New blog tells you how to pick up chicks in Japan

February 4th, 2007 by James

I recently came across a new blog about nanpa, the Japanese art of picking up chicks:

  • Get Girls: A skilled pickup artist shares tips from his experiences in Japan. It often reads more like a guidebook than a nanpa story blog.

If you’re looking for information on pickup techniques to use in Japan, or you just want to read something entertaining, I suggest you check out this interesting blog.

-Post edited: I’ve taken reader feedback into account and decided that another blog mentioned in the original post should not have been linked. My apologies for the original version of this post.

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Comment by Ponta
2007-02-04 01:22:51

is this Drunk Nanpa the same blogger as the following *blogger?

International dating or whatever is perfectly okay as long as they have agreement. but rape or the intercourse close to rape is no, no.

Filed under: The Drunk Nanpa Blog — Drunk Nanpa @ 10:54:47

Just a brief entry concerning Friday night. I headed out of work as normal, and met some random girl in Shinjuku to bring her back to my apartment. I had named her Cat before, but perhaps the best nickname would be Tagteam, all things considered.

To keep it brief, we got back home and I cooked dinner. I’ve yet to cook a masterpiece American hamburger for a girl and not have her pants just fall off. Anyways, it wasn’t working for this girl. With all her stories of having lived in abroad (bread chick) and in gaijin houses around Tokyo (Jgirl soro-stitute?), she fended off all my advances. What the fuck?

Eventually, NanpaBoy came home and naturally forestalled any further attacks. I tried one last time to get her in bed and gave up. At this point, my goal was to get her to go home so we could still go out and meet horny girls. This wasn’t working to well either, but finally after 2am or so my roommate took the que to give me a minute of privacy and I finally consumated the evening.

Of course, by this time I was half-a-bottle gin drunk, and in no shape to finish the deed once I finally started. I considered my options for a minute. This girl might have put up more initial resistance than expected, but she’s still a filthy slut hunting around for white cock. Having nothing to lose at this point, I was gonna take a gamble on how dirty she was, so I pulled out.

I ran over to NanpaBoy’s room and said “finish her!” He’s not a slow guy, but I swear, I have never seen him move so fast as when he sprang up and bolted in to my room. I closed the door and headed to the bathroom. As expected, when I came back I could hear some weak verbal resistance through the thin walls. Still, I think she knew that whatever shred of modesty she had stood no chance against her desire for white cock. Hell, she was still naked and making no move to change that.

Soon enough, I heard the talking stop and get replaced by the violent smacking sound of flesh. Being a friend, I gave NanpaBoy a good couple minutes of action before sneaking into the room to snap a picture. I know I was quiet and I thought I had turned the flash off, but it wasn’t enough to startle her when I snapped the million dollar photo.

She got up in a hurry and was more or less out of there in 5 minutes, walking home in a random direction. Although she was eager enough for a gang bang, being our “shared girlfriend” was, once again, a bit too much for this one.



Comment by skillskull — 2006-10-10 @ 21:52:57


Comment by James( — 2006-10-10 @ 22:46:05

Noble exit from a bad case of the drunkcoq, you are to be commended.

Comment by GaijinSmash (— 2006-10-11 @ 00:07:55

my god. . .

Comment by Seth (— 2006-10-12 @ 09:46:48

The best part is that she ran out so fast she left her shit over. Now she’s forced to be talking to me to ask for her ciggarettes back.

Comment by Drunk Nanpa — 2006-10-12 @ 13:35:50

This is great…reminds me of a similar incident!

Would like to see more and hear more…

Comment by DP — 2006-10-17 @ 13:29:25

This sounds a lot like a rape.

Comment by jp — 2006-10-18 @ 00:45:15

Rape is a violent crime. Having sex with confused sluts who willingly get into it once you get their clothes off… well, that’s a part of life. It is if you get laid anyways.

Comment by Drunk Nanpa — 2006-10-18 @ 10:09:35

This is a description of a rape. There’s nothing ambiguous about it - “verbal resistance” “she got up in a hurry and was more or less out of there in 5 minutes” - she was scared, she didn’t want to do it and ran away as soon as she could.
That was rape.

Comment by cg — 2006-10-19 @ 21:54:23

i think youre a bit confused about what rape is. There was nothing “ambiguous” about it. She was horny as hell, and giving her what she wanted should be considered doing her her a favor (especially since she was kind of fat). She freaked when the camera started flashing and I let her go. I think you just must be used to bitchy girls who dont usually go for gangbangs, but these girls bring a whole new level to the word slutty.

Comment by nanpaboy — 2006-10-20 @ 01:13:48

youre still a bald loser for posting your ugly bald ass on the internet wearing a t-shirt while youre humping a fat ugly j-chick… something to be proud of

Comment by Money Ray — 2006-10-20 @ 11:49:08

Money Ray,

You got any pictures of how cool you are to put up? Or are you just reading my page because you wish you could be living the good life?

Yeah, I thought so.

Comment by Drunk Nanpa — 2006-10-20 @ 12:16:08

You live a miserable life, and no I wont post a picture of myself on the internet but if youd like to meet me Ill challenge your ugly bald ass to a fight anywhere anytime in Tokyo… Oh and by the way, I get much better looking J-chicks than your ass could ever dream of.. Youre on #50 and youve lived in this shithole for 5 years, better get your numbers up….

Comment by MoneyRay — 2006-10-21 @ 00:11:15

Lets set up a fight you bald dork, and I will crush you…

Comment by MoneyRay — 2006-10-21 @ 00:47:03

Hey jackass,

Why u keep deleting my posts?? I wanna fight your bald ass…

Comment by MoneyRay — 2006-10-21 @ 02:38:32

Man that’s just grimey.

Comment by EZE — 2006-10-21 @ 05:12:18


Be careful about how you type your name in, or the comments are automatically held for moderation to prevent spam.

Anyway, you in Japan? I never meet any of my online fans in order to stay anonymous, but I appreciate yours and everyone else’s comments here.

I’ll address “better looking” in my next post. Hint: bigger is better.

Comment by Drunk Nanpa — 2006-10-21 @ 13:42:52

I will seek you out myself and beat the living crap out of you. Since I know what your bald ass looks like and I know where your spots are, I will hunt you out.

Comment by Money Ray — 2006-10-21 @ 21:31:04

money ray is a funny little man.

Comment by boot — 2006-10-22 @ 00:58:08

sure is

Comment by skillskull — 2006-10-22 @ 15:29:41

money ray,

As you can see the girl’s toes are curled back. If you knew anything or experienced anything remotely to pleasuring a woman you know curling back good- clenching bad.

However, I think, a picture of you in coitus with any female, she would probably be laughing…

Comment by mouldyboats — 2006-10-22 @ 17:19:47

Good one mouldyboots but if you only knew. Anyway, my comments arent directed at you theyre directed at this sick bald fuckup and I will seek him out…

Comment by Money Ray — 2006-10-22 @ 21:43:54

Money Ray reminds me of the piece of foreskin that gets thrown away after circumcision.

Comment by Bo — 2006-10-27 @ 17:04:59

This is fucking nasty, and it looks alot like rape to me. I hope you get the clap.

Comment by DJ — 2006-10-31 @ 11:44:34

Comment by V
2007-02-04 03:29:15

What a deeply offensive, ignorant and jeuvenile young man. Why are we giving him traffic?

Comment by Akoua Doffou
2007-02-04 03:57:02


Comment by M
2007-02-04 05:06:26

Disgusting. With gaijins like that, no wonder there’s existence of that “Gaijin Hanzai Ura File” magazine…

Comment by axs
2007-02-04 06:01:00


Comment by James( — 2006-10-10 @ 22:46:05″

Comment by O
2007-02-04 06:02:20

I agree with M. These kind of gaijin deserve to be sent back to their shitty western lives. JapanProbe should lift itself out of the gutter and stop linking to shit.

Comment by Dan
2007-02-04 06:22:54

This is disgusting. You boicott Familymart because of the “Gaijin Hanzai Ura File” but then you laugh and support this bastard.
The fact that the girl is stupid/confused/inmature is no excuse to take advantage of here, and indeed this sounds pretty close to rape to me. Hipe the guys end in jail so they can’t keep with the abuse and making more people scared of foreigners in Japan….

Comment by James
2007-02-04 09:11:13

I post links to ridiculous and sick sites all the time. This is a news/entertainment site, not another

Comment by ginette
2007-02-04 11:53:47

Well it just make you appear to be hypocritical to get all offended by that magazine while you’re laughing WITH those gaijins assholes (see your own comment) who conduct rape-like behavior to Japanese girls AND siting them as “interesting” and “informative”….

Comment by CKX
2007-02-04 12:17:18

Luckily for Japanese women, they get treated a whole lot better by japanese men…

Comment by john
2007-03-09 13:05:28

idont know that japanese men treat japanese women that well to begin with…

Comment by Ponta
2007-02-04 12:55:42

Well , I don’t blame James nor Gaijin smash if that is the same people of the blog owners of the links. From their blogs, I know what they are like . People just might have skimmed over the post and might have thought it was just another funny “picking up” just as “gaijinura file, “the magazine was just another trash, so it would not be a big problem.” was my first impression.
However, on close examination, the post is problematic if the way it happened was just as it was described.

Comment by Ponta
2007-02-04 13:31:08

But I suggest, If I may, it might be better to delete the link if the nampa is the same nama above, because there are a structural similarity of this case and the case of gainji Ura file & famima so that Guardian would not have the right activist say that this reflects the climate of despise on Japan and women among foreigners in Japan.

Comment by James
2007-02-04 13:35:39


I’ve deleted the link to Drunk Nanpa. As for the other nanpa site, I glanced over it, and I really couldn’t find anything to warrant it being particularly hateful towards women or Japan. It looks like the guy posts about using psychology to make women attracted to you, and he just happens to be in Japan. There are dozens of Japanese language sites out there that preach similar nanpa techniques, but he is just doing it in English.

Comment by Ponta
2007-02-04 15:15:14

“There are dozens of Japanese language sites out there that preach similar nanpa techniques, but he is just doing it in English.”
it might be so. but the deleting link was a good move anyay, so nobody would not damage your just cause of boycotting.That is all I was worried about. I hope you understand my intention.

Comment by Ponta
2007-02-04 15:31:10

BTW the reference to the Guardian is sarcastic statement to the Guardian and the right activist. No offense to you.

Comment by Kenshin
2007-02-04 21:22:38

Having read this I feel inclined to write to the publisher of Gaijin Hanzai Ura File and link to this thread. Hopefully they will translate the posts of the gaijin cheering on the sexual humiliation of the Japanese girl and publish them in the next issue.

Comment by Drunk Nanpa
2007-02-05 11:02:49

No link anymore? No big deal. Although I’d recommend against giving into pressure from petty internet dorks who are adverse to having sex.

Comment by Curzon
2007-02-06 01:01:59

Congratulations to Japan Probe for being yet another Japan blog bowed into censoring its content by 2ch (or 2ch-esq) commenters.

Clarification: The “tagteam / bread chick” entry most clearly does NOT contain any instance of rape. It does appear to be nonconsensual taking of a picture, which, although not a crime under the criminal code, would make Mr. Drunk Nanpa liable in a civil case if Breadchick were to sue him for tortious violation of privacy. Also, hypothetically, had the photo revealed pubic hair or genetalia, any distribution would be punishable under Article 175 of the Criminal Code. And anyone who knows me personally knows that I know my shit on this topic.

Personally, I think the Nanpa brothers have supplied -funny- -amusing- excrutiating content despite the appalling harrassment targetting them. The shutdown of Debito last week, the fruitless 2ch defamation cases, and that link above all show that in Japan, the internet remains an unregulated frontier where any unemployed asshole not getting laid can make everyone else’s life miserable.

Kenshin, glad you support hate speech publications bashing niggers and interracial couple. Keep the Yamato race pure, brother! That James has censored Drunk Nanpa and not your comment makes me want to puke.

(Despite my opening line, I do mildly sympathize with James, being a blogger myself who gets harrassed when people are offended by material to which I link. But what the fuck is wrong with free speech? If you can’t handle open expression, go live in a country where the government gets to decide what you watch, read, and say.)

Comment by bullshitter
2007-02-06 08:17:57

“But what the fuck is wrong with free speech? If you can’t handle open expression, go live in a country where the government gets to decide what you watch, read, and say. ”

….. like the US?

Comment by Akoua Doffou
2007-02-06 10:15:20

The Drunk Nanpa guy is gross.

Comment by Drunk Nanpa
2007-02-06 11:03:23

Like, totally gross.

Comment by BADULAY
2007-03-01 03:17:42



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