





Satoshi-kun (from the Grand Prix finals) had things to do in Tokyo so we met up today.
Afterwards we went karaoke with Shimizu-kun (also from the Grand Prix finals) and Nano!! Yuki and Suu were gonna come too but they had to cancel due to various reasons. I really wanted to see them, but there’s always next time, right? :) ♥♥♥♥

It was really fun. Thank you.
Afterwards, Nano suggested we take purikura.
All the pictures are so silly, I wasn’t sure which one to pick to post here. XD

I got a weird sickness the day before and had to go to the hospital, so I wasn’t feeling the greatest, but it was fun to be able to meet with everyone and try to forget about the not so great things. Due to the circumstances, I try to eat very lightly and non-greasy things… But my stomach started aching again when I ate as I got home. T_T I have medicine though, so it’s getting better!!!

It made me realize again how wonderful it is to be healthy. Please everyone, cherish the days you are healthy. Not everyone has that luxury.

Somehow, I already feel a little lonely. I’m kinda sad I get to spend the holidays alone, but it can’t be helped with my financial situation anyway. I’m at least grateful I have food everyday and a place to sleep at. I think it matters more than anything.

This is unrelated, but I thought it would be amusing to post :

Okay. Listen to the chorus of this song.

じゃあ、この歌のコーラスも聞いてください (1:09):
Then listen to the chorus of this song (1:09).

Hahaha. Okay, that’s all.

Goodnight all. Be well, stay warm and healthy!!

*magic sparkles*


本名はカトリーヌ セント・オンジュです。

I will now announce it today.
My real name is Catherine St-Onge.
But I am going to start my singing career as “HIMEKA”.
I am going to be a singer in Japan.
The anime theme I will be singing might be officially announced only in a few months from now, so in the meantime, I am letting you know about my artist name.
HIMEKA was “born” in 1996. So 12 years ago.
Someday I will let you know more about her and why I couldn’t let go of this name.
Thank you so much for your support, everyone. I am truly grateful.


“Le Lac de Côme” by Alain Morisod. So nostalgic.
I used to listen to this song on a 45x record when I was 5 years old.
I improvised lyrics on it while playing with this plushie called ‘Gros Doudou’.
One day, I came back from kindergarten and my record was broken, so my mom threw it to garbage.
That was a very sad day.


Don’t I look evil in this picture?? Haha. It makes me laugh. In anime series, I love “Tsundere” characters, so if this makes me look like a “Tsundere” child, I find it amusing. :D

When I was a kid, I hated being taken in pictures. I cried, especially before school pictures.
The kindergarten photograph told me that I was smiling too much, so maybe that’s why I was afraid of pictures afterwards, I’m not sure. But even now, I dislike being taken in pictures.

I was a quiet and nice little girl at home.
I loved to be my myself and make up stories with my toys.
When I started school, because I was shy, I didn’t talk to my classmates for a whole month. I only spoke with the teacher.
I don’t remember, but my mom told me afterwards.

Do you have any nostalgic song from your childhood?
Please share!!

“Le Lac de Côme”(ル・ラク・デゥ・コーム)、Alain Morisod(アラン・モリゾ)より。







I was very upset tonight, so I decided I’d take a walk.
2:30 hours. Fast walking. My legs were very tired afterwards.
Good shower.
Now sleep time.

I need to stop upsetting myself over things that I have no control over.
Everyone has their own opinion. No matter how I act, kind or angry, there will always be people who will take the time to insult you anyway.

Goodnight all.
Despite the bad things, I’m grateful I have also a lot of nice people cheering me on.
Thank you. :)





The impersonator left.

Thank you for your cooperation.


I feel very guilty for not even updating about the last event…but it’s almost been 2 weeks so I don’t remember most of what I wanted to write about.

Please forgive me. T_T I’ll do my best to make a quick resume now!!

So I took the Shinkansen to Osaka on the 29th of november. It was so cold and stormy outside.
I didn’t bring my computer, so my suitcase was much lighter than usual though!
The day of the event was sunny. :)

It was fun seeing the staff people again, Kita-san and Hikari-chan.
Everyone is so nice.

We had a beautiful view of the sea from the waiting room.
We even saw some cosplayers from up there. *hehe* <3

The stage we performed at was a more open space than the 2 other events.
I’m sorry….I wanted to ask someone from the staff to take a picture when I was on stage….but I forgot. ^^;

Hikari-chan sang her favorite ‘Blue Bird’ song. :)
She was so cute that day!! She was even wearing a hat.
Somehow, it’s like I have a little sister now!! (I wish I had one….;_;)
Don’t you think we look alike??!! Haha. Just kidding. I *wish* I was that cute. :D
I hope she can do something fun in the future. Looking forward to it!

Then I sang ‘Eternal Blaze’. I know I did better than I did at the Tokyo semi-finals with that song…but…
I think I must give up on singing that song.
I think regular people can’t put their finger on it but… the truth is, my range doesn’t go very low. Most normal people can sing that low (it’s not THAT low), but I can’t. My range is short. :( So even if I sing with all I can, the sound won’t come out stronger on my lowest range. =_= That’s why I often raise the pitch of songs…..
Oh well. I really did my best. I hope the people weren’t too disappointed…
Nana-san is really too great for me to sing her songs after all. *_*

Then Kita-san sang the two theme songs from his singles (Persona OP, Natsume Yuujinchou OP).
I’m really envious. He sings so well live. I really can’t wait to hear what he’ll do next!
He’s really good at singing all sorts of songs!!
He’s participating in an event in a few weeks, but I don’t have money to go… T_T moo…
There’s a bunch of other anime singers in the event too!!! >_< not faaaairrr. *sighs*
Another time maybe…. I’m even lucky I bought a ticket for Mizuki Nana’s concert, so.

We had to leave right after the event.
I felt sad to part with everyone.
It’s not for sure yet, but I was told our next event together might be in march 2009.
That seems far away…. But I’m grateful I was able to meet everyone.
Thank you so much for the good time, and for giving me a chance to get a bit more stage experience. :)

I’m sorry for not being able to give out more information on my debut yet.

I’m hoping that information will be made public around january/february.
So please wait until then!!! :)
I’ll make sure to let you know here as well.

I’m sorry I am not making a short japanese report this time…
It really took me all my energy to even type this in english. T_T

I’m really sorry for my lack of energy…
See you soon~


Been busy and not busy at the same time.

Bad news : I don’t really have a job anymore. I’m not fired, but I will only be called occasionally for replacement. So I’m looking for a new job now. But I’m very grateful for being able to survive these past 4 months at this place. Thank you. :)

So I have to find a job quickly otherwise next month, I’m really living in a tent… Unless I find some sort of solution. Please keep me in your prayers.

Bad : The other day, I lost my wallet. I even went to the police station to write a report. I thought I’d have to get all my card remade…

Good : It was found. Thank you, Yuki.

Bad : The shower’s hot water didn’t work that day…. again (it happens once a month. cold showers. yay.)

Bad/Good : I suddenly got crazy spam mail on my cell the other day. For about 2 days in a row. For a total of approximately 200. I’m not kidding. I was going to change my address, but for some reason, it stopped today.

Bad : I made time to go see someone’s event tonight. Yet, even though I properly looked up the address/map on google and market it down, I never found the place. I walked for about an hour and even asked around and still couldn’t find it and gave up.

Good : It made me do some walking/exercise.

Bad/Good : I had a cold for a week. I was worried it would drag on, but it’s gone now. I couldn’t practice my singing in the meantime, so now I have to catch up!!

Good : I went to karaoke for practice this afternoon. 3 hours. I was so rusty. Even just one week without practicing and it seems like I have to start all over again. What an amateur. >_<

Bad : My digital camera is still not fixed yet. T_T

Bad : A japanese friend of mine (that I met back in Montreal) who lives in Kobe was thinking of coming to watch me perform at the event, but I just learned that I have to go back to Tokyo right after. T_T I really wanted to see her. I didn’t see her in a long time! Next time, hopefully…. ;_;

I’m leaving for Osaka once again, tomorrow afternoon.
Since I took 3 extra hours to go out for the event that I never found the place of, I delayed my packing up, laundry, ironing, etc. But I still managed to do a lot of things. :)

I decided I won’t bring my computer this time. My suitcase is always so heavy to carry around. Plus, taking a little break from it might do me some good. Honestly.

Thank you everyone, for the constant encouragements.
I’m sorry I’m not very responsive…. I really need to go to bed….but I just wanted to say thank you. I’ll keep doing my best and try to improve as a singer, but also as a human being. Please be patient with me!! :) <3

じゃあ、明日は大阪に行きます。今回、パソコンを持って来ないと思います。。。。だってさ、荷物は多くて、凄く重いですYO!! (笑)

わざわざでこのブログに来てくれて、ありがとう、本当に感動しました。 :) 嬉しいです。

Bonne nuit.



ケーブルテレビショーin KANSAI 2008

■ 開催日 : 11月29日(土) / 11月30日(日)
■ 会場 : Cホール イベントステージ
■ 入場 : 無料

J:COM×アニマックス全日本アニソングランプリ スペシャルライブ


If you happen to be in Osaka and have interest, please come and watch!!! :)

** * *Magic sparkles* * **


I’m still alive!!!!!
Can you believe it…
Okay, that is not even funny, but I tried. :)

To Bystander : I’m touched you liked my version of Versailles no Bara’s OP theme!!
Unfortunately, I can’t say if I’m going to post more amateur videos at this point since I’m becoming professional very soon. But who knows what might happen in the future! Maybe you’ll hear some official cover songs from a cd next time! We’ll see what the future holds!

To Chii : I’m sorry I scared you with Higurashi!!! It’s actually a very good story, if you go further on. Then you understand everything through the second season. :) Honestly. It’s not just blood and stuff……lol…….*coughs* THERE IS A GOOD STORY BEHIND IT!!!

I’m sorry for the big lie. I said I’d update when I’d come back from Fukuoka but I still didn’t.
So here it is.

November 16th 2008

LOVE FM (a radio station in Fukuoka) interviewed us early in the afternoon (’us’ include Kita-senpai and Hikari-chan! yay! (lol)).
As usual, I feel so awkward about being interviewed.
But I’ll do my best!!
A tall guy and his girlfriend were waving in my direction from the outside window after the radio show, but I wasn’t sure if they were waving at me or at Kita-san. So I just smiled. ^^;

Fukuoka’s speciality is ramen!!!! But…..I didn’t have ramen. Because I didn’t feel like it.
Maybe I should have lied and said I ate ramen too….. T_T But lying…moo. Not good.
I ONLY LIE ABOUT MY AGE. Yes. I’m 20, thank you! :D Hehehe… <3 (I SWEAR I am. No kidding. ;) …okay. I wish.)

I didn’t have much time but…. I walked through Canal City, a huge mall next to my hotel. Waaaaaaoowww! The christmas decorations were so pretty.
I saw a Moomin cafe. o_O I lol’ed.
I even encountered a giant cake.

Then the event we went to perform at :

J:COM Fukuoka Fair (J:COM福岡フェア)

I was so stressed out because we did rehearsal and there were already people watching??!
I tried not to mind the human beings’ presences, so I looked up towards the ceiling/light…..but NO!!!
There were several floors with people watching from above!!! I didn’t know how to ignore them!!
Haha. I was so embarassed….singing rehearsal and then singing again for real…poor people must have been thinking ‘oh no, not the same song again!’

Then the event started. We all performed 2 songs.
Even if these events are small, I hope that I can improve at feeling better in front of people eventually…
And maybe give a bit more genuine emotion to the people watching. :)

After the event, Kita-san had an autograph session for his lovely fangirls.
So Hikari-chan and I went to take a peek. Hikari-chan is like my little sister. <3 XD
I got stopped by a few J:COM staff people for a picture with them. ^^;;; I laughed.

There were a few people who wanted to give me a handshake, including one young girl who was with her mom. She was so moved and cheered for me. T_T I almost wanted to cry…

It made me feel like…. I really really need to work on my personality…
I want to give warmth to people…somehow. >_<

Oh oh oh! Surprise! Who came to meet up with us??! Tanaka Tarou-san!!! Haha. The guy with the greatest name in the world. (’Tanaka Tarou’ sounds like a texbook example name..something like that. Poor guy, he must be so tired of people making jokes about his name though!!).

It seems like Konomi-chan couldn’t come. (The other Fukuoka finalist) T_T

Then we all met up later for a get-together to watch the finals of the contest. It was airing on that same evening at 9pm.
We took a lot of silly pictures and had fun as we ate a very late dinner.
I was so embarassed about seeing myself on TV in front of everyone.
But the others were too. It’s okay. We get over it.

I saw Kita-san’s blog and he always manages to put nice pictures.
Really, I need to think of better ideas of pictures.
By the way, my camera is still not fixed. So I use my cell phone. *sniff*

So…. I wasn’t sure if I was going to but…
It looks like it happened.
Someone uploaded my contest performances on youtube.
I didn’t think she’d go that far. Serena!!!!! >_< But I know you did it with a good intention.

Actually, the whole finals are on nico nico douga.
I’m sorry if you don’t have an account. I hope you can figure out how to make one even if you can’t read japanese. Or find a friend to help out. >_< I’m sorry~

Someone edited the commercials and the guest appearances (noo!! the guests!!! T_T), so thank you to the person who did it. I think the person who uploaded didn’t want them deleted hence why they didn’t post them under a proper name?

It looks like Serena ripped only my performances from that and uploaded them on a youtube account (without even warning me first…>0<)

I warn you though. I am not happy with these performances.
I know that my nervousness makes me sound off and my vocal control isn’t always very stable.
What is done is done though. I did the best I could at that moment. Despite my extreme nervousness. I hope someday I might be able to overcome it and sing better on a stage.
You already know what I sound like when I’m calm in a karaoke box from my previous video so..
I hope you forgive me for really not doing a flawless performance.

I would appreciate that you don’t tell me ‘yeah, you weren’t your best’ or ‘you weren’t that bad’ in here. I think I had enough sickness because of these videos of me.

The whole contest.

Thanks to everyone who contributes to links and informations. I appreciate the help.

By the way, you don’t have to look at the comments. You can disable them. Where you see the little bird with the (…) bubble. Mostly not against me, but a lot of comments are quite mean, so if it disturbs you, please disable them.



Thank you to Serena who made this account and made my performances available to the people who don’t have a nico account. This account isn’t mine, but I will try to check and see the comments you leave there anyway. :)


If anyone is curious and interested enough, the videos from last year’s contest links :

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm935786 (deleted) ;_; (why am I even posting the link..lol)

Unfortunately, part 7 is deleted. But you can hear glimpses of Kita-san’s ballad song at the end of the show. Last year was the first year.

Thank you to the unknown person that first posted a link to last year’s semi-finals in Tokyo.
Or was it Tokyo? But thanks to that person, I first learned about the existence of the contest.
And so when I saw it in the audition magazine, I was very happy it happened again and I could participate. Thank you so much. Person without a name. :)

Thank you everyone. The ones who have been supporting me for a long time and the newer ones who just found this place recently. Everyone who gives me some sort of support.
It helps me be strong and keep going. Not just for myself…



ラジオ (LOVE FM)の番組のインタビューもしました。日本語はヘタですけど。。。。(泣)

最高でした~ いっぱい食べました!!とかなんとか。イエイ!

Magic sparkles to you all,


We’re done with the event!!
Even though I was feeling nervous as always, it was another great experience.
I’m grateful.
Everytime before the event, I always feel down but…in the end, I get happier when I’m done.

We’re having a gathering tonight and we’ll watch the finals of the contest together.
It looks like it’s airing at 9pm on the animax channel.
I’ve been worried about this day since a while back…but even more since I saw parts of the show from the copy I got… Of course I think hearing myself raw from the sound system didn’t make me happy. I think I sounded very bad….and I looked stupid and sounded stupid when I talked but… there’s nothing I can do about it. So I’ll do my best to bear with it.

I have to do my best to improve on a lot of different things from now on, even if I don’t really know *how* I’m going to do it.

Anyway, I’m sleeping in Fukuoka again tonight and returning to Tokyo tomorrow.
So I’ll either update tonight after the gathering, or tomorrow when I return from Tokyo. Hopefully I won’t be too lazy to do it!!

*hugs to everyone*



December 2008
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Blog Stats aka HIMEKA points

  • 59,869 HIMEKA HITS