racist, i have a black friend"

    Posted by tr43 on 12/17/08 at 3:15PM


    dude, seriously. Read the article over again, maybe about 75 times - this way you might actually know what you're talking about in your posts.

    Posted by Misssally on 12/17/08 at 3:16PM

    Listen, this is idiocy. Let's not even dignify this story with any more commentary, and let's not muddy the glorious importance of the First Amendment with ignorance parading as 'politics', we've had enough of that to last a lifetime. This couple is obviously a great example of the degradation of the American public school system and I think it's time to stop paying them any attention at all. As for the kids, I think they're going to have way worse problems than their names-the kids are going to figure out how deeply neurotic their parents are at some point and then they'll have to live with the knowledge of their lineage(difficult at the best of times). They'll change their names. As for Shoprite?
    It's supermarket. That's all. It's not at all the same as denying someone access to information-ie birth control. It's just a supermarket, they can deny anyone anything. Enough already. Feh.

    Posted by justmy2sense on 12/17/08 at 3:18PM


    It was a boy Adolf Hitler Campbell can't you read? Shop-Rite is a private company who can choose to sell it's products or services to whomever they choose. Case closed. There is no discrimination against the child. Case closed. There is no constitutional guarantee that says a citizen has the right to force a company to do business with them. Case closed.

    I find it laughable that two parasites under the age of 25 who squeeze out three kids in three years and happily allow the government and all of us taxpayers to support them 100% have the audacity to claim somehow their rights were violated.

    Frankly, I would pledge to bake birthday cakes for all three kids every year complete with their full names until they were 18 and could legally change their names if they wished, and I would also throw in a lifetime supply of birth control for their lowlife parents if they promised not to reproduce anymore and add more people to NJ's welfare roles.

    I also find it hysterical that two 25 year olds who I'm sure don't possess Master's degrees in history, have such a devotion to an evil fanatic who died 60+ years ago, their parents must be very proud.

    Posted by yid26 on 12/17/08 at 3:50PM

    Someone said that with that name the poor child won't go to any public school for fear of being picked on, bullied, and abused, so he will be home schooled. Quite frankly, I don't think that his parents are very well off, in terms of both money and education (too trashy to have a penny in the bank and to have reached any acceptable level of schooling), so I don't see it happen either. He'll go to public schools, will be abused, and will curse his parents for their idiocy until he will be legally old enough to change that stupid name. Finally, I'd like to tell Mr. Not-so-good-at-lying Heath Campbell that if someone calls his children Adolf Hitler and Aryan Nation, is proud of his relative's Nazi past, and has the swastika all over the house, he IS a Nazi - maybe a dumb one, but still a Nazi. If he doesn't think he is one, why does he have all the crap around? Is he trying to pass for the idiot who has no idea about Nazism and is amused by the swastika?

    Posted by BiggusD on 12/17/08 at 3:50PM

    Boy, those people at ShopRite acting like a big bunch of Nazis.

    Let the lil girl have her cake.

    Posted by yid26 on 12/17/08 at 3:53PM

    I would also like to add that there is a possibility that at Walmart they had no idea who Adolf Hitler was when they made that cake. They probably thought that it was the name of the German settler who moved to Warren County in the 1600, a brand of kosher frankfurters, or simply the weird name given to a poor baby by his wacko parents. You never know, maybe the pastry maker is the Campbells' neighbor.

    Posted by rb3691 on 12/17/08 at 3:54PM

    My uncle was born just before the end of the war, in Germany. He's jewish. His middle name is Adolf(he doesn't use it) and his father hid in the woods during the war, while his mother pretended to be someone she wasn't- I think the reason for all of this is pretty clear.

    I think ShopRite could have compromised a little more for the child's sake: I would not put Adolf Hitler on the cake, but I'd certainly be willing to put Adolf -not Hitler. Lots of parents make very odd, sometimes completely inappropriate name choices (regardless of what culture you were raised in, Moon Unit has to seem like a strange choice for a name!). I think these parents have mental and intelligence issues, but they should be able to get a cake made with a 3 year old's name on it - they just shouldn't expect the first and middle names in this case. (in any case, who puts first and middle names on a cake?)

    As for the parents...I don't think it's fair to blame the public school system for this. I doubt there's a public school district in the U.S. that doesn't cover the horrors of World War II at least minimally, and as horrors. These people probably didn't graduate high school.

    I'm sure school teachers weren't their primary influence in understanding history or their social environments.

    Posted by yid26 on 12/17/08 at 4:01PM


    I don't think you got it straight. You might want to read the article first.

    Posted by erocksmom on 12/17/08 at 4:11PM

    yatpingau, you should get your facts straight! First of all she is a he. Second, Shoprite offered the family a cake that said happy birthday and the icing to fill the name in at home. Who puts their full name on a cake?? They did this for the shock factor. Third, all the Shoprites are individually owned. Jame Sumas
    does not own this Shoprite. Maybe you should have checked all this before giving false information.

    Posted by jujubee65 on 12/17/08 at 4:12PM

    Free speech isn't always free.
    You can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theater,for one.

    I was a cake decorator for many years,and there were certain things I would not write on a cake.
    Stalin,Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler,n****r, curse words,among others.
    The store did everything in their power to satisfy this couple. These two fools just want the media attention and some quick,easy cash.

    Posted by edgar111 on 12/17/08 at 4:14PM

    BiggusD, you certainly are.

    It is quite apparent that the so-called parents of this innocent child were trying to make a point. If they weren't, they would have simply asked for his first name, not his whole name (spelling it out to further drive their point).

    Give your head a shake.

    Posted by justamom1999 on 12/17/08 at 5:05PM

    Those poor, poor children. I hate it when parents are too stupid and selfish to think about the impact a stupid name will have on their child's life. How is this kid supposed to get a job and make a living when he grows up?

    On a side note, I always snicker when I see these trailer park types who get off behind thinking they're German and/or Aryan. If Hitler had been successful in his efforts, God forbid, do they really think Hitler's superrace would consist of bumbleheaded, illiterate, inbred, mullet wearing freaks? Their logic just astounds me.

    I love how they claim they're not racist because they have a "black friend". Riiiiight. Again, I feel so sorry for those kids.

    Posted by auskye on 12/17/08 at 5:07PM

    You don't understand what all the fuss is about?!! Fine, come back in four, five years and tell us about how your child did in school, the teachers that won't accept teaching your child, the bullying. Did you do it because you want to hear "Adolf Hitler" is a wonderful child at conferences? Or did you do it to have your child start the next high school shooting because they couldn't take the bullying? What are you going to name your next kid? Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Hideki Tojo? The "F-word"? Satan?

    But I'll due your kids a favor and pray they don't have a Jewish teacher with relatives killed in the Holocaust.

    Posted by mommybf on 12/17/08 at 5:17PM

    This was obviously an attempt by the parents to get a rise out of anyone and everyone they could. It is quite saddening that this poor child, at only the age of 3, is having to suffer the consequences of his parents' selfishness. Before thinking of what path their children would have to walk with offensive names like that, they put themselves first. This is only the beginning of what this boy will be held back from in life due to his name. The truth is, a child is not a means to stir up controversy. This little boy deserved a wonderful birthday, and instead, he's a subject of ridicule due to his mother and father doing whatever they could to make a spectacle out of what should have been his day. All that they needed to do was accept the store's policy, and either script the cake themselves, or go elsewhere. Selfishness, not an intrusion of a civil liberty, more than anything, screams out of the mouths of that couple.

    Posted by pjConnolly on 12/17/08 at 5:32PM

    In the USo’A you can name your l'il one anything you want and ShopRite has no right refusing to put that name on a birthday cake. You might not like the person’s name, you might not like the person’s color or national origin or sexual orientation, but in America ALL men are created equal…even Adolph Hitler Campbell.

    Posted by nazmom on 12/17/08 at 5:41PM

    Someone posted that the child will not be able to attend any public school because he will be bullied or picked on (presumably by other children?) This is 2008 not 1942, elementary school children don't even know who Hitler was, when I was in grade school I never heard of Hitler or Tojo or Hirohito or Stalin or Mao and would have had no problem with any classmate named any of those names. There were Catholic kids, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu kids and I had no problem playing with any of them, whatever religion they practiced made no difference to me. Black/ African American kids did look different but they were just kids, too, They did all of the things that I could do, so why would I need to care why their skin was a different color, if they could play ,then they could play with me, It wasn't until later that someone ruined all of this for me by explaining how all of these people were different, kids don't hate other kids until someone teaches them to hate. If these kids get picked on in school it will only be by others who have been taught to hate. There seems to be anoverabundance of posters on this forum who already hate this family and their children. their principal problem seems to be stupidity and it would be a whole lot easier to ignore them if you don't approve of their beliefs rather than to hate them.

    Posted by breaknthegir on 12/17/08 at 5:50PM

    These people have such a beautiful child it is a shame he will live his life affiliated to a WICKED man who killed.....
    This man ordered children be killed by torturous means!

    Why not go with a name that people will associate with pleasant thoughts.
    If you want to draw attention to your child....let it be in a good way, not naming him after the man who, no doubt has killed even your own relatives!


    Posted by mooselane22 on 12/17/08 at 5:53PM

    What were these paretns thinking? Obviously nothing if they wished to name their children such disgraceful and tasteless names. Was it out of pure selfishness? When he is old enough take "Adolf" to a nice Holocaust museum, and carefully explain what it was Hitler did to all Jews, and be sure to include what he did with young boys...I'm VERY sure your child will be PROUD to carry a name like that. As for the other two, they don't stand a chance either unforunately...The parents need to take their own advice and should've named these kids like...Peace, Love, Unity, blah, blah, blah whatever else their suggestions were. I think this is truly a disgrace to The U.S.A. Believe what you want to believe in, but most normal people wouldn't name their children after a martyr. Disgraceful, and tastelss, people like this are only looking for the publicity. May God Bless and watch over these children

    Posted by yatpingau on 12/17/08 at 6:08PM

    Can a private co. such as Shoprite, Safeway, McDonald's, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's discriminate against someone? Answer: NO. If you serve someone and discriminate against others, it is a violation of civil rights. It doesn't matter if you are a public or private company, the law applies to all.
    What if a Jewish family tries to shop at a privately owned family store and they say, "no, we don't serve Jews".

    You cannot have a double standard. Civil Rights have been violated and Shoprite is gonna pay out big time. This is not Nazi Germany where only "approved" names are allowed to be given to your children. This is America. If you choose to name your kid Menachem or Adolph, you have the free right to do so.

    Posted by nimbrethil on 12/17/08 at 6:24PM

    What the hell does Wal*Mart accepting food stamps have to do with the price of tea in China?

    Posted by jujubee65 on 12/17/08 at 6:25PM

    The store was not refusing to serve them. They did not want to write something distasteful on a birthday cake. The parents were offered several options,but refused them all. Their civil rights were not violated in any way.
    They knew this woud start trouble and are enjoying their 15 minutes.
    This has nothing to do with freedom of speech.

    Posted by panspal on 12/17/08 at 6:35PM

    It's not a violation of civil rights, all stores have the right to refuse service. Its a thing called choice, the parents had the freedom of choice to name their kid, and the store has freedom of choice not to serve them.

    Posted by odonataman on 12/17/08 at 6:36PM

    If there is a sign "We reserve the right to refuse service" then this should not even be an issue. I do agree that "Happy Birthday Adolf, Joycelyn and Honslyn" should be acceptable, but my guess is the parents are pressing the issue for the full names. Screw 'em, let 'em learn to bake and make their own damn cakes.

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