Spati, C. Auf den Spuren einer Amphora der Werkstatt Athen NM 897 AA 1993.1 1993 1-4 Prayon, F.; Mitarb, O. Tubinger Ausgrabungen in der Cannicella-Nekropole 1984-1990 AA 1993.1 1993 5-100 Linnemann, U. Ein unbekanntes Demendokument der attischen Landgemeinde Lamptrai AA 1993.1 1993 101-110 Hoepfner, W. Zum Mausoleum von Belevi AA 1993.1 1993 111-124 Knigge, U. Die Ausgrabung im Kerameikos 1990/91 AA 1993.1 1993 125-140 Koch, G. Kaiserzeitliche Sarkophage in einer Privatsammlung AA 1993.1 1993 141-154 Koch, L. Die Sitzstatuetten des Antisthenes und Pittakos aus Pompeii AA 1993.2 1993 263-270 Kienast, H.J. Untersuchungen am Turm der Winde AA 1993.2 1993 271-276 Simon, E. Der Laginafries und der Hekatehymnos in Hesiods Theogonie AA 1993.2 1993 277-284 Trunk, M. Das Traiansforum -- Ein 'steinernes Heerlager' in der Stadt? AA 1993.2 1993 285 Kroll, H. Kulturpflanzen von Kalapodi AA 1993.2 1993 161-182 Klinger, S. The Sources of Oltos' Design on the One-Piece Amphora London E 258 AA 1993.2 1993 183-200 Steinhart, M. Apollon auf dem Schwan. Eine neue Lekythos des Athenamalers AA 1993.2 1993 201-212 Krumme, M. Das Heiligtum der `Athena beim Palladion' in Athen AA 1993.2 1993 213-228 Knoblauch, P.; Witschel, C. Arykanda in Lykien. Eine topographische Aufnahme. AA 1993.2 1993 229-262 Walter, Hans Alt-Agina: die prahistorische Innenstadt westlich des Apollontempels AA 1993.3 1993 293-7 Formigli, Edilberto Einige Falschungen antiken Goldschmucks im 19.Jahrhundert AA 1993.3 1993 299-332 Burow, Johannes Durankulak, Vorbericht uber die Ausgrabungen 1991 und 1992 AA 1993.3 1993 333-45 Radt, Wolfgang Pergamon, Vorbericht uber die Kampagne 1992 AA 1993.3 1993 347-79 Raeck, Wulf Zeus Philios in Pergamon AA 1993.3 1993 381-7 Salzmann, Dieter Mosaiken und Pavimente in Pergamon, Vorbericht der Kampagnen 1991 und 1992 AA 1993.3 1993 389-400 Megow, Wolf-R. Zum Florentiner Tituskameo AA 1993.3 1993 401-8 Koch, Guntram Einige Fragmente figurengeschmuckter Sarkophage AA 1993.3 1993 409-35 Hoffmann, Adolf Aizanoi: zweiter Vorbericht uber die Arbeiten im Stadion 1987, 1988 und 1990 AA 1993.3 1993 437-60 Meyer-Schlichtmann, Carsten Die Keramik aus dem Stadion AA 1993.3 1993 460-9 Mosch, Hans Christoph von Die Bedeutung der Fundmunzen fur die Chronologie des Stadions AA 1993.3 1993 469-73 Rheidt, Klaus Aizanoi: Vorbericht uber die Forschungen zur historischen Topographie AA 1993.3 1993 475-507 Mosch, Hans Christoph von Ein Neuer Portratfund aus Aizanoi AA 1993.3 1993 509-15 Turktuzun, Metin Zwei Saulensarkophage aus der Sudwestnekropole in Aizanoi AA 1993.3 1993 517-26 Wulf, Ulrike Zwei Grabbauten in der Sudwestnekropole von Aizanoi AA 1993.3 1993 527-41 Neeft, Kees Aegina, Aphaia-Tempel: XVI. Corinthian alabastra and aryballoi AA 1993.4 1993 543-69 Williams, Dyfri Aegina, Aphaia-Tempel XVII: the Laconian pottery AA 1993.4 1993 571-96 Johnston, Alan W. Appendix on the graffito on B11 AA 1993.4 1993 597-8 Siewert, Peter Parallelen zwischen der Entstehung des Argivischen Heraions und der des Zeusheiligtums von Olympia AA 1993.4 1993 599-600 Salzmann, Dieter Ein Hellenistisches Kieselmosaik aus Kyme AA 1993.4 1993 601-6 Zoroglu, Levent Eine Terrakottabuste der Athena-Minerva aus Klaudiopolis in Kilikien AA 1993.4 1993 607-12 Meischner, Jutta Der Hochzeitskameo des Honorius AA 1993.4 1993 613-19 Neve, Peter Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazkoy-Hattusa 1992 AA 1993.4 1993 621-52 Lahusen, Gotz Der Augustus von Meroe und die Augen der romischen Bronzebildnisse AA 1993.4 1993 655-74 Figal, Gunter Platons Destruktion der Ontologie. Zum Sinn des 'Parmenides' A&A 39 1993 29-47 Schutrumpf, Eckart Verteidigung naturlicher Strebungen - Zu den Vorstufen der stoischen Ethik A&A 39 1993 48-63 Bartol, Krystyna TON ANAKPEONTA MIMOY. Einige Bemerkungen zum 'Carmen Anacreonteum' 1 W A&A 39 1993 64-72 Schmitz, Thomas Die Parodie antiker Autoren in der neulateinischen Literatur Frankreichs und der Niederlande (XVI. Jahrhundert) A&A 39 1993 73-88 Kuppers, Jochem Die Konzeption des Idyllischen bei Annette von Droste-Hulshoff und die Bukolik Vergils A&A 39 1993 89-111 Rengakos, Antonios Zum Griechenbild in Vergils Aeneis A&A 39 1993 112-124 Gehrke, Hans-Joachim Thukydides und die Rekonstruktion des Historischen A&A 39 1993 1-19 Horn, Hans-Jurgen Konvention und Originalitat. Anmerkungen zu einem Horazzitat in Lichtenbergs 'Orbis Pictus' A&A 39 1993 125-131 Stark, Ekkehard Liebhabereien des Silius Italicus: Die Grotte des Proteus auf Capri A&A 39 1993 132-143 Krasser, Helmut extremos pudeat rediisse - Plinius im Wettstreit mit der Vergangenheit. Zu Vergil-zitaten beim jungeren Plinius A&A 39 1993 144-154 Kuhn, Joachim 'Die Konigstochter und der Drache.' Ein Aspekt der Apuleius-Rezeption im 19. Jahrhundert A&A 39 1993 155-161 Schadler, Ulrich Ikonologie und Archaologie A&A 39 1993 162-187 Gasti, Helen Sophocles' 'Trachiniae': A Social or Externalized Aspect of Deianeira's Morality A&A 39 1993 20-28 Zimmer, T. Momies dorees: Materiaux pour servir a l'etablissement d'un corpus AAntHung 34.1/4 1993 3-38 Ritook, Zs. The Pisistratus Tradition and the Canonization of Homer AAntHung 34.1/4 1993 39-53 Karpati, A. The Musical Fragments of Philolaus and the Pythagorean Tradition AAntHung 34.1/4 1993 55-67 Kukofka, D.-A. Die paidiskoi im System der spartanischen Altersklassen AAntHung 34.1/4 1993 69-76 Jouanna, J. Libations et sacrifices dans la tragedie grecque AAntHung 34.1/4 1993 77-93 Maroth, M. Die Poetik und Physik des Aristoteles AAntHung 34.1/4 1993 95-101 Bolonyai, G. Iudicium docti indoctique AAntHung 34.1/4 1993 103-137 Jakel, S. Beobachtungen zum ambivalenten Denken bei Ps. Longinus in seinem Buch 'PERI USPOUS" AAntHung 34.1/4 1993 139-149 Adamik, T. Rhetorical Narration and the Literary Novella (Petronius' Satyricon 61-62) AAntHung 34.1/4 1993 151-157 Lautner, P. Philoponean Accounts on 'Phantasia' AAntHung 34.1/4 1993 159-170 Adamik, T. The System of Rhetoric and its Teaching in Antiquity AAntHung 34.1/4 1993 171-179 Harmatta, J. The Seal with Unintelligible Script of the Foroughi Collection AAntHung 34.1/4 1993 181-185 Jones, Glynis; Halstead, Paul Charred plant remains from Neolithic-Bronze Age Platia Magoula Zarkou, Thessaly ABSA 88 1993 1-3 Sotirakopoulou, Panayiota The chronology of the 'Kastri Group' reconsidered ABSA 88 1993 5-20 Cadogan, G.; Day, P.M.; MacDonald, C.F.; MacGillivray, J.A.; Momigliano, N.; Whitelaw, T.M.; Wilson, D.E. Early Minoan and Middle Minoan pottery groups at Knossos ABSA 88 1993 21-28 Panagiotaki, Marina Sealings from the Olive Press Room, Knossos: New Information from the Unpublished Notes of Sir Arthur Evans ABSA 88 1993 29-47 Panagiotaki, Marina The Temple Repositories of Knossos: New Information from the Unpublished Notes of Sir Arthur Evans ABSA 88 1993 49-91 Kopaka, Katerina New Evidence on the Pottery from the Early Excavations at the Palace of Knossos ABSA 88 1993 93-102 Jones, Glynis; Halstead, Paul An Early Find of 'Fava' from Thebes ABSA 88 1993 103-104 Leonard, A.; Hughes, M.; Middleton, A.; Schofield, L. The Making of Aegean Stirrup Jars: Technique, Tradition, and Trade ABSA 88 1993 105-123, pl. 1-6 Gilmour, Garth Aegean Sanctuaries and the Levant in the Late Bronze Age ABSA 88 1993 125-134 Efstratiou, Nikos The Archaeology of the Greek Uplands: the Early Iron Age Site of Tsouka in the Rhodope Mountains ABSA 88 1993 135-171, pl. 7-16 Gill, David W.J. The Temple of Aphaia on Aegina: Further Thoughts on the Date of the Reconstruction ABSA 88 1993 173-181 Cook, B.F. The Parthenon, East Pediment A-C ABSA 88 1993 183-185, pl. 17-18 Missailidou-Despotidou, V. A Hellenistic Inscription from Skotoussa (Thessaly) and the Fortifications of the City ABSA 88 1993 187-217, pl. 19-22 Waywell, G.B.; Wilkes, J.J.; Bailey, Donald M.; Sanders, G.D.R. Excavations at Sparta: the Roman Stoa, 1988-91: Preliminary Report, Part 1 ABSA 88 1993 219-286, pl. 23-26 Vassi, Olga An Unglazed ware Pottery Workshop in Twelfth-Century Lakonia ABSA 88 1993 287-293, pl. 27-28 Armstrong, Pamela Byzantine Thebes: Excavations on the Kadmeia, 1980 ABSA 88 1993 295-335, pl. 29-36 Papadopoulos, John K. The Correspondence of A.J.B. Wace in the Library of the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens ABSA 88 1993 337-352 Scheid-Tissinier, Evelyne Telemaque et les pretendants. Les neoi d'Ithaque AC 62 1993 1-22 Labarbe, Jules Une priere de Theognis (11-14) AC 62 1993 23-33 Ivantchik, Askold La datation du poeme l'Arimaspee d'Aristeas de Proconnese AC 62 1993 35-67 Roisman, Joseph The Background of the Battle of Tanagra and Some Related Issues AC 62 1993 69-85 Delaunois, Marcel Sur quelques passages de l'Hippolyte d'Euripide AC 62 1993 87-100 Schils, Griet Plato's Myth of Er: the Light and the Spindle AC 62 1993 101-114 Montero, Santiago Mantica inspirada y demonologia : los Harioli AC 62 1993 115-129 Lacroix, Leon Le periple d'Enee de la Troade a la Sicile : themes legendaires et realites geographiques AC 62 1993 131-155 Desnier, Jean-Luc Diocles ou l'imperieux destin AC 62 1993 157-185 Giangrande, Giuseppe A propos de deux editions de Plutarque AC 62 1993 187-193 Edwards, M.J. Lucian and the Rhetoric of Philosophy: the Hermotimus AC 62 1993 195-202 Peersman, Jaak Plisthene et sa famille dans les genealogies de la tradition hesiodique AC 62 1993 203-212 Adkin, Neil Cicero, Catilinarians, 2, 11 : intus insidiae sunt AC 62 1993 213-217 Sirianni, Frank A. Caesar's Peace Overtures to Pompey AC 62 1993 219-237 Viviers, Didier Thesee l'Athenien. A propos de quelques ouvrages recents [Chronique] AC 62 1993 239-245 Raepsaet-Charlier, Marie-Therese La femme, la famille, la parente a Rome: themes actuels de la recherche AC 62 1993 247-253 Adamik, Tamas Probleme der Urbanitat in den Satiren 1.4 und 1.10 von Horaz ACD 29 1993 [1994] 3-10 Bollok, Janos Horace and the Astrology ACD 29 1993 [1994] 11-19 Briquel, Dominique La place de l'Etrurie chez Horace ACD 29 1993 [1994] 21-31 Gaillard, Jacques 'Imitatio, aemulatio': Horace et l'imitation ACD 29 1993 [1994] 33-38 Granarolo, Jean Horace a l'ecole de Catulle? ACD 29 1993 [1994] 39-41 Hajdu, Istvan Bemerkungen zu den mittelalterlichen Kommentaren zur 'Ars poetica' des Horaz ACD 29 1993 [1994] 43-51 Havas, Laszlo Reminiscences d'Horace chez Florus ACD 29 1993 [1994] 53-77 Koves-Zulauf, Thomas Das Bild des 'genius' in der Dichtung des Horaz ACD 29 1993 [1994] 79-98 Maroth, Miklos Epikureische Elemente in der Dichtkunst des Horaz ACD 29 1993 [1994] 99-109 Milanese, Guido Aspetti del lessico filosofico di Orazio ACD 29 1993 [1994] 111-122 Muller, Reimar Horaz und die Philosophie als Lebenskunst ACD 29 1993 [1994] 123-137 Neuhausen, Karl-August Eine verkannte Satzkonstruktion bei Horaz (carm,. 1,10,9-12) - Reale Bedingungssatze innerhalb einer 'oratio obliqua' in klassischer lateinischer Literatur ACD 29 1993 [1994] 139-140 Poinsotte, Jean Michel Aspects de la survie d'Horace dans la poesie latine chretienne (IIIeme - Veme siecles) ACD 29 1993 [1994] 141-162 Ritook, Zsigmond 'Quid leges sine moribus...?' Horace on the Manners of His Age ACD 29 1993 [1994] 163-173 Sordi, Marta Orazio e i temi della propaganda augustea ACD 29 1993 [1994] 175-180 Szekeres, Csilla Stoische philosophische Termini bei Horaz ACD 29 1993 [1994] 181-189 Adkin, Neil A Note on the Date of the Pseudo-Augustinian Treatise 'De sobrietate et castitate' ACD 29 1993 [1994] 191-193 Bosman, P.R. Pathology of a Guilty Conscience: The Legacy of Euripides' Oresteia AClass 36 1993 11-26 Pike, D. Jason's Departure: Apollonius Rhodius and Heroism AClass 36 1993 27-38 Barkhuizen, J.H. Romanos Melodos, `On the Ten Virgins' (48 Oxf.=51 sc) AClass 36 1993 39-54 Cronj, J. V. The Principle of concealment (to lathein) in Greek Literary Theory AClass 36 1993 55-64 Thome, G. Tanton placuit concurrere motu,/ Iuppiter, aeterna gentis in pace futuras? (Aen. 12,503f.)--Der Krieg in Vergils Aeneis AClass 36 1993 65-82 Tennant, P.M.W. "Uncle" Virro and Trebius' Offspring: The Relevance of Juvenal *Satires* 5, Lines 141-5 AClass 36 1993 83-90 Wardle, D. Did Suetonius Write in Greek? AClass 36 1993 91-104 Dominik, W.J. Change or Decline? Literature in the Early Principate AClass 36 1993 105-112 Adkin, N. `Heri catechumenus, hodie pontifex' (Jerome, Epist. 69.9.4) AClass 36 1993 113-118 Parker, Grant Intimations of Immortality: A Study of perennis AClass 36 1993 119-128 Wylie, G.J. P. Ventidius -- From novus homo to `Military Hero' AClass 36 1993 129-142 Baldwin, B. The Young Trimalchio AClass 36 1993 143-145 Lofstedt, B. Zu einer Bude-ubersetzung AClass 36 1993 146-150 * Ethniko Archaiologiko Mouseio (Sulloge glupton, Proistorike sulloge, Sulloge Chalkon, Tmema Aiguptiakon kai Anatolikon archaioteton, Chemiko ergasterio AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 1-4 * Nomismatiko Mouseio AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 5-6 * Epigraphiko Mouseio AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 6 * Buzantino Mouseio AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 7-11 * 1st Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: [Athena]: Apotheke odou Areos, boreias klituos, Bibliotheke Adrianou AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 12-27 * Archaia Agora AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 27-30 * 3rd Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: Athena; Archaiologiko alsos tes Akademias Platonos. Aspropurgos. Eleusina. Megara. AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 31-62 * 2nd Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: (Mouseio Lauriou). [alphabetized]: Alimos, Ethnike odos Athenon-Lamias, Gerakas, Kephisia, Kokkinos Mulos,Laureotike, Marathonas, Menidi. Sounio AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 63-74 * 1e Ephoreia Buzantinon Archaioteton: (Mouseio Spetson, Ektheseis). Nomos Attikes: Spetses-perioche Paliou Limaniou. Nomismata (Thesauros Spetson 1993). Nomos Boiotias: Kokkino, Prodromos, Theba; Nomismata 1993 AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 75-93 * 4th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 94 * Isthmia (O oikismos tes Paches, O archaikos kai o klasikos naos tou Poseidona, Archaike keramike, Anatoliko temenos, Ensphragista keramidia, Mouseio Isthmias) AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 94-96 * Nemea AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 96-97 * Korinthos AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 97-98 * 5th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton [Nomoi Arkadias, Lakonias] AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 99 * Lakonia (Mane): Spelaio Kalamakia AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 99-101 * 5e Ephoreia Buzantinon Aarchaioteton [Nomoi Arkadias, Lakonias] AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 101 * 7th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: [alphabetized]: Nomos Eleias: Agia Triada, Altis, Amaliada, Augeio, Grullos, Kakobatos, Kalubia, Koskina, Lepreo, Mporsi Elidas, Paleokritharies (Agiannes) Elidas, Staphidokampos, Nomos Messenias: Kaplani Pulias, Kato Melpeia, Korone AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 102-108 * To Anaktoro tes Pulou AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 108-109 * Archaiologiko Programma Pulou AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 109-110 * 6th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: [alphabetized]: Nomos Achaias. (Mouseio Patron, Mouseo Aigiou). Dromos pros Katholiko-Agio Georgio Katholikou-Trapeza, Elike (archaia), Eparchia Patron: Aigio, Bountene Patron, Brachneika, Chalandritsa, Kleitoria Kalabruton (Archaios Kleitor), Portes. Keruneia Aigialeias (Palaia Keruneia), Meintana Rododaphnes, Nikoleika Aigiou, Patra; (Periphereia Poles), Perioche Lakkas kai Toumpas Aigialeias. Nomos Aitoloakarnanias: 'stratikes ges', Drumonas Archontochoriou, Eparchia Naupaktias: Makuneia, Kruoneri, Naupaktos. Nea Pleurona, Spathare Lepenous, Steno Aggelokastrou, Thermo. Nomos Kephallenias. Eparchia Kranaias: Koinoteta Markopoulo, Koinoteta Metaxata, Koinoteta Porou. Oikismos Mazarakaton, Eparchia Pallikes: Koinoteta Koubalaton. Eparchia Sames: Oikismos Phiskardou, Oikismos Sames, Same AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 111-155 * Archaia Elike AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 155 * 6e Ephoreia Buzantinon Archaioteton: [alphabetized] Nomos Achaias: Leibartzi, Mone Genneses tes Theotokou Daphnes, Paos e Skoupi Kalabruton, Patra, Perithori, Portes, Rio, Romanos Patron, Sopoton, Tripotama, Tzailo, Zarouchla. Nomos Eleias: Manolada. Nomos Korinthias: Xylokastro, Zachole. Nomos Zakunthou (Mouseio Zakunthou) AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 155-166 * 9th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: Tachi, Akraiphnio, Boiotikos Kephisos. Chaironeia, Orchomenos, Theba, AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 167-189 * 11th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: [alphabetized]: [Euboia]: Aidepsos, Boiotikes aktes: Anthedona. Chalkida, Eretria, Kastri Lichadas, Kerinthos Leukanti, Manika, Oreoi, Robies Skuros AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 190-198 * 14th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: [alphabetized] Achinos, Agia Paraskeue, Atalante, Elateia, Eparchiake odos Upates-Analotas, Glupha, Kalubia Lamias, Kolaka, Kunos, Lamia, Libanates, Melitaia, Mexiates, Exarchos, Modi, Neo Monasteri, Sophiada Domokou, Tragana AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 199-221 * Ales Lokridos AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 221 * 10th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: [alphabetized]: Antikura, Distomo, Galaxeidi, Lilaia, Poludroso AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 222-223 * Delphoi. Romaike Agora kai Notioanatolike Epaule. Epiphaneiake ereuna AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 223-226 * 13th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: [alphabetized]: Nomos Karditsas. Ermetsi, Murine, Orphana Purgos Kieriou, Zaimi. Nomos Magnesias (Ekthese "Dasooikonomia sten archaia Kupro", Ekthese photographies archaiologikon eurematon ton Pheron); Belestino, Demetriada, Megale Belanidia, Nea Ionia Bolou, Phthiotides Thebes, Platanos Almurou AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 227-248 * Thessalia AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 248 * 15th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: Nomos Larisas; Larisa. Nomos Trikalon: Trikala AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 249-260 * 7e Ephoreia Buzantinon Archaioteton [Nomoi Eurutanias, Karditsas, Larisas, Magnesias, Phthiotidos, Trikalon] AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 260 * 12th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: Nomos Artas: Arta. Koinoteta Demariou, Koinoteta Stroggules. Nomos Ioanninon. Nomos Leukadas. Nomos Prebezas AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 261-314 * Programma Aktiou AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 314-316 * 8th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: Nomos Kerkuras: Perioche Agion Theodoron. Nomos Thesprotias: Egoumenitsa AD 48.B1 1993 [1998] 317-319 * 16th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: [alphabetized]: Nomos Chalkidikes: Archaia Stageira, Ierissos, Kallithea, Nea Kallikrateia, Nea Roda. Olunthos, Ouranoupole, Poseidi, Potidaia, Sane, Stratoni. Nomos Kilkis: (Mouseio Kilkis), Palatiano, Koinoteta Mourion, Agrotike perioche metaxu Polukastrou kai Pontoerakleias, Axioupole, Europos. Nomos Pierias: Boreia Pieria, Katerine, Korinos, Methone, Makrugialo. Nomos Thessalonikes: Agios Athanasios, Brasna, Sindos, Therme, Thessalonike AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 321-358 * 9e Ephoreia Buzantinon Archaioteton [Nomoi Kilkis, Pierias, Thessalonikes] AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 358 * 10e Ephoreia Buzantinon Archaioteton AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 358 * 17th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: [alphabetized]: Nomos Emathias: Eparchia Alexandreias. Kupsele. Eparchia Beroias. (Mouseio Kilkis). Bergina, Beroia. Eparchia Naousas. Kopanos. Nomos Kozanes: Kitrine Limne, Technete limne Poluphutou. Nomos Pellas: Eparchia Almopias. Archaggelos, Aloro. Apsalos, Ida, Konstantia, Neromuloi, Polukarpe, Promachoi, Sossandra. Theodoraki, Eparchia Edessas. Edessa, Nea Zoe, Serbe-Panagitsa. Eparchia Giannitson. Agrosukia, Archontiko, Giannitsa. Nea Pella, Pella, Rachona AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 359-381 * 11e Ephoreia Buzantinon Archaioteton AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 381 * 18th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton [Nomoi Dramas, Kabalas, Serron] AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 382 * Ntikili Tas AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 382-383 * Thasos: Perioche BA tes agoras, To teichos, E apsida tou Karakalla AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 383-386 * 19th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: [alphabetized]: Nomos Ebrou: Alexandroupole, Makre, Pentalophos. Nomos Rodopes: Archaia Strume, Maroneia. Nomos Xanthes: Abdera, Komnena, Mandra, Melissa, Sounio AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 387-405 * Iero ton megalon theon ste Samothrake AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 405-406 * 12e Ephoreia Buzantinon Archaioteton [Nomoi Dramas, Ebrou, Kabalas, Rodopes, Serron] AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 406 * 20th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: [alphabetized]: (Mouseio Chiou, Mouseio Lemnou Mouseio Murinas, Mouseio Mutilenes). Nomos Chiou: Koinoteta Kalamotes, Pole tes Chiou.Nomos Lesbou: Lemnos: Murina. Lesbos: Eresos. Koinoteta Agias Paraskeues, Koinoteta Taxiarchon, Loutropole Thermes, Mutilene AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 407-430 * Poliochne AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 430-432 * 21st Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: Delos. Melos. Paros; Paroikia. Samos (Eraio) AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 433-438 * 3e Ephoreia Buzantinon Archaioteton AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 438 * 2e Ephoreia Buzantinon Archaioteton: Thera: Perissa AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 439-444 * 23rd Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: [alphabetized]: Nomos Erakleiou: Eparchia Kainourgiou: Trupete.Eparchia Monophatsiou: Rotasi. Eparchia Pediados: Limenas Chersonesou, Kounaboi Pediados, Oikopedo Enorias Kastelliou. Eparchia Purgiotisses: Phaistos. Eparchia Temenous: Erakleio, Perioche Knosou, Poros Katsampas AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 445-468 * Agia Triada AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 468-469 * Gortuna AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 469-470 * Kommos AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 470-472 * 25th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: [alphabetized]: Nomos Chanion: Eparchia Apokoronou: (Aptera, Kalami).Eparchia Kisamou: Astrikas, Kallergiana, Kastelli Kisamou. Eparchia Selinou: Lisos Selinou. Nomos Rethumnes: Eparchia Mulopotamou: Alpha, Kruoneri, Nea Magnesia Erphon, Pera Galenoi. Eparchia Rethumnou: Arguroupole, Sphakaki Pagkalochoriou AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 473-492 * 24th Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton: Agios Nikolaos. Schisma Elountas, Seteia AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 493-499 * Pseira, Gournia, Chalasmenos, Brokastro, Kabousi, Mochlos, Malia AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 499-505 * 13e Ephoreia Buzantinon Archaioteton AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 505 * 22nd Ephoreia Proistorikon kai Klasikon Archaioteton. (Ekthese 'Archaia Rodos: 2400 Chronia'). [alphabetized]: Amorgos (Katapola). Karpathos: Aphiartes. Kos: Erakles, Seragia. Rodos: Ialusia, Kremaste, Lindos (Akropole), Rodos (Perioche archaias poles), Trianta-Minoikos oikismos AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 506-560 * 4e Ephoreia Buzantinon Archaioteton: Ektheseis: E Rodos apo ton 4o ai. m.Ch. eos ten katalepse tes apo tous Othomanous (1522). Ekthese: Rodos 2.400 Chronia. [alphabetized]: Kalumnos. Kos: Antimacheia, Kardamaina, Kephalos, Kos, Zepari. Rodos: Arnitha, Chalke, Pastida, Apolakkia, Rodos:(Mesaionike pole), Salakos. AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 561-578 * Ephoreia Palaioanthropologias kai Spelaiologias: Nomos Ioanninon: Koinoteta Agiou Mena. Nomos Trikalon: Kalampaka (Spelaio Theopetras) AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 579-584 * Ephoreia Enalion Archaioteton: Nomos Aitoloakarnanias (Aktio, Bonitsa). Nomos Chalkidikes (Torone). Nomos Chanion (Phalarsana). Nomos Erakleiou (Ereuna sto nauagio tou gallikou ploiou 'La Therese'). Nomos Euboias (Artemesio). Nomos Magnesias (Alonnesos). Nomos Messenias (Ormos Methones Pulias, Phrourio Pulou-Kentro). Nomos Samou (Archaio limani Samou). Nomos Xanthes (Abdera). Nomos Zakunthou (Zakunthos) AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 585-598 * Ephoreia Archaiopoleion kai idiotikon sullogon AD 48.B2 1993 [1998] 599-603 Demakopoulou, K.; Crouwel, J. H. More Cats or Lions from Thera? AE 132 1993 [1995] 1-11 Kapetanopoulos, Elias Xennias, makedonizon tei phonei AE 132 1993 [1995] 13-30 Stainchaouer, Georgios Neotera stoicheia gia ton salaminio thiaso tes Bedidos AE 132 1993 [1995] 31-47 Papachatzes, Nikos E ellenike thea Rea kai e phrugike 'Metera ton theon' e Megale Metera AE 132 1993 [1995] 49-82 Papatheophanous, Euaggelia Xuloglupie porta tou katholaikou tes Mones Koimeseos Theotokou ste Molubdoskepaste Ioanninon AE 132 1993 [1995] 83-106 Henry, Alan Thucydides and the Topography of Torone AE 132 1993 [1995] 107-120 Billot, Marie-Francoise; Rizake, Yvonne Deux simas 'megariennes' du meme atelier AE 132 1993 [1995] 121-132 Arapogianne, Xene To romaiko balaneio sten Mprexixa tou Maratonos AE 132 1993 [1995] 133-186 Shelton, Kim S. Tsountas' Chamber Tombs at Mycenae AE 132 1993 [1995] 187-210 Oikonomakou, M. Oros proikoou apotimematos AE 132 1993 [1995] 211-214 Luciani, Ferdinando I problemi di 2Sm 21,19; ICr 20,5 (testo originale e versione aramaica) Aevum 67.1 1993 3-13 Morani, Moreno Il nodo stretto Aevum 67.1 1993 15-20 Chisoli, Alberto Diodoro e le vicende di Ducezio Aevum 67.1 1993 21-29 Perassi, Claudia Riflessioni sul 'Maestro del Sileno' Aevum 67.1 1993 31-35 Novara, Antoinette Alcune osservazioni su versi incompiuti nell'"Eneide" di Virgilio: cenni sul lavoro di Virgilio tragico Aevum 67.1 1993 37-53 Villa, Claudia I manoscritti di Orazio. II Aevum 67.1 1993 55-103 Mariano, Bianca Maria "Antonii Volsci expositiones in Heroidas Ovidii": alcuni appunti Aevum 67.1 1993 105-112 Rivoltella, Massimo Il motivo della colpa ereditaria nelle tragedie senecane: una ciclicita in 'crescendo' Aevum 67.1 1993 113-128 Cacitti, Remo 'Ad caelestes thesauros'. L'esegesi della Pericope del 'Giovane Ricco' nella parenesi di Cipriano di Cartagine Aevum 67.1 1993 129-171 Cara, Pietro La successione di Costantino Aevum 67.1 1993 173-180 Berschin, Walter La 'Vita s. Ambrosii' et la letteratura biografica tardoantica Aevum 67.1 1993 181-187 Zecchini, Giuseppe Attila in Italia: ragioni politiche e sfondo 'ideologico' di un'invasione Aevum 67.1 1993 189-198 Barbero, Gigliola Per lo studio delle fonti del 'Liber glossarum': il ms. Amploniano F. 10 Aevum 67.2 1993 253-278 D'Acunto, Nicolangelo Lotte religiose a Firenze nel secolo XI: aspetti della rivolta contro il vescove Pietro Mezzabarba Aevum 67.2 1993 279-312 Alzati, Cesare Prassi sacramentale e 'militia Christi' Aevum 67.2 1993 313-331 Savigni, Raffaele La signoria vescovile lucchese tra XI e XII secolo: consolidamento patrimoniale e primi rapporti con la classe dirigente cittadina Aevum 67.2 1993 333-367 Adkin, Neil Walter of Chatillon: St. Omer 30 Aevum 67.2 1993 369-375 Gavinelli, Simona Fogli di un sacramentario novarese del sec. XII Aevum 67.2 1993 377-382 Wifstrand Schiebe, Marianne Tyrrhenus the degraded hero. On changing concepts in the works of Annius of Viterbo Aevum 67.2 1993 383-396 Frasso, Giuseppe Appunti di un lettore in margine a 'Letteratura italiana, Le opere, I, Dalle origini al Cinquecento' Aevum 67.2 1993 397-406 Pulsoni, Carlo Bembo correttore di Luigi da Porto? Aevum 67.3 1993 501-518 Grohovaz, Valentina A proposito di alcuni frammenti manoscritti di opere di Giulio Camillo Delminio e Lodovico Castelvetro Aevum 67.3 1993 519-532 Scarpati, Claudio Geometrie petrarchesche nella 'Gerusalemme liberata' Aevum 67.3 1993 533-570 Bergonzi, Elena Cesare Cremonini scrittore: il periodo ferrarese e i primi anni padovani, la pastorale 'Le pompe funebri' Aevum 67.3 1993 571-593 Motta, Umberto Querenghi e Galileo. L'ipotesi copernicana nelle immagini di un umanista Aevum 67.3 1993 595-616 Bulletta, Silvia La riflessione sulla storia nei 'Discorsi sopra Cornelio Tacito' di Virgilio Malvezzi Aevum 67.3 1993 617-636 Vandegans, Andre Chateaubriand devant Brunetiere Aevum 67.3 1993 637-645 Pasini, Cesare Dalla biblioteca della famiglia Trivulzio al fondo Trotti dell'Ambrosiana (e 'L'inventario di divisione' Ambr. H 150 suss. compilato da Pietro Mazzucchelli) Aevum 67.3 1993 647-685 Zoboli, Paolo Ceccardo Roccatagliata-Ceccardi tra Carducci e il simbolismo Aevum 67.3 1993 687-705 Ockinga, Boyo A funerary cone of Merymose AH 23.1 1993 5-7 Pritchard, David Antigone in Paris. The civic context of Athenian tragedy AH 23.1 1993 8-18 Cansdale, Lena Caesarea: the life and death of a harbour AH 23.1 1993 19-29 Major, Ann Claudius and the death of Messalina: jealousy or 'Realpolitik'? AH 23.1 1993 30-38 Sowada, Karin Predynastic Egyptian 'boat pots' and their meaning AH 23.2 1993 61-73 French, A. The population of fifth-century Athens AH 23.2 1993 74-94 Nixon, C.E.V. The role of the Roman Senate in the Early Empire AH 23.2 1993 95-108 Bicknell, Peter Blue Suns, The Son of Heaven, and the Chronology of the Volcanic Veil of the 40s B.C AHB 7.1 1993 2-11 Krentz, Peter Athens' Allies and the Phallophoria AHB 7.1 1993 12 Marshall, Anthony J. The Case of Cloatilla: a Note on Quintilian's Quotations from the Defence Speech of Domitius Afer AHB 7.1 1993 17-27 Walbank, Michael B. Review Article. Recent Work on Greek Inscriptions and The History of the Attic Alphabet AHB 7.1 1993 28 Peters, Celeste A. Early Mesopotamian Society and Economy AHB 7.1 1993 37 Thomas, Carol Promise-Giving and Treaty-Making AHB 7.1 1993 39-40 French, Alfred A Note on the Size of the Athenian Armed Forces in 431 B.C. AHB 7.2 1993 43-48 Henry, A.S. Athens and Egesta (IG i3 11) AHB 7.2 1993 49 Veligianni, Chrissoula Zum sogenannten Ehrendekret der Lampadephoroi der Aiantis (IG II2 1250) AHB 7.2 1993 54 Worthington, Ian The Date of the Tegea Decree (Tod ii 202): A Response to the Diagramma of Alexander III or of Polyperchon? AHB 7.2 1993 59 Mamoojee, A.J. The Date of the Trial of Q. Gallius AHB 7.2 1993 65-72 Buck, David F. Eunapius on Julian's Acclamation as Augustus AHB 7.2 1993 73 Burstein, S.M. The Origin of the Athenian Privileges at Bosporus: A Reconsideration AHB 7.3/4 1993 81 Robinson, T.R. Alexander and the Ganges: The Text of Diodorus XVIII 6.2 AHB 7.3/4 1993 84 Buck, Robert J. The Hellenistic Boiotian League AHB 7.3/4 1993 100 Scheidel, Walter Slavery and the Shackled Mind: On Fortune-telling and Slave Mentality in the Graeco-Roman World AHB 7.3/4 1993 107 Bloedow, E.F. Hermocrates' Strategy Against the Athenians in 415 B.C. AHB 7.3/4 1993 115 Tritle, Lawrence A. Continuity and Change in the Athenian Strategia. AHB 7.3/4 1993 125 Cooper, Craig A Note on Antipater's Demand of Hyperides and Demosthenes AHB 7.3/4 1993 130 Murphy, John Pompey's Eastern Acta AHB 7.3/4 1993 136 Frakes, R.M. Ammianus Marcellinus and Osroene AHB 7.3/4 1993 143 Humphrey, John W. Dio on the Julio-Claudians: Review AHB 7.3/4 1993 148 Bess, Michael D. E.P. Thompson: The Historian as Activist AHR 98.1 1993 18 Freedman, Paul The German and Catalan Peasant Revolts AHR 98.1 1993 39 Bonnell, Victoria E. The Peasant Woman in Stalinist Political Art of the 1930s AHR 98.1 1993 55 Wills, John E. Maritime Asia, 1500-1800: The Interactive Emergence of European Domination AHR 98.1 1993 83 Faragher, John Mack The Frontier Trail: Rethinking Turner and Reimagining the American West AHR 98.1 1993 106 Hollinger, David A. How Wide the Circle of the 'We'? American Intellectuals and the Problem of the Ethnos since World War II AHR 98.2 1993 317 Engelstein, Laura Combined Underdevelopment: Discipline and the Law in Imperial and Soviet Russia AHR 98.2 1993 338 Koshar, Rudy Foucault and Social History: Comments on 'Combined Underdevelopment' AHR 98.2 1993 354 Goldstein, Jan Framing Discipline with Law: Problems and Promises of the Liberal State AHR 98.2 1993 364 Schiebinger, Londa Why Mammals Are Called Mammals: Gender Politics in Eighteenth-Century Natural History AHR 98.2 1993 382 Shammas, Carole A New Look at Long-Term Trends in Wealth Inequality in the United States AHR 98.2 1993 412 Painter, Nell Irvin Malcolm X across the Genres AHR 98.2 1993 432 Horne, Gerald "Myth" and the Making of 'Malcolm X' AHR 98.2 1993 440 Roberts, Mary Louise Samson and Delilah Revisted: The Politics of Women's Fashion in 1920's France AHR 98.3 1993 657 Fritzsche, Peter Machine Dreams: Airmindedness and the Reinvention of Germany AHR 98.3 1993 685 Garon, Sheldon The World's Oldest Debate? Prostitution and the State in Imperial Japan, 1900-1945 AHR 98.3 1993 710 Kivelson, Valerie A. The Devil Stole His Mind: The Tsar and the 1648 Moscow Uprising AHR 98.3 1993 733 Bergquist, Charles Labor History and Its Challenges: Confessions of a Latin Americanist AHR 98.3 1993 757 O'Brien, Thomas F. The Revolutionary Mission: American Enterprise in Cuba AHR 98.3 1993 765 Brown, Jonathan C. Foreign and Native-Born Workers in Profirian Mexico AHR 98.3 1993 786 Getty, J. Arch; Rittersporn, Gabor T.; Zemskov, Viktor N. Victims of the Soviet Penal System in the Pre-war Years: A First Approach on the Basis of Archival Evidence AHR 98.4 1993 1017 Coclanis, Peter A. Distant Thunder: The Creation of a World Market in Rice and the Transformations It Wrought AHR 98.4 1993 1050 Huston, James L. The American Revolutionaries, the Political Economy of Aristocracy, and the American Concept of the Distribution of Wealth, 1765-1900 AHR 98.4 1993 1079 Strikwerda, Carl The Troubled Origins of European Economic Integration: International Iron and Steel and Labor Migration in the Era of World War I AHR 98.4 1993 1106 Schroeder, Paul W. Economic Integration and the European International System in the Era of World War I AHR 98.4 1993 1130 Strikwerda, Carl Response to 'Economic Integration and the European International System in the Era of World War I' AHR 98.4 1993 1138 Raeff, Marc Autocracy Tempered by Reform or by Regicide? AHR 98.4 1993 1143 Eltis, David Europeans and the Rise and Fall of African Slavery in the Americas: An Interpretation AHR 98.5 1993 1399 Vardi, Liana Construing the Harvest: Gleaners, Farmers, and Officials in Early Modern France AHR 98.5 1993 1424 Anderson, Margaret Lavinia Voter, Junker, Landrat, Priest: The Old Authorities and the New Franchise in Imperial Germany AHR 98.5 1993 1448 Sortor, Marci Saint-Omer and Its Textile Trades in the Late Middle Ages: A Contribution to the Proto-Industrialization Debate AHR 98.5 1993 1475 Chang, Gordon H.; Di, He The Absence of War in the U.S.-China Confrontation over Quemoy and Matsu in 1954-1955: Contingency, Luck, Deterrence? AHR 98.5 1993 1500 Waley-Cohen, Joanna China and Western Technology in the Late Eighteenth Century AHR 98.5 1993 1525 Hoopes, James Objectivity and Relativism Affirmed: Historical Knowledge and the Philosophy of Charles S. Pierce AHR 98.5 1993 1545 Mersereau, Rebecca Cretan Cylindrical Models AJA 97.1 1993 1-47 Ulrich, Roger B. Julius Caesar and the Creation of Forum Iulium AJA 97.1 1993 49-80 Tobin, Jennifer Some New Thoughts on Herodes Atticus's Tomb, His Stadium of 143/4, and Philostatus VS 2.550 AJA 97.1 1993 81-89 Herrmann, John J. Jr.; Barbin, Vincent The Exportation of Marble from the Aliki Quarries on Thasos: Cathodoluminescence of Samples from Turkey and Italy AJA 97.1 1993 91-103 Mellink, Machteld J. Archaeology in Anatolia AJA 97.1 1993 105-133 Wolff, Samuel R. Archaeology in Israel AJA 97.1 1993 135-163 Laviosa, Clelia Doro Levi: 1998-1991 AJA 97.1 1993 165-166 Dyson, Stephen L. From New To New Age Archaeology: Archaeological Theory and Classical Archaelogy - A 1990's Perspective AJA 97.2 1993 195 Yener, K. Aslihan; Vandiver, Pamela B. Tin Processing at Goltepe, an Early Bronze Age Site in Anatolia AJA 97.2 1993 207 Muhly, J.D. Early Bronze Age Tin and the Taurus AJA 97.2 1993 239 Yener, K. Aslihan; Vandiver, Pamela B. Reply to J. D. Muhly, 'Early Bronze Age Tin and the Taurus.' AJA 97.2 1993 255 Haggis, Donald C.; Mook, Margaret S. The Kavousi Coarse Wares: A Bronze Age Chronology for Survey in Mirabello Area, East Crete AJA 97.2 1993 265 The 94th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America AJA 97.2 1993 295 Goodenough, Ward H. Froelich Gladstone Rainer, 1907-1992 AJA 97.2 1993 355 Butcher, Kevin; Gill, David W.J. The Director, the Dealer, the Goddess, and Her Champions: The Acquisition of the Fitzwilliam Goddess AJA 97.3 1993 383 Serwint, Nancy The Female Athletic Costume at the Heraia and Prenuptial Initiation Rites AJA 97.3 1993 403 Pollini, John The Cartoceto Bronzes: Portraits of a Roman Aristocratic Family of the Late First Century B.C. AJA 97.3 1993 423 Evans, Harry B. In Tiburtium Usum: Special Arrangements in the Roman Water System (Frontinus, Aq. 6.5). AJA 97.3 1993 447 De Vries, Bert Archaeology in Jordan AJA 97.3 1993 457 Treister, Michail J. Archaeology on the Northern Coast of the Black Sea AJA 97.3 1993 521 Gill, David W.J.; Chippindale, Christopher Material and Intellectual Consequences of Esteem for Cycladic Figures AJA 97.4 1993 601 Shaw, Maria C. The Aegean Garden AJA 97.4 1993 661 Sear, Frank B. The Scaenae Frons of the Theater of Pompey AJA 97.4 1993 687 Korkuti, Muzafer; Petruso, Karl M. Archaeology in Albania AJA 97.4 1993 703 Rutter, Jeremy B. The Prepalatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland AJA 97.4 1993 745 Sfyroeras, Pavlos Fireless Sacrifices: Pindar's Olympian 7 and the Panathenaic Festival AJPh 114.1 1993 1 Munson, Rosaria Vignolo Herodotus' Use of Prospective Sentences and the Story of Rhampsinitus and the Thief in the Histories AJPh 114.1 1993 27 Kovacs, David Zeus in Euripides' Medea AJPh 114.1 1993 45 Storey, Ian C. The Dates of Aristophanes' Clouds II and Eupolis' Baptai: A Reply to E. C. Kopff AJPh 114.1 1993 71 Schenkeveld, Dirk M. The Lacuna at Aristotle's Poetics 1457b33 AJPh 114.1 1993 85 Blair, George A. Aristotle on 'ENTELEXEIA: A Reply to Daniel Graham AJPh 114.1 1993 91 Hansen, Mogens Herman Was the Athenian Ekklesia Convened According to the Festival Calendar or the Bouleutic Calendar? AJPh 114.1 1993 99 Jenkyns, Richard Virgil and the Euphrates AJPh 114.1 1993 115 Hannah, Robert The Stars of Iopas and Palinurus AJPh 114.1 1993 123 Hooley, D. M. Persius' Refractory Muse: Horatian Echoes in the Sixth Satire AJPh 114.1 1993 137 Dobrov, Gregory The Tragic and the Comic Tereus AJPh 114.2 1993 189 Carawan, Edwin The Tetralogies and Athenian Homicide Trials AJPh 114.2 1993 235 Leach, Eleanor Winsor Horace's Sabine Topography in Lyric and Hexameter Verse. AJPh 114.2 1993 271 Carrubba, Robert W. The Preface of Juvencus' Biblical Epic: A Structural Study AJPh 114.2 1993 303 Rabel, Robert J. Cebriones the Diver: Iliad 16.733-76 AJPh 114.3 1993 339 Park Poe, Joe The Determination of Episodes in Greek Tragedy AJPh 114.3 1993 343 Rowe, Galen O. The Many Facets of Hybris in Demosthenes' Against Meidias AJPh 114.3 1993 397 Traill, David A. Between Scylla and Charybdis at Aeneid 3.684-86: A Smoother Passage AJPh 114.3 1993 407 Eidinow, J.S.C. A Note on Ovid Ars Amatoria 1.117-19 AJPh 114.3 1993 413 Ronnick, Michele Valerie Stellio non lacerta et bubo non strix: Ovid Metamorphoses 5.446-61 and 5.534-50. AJPh 114.3 1993 419 Dickie, Mattew W. Hermeias on Plato Phaedrus 238d and Synesus Dion 14.2 AJPh 114.3 1993 421 Ledbetter, Grace M. Achilles' Self-Address: Iliad 16.7-19 AJPh 114.4 1993 481 Pantelia, Maria C. Spinning and Weaving: Ideas of Domestic Order in Homer AJPh 114.4 1993 493 Lidov, Joel B. The Second Stanza of Sappho 31: Another Look AJPh 114.4 1993 503 Bigwood, J. M. Aristotle and the Elephant Again AJPh 114.4 1993 537 Dehon, Pierre-Jacques Note sur le sens de carpo dans Lucilius, Fragment 828 (Kreenkel) AJPh 114.4 1993 557 Sinclair, Patrick The Sentential in Rhetorica ad Herennium: A Study in the Sociology of Rhetoric AJPh 114.4 1993 561 Knight, Thomas E. The Use of Aletheia for the 'Truth of unreason': Plato, the Septuagint, and Philo AJPh 114.4 1993 581 Ryan, F.X. Some Observations on the Censorship of Claudius and Vitellius, A.D. 47-48 AJPh 114.4 1993 611 Isler-Kerenyi, Cornelia Dionysos und Solon AK 36.1 1993 3-10 Kunisch, Norbert Herakleseinzug und Gotterspende AK 36.1 1993 11-23 Themelis, Petros Damophon von Messene - sein Werk im Lichte der neuen Ausgrabungen AK 36.1 1993 24-40 Csapo, Eric G. A Case Study in the Use of Theatre Iconography as Evidence for Ancient Acting AK 36.1 1993 41-58 Isler, Hans Peter Grabungen auf dem Monte Iato 1992 AK 36.1 1993 59-66 Wielen-van Ommeren, Frederike van der Groupe de figurines en terre-cuite: Amazonomachie (Geneve, Musee d'art et d'histoire) AK 36.1 1993 68-76 Schmidt, Margot Auszug aus dem Jahresbericht 1992 (Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig) AK 36.1 1993 78-83 Papadopoulos, John K. King of the Roost? A Note on the Lakonian Cup by the Hunt Painter in Sidney AK 36.1 1993 84-85 Kokkorou-Alewras, Georgia Die Entstehungszeit der naxischen Delos-Lowen und anderer Tierskulpturen der Archaik AK 36.2 1993 91-102 Bode, Nina Die Statue von Monzia: Hamilkar al Heros AK 36.2 1993 103-110 Garezou, Marie-Xeni Le roptron et la clochette: musique dionysiaque sur un plat byzantin AK 36.2 1993 111-119 Durcey, Pierre; Huber, Sandrine; Reber, Karl; Friedemann, Pascal Rapport sur les activites de l'Ecole suisse d'archeologie en Grece 1992 AK 36.2 1993 120-121 Huber, Sandrine Les fouilles dans le sanctuaire d'Apollon a Eretrie AK 36.2 1993 122-125 Reber, Karl Grabungen in Haus IV von Eretria. Kampagne 1992 AK 36.2 1993 126-131 Friedemann, Pascal Un etablissement hydralique sur le flanque est de l'acropole d'Eretrie AK 36.2 1993 132-36 Louw, J. R. The Epinician Speaker as Preceptor: Pindar's Pythian 2.72-96 Akroterion 38.1 1993 2-10 Saayman, F. Dogs and Lions in the Oresteia Akroterion 38.1 1993 11-18 Kotze, A. Tacitus se Annales I.1: 'n Narratologiese Analise Akroterion 38.1 1993 19-31 Matier, K. O. A Role Reversal in Silius (10.605-639) Akroterion 38.1 1993 32-38 van Stekelenburg, A. V. Stating the Case of Paganism in 384 AD -- Argumentation in the Third Relatio of Symmachus Akroterion 38.1 1993 39-45 Thom, S. Crime and Punishment in Catullus 30 Akroterion 38.2 1993 51-60 Zietsman, J. C. A Stoic Remedy for Diseased Ears Akroterion 38.2 1993 61-73 Hermans, M.; October, B.; van Zyl Smit, B. A Communicative Approach to the Teaching of Latin Akroterion 38.2 1993 74-80 Griffin, Alan H. F. Pius Aeneas or Aeneas the Wimp? Akroterion 38.2 1993 81-85 Pike, D. Venus Nefanda: Dido and Pasiphae in Vergil's Aeneid Akroterion 38.3/4 1993 98-103 Bell, B.M. The Value of Julius Caesar as Ethnographer Akroterion 38.3/4 1993 104-112 Lambert, M. Catullus 97: Aemilius Is a Real Stinker Akroterion 38.3/4 1993 113-122 Swanepoel, J. Martialis, Die Epigram en die Genre-Hierargie Akroterion 38.3/4 1993 123-141 Mansour, W. Cyprus: Anemone and Myrtle Akroterion 38.3/4 1993 142-45 Papazoglou, Fanoula La patrios politeia et l'abolition de l'hilotie AncSoc 24 1993 5-25 Mastrocinque, Attilio 'Guerra di successione' e prima guerra di Celesiria: un falso moderno e una questione storica AncSoc 24 1993 27-39 Lipinski, E. Les dii patrii de Leptis Magna AncSoc 24 1993 41-50 Sijpesteijn P. J. A Pawnbroker's Account AncSoc 24 1993 51-62 Clarysse, Willy; Gallazzi, Claudio Archivio dei discendenti di Laches o dei discendenti di Patron? AncSoc 24 1993 63-68 Verboven, Koen Le systeme financier a la fin de la Republique romaine AncSoc 24 1993 69-98 Speidel, Michael P. A Knight from Naples in Rome. The Gravestone of Claudius Aurelianus Ptolemaeus AncSoc 24 1993 99-101 Moscatelli, Umberto Mensuram accipere debebunt. Sulla pratica agrimensoria romana in collina AncSoc 24 1993 103-118 Tubach, Jurgen Manis Jugend AncSoc 24 1993 119-138 Barnard, Leslie W. Did Athanasius know Antony? AncSoc 24 1993 139-149 Pohlsander, Hans A. Constantia AncSoc 24 1993 151-167 Schepens, Guido L'apogee de l'arche spartiate comme epoque historique dans l'historiographie grecque du debut du IVe s. av. J.-C. AncSoc 24 1993 169-203 Mader, Gottfried Annibas ubristes: Traces of a 'Tragic' Pattern in Livy's Hannibal Portrait in Book XXI? AncSoc 24 1993 205-234 Devillers, Olivier Le role des passages relatifs a Germanicus dans les Annales de Tacite AncSoc 24 1993 225-241 Lehmann, G.A. La perception de l'epoque hellenistique dans l'historiographie universelle d'Eduard Meyer AncSoc 24 1993 243-257 Long, Jaqueline; Penella, Robert J. Emperor Julian: The Man, the Writer and the Legacy AncW 24.1 1993 3 Banchich, Thomas M. Julian's School Laws: Cod. Theod. 13.5.5 and Ep. 42 AncW 24.1 1993 5-14 Long, Jacqueline Structures of Irony in Julian's Misopogon AncW 24.1 1993 15-23 Cameron, Alan Julian and Hellenism AncW 24.1 1993 25-29 Penella, Robert J. Julian the Persecutor in Fifth Century Church Historians AncW 24.1 1993 31-43 Kaegi, Walter E. An Investigation of the Emperor Julian AncW 24.1 1993 45-53 Simon, Stephen J. The Population of Cyrene, Ephesus, and Corinth AncW 24.1 1993 55-56 Swezey, Christopher S. El Menzeha: Lost Village in the Grand Erg Oriental, Algerian Sahara AncW 24.1 1993 57-58 Morris, Ian Columbus, Cleisthenes and Classics: A Commentary AncW 24.2 1993 83-89 Mathiesen, Ralph W. 'Nature or Nurture' -- What Caused the Famines of Late Roman Gaul? AncW 24.2 1993 91-105 Spaar, Sherill L. Tracing the Ancient Spanish Coastline: The Search for Underwater Sites AncW 24.2 1993 107-129 Gomez Espelosin, F.J. Iberia as a Barbarian Land: Perception as a Stereotype AncW 24.2 1993 131-142 Adeleye, Gabriel The Effect of Geographical Environment on Cyrenaeca AncW 24.2 1993 143-148 Keyser, Paul T. From Myth to Map: The Blessed Isles in the First Century B.C. AncW 24.2 1993 149-168 Edson, Evelyn The Oldest World Maps: Classical Sources of Three Eighth Century Mappaemundi AncW 24.2 1993 169-184 Green, C.M.C. De Africa et eius incolis: The Function of Geography and Ethnography in Sallust's History of the Jugurthine War (BJ 17-19) AncW 24.2 1993 185-197 Garcia Moreno, L.A. Hellenistic Ethnography and the Reign of Augustus in Pompeius Trogus AncW 24.2 1993 199-212 Turfa, Jean MacIntosh; Steinmayer, Alwin G. In Defence of Patroklos: A Plea to Common Sense Antichthon 27 1993 1-12 Hammond, N.G.L. Philip's 'Letter' to Athens in 340 B.C. Antichthon 27 1993 13-20 McKay, K.L. The Declining Optative: Some Observations Antichthon 27 1993 21-30 Hunter, Richard The Presentation of Herodas' 'Mimiamboi' Antichthon 27 1993 31-44 Lattke, Michael Dating the 'Odes of Solomon' Antichthon 27 1993 45-59 Horsley, G.H.R. Classical Manuscripts in Australia and New Zealand, and the Early History of the Codex Antichthon 27 1993 60-85 Davis, Simon A Barrow Full of Cattle Skulls Antiquity 67.254 1993 12 Martin, Concepcion; Fernandez-Miranda, Manuel; Fernandez-Posse, Maria Dolores The Bronze Age of La Mancha Antiquity 67.254 1993 23 Ruiz, Ignacio Montero Bronze Age Metallurgy in Southeast Spain Antiquity 67.254 1993 46 Watchman, Alan Perspectives and Potentials for Absolute Dating Prehistoric Rock Paintings Antiquity 67.254 1993 58 Van de Noort, Robert The Context of Early Medieval Barrows in Western Europe Antiquity 67.254 1993 66 Diaz-Andreu, Margarita Theory and Ideology in Archaeology: Spanish Archaeology Under the Franco Regime Antiquity 67.254 1993 74 Duhard, Jean-Pierre Upper Palaeolithic Figures as a Reflection of Human Morphology and Social Organization Antiquity 67.254 1993 83 Midgley, M.S.; Pavlu, I.; Rulf, J. Fortified Settlements or Ceremonial Sites: New Evidence from Bylany, Czechoslovakia Antiquity 67.254 1993 91 Tourtellot III, Gair; Clarke, Amanda Mapping La Milpa: A Maya City in Northwestern Belize Antiquity 67.254 1993 96 Chapman, Robert; Van Strydonck, Mark; Waldren, William Radiocarbon Dating and Talayots: the Example of Son Ferrandell Oleza Antiquity 67.254 1993 108 Smith, Gerald J. Green Fluorenscence from the Hair of Lindow Man Antiquity 67.254 1993 117 Miraj, Lida; Zego, Moikom Conceptual Changes in Albanian Archaeology Antiquity 67.254 1993 123 Velkov, V Archaeology in Bulgaria Antiquity 67.254 1993 125 Neustupny, Evzen Czechoslovakia: the Last Three Years Antiquity 67.254 1993 125 Gringmut-Dallmer, Eike Archaeology in the Former German Democratic Republic Since 1989 Antiquity 67.254 1993 135 Bokonyi, Sandor Recent Developments in Hungarian Archaeology Antiquity 67.254 1993 142 Schild, Romuald Polish Archaeology in Transition Antiquity 67.254 1993 146 Dolukhanov, P.M. Archaeology in the ex-USSR: Post-Perestroyka Problems Antiquity 67.254 1993 150 Trotzig, Gustof The New European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage Antiquity 67.255 1993 414 Wainwright, G.J The Management of Change: Archaeology and Planning Antiquity 67.255 1993 416 Startin, Bill Preservation and the Academically Viable Sample Antiquity 67.255 1993 421 Elia, Ricardo J. The US System and the ICAHM Charter Antiquity 67.255 1993 426 Knoop, Riemer Public Awareness and Archaeology: a Task for the Voluntary Sector Antiquity 67.255 1993 439 Spriggs, Matthew; Anderson, Atholl Late Colonization of East Polynesia Antiquity 67.255 1993 200 Forenbaher, Staso Radiocarbon Dates and Absolute Chronology of the Central European Early Bronze Age Antiquity 67.255 1993 218 Davenport, Demorest; Johnson, John R.; Timbrook, Jan The Chumash and the Swordfish Antiquity 67.255 1993 257 Lewis-Williams, David; Dowson, Thomas A.; Deacon, Janette Rock Art and Changing Perceptions of Southern Africa's Past: Ezeljagdspoort reviewed Antiquity 67.255 1993 273 Bailey, Geoff; King, Geoff; Sturdy, Derek Active Tectonics and Land-Use Strategies: a Paleolithic Example from Northwest Greece Antiquity 67.255 1993 292 Fairweather, Alan D.; Ralston, Ian B.M. The Neolithic Timber Hall at Balbridie, Grampian Region, Scotland: The Building, the Date, the Plant Macrofossils Antiquity 67.255 1993 313 Harris, D.R.; Masson, V.M.; Berezkin, Y.E Investigating Early Agriculture in Central Asia: A New Research at Jeitun, Turkmenistan Antiquity 67.255 1993 324 Klejn, Leo S. To Separate a Centaur: on the Relationship of Archaeology and History in Soviet Tradition Antiquity 67.255 1993 339 Goodman, Dean A Ground-Radar View of Japanese Burial Mounds Antiquity 67.255 1993 349 Watchman, Alan; Cole, Noelene Accelerator Radiocarbon Dating of Plant-Fibre Binders in Rock Paintings from Northeastern Australia Antiquity 67.255 1993 355 Weatherhead, Fran Wooden Churches and Their Paintings in the Maramures Region of Romania: A Preliminary Study Antiquity 67.255 1993 369 Kelly, Eamonn P. Treasure Hunting in Ireland -- Its Rise and Fall Antiquity 67.255 1993 378 Sargent, Andrew Notes on the History of Archaeological Excavation in England Antiquity 67.255 1993 381 Bouzek, Jan Climatic Changes: New Archaeological Evidence from the Bohemian Karst and Other Areas Antiquity 67.255 1993 386 Cooper, Zarine The Origins of the Andaman Islanders: Local Myth and Archaeological Evidence Antiquity 67.255 1993 394 Cleere, Henry Managing the Archaeological Heritage Antiquity 67.255 1993 400 The Charter for the Protection and Management of the Archaeological Heritage Antiquity 67.255 1993 402 O'Keefe, Patrick J. The European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage Antiquity 67.255 1993 406 Boujot, Christine; Cassen, Serge A Pattern of Evolution for the Neolithic Funerary Structures of the West of France Antiquity 67.256 1993 477 Bogucki, Peter Animal Sanction and Household Economies in Neolithic Europe Antiquity 67.256 1993 492 Murray, Tim The Childhood of William Lanne: Contact Archaeology and Aboriginality in Tasmania Antiquity 67.256 1993 504 Barber, J.W.; Crone, B.A. Crannogs; and Diminishing Resource? a survey of the Crannogs of Southwest Scotland and Excavations of Buiston Crannog Antiquity 67.256 1993 520 Earwood, Caroline; Malachowska, Sylvia The Medieval Town of David-Gorod, Belarus Antiquity 67.256 1993 534 Wilkinson, T.J. Linear Hollows in the Jazira, Upper Mesopotamia Antiquity 67.256 1993 548 Darvill, Timothy; Gerrard, Christopher; Startin, Bill Identifying and Protecting Historic Landscapes Antiquity 67.256 1993 563 Bonde, Niels; Christensen, Arne Emil Dendrochronological Dating of the Viking Age Ship Burials at Oseberg, Gokstad and Tune, Norway Antiquity 67.256 1993 575 MacDonald, Kevin; Edwards, David N. Chickens in Africa: The Importance of Qasr Ibrim Antiquity 67.256 1993 584 Potts, D.T. A New Bactrian Find from Southeastern Arabia Antiquity 67.256 1993 591 Stocks, Denys A. Making Stone Vessels in Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt Antiquity 67.256 1993 596 Halstead, Paul Spondylus Shell Ornaments from Late Neolithic Dimini, Greece: Specialized Manufacture or Unequal Accumulation? Antiquity 67.256 1993 603 Hayden, Brian; Nelson, D.E. Dating the Cassis Rufa Shell from the Mousterian Levels of the Grotte du Prince, Monaco Antiquity 67.256 1993 609 Sperber, Erik Establishing Weight Systems in Bronze Age Scandinavia Antiquity 67.256 1993 613 Saribudak, M.; Tarling, D.H. Archaeomagnetic Studies of the Urartian Civilization, Eastern Turkey Antiquity 67.256 1993 620 Insoll, Timothy Looting the Antiquities of Mali: the Story Continues at Gao Antiquity 67.256 1993 628 Cooney, Gabriel A Sense of Place in Irish Prehistory with Comment by Peter Woodman Antiquity 67.256 1993 632 Dowson, Thomas A. Changing Fortunes of Southern African Archaeology: Comment on A.D. Mazel's 'History' Antiquity 67.256 1993 641 Editorial Christopher Chippindale Antiquity 67.257 1993 699 Baker, Frederick The Berlin Wall: Production, Preservation and Consumption of a 20th-century Monument Antiquity 67.257 1993 709 George, A. R. Babylon Revisited: Archaeology and Philology in Harness Antiquity 67.257 1993 734 Robb, John A Social prehistory of European Languages Antiquity 67.257 1993 747 Bicho, Nuno Ferreira Late Glacial Prehistory of Central and Southern Portugal Antiquity 67.257 1993 761 Sullivan, Majorie; O'Connor, Sue Middens and Cheniers: Implications of Australian Research Antiquity 67.257 1993 776 Treister, Michail Ju The Celts in the North Pontic Area: A Reassessment Antiquity 67.257 1993 789 Rawson, Jessica Ancient Chinese Ritual Bronzes: The Evidence from Tombs and Hoards of the Shang (c.1500-1050 BC) and Western Zhou (c.1050-771 BC) Periods Antiquity 67.257 1993 805 von Falkenhausen. Lothar On the Historiographical Orientation of Chinese Archaeology Antiquity 67.257 1993 839 Yisan, Ruan The Conservation of Chinese Historic Cities Antiquity 67.257 1993 850 Scarre, Chris; Switsur, Roy; Mohen, Jean-Pierre New Radiocarbon Dates from Bougon and Chronology of French Passage-Graves Antiquity 67.257 1993 856 Eiland, Murray L. The Past Re-Made: The Case of Oriental Carpets Antiquity 67.257 1993 859 Reece, Richard British Sites and their Roman Coins Antiquity 67.257 1993 863 Gojda, Martin Bohemia from the Air: Seven Decades after Crawford Antiquity 67.257 1993 869 Frankel, David The Excavator: Creator or Destroyer? Antiquity 67.257 1993 875 Morse, Kate Shell Beads from Mandu Mandu Creek Rock-Shelter, Cape Range Peninsula, Western Australia, Dated before 30,000 B.P. Antiquity 67.257 1993 877 Mazel, Aron D. Rock Art and Natal Drakensberg Hunter-Gatherer History: A Reply to Dowson Antiquity 67.257 1993 889 Nelson, D.E. Second Thoughts on a Rock-Art Date Antiquity 67.257 1993 893 Shinnie, P.L.; Robertson, H.J. "The End of Meroe" -- A Comment on the Paper by Patrice Lenoble & Nigm el Din Mohamed Sharif; with Comment by Patric Lenoble Antiquity 67.257 1993 895 Brownsword, Roger; Hines, John The Alloys of a Sample of Anglo-Saxon Sqwuare-Headed Brooches AntJ 73 1993 1-10 Drake, C.S. The Distribution of Tournai Fonts AntJ 73 1993 11-26 Brault, Gerard J. A French Source of the Lord Marshall's Roll AntJ 73 1993 27-36 Crook, John The Medieval Roof of Marwell Hall, Hampshire AntJ 73 1993 37-68 Deighton, Alan The Literary Context of the Wall-Painting at Idsworth, Hampshire AntJ 73 1993 69-75 Martindale, Andrew The Venetian Sala Del Gran Consiglio and its Fourteenth-Century Decoration AntJ 73 1993 76-124 Needham, Stuart; Meeks, Nigel A Bronze Age Goldworking Anvil from Lichfield, Staffordshire AntJ 73 1993 125-132 Eagles, Bruce; Mortimer, Catherine Early Anglo-Saxon Artefacts from Hod Hill, Dorset AntJ 73 1993 132-140 Bailey, R.N. The Ruthwell Cross: a Non-Problem AntJ 73 1993 141-148 La Niece, Susan; Stapleton, Colleen Niello and Enamel on Irish Metalwork AntJ 73 1993 148-151 Goodall, John A. The Earliest Imprese, A Study of some Medieval Seals and Devices AntJ 73 1993 152-157 Goodall, John A. `Papal Rings', a Quattrocento Reference AntJ 73 1993 157-158 Nurse, Bernard The 1610 edition of Camden's Britannia AntJ 73 1993 158-160 Paschoud, F. Les lettres en Gaule a la fin de l'empire romain AntTard 1 1993 15-21 James, E. The historical and archaeological context of the south-west gallic sarcophagi AntTard 1 1993 23-28 Duval, N. La notion de 'sarcophage' et son role dans l'antiquite tardive AntTard 1 1993 29-35 Duval, N.; Balmelle, C. Le contexte archeologique: les villas du sud-ouest AntTard 1 1993 37-45 Christern-Briesenick, B. Der Bestand an sudwestgallischen Sarkophagen seit 1962 AntTard 1 1993 49-63 Cazes, D. Les sarcophages sculptes de Toulouse AntTard 1 1993 65-74 Christe, Y. A propos du decor figure des sarcophages d'Aquitaine AntTard 1 1993 75-79 Metzger, C. Les sarcophages du sud-ouest de la Gaule en dehors de leur region de production AntTard 1 1993 81-98 Balmelle, C. Le repertoire vegetal des mosaistes du sud-ouest de la Gaule et des sculpteurs des sarcophages dits d'Aquitaine AntTard 1 1993 101-109 Cabanot, J. Sarcophages et chapiteaux de marbre en Gaule AntTard 1 1993 111-124 Caillet, J.-P. Les sarcophages chretiens en Provence (III-V s.) AntTard 1 1993 127-142 Delahaye, G.-R. Sarcophages de calcaire et de gres de la Gaule merovingienne. Prototypes et evolution AntTard 1 1993 143-146 Perin, P. Les sarcophages merovingiens de platre moule et orne de Paris et de Saint-Denis: etat de la question AntTard 1 1993 147-151 Ripoll Lopez, G. Sarcofagos de la antiguedad tardia hispanica: importaciones y talleres locales AntTard 1 1993 153-158 Barral I Altet, X. Le destin medieval des sarcophages d'Aquitaine AntTard 1 1993 161-164 Duval, N. Conclusions AntTard 1 1993 167-169 Duval, Y. Projet d'enquete sur l'epigraphie martyriale en Espagne romaine, visigothique (et byzantine) AntTard 1 1993 173-206 Ducloux, A. La violation du droit d'asile par 'dol' en Gaule, au VI siecle AntTard 1 1993 207-219 Prevot, F. Prolegomenes a RICG VIII. Deux fragments de l'epitaphe de Sidoine Apollinaire decouverts a Clermont-Ferrand AntTard 1 1993 223-229 Tullio, Raffaele Gavio Ponzio e le forche caudine (commento al Libro IX di Tito Livio) A&R 38.1 1993 1-17 Caldini Montanari, Roberta Le costellazioni in Manilio, ovvero l'imperfezione perfetta A&R 38.1 1993 18-41 Gamberale, Leopoldo Fra epigrafia e letteratura. Note a Mart. 10.71 A&R 38.1 1993 42-54 Orlandini, Margherita Note sul romanzo greco: il paesaggio urbano tra retorica e storiografica A&R 38.2-3 1993 57-78 Manzo, Antonio Aspetti del facetum in Orazio A&R 38.2-3 1993 79-90 Motto, Anna Lydia; Clark, John R. Seneca on friendship A&R 38.2-3 1993 91-98 La Bua, Giuseppe Esegesi virgiliana antica e poesia centonaria A&R 38.2-3 1993 99-107 Montanari, Elio Un `racconto' affascinante. A proposito di un recente libro A&R 38.2-3 1993 108-112 Liberman, Gauthier Problemes de texte dans le chant IX de la Thebaide de Stace A&R 38.2-3 1993 112-115 Polacco, Luigi Archeologia: a futura memoria. I. Lo stile A&R 38.2-3 1993 115-117 Pavese, C. O. Un rapsodo chiamato Omero A&R 38.4 1993 177-186 Angio, Francesca Aspetti dell'ideologia simposiale in Crizia e in Euripide A&R 38.4 1993 187-195 Chiappi, Linda Osservazioni sull'uso del participio in greco A&R 38.4 1993 196-202 Horsfall, Nicholas Il lessico del poeta epico A&R 38.4 1993 203-210 Caldini Montanari, Roberta A proposito di Aen. 7, 543 A&R 38.4 1993 210-213 Polacco, Luigi Archeologia: a futura memoria. II. Il territorio A&R 38.4 1993 214-215 Cotter, John L. Kentucky Memoir: Digging in the Depression [FDR's New Deal] Archaeology 46.1 1993 30 Soffer, Olga; Vandiver, Pamela; Oliva, Martin Case of the Exploding Figurines Archaeology 46.1 1993 36 Myers, J. Wilson; Myers, Eleanor E. Bird's Eye View of the Ancient World Archaeology 46.1 1993 40 Wells, Berit; Runnels, Curtis; Zangger, Eberhard In the Shadow of Mycenae [Argive plain survey] Archaeology 46.1 1993 54 Fagan, Brian Timelines: a Passionate Life Archaeology 46.2 1993 16 Bailey, Douglass W. The Looting of Bulgaria Archaeology 46.2 1993 26 Harrington, Spencer P. M. Bones and Bureaucrats [New York City's African-American community and an old burial ground] Archaeology 46.2 1993 28 Chippindale, Christopher The Snettisham Treasure: A Case of Uncommon Law Archaeology 46.2 1993 40 Frost, Frank J. Voyages of the Imagination [Pre-Columbian Visitors to the New World] Archaeology 46.2 1993 44 Szegedy-Maszak, Andrew Switzerland's Roman past Archaeology 46.2 1993 52 Anawalt, Patricia Rieff Riddle of the Emperor's Cloak: Design Motif on the Robes of Aztec Rulers Archaeology 46.3 1993 30 Clottes, Jean; Courtin, Jean Stone Age Gallery-by-the-Sea [cave art in a grotto off Provence] Archaeology 46.3 1993 37 Hantman, Jeffrey L.; Dunham, Gary The Enlightened Archaeologist: [excavations in Virginia and Jefferson's study of an Indian mound] Archaeology 46.3 1993 44 Wertime, Richard A. The Landscape Genius [Jefferson] Archaeology 46.3 1993 50 Wertime, Richard A.; Schuster, M.H. Celestial Origin of Maya Creation Myth Archaeology 46.4 1993 26 Aveni, Anthony F. Mediators in a Universal Discourse [Mayan fate and free will] Archaeology 46.4 1993 31 Tedlock, Dennis and Barbara A Mayan Reading of the Story of the Stars Archaeology 46.4 1993 33 Mobley, Charles M. Land of Promise and Paradox [protecting the archaeology of Alaska] Archaeology 46.4 1993 36 Fagan, Brian Alaska's first settlements Archaeology 46.4 1993 42 Gray, Denis D. Champion of Aboriginal Art [Australia] Archaeology 46.4 1993 44 James, Jamie; Ciochon, Russell Voyage to Vietnam [Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, and Hanoi] Archaeology 46.4 1993 48 Bianchi, Robert S. Letter from Alexandria [hunt for Alexander's tomb] Archaeology 46.4 1993 54 Searight, Susan Travel [rock art of South Morocco] Archaeology 46.4 1993 56 Fagan, Brian Timelines. Taming the Aurochs Archaeology 46.5 1993 14 Rose, Mark Greece Sues for Mycenaean Gold Archaeology 46.5 1993 26 Scarre, Chris A Tomb to Wonder At [the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus] Archaeology 46.5 1993 32 Simmons, Alan H.; Reese, David S. Hippo Hunters of Akrotiri [Cyprus] Archaeology 46.5 1993 40 Fagan, Brian Basques of Red Bay [whalers in Labrador] Archaeology 46.5 1993 44 Neary, John Project Sting [illegal artifact trading] Archaeology 46.5 1993 52 Meyer, Karl E. The Hunt for Priam's Treasure [Schliemann's gold from Troy] Archaeology 46.6 1993 26 Rose, Mark. What Did Schliemann Find? Archaeology 46.6 1993 33 Hoffman, Barbara. The Spoils of war [who owns plundered artifacts] Archaeology 46.6 1993 37 Starbuck, David R. Anatomy of Massacre [of a British garrison during the French and Indian War] Archaeology 46.6 1993 42 Szegedy-Maszak, Andrew Visions of the Campagna [photographing the plains surrounding Rome] Archaeology 46.6 1993 48 Carlson, John B. Rise and Fall of the City of the Gods [Mesoamerica] Archaeology 46.6 1993 58 Miller, D.E.; Loubser SNR, J.H.N.; Markell, A.B. Electron Spin Resonance Thermometry Applied to Quartzite Cobbles from Vergelegen Slave Lodge, Somerset West, South Africa Archaeometry 35.1 1993 1 Gratuze, B.; Barrandon, J.N.; Al Isa, K. Non-destructive Analysis of Obsidian Artifacts Using Nuclear Techniques: Investigation of Provenance of Near Eastern Artifacts Archaeometry 35.1 1993 11 Maniatis, Y.; Aloupi, E.; Stalios, A.D. New Evidence for the Nature of the Attic Black Gloss Archaeometry 35.1 1993 23 Shalev, S.; Northover, J.P. The Metallurgy of the Nahal Mishmar Hoard Reconsidered Archaeometry 35.1 1993 35 Glinsman, L.A.; Hayek, L.C. A Multivariate Analysis of Renaissance Portrait Medals: An Expanded Nomenclature for Defining Alloy Composition Archaeometry 35.1 1993 49 Hunter, F.J.; McDonnell, J.G.; Pollard, A.M. The Scientific Identification of Archaeological Jet-like Artefacts Archaeometry 35.1 1993 69 Charters, S.; Evershed, R.P.; Goad, L.J. Identification of an Adhesive Used to Repair a Roman Jar Archaeometry 35.1 1993 91 Tangri, Evershed L.J.; Wright, R.V.S. Multivariate Analysis of Compositional Data: Applied Comparisons Favour Standard Principle Components Analysis over Aitchison's Loglinear Contrast Archaeometry 35.1 1993 103 Templer, R.H. Auto-Regenerative Thermoluminescence Dating Using Zircon Inclusions Archaeometry 35.1 1993 117 Leitner-Wild, E.; Steffan, I. Uranium-series Dating of Fossil Bones from Alpine Caves Archaeometry 35.1 1993 137 Hedges, R.E.M.; Housley, R.A.; Bronk Ramsey, C. Radiocarbon Dates from the Oxford AMS System: Archaeometry Datelist 16 Archaeometry 35.1 1993 147 Orton, C. How Many Pots make Five? -- An Historical Review of Pottery Quantification Archaeometry 35.2 1993 169 Williams-Thorpe, O.; Thorpe, R.S. Magnetic Susceptibility Used in Non-Destructive Provenancing of Roman Granite Columns Archaeometry 35.2 1993 185 Kerschner, M.; Mommsen, H.; Beier, T. Neutron Activation Analysis of Bird Bowls and Related Archaic Ceramics from Miletus Archaeometry 35.2 1993 197 Charters, S.; Evershed, R.P.; Goad, L.J. Quantification and Distribution of Lipid in Archaeological Ceramics: Implications for Sampling Potsherds for Organic Residue Analysis and the Classification of Vessel Use Archaeometry 35.2 1993 211 Mirti, P.; Casoli, A.; Appolonia, L. Scientific Analysis of Roman Glass from Augusta Praetoria Archaeometry 35.2 1993 225 Budd, P.; Gale, D.; Pollard, A.M. Evaluating Lead Isotope Data: Further Observations Archaeometry 35.2 1993 241 Kallithrakas-Kontos, N.; Katsanos, A.A.; Aravantinos, A. Study of Ancient Greek Copper Coins from Nikopolis (Epirus) and Thessaloniki (Macedonia) Archaeometry 35.2 1993 265 Lambert, J.B.; Weydert-Homeyer, J.M. The Fundamental Relationship between Ancient Diet and the Inorganic Constituents of Bone as Derived from Feeding Experiments Archaeometry 35.2 1993 279 Vandiver, P.B.; Kaylor, R.; Feathers, J. Thermoluminescence Dating of a Crucible Fragment from an Early Tin Processing Site in Turkey Archaeometry 35.2 1993 295 Muller, P.; Schvoerer, M. Factors Affecting the Viability of Thermoluminescence Dating of Glass Archaeometry 35.2 1993 299 Hedges, R.E.M.; Housley, R.A.; Bronk Ramsey, C. Radiocarbon Dates from the Oxford AMS System: Archaeometry Datelist 17 Archaeometry 35.2 1993 305 Suter, Ann Paris and Dionysos: Iambos in the Iliad Arethusa 26.1 1993 1 Wohl, Victoria Josselyn Standing by the Stathmos: The Creation of Sexual Ideology in the Odyssey Arethusa 26.1 1993 19 Bassi, Karen Helen and the Discourse of Denial in Stesichorus' Palinode Arethusa 26.1 1993 51 O'Higgins, Dolores Above Rubies: Admetus' Perfect Wife Arethusa 26.1 1993 77 O'Hara, James J. Dido as 'Interpreting Character' at Aeneid 4.56-66 Arethusa 26.1 1993 99 Miller, Paul Allen; Platter, Charles Introduction [Special issue: 'Bakhtin and Ancient Studies: Dialogues and Dialogics'] Arethusa 26.2 1993 117 Emerson, Caryl Irreverent Bakhtin and the Imperturbable Classics Arethusa 26.2 1993 123 Rubino, Carl A. Opening Up the Classical Past: Bakhtin, Aristotle, Literature, Life Arethusa 26.2 1993 141 Felson-Rubin, Nancy Bakhtinian Alterity, Homeric Rapport Arethusa 26.2 1993 159 Peradotto, John The Social Control of Sexuality: Odyssean Dialogues Arethusa 26.2 1993 173 Miller, Paul Allen Sappho 31 and Catullus 51: The Dialogism of Lyric Arethusa 26.2 1993 183 Platter, Charles The Uninvited Guest: Aristophanes in Bakhtin's 'History 'f Laughter" Arethusa 26.2 1993 201 Rayor, Diane Korinna: Gender and the Narrative Tradition Arethusa 26.3 1993 219 Lincoln, Bruce Socrates' Prosecutors, Philosophy's Rivals, and the Politics of Discursive Forms Arethusa 26.3 1993 233 Rubidge, Bradley Tragedy and the Emotions of Warriors: the Moral Psychology Underlying Plato's Attack on Poetry Arethusa 26.3 1993 247 Becker, Andrew Sculpture and Language in Early Greek Ekphrasis: Lessing's Laokoon, Burke's Enquiry, and the Hesiodic Descriptions of Pandora Arethusa 26.3 1993 277 Keita, S.O.Y. Black Athena: 'Race,' Bernal and Snowden Arethusa 26.3 1993 295 Bernal, Martin Response to Keita Arethusa 26.3 1993 315 Snowden, Frank Response to Keita Arethusa 26.3 1993 319 Keita, S.O.Y. Response to Bernal and Snowden Arethusa 26.3 1993 329 Golder, Herbert On First Looking into Arrowsmith's Chapman Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 1 Ricks, Christopher On Heroes and Anti-Hero-Worship Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 19 Chapman, John Jay Greek as a Pleasure (1915) Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 27 Chapman, John Jay (William Arrowsmith, ed.) A Sampling of Letters and Obiter Dicta Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 33 Chapman, John Jay Plato (n. d.) Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 66 Chapman, John Jay Euripides and the Greek Genius (1915) Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 98 Arrowsmith, William The Shame of the Graduate Schools: A Plea for a New American Scholar (1966) Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 159 Arrowsmith, William The Future of Teaching (1966) Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 177 Arrowsmith, William Turbulence in the Humanities (1965) Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 194 Arrowsmith, William The Heroic Voice -- Letters to Stephen Berg Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 209 Hill, Geoffrey Cycle Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 216 Silber, John In Memoriam Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 218 Merwin, W. S. William Arrowsmith: An Afterword Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 223 Bellow, Saul Psychic Perennial Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 227 Hecht, Anthony Arrowsmith at Colonus Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 231 Shattuck, Roger The Bodily Presence of the Man Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 235 Herington, John William A. Arrowsmith: A Memory Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 238 Crim, Elias Trimalchio's T. A. Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 241 Middleton, Christopher Some Souvenirs Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 243 Monas, Sidney At Princeton and Austin Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 247 Carne-Ross, D. S. The Bravery of Life Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 249 Parker, Douglass WAA -- An Intruded Gloss Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 251 Healy, Timothy A Genius for Friendship Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 257 Di Piero, W. S. Different Tones Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 260 Clay, Diskin William Ayres Arrowsmith: The Years at Johns Hopkins Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 263 Rosenthal, M. L. Bill Arrowsmith -- 'Noble Acerbity' Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 268 Rosand, David William Arrowsmith and Visual Thinking Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 271 Schuchard, Ronald Emory's Arrowsmith :: Arrowsmith's Eliot Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 274 Perry, Ted Il mestiere di vivere, il mestiere di scrivere Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 282 Rudman, Mark William Arrowsmith in Heaven: A Sketch Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 286 Warren, Rosanna Quietus Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 294 Warren, Rosanna Arrowsmith's Pavese: Rebellion and Mastery Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 295 Arrowsmith, William Letter from Rome Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 300 William Arrowsmith: A Select Bibliography Arion 2.2/3 1992/1993 304 Skeates, Robin Early metal-use in the central Mediterranean region ARP 4 1993 5-48 Pearce, Mark The origins of metallurgy and ore sources: a north Italian case study ARP 4 1993 49-62 Lomas, Kathryn The city in southeast Italy. Ancient topography and the evolution of urban settlement, 600-300 BC ARP 4 1993 63-78 Laurence, Ray Emperors, nature and the city: Rome's ritual landscape ARP 4 1993 79-88 Moreland, John Wilderness, waste land, depopulation and the end of the Roman empire? ARP 4 1993 89-110 Balista, Claudio; De Guio, Armando; (with contributions by Gastiglioni, Elisabetta; Levi, Sara; Malgarise, Anna; Marchesan, Alessandro; Miigliavacca, Mara; Perin, Lyda; Rotoli, Mauro; Vanzetti, Alessandro; Whitehouse, Ruth; Wilkins, John) The site of Fabbrica dei Soci (Villabartolomea-VR): beyond the surface ARP 4 1993 111 Gurney, O.R. The Treaty with Ulmi-Tesub AS 43 1993 13 Beal, Richard H. Kurunta of Tarhuntassa and the Imperial Hittite Mausoleum AS 43 1993 29 Hallett, C.H.; Coulton, J.J. The East Tomb and other Tomb Buildings at Balboura AS 43 1993 41 Sagona, Antonio; Pemberton, Elizabeth; McPhee, Ian Excavations at Buyuktepe Hoyuk, 1992: Third Preliminary Report AS 43 1993 69 Summers, G. D. Archaeological Evidence for the Achaemenid Period in Eastern Turkey AS 43 1993 85 Ozgen, Engin; Summers, G.D. Metalwork in the Gaziantep and Adana Museums: an Addendum AS 43 1993 109 Maliszewski, Dariusz Trojan Schematic Idols at Munich AS 43 1993 111 Barnes, Hugh; Whittow, Mark The Oxford University/British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Survey of Medieval Castles of Anatolia (1992). Mastaura Kalesi: A Preliminary Report AS 43 1993 117 Morray, David Then and Now: a Medieval Visit to the Castle of al-Rawandan recalled AS 43 1993 137 Nicholson, Oliver and Caroline The Aqueduct at Amasya in Pontus AS 43 1993 143 Harrison, R.M.; Christie, N.; et al. Excavations at Amorium: 1992 Interim Report AS 43 1993 147 Gorny, Ronald L. The Biconvex Seals at Alisar Hoyuk AS 43 1993 163 Vandeput, Lutgarde Honour where Honour is Due: Regional Features on Honorific Monuments of Pisidia? AS 43 1993 193 Archi, Alfonso A Seal Impression from el-Qitar/Til Abnu (Syria) AS 43 1993 203 Thissen, Laurens New Insights in Balkan-Anatolian Connections in the Late Chalcolithic: Old Evidence from the Turkish Black Sea Littoral AS 43 1993 207 Raspi Serra, Joselita La Grecia: Un territorio da scoprire ed un'idea da trasmettere - L'opera di Michel Fourmont e di Julien-David Le Roy ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 7-84 Cultraro, Massimo Sepolture intra-muros dall'abitato preistorico di Poliochni (Lemnos) ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 85-119 la Rosa, Vincenzo La c.d. tomba degli ori e il nuovo settore nord-est dell'insediamento di Haghia Triada ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 121-174 di Vita, Antonino I Fenici a Creta. Kommos, i 'troni di Astarte' a Phalasarna e la 'rotta delle isole' ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 175-203 Cristofani, Mauro Un naukleros greco-orientale nel Tirreno. Per un'interpretazione del relitto del Giglio ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 205-232 Rizzo, Maria Antonietta Gorgoneion bronzeo di importazione greca da Cerveteri ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 233-257 Beschi, Luigi Nuove iscrizioni da Efestia ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 259-274 Kritzas, Charalampos B. Nouvelle inscription provenant de l'Asclepieion de Lebena (Crete) ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 275-290 Magnelli, Adalberto Una nuova iscrizione da Gortyna (Creta): Qualche considerazione sulla Neotas ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 291-305 de Caro, Stefano Vino di Cnosso dei Campani: Un nuovo documento epigrafico per la storia del vino cretese in eta romana ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 307-312 di Branco, Marco Prometeo a Pergamo: Mito e propaganda al tempo degli ultimi Attalidi ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 313-324 Romeo, Ilaria Il panhellenion, Gortina ed una nuova copia dello Zeus di Dresda ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 325-337 Portale, Elisa Chiara Due ritratti nel museo di Hierapetra (Hierapytna), Creta ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 339-354 la Torre, Gioacchino Francesco La grotta di Mourmouni: Una nota sulla topografia di Megara Nisea ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 355-363 Ricciardi, Maria Poliochni: Primi risultati dei lavori di restauro ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 365-393 di Vita, Antonino Atti della Scuola 1992-1993 ASAA 70-71 1992-1993 [1998] 395-488 D'Agata, A.L. I santuari sul Piaxxale dei sacelli ad Haghia Triada (Creta) Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 5-12 Abramenko, A. Die innere Organisation der Augustalitat: Jahresamt und Gesamtorganisation Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 13-38 Bravo, B. Rappresentazioni di vicende di Sicilia e di Grecia degli anni 481-480 a.C. presso storici antichi. Studio di racconti e discorsi storiografici Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 39-100 Alfoldy, G. Two Principes: Augustus and Sir Ronald Syme Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 101-122 Boffo, L.; Maggi, S. Antichita romane a Pavia Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 123-128 Parker, V. The Chronology of the Pentecontaetia from 465 to 456 Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 129-148 Erler, M. Il Panatenaico di Isocrate e la critica della scrittura ne Fedro: 'aiuto' e 'senso nascosto' Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 149-164 Cagnazzi, S. Notizie sulla partecipazione di Euripide alla vita pubblica ateniese Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 165-176 Shaw, Brent D. The Early Development of M.I. Finley's Thought: the Heichelheim Dossier Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 177-200 Guerrini, R. Effigies procerum. Modelli antichi (Virgilio, Floro, de viris illustribus) negli epigrammi del Salutati per Palazzo Vecchio a Firenze) Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 201-212 Storchi Marino, A. Quinqueviri mensarii: censo e debiti nel IV secolo Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 213-250 Hinard, F. Sacramentum Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 251-263 Gigante, M. Sul nuovo testo attribuito a Livio Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 263 Pina Polo, F. La terminologia sobre las assembleas macedonias en Quinto Curcio y Justino Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 264-69 Izzo, D. Di un fundus di Teano Sidicino in Africa Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 269-75 Cortes Copete, J.M. Ut philosophus Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 276-279 Oliva, A. Plinio, Ep. V,8,11 e Tucidide, I,22,4 Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 279-283 Gilula, D. The Crier's Routine (Plaut. Asin. 4-5; Poen. 11-5) Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 283-87 Marcone, A. Giulio Capitolino? Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 288-290 Marcone, A. Ciceronianus es, non christianus Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 290-295 Lizzi, R. La storia antica e l'ermeneutica Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 295-303 Bonfante, G. Lo scenario dell'Odissea Athenaeum 81[71].1 1993 303-306 Saletti, C. I cicli statuari giulio-claudi della Cisalpina. Presenze, ipotesi, suggestioni Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 365-390 Scheidel, W. Pachter und Grundpacht bei Columella (Colonus-Studien II) Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 391-439 Bravo, B. Rappresentazioni di vicende di Sicilia e di Grecia degli anni 481-480 a.C. presso storici antichi. Studio di racconti e discorsi storiografici (Continuazione) Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 441-482 Forbis, E.P. Liberalitas and Largitio: Terms for Private Munificence in Italian Honorary Inscriptions Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 483-498 Massa, G. Pollione a Cicerone: le epistole del 43 a.C. come testimonianza di un ideale politico Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 499-515 Riedinger, J.C. Un aspect de la methode de Xenophon: l'origine des sources dans les Helleniques III-VII Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 517-544 Di Gennaro, G. I comizi centuriati di Cic., De re p. II,22,39-40: attribuzione, struttura, giudizio politico Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 545-565 Gwyn Morgan, M. The Unity of Tacitus, Histories 1,12-20 Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 567-586 Marini, N. Osservazioni sul 'Romanzo di Chione' Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 587-600 Campanile, E. Note sulle compagnie di ventura osche Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 601-611 Crawford, M.H. Arranging Seating [analysis of chapter 127 of the Lex Coloniae Genetivae] Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 613-618 Watt, W.S. Note on Livy's Fourth Decade Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 619-621 Cotticelli Kurras, P. Latino sonticus: una nota tra filologia e linguistica Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 622-631 Simpson, C.J. Horace, Carm., I,2,30-44, Apollo Palatinus, and Allusions to Shrines in Octavian's Rome Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 632-642 Ciampoltrini, G. Un thesaurus di Luni (CIL XI,1343) Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 642-644 Adkin, N. A Note on the Date of Ambrose's 'De Virginitate' Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 644-647 Montero, S. Los haruspices y la moralidad de la mujer romana Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 647-658 Bonfante, G. L'origine degli Italici Athenaeum 81[71].2 1993 658-660 Garven, Kenneth M. Causal Origins of Egyptian Conceptual Thinking BACE 4 1993 7-16 Bowen, Gillian E.; Hope, Colin A.; Kaper, Olaf E. A Brief Report on the Excavations at Ismant El-Kharab in 1992 BACE 4 1993 17-28 Kanawati, Naguib El-Hagarsa and its Mummies BACE 4 1993 29-40 Ockinga, Boyo Macquarie University Theban Tombs Project: TT148 Amenemope: Preliminary Report on the 1991/2 and 1992/3 Seasons BACE 4 1993 41-50 Shaw, Ian Surveying the Edges of Egypt: The Archaeology of Pharaonic Mining and Quarrying BACE 4 1993 51-54 Troy, Lana Creating a god: the Mummification Ritual BACE 4 1993 55-81 Walker, Jim Egyptian Medicine and the gods BACE 4 1993 83-101 Wartelle, Andre Saint Justin, philosophe et martyr: De la Resurrection BAGB 1993.1 1993 66-82 Arcellaschi, Andre Trois regards mystiques et pratiques sur la modernite de l'Antiquite BAGB 1993.1 1993 83-86 Jouanna, Jacques; Boudon, Veronique Presentation du projet d'edition de Galien dans la Collection des Universites de France BAGB 1993.2 1993 1O1-135 Dion, Jeanne La composition des carmina de Catulle. defense de son unite BAGB 1993.2 1993 136-157 Larnaudie, Suzanne Renan et Valery: esquisse d'un rapprochement BAGB 1993.2 1993 158-164 Martin, Rene D'Apulee a Umberto Eco ou les metamorphoses d'un ane BAGB 1993.2 1993 165-182 Irigoin, Jean Permanence des textes grecs BAGB 1993.3 1993 209-218 Wartelle, Andre Remarques sur la musique grecque et ses modes BAGB 1993.3 1993 219-225 Marein, M.F. L'Economique de Xenophon: Traite de morale? Traite de propagande? BAGB 1993.3 1993 226-244 Kardos, M.J. Le Forum au temps de Ciceron: nouvelles hupotheses BAGB 1993.3 1993 245-262 Pinel, Marie Enseignement du francais et culture litteraire BAGB 1993.3 1993 263-268 de Lattre, Alain La memoire retrouvee BAGB 1993.3 1993 269-289 Catonne, Jean-Philippe Etude du vocabulaire sexuel hippocratique BAGB 1993.4 1993 332-349 Malosse, Pierre-Louis Politikos kai polupragmon: culture et action dans les lettres de Julien BAGB 1993.4 1993 348-356 Foulon, Eric Madame Dacier: une femme savante qui n'aurait point deplu a Moliere BAGB 1993.4 1993 357-379 Richard, Michel Mozart: mythe ou realite? BAGB 1993.4 1993 380-400 Michel, Alain Les philologues et le cartonnier: petit dialogue sur la culture et la creation artistique BAGB 1993.4 1993 401-407 Des Places, Edouard Chronique de la philosophie religieuse des Grecs (1991-1993) BAGB 1993.4 1993 408-423 Findelstein, Israel; Gophna, Ram Settlement, Demographic, and Economic Patterns in the Highlands of Palestine in the Chalcolitic and Early Bronze Periods and the Beginning of Urbanism BASO 289 1993 1 Palumbo, Gaetano; Peterman, Glen Early Bronze Age IV Ceramic Regionalism in Central Jordan BASO 289 1993 23 Dever, William G. Further Evidence on the Date of the Outer Wall at Gezer BASO 289 1993 33 Dempsey, Deirdre An Ostracon from Tell Nimrin BASO 289 1993 55 Ephcal, Israel; Naveh, Joseph The Jar of the Gate BASO 289 1993 59 Davila, James R.; Zuckerman, Bruce The Throne of CAshtart Inscription BASO 289 1993 67 Knoppers, Gary N. Treaty, Tribute List, or Diplomatic Letter: KTU 3.1 Reexamined BASO 289 1993 81 McGovern, Patrick E.; Fleming, Stuart J.; Swann, Charles P. The Late Bronze Egyptian Garrison at Beth Shan: Glass and Faience Production and Importation in the Late New Kingdom BASO 290/291 1993 1 Lilyquist, Christine Granulation and Glass: Chronological and Stylistic Investigations at Selected Sites, ca. 2500-1400 B.C.E. BASO 290/291 1993 29 Hohlfelder, Robert L. An Experiment in Controlled Excavation Beneath Caesarea Maritima's Sea, 1990 BASO 290/291 1993 95 Barkay, Gabriel A Bulla of Ishmael, the King's Son BASO 290/291 1993 109 McCarter, P. Kyle An Inscribed Phoenician Funerary Situla in the Art Museum of the Princeton University BASO 290/291 1993 115 Braun, Eliot Some Observations on the Origins and Iconography of a Cylinder Seal from Bab Edh-Dhra BASO 290/291 1993 121 Dever, William G. Syro-Palestinian Archaeology 'Comes of Age': The Inaugral Volume of the Hesban Series -- A Review Article BASO 290/291 1993 127 Rupp, David W. Aspects of Social Complexity in Cyprus: Socioeconomic Interaction and Integration in the Fourth Through Second Millennia B.C.E. BASO 292 1993 1 Peltenburg, Edgar Settlement Discontinuity and Resistance to Complexity in Cyprus, ca. 4500-2500 B.C.E. BASO 292 1993 9 Held, Steve O. Insularity as a Modifier of Culture Change: The Case of Prehistoric Cyprus BASO 292 1993 25 Manning, Sturt W. Prestige, Distinction, and Competition: The Anatomy of Socioeconomic Complexity in Fourth to Second Millennium B.C.E. Cyprus BASO 292 1993 35 Frankel, David Inter-and Intrasite Variability and Social Interaction in Prehistoric Bronze Age Cyprus: Types, Ranges, and Trends BASO 292 1993 59 Keswani, Priscilla Schuster Models of Local Exhange in Late Bronze Age Cyprus BASO 292 1993 73 Knapp, Bernard A. Social Complexity: Incipience, Emergence, and Development on Prehistoric Cyprus BASO 292 1993 85 Kingsnorth, Alice Complexities of Complexity: An Anthropological Concern BASO 292 1993 109 van Minnen, Peter The Century of Papyrology (1892-1992) BASP 30.1-2 1993 5-18 Babcock, Robert G. A New Papyrus of Demosthenes' Contra Timocratem BASP 30.1-2 1993 19-22 & pl. 1 Cribiore, Raffaella A Table of Squares (P. Tebt. II 683 verso) BASP 30.1-2 1993 23-25 & pl. 2 Lewis, Naphtali Notationes Legentis BASP 30.1-2 1993 27-33 Bagnall, Roger S. Notes on Egyptian Census Declarations, V BASP 30.1-2 1993 35-56 & pl. 3-6 Sijpesteijn, P.J. and Worp, K.A. Two Chronologically Interesting Papyri from the Michigan Collection BASP 30.1-2 1993 57-60 & pl. 7-8 Sijpesteijn, P.J. P. Bon. I 33: A Republication BASP 30.1-2 1993 61-62 & pl. 9-10 Dickie, Matthew W. Dioscorus and the Impotence of Envy BASP 30.1-2 1993 63-66 Clackson, S.J. Jonathan Byrd 36.2: Another [Coptic formula] Text BASP 30.1-2 1993 67-68 White, John L. Rev. of Text und Textwert der griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments: II. Die Paulinischen Briefe, ed. K. Aland et al. (1991) BASP 30.1-2 1993 69-71 Wilfong, Terry G. Rev. of William M. Brasher, Magica Varia (1991) BASP 30.1-2 1993 73-75 Bagnall, Roger S. (in mem.) Alessandra Gara BASP 30.1-2 1993 79-80 Cribiore, Raffaella P.Vars. 7: Not a School Exercise BASP 30.3-4 1993 83-86 Casson, Lionel A Petrie Papyrus and the Battle of Raphia BASP 30.3-4 1993 87-92 Farr, Julie Manumission in the Form of a Donatio Mortis Causa BASP 30.3-4 1993 93-104 Lewis, Naphtali Euschemones in Roman Egypt BASP 30.3-4 1993 105-113 Lewis, Naphtali Notationes Legentis BASP 30.3-4 1993 115-125 Bagnall, Roger S. Managing Estates in Roman Egypt: A Review Article BASP 30.3-4 1993 127-135 Keenan, James G. Papyrology and Byzantine Historiography BASP 30.3-4 1993 137-144 Sijpesteijn, P.J. Sale of an Olive Crop BASP 30.3-4 1993 145-148 Sijpesteijn, P.J. P.Yale I 73: A Republication BASP 30.3-4 1993 149 Sijpesteijn, P.J. Correction [to P. Bon. I 33 as given in previous issue] BASP 30.3-4 1993 149 Gagos, Traianos; Sijpesteijn, P.J. Receipt for Tax-money, with Some New Officials BASP 30.3-4 1993 151-154 Hallager, Erik; Weingarten, Judith The Five Roundels from Malia, with a Note on Two New Minoan Genii BCH 117.1 1993 1-18 Olivier, Jean-Pierre KN 115 = KH 115. Un meme scribe a Knossos et a La Canee au MR IIIB: du soupcon a la certitude BCH 117.1 1993 19-33 Kopaka, Katerina; Platon, Lefteris Lenoi minoikoi. Installations minoennes de traitement des produits liquides BCH 117.1 1993 35-101 Platon, Lefteris Ateliers palatiaux minoens: une nouvelle image BCH 117.1 1993 103-122 Sturmer, Veit La ceramique de Chrysolakkos: catalogue et reexamen BCH 117.1 1993 123-187 Baziotopoulou, Effie; Valavanis, Panos Deux acropoles antiques sur les montagnes de Galaxidi BCH 117.1 1993 189-209 Marchetti, Patrick Recherches sur les mythes et la topographie d'Argos. I. Hermes et Aphrodite BCH 117.1 1993 211-223 Miller, Stephen Pambotadai Found? BCH 117.1 1993 225-231 Raepsaet, Georges Le diolkos de l'Isthme a Corinthe: son trace, son fonctionnement BCH 117.1 1993 233-256 Tolley, Mike Considerations techniques et mecaniques BCH 117.1 1993 257-261 Amandry, Pierre Notes de topographie et d'architecture delphiques. IX. L'opisthodome du temple d'Apollon BCH 117.1 1993 263-283 Bousquet, Jean La tholos de Delphes et les mathematiques preeuclidiennes BCH 117.1 1993 285-313 Hatzopoulos, Miltiade Decret pour un bienfaiteur de la cite de Philippes BCH 117.1 1993 315-326 Knoepfler, Denis Les kryptoi du stratege Epichares a Rhamnonte et le debut de la guerre de Chremonides BCH 117.1 1993 327-341 Michaelidou-Nikolaou, Ino Nouveaux documents pour le syllabaire chypriote BCH 117.1 1993 343-347 Migeotte, Leopold Une souscription de femmes a Rhodes BCH 117.1 1993 349-358 Panayotou, Anna; Chrysostomou, Pavlos Inscriptions de la Bottiee et de l'Almopie en Macedoine BCH 117.1 1993 359-400 Bruneau, Philippe Le rajeunissement de l'Ares Borghese BCH 117.1 1993 401-405 Flashar, Martin; von der Hoff, Ralf Die Statue des sog. Philosophen Delphi im Kontext einer mehrfigurigen Stiftung BCH 117.1 1993 407-433 Jockey, Philippe A propos de quelques fragments de statues feminines drapees retrouvees au cours des fouilles de Delos BCH 117.1 1993 435-480 de Callatay, Francois; Mattheeuws, Caroline A propos d'une serie exceptionnelle de grands bronzes thasiens (fin IVe-debut IIIe siecle) BCH 117.1 1993 481-490 Le Rider, Georges Les deux monnaies macedoniennes des annees 323-294/290 BCH 117.1 1993 491-500 Dimopoulou, Nota; Olivier, Jean-Pierre; Rethemiotakis, Georges Une statuette en argile MR IIIA de Poros/Irakliou avec inscription en lineaire A BCH 117.2 1993 501-521 Pelon, Olivier La Salle a Piliers du Palais de Malia et ses antecedents: recherches complementaires BCH 117.2 1993 523-546 Guggisberg, Martin Eine hellenistische Ringergruppe aus Argos BCH 117.2 1993 547-563 Nenna, Marie-Dominique; Seif el-Din, Mervat La vaisselle en faience du musee greco-romain d'Alexandrie BCH 117.2 1993 565-602 Poursat, Jean-Claude Note de ceramique maliote. A propos de 'La ceramique de Chrysolakkos' BCH 117.2 1993 603-607 Pierart, Marcel De l'endroit ou l'on abritait quelques statues d'Argos et de la vraie nature du feu de Phoroneus. Une note critique BCH 117.2 1993 609-613 Etienne, Roland Rapports sur les travaux de l'Ecole francaise d'Athenes en 1992: Les activites de l'EFA BCH 117.2 1993 615-618 Luce, Jean-Marc; Laroche, Didier; Deroche, Vincent; Petridis, Platon Rapports sur les travaux de l'Ecole francaise d'Athenes en 1992: Delphes BCH 117.2 1993 619-644 Seve, Michel Rapports sur les travaux de l'Ecole francaise d'Athenes en 1992: Philippes BCH 117.2 1993 645-646 Empereur, Jean-Yves; Simossi, Angeliki; Grandjean, Yves; Salviat, Francois; Bonias, Zisis; Marc, Jean-Yves; Moretti, Jean-Charles; Viviers, Didier; Blonde, Francine; Muller, Arthur; Mulliez, Dominique Rapports sur les travaux de l'Ecole francaise d'Athenes en 1992: Thasos BCH 117.2 1993 647-669 Pelon, Olivier; Baurain, Claude; Darcque, Pascal; Farnoux, Alexandre; Driessen, Jan Rapports sur les travaux de l'Ecole francaise d'Athenes en 1992: Malia BCH 117.2 1993 671-682 Hermary, Antoine; Schmid, Martin; Pralong, Annie; Petit, Thierry; Alabe, Francoise; Fabre, Jane; de Raigniac, Beatrice; Bechtel, Francoise; Schvoerer, Max; Aupert, Pierre; Leriche, Pierre; Guilaine, Jean; Coularou, Jacques; Briois, Francois; Carrere, Isabelle; Philibert, Sylvie; Petit, Catherine; Pechoux, Pierre-Yves Rapports sur les travaux de la mission de l'Ecole francaise a Amathonte en 1992 BCH 117.2 1993 683-718 Christou, Dimos Chronique des fouilles et decouvertes archeologiques a Chypre en 1992 BCH 117.2 1993 719-755 Pariente, Anne Chronique des fouilles et decouvertes archeologiques en Grece en 1992 BCH 117.2 1993 757-913 Sasson, Jack M. Albright as an Orientalist BiblArch 56.1 1993 3 Silberman, Neil A. Visions of the Future: Albright in Jerusalem, 1919-1929 BiblArch 56.1 1993 8 Hallo, William W. Albright and the Gods of Mesopotamia BiblArch 56.1 1993 18 Dever, William G. What Remains of the House that Albright Built? BiblArch 56.1 1993 25 Long, Burke O. Mythic Trope in the Autobiography of William Foxwell Albright BiblArch 56.1 1993 36 Wapnish, Paula Pampered Pooches or Plain Pariahs? ["pet cemetery" in Ashkelon] BiblArch 56.2 1993 55 Harrison, Timothy P. Economics with an Entrepreneurial Spirit: Early Bronze Trade with Late Predynastic Egypt BiblArch 56.2 1993 81 Ferris Beach, Eleanor The Samaria Ivories, Marzeah, and Biblical Text BiblArch 56.2 1993 94 Blakely, Jeffery A. Frederick Jones Bliss: Father of Palestinian BiblArch 56.3 1993 110 Bull, Robert J.; Storvick, Olin J. The Gold Coin Hoard at Casarea BiblArch 56.3 1993 116 Ben-Tor, Amnon The Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem BiblArch 56.3 1993 121 Strange, James F.; McRay, John R. Archaeology and the New Testament? Jim Strange Reviews John McRay's New Book... and McRay Responds BiblArch 56.3 1993 153 Holl, Augustin F.C.; Levy, Thomas E. From the Nile Valley to the Chad Basin: Ethnoarchaeology of Shuwa Arab Settlements BiblArch 56.4 1993 166 Kohler-Rollefson, Ilse Camels and Camel Pastoralim in Arabia BiblArch 56.4 1993 180 Rosen, Steven A.; Avni, Gideon The Edge of the Empire: The Archaeology of Pastoral Nomads in the Southern Negev Highlands in Late Antiquity BiblArch 56.4 1993 189 Hopkins, David C. Pastoralists in Late Bronze Age Palestine: Which Way Did They Go? BiblArch 56.4 1993 200 Stern, Ephraim The Many Masters of Dor: Part I--When Canaanites Became Phoenician Sailors BiblArchR 19.1 1993 22 1993 Excavation Opportunities: Casting call for the world's longest-running drama BiblArchR 19.1 1993 32 Gewertz, Kenneth Old Stones, New Friends: New immigrants to Israel join Ashkelon volunteers BiblArchR 19.1 1993 46 Butler, Wayne T. Tell-ing It Like It Is: A digger's guide from breakfast to supper BiblArchR 19.1 1993 48 Safrai, Baruch More Scrolls Lie Buried: A startling discovery 40 years ago leads to call for new excavations BiblArchR 19.1 1993 50 Stern, Ephraim The Many Masters of Dor -- Part II: How bad was Ahab? BiblArchR 19.2 1993 30 Stewart, Andrew A Death at Dor BiblArchR 19.2 1993 30 Gal, Zvi Cabul -- A Royal Gift Found [Hiram of Tyre and King Solomon] BiblArchR 19.2 1993 38 The Welcome Mat is Out -- Until You're Asked to Leave! BiblArchR 19.2 1993 46 Reich, Ronny The Great Mikveh Debate BiblArchR 19.2 1993 52 Davis, Thomas W. Faith and Archaeology BiblArchR 19.2 1993 54 Friesen, Steven Ephesus - Key to a Vision in Revelation BiblArchR 19.3 1993 24 Stern, Ephraim The Persistence of Phoenician Culture BiblArchR 19.3 1993 38 Burrell, Barbara; Gleason, Kathryn; Netzer, Ehud Uncovering Herod's Seaside Palace [Caesarea mansion] BiblArchR 19.3 1993 50 Fritz, Volkmar Where Is David's Ziklag? Was David a Traitor When he Joined the Philistine Army? BiblArchR 19.3 1993 58 Shanks, Hershel The Qumran Settlement-Monastery, Villa of Fortress? BiblArchR 19.3 1993 62 An Interview with Moshe and Trude Dothan Part I: The Philistines and the Dothans - An Archaeological Romance BiblArchR 19.4 1993 22 Greenhut, Zvi The City of Salt BiblArchR 19.4 1993 32 An Ancient Israelite House in Egypt? [the Exodus] BiblArchR 19.4 1993 44 Huston, J.; McCarter, P. Kyle The Bat Creek Inscription - Did Judean Refugees Escape to Tennessee BiblArchR 19.4 1993 46 Zohar, Mattanyah Unlocking the Mystery of Rogem Hiri [a nomadic sanctuary] BiblArchR 19.4 1993 56 Isaac, Ephraim Is the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia BiblArchR 19.4 1993 60 BAS Dead Sea Scroll Research Council: Fragments BiblArchR 19.4 1993 64 Tsafrir, Yoran Ancient Churches in the Holy Land BiblArchR 19.5 1993 26 An Interview With Moshe And Trude Dothan - Part II. The Phistines and the Dothans - An Archaeological Romance BiblArchR 19.5 1993 40 Laughlin, John C. H. Capernaum from Jesus' Time and After BiblArchR 19.5 1993 54 Ritmeyer, Kathleen Herod's Temple in East Anglia BiblArchR 19.5 1993 62 Herr, Larry G. What Ever Happened to the Ammonites? They Fared Better Than the Judahites BiblArchR 19.6 1993 26 Herr, Larry G. The Search for Biblical Heshbon. The Effort That Spawned a New Generation of Archaeologists BiblArchR 19.6 1993 36 Lehmann, Manfred R. Where the Temple Tax Was Buried. The Key to Understanding the Copper Scroll BiblArchR 19.6 1993 38 Harper, James E. 26 Tons of Gold and 65 Tons of Silver. Is the Copper Scroll Treasure Too Much to Believe? BiblArchR 19.6 1993 44 Nun, Mendel Cast Your Net Upon the Waters. Fish and Fisherman in Jesus' Time BiblArchR 19.6 1993 46 Shanks, Hershel Archaeological Encyclopedia for the '90s. The New Edition of the Standard Reference, Now Available in English BiblArchR 19.6 1993 58 Charlesworth, James H. Reinterpreting John [in light of the Dead Sea scrolls] BiblR 9.1 1993 18 Kysar, Robert John's Anti-Jewish Polemic BiblR 9.1 1993 26 Thompson, Cynthia L. Rings of Gold -- Neither 'Modest' Nor 'Sensible' BiblR 9.1 1993 28 Jensen, Robin What Are Pagan River Gods Doing in Scenes of Jesus' Baptism BiblR 9.1 1993 34 Bledstein, Adrein Janis Was Eve Cursed? (or Did a Woman Write Genesis?) BiblR 9.1 1993 42 Milgrom, Jacob The Preistly 'Picture of Dorian Gray' BiblR 9.2 1993 4 Borg, Marcus J. Why Was Jesus Killed? BiblR 9.2 1993 5 Harrington, Daniel J. Paul and Judaism: Five Puzzles BiblR 9.2 1993 18 Wilken, Robert L. The Holy Land in Christian Imagination BiblR 9.2 1993 26 Rubin, Rehav Fantasy & Reality -- Ancient Maps of Jerusalem BiblR 9.2 1993 34 Hoover, Roy W. How the Books of the New Testament Were Chosen BiblR 9.2 1993 44 Ackerman, Susan Child Sacrifice: Returning God's Gift BiblR 9.3 1993 20 Meier, John P. Why Search for the Historical Jesus? BiblR 9.3 1993 30 Collins, John J. A Pre-Christian 'Son of God' Among the Dead Sea Scrolls BiblR 9.3 1993 34 Klein, Joseph P. How Job Fulfills God's Word To Cain BiblR 9.3 1993 40 Coogan, Michael D. Canaanites: Who Were They and Where Did They Live? BiblR 9.3 1993 44 Miller, Robert J. The Gospels that Didn't Make the Cut BiblR 9.4 1993 14 Hallo, William W. The Oldest Cookbooks In the World BiblR 9.4 1993 26 Sarna, Nahum M. Songs of the Heart - Understanding the Book of Psalms BiblR 9.4 1993 32 Ages, Arnold Why Didn't Joseph Call Home? BiblR 9.4 1993 42 Tabor, James D. Apocalypse at Waco BiblR 9.5 1993 24 Patterson, Stephen J. Q -- The Lost Gospel BiblR 9.5 1993 34 Jensen, Robin M. The Binding or Sacrifice of Isaac -- How Jews and Christians See Differently BiblR 9.5 1993 42 Bodoff, Lippman God Tests Abraham -- Abraham Tests God BiblR 9.5 1993 52 Allison Jr., Dale C. What Was the Star that Guided the Magi? BiblR 9.6 1993 20 Collins, John J. The Suffering Servant at Qumran? BiblR 9.6 1993 25 How the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament Differ -- An Interview with David Noel Freedman -- Part I BiblR 9.6 1993 28 Greenspoon, Leonard The New Testament in the Comics BiblR 9.6 1993 40 Currid, John D. Why Did God Harden Pharaoh's Heart? BiblR 9.6 1993 46 March, Jennifer R. Sophocles' Ajax: the Death and Burial of a Hero BICS 38 1991-1993 1-36 Rutherford, R.B. From the Iliad to the Odyssey BICS 38 1991-1993 37-54 Montserrat, Dominic A Ptolemaic Papyrus of Iliad 17 BICS 38 1991-1993 55-58 Crichton, Angus 'The Old are in a Second Childhood': Age Reversal and Jury Service in Aristophanes' Wasps BICS 38 1991-1993 59-80 James, Paula Pentheus Anguigena -- Sins of the 'Father' BICS 38 1991-1993 81-93 Heinze, Theodor The Authenticity of Ovid Heroides 12 Reconsidered BICS 38 1991-1993 94-97 Williams, Dyfri The 'Pot-Hoard' Pot from the Archaic Artemision at Ephesus BICS 38 1991-1993 98-103 Stafford, Emma Aspects of Sleep in Hellenistic Sculpture BICS 38 1991-1993 105-120 Bazant, Jan Roman Portraiture and the Viennese School BICS 38 1991-1993 121-143 Vessey, D.W.T. Thoughts on 'The Ancient Novel' or What Ancients? What Novels? BICS 38 1991-1993 144-161 Tsekourakis, D. Plato's Phaedrus and the Holistic Viewpoint in Hippocrates' Therapeutics BICS 38 1991-1993 162-173 Sharples, R.W. Carneades and Epicurus on the Atomic Swerve BICS 38 1991-1993 174-190 Watt, W.S. Liviana BICS 38 1991-1993 191-197 Francis, David Brachylogia Laconica BICS 38 1991-1993 198-212 Chaffin, C.E. The Tessarakonteres Reconsidered BICS 38 1991-1993 213-228 Coldstream, J.N. A Late Cypriot Tomb Group from Nicosia BICS 38 1991-1993 229-242 Itsumi, Kiichiro Enoplian in Tragedy BICS 38 1991-1993 243-261 Fortuna, Stefania Edizioni e traduzioni del 'De locis affectis' di Galeno tra Cinquecento e Seicento BollClass 14 1993 3-30 Ciccolella, Federica Origine e sviluppo della versificazione anacreontica BollClass 14 1993 31-41 Sodano, Angelo Raffaele Una recensione cristiana delle sentenze 'pitagoriche' BollClass 14 1993 42-51 Roncali, Renata Pap. Sorbonne 2252: Eur. Hipp. 1-103 BollClass 14 1993 52-56 Hemmerdinger, Bertrand Les manuscrits d'Herodote: Mon livre 10 ans apres BollClass 14 1993 57-64 Hemmerdinger, Bertrand Thucydide: Une phrase omise et retrouvee (en I 22,4) BollClass 14 1993 65 Hemmerdinger, Bertrand Le fragment de Salluste sur Perperna BollClass 14 1993 66 Filippo, Adele Un nuovo codice del 'Misopogon' di Giuliano Imperatore BollClass 14 1993 67-79 Russo, Lucio Un brando di Plutarco ('Moralia' 923C-924A) e la storia della dinamica BollClass 14 1993 80-92 Russo, Lucio Il contenuto scientifico di un brando di Lucrezio (IV 387-396) BollClass 14 1993 93-95 Russo, Lucio Vitruvio, 'De Architectura' IX 1,11-14: Un brano di argomento astronomico BollClass 14 1993 96-102 Munzi, Luigi Spigolature grammaticali in una silloge scolastica carolingia BollClass 14 1993 103-132 d'Alessandro, Paolo 'Hoc videtur Cornuti aut Asperi': Attribuzioni cinquecentesche del 'De fabula' di Evanzio BollClass 14 1993 133-141 Adkin, Neil Jerome, Epist. 22, 28, 5 ('A Fat Old Man') BollClass 14 1993 142-149 Schmidt-Dounas, Barbara Anklange an altorientalische Mischwesen im Gigantomachiefries des Pergamonaltares Boreas 16 1993 5-17 Danner, Peter Das Kultbild des Heraklestempels von Kleonai Boreas 16 1993 19-23 Wenning, Robert Eine neuerstellte Liste der nabataeischen Dynastie Boreas 16 1993 25-38 Gruener, Andreas Zur Topographie des Esquilin in der fruhen Kaiserzeit. Das Haus des Properz -- Versuch einer Lokalisierung Boreas 16 1993 39-55 Tubach, Juergen Ein Kopf aus Puteoli (Pozzuoli) Boreas 16 1993 57-61 Geyer, Angelika "Ne ruinis urbs deformetur..." -- Aesthetische Kriterien in der spatantiken Baugesetzgebung Boreas 16 1993 63-77 Tolotti, Francesco Louis Reekmans e gli studi sulle catacombe romane Boreas 16 1993 79-82 Reekmans, Louis Erinnerungen und Perspektive eines Katakombenarchaologen Boreas 16 1993 83-89 Speck, Paul Theoderich und sein Hofstaat. Die Prozessionmosaiken von Sant'Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna Boreas 16 1993 91-96 Thuemmel, Hans Georg Die Archaologie der Petrusmemoire in Rom Boreas 16 1993 97-113 Jastrzebowska, Elisabeth Das antike Erbe in der Ikonographie der Kindheitsevangelien Christi Boreas 16 1993 115-124 Lehmann, Tomas Eine grosse Uberschwemmung des Pilgerheiligtums in Cimitile/Nola im 6. Jh. n.Chr. und ihre Bedeutung fur die Datierung der spatantiken Kirche S. Stefano Boreas 16 1993 125-134 Immerzeel, Mat, Jongste, Peter Import and Local Production of Early Christian Sarcophagi in France Boreas 16 1993 135-148 Mulder, Nicole F. Abu Mena: How the Early Christian Pilgrimage Was Given Shape Boreas 16 1993 149-164 Welie, Eelco G. van Double churches -- Some Aspects of the Form and Function of a Phenomenon in Fourth to Seventh Century Church Architecture Boreas 16 1993 165-180 Dirven, Lucinda "The smallest among his brethren". Origin and Meaning of an Early Coptic Narrative Cycle of David's Youth Boreas 16 1993 181-198 Liesen, Bernd Ein argivisch geometrisches Gefassfragment aus Privatbesitz Boreas 16 1993 201-202 Altripp, Ina, Hobbold, Susanne Eine Sammlung griechischer Kleinkunst im Munsterland Boreas 16 1993 203-214 Mattern, Torsten Romische Keramik im Mindener Museum fur Geschichte, Landes- und Volksfunde Boreas 16 1993 215-220 Simpson, C.J. Once Again Claudius and the Temple at Colchester Britannia 24 1993 1-6 Ling, Roger A relief from Duke Street, Aldgate, now in the Museum of London Britannia 24 1993 7-12 Whittington, Graeme; Edwards, Kevin J. Ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant: the Romans in Scotland, a Palaeoenvironmental Contribution Britannia 24 1993 13-25 Zienkiewicz, J. David Excavations in the Scamnum Tribunorum at Caerleon: The Legionary Museum Site 1983-5 Britannia 24 1993 27-140 Haynes, I.P. The Romanization of Religion in the Auxilia of the Roman Imperial Army from Augustus to Septimius Severus Britannia 24 1993 141-157 Bishop, M.C.; Freeman, P.W.M. Recent Work at Osmanthorpe, Nottinghamshire Britannia 24 1993 159-189 Taylor, Alison A Roman Lead Coffin with Pipeclay Figurines from Arrington, Cambridgeshire Britannia 24 1993 191-225 Cotterill, John Saxon Raiding and the Role of the Late Roman Coastal Forts of Britain Britannia 24 1993 227-239 Aldhouse-Green, Miranda A Carved Stone Head from Steep Holm Britannia 24 1993 241-242 Bewley, R.H.; Macleod, D. The Discovery of a Roman Fort at Roall Manor Farm, North Yorkshire Britannia 24 1993 243-247 Bick, David; Boon, G.C. Dolaucothi Again Britannia 24 1993 247-249 Black, E.W. A Reconsideration of Gelligaer Britannia 24 1993 249-254 Dark, K.R. Town or Temenos? A Reinterpretation of the Walled Area of Aquae Sulis Britannia 24 1993 254-255 Dungworth, David A Re-examination of the Distribution of Oxfordshire and New Forest Wares Britannia 24 1993 255-257 Jermy, Kenneth E. Probable Roman Road in Saighton, near Chester Britannia 24 1993 257-258 Johns, Catherine; Pickin, John Late Roman Silver Spoons from Spennymoore, County Durham Britannia 24 1993 258-261 Mann, J.C. Cavalry Promotion at Kirkby Thore Britannia 24 1993 261-264 Simpson, C.J. Real Gods Britannia 24 1993 264-265 Burnham, B.C. Roman Britain in 1992: I Sites Explored. 1. Wales Britannia 24 1993 267-276 Keppie, L.J.F. Roman Britain in 1992: I Sites Explored. 2. Scotland Britannia 24 1993 277-284 Esmonde Cleary, A.S. Roman Britain in 1992: I Sites Explored. 3-9. England Britannia 24 1993 284-309 Hassall, M.W.C.; Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1991: II Inscriptions Britannia 24 1993 310-322 Stoddart, Simon Cult in an Island Society: Prehistoric Malta in the Tarxien Period CAJ 3.1 1993 3 Allsworth-Jones, Philip The Archaeology of the Archaic and Early Modern Homo sapiens: An African Perspective CAJ 3.1 1993 21 Morris, Christine Hands Up for the Individual! The Role of Attribution Studies in Aegean Prehistory CAJ 3.1 1993 41 von Gernet, Alexander The Construction of Prehistoric Ideation CAJ 3.1 1993 67 Stone, Elizabeth C. Chariots of the Gods in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia (c. 2000-1600 BC) CAJ 3.1 1993 83 Tilley, Chistopher Material Culture and Text: The Art of the Ambiguity CAJ 3.1 1993 109 Marcus, Michelle I. Incorporating the Body: Adornment, Gender, and Social Identity in Ancient Iran CAJ 3.2 1993 157 Cullen, Ben The Darwinian Resurgance and the Cultural Virus Critique CAJ 3.2 1993 179 Pearson, Mike Parker The Powerful Dead: Archaeological Relationships between the Living and the Dead CAJ 3.2 1993 203 Brown, Kate Robson An Alternative Approach to Cognition in the Lower Palaeolithic: The Modular View CAJ 3.2 1993 231 Renfrew, Colin What is Cognitive Archeaology? CAJ 3.2 1993 247 Leighton, Robert Sicily during the Centuries of Darkness CAJ 3.2 1993 271 Samuel, Delwen Ancient Egyptian Cereal Processing: Beyond the Artistic Record CAJ 3.2 1993 276 Mithen, Steven Language, Technology, and Intelligence: A Holy Trinity for Cognitive Archaeology CAJ 3.2 1993 285 Wynn, Thomas Apes, Language, and Evolution CAJ 3.2 1993 295 Gowlett, John A. J. Chimpanzees Deserve mone than Crumbs of the Palaeoanthropological Cake CAJ 3.2 1993 297 MacGregor Jr.; Alexander P. History and Bibliography of Classical Scholarship in Czecho-Slovakia, 1900-1987: Part II and Index CB 69.1 1993 3-15 Adler, Curtis John Henry Newman on Edward Gibbon: Indebted to the Infidel CB 69.1 1993 17-20 Burton, Joan Why the Ancient Greeks Were Obsessed with Heroes and the Ancient Egyptians Were Not CB 69.1 1993 21-34 Motto, A.L.; Clark, J.R. Seneca on the Profanum Vulgus CB 69.1 1993 35-39 Cormier, Raymond Tiber Toast -- Drinking to Remember: A Dramatic Detail at the Tiber Fulfilled CB 69.1 1993 41-46 MacGregor Jr., Alexander The Imperium of the Encyclopedia CB 69.1 1993 47-50 Liebel-Weckowicz, Helen The Limits of the Oikoumene CB 69.1 1993 53-55 Rexine, John E. Rome Throughout The Ages CB 69.1 1993 57-66 Isaeva, V.I. Russia's Historians of Classical Antiquity CB 69.2 1993 67-74 Hartigan, Karelisa Leon Pomerance: An Archaelogical Philanthropist CB 69.2 1993 75-82 Cerutti, Steven M. James May's Trials of Character CB 69.2 1993 83-89 Keenan, James G. Aegyptiaca CB 69.2 1993 89-91 Ramsey, John T. Rhetoric CB 69.2 1993 92-93 Clifford, Richard J. The Unity of the Book of Isaiah and Its Cosmogonic Language CBQ 55.1 1993 1 Schloen, J. David Caravans, Kenites, and Casus Belli: Enmity and Alliance in the Song of Deborah CBQ 55.1 1993 18 Propp, William H. Kinship in 2 Samuel 13 CBQ 55.1 1993 39 Carter, Warren The Crowds in Matthew's Gospel CBQ 55.1 1993 54 Nardoni, Enrique The Concept of Charism in Paul CBQ 55.1 1993 68 Brawley, Robert L. Discoursive Structure and the Unseen in Hebrews 2:8 and 11:1: A Neglected Aspect of the Context CBQ 55.1 1993 81 Fleming, Daniel E. The Etymological Origins of the Hebrew nabi: The One Who Invokes God CBQ 55.2 1993 217-224 Brueggemann, Walter Narrative Coherence and Theological Intentionality in 1 Samuel 18 CBQ 55.2 1993 225-243 Garsiel, Moshe The Story of David and Bathsheba: A Different Approach CBQ 55.2 1993 244-262 Seeley, David Jesus' Temple Act CBQ 55.2 1993 263-283 Callan, Terrance The Background of the Apostolic Decree (Acts 15:20, 29; 21:25) CBQ 55.2 1993 284-297 Tobin, Thomas H. Controversy and Continuity in Romans 1:18-3:30 CBQ 55.2 1993 298-318 Simkins, Ronald A. God, History, and the Natural World in the Book of Joel CBQ 55.3 1993 435 Cook, Stephen L. The Metamorphosis of a Shepherd: The Tradition History of Zechariah 11:17 + 13:7-9 CBQ 55.3 1993 453 Sterling, Gregory E. Jesus as Exorcist: An Analysis of Matthew 17:14-20; Mark 9:14-29; Luke 9:37-43a CBQ 55.3 1993 467 Barclay, John M.G. Conflict in Thessalonica CBQ 55.3 1993 512 Schniedewind, William M. History and Interpretation: The Religion of Ahab and Manasseh in the Book of Kings CBQ 55.4 1993 649 Moore, Michael S. Job's Texts of Terror CBQ 55.4 1993 662 Redditt, Paul L. The Two Shepherds in Zechariah 11:4-17 CBQ 55.4 1993 676 Wolters, Al Halley's Comet at a Turning Point in Jewish History CBQ 55.4 1993 687 Heil, John Paul Ezekiel 34 and the Narrative Strategy of the Shepherd and Sheep Metaphor in Matthew CBQ 55.4 1993 698 Gagnon, Robert A.J. Statistical Analysis and the Case of the Double Delegation in Luke 7:3-7a CBQ 55.4 1993 709 Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome Paul in Arabia CBQ 55.4 1993 732 Greppin, John A.C. A Note on the Etymology of Old Egyptian TRR CE 68.135-136 1993 9-11 Malaise, Michel; Winand, Jean La racine grb et l'Amon-grb CE 68.135-136 1993 12-28 Quaegebeur, Jan Conglomerer et modeler l'encens (s!k sntr) CE 68.135-136 1993 29-44 De Meulenaere, Herman Trois membres d'une famille sacerdotale thebaine CE 68.135-136 1993 45-64 Derchain, Philippe Sur des pensers antiques... CE 68.135-136 1993 65-69 Vercoutter, Jean Le role des artisans dans la naissance de la civilisation egyptienne [Chronique] CE 68.135-136 1993 70-83 Cribiore, Raffaella A Homeric Exercise from the Byzantine Schoolroom CE 68.135-136 1993 145-154 Boyaval, Bernard Une allusion inedite a un prostagma lagide CE 68.135-136 1993 155-159 Sijpesteijn, P.J. Miete eines Hofes und einer Scheune mit Zubehor CE 68.135-136 1993 160-167 Wouters, Alfons The Grammatical term apolelumenon in the School Book Brit.Mus.Add.Ms. 37533 (= Pack 2ed. 2712) CE 68.135-136 1993 168-177 Jones, Alexander The Date of the Astronomical Almanac Tab.Amst. inv. 1 CE 68.135-136 1993 178-185 Clarysse, Willy Egyptian Scribes writing Greek CE 68.135-136 1993 186-201 Reekmans, Tony Allocation, pret a usage et don de biens de consommation dans les archives de Zenon CE 68.135-136 1993 202-211 Martin, Alain Notes relatrives a la dedicace SB III 6184 CE 68.135-136 1993 212-218 Bingen, Jean La lex sacra SB I 3451 = LSCG.Suppl. 119 (Ptolemais, Haute-Egypte) CE 68.135-136 1993 219-228 Nachtergael, Georges Une nouvelle edition de quelques steles funeraires de Terenouthis CE 68.135-136 1993 229-233 Van 't Dack, Edmond L'epithete Eusebes/Pius dans la titulature officielle des empereurs romains jusqu'a la monarchie de Commode CE 68.135-136 1993 234-246 Colin, Frederic Domitien, Julie et Isis au pays des Hirpins (CIL IX 1153 et l'obelisque de Benevent CE 68.135-136 1993 247-260 Depuydt, Leo "Wisdom made a Weapon": On Manichaeism in Egypt CE 68.135-136 1993 301-315 Rassart-Debergh, Marguerite Icones d'Antinoe CE 68.135-136 1993 316-328 Vycichl, Werner Considerations sur le vieux nubien [Chronique] CE 68.135-136 1993 329-340 Barclift, Philip L. Predestination and Divine Foreknowledge in the Sermons of Pope Leo the Great ChHist 62.1 1993 5 Barmann, Lawrence Confronting Secularization: Origins of the London Society for the Study of Religion ChHist 62.1 1993 22 Brown, Mary Elizabeth Italian Immigrant Catholic Clergy and an Exception to the Rule: The Reverend Antonio Demo, Our Lady of Pompei, Greenwich Village, 1899-1933 ChHist 62.1 1993 41 Slawson, Douglas J. Thirty Years of Street Preaching: Vincential Motor Missions, 1934-1965 ChHist 62.1 1993 60 Dorn, Jacob H. The Social Gospel and Socialism: A Comparison of the Thought of Francis Greenwood Peabody, Washington Gladden, and Walter Rauschenbusch ChHist 62.1 1993 82 Bornstein, Daniel The Uses of the Body: The Church and the Cult of Santa Margherita da Cortona ChHist 62.2 1993 163 Lewin, Alison Williams "Cum status ecclesis noster sit": Florence and the Council of Pisa (1409) ChHist 62.2 1993 178 Hurth, Elisabeth William and Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Problem of the Lord's Supper: The Influence of German 'Historical Speculators' ChHist 62.2 1993 190 Metz, Allan Gustavo Juan Franceschi and the Jews: The Overcoming of Prejudice by an Argentine Prelate ChHist 62.2 1993 207 Marsden, George M. The Ambiguities of Academic Freedom ChHist 62.2 1993 221 Marty, Martin E. American Religious History in the Eighties: A Decade of Achievement ChHist 62.3 1993 335 Rorem, Paul; Lamoreaux, John C. John of Scythopolis on Apollinarian Christology and the Pseudo-Areopagite's True Identity ChHist 62.4 1993 469 Neel, Carol Philip of Harvengt and Anselm of Havelberg: The Premonstratensian Vision of Time ChHist 62.4 1993 483 Blowers, Paul M. "Living in a Land of Prophets": James T. Barclay and an Early Disciple of Christ's Mission to Jews in the Holy Land ChHist 62.4 1993 494 Ferre, John P. Protestant Press Relations in the United States, 1900-1930 ChHist 62.4 1993 514 Warren, Heather A. The Theological Discussion Group and Its Impact on American and Ecumenical Theology, 1920-1945 ChHist 62.4 1993 528 Berktold, Percy; Faisst, Goetz W. Die Lage von Sollion Chiron 23 1993 1-11 Burton, Graham P. Provincial Procurators and the Public Provinces Chiron 23 1993 13-28 Dobesch, Gerhard Principis dignationem: zur Deutung von Tacitus, Germania 13,2 Chiron 23 1993 29-51 Favuzzi, Andrea Una peculiarita semantica nel lessico militare dioneo Chiron 23 1993 53-61 Frolova, Nina; Karyskovskij, P. O.; Delfs, Martina Zur Chronologie der Herrschaft Asanders im Bosporus Chiron 23 1993 63-81 Kontorini, Vassa La famille de l'amiral Damagoras de Rhodes. Contribution a la prosopographie et a l'histoire rhodiennes au 1er s. av. J.C. Chiron 23 1993 83-99 Leunissen, Paul M. M. Conventions of Patronage in Senatorial Careers under the Principate Chiron 23 1993 101-20 Marek, Christian Die Expedition des Aelius Gallus nach Arabien im Jahre 25 v. Chr. Chiron 23 1993 121-56 Caballos Rufino, Antonio Un nuevo municipio flavio en el conventus Astigitanus Chiron 23 1993 157-69 Rutter, Keith The Myth of the 'Demareteion' Chiron 23 1993 171-88 Wilkins, Peter I. Legates of Numidia as Municipal Patrons Chiron 23 1993 189-206 Girardet, Klaus M. Die Rechtsstellung der Caesarattentater Brutus und Cassius in den Jahren 44-42 v. Chr. Chiron 23 1993 207-32 Herrmann, Peter Inschriften von Sardeis Chiron 23 1993 233-66 Migeotte, Leopold De la liturgie a la contribution obligatoire: le financement des Dionysies et des travaux du theatre a Iasos au IIe siecle avant J.-C. Chiron 23 1993 267-94 Dietz, Karlheinz Die beiden P. Mummii Sisennae und der Wiederaufbau der Basilike Stoa von Thera Chiron 23 1993 295-311 Gimeno, Helena; Mayer, Marcos Una propuesta de identificacion epigrafica: Lara de los Infantes/Nova Augusta Chiron 23 1993 313-21 Timpe, Dieter Der Namensatz der taciteischen Germania Chiron 23 1993 323-52 Zahrnt, Michael Die Schlacht bei Himera und die sizilische Historiographie Chiron 23 1993 353-90 Lavva, Stella Zur Silberpragung von Herakleia am Latmos Chiron 23 1993 391-414 Weiss, Peter Alioi. Zum Namen eines kaiserzeitlichen Stadtchens und byzantinischen Suffraganbistums in Phrygien Chiron 23 1993 415-28 Anderson, William S. Horace's Different Recommenders of carpe diem in C. 1.4,7,9,11 CJ 88.2 1993 115 Putnam, Michael C.J. The Languages of Horace Odes 1.24 CJ 88.2 1993 123 Hendry, Michael Three Problems in the Cleopatra Ode CJ 88.2 1993 137 Schenker, David J. Poetic Voices in the Roman Odes CJ 88.2 1993 147 Clay, Jenny S. Providus auspex: Horace, Ode 3.27 CJ 88.2 1993 167 Konstan, David; Mueke, Frances Richard Bentley as a Reader of Horace CJ 88.2 1993 179 Kovacs, David A Spurious Addition to Ovid's Fasti CJ 88.2 1993 187 Stadter, Philip A. Caesarian Tactics and Caesarian Style: Bell. Civ. 1.66-70 CJ 88.3 1993 217 Wiseman, T. P. Sirmio, Sir Ronald, and the Gens Valeria CJ 88.3 1993 223 Mackie, C.J. A Note on Dido's Ancestry in the Aeneid CJ 88.3 1993 231 Armstrong, Michael A German Scholar and Socialist in Illinois: The Career of William Abbott Oldfather CJ 88.3 1993 235 Craig, Christopher P. Three Simple Questions for Teaching Cicero's First Catilinarian CJ 88.3 1993 255 Mader, Gottfried Architecture, Aemulatio, and Elegiac Self-definition in Propertius 3.2 CJ 88.4 1993 321 Kitchel Jr., Kenneth F. The View from Deucalion's Ark: New Windows on Antiquity CJ 88.4 1993 341 Fineberg, Stephen The Music of Thomas Jefferson's Greek CJ 88.4 1993 359 Goins, Scott Two Aspects of Virgil's Use of Labor in the Aeneid CJ 88.4 1993 375 Saunders, Anne Leslie The Value of Latin Prose Composition CJ 88.4 1993 385 Barnett, Robert J. Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at Franklin and Marshall College CJ 88.4 1993 393 Faraone, Christopher A. The Wheel, the Whip and Other Implements of Torture: Erotic Magic in Pindar Pythian 4.213-19 CJ 89.1 1993 1-19 Miller, Andrew M. Pindaric Mimesis: The Associative Mode CJ 89.1 1993 21-53 Naiditch, P. G. On Pronouncing the Names of Certain British Classical Scholars CJ 89.1 1993 55-59 Skinner, Marilyn B. Catullus in Performance CJ 89.1 1993 61-68 Bakker, Egbert J. Discourse and Performance: Involvement, Visualization, and 'Presence' in Homeric Poetry ClAnt 12.1 1993 1 Bloomer, W. Martin The Superlative Nomoi of Herodotus's Histories ClAnt 12.1 1993 30 Culham, Phyllis Romans, Greeks, and Delmatae: Reconstructing the Context of RDGE 24 ClAnt 12.1 1993 51 McNeal, R.A Nicholas Biddle and the Literature of Greek Travel ClAnt 12.1 1993 65 Newbold, R.F Some Problems of Creativity in Nonnus's Dionysiaca ClAnt 12.1 1993 89 Noonan, J.D Daunus/Faunus in Aeneid 12 ClAnt 12.1 1993 111 Thalmann, William G. Euripides and Aeschylus: The Case of the Hekabe ClAnt 12.1 1993 126 Henrichs, Albert The Tomb of Aias and the Prospect of Hero Cult in Sophokles ClAnt 12.2 1993 165 Louden, Bruce Pivotal Contrafactuals in Homeric Epic ClAnt 12.2 1993 181 Lowenstam, Steven The Arming of Achilleus on Early Greek Vases ClAnt 12.2 1993 199 Pierce, Sarah Death, Revelry, and Thysia ClAnt 12.2 1993 219 Porter, James I. The Seductions of Gorgias ClAnt 12.2 1993 267 Reger,Gary The Public Purchase of Grain on Independent Delos ClAnt 12.2 1993 300 Johansen, Holger Friis A poem by Theognis (Thgn. 19-38), Part II C&M 44 1993 5-29 Smith, Ole L. A note on Pindar Olympian i,26 and the critics C&M 44 1993 31-36 Whitehead, David Cardinal virtues: The language of public approbation in democratic Athens C&M 44 1993 37-75 Krasilnikoff, Jens A. The regular payment of Aegean mercenaries in the classical period C&M 44 1993 77-95 Ostenfeld, Erik Nis The physicality of god in the Politicus myth and in the later dialogues C&M 44 1993 97-108 Pritchard, Telfryn The 'Ambrose' text of Alexander and the Brahmans C&M 44 1993 109-139 Gray-Fow, Michael J.G. Qui mare teneat (Cic. Att. 10.8): Caesar, Pompey, and the waves C&M 44 1993 141-179 Taylor, P. Ruth "Pre-history" in the ninth-century manuscripts of the Ad Herennium C&M 44 1993 181-254 Vinson, Martha Gregory Nazianzen's Homily 36: A Socratic response to Christian persecution C&M 44 1993 255-266 Coulson, Frank T.; Nawotka, Krzysztof The rediscovery of Arnulf of Orleans' glosses to Ovid's creation myth C&M 44 1993 267-299 Edgecombe, Rodney A Typology of Ecphrases CML 13.2 1993 103-116 Fazziola, Peter Classical Allusions and Lesage's Comic Style CML 13.2 1993 117-125 Martin, R.A. Metaphysical Realism in Philoctetes CML 13.2 1993 127-138 McClure, Laura On Knowing Greek: George Eliot and the Classical Tradition CML 13.2 1993 139-156 Laale, H. Abortion in Greek Antiquity: Solon to Aristotle CML 13.2 1993 157-166 Ronnick, Michele A Classical Pun at Drayton Hall CML 13.2 1993 167-169 Reinke, Edgar Olympia Fulvia Morata's Briefe: A Review CML 13.2 1993 170-171 Laale, H. Willer Abortion in Greek Antiquity: Solon to Aristotle CML 13.3 1993 191-202 Hogsett, Charlotte Scholarship and Vision in Marguerite Yourcenar's Memoirs d'Hardrien CML 13.3 1993 203-215 Holtsmark, Erling B. Maugham's the Pool: the Classical Influence CML 13.3 1993 217-227 Colakis, Marianthe David Malouf's and Derek Mahon's Victims of Ovid in Exile CML 13.3 1993 229-239 Beall, E.F. Hegel and the Milesian 'Origin of Philosophy' CML 13.3 1993 241-256 Gentilcore, Roxanne M. American Georgic: Vergil in the Literature of the Colonial South CML 13.3 1993 257-270 Lind, L.R. Literature Among the Arts CML 13.4 1993 279-282 Stapleton, M.L. Venus Vituperator: Ovid, Marie De France, and Fin' Amors. CML 13.4 1993 283-295 Laale, H. Willer Abortion in Roman Antiquity: Monarchy to Early Empire CML 13.4 1993 297-308 Hamilton, Richard Fatal Texts: The Sortes Vergilianae CML 13.4 1993 309-336 Shaw, Millo L.G. Anthony Blanche and Tiresias CML 13.4 1993 337-351 Lind, L.R. Giovanni Garzoni (1419-1505): Bolognese Humanist and Physician CML 14.1 1993 7-24 Laale, H. Willer Abortion in Roman Antiquity: Monarchy to Early Empire CML 14.1 1993 25-42 Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning Regionalisms Ancient and Modern CML 14.1 1993 43-60 Egan, Rory B. Orpheus Christus Mississippiensis: Tennessee William's Xavier in Hell CML 14.1 1993 61-98 Hozeski, Bruce W. Caes Conference CML 14.1 1993 99-101 Ronnick, Michele Valerie Theodore Roosevelt: 'Rough' Riding with Horace CML 14.1 1993 103-106 Morgan, Kathryn A. Pindar the Professional and the Rhetoric of the KWMOS CPh 88.1 1993 1 Gold, Barbara K. Mitte sectari, rosa quo locorum sera moretur: Time and Nature in Horace's Odes CPh 88.1 1993 16 Rives, James B. Marcellus and the Syracusans CPh 88.1 1993 32 Walsh, Joseph J. Bones of Contention: Pharsalus, Phthiotic Thebes, Larisa Cremaste, Echinus CPh 88.1 1993 35 Johnston, William A. Pliny the Elder and Standardized Roll Heights in the Manufacture of Papyrus CPh 88.1 1993 46 Lowrie, Michele Myrrha's Second Taboo, Ovid Metamorphoses 10.467-68 CPh 88.1 1993 50 Paschalis, Michael Parvis or patriis? A Note on Seneca Phaedra 899 CPh 88.1 1993 52 Barnes, T.D. Review Article: Ammianus Marcellinus and His World CPh 88.1 1993 55 Strauss Clay, Jenny The Generation of Monsters in Hesiod CPh 88.2 1993 105 Crane, Gregory Politics of Consumption and Generosity in the Carpet Scene of the Agamemnon CPh 88.2 1993 117 Pastor de Arozena, Barbara *MEPOITES* 'Glitter-ish' CPh 88.2 1993 137 Madden, John A.; Keaveney, Arthur Sulla Pere and Mithridates CPh 88.2 1993 138 Katzoff, Ranon Roman Edicts and Ta.anit 29A CPh 88.2 1993 141 Asmis, Elizabeth Review Article: Asclepiades of Bithynia Rediscovered? CPh 88.2 1993 145 Sansone, David Towards a New Doctrine of the Article in Greek: Some Observations on the Definite Article in [Plato] CPh 88.3 1993 191 Ziolkowski, Adam Between Geese and the Auguraculum: The Origin of the Cult of Juno on the Arx CPh 88.3 1993 206 Bannon, C.J. Erotic Brambles and the Text of Horace Carmen 1.23.5-6 CPh 88.3 1993 220 Frier, Bruce W. Subsistence Annuities and Per Capita Income in the Early Roman Empire CPh 88.3 1993 222 Cherf, William J. The Thermopylae Garrison of Vita Claudii 16 CPh 88.3 1993 230 Bradley, Keith Review Article: Writing the History of the Roman Family CPh 88.3 1993 237 Nightingale, Andrea Writing/Reading a Sacred Text: A Literary Interpretation of Plato's Laws CPh 88.4 1993 279 Cohen, David Law, Autonomy, and Political Community in Plato's Laws CPh 88.4 1993 301 Renehan, Robert A Note On Plato Apology 27B4-5 CPh 88.4 1993 318 Tatum, W. Jeffrey The Lex Papiria de dedicationibus CPh 88.4 1993 319 Johnston, Patricia Love and Laserpicium in Catullus 7 CPh 88.4 1993 328 Butrica, J.L. Propertius' Horoscope and A Birthdate Rejected CPh 88.4 1993 330 Traill, David A. Horace Carmen 1.30: Glycera's Problem CPh 88.4 1993 332 Fagan, Garrett G. Pliny Naturalis Historia 36.121 and The Number of Balnea in Early Augustan Rome CPh 88.4 1993 333 Lynn-George, M. A Reflection of Homeric Dawn in the Parodos of Aeschylus' Agamemnon CQ 43.1 1993 1 Bowie, A. Religion and Politics in Aeschylus' Oresteia CQ 43.1 1993 10 Theodorou, Z. Subject to Emotion: Exploring Madness in Orestes CQ 43.1 1993 32 Christ, M.R. Theopompus and Herodotus: A Reassessment CQ 43.1 1993 47 Davidson, J. Fish, Sex and Revolution in Athens CQ 43.1 1993 53 Worthington, I. Once More, the Client/Logographos Relationship CQ 43.1 1993 67 Harris, E.M. Apotimema: Athenian Terminology for Real Security in Leases and Dowry Agreements CQ 43.1 1993 73 Most, G.W. 'A Cock for Asclepius' CQ 43.1 1993 96 Nightingale, A.W. The Folly of Praise: Plato's Critique of Encomiastic Discourse in the Lysis and Symposium CQ 43.1 1993 112 Kahn, C.H. Proleptic composition in the Republic, or Why Book 1 Was Never a Separate Dialogue CQ 43.1 1993 131 Schibli, H.S. Xenocrates' Daemons and the Irrational Soul CQ 43.1 1993 143 Granger, H. Aristotle on the Analogy Between Action and Nature CQ 43.1 1993 168 Bos, A.P. Clement of Alexandria on Aristotle's (Cosmo-)Theology CQ 43.1 1993 177 Brown, P.G. Love and Marriage in Greek New Comedy CQ 43.1 1993 189 Rosenmeyer, P.A. A Cold Reception in Callimachus' Victoria Berenices CQ 43.1 1993 206 Winterbottom, M. The Transmission of Cicero's De Officiis CQ 43.1 1993 215 Jenkyns, R. Labor Improbus CQ 43.1 1993 243 Hamilton, C. Dido, Tityos and Prometheus CQ 43.1 1993 249 Heyworth, S. Deceitful Crete: Aeneid 3.84 and The Hymns of Callimachus CQ 43.1 1993 255 Thompson, P. Notes on Ovid, Heroides 20 and 21 CQ 43.1 1993 258 Holmes, N. Notes on Lucan 10 CQ 43.1 1993 266 Morgan, G. Commissura in Tacitus, Histories 1 CQ 43.1 1993 274 Holford-Strevens, L. Analecta Gelliana CQ 43.1 1993 292 Vardi, A.D. Why Attic Nights? or What's in a Name? CQ 43.1 1993 298 Fortuna, S. Galen's De Constitutione Artis Medicae in the Renaissance CQ 43.1 1993 302 Morwood, J. The Double Time Scheme in Antigone CQ 43.1 1993 320 Bigwood, J.M. Ctesias' Parrot CQ 43.1 1993 321 Dillon, M.P.J. Restoring a Manuscript Reading at Paus 9.3.7 CQ 43.1 1993 327 Barsby, J.A. The Stage Action of Terence, Phormio 979-89 CQ 43.1 1993 329 Smith, M.F. Notes on Lucretius CQ 43.1 1993 336 Papanghelis, T.D. A Note on Aenid 8.514-517 CQ 43.1 1993 339 Stadten, P.A. Horace, Epistles 1.2.42-43 and Traditional Lore CQ 43.1 1993 341 Butrica, J.L. Propertius 3.11.33-38 and the Death of Pompey CQ 43.1 1993 342 Wardle, D. Annals 4.28.1 -- An Old Suggestion CQ 43.1 1993 346 Cameron, A. On the Date of John of Gaza CQ 43.1 1993 348 Ogden, D. Cleisthenes of Sicyon, *DRUSTHR* CQ 43.2 1993 353 Cawkwell, G.L. Sparta and Her Allies in the Sixth Century CQ 43.2 1993 364 Missiou, A. *DOULOS TOU BASILEOS*: The Politics of Translation CQ 43.2 1993 377 Osborne, R. Women and Sacrifice in Classical Greece CQ 43.2 1993 392 Herman, G. Tribal and Civic Codes of Behaviour in Lysias I CQ 43.2 1993 406 Bosworth, A.B. Perdiccas and the Kings CQ 43.2 1993 420 Blank, D. The Arousal of Emotion in Plato's Dialogues CQ 43.2 1993 428 Rist, A. That Herodean Diptych Again CQ 43.2 1993 440 Miller, J. F. The Shield of Argive Abas at Aeneid 3.286 CQ 43.2 1993 445 Wheeler, S.M. Lost Voices: Vergil, Aeneid 12.718-19 CQ 43.2 1993 451 Kenney, E.J. Ovidiana CQ 43.2 1993 458 Braund, D. Dionysiac Tragedy in Plutarch, Crassus CQ 43.2 1993 468 Holford-Strevens, L. The Harmonious Pulse CQ 43.2 1993 475 Edwards, M.J. A Portrait of Plotinus CQ 43.2 1993 480 Burgess, R. W. Principes cum Tyrannis: Two Studies on the Kaisergeschichte and its Tradition CQ 43.2 1993 491 Greenberg, Nathan A. The Attitude of Agamemnon CW 86.3 1993 193-205 Broeniman, Clifford S. The Resurrection of a Latin Classic: The Confessions of St. Augustine CW 86.3 1993 209-213 Sebesta, Judith Lynn Textbooks in Greek and Latin: 1993 Supplementary Survey CW 86.3 1993 217-222 Claassen, Jo-Marie Sallust's Jugurtha-Rebel or Freedom Fighter? On Crossing Crocodile-Infested Waters CW 86.4 1993 273-297 Chappell, Kim A. 1993 Survey of Audio-Visual Materials in the Classics CW 86.4 1993 305-355 Benediktson, D.Thomas A Survey of Suetonius Scholarship, 1938-1987 CW 86.5 1993 377-447 Perkins, Caroline A. Love's Arrow Lost: Tibullan Parody in Amores 3.9 CW 86.6 1993 459-466 Wigtil, David N. Latin Definiteness and English Articles CW 86.6 1993 467-481 Gini, Anthony The Manly Intellect of his Wife: Xenophon Oeconomicus Ch. 7 CW 86.6 1993 483-486 Garton, Charles Magnis Concede Revisited CW 86.6 1993 486-487 Forsyth, Phyllis Y. The Fearful Symmetry of Catullus' Polymetrics CW 86.6 1993 492-495 Cormier, Raymond The Antlers of Silvia's Stag: A Note on the Chronology of the Aeneid CW 86.6 1993 495-496 In Memoriam: James W. Poultney CW 86.6 1993 497 CAAS: Program for Fall Meeting, October 22-23, 1993, Annapolis, MD CW 86.6 1993 503 Santirocco, Matthew S. A Tribute to Jerry Clack CW 87.1 1993 3-4 Helm, James J. Koros: From Satisfaction to Greed CW 87.1 1993 5-11 Smethurst, Mae The Council Chamber in a Production of Aeschylus' Persians CW 87.1 1993 13-20 Hallett, Judith P. Plautine Ingredients in the Performance of the Pseudolus CW 87.1 1993 21-26 Sebesta, Judith Lynn Costume in the Vatican Vergil CW 87.1 1993 27-34 Kelly, David H. Grammar and Terminology CW 87.1 1993 35-39 Carrubba, Robert W. Engelbert Kaempfer and the Myth of the Scythian Lamb CW 87.1 1993 41-47 Mench, Fred Historical Novels of Ancient Rome in the Classroom CW 87.1 1993 49-54 Armstrong, James I. A Note on the Premium of the Iliad CW 87.1 1993 61-62 Fuchs, Jacob The Greek Gang at Troy CW 87.1 1993 62-64 Egan, Rory B. Stesichorus and Helen, Dallan and Columba CW 87.1 1993 64-67 Sprague Becker, Andrew The Theologia Tripertita in Dio Chrysostom's Olympian Oration CW 87.1 1993 67-71 Gordon, Pamela On Black Athena: Ancient Critiques of the 'Ancient Model' of Greek History CW 87.1 1993 71-72 Leach, Eleanor Winsor Absence and Desire in Cicero's De Amicitia CW 87.2 1993 3-20 Fantham, Elaine Sunt quibus in pluris ius est transire figuras: Ovid's Self-Transformers in the Metamorphoses CW 87.2 1993 21-36 Lowenstam, Steven The Pictures on Juno's Temple in the Aeneid CW 87.2 1993 37-49 Waterhouse, William C. On the Words of the Second Sulpicia CW 87.2 1993 51 Levin, Saul Overlapping Verbs, Concubare and Concumbere CW 87.2 1993 52 Davisson, Mary H.T. The Treatment of Festering Sores in Vergil CW 89.6 1993 487-492 Paliga, Sorin The tablets of Tartaria. An enigma? A reconsideration and further perspectives DHA 19.1 1993 9-43 Snodgrass, A.M. The 'hoplite reform' revisited DHA 19.1 1993 47-61 Ndoye, Malick Faim, quete alimentaire et travail en Grece ancienne DHA 19.1 1993 63-91 Mendoni, Lina G.; Kolaiti, Eleni Human intervention in the Keian Landscape DHA 19.1 1993 93-118 Bresson, Alain, La circulation monetaire rhodienne jusqu'en 166 DHA 19.1 1993 119-169 Iordanov, Stephan Doulopolis. Sur l'origine d'une image mythologique DHA 19.1 1993 173-190 Bazemo, Maurice Captivite et pouvoirs dans l'ancien royaume de Ouagadougou a la fin du XIXe siecle DHA 19.1 1993 191-204 Hunold Lara, Silvia L'Esclavage africain et le travailleur esclave au Bresil DHA 19.1 1993 205-230 Tsetskhladze, Gocha R. On the numismatics of Colchis: the classical archaeologist's perspective DHA 19.1 1993 233-256 Carvalho, Silvia M.S. de Thanatos et eros amerindiens. Mode de production et mode de pensee dans les societes amerindiennnes DHA 19.1 1993 259-273 Agne, Djibril Le demon de Socrate. Un masque de liberte DHA 19.1 1993 275-285 Annequin, Jacques Suicides de fiction, mais suicides quand meme. Quelques reflexions sur la mort volontaire dans les 'Metamorphoses' D'Apulee DHA 19.1 1993 287-308 Fernandez Ubina, Jose Concile le d'Elvire et l'esprit du paganisme DHA 19.1 1993 309-318 Mactoux, M.-M. Polis. revista de ideas y formas politicas de la antiguedad clasica, 1, 1989... DHA 19.1 1993 321 Leveque, Pierre Heracles-Melqart L' d'Amrith DHA 19.1 1993 322-323 Smadja, Elisabeth Heracles, les femmes et le feminin DHA 19.1 1993 323-325 Leveque, Pierre La poussee vers l'est des Temenides DHA 19.1 1993 325-327 Muckensturm-Poulle, Claire Alexandre le Grand dans l'imaginaire DHA 19.1 1993 327-329 Mactoux, M.-M. Une nouvelle rencontre avec les animaux DHA 19.1 1993 329-331 Placido Suarez, Domingo La religion romaine: exploration d'un dictionnaire DHA 19.1 1993 331-334 Plana Mallart, Rosa Un nouvel ouvrage sur Sertorius DHA 19.1 1993 334-335 Leveque Pierre Le doyen Lucien Lerat DHA 19.2 1993 7-9 Nouailhat, Rene Un historien de la fraternite: Michel Clevenot DHA 19.2 1993 11-13 Chankowski, Andrej Stanislaw Date et circonstances de l'institution de l'ephebie a Eretrie DHA 19.2 1993 17-44 Barja de Quiroga, Pedro Lopez El beneficium manumissionis, la obligacion de manumitir y la virtud estoica DHA 19.2 1993 47-64 Jorquera Nieto, Jose Miguel Servus. Rome et l'esclavage sous la Republique DHA 19.2 1993 65-116 Slapsak, B. The 302 mm foot measure on Salamis? DHA 19.2 1993 119-136 Trousset, Pol La 'carte d'Agrippa': nouvelle proposition de lecture DHA 19.2 1993 137-157 Sergent, Bernard Le sens d'une danse spartiate DHA 19.2 1993 161-178 Leveque Pierre L' imaginaire des tombes de Paestum DHA 19.2 1993 179-186 Demarolle, Jeanne-Marie Imaginaires: le bestiaire de la sigillee ornee au Haut-Empire DHA 19.2 1993 187-212 Leveque Pierre Yellamma dans ses coleres DHA 19.2 1993 213-220 Brun, Patrice Les voyageurs modernes dans les Cyclades et l'utilisation comparative de leurs donnees DHA 19.2 1993 223-233 Mizandari, Marine Un groupe dionysaque de Georgie. Terres cuites hellenistiques de Sarkine DHA 19.2 1993 237-252 Auberger, Janick Ctesias et les femmes DHA 19.2 1993 253-272 Psarras, Sophia-Karin Etudes sur la Chine ancienne: le poids du passe DHA 19.2 1993 273-283 Doukellis, Panagiotis N. Regards sur les publications helleniques DHA 19.2 1993 287-299 Perez, Christine Recherches sur l'esclavage et la dependance. Chronique 1993. Remarques bibliographiques sur l'esclavage et les formes de dependance - 2 DHA 19.2 1993 301-332 Clavel-Leveque, Monique; Vidal, Laurent; Olesti Vila, Oriol; Plana Mallart, Rosa; Chouquer, Gerard Paysages et cadastres de l'antiquite. Chronique 1993 DHA 19.2 1993 333-363 Laubenheimer, Fanette Des amphores et des hommes. Chronique 1993 DHA 19.2 1993 365-383 Annequin, Jacques L'Emporion DHA 19.2 1993 387-389 Leclerc, Marie-Christine Vitalite de l'epopee DHA 19.2 1993 389-391 Carriere, Jean-Claude La parole chez Hesiode DHA 19.2 1993 391-395 Leclerc, Marie-Christine Promenades dans le roman grec DHA 19.2 1993 395-396 Fick, Nicole Rome et les mots DHA 19.2 1993 397-400 Levi, Mario Attilio Deux recueils sur l'esclavage dans l'empire DHA 19.2 1993 400-404 Daude Panagopoulos, Cecile Essai l' dans la litterature grecque de l'epoque imperiale DHA 19.2 1993 404-405 Levi, Mario Attilio Politique une imperiale du consensus DHA 19.2 1993 407-408 Fick, Nicole Droit romain et droits de l'homme DHA 19.2 1993 409-411 Pena Gimeno, Maria Jose 'Ariadna' DHA 19.2 1993 412 Akurgal, Ekrem Nachruf fur Hermann Vetters EA 21 1993 1-1 Ehrhardt, Norbert Zwei archaische Statuen mit Nymphen-Weihungen aus Milet EA 21 1993 3-8 Lemaire, Andre Deux novelles inscriptions arameennes d'epoque perse en Cilicie orientale EA 21 1993 9-14 Errington, R. Malcolm Inschriften von Euromos EA 21 1993 15-32 Chaniotis, Angelos Ein diplomatischer Statthalter nimmt Rucksicht auf den verletzten Stolz zweier hellenistischer Kleinpoleis (Nagidos und Arsinoe) EA 21 1993 33-42 Dmitriev, Sviatoslav On I. Priene 82. 15-21 EA 21 1993 43-44 Birley, A.R.; Eck, W. M. Petronius Umbrinus, Legat von Cilicia, nicht von Lycia-Pamphylia EA 21 1993 45-54 Sahin, Sencer; Durugonul, Serra Begrabnisstatte einer Familie bei Nikaia EA 21 1993 55-60 Durugonul, Serra ADELPHOS KAI ADELPHE. Grabstele eines Geschwister-Ehepaares aus Pompeiupolis in Paphlagonien EA 21 1993 61-69 Herrmann, Peter Epigraphische Notizen 10-12 EA 21 1993 71-76 Sahin, Sencer; Yilmaz, Havva Ein Kahlkopf aus Patara. Der Mime Eucharistos und ein Spruch von Philistion EA 21 1993 77-91 Sahin, Sencer Ein Ehrenmonument fur Hadrian und Sabine in Rhodiapolis EA 21 1993 92-92 Lubotsky, A. Word boundaries in the Old Phrygian Germanos inscription EA 21 1993 93-98 Kutuk, Salih; Tanriver, Cumhur The Katoikia of Daphnous and the Sanctuary of Apollon Daphnousios in the Territory of Apollonia ad Rhyndacum EA 21 1993 99-102 Roozenbek, Herman Another Archiatros from Ephesos? EA 21 1993 103-106 Zimmermann, Martin Zwischen Polis und Koinon: Zum hypophylax im lykischen Bund EA 21 1993 107-120 Pekary, Thomas Kaiser Mark Aurel, die Stadt Nikaia und der Astronom Hipparchos EA 21 1993 121-124 Corsten, Thomas Eine Grabstele mit Epigramm aus Mysien EA 21 1993 125-128 Malay, Hasan; Blumel, Wolfgang Inscriptions from Aydin Museum EA 21 1993 129-140 Schneider, Hans The Rediscovery of Iniuia EgArch 3 1993 3-5 Giddy, Lisa Digging Diary, 1992-93 EgArch 3 1993 7, 9 Dreyer, Guenter A Hundred Years at Abydos EgArch 3 1993 10-12 Kemp, Barry Amarna's Other Period EgArch 3 1993 13-14 Grimal, Nicolas Masterpiece from the Flames ["Syrian" monastery in the Wadi Natrun] EgArch 3 1993 15-17 Giddy, Lisa; Jeffreys, David The People of Memphis EgArch 3 1993 18-20 Snape, Steven Salvaging Ancient Sinai EgArch 3 1993 21-22 Zugazagoitia, Julian Conserving Nefertari's Tomb EgArch 3 1993 23-26 Hankey, Vronwy Egypt, the Aegean and the Levant EgArch 3 1993 27-29 Perizonius, Rutger, et al. Monkey Mummies and North Saqqara EgArch 3 1993 31-33 Parkinson, Richard; Schofield, Louise Akhenaten's Army? EgArch 3 1993 34-35 Redmount, Carol A.; Friedman, Renee Tell el Muqdam: City of Lions EgArch 3 1993 37-38 Wendrich, Willemina Mats, Baskets and Plastic Bags EgArch 3 1993 39-40 Bomann, Ann Search in the Eastern Desert EgArch 3 1993 41, 43 Notes and News from Egypt EgArch 3 1993 44 Hart, George, et al. Bookshelf EgArch 3 1993 46-47 Podlecki, Anthony J. The Hybris of Oedipus: Sophocles, 'Oed. Tyr.' 873 and the Genealogy of Tyranny Eirene 29 1993 7-30 Hosek, Radislav Zu den thrakischen Gottheiten Eirene 29 1993 31-42 Oliva, Pavel Hellenistiche Herrscher und die Freiheit der Griechen Eirene 29 1993 43-60 Kluwe, Ernst Kunstkennerschaft, Sammler- und Mazenatentum in der bildenden Kunst des augusteischen Rom Eirene 29 1993 61-83 Bazant, Jan The Case of the Talkative Connoisseur Eirene 29 1993 84-107 Frel, Jiri Musee du Louvre. Catalogue des portraits romains I: Portraits de la Republique et d'epoque Julio-Claudienne Eirene 29 1993 108-117 Ager, Sheila L. Why War? Some Views on International Arbitration in Ancient Greece EMC 12.1 1993 1-13 Mosley, Derek J. Grotius, the Greeks and Neutrality EMC 12.1 1993 15-24 Schreiner, Johan Henrik The Battle of Oinoe: A Totally Intractable Problem? EMC 12.1 1993 25-28 Cartledge, Paul A. E. Raubitschek. The School of Hellas: Essays on Greek History, Archaeology, and Literature EMC 12.1 1993 29-33 Shaw, Brent Stephen L. Dyson. Community and Society in Roman Italy EMC 12.1 1993 35-43 Fortin, Michael Resultats de la 4eme Campagne de Fouilles a Tell 'Atij et de la 3eme a Tell Gudeda, Syrie EMC 12.2 1993 97 Oleson, John P.; 'Amr, Khairieh; Schick, Robert; Foote, Rebecca; Somogyi-Csizmazia, John The Humeima Excavation Project, Jordan: Preliminary Report of the 1992 Season EMC 12.2 1993 123 Rupp, David W. The Early Prehistoric Period in Western Cyprus: Recent Investigations EMC 12.2 1993 159 Kilmer, Martin F. In Search of the Wild Kalos-Name EMC 12.2 1993 173 Ruscillo, Deborah Faunal Remains from the Acropolis Site, Mytilene EMC 12.2 1993 201 Millar, Roderick; Williams, Hector The Roman Quarry at Moria, Mytilene EMC 12.2 1993 211 Mason, Hugh J. Mytilene and Methumna: Quarrels, Borders and Topography EMC 12.2 1993 225 Winter, Frederick E. The Role of Royal Patronage in the Development of Hellenistic Architecture EMC 12.2 1993 251 Fedak, Janos Excavations at Tac-Gorsium, 1991-92 EMC 12.2 1993 283 Rossiter, Jeremy J. Two Suburban Sites at Carthage: Preliminary Investigations, 1991-92 EMC 12.2 1993 301 Gualtieri, Maurizio; Fracchia, Helena Excavation and Survey at Masseria Ciccotti, Oppido Lucano: Interim Report, 1989-92 EMC 12.2 1993 313 Small, Alastair M.; Buck, Robert J.; Monckton, Stephen G.; Simpson, Chris J. Excavations on Botromagno, Gravina di Puglia, 1992: Interim Report EMC 12.2 1993 339 Caron, Beaudoin Note sur deux dessins representant un verre grave EMC 12.2 1993 349 Ephraim, David Hunting in Spartan Society and Consciousness EMC 12.3 1993 393-413 Barry, William D. The Crowd of Ptolemaic Alexandria and the Riot of 203 B.C. EMC 12.3 1993 415-431 Cherry, David Hunger at Rome in the Late Republic EMC 12.3 1993 433-450 Dixon, Susanne The Meaning of Gift and Debt in the Roman Elite EMC 12.3 1993 451-464 Hock, R.P. Between the Ancients and the Moderns: Momigliano's Posthumous Contributi EMC 12.3 1993 451-464 Adrados, Francisco R. Mito y fabula Emerita 61.1 1993 1-14 Darcus Sullivan, Shirley Person and thumos in the poetry of Hesiod Emerita 61.1 1993 15-40 Muller, Reimar Das Barbarenlid des Poseidonios und seine Stellung in der philosophischen Tradition Emerita 61.1 1993 41-52 Bonfante, Giuliano Il problema di uox Emerita 61.1 1993 53 Llera Pueyo, Luis Alfonso Humor alejandrino en el mimiambo 5 de Herodas Emerita 61.1 1993 55-59 Morenilla, Carmen Periplectomeno. La aristeia de una vieja figura comica. Emerita 61.1 1993 61-94 Mendez Dosuna, Julian Metatesis de cantidad en jonico-atico y heracleota Emerita 61.1 1993 95-134 Giangrande, Giuseppe Un problema etimologico en Homero Emerita 61.1 1993 135 Lens Tuero, Jesus; Campos Daroca, Javier La geografia de Egipto en Diodoro de Sicilia Emerita 61.1 1993 137-157 Portulas, Jaume Heraclito y los maitres a penser de su tiempo Emerita 61.1 1993 159-176 Vara, J. Is there an augment in e before F in euron? Emerita 61.1 1993 177-179 White, Heather On the language and style of Euphorion of Chalcis Emerita 61.1 1993 181-197 Adrados, Francisco R. Notas criticas a Euripides, Medea Emerita 61.2 1993 241-266 Urena Bracero, Jesus La carta ficticia griega: los nombres de personajes y el uso del encabezamiento en Alcifron, Aristeneto y Teofilacto Emerita 61.2 1993 267-298 Santana Henriquez, German Los compuestos con el prefijo dus- en griego antiguo Emerita 61.2 1993 299-319 Ramirez de Verger, Antonio Observaciones al texto de Ars amatoria de Ovidio Emerita 61.2 1993 321-334 Velaza, Javier Tacito y Augusto (Ann. I 9-10) Emerita 61.2 1993 335-356 Diaz Tejera, Alberto Los albores de la historiografia griega. Dialectica entre mito e historia Emerita 61.2 1993 357-374 de Kuyper, Jozef Defiance of the Future: The Greek Oracles of Dodona, Ephrya and Delphi EpZim 27 1993 Konstan, David Love in the Ancient Greek Novel EpZim 27 1993 5-15 Ruether, Rosemary Classics and Liberation Theology EpZim 27 1993 16-17 Fridh, Ake Mons and Collis Eranos 91.1 1993 1-12 Instone, Stephen Problems in Pindar's Third Nemean Eranos 91.1 1993 13-31 Lambin, Gerard L'origine du skolion Eranos 91.1 1993 32-37 Moore, Timothy J. Morality, History, and Livy's Wronged Women. Eranos 91.1 1993 38-46 Ryden, Lennart Ueberlegungen zum literarischen Wert oder Unwert hagiographischer Texte Eranos 91.1 1993 47-60 Dopp, Siegmar Zum Lied der Vogel in Statius' Silve 2,4 Eranos 91.1 1993 61-62 Stiene, Heinz Erich Ein Kaiser bei der Kuchenarbeit. Zu einer missverstandenen Stelle bei Liudprand von Cremona (Antapodosis V25) Eranos 91.1 1993 63-64 Bernsdorff, Hans Zu Anth. Pal. 9, 313 (= Anyte Epigr. 16 Gow-Page) Eranos 91.2 1933 120-122 Edwards, Mark Cybele among the Philosophers: Pherecydes to Plato Eranos 91.2 1993 65-74 de Grummond, W.W. The Animated Implement: A Catullan Source for Virgil's Plough Eranos 91.2 1993 75-80 Jones, F. Juvenal, Satire 13 Eranos 91.2 1993 81-92 Kindstrand, Jan Fredrik Notes on Theodorus Gaza's Canis Laudatio Eranos 91.2 1993 93-105 Lundstrom, Sven Vindikationen zu Senecas Controversiae und Suasoriae Eranos 91.2 1993 106-119 Dehon Pierre-Jacques Note sur le sens de contractus das Horace, Epitres, I, 7, 12. Eranos 91.2 1993 123-125 Rupke, Jorg Vergils Laokoon Eranos 91.2 1993 126-128 Downum, Christian E. Southwestern Archaeology: Past, Present, and Future Expedition 35.1 1993 4 Blinman, Eric Anasazi Pottery Expedition 35.1 1993 14 Cameron, Catherine M. Photographic Analysis [architectural change at Oraibi Pueblo] Expedition 35.1 1993 23 Minnis, Paul; Whalen, Michael Casas Grandes [archaeology in Northern Mexico] Expedition 35.1 1993 34 Lekson, Stephen H. Chaco, Hohokam and Mimbres [the southwest in 11-12th centuries] Expedition 35.1 1993 44 Rice, Glen; Redman, Charles Platform Mounds of the Arizona Desert Expedition 35.1 1993 53 O'Connor, David Chiefs or Kings? Rethinking Early Nubian Politics Expedition 35.2 1993 4 Dafa'alla, Samia B. Art and Industry: The Achievements of Meroe Expedition 35.2 1993 15 Adams, William Y. Medieval Nubia: Another Golden Age Expedition 35.2 1993 28 Snowden Jr., Frank M. Images and Attitudes: Ancient Views of Nubia and the Nubians Expedition 35.2 1993 40 Alexander, John Beyond the Nile: The Influence of Egypt and Nubia in Sub-Saharan Africa Expedition 35.2 1993 51 Behind the Scenes: Karanog, Wealthy Capital of a Lower Nubian Province Expedition 35.2 1993 62 Roll, Barbara H. Loving a Village Expedition 35.3 1993 4 Hardin, Kris L. Representing Africa: Whose Story Counts? Expedition 35.3 1993 19 King, Eleanor M. Fieldwork in Brazil Petrullo's Visit to the Yawalapita Expedition 35.3 1993 34 Petrullo, Vincenzo "Among Friends" Excerpt from Uni, an Unpublished Manuscript Expedition 35.3 1993 44 Horne, Lee Behind the Scenes: Return to Caracol Expedition 35.3 1993 54 Traxler, Loa Reports from the Field: A New Discovery at Copan Expedition 35.3 1993 58 Potscher, Walter Die homerische Presbeia in religioser und in poetischer Sicht - Ihre Duale und deren Sinn GB 19 1993 1-33 Carins, Francis Asclepiades AG 5.85 = Gow-Page 2 GB 19 1993 35-38 Habicht, Christian Proxeniedekrete von Akraiphia GB 19 1993 39-43 Korpanty, Iosephus De Lucretio cum Lucullo confuso GB 19 1993 45-49 Glucker, John Avgvstiora [Augustiora] GB 19 1993 51-101 Mader, Gottfried Tyrant and Tyranny in Act III of Seneca's Oedipus GB 19 1993 103-128 Harich, Henriette Zur Prasenz des Weiblichen und zur Einschatzung der Frau bei Seneca Philosophus GB 19 1993 129-155 Bucking, Scott J. The Excerpt Format of the [Iamblichean] 'Theologoumena arithmeticae' and its Impact upon the Range of Anatolian Text GB 19 1993 157-172 Polanski, Tomasz Jerome as a Translator of Hebrew Poetry. Part II. Poetics GB 19 1993 173-187 Rebenich, Stefan 'E thettalike peithanangkh' GB 19 1993 189-205 Gershenson, Daniel E. Greek Proverbs in the Ethics of the Fathers GB 19 1993 207-219 Schwartz, Franz Ferdinand Phaedrus - Phaidros. Der Buddha und Platon bei R.M. Pirsig GB 19 1993 221-249 Alonso Troncoso, Victor Otto Brunner, en espanol, y los estudios clasicos Gerion 11 1993 11-36 Bermejo, Juan C. Mito e historias: Zeus, sus mujeres y el reino de los cielos Gerion 11 1993 37-74 Lozano, Arminda La impronta indigena en la religiosidad oficial de la ciudad griega de Estratonicea. Conexiones entre politica y religion Gerion 11 1993 75-94 Cascajero, Juan Escritura, oralidad e ideologia. Hacia una reubicacion de las fuentes escritas para la Historia Antigua Gerion 11 1993 95-144 Castillo, M.J. Ager arcifinius: significado etimologico y naturaleza real Gerion 11 1993 145-152 Funari, P.P.A. El caracter popular de la caricatura pompeyana Gerion 11 1993 153-174 Rubio, Rebeca Collegium dendrophorum: corporacion profesional y cofradia metroaca Gerion 11 1993 175-184 Blazquez, Jose Maria La alta sociedad de Alejandria segun el Pedagogo de Clemente Gerion 11 1993 185-228 Hidalgo, M.J. Mujeres, carisma y castidad en el cristianismo primitivo Gerion 11 1993 229-244 Fernandez, Galiano Un monasterio pitagorico: los terapeutas de Alejandria Gerion 11 1993 245-270 Tsirkin, Ju.B. Romanization of Spain: socio-political aspect Gerion 11 1993 271-312 Alvar, Jaime Cinco lustros de investigacion sobre cultos orientales en la Peninsula Iberica Gerion 11 1993 313-326 Delgado, J.A. El culto a Jupiter, juno y Minerva entre las elites beticas durante el Alto Imperio Romano Gerion 11 1993 327-336 Rueda, G. Tras la identificacion de DBLIITL. Notas a una 'critica profilactica' Gerion 11 1993 337-364 Garcia, M.V. Barbaros y griegos: politicas de lectura Gerion 11 1993 373-386 Kuzishchin, V Scientific news from Russia (the survey of investigations of Ancient History 1989-1991) Gerion 11 1993 387-402 Barton, Ch.R. Greek tethema, etc. Glotta 71.1-2 1993 1-9 Floyd, E.D. Homeric Hepios 'Friendly' and Vedic Api- 'Friend' Glotta 71.1-2 1993 10-16 Holland, G.B. The Name of Achilles: A Revised Etymology Glotta 71.1-2 1993 17-27 Meier-Brugger, M. Zu griechisch ochleo, ochlizo un ochlos Glotta 71.1-2 1993 28 Meier-Brugger, M. Zu griechisch neota Glotta 71.1-2 1993 29 Melazzo, L. On the Ancient Greek eilocha/eilegmai Glotta 71.1-2 1993 30-33 Giannakis, G. A note on Iliad K 198-200 Glotta 71.1-2 1993 34-36 Luppe, W. deleas = delear Glotta 71.1-2 1993 37-38 Egetmeyer, M. Zur kyprischen Bronze von Idalion Glotta 71.1-2 1993 39-59 Corcella, A. La forma ionica bothein (su Esichio B 1364 Latte) Glotta 71.1-2 1993 60-64 Hamp, E.P. Venetic ke 'and' Glotta 71.1-2 1993 65 Vaahtera, J. The Origin of Latin suffragium Glotta 71.1-2 1993 66-80 Kloss, G. Zum Problem des romischen Saturniers Glotta 71.1-2 1993 81-107 Stadler, H. Stringere vultus Glotta 71.1-2 1993 108-109 Dihle, A. Aequaliter ambulare Glotta 71.1-2 1993 110-111 Schindel, U. Enargia, Metathesis, Metastasis: Figurendefinitionen bei Isidor und Quintilian Glotta 71.1-2 1993 112-119 Bernabe, Alberto; Rodriguez Somolinos, Helena Hittite munnai-, grec monamenos, mune, amuno Glotta 71.3/4 1993 121-129 Erbse, Hartmut Zwei homerische Worter Glotta 71.3/4 1993 130-136 Meier-Brugger, Michael Homerisch amphou(dis), mykenisch d(u)uou(phi) und Verwandtes Glotta 71.3/4 1993 137-142 Luppe, Wolfgang stuazo = stuo? Zu einer vermeintlichen crux in der Archilochos-Inschrift der Mnesiepes Glotta 71.3/4 1993 143-145 Rosen, Haiim B. Histories apodexis. Ein Problem der herodotischen Textkritik Glotta 71.3/4 1993 146-153 Hagen, Hansludwig Zu eotha bei Herodot Glotta 71.3/4 1993 154-157 Nickau, Klaus Zum Verbalaspekt der Imperative in Aristophanes' Acharnern 1097-1142 Glotta 71.3/4 1993 158-166 Redondo, J. On a oux nihili of Hermeias: Ath. XIII 563 d hopokriteres Glotta 71.3/4 1993 167-170 Ryan, F.X. Pseudocato, *Pseudokaton Glotta 71.3/4 1993 171-173 Dickie, Matthew W. Baskania, probaskania and prosbaskania Glotta 71.3/4 1993 174-177 Appel, Wlodzimierz Die homerischen hapax legomena bei Quintus Smyrnaeus: Adverbien Glotta 71.3/4 1993 178-188 Schmitz, Dietmar Schimpfworter in den Invektiven des Gregor von Nazianz gegen Kaiser Julian Glotta 71.3/4 1993 189-202 Linderski, J. Zum Wandel d/l: medulla/melila Glotta 71.3/4 1993 203-204 Wenskus, Otta Zitatzwang als Motiv fur Codewechsel in der lateinischen Prosa Glotta 71.3/4 1993 205-216 Wieland, Hans invidere -- videre Glotta 71.3/4 1993 217-222 Hoffman, Roland 'Periphrase' ('periphrastisch') Glotta 71.3/4 1993 223-242 Kloss, Gerrit Stichworterverzeichnis Glotta 71.3/4 1993 243-246 Yamagata, Naoko Young and Old in Homer and in Heike Monogatari G&R 40.1 1993 1 Marr, J.L. Ephialtes the Moderate? G&R 40.1 1993 11 Wylie, Graham Demosthenes the General - Protagonist in a Greek Tragedy? G&R 40.1 1993 20 Fisher, N.R.E. Multiple Personalities and Dionysiac Festivals: Dicaeopolis in Aristophanes' Acharnians G&R 40.1 1993 31 Wiedemann, Thomas Sallust's Jugurtha: Concord, Discord, and the Digressions G&R 40.1 1993 48 Horsfall, Nicholas Empty Shelves on the Palatine G&R 40.1 1993 58 Edwards, M.J. Aeternus Lepos: Venus, Lucretius, and the Fear of Death G&R 40.1 1993 68 Harris, Byron 'Strange Meeting': Diomedes and Glaucus in Iliad 6 G&R 40.2 1993 133 Hardwick, Lorna Philomel and Pericles: Silence in the Funeral Speech G&R 40.2 1993 147 Cartledge, Paul Like a Worm i' the Bud? A Heterology of Classical Greek Slavery G&R 40.2 1993 163 Rees, Roger Images and Image: a Re-examination of Tetrarchic Iconography G&R 40.2 1993 181 Williams, Wynne Reading Greek Like a Man of the World: Macaulay and the Classical Language G&R 40.2 1993 201 Louden, Bruce An Extended Narrative Pattern in the Odyssey GRBS 34.1 1993 5 Stadter, Philip The Form and Content of Thucydides' Pentecontaetia GRBS 34.1 1993 35 Jones, Christopher P. The Decree of Ilion in Honor of a King Antiochus GRBS 34.1 1993 73 Lewis, Naphtali A Reversal of a Tax Policy in Roman Egypt GRBS 34.1 1993 101 Young, David C. 'Something Like the Gods': A Pindaric Theme and the Myth of Nemean 10 GRBS 34.2 1993 123 Nakamura, Byron Palmyra and the Roman East GRBS 34.2 1993 133 Van Minnen, Peter; Worp, Klaas A. The Greek and Latin Literary Texts from Hermopolis GRBS 34.2 1993 151 Cirignano, John The Manuscripts of Xenophon's Symposium GRBS 34.2 1993 187 Pendrick, Gerard J. The Ancient Tradition on Antiphon Reconsidered GRBS 34.3 1993 215 Stevens, John A. Posidonian Polemic and Academic Dialectic: The Impact of Carneades upon Posidonius GRBS 34.3 1993 229 Speake, Graham Janus Lascaris' Visit to Mt Athos in 1491 GRBS 34.3 1993 325 Mace, Sarah T. Amour, Encore! The Development of dente in Archaic Lyric GRBS 34.4 1993 335 Sidwell, Keith Authorial Collaboration? Aristophanes' Knights and Eupolis GRBS 34.4 1993 365 Rosivach, Vincent The Distribution of Population in Attica GRBS 34.4 1993 391 Safran, Linda Points of View: The Theodosian Obelisk Base in Context GRBS 34.4 1993 409 Oliva, Pavel Die Wolken im Westen. Griechenland und die Ankunft der Romer Gymnasium 100.1 1993 1-18 Bretzigheimer, Gerlinde Jupiter Tonans in Ovids Metamorphosen Gymnasium 100.1 1993 19-74 Fuhrmann, Manfred Vom Humanismus und von der humanistischen Bildung in Osteuropa Gymnasium 100.1 1993 75-96 Kytzler, Bernhard Antigone im Jahrhundert der Wolfe. Metamorphosen eines alten Mythos im XX. Jahrhundert Gymnasium 100.2 1993 97-108 Ritook, Zsigmond Zur Trojanischen Trilogie des Euripides Gymnasium 100.2 1993 109-125 Holzberg, Niklas Ovid - Der erste moderne Dichter der Antike Gymnasium 100.2 1993 126-143 Westphalen, Klaus Neue Perspektiven fur den Latein- und Griechischunterricht Gymnasium 100.2 1993 144-158 Lewandowski, Ignacy Die Altensprachen in Polen Gymnasium 100.2 1993 159-161 Oliva, Pavel Die Altensprachen in CSFR Gymnasium 100.2 1993 161-162 Ritook, Zsigmond Die Altensprachen in Ungarn Gymnasium 100.2 1993 163-166 Flashar, Hellmut Antikes Drama auf der Buhne Europas Gymnasium 100.3 1993 193-207 Hecht, Werner Brechts Theatermodelle - Entwurf und Scheitern Dargestellt u. a. am Antigonemodell 1948 Gymnasium 100.3 1993 208-213 Lewandowski, Ignacy Die Epitome des Florus als Lekture in den polnischen Schulen. Zur Rezeption des Historikers Florus von Mittelalter bis zur neuesten Zeit Gymnasium 100.3 1993 214-225 Lenz, Ansgar 'Noch eine alte Sprache?' Uberlegungen zu Profil, Nutzen und Gestaltung des Griechischunterrichts Gymnasium 100.3 1993 226-243 Steinthal, Hermann Ein esoterischer Sprachgebrauch Platons im VII. Brief Gymnasium 100.3 1993 244-249 Baldwin, Barry A Catullan Moment in Tacitus? Gymnasium 100.3 1993 250-251 Baldwin, Barry Seneca, Ep. 12,5: Text and Meaning Gymnasium 100.3 1993 251-253 Donderer, Michael; Spiliopoulou-Donderer, Ioanna Spatrepublikanische und kaiserzeitliche Grabmonumente von Sklavenhandlern Gymnasium 100.3 1993 254-266 Neu, Hellmut 'aliis inserviendo consumo' Gymnasium 100.3 1993 267-271 Stroh, Wilfried Horaz und Vergil in ihren prophetischen Gedichten Gymnasium 100.4 1993 289-322 Schafer, Eckart Lateinische Literatur der fruhen Neuzeit uber Amerika und die Indianer Gymnasium 100.4 1993 323-341 Berres, Thomas Vergil und Homer: Ein Beitrag zur Entmythologisierung des Verhaltnisses Gymnasium 100.4 1993 342-369 Klein, Richard Die neuen Augustinus-Predigten. Ein aufsehenerregender Handschriftenfund in Mainz Gymnasium 100.4 1993 370-384 von Heintze, Helga Athena Polias am Parthenon als Ergane, Hippia, Parthenos Gymnasium 100.5 1993 385-418 Suerbaum, Werner Der Aeneas Vergils - Mann zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft Gymnasium 100.5 1993 419-447 Vischer, Eduard Walter Muri (1899-1969) an Otto Brendel (1901-1973). Ein nicht abgegangener Brief Gymnasium 100.5 1993 448-450 Glucklich, Hans-Joachim Ciceros Staatsschrift 'de re publica' 1992 Gymnasium 100.6 1993 481-496 Zimmerli, Walter Ch. Hat der Pluralismus eine eigene Philosophie? Gedanken zur geistigen Zukunft Europas Gymnasium 100.6 1993 497-513 Christes, Johannes 'Modestia' und 'moderatio' bei Tacitus Gymnasium 100.6 1993 514-529 Sicherl, Martin Johannes Reuchlin als Begrunder des Griechischen in Deutschland Gymnasium 100.6 1993 530-547 Psyrouki-Tombrou, M. Three Homeric passages Habis 24 1993 7-9 Villarrubia, A. Algunas notas sobre los epinicios de Baquilides a proposito de la oda 5 Habis 24 1993 11-18 Serrano, R. Una interpolacion en los Comentarios Anonimos a la Etica a Nicomaco de Aristoteles, 122. 17-123. 2 Habis 24 1993 19-24 Giangrande, G. Calimaco y la subasta de los esclavos fugitivos Habis 24 1993 25-28 White, H. An obscene epigram by Leonidas of Tarentum Habis 24 1993 29-32 Brioso Sanchez, M. A.P. 5.167 (Asclepiades) Habis 24 1993 33-38 Llera Fueyo, L.A. Atenea, hija de Zeus (Herodas, 7.25) Habis 24 1993 39-46 Baena de Alcazar, L. Sobre una escultura de Sileno y otras representaciones de tradicion helenistica Habis 24 1993 47-56 Urias Martinez, R. La Historia a traves del mundo. Agatarquides de Cnido y la 'Nueva Historia' de Posidonio Habis 24 1993 57-67 Gonzalez Ponce, F.J. El Periplo griego antiguo: Verdadera guia de viajes o mero genero literario? El ejemplo de Menipo de Pergamo Habis 24 1993 69-76 Pina Polo, F. Existio una politica romana de urbanizacion en el nordeste de la Peninsula Iberica? Habis 24 1993 77-94 Lagostena Barrios, L. El alfar romano de Ceuta (Puerto Real, Cadiz) Habis 24 1993 95-104 Gomez Espelosin, F.J. La imagen del barbaro en Apiano. La adaptabilidad de un modelo retorico Habis 24 1993 105-124 Arcaz Pozo, J.L. Los tituli de las elegias de los amores de Ovidio en el Ms. Escorialensis G.III.26 Habis 24 1993 125-132 Calero Secall, I. Los epitetos de divinidades en las Pothomericas de Quinto de Esmirna Habis 24 1993 133-146 Giangrade, G. Poetic programmes in the Orphic Corpus Habis 24 1993 147-158 Lopez Eire, A. Las citas homericas en las epistolas de Libanio Habis 24 1993 159-177 Garcia Moreno, L.A. Los monjes y monasterios en las ciudades de las Espanas tardorromanas y visigoda Habis 24 1993 179-192 Solis, J. El dialogo An seni sit uxor ducenda de Poggio (Ms. Colombino 5-3-27) Habis 24 1993 193-206 Estevez Sola, J.A. Algo mas sobre los origenes miticos de Hispania Habis 24 1993 207-217 Martin Lopez, M.I. La funcion discursiva de la paticula griega DE Habis 24 1993 219-234 Vela Tejada, J. La reestructuracion funcional del sistema preposicional griego en la Koine Habis 24 1993 235-347 Cabrillana Leal, C. Posiciones relativas en la ordenacion de constituyentes (I). Estudio de la posicion de Sujeto, Objeto y Verbo en latin Habis 24 1993 249-266 Uria Varela, J. El significado de latin nex: su historia Habis 24 1993 267-279 Gonzalez, J. C. Memmius Imperator Habis 24 1993 281-286 Caballos Rufino, A. Nuevas inscripciones italicenses Habis 24 1993 287-295 Perea Yebenes, S. El Aquilifer M. Septicius en una inscripcion de Corduba Habis 24 1993 297-305 Lagostena Barrios, L. Una tesera de plomo hallada en el yacimiento romano de 'Puente Melchor', Puerto Real (Cadiz) Habis 24 1993 307-309 Ordonez Agulla, S. Breve nota sobre algunas inscripciones astigitanas Habis 24 1993 311-315 Doherty, Lillian E. Tyro In Odyssey 11: Closed and Open Readings Helios 20.1 1993 3 Birge, Darice Ambiguity and the Stag Hunt in Odyssey 10 Helios 20.1 1993 17 Pozzi, Dora C. Hero and Antagonist in the Last Scene of Euripides' Heraclidae Helios 20.1 1993 29 Packman, Zola Marie Call it Rape: A Motif in Roman Comedy and its Suppression in English-Speaking Publications Helios 20.1 1993 42 Desmond, Marilynn When Dido Reads Virgil: Gender and Intertextuality in Ovid's Heroides 7 Helios 20.1 1993 56 Tissol, Garth Ovid's Little Aeneid and the Thematic Integrity of the Metamorphoses Helios 20.1 1993 69 Fredricksmeyer, Ernst A. Method and Interpretation: Catullus 11 Helios 20.2 1993 89 Skinner, Marilyn B. Ego mulier: The Construction of Male Sexuality in Catullus Helios 20.2 1993 107 Thomas, Richard F. Sparrows, Hares, and Doves: A Catullan Metaphor and Its Tradition Helios 20.2 1993 131 Batstone, William Logic, Rhetoric, and Poesis Helios 20.2 1993 143 Pedrick, Victoria The Abusive Address and the Audience in Catullan Poems Helios 20.2 1993 173 Whitley, James The Explanation of Form: Towards a Reconciliation of Archaeological and Art Historical Approaches Hephaistos 11/12 1992/93 7-33 Morris, Ian Law, Culture and Funerary Art in Athens. 600-300 B.C. Hephaistos 11/12 1992/93 35-50 Manakidou, Eleni Athenerinnen in schwarzfigurigen Brunnenhausszenen Hephaistos 11/12 1992/93 51-91 Frontisi-Ducroux, Francoise Die technische Intelligenz des griechischen Handwerkers Hephaistos 11/12 1992/93 93-105 Meyer, Marion Mutter, Ehefrau und Herrscherin. Darstellungen der Konigin auf Seleukidischen Munzen Hephaistos 11/12 1992/93 107-132 Hoffmann, Herbert "Crocodile Love" (The Dionysian Connection): Further Studies in the Iconology of Athenian Vase Painting Hephaistos 11/12 1992/93 133-169 Faber, Richard Heros und Heroismus Hephaistos 11/12 1992/93 171-186 Ernst, Wolfgang Museale Raume im nachliberatischen Zeitalter: Nationalsozialismus, Klassizismus, Antike(n) Hephaistos 11/12 1992/93 187-205 Luce, J. V. L. J. D. Richardson, 1893-1879: an appreciation Hermathena 154 1993 5-10 Braund, David Writing a Roman Argonautica: the hystorical dynamic Hermathena 154 1993 11-18 Norton, Gerard J. Changing Paradigms in the Study of the History of the Biblical Text Hermathena 154 1993 19-28 Kelly, Patrick Anne Donnellan: Irish proto-Bluestocking Hermathena 154 1993 39-68 Baltes, Matthias Plato's School, the Academy Hermathena 155 1993 3-26 Skeat, T. C. A Codicological Analysis of the Chester Beatty Papyrus Codex of the Gospels (P45) Hermathena 155 1993 27-44 Greinacher, Norbert; Kotowski, Mathias End of Utopia? Religion, rationality and art as elements of transcendence Hermathena 155 1993 46-57 Colwell, Sheila M. On Parallell Paths: the modern study of ancient Greek and Hebrew choral poetry Hermathena 155 1993 57-68 Krischer, Tilman Die Webelist der Penelope Hermes 121.1 1993 3 Erbse, Hartmut Die Funktion des Rechtsgedankens in Hesiods Erga Hermes 121.1 1993 12 Benedetto, V. di Aesch. Choeph. 1ff., 243-245 Hermes 121.1 1993 29 Burgess, Dana L. Food, Sex, Money and Poetry in Olympian 1 Hermes 121.1 1993 35 Juffras, Diane M. Helen and other Victims in Euripides' Helen Hermes 121.1 1993 45 Erskine, Andrew Hannibal and the Freedom of the Italians Hermes 121.1 1993 58 Gauger, Jorg-Dieter Formalien und Authentizitatsfrage: Noch einmal zum Schreiben Antiochos 111. an Zeuxis (Jos. Jud. 12,148-153) und zu den Antiochos-Urkunden bei Josephus Hermes 121.1 1993 63 Ruschenbusch, Eberhard Der Endpunkt der Historien des Poseidonios Hermes 121.1 1993 70 Buchheit, Vinzenz Numa-Pythagoras in der Deutung Ovids Hermes 121.1 1993 77 Adkin, Neil Adultery of the Tongue Jerome, Epist. 22,29, 6 f. Hermes 121.1 1993 100 Hansen, Ove Alcman's Louvre-Partheneion vv. 58-59 again Hermes 121.1 1993 118 Laqueuer, Richard Die Verletzung Alexanders des Grossen in der Schlacht am Granikos. Zu Diodor XVII 20,3 Hermes 121.1 1993 119 Edwards, M.J. Porphyry and the Cattle-Stealing Gods Hermes 121.1 1993 122 Jakobi, Rainer Weiteres zu Chromatius Hermes 121.1 1993 125 Tulin, Alexander Xenophanes Fr. 18D.-K. and the Origins of the Idea of Progress Hermes 121.2 1993 129-38 Neitzel, Heinz Zu den Auftritten Athenes und Apollons in den `Eumeniden' des Aischylos (397-414, 566-584) Hermes 121.2 1993 139 Baudy, Gerhard Die Herrschaft des Wolfes. Das Thema der `verkehrten Welt' in Euripides' `Herakles' Hermes 121.2 1993 159 Mader, Gottfried Rogues' Comedy at Segesta (Thukydides 6.46): Alcibiades Exposed? Hermes 121.2 1993 181 Stohn, Gunther Zur Agathonszene in den `Thesmophoriazusen' des Aristophanes Hermes 121.2 1993 196 Ryan, F.X The Origin of the Phrase ius sententiae dicendae Hermes 121.2 1993 206 Bradley, Dennis In altum laxare vela compulsus. The `Getica' of Jordanes Hermes 121.2 1993 211 Hadjistephanou, Costas Aeschylus, Eumenides 825 Hermes 121.2 1993 237 Giangiulio, Maurizio Una presunta citazione di Euforione in Tzetze Hermes 121.2 1993 238 Spielvogel, Jorg DAs Prokonsulat des Q. Caecilius Metellus Celer (Prator 63 v.Chr.) Hermes 121.2 1993 242 Grewing, Farouk Einige Bemerkungen zum Proomium der `Metamorphosen' Ovids Hermes 121.2 1993 246 Dopp, Siegmar Hic vester Apollo est. Zum ersten Einsiedler Gedicht Hermes 121.2 1993 252 Krasser, Helmut Laszives Vergnugen oder philosophisches Gesprach? Zum Text von Plinius Epist. 5,3,2 Hermes 121.2 1993 254 Kouremenos, Theokritos Parmenidian Influences in the 'Agamemnon' of Aeschylus Hermes 121.3 1993 259 Zimmermann, M. Noch einmal Thuk. II 69 und omegaolvixn Hermes 121.3 1993 266 Muller, Roland J. Uberlegungen zur 'Eeqa' Avayqaqn des Euhemeros von Mesene Hermes 121.3 1993 276 Busch, Stephan Orpheus bei Appollonios Rhodios Hermes 121.3 1993 301 Potz, Erich FORTUNATI AMBO. Function und Bedeutung der Nisus/Euryalus-Episode in Vergils 'Aeneis' Hermes 121.3 1993 325 Brink, C.O. History in the 'Dialogus de oratoribus' and Tacitus the Historian. A New Approach to an Old Source Hermes 121.3 1993 335 Beall, Stephen M. Work-Painting in the 'Imagines' of the Elder Philostratus Hermes 121.3 1993 350 Erbse, Hartmut Nestor und Antilochos bei Homer und Arktinos Hermes 121.4 1993 385 Holkeskamp, Karl-Joachim Demonax und die Neuordnung der Burgerschaft von Kyrene Hermes 121.4 1993 404 Huys, Marc Euripides, Ion L. 752-755 and 763-765: Kreousa's Reaction to the False News of her ATEKNIA Hermes 121.4 1993 422 Mader, Gottfried Strong Points, Weak Arguments: Athenagoras on the Sicilian Expedition (Thucydides 6.36-38) Hermes 121.4 1993 433 Hutchinson, G. O. Ciceros Briefe als Literatur (ad Att. 1,16) Hermes 121.4 1993 441 Avery, Harry C. A Lost Episode in Caesar's Civil War Hermes 121.4 1993 452 Schmiel, Robert The Story of Aura (Nonnos, `Dionysiaca' 48.238-978) Hermes 121.4 1993 470 Theodoridis, Christos Kritische Bemerkungen zum Lexikon des Suidas Hermes 121.4 1993 484 Williams, Charles K. II; Zervos, Orestes H. Frankish Corinth: 1992 Hesperia 62.1 1993 1 Rutter, Jeremy B. A Group of Late Helladic IIA Pottery from Tsoungize Hesperia 62.1 1993 53 Courbin, Paul Fragments d'amphores protogeometriques grecques a Bassit (Syrie) Hesperia 62.1 1993 95 Dakoronia, Fanouria Homeric Towns in East Lokris: Problems of Identification Hesperia 62.1 1993 115 Shaw, Joseph W.; Shaw, Maria C. Excavations at Kommos (Crete) During 1986-1992 Hesperia 62.2 1993 129 Watrous, L. Vance; Xatzi-Vallianou, Despoina; Pope, Kevin A Survey of the Western Mesara Plain in Crete: Preliminary Report of the 1984, 1986, and 1987 Field Seasons. Hesperia 62.2 1993 191 Tracy, Stephen V. De Antipatro et Archedico Lamptrensi: IGII2 402 + Agora I 4990 Hesperia 62.2 1993 249 Habicht, Christian The Comic Poet Archedikos Hesperia 62.2 1993 253 Anderson-Stojanovic, Virginia R. A Well in the Rachi Settlement at Isthmia Hesperia 62.3 1993 257 Haggis, Donald C.; Nowicki, Kezysztof Kkhalasmeno and Katalimata: Two Early Iron Age Settlements in Monastiraki, East Crete Hesperia 62.3 1993 303 Johnston, Alan Pottery from Archiac Building Q at Kommos Hesperia 62.3 1993 339 Shear Jr., T. Leslie The Persian Destruction of Athens: Evidence from Agora Deposits Hesperia 62.4 1993 383 Slane, Kathleen W.; Dickie, M.W. A Knidian Phallic Vase from Corinth Hesperia 62.4 1993 483 Forsen, Bjorn The Sanctuary of Zeus Hypsistos and the Assembly Place on the Pnyx Hesperia 62.4 1993 507 Dillery, John Xenophon's Poroi and Athenian Imperialism Historia 42.1 1993 1 Holkeskamp, Karl-J. Conquest, Competition and Consensus: Roman Expansion in Italy and the Rise of the Nobilitas Historia 42.1 1993 12 Meadows, A.R. Greek and Roman Diplomacy on the Eve of the Second Macedonian War Historia 42.1 1993 40 Simpson, Christopher J. The Original Site of the Fasti Capitolini Historia 42.1 1993 61 Barry, William D. Aristocrats, Orators, and the 'Mob': Dio Chrysostom and the World of the Alexandrians Historia 42.1 1993 82 Buckler, John Epameinondas and Pythagoreanism Historia 42.1 1993 104 Ermatinger, James ILS 77 and 78: The End of the Second Triumvirate Historia 42.1 1993 109 Kleuwegt, M. The Sallii from Amiternum and the Role of Praetextati in Municipal Councils Historia 42.1 1993 110 Rebenich, Stefan Rusticus: ein gemeinsamer Freund von Althaulf und Hieronymus? Historia 42.1 1993 118 Woods, David Some Addenda to PLRE Historia 42.1 1993 122 Wes, Marinus A. The Correspondence between Rostovtzeff and Westermann. A Note on Gaetano de Sanctis Historia 42.1 1993 125 Samons II, Loren J. Athenian Finance and the Treasury of Athena. Historia 42.2 1993 129 Flaig, Egon Die spartanische Abstimmung nach der Lautstarke. Uberlegungen zu Thukydides 1,87 Historia 42.2 1993 139 Hansen, Mogens Herman The Battle Exhortation in Ancient Historiography. Fact or Fiction? Historia 42.2 1993 161 Baronowski, Donald Walter Roman Military Forces in 225 B.C. (Polybius 2.23-4) Historia 42.2 1993 181 Badian, E. The Legend of the Legate who Lost his Luggage Historia 42.2 1993 203 Hillman, Thomas P. When Did Lucullus Retire? Historia 42.2 1993 211 Nixon, C.E.V. Constantinus Oriens Imperator: Propaganda and Panegyric. On Reading Panegyric 7 (307) Historia 42.2 1993 229 Kos, Marjeta Sasel Famous Kylikes in Illyris Historia 42.2 1993 247 Zuccali, Cristina Sulla cronologia dei 'Materiali per una storia' di Olimpiodoro di Tebe Historia 42.2 1993 252 Walter, Uwe Herodot und die Ursachen des Ionischen Aufstandes Historia 42.3 1993 257 Evans, J.A.S. Herodotus and the Battle of Marathon Historia 42.3 1993 279 Gunther, Linda-Marie Witwen in der griechischen Antike -- zwischen Oikos und Polis Historia 42.3 1993 308 Arkenberg, Jerome S. Licinii Murenae, Terentii Varrones, and Varrones Murenae -- I. A Prosopographical Study of Three Roman Families Historia 42.3 1993 326 Benedetti-Martig, Isabella I Romani ed il teritorio degli agri decumati nella tarda antichita. Osservazioni sull'imperatore Giuliano e sulla Tabula Peutingeriana Historia 42.3 1993 352 Salzman, Michele Renee The Evidence for the Conversion of the Roman Empire to Christianity in Book 16 of the Theodosian Code. Historia 42.3 1993 362 Parker, Victor Zur griechischen un vorderasiatischen Chronologie des sechsten Jahrhunderts v. Chr. unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Kypselidenshronologie Historia 42.4 1993 385-417 Petzold, Karl-Ernst Die Grundung des Delisch-Attischen Seebundes: Element einer 'imperialistischen' Politik Athens? I. Von der Hellenensymmachie zum Seebund Historia 42.4 1993 418-443 Ceccarelli, Paola Sans thalassocratie, pas de democratie? Le rapport entre thalassocratie et democratie a Athenes dans la discussion du Ve et Ive siecle av. J.-C. Historia 42.4 1993 444-470 Arkenberg, Jerome S. Licinii Murenae, Terentii Varrones, and Varrones Murenae -- II. The Enigma of Varro Murena Historia 42.4 1993 471-491 Liebig, Michael Lyker und Achaer -- ein Beitrag zure Ahhijawa-Frage Historia 42.4 1993 492-493 Loreto, Luigi Sull' introduzione e la competenza originaria dei secondi quattro questori (ca. 267-210 a.C.) Historia 42.4 1993 494-502 Berry, D.H. Pompey's Legal Knowledge -- or Lack of it: Cic. Mil. 70 and the Date of Pro Milone Historia 42.4 1993 502-504 Hurley, Donna W. Hermann Dessau and Friend Historia 42.4 1993 504-506 Dyck, Andrew R. The Fragments of Heliodorus Homericus HSPh 95 1993 1 Pelliccia, Hayden Aeschylus, Eumenides 64-88 and the ex cathedra Language of Apollo HSPh 95 1993 65 Zuntz, G. Aeschyli Prometheus HSPh 95 1993 107 Machemer, Georgia Ann Medicine, Music, and Magic: The Healing Grace of Pindar's Fourth Nemean HSPh 95 1993 113 Pavese, Carlo O. On Pindar fr. 169 HSPh 95 1993 143 Steiner, Deborah Pindar's 'Oggetti Parlanti' HSPh 95 1993 159 Nesselrath, Heinz-Gunther Parody and Later Greek Comedy HSPh 95 1993 181 Robertson, Noel Athens' Festival of the New Wine HSPh 95 1993 197 Thomas, Richard F. Two Problems in Theocritus (Id. 5.49, 22.65) HSPh 95 1993 251 Krevans, Nita Ilia's Dream: Ennius, Virgil, and the Mythology of Seduction HSPh 95 1993 257 Victor, Benjamin Remarks on the Andria of Terence HSPh 95 1993 273 Damon, Cynthia Comm. Pet. 10 HSPh 95 1993 281 Gotoff, Harold C. Oratory: The Art of Illusion HSPh 95 1993 289 Wijsman, Henri J. W. Ascanius, Gargara amd Female Power in Georgics 3.269/270 HSPh 95 1993 315 Albis, Robert V. Aeneid 2.57-59: The Ennian Background HSPh 95 1993 319 Geymonat, Mario Callimachus at the End of Aeneas' Narration HSPh 95 1993 323 Barchiesi, Alessandro Future Reflexive: Two Modes of Allusion and Ovid's Heroides HSPh 95 1993 333 Asztalos, Monika Boethius as a Transmitter of Greek Logic to the Latin West: The Categories HSPh 95 1993 367 Kosso, Peter Historical Evidence and Epistemic Justification: Thucydides as a Case Study H&T 32.1 1993 1 Bermejo-Barrera, Jose C. Explicating the Past: In Prairie of History H&T 32.1 1993 14 Martin, Raymond Objectivity and Meaning in Historical Studies: Toward a Post-analytic View H&T 32.1 1993 25 Pilardi, Jo-Ann The Changing Critical Fortunes of The Second Sex H&T 32.1 1993 51 Aronowicz, Annette The Secret of the Man of Forty H&T 32.2 1993 101-118 Rabinowitz, Paula Wreckage upon Wreckage: History, Documentary, and the Ruins of Memory H&T 32.2 1993 119-137 Pippin, Robert B. Being, Time, and Politics: The Strauss-Kojeve Debate H&T 32.2 1993 138-161 Rabinowitz, Paula Wreckage upon Wreckage: History, Documentary, and the Ruins of Memory H&T 32.3 1993 119 Pippin, Robert B. Being, Time, and Politics: The Strauss-Kojeve Debate H&T 32.3 1993 138 Elkins, James On Monstrously Ambiguous Paintings H&T 32.3 1993 227 Thompson, Martyn P. Reception Theory and the Interpretation of Historical Meaning H&T 32.3 1993 248 Kansteiner, Wulf Hayden White's Critique of the Writing of History H&T 32.3 1993 273 Mudimbe, V. Y.; Jewsiewicki, B. Africans' Memories and Contemporary History of Africa H&T 32.4 1993 1 Amselle, Jean-Loup Anthropology and Historicity H&T 32.4 1993 12 Schoenbrun, David A Past Whose Time Has Come: Historical Context and History in Eastern Africa's Great Lakes H&T 32.4 1993 32 Dakhlia, Jocelyne Collective Memory and the Story of History: Lineage and Nation in a North African Oasis H&T 32.4 1993 57 Coplan, David History is Eaten Whole: Consuming Tropes in Sesotho Auriture H&T 32.4 1993 80 Harries, Patrick Imagery, Symbolism, and Tradition in a South African Bantustan: Mangosuthu Buthelezi, Inkatha, and Zulu History H&T 32.4 1993 105 Kugel, James Levi's Elevation to the Priesthood in Second Temple Writings HThR 86.1 1993 1 Thibodeau, Timothy M. Enigmata Figurarum: Biblical Exegesis and Liturgical Exposition in Durand's Rationale HThR 86.1 1993 65 Reedy, Gerard Interpreting Tillotson HThR 86.1 1993 81 Miller, Victoria C. Ecclesiology, Scripture, and Tradition in the Dublin Agreed Statement HThR 86.1 1993 105 Bonz, Marianne Differing Approaches to Religious Benefaction: The Late Third-Century Acquisition of the Sardis Synagogue HThR 86.2 1993 139 Miles, Margaret Santa Maria Maggiore's Fifth-Century Mosaics: Triumphal Christianity and the Jews HThR 86.2 1993 155 Morray-Jones, C.R.A. Paradise Revisited (2 Cor 12:1-12): The Jewish Mystical Background of Paul's Apostolate Part 1: The Jewish Sources HThR 86.2 1993 177 Culbertson, Philip Men Dreaming of Men: Using Mitch Walker's 'Double Animus' in Pastoral Care HThR 86.2 1993 219 Paffenroth, Kim Paulsen on Augustine: An Incorporeal or Nonanthropomorphic God? HThR 86.2 1993 233 Paulsen, David Reply to Kim Paffenroth's Comment HThR 86.2 1993 235 Ilan, Tal Premarital Cohabitation in Ancient Judea: The Evidence of the Babatha Archive and the Mishnah (Ketubbot 1.4) HThR 86.3 1993 247 Morray-Jones, C. R. A. Paradise Revisited (2 Cor 12:1-12): The Jewish Mystical Background of Paul's Apostolate Part 2: Paul's Heavenly Ascent and its Significance HThR 86.3 1993 265 Ruf, Frederick J. Lyric Autobiography: John Donne's Holy Sonnets HThR 86.3 1993 293 Aberbach, David Mystical Union and Grief: The Ba'a, Shem Tov and Krishnamurti HThR 86.3 1993 309 Davidovich, Adina Kant's Theological Constructivism HThR 86.3 1993 323 Callahan, Allen Dwight Paul's Epistle to Philemon: Toward an Alternative Argumentum HThR 86.4 1993 357 Miller, Stuart S. The Minim of Sepphoris Reconsidered HThR 86.4 1993 377 Hodder, Alan D. "Ex Oriente Lux": Thoreau's Ecstasies and the Hindu Texts HThR 86.4 1993 403 Kenney, John Peter The Critical Value of Negative Theology HThR 86.4 1993 439 Eigenauer, John D. The Humanities and Chaos Theory: A Response to Steenburg's 'Chaos at the Marriage of Heaven and Hell' HThR 86.4 1993 455 Eigenauer, John D. David Steenburg's Response to John D. Eigenauer HThR 86.4 1993 471 Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations HThR 86.4 1993 477 Ilievski, Petar Hr. The Origin and Semantic Development of the Term Harmony ICS 18 1993 19-29 Papazoglu, Fanula Esclavage et Dependance, 'Demi-Liberte,' 'Halfway-Statuses' ICS 18 1993 31-38 Renehan, R. On the Interpretation of a Poem of Anacreon ICS 18 1993 39-47 Burkert, Walter Heraclitus and the Moon: The New Fragments in P.Oxy. 3710 ICS 18 1993 49-55 Erbse, Hartmut Sophokles uber die geistige Blindheit des Menschen ICS 18 1993 57-71 McDonald, Marianne Orestes' Mania: Euripides', Mee's and Bogart's Apocalyptic Vision ICS 18 1993 73-81 Dusanic, Slobodan Phaedo's Enslavement and Liberation ICS 18 1993 83-97 Robinson, T.M. The World as Art-Object: Science and the Real in Plato's Timaeus ICS 18 1993 99-111 Habicht, Christian Attische Fluchtafeln aus der Zeit Alexanders des Grossen ICS 18 1993 113-118 Wasserstein, Abraham Notes on the Temple of Onias at Leontopolis ICS 18 1993 119-129 Glucker, John Piety, Dogs and a Platonic Reminiscence: Philo, Quod Deterius 54-56 and Plato, Euthyphro 12c-15a ICS 18 1993 131-138 Hershbell, Jackson P. Epictetus and Chrysippus ICS 18 1993 139-146 Brenk, Frederick E. A Gleaming Ray: Blessed Afterlife in the Mysteries ICS 18 1993 147-164 Anderson, William S. The Suppliant's Voice and Gesture in Vergil and Ovid's Metamorphoses ICS 18 1993 165-177 Sansone, David Nero's Final Hours ICS 18 1993 179-189 Toohey, Peter Jason, Pallas and Domitian in Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica ICS 18 1993 191-201 Babut, Daniel Stoiciens et Stoicisme dans les Dialogues Pythiques de Plutarque ICS 18 1993 203-227 Adrados, Francisco R. Literatura Sapiencial Antigua en la Haggadah y en Pedro Alfonso ICS 18 1993 229-236 Chadwick, Henry The Gospel a Republication of Natural Religion in Justin Martyr ICS 18 1993 237-247 Schwabl, Hans Weitere textkritische Nachlese zu Artemidor ICS 18 1993 249-262 Sicherl, Martin Bemerkungen zum Text der Kynikerbriefe ICS 18 1993 263-277 Schoedel, William R. Theophilus of Antioch: Jewish Christian? ICS 18 1993 279-297 Places, Edouard des Les Transitions dans le Style d'Eusebe de Cesaree Apologiste ICS 18 1993 299-306 Blumenthal, H.J. Alexandria as a Centre of Greek Philosophy in Later Classical Antiquity ICS 18 1993 307-325 Browne, Gerald M. Ad Syllogen Inscriptionum in Codice Urbanensi Traditam ICS 18 1993 327-328 Jacobson, Howard Notes on the Palaea Historica ICS 18 1993 329-330 Huxley, G.L. Transhumance on Taygetos in the Chronicle of Morea ICS 18 1993 331-334 Hunger, Herbert Amtsmissbrauch im Patriarchat von Konstantinopel um die Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts: Der Megas Chartophylax Ioannes Amparis ICS 18 1993 335-344 Baldwin, Barry The Mazaris: Reflections and Reappraisal ICS 18 1993 345-358 Calder, William M. (III) Nuda Veritas: William Abbott Oldfather on Classics at Columbia ICS 18 1993 359-378 Zarzecki-Peleg, Anabel Decorated Bones of the Third Millennium B.C.E. from Palestine and Syria: Stylistic Emphasis IEJ 43.1 1993 1 Younker, Randall W.; Daviau, P. Michele Is Mefa'at to be found at Tell Jawa (South)? IEJ 43.1 1993 23 Vann, Robert L. Vaulting Tubes from Caesarea Maritima IEJ 43.1 1993 29 Hadas, Gideon Where was the Harbour of `En-Gedi Situated? IEJ 43.1 1993 45 Sharon, Moshe Five Arabic Inscriptions from Rehovoth and Sinai IEJ 43.1 1993 50 Ovadiah, Asher; Roll, Israel; Fischer, Mosche The Roman Temple at Kedesh in Upper Galilee: A Response IEJ 43.1 1993 60 Biran, Avraham; Naveh, Joseph An Aramaic Stele Fragment from Tel Dan IEJ 43.2/3 1993 81 Bunimovitz, Shlomo; Zimhoni, Orna `Lamp-and-Bowl' Foundation Deposits in Canaan IEJ 43.2/3 1993 99 Stern, Ephraim; Sharon, Ilan Tel Dor, 1992: Preliminary Report IEJ 43.2/3 1993 126 Horowitz, Wayne Moab and Edom in the Sargon Geography IEJ 43.2/3 1993 151 Di Segni, Leah The Beit Safafa Inscription Reconsidered and the Question of a Local Era in Jerusalem IEJ 43.2/3 1993 157 Mayerson, Philip The Use of Ascalon Wine in the Medical Writers of the Fourth to the Seventh Centuries IEJ 43.2/3 1993 169 Kempinski, Aharon Gezer: Re-excavating Ancient Sites in Israel: Review Article IEJ 43.2/3 1993 174 Mazar, A. Beth Shean in the Iron Age: Preliminary report and conclusions of the 1990-1991 excavations IEJ 43.4 1993 201-229 Ilan, D. An early glass bead from Tel Dan IEJ 43.4 1993 230-234 Fischer, M.L. A Judaean contribution to Roman decoration: an ornamented stone from the Temple Mount reconsidered IEJ 43.4 1993 235-240 Arav, R. A Mamluk drum from Bethsaida IEJ 43.4 1993 241-245 Ahituv, S. Suzerain or Vassal: Notes on the Aramaic Inscription from Tel Dan IEJ 43.4 1993 246-247 Kallai, Z. The King of Israel and the House of David IEJ 43.4 1993 248-248 Kallai, Z. A note on Is Mefaat to be found at Tell Java (South) by Younker, R.W. and Daviau, P.M. IEJ 43.4 1993 249-251 Sharon, M. Five arabic inscriptions from Rehovoth and Sinai IEJ 43.4 1993 252-252 Douglas L. Esse: obituary IEJ 43.4 1993 268-269 Helene J. Kantor: obituary IEJ 43.4 1993 269-270 Friel, I. Henry V's Grace Dieu and the wreck in the R. Hamble near Bursledon, Hampshire IJNA 22.1 1993 3 Clarke, R.; Dean, M.; Hutchinson, G. Recent work on the R. Hamble wreck near Bursledon, Hampshire IJNA 22.1 1993 21 McGrail, S. The Future of the Designated Wreck in the R. Hamble IJNA 22.1 1993 45 Johnston, P.F. Treasure Salvage, Archaeological Ethics and Maritime museums IJNA 22.1 1993 53 Galili, E.; Dahari, U.; Sharvit, J. Underwater Surveys and Rescue Excavations Along the Israeli Coast IJNA 22.1 1993 61 Arnold, J. Barto III Matagroda Bay Surveys: Applications of Inexpensive Satellite Navigation IJNA 22.1 1993 79 Hadas, G. A Stone Anchor from the Dead Sea IJNA 22.1 1993 89 Watts Jr., G.P. The Western Ledge Reef Wreck: a Preliminary Report on Investigation of the Remains of a 16th-century Shipwreck in Bermuda IJNA 22.2 1993 103 Hockmann, O. Late Roman Rhine Vessels from Mainz, Germany IJNA 22.2 1993 125 Marsden, P. A Hydrostatic Study of a Reconstruction of Mainz Roman Ship 9 IJNA 22.2 1993 137 Clark, P.; Green, J.; Vosmer, T. The Butuan Two Boat Known as a Balangay in the National Museum, Manila, Philippines IJNA 22.2 1993 143 Gifford, J.A. Videography and Geographical Information Systems for Recording the Excavation of a Prehistoric Underwater Site IJNA 22.2 1993 167 Goodburn, D.M. Some Further Thoughts on Reconstructions, Replicas and Simulations of Ancients Boats and Ships IJNA 22.3 1993 199 Westerdahl, C. The Trireme-An Experimental Form? IJNA 22.3 1993 205 Marsden, P. Replica Versus Reconstruction IJNA 22.3 1993 206 Gale, A. Hydroarchaeology: A Subject Framework IJNA 22.3 1993 209 Johnston, P.F.; Robinson, D.S. The Wreck of the 1848 Propeller Indiana: Interim Report IJNA 22.3 1993 219 Werz, B.E.J.S. South African Shipwrecks and Salvage: The Need for Improved Management IJNA 22.3 1993 237 Werz, B.E.J.S. Shipwrecks of Robben Island, South Africa: An Exercise in Cultural Resource Management in the Underwater Environment IJNA 22.3 1993 245 Preece, C.; Burton, S. Church Rocks, 1975-83: A Reassessment IJNA 22.3 1993 257 Okorokov, A.V. Development of Underwater Archaeological Investigations in Russia and the Former Soviet Union IJNA 22.3 1993 267 Papageorgiou, S.; Arnold, M.; Stiros, S.C. Seismic Uplift of the Harbour of Ancient Aigeira, Central Greece IJNA 22.3 1993 275 Maarleveld, Th.J.; Stassen, P. An Exceptionally Huge Rider-Mast-Step from the Brouwershavensche Gat IJNA 22.3 1993 283 Mott, L.V. Identification of the Words `Singla' and `Albaola', and Their Relation to Timbers Found on 15th-Century Spanish Shipwrecks IJNA 22.3 1993 287 L'Hour, M. The Wreck of a Danish Merchant Ship, the Sainte Dorothea (1693) IJNA 22.4 1993 305 Oldham, N.; Palmer, M.; Tyson, J. The Erme Estuary, Devon, Historic Wreck Site, 1991-3 IJNA 22.4 1993 323 Green, J.; Devendra, S. Interim Report on the Joint Sri Lankan-Australian Maritime Archaeology Training and Research Programme, 1992-3 IJNA 22.4 1993 331 Insoll, T. A Note on a Sewn Canoe in Use at Gao, the Republic of Mali IJNA 22.4 1993 345 Aldenderfer, Mark Ritual, Hierarchy, and Change in Foraging Societies JAnthArch 12.1 1993 1 Spencer, Charles S. Human Agency, Biased Transmission, and the Cultural Evolution of Chiefly Authority JAnthArch 12.1 1993 41 Arnold, Jeanne E. Labor and the Rise of Complex Hunter Gatherers JAnthArch 12.1 1993 75 Noble, William; Davidson, Iain Tracing the Emergence of Modern Human Behavior: Methodological Pitfalls and a Theoretical Path JAnthArch 12.2 1993 121 Washburn, Dorothy K.; Petitto, Andrea An Ethnoarchaeological Perspective on Textile Categories of Identification and Function JAnthArch 12.2 1993 150 Chapdelaine, Claude The Sedentarization of the Prehistoric Iroquoians: A Slow or Rapid Transformation? JAnthArch 12.2 1993 173 Feblot-Augustins, Jehanne Mobility Strategies in the Late Middle Palaeolithic of Central Europe and Western Europe: Elements of Stability and Variability JAnthArch 12.3 1993 211 Gao, Qiang; Lee, Yun Kuen A Biological Perspective on Yangshao Kinship JAnthArch 12.3 1993 266 Wynn, Thomas Two Developments in the Mind of Early Homo JAnthArch 12.3 1993 299 Kent, Susan Variability in Faunal Assemblages: The Influence of Hunting Skill, Sharing, Dogs, and Mode of Cooking on Faunal Remains at a Sedentary Kalahari Community JAnthArch 12.4 1993 323 Cameron, David W. The Pliocene Hominid and Protochimpanzee Behavioral Morphotypes JAnthArch 12.4 1993 386 Ptak, Roderich China and the Trade in Cloves, circa 960-1435 JAOS 113.1 1993 1 Hardy, Grant R. The Interpretive Function of Shih chi 14, 'The Table by Years of the Twelve Feudal Lords'. JAOS 113.1 1993 14 Malone, Joseph L. Generative Phonology and Analogical Change: the Case of the Hebrew Suffix [-x3] `you(r)' JAOS 113.1 1993 25 Amanat, Abbas "Russian Intrusion into the Guarded Domain": Reflections of a Qajar Statesman on European Expansion. JAOS 113.1 1993 35 Richamn, Paula Veneration of the Prophet Muhammad in an Islamic Pillaittamil JAOS 113.1 1993 57 Mayerson, Philip A Confusion of Indias: Asian India and African India in the Byzantine Sources JAOS 113.2 1993 169 Fleming, Daniel Nabu and Munabbiatu: Two New Syrian Religious Personnel JAOS 113.2 1993 175 Zilfi, Madeline C. A Medrese for the Palace: Ottoman Dynastic Legitimation in the Eighteenth Century JAOS 113.2 1993 184 Shaham, Ron A Woman's Place: A Confrontation with Bedouin Custom in the Shari a Court JAOS 113.2 1993 192 Zysk, Kenneth G. The Science of Respiration and the Doctrine of the Bodily Winds in Ancient India JAOS 113.2 1993 198 Roth, Harold D. Text and Edition in Early Chinese Philosophical Literature JAOS 113.2 1993 214 Hartman, Charles The Inquisition Against Su Shih: His Sentence as an Example of Sung Legal Practice JAOS 113.2 1993 228 Beal, Richard H. Hittite Correspondence JAOS 113.2 1993 245 Cavigneaux, A.. Mesopotamian Lamentations JAOS 113.2 1993 251 Conrad, Lawrence I. Recovering Lost Texts: Some Methodological Issues JAOS 113.2 1993 258 Witzel, Michael Toward a History of the Brahmins JAOS 113.2 1993 264 Gai, Amikam High-Load Nominal Attributes in Some Semitic Languages JAOS 113.2 1993 269 Bacharach, Jere L. Laqab for a Future Caliph: the Case of the Abbasid al-Mahdi JAOS 113.2 1993 271 Salomon, Richard An Additional Note on Arapacana JAOS 113.2 1993 275 Arbuckle, Gary The Five Divine Lords or One (Human) Emperor? A Problematic Passage in the Material on Dong Zhongshu JAOS 113.2 1993 277 Dallal, Ahmad The Origins and Objectives of Islamic Revivalist Thought, 1750-1850 JAOS 113.3 1993 341 Clark, Alfred Medieval Arab Navigation on the Indian Ocean: Latitude Determinations JAOS 113.3 1993 360 Goldman, Robert P. Transsexualism, Gender, and Anxiety in Traditional India JAOS 113.3 1993 374 Hess, Laura E. The Manchu Exegesis of the Lunyu JAOS 113.3 1993 402 Brandauer, Frederick P. The Significance of A Dog's Tail: Comments on the Xu Xiyou Ji JAOS 113.3 1993 418 Leprohon, Ronald J. Administrative Titles in Nubia in the Middle Kingdom JAOS 113.3 1993 423 Robertson, John F. On Profit-Seeking, Market Orientations, and Mentality in the 'Ancient Near East' JAOS 113.3 1993 437 Bokenkamp, Stephen R. A Brush with the Spur: Robert Joe Cutter on the Chinese Cockfight JAOS 113.3 1993 444 Schiffman, Harold F. Intervocalic-v-Deletion in Tamil: Evidence for Aspect as a Morphological Category JAOS 113.4 1993 513 Van Der Kuijp, Leonard W.J. Jambhala: An Imperial Envoy to Tibet During the Late Yuan JAOS 113.4 1993 529 Cook, Constance A. Myth and Authenticity: Deciphering the Chu Gong Ni Bell Inscription JAOS 113.4 1993 539 Barton, Charles R. Hittite zinni-, tuwarni-, zig and Related Matters JAOS 113.4 1993 551 Bellamy, James A. Some Proposed Emendations to the Text of the Koran JAOS 113.4 1993 562 Berkowitz, Alan Reclusion and The Chinese Eremitic Tradition JAOS 113.4 1993 575 Salomon, Richard Addenda to Epigraphic Remains of Indian Traders in Eqypt JAOS 113.4 1993 593 Fischer, Henry G. Another Pithemorphic Vessel of the Sixth Dynasty JARCE 30 1993 1-9 Depuydt, Leo A History of Research on the Prospective Sdm.f Forms in Middle Egyptian JARCE 30 1993 11-31 Roth, Ann M. Social Change in the Fourth Dynasty: The Spatial Organization of Pyramids, Tombs, and Cemeteries JARCE 30 1993 33-55 Berg, David Another Look at Ostracon MFA Boston 11.1498 JARCE 30 1993 57-69 Delia, Robert D. First Cataract Rock Inscriptions: Some Comments, Maps, and a New Group JARCE 30 1993 71-91 Tobin, Vincent A. Divine Conflict in the Pyramid Texts JARCE 30 1993 93-110 Lilyquist, Christine Some Dynasty 18 Canopic Jars from Royal Burials in the Cairo Museum JARCE 30 1993 111-116 Hoffmeier, James K. The Use of Basalt in Floors of Old Kingdom Pyramid Temples JARCE 30 1993 117-123 Gwinnett, A. John, and Gorelick, L. Beads, Scarabs, and Amulets: Methods of Manufacture in Ancient Egypt JARCE 30 1993 125-132 Vinson, Steve The Earliest Representations of Brailed Sails JARCE 30 1993 133-150 Theriault, Carolyn A. The Instruction of Amenemhet as Propaganda JARCE 30 1993 151-160 Walker, Paul E. The Ismaili Da`wa in the Reign of the Fatimid Caliph al-Hakim JARCE 30 1993 161-182 Goldschmidt, Arthur, Jr. The Butrus Ghali Family JARCE 30 1993 183-188 Marsot, Afaf L. A-S. Mud-Slinging Egyptian Style JARCE 30 1993 189-192 Crecelius, Daniel; Badr, Hamza A. A-A. An Egyptian Grain Shipment of 1763 to the Imperial Pantry in Istanbul JARCE 30 1993 198-198 Butler, V.L. Natural Versus Cultural Salmonid Remains: Origin of the Dalles Roadcut Bones, Columbia River, Oregon, U.S.A JArchSc 20.1 1993 1 Tieszen, L.L.; Fagre, T. Carbon Isotropic Variability in Modern and Archaeological Maize JArchSc 20.1 1993 25 Bollong, C.A.; Vogel, J.C.; Jacobson, L. Direct Dating and Identity of Fibre Temper in Pre-Contact Bushman (Basarwa) Pottery JArchSc 20.1 1993 41 Borradaile, G.J.; Kissin, S.A.; Stewart, J.D. Magnetic and Optical Methods for Detecting the Heat Treatment of Chert JArchSc 20.1 1993 57 Siegel, P.E.; Severin, K.P. The First Documented Prehistoric Gold-Copper Alloy Artefact from the West Indies JArchSc 20.1 1993 67 Toth, N.; Schick, K.D.; Savage-Rumbaugh, E.S. Pan the Tool-Maker; Investigations into the Stone Tool-Making and Tool-Using Capabilities of a Bonobo (Pan paniscus) JArchSc 20.1 1993 81 Newman, M.E.; Yohe II, R.M.; Ceri, H. Immunological Protein Residue Analysis of Non-lithic Archaeological Materials JArchSc 20.1 1993 93 Carter, G.F. Chemical and Discriminant Analyses of Augustan Asses JArchSc 20.1 1993 101 Ringrose, T.J. Bone Counts and Statistics: A Critique JArchSc 20.2 1993 121 Child, A.M.; Gillard, R.D.; Pollard, A.M. Microbially-Induced Promotion of Amino Acid Racemization in Bone: Isolation of the Microorganisms and the Detection of Their Enzymes JArchSc 20.2 1993 159 Mercier, N.; Valladas, H.; Bar-Yosef, O. Thermoluminescence Data for the Mousterian Burial Site of Es-Skhul, Mt. Carmel JArchSc 20.2 1993 169 Shea, John J.; Klenck, Joel D. An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Trampling on the Results of Lithic Microwear Analysis JArchSc 20.2 1993 175 Ortloff, Charles R.; Kolata, Alan L. Climate and Collapse: Agro-Ecological Perspectives on the Decline of the Tiwanaku State JArchSc 20.2 1993 195 Clottes, Jean Paint Analyses from Several Magdalenian Caves in the Ariege Region of France JArchSc 20.2 1993 223 Richard, H. Palynological Micro-Analysis in Neolithic Lake Dwellings JArchSc 20.3 1993 241 Williams-Thorpe, O.; Thorpe, R.S. Geochemistry and Trade of Eastern Mediterranean Millstones from the Neolithic to Roman Periods JArchSc 20.3 1993 263 Madsen, D.B. Testing Diet Breadth Models: Examining Adaptive Change in the Late Prehistoric Great Basin JArchSc 20.3 1993 321 Broughton, J.M.; Grayson, D.K. Diet Breadth, Adaptive Change, and the White Mountains Faunas JArchSc 20.3 1993 331 Piperno, D.R.; Pearsall, D.M. Phytolighs in the Reproductive Structures of Maize and Teosinte Implications for the Study of Maize Evolution JArchSc 20.3 1993 337 Bunn, H.T.; Ezzo, J.A. Hunting and Scavenging by Plio-Pleistocene Hominids: Nutritional Constraints, Archaeological Patterns, and Behavioural Implications JArchSc 20.4 1993 365 Farrer, K.T.H. Lead and the Last Franklin Expedition JArchSc 20.4 1993 399 Nicholson, R.A. A Morphological Investigation of Burnt Animal Bone and an Evaluation of its Utility in Archaeology JArchSc 20.4 1993 411 Gilat, A.; Shirav, M.; Bogoch, R. Significance of Gold Exploitation in the Early Islamic Period, Israel JArchSc 20.4 1993 429 Landon, D.B. Testing a Seasonal Slaughter Model for Colonial New England Using Tooth Cementum Increment Analysis JArchSc 20.4 1993 439 Little, E.A. Radiocarbon Age Calibration at Archaeological Sites of Coastal Massachusetts and Vicinity JArchSc 20.4 1993 457 Rasmussen, P. Analysis of Goat/Sheep faeces from Egolzwil 3, Switzerland: Evidence for Branch and Twig Foddering of Livestock in Neolithic JArchSc 20.5 1993 479 Randle, K.; Barfield, L.H.; Bagolini, B. Recent Italian Obsidian Analyses JArchSc 20.5 1993 503 Gautier, A. Trace Fossils in Archaeozoology JArchSc 20.5 1993 511 Bellomo, R.V. A Methodological Approach for Identifying Archaeological Evidence of Fire Resulting from Human Activities JArchSc 20.5 1993 525 Blumenschine, R.J.; Madrigal, T. Cregg Variability in Long Bone Marrow Yields of East African Ungulates and its Zooarchaeological Implications JArchSc 20.5 1993 555 Holden, T.G.; Nunez, L. An Analysis of the Gut Contents of Five Well-Preserved Human Bodies from Tarapaca, Northern Chile JArchSc 20.6 1993 595 Weiner, S.; Goldberg, P.; Bar-Yosef, O. Bone Preservation in Kebara Cave, Israel using On-Site Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry JArchSc 20.6 1993 613 Weber, A.; Goriunova, O.I.; Konopatskii, A.K. Prehistoric Seal Hunting on Lake Baikal: Methodology and Preliminary Results of the Analysis of Canine Sections JArchSc 20.6 1993 629 Grigson, C. The Earliest Domestic Horses in the Levant? -- New Finds from the Fourth Millennium of the Negev JArchSc 20.6 1993 645 White, C.D. Isotopic Determination of Seasonality in Diet and Death from Nubian Mummy Hair JArchSc 20.6 1993 657 Kuijt, I.; Russell, K.W. Tur Imdai Rockshelter, Jordan: Debitage Analysis and Historic Bedouin Lithic Technology JArchSc 20.6 1993 667 Ingram, K.D.; Daugherty, K.E.; Marshall, J.L. The Pyramids -- Cement or Stone? JArchSc 20.6 1993 681 Aiello, L.C.; Molleson, T. Are Microscopic Ageing Techniques More Accurate than Macroscopic Ageing Techniques? JArchSc 20.6 1993 689 Williams, J.T. Spatial Autocorrelation and the Classic Maya Collapse: One Technique, One Conclusion JArchSc 20.6 1993 705 Gottwald, Norman Social Class as an Analytic and Hermeneutical Category in Biblical Studies JBL 112.1 1993 3 White, Sidnie Three Deuteronomy Manuscripts from Cave 4, Qumran JBL 112.1 1993 23 Stanley, Christopher The Significance of Romans 11:3-4 for the Text History of the LXX Book of Kingdoms JBL 112.1 1993 43 Garrett, Susan The 'Weaker Sex' in the Testament of Job JBL 112.1 1993 55 Zeilinger, Franz Die Echtheit von 2 Cor 6:14-7:1 JBL 112.1 1993 71 Donaldson, Terence "Riches for the Gentiles" (Rom 11:12): Israel's Rejection and Paul's Gentile Mission JBL 112.1 1993 81 Tuell, Steven A Riddle Resolved by an Enigma: Hebrew...and Ugaritic GLT JBL 112.1 1993 99 Smith, Mark The Invocation of Deceased Ancestors in Psalm 49:12c JBL 112.1 1993 105 Brin, Gershon Regarding the Connection between the Temple Scroll and the Book of Jubilees JBL 112.1 1993 108 Reeves, John Utnapishtim in the Book of Giants? JBL 112.1 1993 110 Kerkeslager, Allen Apollo, Greco-Roman Prophecy, and the Rider on the White Horse in Rev 6:2 JBL 112.1 1993 116 Williams, Michael J. An Investigation of the Legitimacy of Source Distinctions for the Prose Material in Jeremiah JBL 112.2 1993 193 Malbon, Elizabeth Struthers Echoes and Foreshadowings in Mark 4-8: Reading and Rereading JBL 112.2 1993 211 Jervis, L. Ann "But I Want You to Know...": Paul's Midrashic Intertextual Response to the Corinthian Worshipers (1 Cor 11:2-16) JBL 112.2 1993 231 Stone, Michael E.; Greenfield, Jonas C. The Prayer of Levi JBL 112.2 1993 247 Evans, Craig A. Mishna and Messiah 'in Context': Some Comments on Jacob Neusner's Proposals JBL 112.2 1993 267 Neusner, Jacob The Mishna in Philosophical Context and Out of Canonical Bounds JBL 112.2 1993 291 Schwartz, Seth A Note on the Social Type and Political Ideology of the Hasmonean Ideology JBL 112.2 1993 305 Jacobson, Howard Samuel's Vision in Pseudo-Philo's Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum JBL 112.2 1993 310 Kilgallen, John J. Acts 20:35 and Thucydides 2.97.4 JBL 112.2 1993 312 Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome Paul and Gallio JBL 112.2 1993 315 Ackerman, Susan The Queen Mother and the Cult in Ancient Israel JBL 112.3 1993 385 Cogan, Mordechai Judah Under Assyrian Hegemony: A Re-examination of Imperialism and Religion JBL 112.3 1993 403 Lim, Timothy H. The Wicked Priests of the Groningen Hypothesis JBL 112.3 1993 415 Brawley, Robert L. An Absent Complement and Intertexuality in John 19:28-29 JBL 112.3 1993 427 Miller, Ed L. The Johannine Origins of the Johannine Logos JBL 112.3 1993 445 Dunn, James D.G. Echoes of Intra-Jewish Polemic in Paul's Letter to the Galatians JBL 112.3 1993 459 Arnold, Bill T. Wordplay and Narrative Technique in Daniel 5 and 6 JBL 112.3 1993 479 Eshell, Esther; Stone, Michael E. A New Fragment of 4QDeutH JBL 112.3 1993 487 Harrington, Daniel J.; Strugnell, John Qumran Cave 4 Texts: A New Publication JBL 112.3 1993 491 Moreland, Milton C. The International Q Project: Work Sessions 31 July-2 August, 20 November 1992 JBL 112.3 1993 500 Carr, David The Politics of Textual Subversion: A Diachronic Perspective on the Garden of Eden Story JBL 112.4 1993 577 Avigdor Hurowitz, Victor Joel's Locust Plague in Light of Sargon II's Hymn to Nanaya JBL 112.4 1993 597 Schuller, Eileen A Hymn from a Cave Four Hodayot Manuscript: 4Q427 7 + ii JBL 112.4 1993 605 Corby Finney, Paul The Rabbi and the Coin Portrait (Mark 12:15b,16): Rigorism Manque JBL 112.4 1993 629 Scott, James M. Paul's Use of Deuteronomic Tradition JBL 112.4 1993 645 Gagnon, Robert A.J. Heart of Wax and a Teaching that Stamps: (Rom 6:17b) Once More JBL 112.4 1993 667 Gilliard, Frank D. More Silent Reading in Antiquity non omne verbum sonabat JBL 112.4 1993 689 Kimelman, Reuven A Note on Weinfeld's 'Grace After Meals' in Qumran JBL 112.4 1993 695 Schneider, H.D., et al. The Tomb of Iniuia: Preliminary Report on the Saqqara Excavations, 1993 JEA 79 1993 1-9 Giddy, L.; Jeffreys, D. Memphis, 1992 JEA 79 1993 11-16 Mathieson, I.J.; Tavares, A. Preliminary Report of the National Museums of Scotland Saqqara Survey Project, 1990-91 JEA 79 1993 17-31 Tutundzic, S.P. A Consideration of Differences Between the Pottery Showing Palestinian Characteristics in the Maadian and Gerzean Cultures JEA 79 1993 33-55 Roth, A.M. Fingers, Stars, and the 'Opening of the Mouth': The Nature and Function of the ntrwj-Blades JEA 79 1993 57-79 Shaw, I.; Jameson, R. Amethyst Mining in the Eastern Desert: A Preliminary Survey at Wadi el-Hudi JEA 79 1993 81-97 Castle, E.W. The Dedication Formula ir.n.f m mnw.f JEA 79 1993 99-120 Manuelian, P. Der; Loeben, C.E. New Light on the Recarved Sarcophagus of Hatshepsut and Tuthmose I in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston JEA 79 1993 121-55 Simon, C. Le nbi et le Canon de Proportions JEA 79 1993 157-77 Watson, E.J.; Myers, M. The Mummy of Baket-en-her-nakht in the Hancock Museum: A Radiological Update JEA 79 1993 179-87 Ryholt, K. A Pair of Oracle Petitions Addressed to Horus-of-the-Camp JEA 79 1993 189-98 Caluwe, A. De Les Bandelettes de Momie du Musee Vleeshuis d'Anvers JEA 79 1993 199-214 Montserrat, D. The Representation of Young Males in 'Fayum Portraits' JEA 79 1993 215-25 James, T.G.H. Ricardo Caminos JEA 79 1993 227-35 Vassilika, E. Museum Acquisitions, 1991 JEA 79 1993 237-39 Wilkinson, T.A.H. The Identification of Tomb B1 at Abydos: Refuting the Existence of a King *Ro/*Iry-Hor JEA 79 1993 241-43 El-Sabbahy, A.-F. Blocks from the Tomb of Shed-abed at Saqqara JEA 79 1993 243-48 Abdalla, A. Two Monuments of Eleventh Dynasty Date from Dendera in the Cairo Museum JEA 79 1993 248-54 Bolshakov, A.O. Some de visu Observations on P. Hermitage 1115 JEA 79 1993 254-59 Reeves, N. The Ashburnham Ring and the Burial of General Djehuty JEA 79 1993 259-61 Daoud, K. An Early Ramesside Stela of a Chief of Hour Watchers in the Memphite Temple of Ptah JEA 79 1993 261-65 Krauss, R. m-mjtt bnw (pAnastasi I 4, 5) JEA 79 1993 266-67 Dodson, A. Psusennes II and Shoshenq I JEA 79 1993 267-68 Depuydt, L. The Date of Piye's Egyptian Campaign and the Chronology of the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty JEA 79 1993 269-74 Bierbrier, M.L. Udjarenes Rediscovered JEA 79 1993 274-75 Lewis, N. The Demise of the Demotic Document: When and Why JEA 79 1993 276-81 Depuydt, L. For the Sake of wosh, 'Love': An Exception to the Stern-Jernstedt Rule and its History JEA 79 1993 282-86 Wilken, Robert L. "In novissimis diebus": Biblical Promises, Jewish Hopes, and Early Christian Exegesis JECS 1.1 1993 1-19 Miller, Patricia Cox The Blazing Body: Ascetic Desire in Jerome's Letter to Eustochium JECS 1.1 1993 21-45 Hunter, David G. Helvidius, Jovinian, and the Virginity of Mary in Late Fourth Century Rome JECS 1.1 1993 47-71 Ferguson, Everett Early Christian Martyrdom and Civil Disobedience JECS 1.1 1993 73-83 Harrill, J. Albert Ignatius, Ad Polycarp. 4.3 and the Corporate Manumission of Christian Slaves JECS 1.2 1993 107-142 McGehee, Michael Why Tatian Never 'Apologized' to the Greeks JECS 1.2 1993 143-158 Leyerle, Blake John Chrysostom on the Gaze JECS 1.2 1993 159-174 Vessey, Mark Conference and Confession: Literary Pragmatics in Augustine's "Apologia contra Hieronymum" JECS 1.2 1993 175-213 Maier, Harry O. Purity and Danger in Polycarp's Epistle to the Philippians: The Sin of Valens in Social Perspective JECS 1.3 1993 229-247 Tabbernee, William Montanist Regional Bishops: New Evidence from Ancient Inscriptions JECS 1.3 1993 249-280 Goehring, James E. The Encroaching Desert: Literary Production and Ascetic Space in Early Christian Egypt JECS 1.3 1993 281-296 Haas, Christopher Patriarch and People: Peter Mongus of Alexandria and Episcopal Leadership in the Late Fifth Century JECS 1.3 1993 297-316 Sumney, Jerry L. Those Who 'Ignorantly Deny Him': The Opponents of Ignatius of Antioch JECS 1.4 1993 345-365 Burns, J. Patout On Rebaptism: Social Organization in the Third-Century Church JECS 1.4 1993 367-403 de Bruyn, Theodore S. "Ambivalence within a Totalizing Discourse": Augustine's Sermons on the Sack of Rome JECS 1.4 1993 405-421 Krueger, Derek The Life of Symeon the Fool and the Cynic Tradition JECS 1.4 1993 423-442 Adams, E. Charles; Stark, Miriam T.; Dosh, Deborah S. Ceramic Distribution and Exchange: Jeddito Yellow Ware and Implications for Social Complexity JFA 20.1 1993 3-21 Bradley, Bruce A. Planning, Growth, and Functional Differentiation at a Prehistoric Pueblo: A Case Study from SW Colorado JFA 20.1 1993 23-42 Nelson, Margaret C. Changing Occupational Pattern Among Prehistoric Horticulturalists in SW New Mexico JFA 20.1 1993 43-57 Shaffer, Gary D. An Archaeomagnetic Study of a Wattle and Daub Building Collapse JFA 20.1 1993 59-75 Showalter, Pamela Sands A Thematic Mapper Analysis of the Prehistoric Hohokam Canal System, Phoenix, Arizona JFA 20.1 1993 77-90 Sundstrom, Linea A Simple Mathematical Procedure for Estimating the Adequacy of Site Survey Strategies JFA 20.1 1993 91-96 Elia, Ricardo J. ICOMOS Adopts Archaeological Heritage Charter: Text and Commentary JFA 20.1 1993 97-104 Dunn, Richard K.; Mazzullo, S. J. Holocene Paleocoastal Reconstruction and its Relationship to Marco Gonzalez, Ambergris Caye, Belize JFA 20.2 1993 121-131 Galili, Ehud; Weinstein-Evron, Mina; Hershkovitz, Israel; Gopher, Avi; Kislev, Mordecai; Lernau, Omri; Kolska-Horwitz, Liora; Lernau, Hanan Atlit-Yam: A Prehistoric Site on the Sea Floor off the Israeli Coast JFA 20.2 1993 133-157 Lightfoot, Kent G.; Wake, Thomas A.; Schiff, Ann M. Native Responses to the Russian Mercantile Colony of Fort Ross, Northern California JFA 20.2 1993 159-175 Romano, David Gilman; Schoenbrun, Benjamin C. A Computerized Architectural and Topographical Survey of Ancient Corinth JFA 20.2 1993 177-190 Runnels, Curtis; van Andel, Tjeerd H. A Handaxe from Kokkinopilos, Epirus, and its Implications for the Paleolithic of Greece JFA 20.2 1993 191-203 Gordon, David Mousterian Tool Selection, Reduction, and Discard at Ghar, Israel JFA 20.2 1993 205-218 Raab, L. Mark Laboratory Automation: Computer-linked Measurement Devices and Videomicroscopy JFA 20.2 1993 219-224 New Archaeological Brooks and Journals JFA 20.2 1993 225 Smith, Michael E. Standards in Graphics JFA 20.2 1993 247 Chang, Claudia; Tourtellotte, Perry A. Ethnoarchaeological Survey of Pastoral Transhumance Sites in the Grevena Region, Greece JFA 20.3 1993 249-264 Gilead, Isaac; Bar-Yosef, Ofer Early Upper Paleolithic Sites in the Qadesh Barnea Area, NE Sinai JFA 20.3 1993 265-280 Kidder, Tristram R.; Fritz, Gayle J. Subsistence and Social Change in the Lower Mississippi Valley: The Reno Brake and Osceola Sites, Louisiana JFA 20.3 1993 281-297 Runnels, Curtis; van Andel, Tjeerd H. The Lower and Middle Paleolithic of Thessaly, Greece JFA 20.3 1993 299-317 Ford, David The Nature of Clarity in Archaeological Line Drawings JFA 20.3 1993 319-333 Gallin, Lenore J.; Tykot, Robert H. Metallurgy at Nuraghe Santa Barbara (Bauladu), Sardinia JFA 20.3 1993 335-345 Staley, David P. St. Lawrence Island's Subsistence Diggers: A New Perspective on Human Effects on Archaeological Sites JFA 20.3 1993 347-355 Pope, Kevin O.; Dahlin, Bruce H. Radar Detection and Ecology of Ancient Maya Canal Systems: Reply to Adams et al. JFA 20.3 1993 379-383 Adams, R.E.W. Rebuttal to Pope and Dahlin: 2 JFA 20.3 1993 383 Healan, Dan M. Comment on Lincoln's Review of Healan's Tula of the Toltecs: Excavations and Survey. JFA 20.3 1993 385 Becker, Mark; Wendorf, Fred A Microwear Study of a Late Pleistocene Qadan Assemblage from Southern Egypt JFA 20.4 1993 389-398 Bogucki, Peter; Grygiel, Ryszard The First Farmers of Central Europe: A Survey Article JFA 20.4 1993 399-426 Curet, Antonio Regional Studies and Ceramic Production Areas: An Example from La Mixtequilla, Veracruz, Mexico JFA 20.4 1993 427-440 Rosen, Steven A. A Roman-period Pastoral Tent Camp in the Negev, Israel JFA 20.4 1993 441-451 Gordon, Elizabeth A. Screen Size and Differential Faunal Recovery: A Hawaiian Example JFA 20.4 1993 453-460 Hoffman, Curtiss Close-interval Core Sampling: Tests of a Method for Predicting Internal Site Structure JFA 20.4 1993 461-473 Howell, Todd L. Evaluating the Utility of Auger Testing as a Predictor of Subsurface Artifact Density JFA 20.4 1993 475-484 Lange, Richard C.; Howe, Craig P.; Murphy, Barbara A. A Study of Prehistoric Roofing Systems in Arizona Cliff Dwellings JFA 20.4 1993 485-498 Palumbo, Gaetano Conference on Cultural Resource Management in Jordan JFA 20.4 1993 499-500 McIntosh, Susan Keech Archaeological Heritage Management and Site Inventory Systems in Africa JFA 20.4 1993 500-504 Spennemann, Dirk H. R. Marshall Islands Approves Comprehensive Preservation Legislation JFA 20.4 1993 504 Garcea, Elena A. A. Early Khartoum ``Mesolithic'' Settlements in the Geili-Kabbashi Area, Sudan JFA 20.4 1993 519-522 Vogt, Philip Seascape with Fog: Metaphor in Locke's Essay JHI 54.1 1993 1 Paxman, David B. Language and Difference: The Problem of Abstraction in Eighteenth-Century Language Study JHI 54.1 1993 19 Moran, III. Francis Between Primates and Primitives: Natural Man as the Missing Link in Rousseau's Second Discourse JHI 54.1 1993 37 Wheeler-Barclay, Marjorie Victorian Evangelicalism and the Sociology of Religion: The Career of William Robertson Smith JHI 54.1 1993 59 Nadelman, Heather L. Baconian Science in Post-Bellum America: Charles Peirce's "Neglected Argument for the Reality of God" JHI 54.1 1993 79 Forth, Christopher E. Nietzsche, Decadence, and Regeneration in France, 1891-95 JHI 54.1 1993 97 Bevir, Mark Ernest Belfort Bax: Marxist, Idealist, and Positivist JHI 54.1 1993 119 Popkin, Richard H. Sources of Knowledge of Sextus Empiricus in Hume's Time JHI 54.1 1993 137 Africa, Thomas W. The Owl at Dusk: Two Centuries of Classical Scholarship JHI 54.1 1993 143 Burnell, Peter The Problem of Service to Unjust Regimes in Augustine's City of God JHI 54.2 1993 177 Almond, Philip C. Henry More and the Apocalypse JHI 54.2 1993 189 Shrader-Frechette, Kristin Locke and Limits on Land Ownership JHI 54.2 1993 201 Radcliffe, Evan Revolutionary Writing, Moral Philosophy, and Universal Benevolence in the Eighteenth Century JHI 54.2 1993 221 Schott, Linda Jane Addams and William James on Alternatives to War JHI 54.2 1993 241 Habib, M.A.R. "Bergson Resartus" and T.S. Eliot's Manuscript JHI 54.2 1993 255 Myers, D.G. The Rise of Creative Writing JHI 54.2 1993 277 Beane, Edmond M. The Politiques and the Historians JHI 54.3 1993 355 Walmsley, Peter Dispute and Conversation: Probability and the Rhetoric of Natural Philosophy in Locke's Essay JHI 54.3 1993 381 van Peursen, C. A. E.W. Von Tschirnhaus and the Ars Inveniendi JHI 54.3 1993 395 Wertz, S.K. Hume and the Historigraphy of Science JHI 54.3 1993 411 Silver, Bruce Boswell on Johnson's Refutation of Berkeley: Revisiting the Stone JHI 54.3 1993 437 Harris, Marc L. Revelation and the American Republic: Timothy Dwight's Civic Participation JHI 54.3 1993 449 Weikart, Richard The Origins of Social Darwinism in Germany, 1859-1895 JHI 54.3 1993 469 Dawson, Hugh J. E. B. Tylor's Theory of Survivals and Veblen's Social Criticism JHI 54.3 1993 489 Zagorin, Perez Hobbes's Early Philosohical Development JHI 54.3 1993 505 Bland, Kalman P. Medieval Jewish Aesthetics: Maimonides, Body, and Scripture in Profiat Duran JHI 54.4 1993 533 Ng, On-cho A Tension in Ch'ing Thought: 'Historicism' in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Chinese Thought JHI 54.4 1993 561 Zaller, Robert The Figure of the Tyrant in English Revolutionary Thought JHI 54.4 1993 585 Klauber, Martin I. Between Protestant Orthodoxy and Rationalism: Fundamental Articles in the Early Career of Jean LeClerc JHI 54.4 1993 611 Mitchell, Harvey Reclaiming the Self: The Pascal-Rousseau Connection JHI 54.4 1993 637 Russell, Paul Epigram, Pantheists, and Freethought in Hume's Treatise: A Study in Esoteric Communication JHI 54.4 1993 659 Athanassiadi, P. Persecution and Response in Late Paganism: the Evidence of Damascius JHS 113 1993 1 Bosworth, A.B. The Humanitarian Aspect of the Melian Dialogue JHS 113 1993 30 Craik, E. M. Aidws in Euripides' Hippolytos 373-430: Review and Reinterpretation JHS 113 1993 45 Faraone, C.A. Molten Wax, Spilt Wine and Mutilated Animals: Sympathetic Magic in Near Eastern and Early Greek Oath Ceremonies JHS 113 1993 60 Karavites, P. Gregory Nazianzinos and Byzantine Hymnography JHS 113 1993 81 Meyer, E.A. Epitaphs and Citizenship In Classical Athens JHS 113 1993 99 Saatsoglu-Paliadeli, C. Aspects of Ancient Macedonian Costume JHS 113 1993 122 Carey, C. Aristophanes Lysistrate 637 JHS 113 1993 148 Jones, C.P. The Olympieion and the Hadrianeion at Ephesos JHS 113 1993 149 Keen, A.G. Athenian Campaigns in Karia and Lykia during the Peloponnesian War JHS 113 1993 152 Lim, R. The Auditor Thaumasius in the Vita Plotini JHS 113 1993 157 Reilly, L.C. The Hunting Frieze From Vergina JHS 113 1993 160 Wansbrough, H. Two Choruses of Frogs? JHS 113 1993 162 Winters, T.F. Kleisthenes and Athenian Nomenclature JHS 113 1993 162 Woudhuizen, Fred Old Phrygian: Some Texts and Relations JIES 21.1/2 1993 1 Erdal, Marcel Around the Turkic 'Apple' JIES 21.1/2 1993 27 Holton, Frederick Literary Tradition and the Old English Bee Charm JIES 21.1/2 1993 37 Shields, Kenneth The Origin of the Armenian Locative Plural JIES 21.1/2 1993 55 Pulleyblank, Edwin The Typology of Indo-European JIES 21.1/2 1993 63 Lehmann, W.P. Comment on the Typology of Indo-European by Edwin G. Pulleyblank JIES 21.1/2 1993 119 Schmidt, Karl Comments on Edwin G. Pulleyblank: The Typology of Indo-European JIES 21.1/2 1993 123 Caflisch, Jacob Prague Phonology, Vector Typology, and Jacob Grimm JIES 21.1/2 1993 143 Jovanovic, Borislav Silver in the Yamna Culture in the Balkans JIES 21.3/4 1993 207 Deshpande, Madhav M. Aryans, Non-Aryans and Brahmanas: Processes of Indigenization JIES 21.3/4 1993 215 Melchert, H. Craig Historical Phonology of Anatolian JIES 21.3/4 1993 237 Bubenik, Vit Morphological and Syntactic Change in Late Middle Indo-Aryan JIES 21.3/4 1993 259 Lutzky, Harriet On a Concept Underlying Indo-European Terms for the Sacred JIES 21.3/4 1993 283 York, Michael The Mithraic Tauroctony as a Derivative of an Indo-European Soma/Haoma Sacramental Cult JIES 21.3/4 1993 293 Matsumoto, Katsumi Problem of Ergativity in Indo-European JIES 21.3/4 1993 303 Bellquist, Julie Bonner "Badger" in Indo-European JIES 21.3/4 1993 331 Testen, David Gender Marking in Greek Compound Adjectives JIES 21.3/4 1993 347 Isaac, G.R. Numbers in Early Welsh Poetry JIES 21.3/4 1993 359 Karaliunas, Simas Reflexes of IE* h2rtko-"bear" in Baltic JIES 21.3/4 1993 367 Zilhao, Joao The spread of agro-pastoral economies across Mediterranean Europe: a view from the far west JMA 6.1 1993 5-63 Saidel, Benjamin Adam Round house or square? Architectural form and socioeconomic organization in the PPNB JMA 6.1 1993 65-108 Flannery, Kent V. Will the real model please stand up? Comments on Saidel's 'Round House or Square' JMA 6.1 1993 109-117 Belfer-Cohen, A. Comment on 'Round house or square? Architectural form and socioeconomic organization in the PPNB' JMA 6.1 1993 125-127 Haggis, Donald C. Intensive Survey, Traditional Settlement Patterns, and Dark Age Crete: the Case of Early Iron Age Kavousi JMA 6.2 1993 131-174 Papadopoulos, John K. To Kill a Cemetery: The Athenian Kerameikos and the Early Iron Age in the Aegean JMA 6.2 1993 175-206 Morris, Ian Response to Papadopoulos I: The Kerameikos Stratigraphy and the Character of the Greek Dark Age JMA 6.2 1993 207-221 Whitley, James Response to Papadopoulos II: Woods, Trees and Leaves in the Early Iron Age of Greece JMA 6.2 1993 223-229 Osborne, Robin A la grecque JMA 6.2 1993 231-237 Zimansky, Paul Scholars, Sailors and Peddlers of Influence at Civilization's Edge JMA 6.2 1993 239-245 Vitelli, Karen D. Power to the Potters: Comment on Perles' 'Systems of Exchange and Organization of Production in Neolithic Greece' [JMA 5:115-64] JMA 6.2 1993 247-257 Bjorkman, Judith K. The Larsa Goldsmith's Hoards -- New Interpretations JNES 52.1 1993 1 Cook, Michael An Early Islamic Apocalyptic Chronicle JNES 52.1 1993 25 Gropp, Douglas M. The Origin and Development of the Aramaic sallit Clause JNES 52.1 1993 31 Krahmalkov, Charles The Third Feminine Plural Possessive Pronoun of Phoenician-Punic JNES 52.1 1993 37 Keyser, Paul T. The Purpose of the Parthian Galvanic Cells: A First-century A.D. Electric Battery Used for Analgesia JNES 52.2 1993 81 Green, Alberto R.W. The identity of King So of Egypt- An Alternative Interpretation JNES 52.2 1993 99 Reese, David S.; Sease, Catherine Some Previously Unpublished Engraved Tridacna Shells JNES 52.2 1993 109 Porter, Barbara Nevling Sacred Trees, Date Palms, and the Royal Persona of Ashurnasirpal II JNES 52.2 1993 129 Parpola, Simo The Assyrian Tree of Life: Tracing the Origins of Jewish Monotheism and Greek Philosophy JNES 52.3 1993 161 Schloen, J. David The Exile of Disinherited Kin in KTU 1.12 and KTU 1.23 JNES 52.3 1993 209 Jansen-Winkeln, Karl The Career of the Egyptian High Priest Bakenkhons JNES 52.3 1993 221 Beaulieu, Paul-Alain An Episode in the Fall of Babylon to the Persians JNES 52.4 1993 241 Darnell, John Coleman; Jasnow, Richard On the Moabite Inscriptions of Ramesses II at Luxor Temple JNES 52.4 1993 263 Joosten, J. The Syntax of Relative Clauses with a First or Second Person Antecedent in Biblical Hebrew JNES 52.4 1993 275 Hoyrup, Jens Remarkable Numbers in Old Babylonian Mathematical Texts: A Note on the Psychology of Numbers JNES 52.4 1993 281 Gallagher, Eugene V. Conversion and Community in Late Antiquity JR 73.1 1993 1 Kroeker, P. Travis The Theological Politics of Plato and Isaiah: a Debate Rejoined JR 73.1 1993 16 Bryant, David J. Christian Identity and Historical Change: Post liberals and Historicity JR 73.1 1993 31 Ziolkowski, Eric J. Waking up from Akbar's Dream: The Literary Prefiguration of Chicago's 1893 World's Parliament of Religions JR 73.1 1993 42 Kaufman, Peter Iver "Much in Prayer": The Inward Researchers of Elizabethan Protestants JR 73.2 1993 161 Corrigan, John "Habits from the Heart": The American Enlightenment and Religious Ideas about Emotion and Habit JR 73.2 1993 183 Taves, Ann Knowing through the Body: Dissociative Religious Experience in the African- and British-American Methodist Traditions JR 73.2 1993 200 Fackre, Gabriel The Surge in Systematics: A Commentary on Current Works JR 73.2 1993 223 Strum, Douglas Autonomy and the Divine Telos: A New Agenda for Moral Theory JR 73.2 1993 238 Lindsey, William D. "The Problem of Great Time": A Bakhtinian Ethics of Discourse JR 73.3 1993 311 Brown, Frank Burch The Beauty of Hell: Anselm on God's Eternal Design JR 73.3 1993 329 Luz, Ehud Utopia and Return: On the Structure of Utopian Thinking and Its Relation to Jewish-Christian Tradition JR 73.3 1993 357 Smigelskis, David J. Discovering Dewey's Rich and Subtle Religious Faith JR 73.3 1993 378 Griffiths, David J. Modelizing the Theology of Religions JR 73.3 1993 382 Sells, Michael From a History of Mysticism to a Theology of Mysticism JR 73.3 1993 390 Gamwell, Franklin I. Moral Realism and Religion JR 73.4 1993 475 Apel, Karl-Otto Discourse Ethics as a Response to the Novel Challenges of Today's Reality to Coresponsibility JR 73.4 1993 496 Porter, Jean Openness and Constraint: Moral Reflection as Tradition-Guided Inquiry in Alasdair MacIntyre's Recent Works JR 73.4 1993 514 Greenawalt, Kent Shortfalls of Realism, Shared Social Values, and Authority: the Problem of Political Coercion JR 73.4 1993 537 Lovin, Robin W. The Limits of Freedom and the Possibilities of Politics: A Christian Realist Account of Political Responsibility JR 73.4 1993 559 Huber, Wolfgang Toward an Ethics of Responsibility JR 73.4 1993 573 Tanner, Kathryn A Theological Case of Human Responsibility in Moral Choice JR 73.4 1993 592 Schweiker, William Radical Interpretation and Moral Responsibility: A Proposal for Theological Ethics JR 73.4 1993 613 Fredriksen, Paula Arthur J. Droge and James D. Tabor, a Noble Death: Suicide and Martyrdom Among Christians and Jews in Antiquity JR 73.4 1993 638 Greeley, Andrew Sandra L. Zindars-Swartz, Encountering Mary: From La Salette to Medjugorje JR 73.4 1993 639 Gaustad, Edwin Roger Finke and Rodney Stark, The Churching of America, 1776-1990: Winners and Losers in Our Religious Economy JR 73.4 1993 640 Jeanrond, Werner G. Bruce D. Marshall, ed., Theology and Dialogue: Essays in Conversation with George Lindbeck JR 73.4 1993 642 Carr, Anne Avery Dulles, The Craft of Theology: From Symbol to System JR 73.4 1993 643 Wondra, Ellen K. David W. Odell-Scott, A Post-Patriarchal Christology JR 73.4 1993 644 Di Noia, J.A. Ninian Smart and Steven Konstantine, Christian Systematic Theology in a World Contest JR 73.4 1993 645 Meyer, William J. Jurgen Habermas, Postmetaphysical Thinking: Philosophical Essays JR 73.4 1993 646 Davis, Scott Richard B. Miller, Interpretations of Conflict: Ethics, Pacifism, and the Just War Tradition JR 73.4 1993 647 Carter, Jeffrey Maurice Bloch, Prey into Hunter: The Politics of Religious Experience JR 73.4 1993 648 Johnson, Paul C. Todd A. Diacon, Millenarian Vision, Capitalist Reality: Brazil's Contestado Rebellion, 1912-1916 JR 73.4 1993 649 Waugh, Earle H. Kenneth Cragg, The Arab Christian: A History in the Middle East JR 73.4 1993 651 Frisina, Warren G. Robert Cummings Nevill, Behind the Masks of God: An Essay Toward Comparative Theology JR 73.4 1993 652 Bantly, Francisca Cho Tu Weiming, Milan Hejtmanek, and Alan Wachman, eds., The Confucian World Observed: A Contemporary Discussion of Confucian Humanism in East Asia JR 73.4 1993 654 Wolfson, Elliot R. Gershom Scholem, On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead: Basic Concepts in Kabbalah JR 73.4 1993 655 Wolfson, Elliot R. Mark Verman, The Books of Contemplation: Medieval Jewish Mystical Sources JR 73.4 1993 657 Fishbane, Michael Michael D. Swartz, Mystical Prayer in Ancient Judaism: An Analysis of Ma'aseh Merkavah JR 73.4 1993 658 Claridge, Amanda Hadrian's column of Trajan JRA 6 1993 5-22 Wilson Jones, Mark One Hundred Feet and a Spiral Stair: The Problem of Designing Hadrian's Column JRA 6 1993 23-38 Boschung, Dietrich Die Bildnistypen der iulisch-claudischen Kaiserfamilie: ein kritischer Forschungsbericht JRA 6 1993 39-79 Billows, Richard The Religious Procession of the Ara Pacis Augustae: Augustus' supplicatio in 13 B.C. JRA 6 1993 80-92 Begley, Vimala New Investigations at the Port of Arikameda JRA 6 1993 93-108 Painter, Kenneth Late Roman Silver Plate: A Reply to Alan Cameron JRA 6 1993 109-115 Dunbabin, Katherine M. D. Wine and Water at the Roman convivium JRA 6 1993 116-141 Tomber, Roberta Quantitative Approaches to the Investigation of Long-Distance Exchange JRA 6 1993 142-166 Cutler, Anthony Five Lessons in Late Roman Ivory JRA 6 1993 167-192 Varene, Pierre L'Apport de l'ethno-archeologie a la connaissance des techniques antiques de construction: deux examples tires de la reconstruction partielle d'un temple a Glanum JRA 6 1993 193-204 Bessac, Jean-Claude Etat des recherches sur les carrieres antiques du Bois des Lens (Gard) JRA 6 1993 205-225 Peacock, D.P.S. The Site of Myos Hormos: a View from Space JRA 6 1993 226-232 Black, E.W. The Period 1C Bath-Building at Fishbourne and the Problem of the 'Proto-Palace' JRA 6 1993 233-237 Norman, Naomi J.; Haeckl, Anne E. The Yasmina Necropolis at Carthage, 1992 JRA 6 1993 238-250 Garrison, M.B.; Foss, P.; Wells, C.M. A Newly-Discovered Cryptoporticus and Bath at Carthage JRA 6 1993 251-260 Fitz, Jeno; Fedak, Janos From Roman Gorsium to Late Antique Herculia: A Summary of Recent Work at Tac JRA 6 1993 261-273 Potter, T. W. Settlement Archaeology in Iron-age Latium JRA 6 1993 274-276 Jannot, Jean-Rene Les Bronzes etrusques: a propos de quelques travaux recents JRA 6 1993 277-284 Ginge, Birgitte Votive Deposits in Italy: New Perspectives on Old Finds JRA 6 1993 285-288 Gazda, Elaine K.; Haeckl, Anne E. Roman Portraiture: Reflections on the Question of Context JRA 6 1993 289-302 Goette, Hans Rupprecht Zu den Bildnissen der Augustus-Enkel JRA 6 1993 303-312 Cohon, Robert The Typology, History, and Authenticity of Roman Marble Craters JRA 6 1993 313-330 Ling, Roger German Approaches to Pompeii JRA 6 1993 331-340 Kuttner, Ann Vitruvius and the Second Style JRA 6 1993 341-347 DeLaine, Janet Roman Baths and Bathing JRA 6 1993 348-358 Mattingly, David J. Understanding Roman Landscapes JRA 6 1993 359-366 Fentress, Elizabeth Field Surveyors in Northern Campania JRA 6 1993 367-370 Eadie, John W. The Fifteenth Congress of Roman Frontier Studies JRA 6 1993 371-374 Bomgardner, David L. A New Era for Amphitheatre Studies JRA 6 1993 375-390 Bodel, John Looking up Roman Brickstamps JRA 6 1993 391-402 Still, Michael C. W. Opening up Imperial Lead Sealings JRA 6 1993 403-408 Whitehouse, David Ampullae vitreae JRA 6 1993 409 Cahn, Herbert A. Tresors monetaires XII JRA 6 1993 410 Slane, Kathleen A. A New Typology for Italian Sigillata JRA 6 1993 411-414 Millett, Martin Samian from the Sea: Cala Culip Shipwreck IV JRA 6 1993 415-419 Pavolini, Carlo Le lucerne del British Museum JRA 6 1993 420-426 Jones, Rick Backwards and Forwards in Roman Burial JRA 6 1993 427-432 Talbert, Richard J.A. Mapping at the Crossroads JRA 6 1993 433-437 Freeman, P.W.M. 'Romanisation' and Roman Material Culture JRA 6 1993 438-445 Parrish, David Xenia (Still-Lifes) in Tunisian Mosaics JRA 6 1993 446-448 Rossiter, J.J. Some Recent Books on Roman Villas JRA 6 1993 449-454 Russell, James Shops for Small Industry and Retail Trade in a Late-Antique City JRA 6 1993 455-460 Swain, Simon Hellenism in the East JRA 6 1993 461-466 Nicholson, Oliver The Topography and Monuments of Eastern Turkey JRA 6 1993 467-472 Patrich, Joseph The Buildings of Masada JRA 6 1993 473-475 Kehoe, Dennis P. Economic Rationalism in Roman Agriculture JRA 6 1993 476-484 Christie, Neil Milan as Imperial Capital, and its Hinterland JRA 6 1993 485 Granskog, Jane E. In Search of the Ultimate: Ritual Aspects of the Hawaiian Ironman Triathlon JRitSt 7.1 1993 3 Foley, Douglas E. Mesquaki Sports Participation as an Adolescent Rite of Passage JRitSt 7.1 1993 27 Brownell, Susan E. Qing Dynasty Grand Sacrifice and Communist National Sports Games: Rituals of the Chinese State? JRitSt 7.1 1993 45 Migliore, Sam Professional Wrestling: Moral Commentary Through Ritual Metaphor JRitSt 7.1 1993 65 Laughlin, Charles D. Revealing the Hidden: The Epiphanic Dimension of Games and Sport JRitSt 7.1 1993 85 Donohue, John J. The Ritual Dimension of Karate-do JRitSt 7.1 1993 105 Miracle, Andrew W.; Southard, Dan The Athlete and Ritual Timing: An Experimental Study JRitSt 7.1 1993 125 Given, Brian J. Zen Handgun: Sports Ritual and Experience JRitSt 7.1 1993 139 Staal, Frits From Meaning to Trees JRitSt 7.2 1993 11 Some, Patrice M. The Anatomy of a Cosmology: Ritual and Anaphora in Aime Cesaire's Cahier d'un retour au pays natal JRitSt 7.2 1993 33 Honea, Sion M. Homer's Daitos Eises and the Greek Sacrificial Meal JRitSt 7.2 1993 53 Hardy, Grant The Reconstruction of Ritual: Capping in Ancient China JRitSt 7.2 1993 69 Given, Brian J. Education for Experience: One View of Tibetan Tantric Initiation JRitSt 7.2 1993 91 Handelman, Don Is Victor Turner Receiving his Intellectual Due? JRitSt 7.2 1993 117 Millar, Fergus Ovid and the Domus Augusta: Rome Seen from Tomoi JRS 83 1993 1 Laird, Andrew Sounding out Ecphrasis: Art and Test in Catullus 64 JRS 83 1993 18 Fox, Matthew History and Rhetoric in Dionysius of Halicarnassus JRS 83 1993 31 Coleman, K.M. Launching into History: Aquatic Displays in the Early Empire JRS 83 1993 48 Rajak, Tessa; Noy, David Archisynagogoi: Office, Title and Social Status in the Greco-Jewish Synagogue JRS 83 1993 75 Cotton, Hannah The Guardianship of Jesus Son of Babatha: Roman and Local Law in the Province of Arabia JRS 83 1993 94 Speidel, M.P. Commodus the God-Emperor and the Army JRS 83 1993 109 Athanassiadi, Polymnia Dreams, Theurgy and Freelance Divination: the Testimony of Iamblichus JRS 83 1993 115 Gordon, Richard; Beard, Mary; Reynolds, Joyce Roman Inscription 1986-90 JRS 83 1993 131 Bowie, E.L.; Harrison, S.J. The Romance of the Novel JRS 83 1993 159 The Sensus Literalis: Jowett, Childs, And Barr JThS 44.1 1993 1 Bauckham, Richard Papias And Polycrates On The Origin Of The Fourth Gospel JThS 44.1 1993 24 Edwards, M.J. Gnostics, Greeks, And Origen: The Interpretation of Interpretation JThS 44.1 1993 69 Heine, Ronald E. Stoic Logic As Handmaid To Exegesis And Theology In Origen's Commentary On The Gospel Of John JThS 44.1 1993 89 Dekker, Eef Jacobus Arminius And His Logic JThS 44.1 1993 117 Campbell, Alastair The Elders of the Jerusalem Church JThS 44.2 1993 511 Daley, Brian E. Position and Patronage In The Early Church JThS 44.2 1993 529 James, N. W. Leo The Great and Prosper of Aquitaine JThS 44.2 1993 554 Hills, Julian V. Christ Was the Goal of the Law JThS 44.2 1993 585 Jacobson, Howard LAB 60.2: Whose Name is Nomen Tuum? JThS 44.2 1993 593 Kinman, Brent Luke's Exoneration of John the Baptist JThS 44.2 1993 595 Koperski, V. The Early History of the Dissection of Philippians JThS 44.2 1993 599 Kingsley, Peter Poimandres: The Etymology of the Name and the Origins of the Hermetica JWI 56 1993 1 Spier, Jeffrey Medieval Byzantine Amulets and their Tradition JWI 56 1993 25 Miziolek, Jerzy Europa and the Winged Mercury on Two Cassone Panels from the Czartoryski Collection JWI 56 1993 63 Classen, Joachim C. The Rhetorical Works of George of Trebizond and their Debt to Cicero JWI 56 1993 75 Malkiel, David Infanticide in Passover Iconography JWI 56 1993 85 Bell, Janis Aristotle as a Source for Leonardo's Theory of Colour Perspective after 1500 JWI 56 1993 100 Panofsky, Gerda S. Tommaso della Porta's `Castles in the Air' JWI 56 1993 119 Geissmar, Christoph The Geometrical Order of the World: Otto Van Veen's Physicaet theologicae conclusiones JWI 56 1993 168 Peacock, John The Stuart Court Masque and the Theatre of the Greeks JWI 56 1993 183 Mount, Harry Egbert van Heemskerck's Quaker Meetings Revisited JWI 56 1993 209 Gibson-Wood, Carol The Political Background to Thornhill's Paintings in St Paul's Cathedral JWI 56 1993 229 Howard, Seymour Some Eighteenth-Century `Restored' Boxers JWI 56 1993 238 Wohl, Hellmut `Puro senza ornato': Masaccio, Cristoforo Landino and Leonardo da Vinci JWI 56 1993 256 Koortbojian, Michael; Webb, Ruth Isabella d'Este's Philostratos JWI 56 1993 260 Perry, Marilyn Wealth, Art and Display: The Grimani Cameos in Renaissance Venice JWI 56 1993 268 Cappelletti, Francesca; Volpi, Caterina New Documents Concerning the Discovery and Early History of the Nozze Aldobrandini JWI 56 1993 274 Winberg, Joanna An Apocryphal Source in the Me'or `Enayim of Azariah de' Rossi JWI 56 1993 280 Bonnechere, Pierre Orthia et la flagellation des ephebes spartiates. Un souvenir chimerique de sacrifice humain Kernos 6 1993 11-22 Bonnechere, Pierre Les indices archeologiques du sacrifice humain grec en question: complements a une publication recente Kernos 6 1993 23-55 Brule, Pierre Artemis Amarysia. Des ports preferes d'Artemis: L'Euripe (Callimaque, Hymne a Artemis, 188) Kernos 6 1993 57-65 Dehon, Pierre-Jacques Lucrece et les demeures des dieux: un symbolisme a portee epicurienne Kernos 6 1993 67-77 Des Bouvrie, Synnode Creative Euphoria. Dionysos and the theatre Kernos 6 1993 79-112 Dietrich, B.C. Uniformity and Change in Minoan and Mycenaean Religion Kernos 6 1993 113-122 Garcia Teijeiro, Manuel Religion and Magic Kernos 6 1993 123-138 Lambert, Jacques-Numa L'inceste souhaite ou prohibe comme realisant l'androgynie pretee aux dieux (1ere partie) Kernos 6 1993 139-205 Leclerc, Marie-Christine Le mythe des races. Une fiction aux sentiers qui bifurquent Kernos 6 1993 207-224 Lecomte, Catherine L'Athena de Platon Kernos 6 1993 225-243 McEvoy, James Platon et la sagesse de l'Egypte Kernos 6 1993 245-275 Pirenne-Delforge, Vinciane L'Iynge dans le discours mythique et les procedures magiques Kernos 6 1993 277-289 Renaud, Jean-Michel L'histoire de Meleagre: plaidoyer pour une analyse de l'ensemble du mythe Kernos 6 1993 291-300 Somville, Pierre A propos de la Megalographie de Pompei Kernos 6 1993 301-307 Chaniotis, Angelos Epigraphic Bulletin [1989] Kernos 6 1993 309-342 Loucas, Ioannis; Loucas-Durie, Evelyne Chronique des fouilles Kernos 6 1993 343-359 Motte, Andre; Loucas-Durie, Evelyne Chronique des rencontres scientifiques et des expositions Kernos 6 1993 361-364 Drews, Robert Myths of Midas and the Phrygian Migration from Europe Klio 75 1993 9-26 Marek, Christian Euboia und die Entstehung der Alphabetschrift bei den Griechen Klio 75 1993 27-44 Parker, Victor Some Dates in Early Spartan History Klio 75 1993 45-60 Dettenhofer, Maria H. Die Frauen von Sparta: Gesellschaftliche Position und politische Relevanz Klio 75 1993 61-75 Gunther, Linda-Marie Die karthagische Aristokratie und ihre Uberseepolitik im 6. und 5. Jh. v. Chr. Klio 75 1993 76-84 von Haehling, Raban Furcht und Schrecken in Herodots Darstellung und Deutung der Perserkriege Klio 75 1993 85-98 Mattingly, Harold B. New Light on the Athenian Standards Decree (ATL II, D 14) Klio 75 1993 99-102 Jefremow, Nikolai Bemerkungen zu einigen Emblemen altgriechischer Keramikstempel Klio 75 1993 103-109 Zimmermann, Martin Bemerkungen zur rhodischen Vorherrschaft in Lykien (189/88-167 v. Chr.) Klio 75 1993 110-130 Funke, Peter; Gehrke, Hans-Joachim; Kolonas, Lazaros Ein neues Proxeniedekret des Akarnanischen Bundes Klio 75 1993 131-144 Gehrke, Hans-Joachim Thisbe in Boiotien. Eine Fallstudie um Thema 'Griechische Polis und Romisches Imperium' Klio 75 1993 145-154 Rupke, Jorg Livius, Priesternamen und die annales maximi Klio 75 1993 155-179 Evans, Richard J. The Structure and Source of Livy, 38.44.9-39.44.9 Klio 75 1993 180-187 Scheid, John Die Parentalien fur die verstorbenen Caesaren als Modell fur den romischen Totenkult Klio 75 1993 188-201 Girardet, Klaus Martin "Traditionalismus" in der Politik Oktavian/Augustus -- mentalitatsgeschichtliche Aspekte Klio 75 1993 202-218 David, Jean-Michel Conformisme et transgression: a propos du tribunat de la plebe a la fin de la Republique romaine Klio 75 1993 219-227 Gorler, Woldemar Tiberaufwarts nach Rom. Ein Thema und seine Variationen Klio 75 1993 228-243 Kuhoff, Wolfgang Zur Titulatur der romischen Kaiserinnen wahrend der Prinzipatszeit Klio 75 1993 244-256 Raepsaet-Charlier, Marie-Therese Nouvelles recherches sur les femmes senatoriales du Haut-Empire romain Klio 75 1993 257-271 Herz, Peter Die Adoptivsohne des Augustus und der Festkalender. Gedanken zu einer Inschrift aus Messene Klio 75 1993 272-288 Flaig, Egon Loyalitat ist keine Gefalligkeit. Zum Majestatsprozess gegen C. Silius 24 n. Chr. Klio 75 1993 289-305 Link, Stefan Anachoresis. Steuerflucht im Agypten der fruhen Kaiserzeit Klio 75 1993 306-320 Kolb, Frank Bemerkungen zur urbanen Ausstattung von Stadten im Westen und Osten des Romischen Reiches anhand von Tacitus, Agricola 21 und der Konstantinischen Inschrift von Orkistos Klio 75 1993 321-341 Nawotka, Krzysztof The 'First Pontarch' and the Date of the Establishment of the Western Pontic KOINON Klio 75 1993 342-350 Becker, Cornelia Die Analyse von Schlacht- und Speiseresten -- ein 'knochen' trockenes Unterfangen? Kritische Anmerkungen zur Bearbeitung eines romerzeitlichen Fundkomplexes Klio 75 1993 351-361 Wiesehofer, Josef "Geteilte Loyalitaten". Religiose Minderheiten des 3. und 4. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. im Spannungsfeld zwischen Rom und dem sasanidischen Iran Klio 75 1993 362-82 Portmann, Werner Zum Namen 'Basilia' Klio 75 1993 383-86 Demandt, Alexander Die westgermanischen Stammesbunde Klio 75 1993 387-406 Brandes, Wolfram Familienbande? Odoaker, Basiliskos und Harmatios Klio 75 1993 407-437 Levy, Edmond Basileus et turannos chez Herodote Ktema 18 1993 7-18 Jacquemin, Anne Oikiste et tyran: fondateur-monarque et monarque-fondateur dans l'Occident grec Ktema 18 1993 19-27 Lenfant, Dominique Le vocabulaire du pouvoir personnel chez Euripide Ktema 18 1993 29-40 Woronoff, Michel L'autorite personnelle chez Xenophon Ktema 18 1993 41-48 Frazier, Francoise Remarques autour du pouvoir personnel dans les Vies Paralleles de Plutarque Ktema 18 1993 49-66 Svenbro, Jesper Notes sur le calendrier hippocratique (Du regime, III,68) Ktema 18 1993 69-78 Pavis d'Escurac, Henriette Siecles et Jeux Seculaires Ktema 18 1993 79-89 Freyburger, Gerard Jeux et chronologie a Rome Ktema 18 1993 91-101 Salomies, Olli Consular Fasti and consular dating during the Empire Ktema 18 1993 103-112 Callu, Jean-Pierre Eres et monnayages a l'oree de l'Empire romain Ktema 18 1993 113-129 Vigourt, Annie Les presages imperiaux et le temps dans le De Vita Caesarum de Suetone Ktema 18 1993 131-145 Roman, Daniele et Yves Ideologie et chronologie: le cas de la conquete de la Transalpine Ktema 18 1993 147-157 Roueche, Ch. The Ages of Man Ktema 18 1993 159-169 Feissel, Denis La reforme chronologique de 537 et son application dans l'epigraphie grecque: annee de regne et dates consulaires de Justinien a Heraclius Ktema 18 1993 171-188 Duval, Noel Les systemes de datation dans l'Est de l'Afrique du Nord a la fin de l'Antiquite et a l'epoque byzantine Ktema 18 1993 189-211 Haml-Tisserant, Monique Iconographie et statut du cadavre Ktema 18 1993 215-226 Dopico-Cainzos, Maria D. Liberalitas y aeternitas principis en Plinio el Joven Ktema 18 1993 227-243 Jouanno, Corinne Un episode embarrassant de l'histoire d'Alexandre: la prise de Thebes Ktema 18 1993 245-258 De Martino, Francesco La storia dei pubblicani e gli scritti dei giuristi Labeo 39.1 1993 5-41 Bretone, Mario A dritta e a manca Labeo 39.1 1993 42-53 Iglesias, Juan 'Sine querela' Labeo 39.1 1993 54-55 Gottschalk, August Versuch uber den Iunius Mauricianus Labeo 39.1 1993 56-89 Marrone, Matteo Il 'numero chiuso' dei diritti reali Labeo 39.1 1993 90-94 Venturini, Carlo 'Quaestiones' e accusa popolare Labeo 39.1 1993 95-110 Crifo, Giuliano Giuridico e non giuridico nell'ordinamento romano Labeo 39.1 1993 111-117 Melillo, Generoso Il latino giuridico quale tramite tra il II e IV secolo e i suoi rapporti con l'eta del principato Labeo 39.2 1993 153-173 Solidoro Maruotti, Laura Aspetti della 'giurisdizione civile' del 'praefectus urbi' nell'eta severiana Labeo 39.2 1993 174-233 Guarino, Antonio I Romani, quei criminali Labeo 39.2 1993 234-237 Maggio, Lucia Processo criminale e giudici locali nella Sicilia dell'eta ciceroniana Labeo 39.2 1993 238-256 Guarino, Antonio Spartaco e Bonghi Labeo 39.2 1993 257-258 Valentino, Mario Dal danno aquiliano al danneggiamento Labeo 39.2 1993 259-266 Papa, Giovanni La 'datio in adoptionem' Labeo 39.2 1993 267-277 Giuffre, Vincenzo Sull'origine della 'bonorum venditio' come esecuzione patrimoniale Labeo 39.3 1993 317-364 Scarcella, Agatina S. Il regime pattizio dei lucri vedovili nel diritto giustinianeo Labeo 39.3 1993 365-399 Mercogliano, Felice A proposito della fine di Ulpiano Labeo 39.3 1993 400-407 Vacca, Letizia L'abbandono degli immobili Labeo 39.3 1993 408-423 Morabito, Marcel Sul 'servus vicarius' Labeo 39.3 1993 424-425 Dalla, Danilo 'Pubes' e 'viripotens' Labeo 39.3 1993 426-428 Crifo, Giuliano L'ablazione dei 'bona' Labeo 39.3 1993 429-436 Janvier, Y. Les Problemes de metrologie dans l'etude de la cartographie antique Latomus 52.1 1993 3-22 Giordani, R. Sulla diffusione dei sarcofagi cristiani a Roma nel III secolo: un tentativo di utilizzazione storiografica Latomus 52.1 1993 23-41 Kajanto, I. Latin Verse Inscriptions in Medieval and Renaissance Rome Latomus 52.1 1993 42-57 Alonso-Nunez, J.M Aspekte der Latinisierung der Iberischen Halbinsel Latomus 52.1 1993 58-64 Hannah, R. Alcumena's Long Night: Plautus, Amphitryo 273-276 Latomus 52.1 1993 65-74 Vazquez, J. Gonzalez Entorno a la retractatio de un pasaje virgiliano en Tristia 1,2 Latomus 52.1 1993 75-83 Lauletta, M. L'imitazione di Catullo e l'ironia nell'Achilleide di Stazio Latomus 52.1 1993 84-97 Meulder, M. L. Caesennius Paetus, un avatar du guerrier impie chez Tacite (Ann. XV, 7-8)? Latomus 52.1 1993 98-104 Frangoulidis, S.A The sommus funestus and somnus uanus of Charite: Apuleius, Met. 4.27 (95.16) Latomus 52.1 1993 105-111 Gschaid, M. Eine Bemerkung zum Taurobolium von Vesoul (Haute-Saone) Latomus 52.1 1993 112-116 Freyburger-Galland, M.-L Le Role politique des vetements dans l'Histoire romaine de Dion Cassius Latomus 52.1 1993 117-128 Gonzalez, A. Alberte Presencia del lenguaje estoico en la critica literaria de los cristianos Latomus 52.1 1993 129-137 Toohey, P. Concentric Patterning in Some Poems of Prudentius' liber Cathemerinon Latomus 52.1 1993 138-150 Taborelli, L. Il contributo di Bernard do Montfaucon alla conoscenza dell'instrumentum epigrafico vitreo Latomus 52.1 1993 151-157 Hurlet, Fr. La Lex de imperio Vespasiani et la legitimite augusteenne Latomus 52.2 1993 261-280 Giacobbi-Lequement, M.-Fr. Cinq inscriptions imperiales a Glanum (Saint-Remy-de-Provence) Latomus 52.2 1993 281-293 Rippinger, L. Les Noms de medicaments en dia Latomus 52.2 1993 294-306 Marshall, A. Atticus and the Genealogies Latomus 52.2 1993 307-317 De Callatay, G. Le Zodiaque de l'Eneide Latomus 52.2 1993 318-349 Jaeger, M. K. Custodia fidelis memoriae: Livy's Story of M. Manlius Capitolinus Latomus 52.2 1993 350-363 Freis, R. Exiguos Elegos: Are Ars Poetica 75-78 Critical of Love Elegy? Latomus 52.2 1993 364-371 Gomez Pallares, J.; Ovidio, Sobre Tristia Ii, 471-492 Latomus 52.2 1993 372-385 Gaide, Fr. Primigenius et les oiseaux (Petrone 46) Latomus 52.2 1993 386-388 Deroux, C. Le Moule de medaillon d'applique trouve a Amay: quinze ans apres. Latomus 52.2 1993 389-398 Meischner, J. Zum Portrat der `Poppaa' Albani Latomus 52.2 1993 399-406 Bastiaensen, M. Poesie neo-latine, voyages et arts figuratifs: Nathan Chytraeus Latomus 52.2 1993 407-417 Br. Rochette, Les Les auteurs latins et les langues etrangeres. La periode republicaine Latomus 52.3 1993 541-549 Bauman, R.A. The Rape of Lucretia, Quod metus causa and the Criminal Law Latomus 52.3 1993 550-566 Purnelle, G. Le nom du bison en grec et en latin Latomus 52.3 1993 567-580 Demerson, J.-M. et G. Croisille Gergovie Latomus 52.3 1993 581-587 Guillaumin, J.-Y. Cesar B.G. 3,17,4 et Ciceron Rep. 2,26-27: une ressemblance fortuite? Latomus 52.3 1993 588-595 Fernandez Corte, J.C. Un ejercicio de imitacion de catulo por horacio: Cat. 11 y Odas II 6 Latomus 52.3 1993 596-611 Bastomsky, S.J. A Note on Some Hot Baths and Accelerated Deaths in Nero's Principate Latomus 52.3 1993 612-616 Delvaux, G. Valere Maxime, cite par Plutarque, via Paetus Thrasea Latomus 52.3 1993 617-622 Moitrieux, G. De nouvelles steles de Mercure a Saint-Quirin (Moselle) Latomus 52.3 1993 623-633 Woods, D. Nonnus, an Unnoticed Governor of Phoenicia, and the Myth of a Second Council of Tyre Latomus 52.3 1993 634-642 Pastor-De Arozena, B. Hapax Haeretica: Hapax legomena et Prima Dicta in Codice Theodosiano Latomus 52.3 1993 643-650 Scharf, R. Der patricius Calliopius und seine Familie Latomus 52.3 1993 651-658 Pepin, R.E. The Dire Diction of Medieval Misogyny Latomus 52.3 1993 659-663 Lieberg, G. Quid Desiderius Erasmus in opusculo, cui laus Stultitiae titulus est, de adfectibus senserit, veterum opinionibus de hac re comparatis quaeritur Latomus 52.3 1993 664-672 Morgan, M.G. The Three Minor Pretenders in Tacitus, Histories II. Latomus 52.4 1993 769-796 Plumier-Torfs, Sophie; Plumier, Jean; Galsterer, Brigitte; Untermann, Jürgen; Schmidt, Karl-Horst; de Bernardo Stempel, Patrizia; Raepsaet-Charlier, Marie-Thérèse La plaquette en or inscrite de Baudecet (Gembloux, Belgique): decouverte, edition, commentaire Latomus 52.4 1993 797-825 Plumier-Torfs, Sophie; Plumier, Jean La plaquette en or de Baudecet et son contexte archéologique Latomus 52.4 1993 798-804 Galsterer, Brigitte Das Goldblech von Baudecet. Lesung Latomus 52.4 1993 804-810 de Bernardo Stempel, Patrizia Bemerkungen zu einigen auf dem Goldplättchen von Baudecet vorkommenden Lexemen Latomus 52.4 1993 814-819 Raepsaet-Charlier, Marie-Thérèse La plaquette en or inscrite de Baudecet: quelques considérations sur sa fonction et son interprétation Latomus 52.4 1993 819-825 Piso, I. La tablette de Baudecet (Gembloux, Belgique): elements d'etude comparative Latomus 52.4 1993 826-841 Watson, P.A. Stepmothers and Hippomanes: Georgics 3.282f. Latomus 52.4 1993 842-847 Perkins, C.A. Tacitus on Otho Latomus 52.4 1993 848-855 Chastagnol, A. Consul saepius Latomus 52.4 1993 856-859 Doignon, J. Allegories du retour dans le Contra Academicos de saint Augustin Latomus 52.4 1993 860-867 Ciccuto, M. Figure dell' enciclopedia illustrata nel De rebus in Oriente mirabilibus Latomus 52.4 1993 868-874 Galand-Hallyn, P. La poetique de jeunesse de Pie II: la Cinthia Latomus 52.4 1993 875-896 Frangoulidis, Stavros A. Modes of metatheatre: theatricalisation and detheatricalisation in Terence, Eunuchus LCM 18.10 1993 146-151 Hansen, Ove Minoan-Mycenaean list EN[subscript] 51,8: di-[qzJz]-s LCM 18.10 1993 151 Hendry, Michael Juvenal 1.163: an alternative solution LCM 18.10 1993 152-153 Simpson, C.J. Tiberius' adoption by M. Gallius and the elder Drusus' change in praenomen LCM 18.10 1993 154-155 Dery, Carol The Lex Sumptuaria in Cicero, Ad Familiares 7.26 LCM 18.10 1993 156-157 Adams, J.N. Mulomedicinae Chironis LCM 18.1 1993 3 Arnott, W. Geoffrey Schliemann on the Great Wall of China LCM 18.1 1993 3-4 Ehrhardt, Christoph An Unnecessary Letter in the Pisa Inscription for L. Caesar LCM 18.1 1993 4 Fear, T. Another Note on Catullus 68a.34f LCM 18.1 1993 4 Greaves, Alan M. Euripides Herakles 1127 LCM 18.1 1993 5 Hendry, Michael Three Conjectures on Ovid's Tristia: 3.5.5-8 LCM 18.1 1993 5-7 Jones, F.M.A. The Role of the Addressees in Horace, Epistles LCM 18.1 1993 7-11 Konstan, David Sexuality and Power in Juvenal's Second Satire LCM 18.1 1993 12-14 Levitan, William Give up the Beginning?: Juno's Mindful Wrath (Aeneid 1.37) LCM 18.1 1993 14 O'Sullivan, James N. A Parson's Pleasure LCM 18.1 1993 15 Bernal, M. Reply to L.A. Tritle LCM 18.2 1993 18-32 Borthwick, E. Kerr Autolekythos and Lekythion in Demosthenes and Aristophanes LCM 18.3 1993 34-37 Boeri, Marcello D. Aristotelian Elements in early Stoicism LCM 18.3 1993 37-39 Cloud, Duncan Municipal Capital Jurisdiction over Roman Citizens: A Chimaera? LCM 18.3 1993 39-43 Fear, A.T. Polar Bears in Antiquity? LCM 18.3 1993 43-45 Dover, Kenneth Simia LCM 18.3 1993 46 Butrica, James L. Lygdamus, Nephew of Messalla? LCM 18.4 1993 51-53 Carey, C. Return of the Radish, or, Just When You Thought it was Safe to go Back into the Kitchen LCM 18.4 1993 53-55 Killeen, J.F. Livy 34.47.5 LCM 18.4 1993 55-56 Woolliscroft, D.J. & J. The Profits of a Loss-Making Roman Province LCM 18.4 1993 56-57 Henderson, John Hendanceson Tuplin's Shield (and on) LCM 18.4 1993 58-62 Wilkins, John The Significance of Food and Eating in Greek Comedy LCM 18.5 1993 66-74 Hendry, Michael A Pile-Driver in Statius (Silvae 1.1.64) LCM 18.5 1993 74-75 Moles, J.L. On Reading Cornelius Nepos with Nicholas Horsfall LCM 18.5 1993 76-80 Jackson, Steven Myrsilus of Methymna and the Tales of the Dolphins LCM 18.6 1993 82-85 Matthews, V. In Defence of the Artemis of Antimachos LCM 18.6 1993 86-88 Leary, T. The Intellectual Accomplishments of the Elegiac Woman LCM 18.6 1993 88-91 Currie, H. McL. Closure/Transition and the nox erat Topos: Some Notes LCM 18.6 1993 92-95 Cockburn, Gordon Two points about Agamemnon 1232-1236 LCM 18.6 1993 96 Hendry, Michael Three conjectures on Ovid's Tristia: addenda et corrigenda LCM 18.7 1993 99 Greenwood, Mark A. Martial Epigrams 11.21 LCM 18.7 1993 100-102 Konishi, H. The origin of the Greek alphabet: a fresh approach LCM 18.7 1993 102-105 Arnott, W. Geoffrey Bull-leaping as initiation LCM 18.8 1993 114-116 Konishi, H. Muse, goddess of literacy LCM 18.8 1993 116-121 Murgatroyd, P. Possible and probable etymologising in Tibullus III LCM 18.8 1993 121-122 Craik, Elizabeth M. Unwritten laws LCM 18.8 1993 123-125 Frost, K. B. An entrance convention in New Comedy LCM 18.8 1993 125 Holford-Strevens, Leofranc Gellius among the Friars Minor LCM 18.8 1993 126-127 Stokes, Michael C. Symposium 172a-c: a Platonic fallacy? LCM 18.8 1993 128 Huxley, H. H. 'Wielder of the stateliest measure' LCM 18.9 1993 132-141 Baldwin, Barry What comes out in the wash? Mesomedes 9.15 LCM 18.9 1993 141-142 Baldwin, Barry The meaning of Apocolocyntosis: more gourd ideas LCM 18.9 1993 142-143 Benejam-Bontems, Marie-Jose Europa-Mater LEC 61.1 1993 3-11 Delvaux, G. Des proches parents: Plutarque et le De Viris Ill. V. R. (pseudo-Aurelius Victor) (I) LEC 61.1 1993 13-23 Byl, Simon La peste a l'aube de la civilisation occidentale LEC 61.1 1993 25-34 Maleuvre, J.-Y. Encore trois odes d'Horace (I, 9, 19, II, 4) LEC 61.1 1993 35-49 Prickartz, Charles La chute de Philippe l'Arabe (244-249 p. C. n.) LEC 61.1 1993 51-64 Troussel, Marie L. L'analyse graphologique de Nerval LEC 61.1 1993 65-67 Dorion, Louis-Andre Une pretendue dette d'Aristote a l'endroit de Platon. Le cas des Refutations sophistiques et de l'Euthydeme LEC 61.2 1993 97-113 Delvaux, G. Des proches parents: Plutarque et le De Viris Ill. V. R. (pseudo-Aurelius Victor) (II) LEC 61.2 1993 115-130 Marin, Vincent Coniugium uocat, hoc praetexit nomine culpam (Eneide, IV, 172) LEC 61.2 1993 131-138 Filee, Jacques Polysemie de sanguine viperino dans l'ode I, 8 d'Horace? LEC 61.2 1993 139-141 Isebaert, L. Philologie et Histoire des langues. Une manifestation d'hommage a O. Szemerenyi LEC 61.2 1993 143-146 Hamblenne, Pierre Le texte et la tradition des Tusculanes. La replique de M. Giusta a S. Lundstrom LEC 61.2 1993 147-149 Alonso-Nunez, Jose Miguel Tacite et les Provinces Hispaniques LEC 61.2 1993 151-157 Derouau, W. In memoriam: le Pere Andre Wankenne LEC 61.3 1993 193-194 Perdicoyanni, Helene Le vocabulaire de la douleur dans l'Hecube et les Troyennes d'Euripide LEC 61.3 1993 195-204 Poznanski, Lucien Commander, controler, communiquer. Polybe, de la tradition a la modernite LEC 61.3 1993 205-220 Dehon, Pierre-Jacques Tradition et innovation dans Tibulle, I, 1, 45-48 LEC 61.3 1993 221-226 Gaide, Francoise Apulee de Madaure a-t-il prononce le De Magia devant le proconsul d'Afrique LEC 61.3 1993 227-231 Besa, Carles Sagesse et savoir de l'ecriture chez Montaigne LEC 61.3 1993 233-244 Auberger, Janick Parole et silence dans les Preceptes du mariage de Plutarque LEC 61.4 1993 297-308 Cormier, Raymond J. Le lien mystique. Topos classique quasi-virgilien transpose et adapte au XIIe siecle LEC 61.4 1993 309-315 Guillaume, Jean Folie et raison chez Nerval LEC 61.4 1993 317-322 Purnelle, Gerald Lasfe (CIL IV 2119 1) et quelques autres exemples d'usage abusif de l'epigraphie en phonetique historique LEC 61.4 1993 323-330 Le Hir, Y. Beroalde de Verville et Flaubert: Herodias LEC 61.4 1993 331-332 Dubuisson, M. L'apprenti sorcier LEC 61.4 1993 333-335 Filee, Jacques Claudien et le 'Vieillard de Verone' LEC 61.4 1993 337-343 Frisaye, Andre Seminaire de Nicosie (Chypre), 10-14 mai 1993 LEC 61.4 1993 345-346 Gilbertson, D.D.; Hunt, C.O.; Fieller, N.R.J. ULVS XXVI: Sedimentological and Palynological Studies of Holocene Environmental Changes from a Plateau Basin Infill Sequence at Grerat D'nar Salem, near Beni Ulid, in the Tripolitan Pre-desert LibStud 24 1993 1-18 Ammar, Ammar A. An Analysis of Eocene Mass Movements in the Wadi Athrun, Cyrenaica LibStud 24 1993 19-26 Fabbricotti, Emanuela Silphium in Ancient Art LibStud 24 1993 27-33 Wanis, Saleh A Scarab Seal from Cyrene LibStud 24 1993 35-36 Wright, G.R.H. The Martyrion by the city wall at Apollonia: Its structure and form LibStud 24 1993 37-55 Thorn, James Copland Warrington's 1827 discoveries in the Apollo sanctuary at Cyrene LibStud 24 1993 57-76 Bacchielli, L. Pittura funeraria antica in Cirenaica LibStud 24 1993 77-116 Dore, John N.; Rowan, J.S.; Davison, J.P. Fieldwork at El Merj (Ancient Barca): a First Report on the 1992 Season LibStud 24 1993 117-120 Bukechiem, A.A. Utilisation of Groundwater in Jebel el Akhdar, North-East Libya, as a Basis of Agricultural Improvement with Special Emphasis on the El Marj Plain LibStud 24 1993 121-142 Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. Successful Desert Animals -- Scorpions, Beetles and Lizards LibStud 24 1993 143-156 Gerber, Douglas E. Greek Lyric Poetry since 1920. Part I: General, Lesbian Poets Lustrum 35 1993 7-179 Touloumakos, Johannes Aristoteles' 'Politik' 1925-1985 (2. Teil) Lustrum 35 1993 181-289 Bruno, Vincent J.; Scott, Russell T. Cosa IV: The Houses MAAR 38 1993 n/a Livrea, Enrico Terpandrea Maia 45.1 1993 3-6 Ronnik, Michele Valerie Form and Meaning of Juvenal's Twelfth Satire Maia 45.1 1993 7-10 Lentano, Mario Parce ac duriter. Catone, Plauto e una formula felice Maia 45.1 1993 11-16 Fucecchi, Marco Lo spettacolo delle virtu nel giovane eroe predestinato: analisi della figura di Scipione in Silio Italico Maia 45.1 1993 17-48 Lofstedt, Bengt Ahrenlese 6. Vermischte Notizen zur Grammatik und Lexikographie des spaten Lateins Maia 45.1 1993 49-52 Leotta, Rosario Il diminutivo nei drammi di Rosvita Maia 45.1 1993 53-62 Moisello, Laura Echi ciceroniani in un poeta latino del XII secolo Maia 45.1 1993 63-72 Ley, Graham Monody, Choral Song and Athenian Festival Performance Maia 45.2 1993 105-124 Scheidel, Walter Politio und politor bei Cato. Ein Epilog Maia 45.2 1993 125-136 Cavazza, Franco Problemi d'interpretazione e di testo nell'Aenigma peranticum di Varro, fr. 55 Gotz-Scholl, FPL p. 41 Buchner, citato da Gellio (XII 6) Maia 45.2 1993 137-146 Marcucci, Silvia Ac ne forte roges quo me duce, quo lare tuter (Hor. epist. I 1,13) Maia 45.2 1993 147-160 Grazzini, Stefano Curuca. Su una lezione controversa in Iuv. 6,276 Maia 45.2 1993 161-176 Mignogna, Elisa Europa o Selene? Achille Tazio e Mosco o il ritorno dell'"inversione" Maia 45.2 1993 177-184 Saggese, Paolo Poliziano, Domenico Calderini e la tradizione del testo di Marziale Maia 45.2 1993 185-196 Bonfante, Giuliano L'isoglossa indoeuropea di dativo plurale -bh- : -m- Maia 45.3 1993 223-224 La Penna, Antonio Una corruzione antica nel testo di Properzio e una proposta per IV 11,40 Maia 45.3 1993 225-228 Merli, Elena Ordinamento degli epigrammi e strategie cortigiane negli esordi dei libri I-XII di Marziale Maia 45.3 1993 229-256 Mattiacci, Silvia La lecti invocatio di Aristomene: pluralita di modelli e parodia in Apul. met. I 16 Maia 45.3 1993 257-268 Feraboli, Simonetta L'evoluzione di un catalogo stellare Maia 45.3 1993 269-274 Maranini, Anna Un nuovo commento umanistico agli 'Astronomica' di Manilio Maia 45.3 1993 275-298 Goffis, Cesare Federico Il teatro di Francesco Della Corte Maia 45.3 1993 299-310 Kobes, J. Rhodos und das Erdbeben von 227 v.Chr. MBAH 12.1 1993 1-26 Drexhage, H.-J. Garum und Garumhandel im romischen und spatantiken Agypten MBAH 12.1 1993 27-54 Tsetskhladze, G.R. Griechen in der Kolchis. Oikonomische Aspekte MBAH 12.1 1993 56-73 Ruffing, K. Ein Fall von politischer Getreidespekulation im Jahr 57 v.Chr. in Rom? MBAH 12.1 1993 75-93 Ruffing, K. Das Nikanor-Archiv und der romische Sud- und Osthandel MBAH 12.2 1993 1-26 Drexhage, H.-J. Kuminon und sein Vertrieb im griechisch-romischen Agypten MBAH 12.2 1993 27-32 Bounegru, O. Kleinasiatische und ostliche keramische Importfunde aus Histria und Tomis (1.-3. Jh. n. Chr.) MBAH 12.2 1993 33-51 Revilla Calvo, V.; Carreras Monfort, C. El vino de la Tarraconense en Britannia MBAH 12.2 1993 53-92 Stoll, O. Der Transfer von Technologie in der romischen Antike. Einige zusatzliche Bemerkungen zu einem Buch von Sigrid Dusek MBAH 12.2 1993 93-118 Dettori, Emanuele Osservazioni sulla 'Coppa di Nestore' MCr 25-28 1990-1993 7-20 Casadio, Valerio [Hes.] fr. 406 M.-W. MCr 25-28 1990-1993 21-22 Andrisano, Angela Sul primo Epodo di Strasburgo: Arch. fr. [79a], 7ss. D.3 = Hipp. fr. dub. 115, 9ss. W.2 MCr 25-28 1990-1993 23-29 Casadio, Valerio Archil. fr. 298 W. MCr 25-28 1990-1993 31-35 Casadio, Valerio Alcae. fragm. neglectum MCr 25-28 1990-1993 37-38 Zimmermann, Bernhard Bacchyl. XVII 124s. Sn.-M. MCr 25-28 1990-1993 39-41 Marzullo, Benedetto Bacchyl. XVII 124s. Sn.-M. MCr 25-28 1990-1993 43-44 Dettori, Emanuele Alcmae. fr. 1 D.-K. MCr 25-28 1990-1993 45-57 Sommerstein, Alan H. Aesch. Suppl. 952s. 'Beer no drink for men' MCr 25-28 1990-1993 59-64 Hendry, Michael Aesch. Eum. 659 MCr 25-28 1990-1993 65-66 Casadio, Valerio Aesch. fragm. novum? MCr 25-28 1990-1993 67-70 Sommerstein, Alan H. Soph. Ant. 572: 'Dearest Haimon' MCr 25-28 1990-1993 71-76 Conti Bizzarro, Ferruccio Eur. fr. 205 N.2 MCr 25-28 1990-1993 77-78 Conti Bizzarro, Ferruccio Note a Ferecrate MCr 25-28 1990-1993 79-121 Tammaro, Vinicio Note eupolidee MCr 25-28 1990-1993 123-138 Sommerstein, Alan H. Aristoph. Ach. 1103-17 MCr 25-28 1990-1993 139-144 Tammaro, Vinicio Note ai Cavalieri MCr 25-28 1990-1993 145-150 Nevola, Maria Lucia Meccanismi comici nelle Nuvole de Aristofane MCr 25-28 1990-1993 151-174 Sommerstein, Alan H. Aristoph. Nub. 1101-4 MCr 25-28 1990-1993 175-179 Curiazi, Dalila Il Cratilo e la tradizione 'etimologica' MCr 25-28 1990-1993 181-244 Marzullo, Benedetto Annotazione al Cratilo di Platone MCr 25-28 1990-1993 245-267 Perilli, Lorenzo Plat. Phaed. 99b6s. MCr 25-28 1990-1993 269-276 Casadio, Valerio Hyperid. fragm. neglectum? MCr 25-28 1990-1993 277-278 Casadio, Valerio Rhet. adesp. fragm. neglectum? MCr 25-28 1990-1993 279-280 Perilli, Lorenzo Empedocle, Platone ed il clinamen epicureo MCr 25-28 1990-1993 281-289 Casadio, Valerio Alex. adesp. fragm. neglecta? MCr 25-28 1990-1993 291-294 Casadio, Valerio Epic. fragm. neglectum? MCr 25-28 1990-1993 295 Tosi, Renzo Lexicographica Alexandrina MCr 25-28 1990-1993 297-304 Lieberg, Godo Plaut. Aul. 201s. MCr 25-28 1990-1993 305-313 Funaioli, Maria Paola Hor. Carm. I 7 MCr 25-28 1990-1993 315-330 Giardina, Giancarlo Hor. Carm. III 1, 19 MCr 25-28 1990-1993 331 Giardina, Giancarlo Ovid. Ars I 413-16 MCr 25-28 1990-1993 333-334 Giardina, Giancarlo Note a Petronio MCr 25-28 1990-1993 335-336 Perilli, Lorenzo Galen. Gloss. XIX 69, 4 Kuhn MCr 25-28 1990-1993 337-342 Schwabl, Hans Textkritische Nachlese zu Artemidor MCr 25-28 1990-1993 343-367 Conti Bizzarro, Ferruccio Marginalia paroem. et lexicographica MCr 25-28 1990-1993 369-371 Perilli, Lorenzo Marginalia lexicographica MCr 25-28 1990-1993 373-378 Casadio, Valerio Note ad Etym. Gen. e MCr 25-28 1990-1993 379-408 Buhler, Winfried Johannes Zacharias, De urinis, ed. Ideler MCr 25-28 1990-1993 409-415 Gigante, Marcello Un 'valgimiglismo' in Pasquali MCr 25-28 1990-1993 417-418 Hinds, Stephen Medea in Ovid: Scenes of the Life of an Intertextual Heroine MD 30 1993 9-47 Labate, Mario Storie di instabilita: l'episodio di Ermafrodito nelle Metamorfosi di Ovidio MD 30 1993 49-62 Bessone, Federica Discorsi dei liberti e parodia del 'Simposio' platonico nella 'Cena Trimalchionis' MD 30 1993 63-86 Di Simone, Marina I fallimenti di Encolpio, tra esemplarita mitica e modelli letterari: una ricostruzione (Sat. 82, 5; 132, 1) MD 30 1993 87-108 Merli, Elena Vetustilla noua nupta: liberta uigilata e uolonta epigrammatica in Marziale 3, 93, con qualche osservazione sugli epigrammi lunghi MD 30 1993 109-125 Tsisibakou-Vasalos, Evanthia Alcman's Partheneion PMG 1, 13-15. Aisa, Poros and apedilos alka: their Past and Present MD 30 1993 129-151 Miller, John F. Ovidian Allusion and the Vocabulary of Memory MD 30 1993 153-164 Martina, Mario Marziale 3, 33, 4 MD 30 1993 165-166 Luzzatto, Maria-Jagoda Itinerari di codici antichi: un'edizione di Tucidide tra il II ed il X secolo MD 30 1993 167-203 Stagni, Ernesto Ricerche sulla tradizione manoscritta di Petronio: L'editio princeps dei 'longa' e i codici di Tornesio MD 30 1993 205-230 Konstan, David Foreword: To the Reader [issue entitled 'Mega Nepios. Il destinario nell'epos didascalico. The Addressee in Didactic Epic'] MD 31 1993 11-22 Strauss Clay, Jenny The Education of Perses: From 'Mega Nepios' to 'Dion Genos' and Back MD 31 1993 23-33 Tulli, Mauro L'esortazione di Parmenide al sapere MD 31 1993 35-50 Obbink, Dirk The Adressees of Empedocles MD 31 1993 51-98 Bing, Peter Aratus and his audiences MD 31 1993 99-109 Mitsis, Phillip Committing Philosophy on the Reader: Didactic Coercion and Reader Autonomy in De Rerum Natura MD 31 1993 111-128 Schiesaro, Alessandro Il destinario discreto. Funzioni didascaliche e progetto culturale nelle Georgiche MD 31 1993 129-147 Barchiesi, Alessandro Insegnare ad Augusto: Orazio, Epistole 2, 1 e Ovidio, Tristia II MD 31 1993 149-184 Armstrong, David The Addressees of the Ars poetica: Herculaneum, the Pisones and Epicurean Protreptic MD 31 1993 185-230 Miller, John F. Apostrophe, Aside and the Didactic Addressee: Poetic Strategies in Ars Amatoria III MD 31 1993 231-241 Neuburg, Matt Hitch Your Wagon to a Star: Manilius and his Two Addressees MD 31 1993 243-282 Fittschen, Klaus Klaus Kilian--Leben und Werk MDAI(A) 108 1993 1-8 Jakovidis, Spyros E. Das Werk Klaus Kilians MDAI(A) 108 1993 9-28 Kuhn, Gerhard Bau B und Tempel C in Thermos MDAI(A) 108 1993 29-48 Tancke, Karin Eine archaische Ritzstele vom Kerameikos MDAI(A) 108 1993 49-58 Korres, Manolis Wilhelm Dorpfelds Forschungen zum Vorparthenon und Parthenon MDAI(A) 108 1993 59-78 Kunze-Gotte, Erika Zwei attisch rotfigurige Pyxiden aus Grabern des Kerameikos MDAI(A) 108 1993 79-100 Lohmann, Hans Ein Turmgehoft klassischer Zeit in Thimari MDAI(A) 108 1993 101-150 Schone-Denkinger, Angelika Terrakottamodel aus dem Bau Y am Heiligen Tor (Kerameikos) MDAI(A) 108 1993 151-182 Lohr, Christoph Die Statuenbasen im Amphiareion von Oropos MDAI(A) 108 1993 183-212 Neumann, Gerhard Ein weiblicher Kopf in Thessaloniki MDAI(A) 108 1993 213-224 Yfantidis, Konstantinos Beobachtungen an zwei pergamenischen Kopfen in Schloss Fasanerie bei Fulda MDAI(A) 108 1993 225-238 Schafer, Thomas Zur Datierung des Siegesdenkmals von Aktium MDAI(A) 108 1993 239-240 Andreae, B. Kurze Geschichte des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts in Rom. MDAI(R) 100 1993 5 Laubscher, H.P. Ein griechisches Grabrelief als Ruhmesdenkmal der Barberini MDAI(R) 100 1993 43 Jannot, J.R. Charun, Tuchulcha et les autres MDAI(R) 100 1993 59 Andreae, B. Laurea coronatur. Der Lorbeerkranz des Asklepios und die Attaliden von Pergamon MDAI(R) 100 1993 83 Andreae, B. Auftraggeber und Bedeutung der Dirke-Gruppe MDAI(R) 100 1993 107 Albertson, F.C. Pliny and the Vatican Laocoon MDAI(R) 100 1993 133 Jeppesen, K.K. Grand Camee de France. Sejanus Reconsidered and Confirmed MDAI(R) 100 1993 141 Lahusen, G.; Formigli, E. Die romischen Kaiserbildnisse der Biblioteca Vaticana MDAI(R) 100 1993 177 Arata, F.P. La statua seduta dell'imperatrice Elena nel Museo Capitolino MDAI(R) 100 1993 185 Niemeyer, H.G.; Docter, R.F. Die Grabung unter dem Decumanus maximus von Karthago MDAI(R) 100 1993 201 Berges, D. Die Tonsiegel aus dem karthagischen Tempelarchiv. Vorbericht MDAI(R) 100 1993 245 Martin-Kilcher, S. Amphoren der spaten Republik und der fruhen Kaiserzeit in Karthago MDAI(R) 100 1993 269 Strocka, V.M. Pompeji VI 17,41: Ein Haus mit Privatbibliothek MDAI(R) 100 1993 321 Wallat, K. Opus testaceum in Pompeji MDAI(R) 100 1993 353 Knell, H. Vitruvs Klimalehre MDAI(R) 100 1993 383 Jones, M.W. Designing Amphitheatres MDAI(R) 100 1993 391 Pavolini, C., e collaboratori La topografia antica della sommita del Celio MDAI(R) 100 1993 443 Lenoir, M. Ad Mercuri templum. Voies et occupation antiques du nord du Maroc MDAI(R) 100 1993 507 Cavalier, M. Twenty Years of Archaeological Research on the Aeolian Islands MedArch 5/6 1992/1993 5, Pls 1-12 Spigo, G.M. Bacci Nuove ricerche a Messina: rapporti con l'archeologia eoliana [Eng. summary: Recent Research in Messian -- Links with Aeolian Archaeology] MedArch 5/6 1992/1993 14, Pls 13-15 Brea, Luigi Bernabo Masks and Characters of the Greek Theatre in the Terracottas of Ancient Lipara MedArch 5/6 1992/1993 23, Pls 16-30 Spigo, U. Nuovi rinvenimenti di ceramica a figure rosse di fabbrica siceliota ed italiota da Lipari e dalla Provincia di Messina [Eng. summary: New Discoveries of Sicilian and South Italian Red-Figured Potttery form Lipari and from the Province of Messina] MedArch 5/6 1992/1993 32 Bloedow, E.F. The Date of the Earliest Phase at Argissa Magoula in Thessaly MedArch 5/6 1992/1993 49 Benton, J.N.; Grave, P.; Robinson, E.G.D.; Wright, R.V.S. Jericho Tomb B47: A Palestinian Middle Bronze Age Tomb in the Nicholson Museum MedArch 5/6 1992/1993 59 Clarke, G.; Hillard, T. A Limestone Altar from North Syria MedArch 5/6 1992/1993 111, Pls 38-39 Clarke, G. Greek Graffiti from North Syria MedArch 5/6 1992/1993 117, Pls 39-40 Ireland, T.; Urwin, N. Satellite Imagery and Landscape Archaeology MedArch 5/6 1992/1993 121 Jackson, H. Herakles or Theseus? An Attic Black-Figured Amphora at Monash University, Melbourne MedArch 5/6 1992/1993 133, Pl 41 Sheedy, K. Greek Coins in the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Sydney MedArch 5/6 1992/1993 143, Pls 42-50 Nixon, C.E.V. (ed) Australian and New Zealand Field Work in the Mediterranean Region MedArch 5/6 1992/1993 161, Pls 51-53 Angeli Bertinelli, M.G. Un titulus inedito di M'. Acilio Glabrione, da Luni MEFRA 105.1 1993 7-31 Cresci Marrone, G. Gens Avil(l)ia e commercio dei metalli in valle di Cogne MEFRA 105.1 1993 33-37 Berard, F. Une nouvelle inscription militaire lyonnaise MEFRA 105.1 1993 39-54 Sabbatini Tumolesi, P. Un inedito dazio doganale: l'alabarchia Pelusi MEFRA 105.1 1993 55-61 Dupuis, X. A propos d'une inscription de Thugga: un temoignage sur la vitalite des cites africaines pendant la 'crise' du IIIe siecle MEFRA 105.1 1993 63-73 Berenger, A. La commission financiere extraordinaire de 62 ap. J.-C. MEFRA 105.1 1993 75-101 Bonnefond-Coudry, M. Le princeps senatus: vie et mort d'une institution republicaine MEFRA 105.1 1993 103-134 Moderan, Y. La chronologie de la Vie de saint Fulgence de Ruspe et ses incidences sur l'histoire de l'Afrique vandale MEFRA 105.1 1993 135-188 Sannazaro, M. Un'epigrafe di Garlate: il comes domesticorum Pierius e la battaglia dell'Adda del 490 MEFRA 105.1 1993 189-219 Fontaine, P. Veies. Les remparts et la porte de la Piazza d'Armi MEFRA 105.1 1993 221-239 Hamdoune, C. Ptolemee et la localisation des tribus de Tingitane MEFRA 105.1 1993 241-289 Liberman, G. Autour de l'archetype de la tradition de Valerius Flaccus MEFRA 105.1 1993 291-302 Recherches sur l'Adriatique antique. II. 1986-1990 MEFRA 105.1 1993 303-417 Grandazzi, A. La Roma quadrata: mythe ou realite? MEFRA 105.2 1993 493-545 Desnier, J.-L. Omnia et realia. Naissance de l'Urbs sacra severienne (193-204 ap. J.-C.) MEFRA 105.2 1993 547-620 Tomei, M.A. Sul Tempio di Giove Statore al Palatino MEFRA 105.2 1993 621-659 Zevi, F. Per l'identificazione della Porta Minucia frumentaria MEFRA 105.2 1993 661-708 Carignani, A. Centanni dopo. Antiche scoperte e nuove interpretazioni dagli scavi all'Ospedale militare del Celio MEFRA 105.2 1993 709-746 Lavagne, H. Une peinture romaine oubliee: le paysage du nymphee decouvert au Palais Barberini en 1627 MEFRA 105.2 1993 747-777 Ruby, P. Tarquinia, entre la Grece et Sala Consilina. Elements pour l'etude de la circulation des biens de prestige dans l'Italie centrale et meridionale protohistorique MEFRA 105.2 1993 779-832 Cristofani, M. Il resto di Pech-Maho, Aleria e i traffici del V secolo a. C. MEFRA 105.2 1993 833-845 Pagano, M. Ricerche sulla cinta muraria di Cuma MEFRA 105.2 1993 847-871 Todisco, L. Rilievi romani a Trani, Castel del Monte, Canosa MEFRA 105.2 1993 873-894 France, J. Administration et fiscalite douanieres sous le regne d'Auguste: la date de la creation de la Quadragesima Galliarum MEFRA 105.2 1993 895-927 Nicolet, C. Le Monumentum Ephesenum et la delimitation du portorium d'Asie MEFRA 105.2 1993 929-959 Benzina Ben Abdallah, Z. D'Ammaedara a Carthage. Du nouveau sur les Flavii et sur les Ranii, familles clarissimes d'origine africaine MEFRA 105.2 1993 961-973 Rebillard, E. Koimeterion et coemeterium: tombe, tombe sainte, necropole MEFRA 105.2 1993 975-1001 Liberman, G. Autour de l'edition alexandrine d'Alcee MEFRA 105.2 1993 1003-1013 Recherches sur l'Adriatique antique II (suite). 1989-1990 MEFRA 105.2 1993 1015-1088 Kerkhecker, Arnd Theseus im Regen. Zu Kallimachos, Hekale fr. 74, 1 Hollis MH 50.1 1993 1-19 Naeff-Hoffmann, Petra Textkritische Bemerkungen zu Fragment XVI (Ribbeck) von Pacuvius' Armorum Iudicium MH 50.1 1993 20-25 Knoepfler, Denis Le temple du Metroon de Sardes et ses inscriptions MH 50.1 1993 26-43 Masson, Olivier Francois Lenormant (1837-1883), un erudit deconcertant MH 50.1 1993 44-60 Landmann, Georg Peter Die Ilias als durchdachtes Gesamtbild des Phanomens Krieg MH 50.2 1993 65-78 Gemelli-Marciano, M. Laura Ein neues Zeugnis zu Oinopides von Chios bei Iohannes Tzetzes. Das Problem der Nilschwelle MH 50.2 1993 79-93 Liou-Gille, Bernadette Le pomerium MH 50.2 1993 94-106 Fuhrer, Therese Der Begriff veri simile bei Cicero und Augustin MH 50.2 1993 107-125 Meier-Brugger, Michael Wie ist koma gebildet? MH 50.2 1993 126 Stuckelberger, Alfred Aristoteles illustratus. Anschauungshilfsmittel in der Schule des Peripatos MH 50.3 1993 131-143 Sosower, Mark L. Antonios Eparchos and a Codex of Archimedes in the Bodmer Library MH 50.3 1993 144-157 Schaublin, Christoph Kritisches und Exegetisches zu Ciceros 'Lucullus' II MH 50.3 1993 158-168 Beitrage aus der Thesaurus-Arbeit XXVI MH 50.3 1993 170-184 Hubbard, Thomas K. The Theban Amphiaraion and Pindar's Vision on the Road to Delphi MH 50.4 1993 193-203 Rudhardt, Jean A propos de l'Hecate hesiodique MH 50.4 1993 204-213 Delz, Josef Horatius ex Horatio emendatus (mit einem Anhang zum Gebrauch von plerumque) MH 50.4 1993 214-222 Ronnick, Michele Valerie Juvenal, Sat. 12, 32: Catullus' Shipwreck MH 50.4 1993 223-224 Rubinsohn, Zeev Wolfgang Mithradates VI Eupator Dionysos and Rome's Conquest of the Hellenistic East MHR 8.1 1993 5-54 Karpov, S.P. The Grain Trade in the Southern Black Sea Region: The Thirteenth to the Fifteenth Century MHR 8.1 1993 55-73 Rein, Raanan Outpaced by the West: Israel's Spanish Policy, 1953-1956 MHR 8.1 1993 74-104 Boccato, Carla The Testament of Jakob Cohen Ascanasi: The Family and Commercial Enterprise in the Venetian Ghetto at the End of the Sixteenth Century MHR 8.1 1993 105-124 Salgado, Felipe Maillo The City of Lucena in Arab Sources MHR 8.2 1993 149-165 Madden, Thomas F. Venice and Constantinople in 1171 and 1172: Enrico Dandolo's Attitudes towards Byzantium MHR 8.2 1993 166-185 Murphey, Rhoads The Ottoman Resurgence in the Seventeenth-Century Mediterranean: The Gamble and its Results MHR 8.2 1993 186-200 Yiannakopoulos, Georgios A. The Reconstruction of a Destroyed Picture: The Oral History Archive of the Center for Asia Minor Studies MHR 8.2 1993 201-217 Bet-El, Ilana R. A Soldier's Pilgrimage: Jerusalem 1918 MHR 8.2 1993 218-235 Babington, Caroline; Park, David Uncovering Medieval Wall Paintings in Chester Castle Minerva 4.1 1993 8-9 Eisenberg, Jerome M. The George Ortiz Collection - A Search for Absolute Beauty in Ancient Art Minerva 4.1 1993 10-13 Clayton, Peter A. Another Great Roman Treasure Surfaces in East Anglia Minerva 4.1 1993 15-16 Shimada, Izumi; Merkel, John A Sican Tomb in Peru Minerva 4.1 1993 18-23, 25 Clayton, Peter Nubia: A Drowned Land and its Re-emerging Civilisation Minerva 4.1 1993 26-29 Taylor, John H. Howard Carter: Before Tutankhamun Minerva 4.1 1993 30-33 Harris, Clare Amaravati Sculpture Reinstalled in New British Museum Minerva 4.1 1993 34-35 Eisenberg, Jerome M. From the Treasuries of Eurasia - Masterpieces of Ancient Art from the Former Soviet Union Minerva 4.1 1993 36, 38-39 McFadden, Eric J. Numismatic News - The Ancient Coin Market Minerva 4.1 1993 44 Spivey, Nigel The Appeal of the Etruscans Minerva 4.2 1993 4 Leidy, Denise Gods, Guardians and Lovers. Temple Sculpture from North India Minerva 4.2 1993 6 Eisenberg, Jerome M. The Symmachi Ivory Panel. A 19th-century Interpretation of a Lost Original Minerva 4.2 1993 12 Eisenberg, Jerome M. The Winter 1992 Antiquities Sales Minerva 4.2 1993 19 Mullaly, Terence The Mosaics of Jordan. The Golden Age of Jordanian Art Minerva 4.2 1993 28 Gilkes, Oliver; Hodges, Richard An Extra-Territorial Excavation. Excavating the British Embassy in Rome Minerva 4.2 1993 30 Eisenberg, Jerome M. Archaeological News from New Orleans. The Annual Meeting of the AIA Minerva 4.2 1993 34 Baker, Janet Appeasing the Spirits. Chinese Tomb Figures from the Schloss Collection Minerva 4.2 1993 41 Berrin, Kathleen Teotihuacan: City of the Gods Minerva 4.3 1993 6 Hodgson, Nick Arbeia: A Roman Fort and Supply-base Minerva 4.3 1993 8 Hankey, Vronwy A Theban 'Battle-Axe': Queen Aahotpe and the Minoans Minerva 4.3 1993 13 Bland, Roger The Coins in the Hoxne Hoard: Roman treasure found in Suffolk Minerva 4.3 1993 15 Niblett, Rosalind A Royal Burial at Verulamium: A Magnificent Celtic Cremation Minerva 4.3 1993 17 Aspropoulos, Stavros The Royal City of Susa: Review of an International Conference Minerva 4.3 1993 19 Piccirillo, Michele Umm al-Rasas: A Byzantine Mosaic Centre in the Jordanian Desert Minerva 4.3 1993 22 Theodorou, Jerry The Mitsotakis Collection on Display in Athens Minerva 4.3 1993 30 Knox, Robert The New Gallery of Oriental Art at the British Museum Minerva 4.3 1993 32 Theodorou, Jerry The Panathenaic Festival of Athena Minerva 4.3 1993 41 Kingsley, Sean A.; Raveh, Kurt The Ships' Graveyard off Israel [a sheltered harbour yields Byzantine treasures] Minerva 4.4 1993 6 Beeson, Anthony J. A Dedication to Jupiter [a sculptural base from Chichester discussed] Minerva 4.4 1993 12 Theodorou, Jerry The Birth of Democracy [2500th anniversary celebrated in an exhibition in Washington D.C.] Minerva 4.4 1993 16 Dawson, Julie New Treatments for Old? [Conservation problems in the Fitzwilliam Museum] Minerva 4.4 1993 19 Eisenberg, Jerome M. The Embiricos Greek Vase Sale at Christie's Minerva 4.4 1993 23 Speidel, Michael A. Roman Soldiers' Pay [a new discovery in Switzerland provides a missing link] Minerva 4.4 1993 26 Carver, Martin Sutton Hoo: The Graveyard of Anglo-Saxon Pagan Kingship Minerva 4.4 1993 28 Aspropoulos, Stauros Alexandria Symposium [conference report from the J. Paul Getty Museum] Minerva 4.4 1993 34 Reade, Julian Mesopotamia at the British Museum [the new Raymond and Beverly Sackler Gallery of Later Mesopotamia] Minerva 4.4 1993 40 Eisenberg, Jerome M. Scrolls from the Dead Sea - The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship Minerva 4.5 1993 6-12 Harrison, Richard J.; Lopez, Gloria Moreno Discovering Bronze Age Spain Minerva 4.5 1993 14-16 Kent, John Coinage of the Twelve Caesars Minerva 4.5 1993 17-18 Eisenberg, Jerome M.; Theodorou, Jerry UNIDROIT, the EC, and the International Trade in Antiquities; New EC Rules on Cultural Objects Minerva 4.5 1993 19-20 Donnan, Christopher B. The Royal Tombs of Sipan Minerva 4.5 1993 22-25, 27 Aspropoulos, Stavros Amarna and Post-Amarna Art Minerva 4.5 1993 28-29 Eisenberg, Jerome M. The Getty Kouros Colloquium in Athens Minerva 4.5 1993 32-35 McFadden, Eric J. Numismatic News - The Antique Coin Market Minerva 4.5 1993 39 Eisenberg, Jerome M. The Summer 1993 Antiquities Sales Minerva 4.5 1993 40-45 Eisenberg, Jerome; Lopez, Gisela Ripoli; Williams, John W. The Art of Medieval Spain, AD 500-1200 [Metropolitan exhibition] Minerva 4.6 1993 6 Hudson, Stephanie Digging in Jordan [British Museum excavations] Minerva 4.6 1993 12 Bianchi, Robert S. The Gold of Meroe Minerva 4.6 1993 18 Johns, Catherine The Hoxne Roman Hoard Declared Treasure Trove Minerva 4.6 1993 22 Hodges, Richard The Crossroads of the Mediterranean [Otranto] Minerva 4.6 1993 26 Morkot, Robert G. The Furniture of Western Asia Minerva 4.6 1993 32 Roth, P. The Theme of Corrupted Xenia in Aeschylus' Oresteia Mnemosyne 46.1 1993 1 Meynersen, O. Der Manteldiebstahl des Sokrates (Ar. Nub. 175-9) Mnemosyne 46.1 1993 18 Swain, S. Thucydides 1.22.1 and 3.82.4 Mnemosyne 46.1 1993 33 Holwerda, D. Textkritisches und exegetisches zur pseudoaristotelischen Schrift Mnemosyne 46.1 1993 46 Radt, S.L. Textkritisches zu Diodor Mnemosyne 46.1 1993 56 Batinski, Emily E. Seneca's Response to Stoic Hermeneutics Mnemosyne 46.1 1993 69 Woods, D. The Origin of Honoratus of Lerins Mnemosyne 46.1 1993 78 Reiner, Paula; Kovacs, D. The Pleiades in Mid-Heaven Mnemosyne 46.2 1993 145 Bons, J.A.E. Isocrates and Written Composition Mnemosyne 46.2 1993 160 Mansfeld, J. Aspects of Epicurean Theology Mnemosyne 46.2 1993 172 Dewar, M. Corippus on the Wakefulness of Poets and Emperors Mnemosyne 46.2 1993 211 Ormand, K. More Wedding Imagery: Trachiniae 1053 ff. Mnemosyne 46.2 1993 224 Hadjistephanou, C.E. Sophocles Antigone 179 f. Mnemosyne 46.2 1993 227 Schmiel, R. Structure and Meaning in Theocritus 11 Mnemosyne 46.2 1993 229 Bremmer, J.N. The Skins of Pherekydes and Epimenides Mnemosyne 46.2 1993 234 De Jong, Irene Studies in Homeric Denomination Mnemosyne 46.3 1993 289 Huys, M. Sophocle, Electre v 674-1057: le revirement d'une heroine sophocleenne aux traits euripideens Mnemosyne 46.3 1993 307 Kyriakou, Poulheria Aristotle's Philosophical Poetics Mnemosyne 46.3 1993 344 Heath, M. Theory in Homeric Commentary Mnemosyne 46.3 1993 356 Adkin, N. Ambrose and Jerome: The Opening Shot Mnemosyne 46.3 1993 364 van Der Veen, J.E. The Lord of the Ring. Narrative Technique in Herodotus' Story on Polycrates' Ring Mnemosyne 46.4 1993 433 Murphy, D.J.; Nicoll, W.S.M. Parisinus Graecus 1813 in Plato's Cratylus Mnemosyne 46.4 1993 458 Algra, K.A. Posidonius' Conception of the Extra-Cosmic Void. The Evidence and the Arguments Mnemosyne 46.4 1993 473 Cawkwell, G.L. Cleomenes Mnemosyne 46.4 1993 506 Draper, Johathan A. The Development of 'the Sign of the Son of Man' in the Jesus Tradition NTS 39.1 1993 1 Perry, John M. The Evolution of the Johannine Eucharist NTS 39.1 1993 22 Verseput, D. J. Paul's Gentile Mission and the Jewish Christian Community: A Study of the Narrative in Galatians I and 2 NTS 39.1 1993 36 Breytenbach, C. Versohnung, Stellvertretung und Suhne: Semantische und traditionsgeschichtliche Bemerkungen am Beispiel der paulinischen Briefe NTS 39.1 1993 59 Hubner, Hans Rechtfertigung und Suhne bie Paulus: Eine hermeneutische und theologische Besinnung NTS 39.1 1993 80 Watson, Duane F. James 2 in Light of Greco-Roman Schemes of Argumentation NTS 39.1 1993 94 Klassen, William The Sacred Kiss in the New Testament: An Example of Social Boundary Lines NTS 39.1 1993 122 Thomas, John Christopher The Kingdom of God in the Gospel according to Matthew NTS 39.1 1993 136 May, David M. The Home of Jesus or Levi? NTS 39.1 1993 147 Goulder, Michael Luke's Compositional Options NTS 39.1 1993 150 Fowl, Stephen Receiving the Kingdom of God as a Child: Children and Riches in Luke 18.15ff NTS 39.1 1993 153 Slater, Thomas B. `King of Kings and Lord of Lords' Revisited NTS 39.1 1993 159 Plumacher, Eckhard Die Missionsreden der Apostelgeschichte und Dionys von Halikarnass NTS 39.2 1993 161 Oster, Richard E. Supposed Anachronism in Luke-Acts' Use of ---: A Rejoinder to H.C. Kee NTS 39.2 1993 178 Marguerat, Daniel La Mor d'Ananias et Saphira (Ac 5.1-11) dans la strategic narrative de Luc NTS 39.2 1993 209 Petzer, J.H. The Textual Relationships of the Vulgate in Acts NTS 39.2 1993 227 Smrr, J.F.M. Two Puzzles: 1 Corinthians 12.31 and 13.3: A Rhetorical Solution NTS 39.2 1993 246 Kloppenborg, John S. Rhetorical Engagement in 1 Thessalonians 4.9-12 NTS 39.2 1993 265 Wallace, Daniel B. Reconsidering 'The Story of Jesus and the Adulteress Reconsidered' NTS 39.2 1993 290 Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The Consecutive Meaning of eow in Romans 5.12 NTS 39.3 1993 321 Del Agua, Augustin The Narrative of the Transfiguration as a Derashic Scientification of a Faith Confession (Mark 9.2-8 Par) NTS 39.3 1993 340 Rochais, Gerard Jean 7: une construction letteraire dramatique, a la maniere d'un scenario NTS 39.3 1993 355 Larsson, Edvin Temple-Criticism and the Jewish Heritage: Some Reflexions on Acts 6-7 NTS 39.3 1993 379 Breytenbach, Cillers (Berlin, Germany). Zeus und der lebendige Gott: Anmerkungen zu Apostelgeschichte 14.11-17 NTS 39.3 1993 396 Hofius, Otfried Das vierte Gottesknechtlied in den Briefen des Neuen Testamentes NTS 39.3 1993 414 Reumann, John Contributions of the Philippian Community to Paul and to Earliest Christianity NTS 39.3 1993 438 Lieu, Judith M. What Was from the Beginning: Scripture and Tradition in the Johannine Epistles NTS 39.3 1993 458 Longenecker, Bruce W. Iliotic, in Romans 3.25: Neglected Evidence for the Faithfulness of Christ? NTS 39.3 1993 478 Mink, Gerd Eine umfassende Genearlogie der neutestamentilichen Uberlieferung NTS 39.4 1993 481-499 Trumbower, Jeffery A. The Historical Jesus and the Speech of Gamaliel NTS 39.4 1993 500 Harding, Mark On the Historicity of Acts: Comparing Acts 9.23-5 with 2 Corinthians 11.32-3 NTS 39.4 1993 518-538 South, James T. A Critique of the Curse/Death Interpretation of 1 Corinthians 5.1-8 NTS 39.4 1993 539-561 Mitchell, Alan C. Rich and Poor in the Courts of Corinth: Litigiousness and Status in 1 Corinthians 6.1-11 NTS 39.4 1993 562-586 Wilson, J. Chrisitan The Problem of the Domitianic Date of Revelation NTS 39.4 1993 587-605 Scobie, Charles H.H. Local References in the Letters to the Seven Churches NTS 39.4 1993 606-624 Bednarik, Robert G. European Paleolithic Art --typical or exceptional? OJA 12.1 1993 1 Patton, Mark The Mesolithic of the Channel Islands: Economy and Settlement in a Changing Landscape OJA 12.1 1993 9 Vernet, J.-L., Figueiral, I. The highlands of Aboboreira (North-west Portugal): ecological conditions from Middle/Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age. Evidence from charcoal analysis OJA 12.1 1993 19 Whittle, Alasdair The Neolithic of the Avebury area: sequence, environment, settlement and monuments OJA 12.1 1993 29 Venclova, Natalie Celtic shrines in Central Europe: a sceptical approach OJA 12.1 1993 55 Shchukin, M.B., Tchebotarenko, G.F., Shcherbakova, T.A. Two Finds Belonging to La Tene and Roman Periods from the Moldavian Republic OJA 12.1 1993 67 Zangger, Eberhard Plato's Atlantis Account -- a distorted recollection of the Trojan War OJA 12.1 1993 77 Coldstream, J.N. Mixed Marriages at the Frontiers of the Early Greek World OJA 12.1 1993 89 Cook, R.M. A Carian Wild Goat Workshop OJA 12.1 1993 109 Johnson, Matthew H. Rethinking the Great Building OJA 12.1 1993 117 Sheratt, Andrew Ancestors for the Tombs? OJA 12.1 1993 127 Bradley, Richard, Harding, Jan, Rippon, Stephen, Mathews, Margaret A field method for investigating the distribution of rock art OJA 12.2 1993 129 d'Errico, Francesco La vie sociale de l'art mobilier paleolithique. Manipulation, transport, suspension des objets en os, bois de cervides, ivorie OJA 12.2 1993 145 Price, R.P.S. The West Pontic 'Maritime Interaction Sphere': a long-term structure in Balkan prehistory? OJA 12.2 1993 175 Cassen, Serge Material Culture and chronology of the Middle Neolithic of western France OJA 12.2 1993 197 Figueiral, I. Charcoal analysis and vegetational evolution of North-West Portugal OJA 12.2 1993 209 Woolf, Greg Rethinking the Oppida OJA 12.2 1993 223 Kenrick, Philip Italian Terra Sigillata: a sophisticated Roman industry OJA 12.2 1993 235 Hill, Robert The Grand Menhir Brise: Its Fall and Fracture OJA 12.3 1993 243 Johnston, Susan A. The relationship between prehistoric Irish rock art and Irish passage tomb art OJA 12.3 1993 257 Skeates, Robin Mediterranean Coral: its use and exchange in and around the Alpine region during the later Neolithic and Copper Age OJA 12.3 1993 281 Jones, Donald, W. Phoenician Unguent Factories in Dark Age Greece: Social Approaches to Evaluating the Archaeological Evidence OJA 12.3 1993 293 Ryder, Michael L. Wool at Danebury -- A speculation using evidence from elsewhere OJA 12.3 1993 305 Jersey, Philip de The early chronology of Alet, and its implications for Hengistbury Head and cross-Channel trade in the late Iron Age OJA 12.3 1993 321 Davies, Wendy Surface Scatters of Building Stone: Enchanging Field Survey Work OJA 12.3 1993 337 Plantzos, Dimitris Nero and Poppaea on a Cornelian Ringstone OJA 12.3 1993 355 Van Arsdell, Robert.D. Coin Scales in Late Pre-Roman Iron Age Britain OJA 12.3 1993 361 van der Veen, M., Hall, A.R., May, J. Woad and the Britons Painted Blue OJA 12.3 1993 367 Leman-Delerive, Germaine Essai de confrontation entre les textes anciens et les decouvertes archeologiques d'epoque celtique dans le Nord de la France Ollodagos 5 1993 1-11 Merdrignac, Bernard La 'desacralisation' du mythe celtique de la navigation vers l'autre monde : l'apport du dossier hagiographique de saint Malo Ollodagos 5 1993 13-43 Cornil, Pierre Mythologie hittite et heritage indo-europeen Ollodagos 5 1993 45-55 Blaive, Frederic Le combat singulier arbitral entre Gwydion et Pryderi Ollodagos 5 1993 57-67 Sergent, Bernard Les travaux de Brian Ollodagos 5 1993 69-129 Blaive, Frederic La fille du brahmane et ses trois pretendants : un conte trifonctionnel indien ? Ollodagos 5 1993 131-138 Blaive, Frederic 'Res praua' : une conception indo-europeenne du jeu de des ? Ollodagos 5 1993 139-143 Goetinck, Glenys W. Celtic Mythology, Mediaeval Welsh Literatur and Folklore Ollodagos 5 1993 161-181 Malfait-Dohet, Monique La fonction epique d'Arthur dans 'Le chevalier au papegau', voyage pseudo-initiatique du Moyen Age finissant Ollodagos 5 1993 183-226 De Puydt, Christian Essai de synthese bibliographique sur les Celtes de Galatie Ollodagos 5 1993 227-246 Bernier, Gildas Notules de phonetique des dialectes bretons vannetais Ollodagos 5 1993 247-256 Blaive, Frederic Davide de Sassoun : mythologie indo-europeenne et hagiographie semitique dans l'epopee armenienne Ollodagos 5 1993 257-272 Meulder, Marcel David de Sassoun : un 'trickster' dans une epopee indo-europeenne Ollodagos 5 1993 273-281 Matthys, Andre la direction des fouilles en region wallonne Ollodagos 5 1993 283-293 Muller, W.W.; Vittman, G. Zu den Personennamen der aus Agypten stammenden Frauen in den sogenannten 'Hierodulenlisten' von Ma'in Orientalia 62.1 1993 1 Huehngard, J. The Twentieth North American Conference on Afro-asiatic Linguistics Orientalia 62.1 1993 11 Libri ad Directionem missi Orientalia 62.1 1993 14 Krauss, R. Problematik der Nubienpolitik Kamoses sowie der Hyksosherrschaft in Oberagypten Orientalia 62.2 1993 17 Gardner, I. A Manichaean Liturgical Codex Found at Kellis Orientalia 62.2 1993 30 Helck, W. Das Hyksos-Problem Orientalia 62.2 1993 60 Mora, C. Lo 'status' del re di Kargamis Orientalia 62.2 1993 67 Salvini, M. Le iscrizioni di Sarduri II a Karatas Orientalia 62.2 1993 71 Steiner, R.C. Why the Aramaic Script Was Called 'Assyrian' in Hebrew, Greek, and Demotic Orientalia 62.2 1993 80 Alcock, A. Two Coptic Letters from Oxyrhynchus Orientalia 62.2 1993 83 Persian Period Discussion Group Orientalia 62.2 1993 89 Romer, W.H.Ph. Die Hymnen des Isme-Dagan von Isin Orientalia 62.2 1993 90 Tefnin, R. Art et Magie au temps des Pyramides (W. Helck) Orientalia 62.2 1993 99 Bretschneider, J. Architekturmodelle in Vorderaisien und der ostlichen Agais (R. Eichmann) Orientalia 62.2 1993 101 Shah, S. Ghulam Mustafa; Parpola, A. Corpus of Indus Seals and Inscriptions, 2 Orientalia 62.2 1993 106 Fitzmyer, J.A.; Kaufman, St.A. An Aramaic Bibliography, Part I Orientalia 62.2 1993 108 Koehl, R.B. Sarepta III Orientalia 62.2 1993 110 Pritchard, J.B. Sarepta IV Orientalia 62.2 1993 113 Richter, Th. Untersuchungen zum Opferschauwesen, I. Uberlegungen zur Rekonstruktion der altbabylonischen barutum-Serie Orientalia 62.3 1993 121 Garr, W.R. The Niphal Derivational Prefix Orientalia 62.3 1993 142 Lambrou-Phillipson, C. Ugarit: A Late Bronze Age thalassocracy? The evidence of the textual sources Orientalia 62.3 1993 163 Mayer, W.R. Das Ritual BMS 12 mit dem Gebet 'Marduk 5' Orientalia 62.4 1993 313 Depuydt, L. On Coptic Sounds Orientalia 62.4 1993 338 Hagg, T. Magic Bowls Inscribed with an Apostles-and-Disciples Catalogue from the Christian Settlement of Hambukol (Upper Nubia) Orientalia 62.4 1993 376 Von Beckerath, J. Nochmals die 'Vierhundertjahr-Stele' Orientalia 62.4 1993 400 Archi, A. Kamrusepa and the Sheep of the Sun-God Orientalia 62.4 1993 404 Kuhne, C. Zu einer neuen Ubersetzung der Amarnabriefe Orientalia 62.4 1993 410 Marazzi, M. Problemi vecchi e nuovi di sintassi hittiti: a proposito di una recente pubblicazione Orientalia 62.4 1993 423 Luft, U. Die chronologische Fixierung des agyptischen Mittleren Reiches nach dem Tempelarchiv von Illahun (J. von Bechkerath) [review] Orientalia 62.4 1993 436 Hornung, E. Zum Bild Agyptens im Mittelalter und in der Renaissance (F.Tiradritti) [review] Orientalia 62.4 1993 438 Maisels, Ch. K. The Emergence of Civilization (B.Cifola) [review] Orientalia 62.4 1993 441 Steinkeller, P.; Postgate, J.N. Third-Millennium Legal and Administrative Texts in the Iraq Museum, Bagdad (B.R. Foster) [review] Orientalia 62.4 1993 442 Zettler, R.L. The Ur III Temple of Inanna at Nippur (M. Van De Mieroop) [review] Orientalia 62.4 1993 446 Frame, G. Babylonia 689-627 B.C.: A Political History (St. Zawadzki) [review] Orientalia 62.4 1993 448 Keel-Leu, H. Vorderasiatische Stempelsiegel (E. Klengel-Brandt) [review] Orientalia 62.4 1993 452 Aartun, K. Studien zur ugaritischen Lexikographie, I (A. Gianto) [review] Orientalia 62.4 1993 453 Tairan, S.A. Die Personennamen in den altsabaichen Inschriften (R. Weipert) [review] Orientalia 62.4 1993 455 Petrakos, Basileios Anaskaphe Ramnountos PAA 148 1993 [1996] 1-35 Iakobides, Spuridon Anaskaphe Mukenon PAA 148 1993 [1996] 36 Lamprinoudakes, B.K. Iero Apollonos Maleata Epidaurou PAA 148 1993 [1996] 37-43 Papadopoulos, Thanases Anaskaphe Kallitheas Patron PAA 148 1993 [1996] 44-47 Themeles, Petros Anaskaphe Messenes PAA 148 1993 [1996] 48-72 Papapostolou, I.A. Anaskaphe Thermou PAA 148 1993 [1996] 73-110 Bokotopoulos, Panagiotes L. Anaskaphe Pantanasses Philippiados PAA 148 1993 [1996] 111-116 Kampitoglu, Alexandros Anaskaphe Torones PAA 148 1993 [1996] 117-127 Mpakirtzes, Charalampos Anaskaphe Christianikes Amphipoleos PAA 148 1993 [1996] 128-134 Koukoule Chrusanthake, Chaido Anaskaphe archaion Abderon PAA 148 1993 [1996] 135-136 Koukoule-Chrusanthake, Chaido Anaskaphe ston proistoriko oikismo ton Philippon PAA 148 1993 [1996] 137-150 Bokotopoulos, Panagiotes L. Stereose Taxiarchou Michael Ano Korakianas Kerkuras PAA 148 1993 [1996] 151-153 Petrocheilos, Ioannes Epiphaneiake ereuna sto Paliokastro Kutheron PAA 148 1993 [1996] 154-161 Lamprinoudakes, B.K. Anaskaphe Naxou PAA 148 1993 [1996] 162-163 Ntoumas, Christos Anaskaphe Akroteriou Theras PAA 148 1993 [1996] 164-187 Maragkou, Lila Anaskaphe Minoas PAA 148 1993 [1996] 188-208 Lempese, Aggelike To iero tou Erme kai tes Aphrodites ste Sume Biannou PAA 148 1993 [1996] 209-230 Mpantekas, Ioannes Katagraphe phrourion kai kastron tes Ellados PAA 148 1993 [1996] 231-243 Skilarnti, Demetrios Ergasies taxinomeses kai apographes ulikou anaskaphes Koukounarion Parou PAA 148 1993 [1996] 244-246 Platon, Leuteres Nik. Ergasies meletes kai suntereses eurematon anaskaphon Zakrou PAA 148 1993 [1996] 247-249 Zoes, Antonios Ergasies meletes kai suntereses eurematon anaskaphes Basilikes Ierapetras PAA 148 1993 [1996] 250-261 Tsigaridas, Euthumios Sunterese phoreton eikonon tou Mouseiou Kastorias PAA 148 1993 [1996] 262-263 Briquel, Dominique Denys d'Halicarnasse et la tradition antiquaire sur les Aborigenes Pallas 39 1993 17-39 Poucet, Jacques Varron, Denys d'Halicarnasse, Macrobe et Lactance, l'oracle rendu a Dodone aux Pelasges Pallas 39 1993 41-69 Dubourdieu, Annie Denys d' Halicarnasse et Lavinium Pallas 39 1993 71-82 Martinez-Pinna, Jorge Dionisio de Halicarnasso y la tradicion sobre el fundador de Roma Pallas 39 1993 85-110 Sordi, Marta La 'Costituzione di Romolo' e le critiche di Dionigi di Alicarnasso alla Roma del suo tempo Pallas 39 1993 111-120 Richard, J.C. Sur deux discours-programmes: a propos d'A.R. 3,10,3-11,11 Pallas 39 1993 125-141 Schnabele, Jacques Patriciens et senateurs aux origines de Rome: une these originale Pallas 39 1993 143-152 Capdeville, Gerard Les institutions religieuses de Rome selon Denys d'Halicarnasse Pallas 39 1993 153-172 Fromentin, Valerie La definition de l'histoire comme 'melange' dans le prologue des Antiquites Romaines de Denys d'Halicarnasse (I,8,3) Pallas 39 1993 177-192 Martin, Paul M. De l'universel a l'eternel: la liste des hegemonies (A.R. I,2-3) Pallas 39 1993 193-214 Wiseman, T.P. The she-wolf mirror: an interpretation PBSR 61 1993 1-6 Di Niro, Angela Insediamenti di epoca sannitica nel territorio circostante la Valle del Torrente Tappino (Campobasso, Molise). I: L'esempio di Cercemaggiore-Gildone PBSR 61 1993 7-31 Petrone, Pier Paolo Insediamenti di epoca sannitica nel territorio circostante la Valle del Torrente Tappino (Campobasso, Molise). II: Gildone: mortalita, stress nutrizionali e da attivita lavorativa in un campione di sanniti del V-IV sec. a.C. PBSR 61 1993 33-49 Bird, Joanna; Claridge, Amanda; Gilkes, Oliver; Neal, David Porta Pia: excavations and survey in an area of suburban Rome. Part I PBSR 61 1993 51-113 King, N. An archaeological field survey near Campagnano di Roma, southern Etruria PBSR 61 1993 115-124 Purcell, Nicholas Atrium Libertatis PBSR 61 1993 125-155 Albarella, Umberto; Ceglia, Valeria; Roberts, Paul S. Giacomo degli Schiavoni (Molise): an early fifth century AD deposit of pottery and animal bones from central Adriatic Italy PBSR 61 1993 157-230 Arthur, Paul Early medieval amphorae, the Duchy of Naples and the food supply of Rome PBSR 61 1993 231-244 Stones, Anthony 'Venus and Cupid': a relief carving by Michelangelo? PBSR 61 1993 245-261 Beard, Mary Casts and Cast-Offs: The Origins of the Museum of Classical Archaeology PCPhS 39 1993 1-29 Elsner, John Seductions of Art: Encolpius and Eumolpus in a Neronian Picture Gallery PCPhS 39 1993 30-47 Gowers, Emily Horace, Satires 1.5: An Inconsequential Journey PCPhS 39 1993 48-66 Henderson, John Be Alert (Your Country Needs Lerts): Horace, Satires 1.9 PCPhS 39 1993 67-93 Lada, Ismene `Empathic Understanding': Emotion and Cognition in Classical Dramatic Audience-Response PCPhS 39 1993 94-140 Moles, John Livy's Preface PCPhS 39 1993 141-168 Wilson, Peter; Taplin, Oliver The `Aetiology' of Tragedy in the Oresteia PCPhS 39 1993 169-180 Hose, Martin Kratinos und der Bau des Perikleischen Odeions Philologus 137.1 1993 3-11 Schutrumpf, Eckart The Model for the Concept of ethos in Aristotle's Rhetoric Philologus 137.1 1993 12-17 Reijgwart, Elisabeth J. Zur Erzahlung in Caesars Commentarii. Der 'unbekannte' Erzahler des Bellum Gallicum Philologus 137.1 1993 18-37 Bailey, D. R. Shackleton More on Seneca the Elder Philologus 137.1 1993 38-52 Lund, Allan A. Berichtigungen und Emendationen zu Seneca Philologus 137.1 1993 53-61 Krasser, Helmut Claros colere uiros oder uber engagierte Bewunderung. Zum Selbsverstandnis des jungeren Plinius Philologus 137.1 1993 62-71 Holzhausen, Jens Zur Inspirationslehre Plutarchs in De Pythiae oraculis Philologus 137.1 1993 72-91 Joyal, Mark A. A Lost Plutarchean Philosophical Work Philologus 137.1 1993 92-103 Onodera, Go Diogenes Laertios IX 45 (Demokritos Fr. A 1) Philologus 137.1 1993 104-109 Heck, Eberhard 'Du sollst nicht zitieren aus zweiter Hand'. Entdeckung und fruhe Benutzung des Turiner Codex der lactanzischen Epitome diuinarum institutionum Philologus 137.1 1993 110-121 Blansdorf, Jurgen Apollinaris Sidonius und die Verwandlung der romischen Satire in der Spatantike Philologus 137.1 1993 122-131 Springer, Matthias Ein lehrreicher Ubersetzungsfehler Martin Luthers Philologus 137.1 1993 132-138 Luppe, Wolfgang Die beiden Erotes im Bellerophontes-Prolog der 'Stheneboia' des Euripides Philologus 137.1 1993 139-142 Morgan, Gareth Nullam, Vare... Chance or Choice in Odes 1.18? Philologus 137.1 1993 142-145 Clark, Mark Edward Horace on the Poet's Selection of Friends (Ars poetica 434-37) Philologus 137.1 1993 145-147 Rosenbloom, David Shouting 'Fire' in a Crowded Theater: Phrynichos's Capture of Miletos and the Politics of Fear in Early Attic Tragedy Philologus 137.2 1993 159-196 Kukofka, Dirk-Achim Die Paidiskoi im System der spartanischen Alterklassen Philologus 137.2 1993 197-205 Funaioli, Maria Paola I fiumi e gli eroi. Osservazioni sulla tecnica compositiva e sulla datazione dell'Inno a Delo di Callimaco (e dell'Idillio XVII di Teocrito) Philologus 137.2 1993 206-215 Felgentreu, Fritz Passer und malum in Catulls c. 2 Philologus 137.2 1993 216-222 van der Eijk, Philip Aristotelian Elements in Cicero's 'De diuinatione' Philologus 137.2 1993 223-231 Pollmann, Karla Etymologie, Allegorese und epische Struktur. Zu den Toren der Traume bei Homer und Vergil Philologus 137.2 1993 232-251 Kollmann, Bernd Eine Mysterienweihe bei Aretaios von Kappadokien Philologus 137.2 1993 252-257 Nawotka, Krzysztof Imperial Virtues of Galba in the Histories of Tacitus Philologus 137.2 1993 258-264 Larrain, Carlos J. Ein bislang unbekanntes griechisches Fragment der Galen zugeschriebenen Schrift peri aporon kineseon (De Motibus dubiis) Philologus 137.2 1993 265-273 Meissner, Burkhard Geschichtsbilder in der Historia Augusta Philologus 137.2 1993 274-294 Orban, Arpad P. Wie zitiert Petrus Venerabilis in seiner Korrespondenz die klassisch-lateinischen Autoren? Philologus 137.2 1993 295-307 Walther, Gerrit Der restaurierte Klassiker. Bartold Georg Niebuhrs wissenschaftliche Revolution am Beispiel seiner Cicero-Rezeption Philologus 137.2 1993 308-319 Csapo, Eric Deep Ambivalence: Notes on a Greek Cockfight, Part 1. Phoenix 47.1 1993 1-28 Carney, Elizabeth E. Olympias and the Image of the Virago Phoenix 47.1 1993 29-55 Paul, G.M. The Presentation of Titus in the Jewish War of Josephus: Two Aspects Phoenix 47.1 1993 56-66 Keyser, Paul Cicero on Optics (Att. 2.3.2) Phoenix 47.1 1993 67-69 Griffith, R. Drew Oedipus Pharmakos? Alleged Scapegoating in Sophocles' Oedipus the King Phoenix 47.2 1993 95 Csapo, Eric Deep Ambivalence: Notes on a Greek Cockfight, Parts 2--4 Phoenix 47.2 1993 115 Evans Grubbs, Judith "Marriage More Shameful Than Adultery": Slave-Mistress Relationships, "Mixed Marriages," and Late Roman Law Phoenix 47.2 1993 125 Ronnick, Michele Valerie Green Lizards in Horace: Lacertae virides in Odes 1.23 Phoenix 47.2 1993 155 Slater, W.J. Three Problems in the History of Drama Phoenix 47.3 1993 189-212 Davisson, Mary H.T. Quid moror exemplis?: Mythological exempla in Ovid's Pre-Exilic Poems and the Elegies from Exile Phoenix 47.3 1993 213-237 Alexander, Michael C. How Many Roman Senators Were Ever Prosecuted?: The Evidence from the Late Republic Phoenix 47.3 1993 238-255 Stevenson, Walter N. Plato's Symposium (190d7--e2) Phoenix 47.3 1993 256-260 Jacobson, Howard Papyri Graecae Magicae XIII.477 Phoenix 47.3 1993 261 de Romilly, Jacqueline Les Barbares dans la pensee de la Grece classique Phoenix 47.4 1993 283-292 Jones, C.P.; Russell, J. Two New Inscriptions from Nagidos in Cilicia Phoenix 47.4 1993 293-304 Smith, R.A. A Lock and a Promise: Myth and Allusion in Aeneas' Farewell to Dido in Aeneid 6 Phoenix 47.4 1993 305-312 Rosenstein, N. Competition and Crisis in Mid-Republican Rome Phoenix 47.4 1993 313-338 Aicher, Perter J. Terminal Display Fountains (Mostre) and the Aqueducts of Ancient Rome Phoenix 47.4 1993 339-352 Reiss, Timothy J. Introduction; Special Topic: Literature and the Idea of Europe PMLA 108.1 1993 14 Buzard, James A Continent of Pictures: Reflections on the 'Europe' of Nineteenth-Century Tourists PMLA 108.1 1993 30 Shaffer, Brian W. "Rebarbarizing Civilization": Conrad's African Fiction and Spencerian Sociology PMLA 108.1 1993 45 Goebel, Rolf J. Constructing Chinese History: Kafka's and Dittmar's Orientalist Discourse PMLA 108.1 1993 59 Biasin, Gian-Paolo Italo Calvino in Mexico: Food and Lovers, Tourists and Cannibals PMLA 108.1 1993 72 Derrida, Jacques The Other Heading: Memories, Responses, and Responsibilities PMLA 108.1 1993 89 Marren, Susan M. Between Slavery and Feedom: The Transgressive Self in Olaudah Equiano's Autobiography PMLA 108.1 1993 94 Goldberg, Harriet The Judeo-Spanish Proverb and Its Narrative Context PMLA 108.1 1993 106 Ramazani, Vaheed K. Historical Cliche: Irony and the Sublime in L'education sentimentale PMLA 108.1 1993 121 Fraiman, Susan The Mill on the Floss, the Critics, and the Bildungsroman PMLA 108.1 1993 136 Petrey, Sandy; Kahn, Coppelia Introduction. Figuring Gender: Two Views PMLA 108.2 1993 219 Dolan, Frances E. Taking the Pencil out of God's Hand: Art, Nature, and the Face-Painting Debate in Early Modern England PMLA 108.2 1993 224 Friedman, Ellen G. Where Are the Missing Contents? (Post)Modernism, Gender, and the Canon PMLA 108.2 1993 240 London, Bette Mary Shelly, Frankenstein, and the Spectacle of Masculinity PMLA 108.2 1993 253 Bredbeck, Gregory W. B/O - Barthes's Text/O'Hara's Trick PMLA 108.2 1993 268 Lecker, Robert "A Quest for the Peaceable Kingdom": The Narrative in Northrop Frye's Conclusion to the Literary History of Canada PMLA 108.2 1993 283 Brownlow, Jeanne P. Epochal Allegory in Galdos's Torquemada: The Ur-Text and the Episteme PMLA 108.2 1993 294 Hoffmann, George The Montaigne Monopoly: Revising the Essais under the French Privilege System PMLA 108.2 1993 308 Near, Michael R. Anticipating Alienation: Beowulf and the Intrusion of Literacy PMLA 108.2 1993 320 Baker Jr., Houston A. Presidential Address 1992. Local Pedagogy; or, How I Redeemed My Spring Semester PMLA 108.3 1993 400 Rabinowitz, Peter J. Introduction, Readings of Narrative, 1937-87: Beyond Orthodoxy PMLA 108.3 1993 410 Nadel, Alan God's Law and the Wide Screen: The Ten Commandments as Cold War 'Epic' PMLA 108.3 1993 415 Brenner, Rachel Feldhay In Search of Identity: The Israeli Arab Artist in Anton Shammas's Arabesques PMLA 108.3 1993 431 Davie, Sharon Free Mules, Talking Buzzards, and Cracked Plates: The Politics of Dislocation in Their Eyes Were Watching God PMLA 108.3 1993 446 Mautner Wasserman, Renata R. Mario Vargas Llosa, Euclides da Cunha, and the Strategy of Intertextuality PMLA 108.3 1993 460 Wyatt, Jean Giving Body to the Word: The Maternal Symbolic in Toni Morrison's Beloved PMLA 108.3 1993 474 Gray, Richard T. The Dialectic of 'Enscentment': Patrick Suskind's Das Parfum as Critical History of Enlightenment Culture PMLA 108.3 1993 489 Hume, Kathryn Ishmael Reed and the Problematics of Control PMLA 108.3 1993 506 Foster, Dennis A. J. G. Ballard's Empire of the Senses: Perversion and the Failure of Authority PMLA 108.3 1993 519 Directory 1993 PMLA 108.4 1993 1 Kastely, James L. Violence and Rhetoric in Euripides's Hecuba PMLA 108.5 1993 1036 Asher, Lyell Petrarch at the Peak of Fame PMLA 108.5 1993 1050 Herzel, Roger W. Racine, Laurent, and the Palais a Volonte PMLA 108.5 1993 1064 Gustafson, Susan E. Beautiful Statues, Beautiful Men: The Abjection of Feminine Imagination in Lessing's Laokoon PMLA 108.5 1993 1083 Jones, Mark Double Economics: Ambivalence in Wordsworth's Pastoral PMLA 108.5 1993 1098 Williams, Anne An I For an Eye: 'Spectral Persecution' in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner PMLA 108.5 1993 1114 Ryan, Judith More Seductive Than Phryne: Baudelaire, Gerome, Rilke, and the Problem of Autonomous Art PMLA 108.5 1993 1128 Rich, Adrienne The Hermit's Scream PMLA 108.5 1993 1157 Program for the 109th Convention PMLA 108.6 1993 Aja Sanchez, J.R. Imprecaciones senatoriales contra Commodo en la 'Historia Augusta' Polis 5 1993 5-21 Casillas, J.M. Geras Thanonoton: Muerte y funerales en la Monarquia Lacedemonia Polis 5 1993 23-57 Cristobal Lopez, Vicente Virgilio, Troya, Roma y Eneas Polis 5 1993 59-72 Fomis Vaquero, Cesar La 'stasis' argiva del 417 a.C. Polis 5 1993 73-89 Garcia Moreno, Luis A. Nacimiento, infancia y primeras aventuras de Mitridates VI Eupator, rey del Ponto Polis 5 1993 91-109 Garcia Quintela, Marco Viriato y la ideologia trifuncional indoeuropea Polis 5 1993 111-137 Gasco, F. Modelo del pasado entre los griegos del siglo II d.C. El ejemplo de Atenas Polis 5 1993 139-149 Gomez Espelosin, Francisco J. Herodoto, Coleo y la Historia de la Espana Antigua Polis 5 1993 151-162 Pina Polo, F. El ascenso y la hegemonia de Macedonia: Caracteristicas del regimen monarquico Polis 5 1993 163-185 Placido, Domingo La expedicion a Sicilia (Tucidides VI,VII): Metodos literarios y percepcion del cambio social Polis 5 1993 187-204 Ricci, C. Testimonianza epigrafiche romane tra I e III sec. d.C. Polis 5 1993 205-225 Stadter, Ph.A. Pericles y los intelectuales Polis 5 1993 227-240 Vallejo Girves, Margarita Sobre la persecucion y el castigo a los desertores en el ejercito de Roma Polis 5 1993 241-251 Hopkins, Keith Novel Evidence For Roman Slavery P&P 138 1993 3 Harriss, Gerald Political Society And The Growth Of Government In Late Medieval England P&P 138 1993 28 Holt, Mack P. Wine, Community And Reformation In Sixteenth-Century Burgundy P&P 138 1993 58 Knights, Mark Petitioning And The Political Theorists: John Locke, Algernon Sidney And London's 'Monster' Petition of 1680 P&P 138 1993 94 Phoofolo, Pule Epidemics And Revolutions: The Rinderpest Epidemic In Late Nineteenth-Century Souther Africa P&P 138 1993 112 Herbert, Ulrich Labour And Extermination: Economic Interest And The Primacy Of Weltanschauung In National Socialism P&P 138 1993 144 Shaw, Brent D. The Passion of Perpetua P&P 139 1993 3 Mate, Mavis E. The East Sussex Land Market and Agrarian Class Structure in the Late Middle Ages P&P 139 1993 46 Bottigheimer, Ruth B. Bible Reading, 'Bibles' and the Bible for Children in Early Modern Germany P&P 139 1993 66 Malchow, H.L Frankenstein's Monster and Images of Race in Nineteenth-Century Britain P&P 139 1993 90 Smith, S.A Workers and Supervisors: St. Petersburg 1906-1917 and Shanghai 1895-1927 P&P 139 1993 131 Singleton, John Britain's Military Use of Horses 1914-1918 P&P 139 1993 178 Razi, Zvi The Myth of the Immutable English Family P&P 140 1993 3 Holmes, Clive Women: Witnesses and Witches P&P 140 1993 45 Gross, Jean-Pierre Progressive Taxation and Social Justice in Eighteenth-Century France P&P 140 1993 79 Willis, Justin The Nature of a Mission Community: The Universities' Mission to Central Africa in Bonde P&P 140 1993 127 Fleming, Robin Rural Elites and Urban Communities in Late-Saxon England P&P 141 1993 3 Campbell, M.S.; Overton, Mark A New Perspective on Medieval and Early Modern Agriculture: Six Centuries of Norfolk Farming c.1250-c.1850 P&P 141 1993 38 Cressy, David Purification, Thanksgiving and the Churching of Women in Post-Reformation England P&P 141 1993 106 Johnson, Paul Class Law In Victorian England P&P 141 1993 147 Harris, Ruth The 'Child of the Barbarian': Rape, Race and Nationalism in France during the First World War P&P 141 1993 170 Beik, William; Strauss, Gerald Debate: The Dilemma of Popular History P&P 141 1993 207 De Martino, Francesco Le forze di lavoro nell'economia agraria romana PP 48.1 1993 5-25 Roccati, Alessandro La lingua diffusa (politica e lingua nell'Egitto ramesside) PP 48.1 1993 26-37 Schirmer, Brigitte I verbi etruschi mul(u)vanice e tur(u)ce: prolegomena per una determinazione di semantica ed impiego PP 48.1 1993 38-56 Biondi, Laura Aska eleivana PP 48.1 1993 57-64 Liberman, Gauthier Le Signe 80 (Gorila) du Lineaire A PP 48.1 1993 65 Ryan, Francis X. The Eleusinian Cult and the Thirty PP 48.1 1993 66 Ciampoltrini, Giulio Una coppa 'achemenide' in bronzo nel Museo Archeologico di Firenze PP 48.1 1993 67-74 Albini, Umberto Teatralita del Reso PP 48.2 1993 81-87 Di Vita, Antonino L'ultima taurothysia d'Europa: un sacrificio a Demetra nella Grecia d'oggi PP 48.2 1993 88-91 Mader, Gottfried Clarus hic regni nitor (Seneca, Thy. 414): A Suggestion on the Topical Background PP 48.2 1993 92-101 Pastor de Arozena, Barbara Ad antidota contra: No Need of Restoration PP 48.2 1993 102-103 Ampolo, Carmine Il tuffo e l'oltretomba: una nota sulla tomba del tuffatore e Plut., Mor. 563E PP 48.2 1993 104-108 Bloedow, Edmund F. Fire and Flood from Heaven: Was Atlantis at Troy? PP 48.2 1993 109-160 Stavrianopoulou, Eftychia Der Materes-Kult in Eleutherna und der Meteres-Kult in Engyon: ein gemeinsamer Ursprung? PP 48.3 1993 161-175 Albini, Umberto Personaggi femminili nelle tragedie di Eschilo PP 48.3 1993 176-185 Delanoy, Arnaud L'inscription ibere de Sinarcas PP 48.3 1993 186-189 Angle, Micaela; Dottarelli, Roberto; Gianni, Adolfo; Conti, Anna Maria; Persiani, Carlo; Vagnetti, Lucia; Jones, Richard E.; Costantini, Lorenzo Prime testimonianze micenee nel Latium Vetus PP 48.3 1993 190-217 De Martino, Stefano Problemi di cronologia ittita PP 48.3 1993 218-240 Parker, Victor Gab es wirklich Dorier auf der mykenischen Peloponnes? Das 'mycenien special' und die dorischen Dialekte PP 48.4 1993 241-266 Gigante, Marcello Quel che Aristippo non aveva detto PP 48.4 1993 267-280 Isnardi Parente, Margherita Posidonio in Seneca, Epist. 88, 20 ss. PP 48.4 1993 281-287 Fiaccadori, Gianfranco Kaperkoraon/Kaprokorao(n) PP 48.4 1993 287-291 Meng, Giovanni Le dimensioni di progetto del foro di Aquileia PP 48.4 1993 292-308 Garbini, Giovanni Sull'origine dei Fenici PP 48.5 1993 321-331 Peruzzi, Emilio La poesia conviviale di Roma arcaica PP 48.5 1993 332-373 Biondi, Laura Il Varrone perduto: Osco culcfnam e l'alternanza f/h PP 48.5 1993 374-392 Albini, Francesca Plutarco, De invidia et odio, 537E PP 48.5 1993 392-393 Wagman, Robert An Inscribed Perirrhanterion from Epidauros PP 48.5 1993 394-396 Gabrieli, Francesco L'Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici e le civilta orientali PP 48.5 1993 397-400 De Martino, Francesco Sull'alimentazione degli schiavi PP 48.6 1993 401-427 Trotta, Francesco Il sinecismo di Patrasso in Pausania e Strabone PP 48.6 1993 428-444 Freschi, Fausto Marco Polo e la provincia indiana di Lar PP 48.6 1993 445-453 Pastor de Arozena, Barbara The Ancient Name of Leprosy (Plin. NH 26.5) PP 48.6 1993 453-455 Lebedev, Andrei Alcmaeon on Plants: A New Fragment in Nicolaus Damascenus PP 48.6 1993 456-460 Alter, Robert Fogel and Forging of a Hebrew Self Prooftexts 13.1 1993 3 Fogel, David Language and Style in Our Young Literature (1931) Prooftexts 13.1 1993 15 Gluzman, Michael Unmasking the Politics of Simplicity in Modernist Hebrew Poetry: Rereading David Fogel Prooftexts 13.1 1993 21 Kronfeld, Chana Fogel and Modernism: A Liminal Moment in Hebrew Literary History Prooftexts 13.1 1993 45 Shavit, Uzi David Fogel and Hebrew Free Verse: Is There a Fogelian Nusah in Hebrew Poetry? Prooftexts 13.1 1993 65 Seidman, Naomi "It Is You I Speak from within Me": David Fogel's Poetics of the Feminine Voice Prooftexts 13.1 1993 87 Zakim, Eric Between Fragment and Authority in David Fogel's (Re) Presentation of Subjectivity Prooftexts 13.1 1993 103 Kraemer, David The Intended Reader As a Key to Interpreting the Bavli Prooftexts 13.2 1993 125-140 Scheindlin, Raymond P. Contrasting Religious Experience in the Liturgical Poems of Ibn Gabirol and Judah Halevi Prooftexts 13.2 1993 141-162 Odell, David Images of Violence in the Horse in Job 39:18-25 Prooftexts 13.2 1993 163-173 Roskies, David G. The Last of the Purim Players: Itzik Manger Prooftexts 13.3 1993 211 Goodblatt, Chanita Walt Whitman and Uri Zvi Greenberg: Voice and Dialogue, Apostrophe and Discourse Prooftexts 13.3 1993 237 Shiffman, Smadar On The Possibility of Impossible Worlds: Meir Shalev and the Fantastic in Israeli Literature Prooftexts 13.3 1993 253 Morahg, Gilead Subverting Dystopiaz: Yitshak Ben-Ner's Fiction of the Future Prooftexts 13.3 1993 269 Gruber, Mayer I. The Meaning of Biblical Parallelism: A Biblical Perspective Prooftexts 13.3 1993 289 Hendry, Michael Eumolpus contra Calvos PSN 23 1993 7-9 Hendry, Michael The Imitation of Nightingales: a Petronian Crux PSN 23 1993 9 Baldwin, Barry Marmorale Lives! PSN 23 1993 9-10 Baldwin, Barry Petronian Jottings PSN 23 1993 10-12 Baldwin, Barry Dog's Tongue or Dog's Dinner? PSN 23 1993 12 Horsfall, Nicholas A Capuan Cena? PSN 23 1993 13-14 Sbardella, L Polionimia divina ed economicita formulare in Omero QUCC 43 1993 7-44 Frangoulidis, Stavros A. Polyphemus' Prayer to Poseidon: Hom. Od. 9, 528-535 QUCC 43 1993 45-49 Brillante, Carlo Stesicoro, fr. 265 P. QUCC 43 1993 53-59 Bonanno, Maria Grazia Saffo 31,9 V.: glwssa eage QUCC 43 1993 61-69 Lomiento, Liana Note testuali a Cercida (frr. 11,1-4; 6; 7; 15 sg.; 28-30; 5,8-9; 6b,7 Livrea QUCC 43 1993 69-77 Baldwin, Barry The Epitome de Caesaribus, from Augustus to Domitian QUCC 43 1993 81-101 Bettini, Maurizio Un Dioniso di gesso. Firm. Mat. De err. prof. rel. 6,1 sgg. (Orph. fr. 214 Kern) QUCC 43 1993 103-108 Pardini, Alessandro Per una nuova edizione dei lirici QUCC 43 1993 111-131 Cerri, Giovanni La poesia orale come incunabolo della tragedia QUCC 43 1993 133-138 Casertano, Giovanni Platone e il problema delle tecniche della comunicazione QUCC 43 1993 139-144 Lomiento, Liana La comunicazione 'epica' tra la cultura del banchetto e la moderna ideologia dei consumi in un nuovo studio QUCC 43 1993 145-156 Catenacci, Carmine Il finale dell'Odissea e la recensio pisistratide dei poemi omerici QUCC 44 1993 7-22 Vagnone, Gustavo 'Avere l'ultima parola' nell'Odissea: discorsi e dispute tra i Proci ed il 'falso mendico' QUCC 44 1993 23-26 Rechenauer, Georg Stachellose Drohnen bei Hesiod, Erga 304? QUCC 44 1993 27-48 Urios-Aparisi, Eduardo Anacreon: Love and Poetry (on 358 PMG, 13 Gent.) QUCC 44 1993 51-70 Carbone, Gabriella Le donne di Lesbo nel lessico svetoniano delle ingiurie. (A proposito di Anacr. fr. 13 Gent.) QUCC 44 1993 71-76 Rutherford, Ian Paeanic Ambiguity: A Study of the Representation of the paian in Greek Literature QUCC 44 1993 77-92 Frangoulidis, Stavros A. A Pattern from Homer's Odyssey in the Sicilian Narrative of Thucydides QUCC 44 1993 95-102 Barsotti, Silvia Nota al fr. adesp. 33 N. 2 = K.-S. QUCC 44 1993 103-104 Inglese, Lionello Note critiche a Plutarco, De esu carnium QUCC 44 1993 105-116 Ceccarelli, Paola Thesee entre mythe et rite [Cl. Calame, Thesee et l'imaginaire athenien, Lausanne, 1990] QUCC 44 1993 119-124 Angeli Bernardini, Paola Il mito di Medusa come metafora della creazione artistica: osservazioni in margine a un recente volume di J. Clair [Meduse. Contribution a une anthropologie des arts du visuel, Paris, 1989] QUCC 44 1993 125-130 Weiss, Irene Maria Poesia alejandrina y realismo [G. Zanker, Realism in Alexandrian Poetry: a Literature and its Audience, London, 1987] QUCC 44 1993 131-137 Galli, Francesco Un nuovo contributo sul mondo romano [J. Wacher, The Roman World, London, New York, 1990] QUCC 44 1993 139-144 Cesa, Maria La nuova edizione di un panegirico per Giuliano l'Apostata [Un anonimo panegirico per l'imperatore Giuliano, a cura di A. Guida, Firenze, 1990] QUCC 44 1993 145-147 Guastella, Gianni Grammatica generativa e linguistica storica in un libro sui composti latini [R. Oniga, I composti nominali latini. Una morfologia generativa, Bologna, 1988] QUCC 44 1993 149-155 Robbins, Emmet The Education of Achilles QUCC 45 1993 7-20 Loeffler, Annette La valeur argumentative de la perspective enonciative dans Solon fr. 1 G.-P. QUCC 45 1993 23-36 Lomiento, Franco Nota al testo di Pindaro, Pyth. 6,50 QUCC 45 1993 37-41 Mosino, Franco Da Ibico reggino a Nosside locrese: tradizione e innovazione QUCC 45 1993 43-45 Di Marco, Massimo P. Oxy. 2254: dai Thalamopoioi di Eschilo? QUCC 45 1993 49-56 Masaracchia, Emanuella La 'estraneita' di Alcesti QUCC 45 1993 57-82 Paterlini, Mariarita Nota a Eur. Bacch. 3 QUCC 45 1993 83-85 Nieto Ibanez, Jesus-M. On the Loss of the Notion of Quantity in Books XII and XIV of the Sibylline Oracles QUCC 45 1993 89-91 Seng, Helmut Zur Metrik der Thaleia des Areios QUCC 45 1993 93-107 Silvestre, Maria Luisa Religione e politica: Eraclito e i misteri QUCC 45 1993 111-125 Jedrkiewicz, Stefano Il pubblico del teatro antico [H. Kindermann, Il teatro greco e il suo pubblico, Firenze 1990] QUCC 45 1993 129-131 Catenacci, Carmine La rivoluzione retorica di Platone e Aristotele: un recente libro di Th. Cole sulle origini della retorica [The Origins of Rhetoric in Ancient Greece, Baltimore, London 1991] QUCC 45 1993 133-140 Santi, Claudia La funzione del mito nella storiografia delle origini di Roma [E. Montanari, Mito e storia nell'annalistica romana delle origini, Roma 1990] QUCC 45 1993 141-144 Visintin, Monica A proposito di un recente libro sulle 'madri dolorose' nella Grecia antica [N. Loraux, Les meres en deuil, Paris 1990] QUCC 45 1993 145-149 Di Marco, Massimo Il greco nell'Universita italiana. Riflessioni e proposte QUCC 45 1993 151-159 Marcade, Jean Acroteres delphiques RA 1993.1 1993 3-32 Bommelaer, Jean-Francois Les portiques de Delphes RA 1993.1 1993 33-51 Denoyelle, Martine Sur la personnalite du peintre d'Arno RA 1993.1 1993 53-70 Heurgon, Jacques Franz de Ruyt (1907-1992) RA 1993.1 1993 71-72 Hellmann, Marie-Christine Les ouvertures des toits, ou retour sur le temple hypethre RA 1993.1 1993 73-90 Maffre, Jena-Jacques; Fadl, Ali Mohammed Une nouvelle amphore panathenaique decouverte a Barca, en Cyrenaique RA 1993.1 1993 91-100 Baratte, Francois Deux portraits d'enfants isiaques RA 1993.1 1993 101-110 Nenna, Marie-Dominique Le verre antique: recherches recentes RA 1993.1 1993 111-115 Marx, Patricia A. The Introduction of the Gorgoneion to the Shield and Aegis of Athena and the Question of Endoios RA 1993.2 1993 227-268 Hartswick, Kim J. The Gorgoneion on the Aigis of Athena: Genesis, Suppression and Survival RA 1993.2 1993 269-292 Moret, Jean-Marc Les departs des Enfers dans l'imagerie apulienne RA 1993.2 1993 293-351 Picard, Gilbert La romanisation de la Gaule: problemes et perspectives RA 1993.2 1993 353-385 Rolley, Claude Les bronzes grecs et romains: recherches recentes RA 1993.2 1993 387-400 Sodini, Jean-Pierre Martin Harrison (16 mai 1935-16 septembre 1992) RA 1993.2 1993 401-402 Basile, Joseph J. The Capestrano Warrior and Related Monuments of the Seventh to Fifth Centuries B.C. RAHAL 26 1993 9-31 Nys, Ludovic La tombe de Pierre d'Ailly, cardinal et eveque de Cambrai (? 9 aout 1420). Une oeuvre a verser au catalogue du tailleur d'images et tombier tournaisien Jean Tuscap RAHAL 26 1993 33-58 Otaola, Paola La vihuela et l'humanisme espagnol au XVIe siecle RAHAL 26 1993 59-72 Dasseleer, Pascal Pour une approche du jugement de beaute aux confins de l'ontologie et de l'analyse musicale. Application a l'Intermezzo Op. 117 no1 de Johannes Brahms RAHAL 26 1993 73-128 Moutoury, Sarah Une architecture a decouvrir: les Monts-de-Piete RAHAL 26 1993 129-152 Toussaint, Nathalie La peinture contemporaine a Taiwan, ou comment la peinture des lettres a-t-elle influence l'expressionnisme abstrait RAHAL 26 1993 153-163 Byrne, Michael The Pomegranate in Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion RAHAL 26 1993 165-169 Nys, Ludovic A propos d'une concession de sepulture a perpetuite en l'eglise Saint-Nicolas- en-la-Couture de Valenciennes (1377, La disparition des dalles a effigies dans les eglises: une certaine conception de la concession a perpetuite RAHAL 26 1993 171-173 Cornelis, Sabine Une renaissance des arts en Afrique subsaharienne RAHAL 26 1993 175-180 De Wallens, Gerard Victor Rousseau: Buste de S.A.R. la Princesse Marie-Jose de Belgique. Informations complementaires RAHAL 26 1993 181 Vermeeren, Thierry D.I.S. Rapa Nui 270. Easter Island, Chile Nov. 27-Dec. 25, 1993. Archaeological Program, Scientific Report RAHAL 26 1993 183-185 Dasseleer-Ceulemans, Anne-Emmanuelle; Derouaux-Dassy, Carine Enquete aupres des anciens diplomes en archeologie et histoire de l'art en 1992 RAHAL 26 1993 187-191 Van Schoute, Roger In memoriam M. Atanasio Mendez RAHAL 26 1993 193 Meeus, Nicolas In memoriam Josef Robijns RAHAL 26 1993 195 Boone, Myriam L'oiseau en Anatolie antique RAHAL 26 1993 215 Lambrecht, Berenice La typologie des statues de scribe dans l'Egypte ancienne RAHAL 26 1993 215-216 Halflants, Gonzague Les empereurs romains sur les bas-reliefs rupestres sassanides. Essai de synthese analytique des identifications RAHAL 26 1993 216-217 Siebrand, Michel Distribution spatiale des villes romaines au IVe siecle de notre ere, dans l'ancienne Provincia Africa (Etude de modeles, applications et analyses) RAHAL 26 1993 217 Coerten, Dominique Le batiment d'entree des chateaux omeyyades proches-orientaux Syrie, Jordanie, Palestine RAHAL 26 1993 217-218 Bruls, Angelika L'iconographie de la Passion du Christ chez les Primitifs flamands avec une etude approfondie de l'episode de la Descente de Croix RAHAL 26 1993 218-219 Tilmant, France L'eglise Saint-Quentin de Lives-sur-Meuse. Temoin de l'architecture mosane de l'epoque gothique RAHAL 26 1993 219 De Coninck, Elisabeth L'influence de Michel-Ange dans l'oeuvre peinte, dessinee et gravee de Frans Floris RAHAL 26 1993 219-220 Blondiau, Genevieve Wenceslas Cobergher. Un homme dans son siecle: fin XVIe -debut XVIIe siecle RAHAL 26 1993 220 de Lannoy, Gaelle Les portraits de Michel Natalis, graveur liegeois du XVIIe siecle RAHAL 26 1993 221 de Wallens, Gerard Oeuvres conservees au Musee National de Versailles et au Musee des Beaux-Arts de Troyes, executees par des Maitres du XVIIIe siecle, membres de differentes ecoles de peintures, nes et formes aux Pays-Bas Meridionaux RAHAL 26 1993 221-223 Giot, Fabrice Les Moretti, stucateurs tessinois dans les Anciens Pays-Bas autrichiens au XVIIIe siecle. Etude historique et approche stylistique de leur oeuvre RAHAL 26 1993 223-224 Schwennicke, Marie-Helene La vie et l'oeuvre de Louis Crombin (1872-1946) RAHAL 26 1993 224 Bolle, Anne Bruno Capacci RAHAL 26 1993 224 Lambert, Anne-Louise Un artiste belge contemporain: Marguerite Brouhon RAHAL 26 1993 224-225 Tavares, Suzanne Les influences du surrealisme sur l'art de Bahia RAHAL 26 1993 225-226 Devlamminck, Catherine Arte Povera.Etude du choix, de l'utilisation et de la signification des materiaux RAHAL 26 1993 226 Bouvy, Marie-Paule Rehabilitation du portrait a travers le renouvellement de la figuration dans la peinture contemporaine RAHAL 26 1993 226-227 Pironet, Xavier Elements d'un langage musical de J.-S. Bach. Synthese du figuralisme et essai d'application a l'oeuvre instrumentale RAHAL 26 1993 227 Barthelemy, Clement Essai d'etablissement d'une methode d'analyse musicale. Application aux bagatelles de L. von Beethoven (recueils op. 33 et 119) RAHAL 26 1993 227-228 Voisin, Henri La revolution schonbergienne. Abolition de la dualite dissonance-consonance. Une analyse de la Suite pour piano op. 25 (1921-1923) RAHAL 26 1993 228 Perkell, Christine On the two voices of the birds in Birds Ramus 22.1 1993 1-18 Lowenstam, Steven Is literary criticism an illegitimate discipline? A fallacious argument in Plato's Ion Ramus 22.1 1993 19-32 Williams, Bronwyn Games people play: metatheatre as performance criticism in Plautus' Casina Ramus 22.1 1993 33-59 Nielsen, Rosemary M.; Solomon, Robert H. Rescuing Horace, Pyrrha and Aphra Behn: a directive Ramus 22.1 1993 60-77 Garthwaite, John The panegyrics of Domitian in Martial book 9 Ramus 22.1 1993 78-102 Carnes, Jeffrey S. With friends like these: understanding the mythic background of Homer's Phaiakians Ramus 22.2 1993 103-115 Mitchell-Boyask, Robin N. Sacrifice and revenge in Euripides' Hecuba Ramus 22.2 1993 116-134 O'Gorman, Ellen No place like home: identity and difference in the Germania of Tacitus Ramus 22.2 1993 135-154 Malamud, Martha Vandalising epic Ramus 22.2 1993 155-173 Vilatte, Sylvie Athenes et le concept d'insularite, de la poesie epique a Thucydide RBPh 71.1 1993 5-45 Darcus Sullivan, Shirley The Role of Person and thymos in Pindar and Bacchylides RBPh 71.1 1993 46-68 Ryzman, Marlene Heracles' Destructive Impulses: A Transgression of Natural Laws (Sophocles' Trachiniae) RBPh 71.1 1993 69-79 Vancamp, Bruno Colline d'Ares et Conseil Nocturne: un rapprochement entre les Lois de Platon et les Eumenides d'Eschyle RBPh 71.1 1993 80-84 Maleuvre, J.-Y. L'Eneide sous l'Eneide d'apres une etude du dixieme livre (deuxieme partie) RBPh 71.1 1993 85-95 Adkin, Neil Three unnecessary Emendations in Jerome's "Libellus de virginitate servanda" (Epist. 22) RBPh 71.1 1993 96-106 Liou-Gille, Bernadette Divinisation des morts dans la Rome ancienne RBPh 71.1 1993 107-115 Simpson, Christopher J. A Shrine of Mars Ultor re-visited RBPh 71.1 1993 116-122 Wood, Ian The Secret Histories of Gregory of Tours RBPh 71.2 1993 253 Hen, Yitzhak Clovis, Gregory of Tours, and Pro-Merovingian Propaganda RBPh 71.2 1993 271 Pauly, Michel Naissance d'une bourgeoisie provinciale dans la seconde moitie du xve siecle. Le cas des familles Schellart, Buwemeister et Haltfast d'Arlon, Bastogne et Luxembourg RBPh 71.2 1993 277 Hentenryk, Ginette La Belgique et le plan Marshall ou les paradoxes des relations belgo-americaines RBPh 71.2 1993 290 Bariety, Jacques La decision de rearmer l'Allemagne, l'echec de la Communaute Europeenne de Defense et les accords de Paris du 1954 vus du cote francais RBPh 71.2 1993 354 Van Eenoo, R. red. Bibliographie de l'Histoire de Belgique -- 1991 RBPh 71.2 1993 384 Frederic, Madeleine; van Noppen, Jean-Pierre Avant-Propos [new horizons in stylistics?] RBPh 71.3 1993 547-549 Lecercle, Jean-Jacques La stylistique est morte, vive la stylistique RBPh 71.3 1993 551-554 Klinkenberg, Jean-Marie Senescences et jouvences des stylistiques: la stylistique fin-de-siecle dans le champ des sciences RBPh 71.3 1993 555-571 Hickey, Leo Stylistics, Pragmatics and Pragmastylistics RBPh 71.3 1993 573-586 Mercier, Andree La semiotique en quete de nouveaux horizons: une rencontre avec la stylistique RBPh 71.3 1993 587-600 Colas-Blaise, Marion; Weber, Jean-Jacques Sade Between Labov and Greimas / Sade entre Labov et Greimas RBPh 71.3 1993 601-613 Viala, Alain Stylistique et sociologie: Classe de postures RBPh 71.3 1993 615-624 Rosier, Laurence De la stylistique sociologique suivie d'une application pratique: discours direct, presse et objectivite RBPh 71.3 1993 625-644 Saint-Jacques, D.; Geisen, D.; Greulich, I. Le style des lecteurs de best-sellers RBPh 71.3 1993 645-655 O'Kelly, Dairine; Joly, Andre Pour une stylistique de la parole transcrite: Analyse d'un fragment d'interview a la BBC (radio 4) RBPh 71.3 1993 657-676 Martinez-Duenas, Jose-Luis Words, Woman, and Orders: the Stylistics of Anglican Discourse RBPh 71.3 1993 677-685 Swales, John M. Genre and Engagement RBPh 71.3 1993 687-698 Tuffs, Richard A genre approach to writing in the second language classroom: The use of direct mail letters RBPh 71.3 1993 699-718 Bex, Tony The Genre of Advertising RBPh 71.3 1993 719-732 Meurman-Solin, Anneli The Author-Addressee Relationship and the Marking of Stance in the Characterization of Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Genre Styles RBPh 71.3 1993 733-746 Callens, Jean Reconstructing the Critics' Imagination of It: Reviewing Shepard RBPh 71.3 1993 747-761 Gaillard, Michele Les monasteres feminins de Reims pendant le Haut Moyen Age: histoire et historiographie RBPh 71.4 1993 825-840 Doehaerd, Renee 'Flandrenses' dans la 'Passio Karoli' de Galbert de Bruges (1127) RBPh 71.4 1993 841-849 Tombal, Dominique Le polygenisme aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles: de la critique biblique a l'ideologie raciste RBPh 71.4 1993 850-874 Luyten, Dirk Het Centrum Lippens: een Belgische Nieuwe Orde in een nazistisch Europa? RBPh 71.4 1993 875-912 Mohen, Jean-Pierre Idoles megalithiques REA 95.1-2 1993 5-10 Hermary, Antoine Le colosse des Naxiens a Delos REA 95.1-2 1993 11-27 Morizot, Yvette Un ours ou deux pour Artemis, une sculpture de l'Acropole d'Athenes reconsideree, une figurine en terre cuite de Thasos REA 95.1-2 1993 29-44 Jockey, Ph. Les Dioscures, Pisistrate et les Pisistratides: a propos de deux cavaliers montes archaiques du musee de Delos REA 95.1-2 1993 45-59 Croissant, Francis Observations sur la date et le style du fronton de la Gigantomachie, Acr. 631 REA 95.1-2 1993 61-77 Jacquemin,Anne Deux korai thasiennes REA 95.1-2 1993 79-85 Billot, Marie-Francoise; Anagnostopoulos, Velisarios Statuaire de terre cuite a Delphes REA 95.1-2 1993 87-141 Marc, Jean-Yves Un en-tete de decret attique conserve au musee de Laon REA 95.1-2 1993 143-156 Gaggadis-Robin, Vassiliki A propos d'une plaque sculptee de Delphes REA 95.1-2 1993 157-161 Muller, Arthur Niko ou les avatars d'une Beotienne a Myrina et Thasos REA 95.1-2 1993 163-189 Daumas, Michele Le Negre Caylus est-il vraiment un faux? REA 95.1-2 1993 191-206 Moretti, Jean-Charles Des masques et des theatres en grece et en Asie Mineure REA 95.1-2 1993 207-223 de Chaisemartin, Nathalie Eumene II de Pergame: du type monetaire aux portraits plastiques REA 95.1-2 1993 225-234 Zagdoun, Mary-Anne Autour de quelques reliefs neo-attiques REA 95.1-2 1993 235-246 Holtzmann, Bernard Un Dionysos ivre, disperse et mal entendu REA 95.1-2 1993 247-256 Machaira, Vassiliki Une statuette en bronze d'Aphrodite proche de la Venus du Mas, avec une note additionnelle sur la composition elementaire et superficielle de la Venus de Tourtres redigee par Max Schvoerer REA 95.1-2 1993 261-263 Santrot, Jacques Le petit monde du 'laraire' gallo-romain de Reze (Loire-Atlantique) REA 95.1-2 1993 265-294 Pressouyre, Leon Peut-on conserver un 'raccord'? Un probleme de doctrine, a propos de Notre-Dame de Mantes REA 95.1-2 1993 295-300 Queyrel, Francois Une nouvelle image du Laocoon REA 95.1-2 1993 301-315 du Pasquier, Jacqueline Du gout classique releve sur quelques objets bordelais REA 95.1-2 1993 317-322 Coustet, Robert Les bas-reliefs de la facade de l'ancienne faculte des Sciences et Lettres de Bordeaux ou la ville de Bordeaux dispensant ses tresors a l'instruction publique REA 95.1-2 1993 323-333 Malkin, Irad Colonisation spartiate dans la mer Egee: tradition et archeologie REA 95.3-4 1993 365-381 de la Geniere, Juliette Claros 1992: Bilan provisoire des fouilles dans le sanctuaire d'Apollon REA 95.3-4 1993 383-397 Briant, Pierre L'histoire politique de l'empire achemenide: problemes et methodes 'a propos d'un ouvrage de M.A. Dandamaev REA 95.3-4 1993 399-423 Jannot, Jean-Rene Le mobilier d'une tombe apulienne dans une collection privee REA 95.3-4 1993 425-442 Roux, Michel Recherches sur les aspects militaires de la conquete du monde greco-hellenistique par Rome au IIe siecle avant Jesus-Christ REA 95.3-4 1993 443-457 Leveau, Philippe Territorium urbis. Le territoire de la cite romaine et ses divisions: du vocabulaire aux realites administratives REA 95.3-4 1993 459-471 Methy, Nicole Juvenal et l'Afrique REA 95.3-4 1993 473-486 Villaret, Alain Les Veratii de Narbonnaise REA 95.3-4 1993 487-532 Varinlioglu, Ender Nouvelles inscriptions de Stratonicee REA 95.3-4 1993 533-536 du Plessis, Brigitte These francaises de patristique et d'Antiquite tardive a la faculte des Lettres de l'Universite de Paris de 1870 a 1930 REA 95.3-4 1993 537-547 Bemont, Colette Chronique de ceramologie de la Gaule REA 95.3-4 1993 553-563 Lavagne, Henri Chronique gallo-romaine REA 95.3-4 1993 565-581 Duval, Noel Vingt ans de recherches archeologiques sur l'Antiquite tardive en Afrique du Nord, 1975-1994. Deuxieme chronique: supplements a Generalites et Carthage-Tunis REA 95.3-4 1993 583-638 Lejeune, Michel Le nom de mesure litra: essai lexical REG 106 1993 1-11 Bousquet, Jean; Gauthier, Philippe Un juge de Xanthos a Angeira de Pisidie REG 106 1993 12-23 Dobias-Lalou, Catherine Les depenses engagees par les demiurges de Cyrene pour les cultes REG 106 1993 24-38 Deshours, Nadine La legende et le culte de Messene ou comment forger l'identite d'une cite REG 106 1993 39-60 Fouchard, Alain Le statut des agriculteurs dans la cite grecque ideale au IVe siecle avant J.-C. REG 106 1993 61-81 Villard, Laurence Les analogies entre coquillages et vases: Cheramys et Skaphis REG 106 1993 82-101 Fromentin, Valerie A propos de la tradition manuscrite du livre IV des Antiquites Romaines de Denys d'Halicarnasse REG 106 1993 102-119 Boudon, Veronique Medecine et enseignement dans l'Art medical de Galien REG 106 1993 120-141 Billault, Alain Le gumnastikos de Philostrate a-t-il une signification litteraire? REG 106 1993 142-162 Masson, Olivier Une question delphique: qui etaient les 'Mysiens' de Lilaia? REG 106 1993 163-167 Lossau, Manfred Parodie de l'Iliade dans l'Odyssee REG 106 1993 168-173 Fortassier, Pierre Sur trois epithetes homeriques: FUSIZOOS, (CHEIRI) PACHEIE, EURUAGUIA REG 106 1993 174-180 Jouanna, Jacques La main du dieu qui touche. Remarques sur l'emploi d'une maxime et sur le sens de sunaptesdai dans la tragedie grecque: Eschyle, Perses v. 742 et 724; Euripide, Helene v. 1444; Sophocle Fragm. 874 (Radt) REG 106 1993 181-194 Bertrac, Pierre La tradition manuscrite de Diodore de Sicile: sur un ouvrage posthume de Richard Laqueur REG 106 1993 195-213 Irigoin, Jean Architecture metrique et mouvements du choeur dans la lyrique chorale grecque REG 106 1993 283-302 Seve, Michel Les concours d'Epidaure REG 106 1993 303-328 Amandry, Michel Un monnayage d'Hadrien a Epidaure REG 106 1993 329-332 Foulon, Eric Philopoemen, Hannibal, Scipion: trois vies paralleles chez Polybe REG 106 1993 333-379 Roques, Denis Medecine et botanique: le silphion dans l'oeuvre d'Oribase REG 106 1993 380-399 Aujoulat, Noel Le demiurge chez Hierocles d'Alexandrie. En reponse a l'article de Mme Hadot (R.E.G. 1990, p. 241-262) REG 106 1993 400-429 Hadot, Ilsetraut A propos de la place ontologique du demiurge dans le systeme philosophique d'Hierocles le neoplatonicien. Derniere reponse a M. Aujoulat REG 106 1993 430-459 Gauthier, Philippe Decrets d'Etretrie en l'honneur de juges etrangers REG 106 1993 589-598 Spitzer, Philippe Les Xenia, morceaux sacres d'hospitalite REG 106 1993 599-606 Dorion, Louis-Andre La misologie chez Platon REG 106 1993 607-618 Brottier, Laurence L'image d'Antioche dans les homelies Sur les statues de Jean Chrysostome REG 106 1993 619-635 Motto, Lydia; Clark, John R. Seneque et le paradoxe de 'Felicitas' REL 71 1993 25-32 Dehon, Pierre-Jacques Une parodie de Seneque chez Petrone (Satiricon, CIX, 9 SP. 1-2)? REL 71 1993 33-36 Christol, M. A propos de: Hubert Devijver, 'The Equestrian Officers of the Roman Imperial Army' [Stuttgart, 1992] REL 71 1993 37-41 Le Boeuffle, Andre Qui est Lyde? (Mart. Cap., Nupt., 8, 805) REL 71 1993 42-43 Arcellaschi, Andre La 'composition' du 'Miles Gloriosus' REL 71 1993 44-54 Dangel, Jacqueline Les reecritures de la metrique grecque dans les tragedies d'Accius: des indices de diction? REL 71 1993 55-72 Desbordes, Francoise Le texte cache: Problemes figures dans la declamation latine REL 71 1993 73-86 Sauron, Gilles Nature et signification de la megalographie enigmatique de Boscoreale REL 71 1993 87-117 Leclercq, R. Les principes de la poetique virgilienne REL 71 1993 118-137 Lesueur, Roger Fautes et justiciers: Reflexions sur la Genese de l'Eneide REL 71 1993 138-153 Grimal, Pierre Recherche sur l'epicurisme d'Horace REL 71 1993 154-160 Brisson, J.-P. 'Achaicus Ignis'. Horace, Odes, I, 15 et IV, 6 REL 71 1993 161-178 Abry, Josephe-Henriette Manilius et Germanicus, une enigme historique et litteraire REL 71 1993 179-202 Dehon, Pierre-Jacques Calpurnius Siculus, poete virgilien de l'hiver REL 71 1993 203-211 Jal, Paul Pline epistolier, ecrivain superficiel? Quelques remarques REL 71 1993 212-227 Cambronne, Patrice Le 'Vol des poires' (Augustin, Confessions, II, IV.9-X.18) REL 71 1993 228-238 Poirier, Michel Dans l'atelier d'un eveque ecrivain [Cyprien de Carthage dans son 'de opere et eleemosynis' REL 71 1993 239-250 De Nonno, M. Nuovi apporti alla tradizione indiretta di Sallustio, Lucilio, Pacuvio e Ennio RFIC 121.1 1993 5-23 Cassio, A. C. Alcmane, il dialetto di Cirene e la filologia alessandrina RFIC 121.1 1993 24-36 Franco, C. Isocrate e la Sicilia RFIC 121.1 1993 37-52 Musti, D. Diakosmein in Livio 1,43,8 RFIC 121.1 1993 53-59 Rosellini, M. Giulio Valerio nelle *finte* orazioni di Eschine, Demade e Demostene RFIC 121.1 1993 60-64 Di Benedetto, V. Contributi al testo delle Supplici di Eschilo RFIC 121.2 1993 129-152 Corey Brennan, T. The Commanders in the First Sicilian Slave War RFIC 121.2 1993 153-184 Dehon, P.-J. Note sur le sens de hiberno dans Perse 6,7 RFIC 121.2 1993 185-189 Di Benedetto, V. Dario e Artaphernes in Aesch. Pers. 774-780 RFIC 121.3 1993 257-271 Basta Donzelli, G. Note sulla monodia di Elettra: Euripide, Elettra 112-166 RFIC 121.3 1993 272-284 De Simone, C. Sul nuovo frammento iscritto arcaico di Satricum RFIC 121.3 1993 285-288 Hall, J.B. Conjectures in Ovid's Ex Ponto RFIC 121.3 1993 289-296 Marasco, G. Costantino e le uccisioni di Crispo e Fausta (326 d.C.) RFIC 121.3 1993 297-317 Ceccarelli, L. Nota a Plauto, merc. 745 RFIC 121.4 1993 385-390 Cugusi, P. Non magis quravit me pro xylesphongium (P. Mich. VIII 471,29) RFIC 121.4 1993 391-395 Moggi, M. Scrittura e riscrittura della storia in Pausania RFIC 121.4 1993 396-418 Doignon, J. Le libelle du jugement de Ciceron sur le mythe d'Er selon le temoignage d'Augustin RFIC 121.4 1993 419-426 Bain, D. Marcianus Graecus 512 (678) and the Text of the Cyranides: Some Preliminary Observations RFIC 121.4 1993 427-449 Milovanovic-Barham, Celica Three Levels of Style in Augustine of Hippo and Gregory of Nazianzus Rhetorica 11.1 1993 1-25 Metodieva, Lilia La naissance de la rhetorique bulgare: l'influence de l'oeuvre de Jean Chrysostome et des grands Cappadociens sur le developpement de la prose rhetorique bulgare ancienne aux IXe et Xe siecles Rhetorica 11.1 1993 27-41 Cichocka, Helena The Study of Byzantine Rhetoric in Central and Eastern Europe: Selected Problems Rhetorica 11.1 1993 43-50 Fraser, Veronica The Influence of the Venerable Bede on the Fourteenth-Century Occitan Treatise Las Leys d'Amors Rhetorica 11.1 1993 51-61 Fraker, Charles F. Oppositio in Geoffrey of Vinsauf and Its Background Rhetorica 11.1 1993 63-85 Purcell, William M. Eberhard the German and the Labyrinth of Learning: Grammar, Poesy, Rhetoric, and Pedagogy in Laborintus Rhetorica 11.2 1993 95-118 Schildgen, Brenda Deen Petrarch's Defense of Secular Letters, the Latin Fathers, and Ancient Roman Rhetoric Rhetorica 11.2 1993 119-134 Peaden, Catherine Hobbs Condillac and the History of Rhetoric Rhetorica 11.2 1993 135-156 Abbott, Don Paul Mayans' Rhetorica and the Search for a Spanish Rhetoric Rhetorica 11.2 1993 157-179 Larsen, Elizabeth Re-Inventing Invention: Alexander Gerard and An Essay on Genius Rhetorica 11.2 1993 181-197 Miller, Carolyn R. The Polis as Rhetorical Community Rhetorica 11.3 1993 211-240 Rebhorn, Wayne A. Baldesar Castiglione, Thomas Wilson, and the Courtly Body of Renaissance Rhetoric Rhetorica 11.3 1993 241-274 Waquet, Francoise Au 'pays de belles paroles'. Premieres recherches sur la voix en Italie aux XVIe et XVIIe siecles Rhetorica 11.3 1993 275-292 Curtis, Laura A. A Rhetorical Approach to the Prose of Daniel Defoe Rhetorica 11.3 1993 293-319 Sharon-Zisser, Shirley A Distinction No Longer of Use: Evolutionary Discourse and the Disappearance of the Trope/Figure Binarism Rhetorica 11.3 1993 321-342 Bowie, Ewen L. Greek Table-Talk Before Plato Rhetorica 11.4 1993 355-373 Imbert, Claude Le dialogue platonicien en quete de son identite Rhetorica 11.4 1993 375-398 Levy, Carlos La conversation a Rome a la fin de la Republique: des pratiques sans theorie? Rhetorica 11.4 1993 399-420 Pernot, Laurent Un rendez-vous manque Rhetorica 11.4 1993 421-437 Fumaroli, Marc Otium, convivium, sermo Rhetorica 11.4 1993 439-446 Rosler, Wolfgang Der Schluss der Hiketiden und die Danaiden-Trilogie des Aischylos RhM 136.1 1993 1-22 Dunn, Francis M. Beginning at the End in Euripides' Trojan Women RhM 136.1 1993 22-35 Adams, J.N. The Generic Use of Mula and the Status and Employment of Female Mules in the Roman World RhM 136.1 1993 35-61 Richter, Will Zwei spatantike Gedichte uber den Vogel Phoenix RhM 136.1 1993 62-90 Harrison, S.J. Dulce et decorum: Horace Odes 3.2.13 RhM 136.1 1993 91-93 Sklenar, Robert John SEG XXXII 1243, 13-15 RhM 136.1 1993 93-94 Bauer, Johannes B. Matauitatau (Petron. Sat. 62,9) RhM 136.1 1993 94 Bubel, Frank Juvenal I,112-116: Ein neuer Terminus post quem? RhM 136.1 1993 95 Knobloch, Johann Lat. nauci non esse 'keinen Deut wert sein' RhM 136.1 1993 96 Roth, Peter Solon Fr. 25 West: 'Der Jugend Bluten' RhM 136.2 1993 97-101 Bergson, Leif Herakles, Deianeira und Iole RhM 136.2 1993 102-115 Muller, Carl Werner Euripides, Bellerophontes Fr. 292 N.2 RhM 136.2 1993 116-121 Stanzel, K.H. Das sog. Zeugenproblem bei Xenophon (Mem. 1,4,19) RhM 136.2 1993 121-126 Colaizzi, Randall M. A New Voice in Roman Elegy: The Poeta of Propertius 2.1 RhM 136.2 1993 126-143 Hershbell, Jackson P. Plutarch and Herodotus -- The Beetle in the Rose RhM 136.2 1993 143-163 Muller, Ricarda Boccaccios Tacitus. Rekonstruktion einer Humanistenhandschrift RhM 136.2 1993 164-180 Lieberg, Godo Quid Franciscus Petrarca et nonnulli humanistae, qui dicuntur, de aliorum, imprimis veterum scriptorum, stili imitatione senserint RhM 136.2 1993 181-189 Vox, Onofrio Alc. 395 V. e Hor. epod. 13.13-4 RhM 136.2 1993 190-191 Knobloch, Johann Talabarriunculus -- 'Der kleine Schreihals" RhM 136.2 1993 191-192 Seeck, Gustav Adolf Heroenpluralismus als Strukturprinzip der Ilias RhM 136.3/4 1993 193 Kuch, Heinrich Thetis und die Fesselung des Zeus RhM 136.3/4 1993 203 Most, Glenn W. Die fruheste erhaltene griechische Dichterallegorese RhM 136.3/4 1993 209 Krischer, Tilman Drei Definitionen des Glucks. Pindar, Herodot, Prodikos RhM 136.3/4 1993 213 Viviers, Difier La chronologie du regne de Miltiade le Jeune en Chersonese de Thrace. A propos d'Herodote VI 40 RhM 136.3/4 1993 222 Carey, Christopher The Purpose of Aristophanes' Acharnians RhM 136.3/4 1993 245 Joyal, Mark A. The Conclusion of Aeschines' Alcibiades RhM 136.3/4 1993 263 Ehrman, Radd K. The Cornicula Ascribed to Plautus RhM 136.3/4 1993 268 Reams, Lee E. Censorinus, Sulla, and Marius RhM 136.3/4 1993 281 Heldmann, Konrad Zuerst avaritiaoder zuerst ambitio? Zu sallust, Cat. 10,3 und 11,1 RhM 136.3/4 1993 288 Vine, Brent Catullus 76.21: ut torpor in artus RhM 136.3/4 1993 292 Schonberger, Otto Der Sanger beim Gastmahl (Vergil, Aeneis 1,723 f.) RhM 136.3/4 1993 298 Brena, Fabrizio Das Blut und die Flamme. Ammerkung zu Lucan 2,126-129 RhM 136.3/4 1993 307 Morgan, M. Gwyn Two Omens in Tacitus' Histories (2,50,2 and 1,62,2-3) RhM 136.3/4 1993 321 Corrigan, Peter L. A Literary Reading of Tacitus Anals 4,68-70: The Slaying of Titius Sabinus RhM 136.3/4 1993 330 Schrenk, Lawrence P. The Middle Platonic Reception of Aristotelian Science RhM 136.3/4 1993 342 Sivan, Hagith Numerian the Intellectual. A Dynastic Survivor in Fourth Century Gaul RhM 136.3/4 1993 360 Hubner, Ulrich Platon, Phaidon 66b4 RhM 136.3/4 1993 366 Dyck, Andrew R. Anaxagoras the Allegorist? RhM 136.3/4 1993 367-368 Luppe, Wolfgang Kratinos Fr. 117 K.-A. RhM 136.3/4 1993 369 Lichtenthaeler, Charles Ein zusatzlicher Beweis fur die Echtheit der Hippokratischen Schrift 'Uber die Umwelt' RhM 136.3/4 1993 370 O'Hara, James J. A Neglected Conjecture at Aeneid 12.882 RhM 136.3/4 1993 371-373 Rupke, Jorg Vexillum caeruleum RhM 136.3/4 1993 374-375 Jakobi, Rainer Eine unbeachtete Germania-Reminiszenz bei Ambrosius RhM 136.3/4 1993 376 Grant, Mark A Problematical Word in Anthimus' De Observatione Ciborum Epistula 43 RhM 136.3/4 1993 377-378 Knobloch, Johann Die Bedeutung und Morphologie von lat. talabarrio, -unculus m RhM 136.3/4 1993 379 Allam, Schafik Traces de 'codification' en Egypte ancienne (a la basse epoque) RIDA 40 1993 11-26 Hengstl, Joachim Zur Frage von Rechtsvereinheitlichung im fruhaltbabylonischen Mesopotamien und im griechisch-romischen Agypten. Eine rechtsvergleichende Skizze RIDA 40 1993 27-55 Mauer, Gerlinde Regelungen zur Landvergabe unter Hammurapi RIDA 40 1993 57-75 Theodorides, Aristide Du rapport entre un contrat et un acte de disposition appele "imyt-per" en egyptien RIDA 40 1993 77-105 Arnaoutoglou, Ilias Pollution in the Athenian Homicide Law RIDA 40 1993 109-137 Koch, Christian Die Herrschaft Athens im ersten athenischen Seebund: Rechtsvereinheitlichung im Verwaltungsverfahren RIDA 40 1993 139-182 Blaive, Frederic Indictio belli. Recherches sur l'origine du droit fecial romain RIDA 40 1993 185-207 Ciferri, Ludovico V. Le concept de prudentia par rapport a la loi chez Ciceron RIDA 40 1993 209-225 Cuena Boy, Francisco La idea de rerum natura como criterio basico de la imposibilidad fisica de la prestacion RIDA 40 1993 227-262 Foldi, Andras Anmerkungen zum Zusammenhang zwischen der Haftung ex recepto nautarum cauponum stabuliorum und der Haftung fur custodia RIDA 40 1993 263-291 Gutierrez-Masson, Laura Mare nostrum: imperium ou dominium? RIDA 40 1993 293-315 Smodlaka Kotur, Antonija "T F I" on Inscriptions of Salona RIDA 40 1993 317-330 Trofimoff, Herve L'option de seance et l'in diem addictio legales dans le droit syro-romain arabe de la vente RIDA 40 1993 331-405 de Bujan, Federico Contribucion del derecho romano en la futura elaboracion de un Thesaurus juridico europeo RIDA 40 1993 409-426 Tatjer Prat, Maria-Teresa Survivance du ius commune dans le droit des successions en Catalogne. Une institution concrete: le fideicommis RIDA 40 1993 427-443 Michel, Jacques-Henri La XLVIe Session de la Societe internationale Fernand De Visscher pour l'histoire des droits de l'antiquite (Amsterdam- Utrecht, 21-26 septembre 1992) RIDA 40 1993 447-497 Pei, Gai; Antonschchenko-Olenev, I. The Palaeolithic Prehistory of Baikal Siberia RoA 14.1 1993 1 Haag, W.G. Treasure in the Lower Mississippi Valley RoA 14.1 1993 9 White, J.P. Memorial to a Pacific Polymath RoA 14.1 1993 12 Carlson, R.L. Soil Science and a Northwest Coast Shell Midden RoA 14.1 1993 15 Wood, W.R. Some Views on Great Plains Prehistory RoA 14.1 1993 21 Olsen, S.J. Recent Publications on Egypt RoA 14.1 1993 25 Kelley, D.H. The Decipherment of the Epi-Olmec Script as Zoquean by Justeson and Kaufman RoA 14.1 1993 29 Roe, D.A. Landmark Sites of the British Palaeolithic (Review of Ashton, et al., eds.; Singer, et al., eds.; Barton, ed.) RoA 14.2 1993 1 Rightmire, G.P. New Dates Advance Our Understanding of Later Pleistocene Human Evolution (LReview of Aitken, et al., eds.) RoA 14.2 1993 9 Dincauze, D.F. Antecedents and Ancestors, at Last (Review of Robinson, et al., eds.) RoA 14.2 1993 12 Olsen, S.J. Bricks and Walls: Facts and Fictions (Review of Gurcke; Waldron) RoA 14.2 1993 22 Bellwood, Peter The Battle of Beikthano Janice Stargardt: Smokescreens? RoA 14.2 1993 26 Andre,Jacques Les erables de Pline l'Ancien (maple trees in the elder Pliny) RPh 67.1 1993 7-20 Bouffartigue,Jean Connaissance et pratique du commentaire homerique dans l'antiquite tardive: le temoignage de l'empereur Julien (Knowledge and practice of Homeric commentary in Late Antiquity: Emperor Julian's testimony) RPh 67.1 1993 21-40 Gauthier, Philippe Epigraphica II (Epigraphica II) RPh 67.1 1993 41-56 Grandazzi, Alexandre "Intermortua iam et sepulta uerba" (Festus, 242L). Les mots de la divination chez Verrius Flaccus (Il vocabulario della divinazione nel De verborum significatu di Verrio Flacco) RPh 67.1 1993 57-74 Mellet,Sylvie L'environnement syntaxique du verbe mittere chez Cesar (syntactic paradigms of mittere by Caesar) RPh 67.1 1993 75-88 Suder, Wjeslaw Molucrum, fausse grossesse de la jeune fille (Afranius, Virgo, 338-340) (The real meaning of molucrum) RPh 67.1 1993 89-94 Wolff,Etienne Quelques remarques sur l'elision dans la poesie de Dracontius (Some reflections about the elision in Dracontius' poetry) RPh 67.1 1993 95-102 Pernot, Laurent Notes et discussions. Nouveaux regards sur le roman antique RPh 67.1 1993 103-106 Chaumartin, Francois-Regis Notes critiques sur quelques passages des Naturales Quaestiones de Seneque (Critical Remarks concerning several passages of Seneca's Naturales Quaestiones) RPh 67.1 1993 107-118 Abry, Josephe-Henriette Les noms des decans chez Firmicus Maternus (Mathesis IV, 22) (The names of the decans in Firmicus Maternus' Mathesis IV, 22) RPh 67.2 1993 197-228 Arnauld, Dominique "Boire le sang de taureau",la mort de Themistocle (Drinking bull's blood: how Themistocles died) RPh 67.2 1993 229-235 Decourt, Jean-Claude "Chaire kai hygiaine", a propos de quelques inscriptions lyonnaises (About some inscriptions from Lyon) RPh 67.2 1993 237-250 Gaide, Francoise L'ambiguite linguistique dans la Cena Trimalchionis: de la grammaire antique a l'intuition du sens pragmatique (Linguistic ambiguity in the Cena Trimalchionis: from ancient grammar to the intuition of pragmatic meaning?) RPh 67.2 1993 251-256 Gourevitch, Danielle Proposition pour l'etymologie d'Apiosus (For a new etymology of Apiosus < Apis) RPh 67.2 1993 257-261 Grandazzi, Alexandre "Intermortua iam et sepulta uerba" (Festus 242L). Les mots de la divination chez Verrius Flaccus, 2e partie (Il vocabolario della divinazione nel de verborum significatu di Verrio Flacco II) RPh 67.2 1993 263-285 Poibeau, Thierry Activation ou neutralisation des oppositions d'aspect: Aristophane, Nuees et Thesmophories (Activation and neutralization of aspectual oppositions: Aristophanes, Clouds and Thesmophoriazusae) RPh 67.2 1993 287-293 Velaza, J. Tradition indirecte et variantes d'auteurs, a propos de Martial, Epigr. V, 29 et Vita Alex. Sev. 38, 1-2 (Indirect tradition and author's variants) RPh 67.2 1993 295-303 Brunet, Ph Notes et discussions (Sur un Bacchylide recent RPh 67.2 1993 305 Bianco, Elisabetta L'attualita di Alcibiade nel quadro politico ateniese RSA 22-23 1992-1993 7-23 Magnani, Stefano Una geografia fantastica? Pitea di Massalia e l'immaginario greco RSA 22-23 1992-1993 25-42 Poma, Gabriella Il plebiscito ne quis eundem magistratum intra decem annos caperet (Liv., VII, 42, 2) RSA 22-23 1992-1993 43-68 Cappelletti, Loredana Domizio Corbulone e la coniuratio Viniciana RSA 22-23 1992-1993 69-96 Houston, George W. What Uses Might Roman Farmers Have Made of the Loans They Received in the Alimenta Program? RSA 22-23 1992-1993 97-105 Mantovani, Tommaso Tra romani e 'barbari': la percezione della frontiera e il controllo del Danubio lungo il limes Valeriae RSA 22-23 1992-1993 107-135 Reali, Mauro Note di religiosita transpadana. Le iscrizioni della chiesa di S. Vittore a Corbetta (MI) RSA 22-23 1992-1993 137-159 Giacomini, Paola La caratterizzazione della vecchiaia nei documenti epigrafici RSA 22-23 1992-1993 161-177 D'Ambrosio, Luigi Il cucullus: uomini e geni RSA 22-23 1992-1993 179-237 Mastino, Attilio La Sardegna nelle fonti classiche RSA 22-23 1992-1993 239-256 Rigato, Daniela Ratiaria: un'iscrizione votiva al Sonno RSA 22-23 1992-1993 257-264 Irmscher, Johannes Arkadismus und Revolutionarismus RSA 22-23 1992-1993 265-274 Susini, Giancarlo Note bibliografiche mataurensi e picene RSA 22-23 1992-1993 275-277 Susini, Giancarlo Jaroslav Sasel (1924-1988), quarant'anni di operosita nella ricerca storica RSA 22-23 1992-1993 279-280 Hilton, J. L. Peoples of Azania Scholia 2 1993 3-16 Thompson, Lloyd Roman Perceptions of Blacks Scholia 2 1993 17-30 Opeku, Fabian Popular and Higher Education in Africa Proconsularis in the Second Century A.D. Scholia 2 1993 31-44 Rankin, H.D. Socrates, Plato and Fiction Scholia 2 1993 45-55 Fuqua, Charles Moral `Clusters' in the Odyssey Scholia 2 1993 56-68 Merriam, C. U. An Examination of Jason's Cloak (Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 1.730-68 Scholia 2 1993 69-80 Slater, Niall W. Theozotides on Adopted Sons (Lysias Fr. 6) Scholia 2 1993 81-85 Bastomsky, Saul J. A Short But Frank Explanation of Juvenal Sat. 6. O. 5f. Scholia 2 1993 86-89 Elerick, Charles On Translating Catullus 3 Scholia 2 1993 90-96 Mackay, E. A. The Oral Shaping of Culture Scholia 2 1993 97-116 Mackay, E. A. A Fragment Attributed to the Centaur Painter Scholia 2 1993 149-152 de Romilly, J. Trois jardins paradisiaques dans l'Odysee SCI 12 1993 1-7 Gershenson, D. E. Odysseus' Shield and 'Penelope' SCI 12 1993 8-13 Lloyd-Jones, H. Aeschylus, Eumenides 750-1 SCI 12 1993 14-15 Mastronarde, D. J. Euripides, Pherecrates and the Greek Stem Botruch- SCI 12 1993 16-25 Koehnken, A. Narrative Peculiarities in Pindar's Fourth Pythian Ode SCI 12 1993 26-35 Gera, D. L. Bereaved Fathers in Herodotus SCI 12 1993 36-50 Ostwald, M. Stasis and autonomia in Samos: A Comment on an Ideological Fallacy SCI 12 1993 51-66 Scolnicov, S. Friends and Friendship in Plato: Remarks on the Lysis SCI 12 1993 67-74 Rosenmeyer, T. Persuasion, Power, Possession SCI 12 1993 75-85 Perlman, S. Rhetoric and Philosophy: A Chapter in Fourth-Century Literary Criticism SCI 12 1993 86-107 Glucker, J.; Ludlam, I. Sign Language SCI 12 1993 94-107 Lewis, N. Drytoniana SCI 12 1993 108-13 Schwartz, D.R. Scipio's Embassy and Simon's Ambassadors (I Macc. 15) SCI 12 1993 114-26 North, J.A. Roman Reactions to Empire SCI 12 1993 127-38 Yakobson, A. Dionysius of Halicarnassus on a Democratic Change in the Centuriate Assembly SCI 12 1993 139-55 Horsfall, N. Odoratum lauris nemus (Virgil, Aeneid 6.658) SCI 12 1993 156-8 Feldman, L.H. Josephus' Portrait of Jehoshaphat SCI 12 1993 159-75 Williams, D. S. On Josephus' Use of Nicolaus of Damascus: A Stylometric Analysis of BJ 1.225-273 and AJ 14.280-369 SCI 12 1993 176-87 Rogers, G. The Gift and Society in Roman Asia: Orthodoxies and Heresies SCI 12 1993 188-99 Wasserstein, A. A Note on the Phonetic and Graphic Representation of Greek Vowels and of the Spiritus Asper in the Aramaic Transcription of Greek Loanwords SCI 12 1993 200-208 Camp, Claudia V. Metaphor in Feminist Biblical Interpretation: Theoretical Perspectives Semeia 61 1993 3 Niditch, Susan War, Women, and Defilement in Numbers 31 Semeia 61 1993 39 Brooks Thistlethwaite, Susan "You May Enjoy the Spoil of Your Enemies": Rape as a Biblical Metaphor for War Semeia 61 1993 59 Keefe, Alice A. Rapes of Women/Wars of Men Semeia 61 1993 79 Yee, Gale A. By the Hand of a Woman: The Metaphor of the Woman-Warrior in Judges 4 Semeia 61 1993 99 Brettler, Marc Images of Yhwh the Warrior in Psalms Semeia 61 1993 135 Gerhart, M.; Healey, J.P.; Russell, A.M. Sublimation of the Goddess in the Deitic Metaphor of Moses Semeia 61 1993 167 Cooper, Richard Textualizing Determinacy/Determining Textuality Semeia 62 1993 3 Culley, Robert C. Psalm 102: A Complaint with a Difference Semeia 62 1993 19 Milne, Pamela J. What Shall We Do with Judith? A Feminist Reassessment of a Biblical 'Heroine' Semeia 62 1993 37 Patte, Daniel Textual Constraint, Ordinary Readings, and Critical Exegesis: An Androcritical Perspective Semeia 62 1993 59 Struthers Malbon, Elizabeth Text and Contexts: Interpreting the Disciples in Mark. Semeia 62 1993 81 Robinson, Robert B. Wife and Sister through the Ages: Textual Determinancy and the History of Interpretation Semeia 62 1993 103 Wimbush, Vincent L. Reading Texts through Worlds, Worlds through Texts Semeia 62 1993 129 Berlin, Adele The Role of the Text in the Reading Process Semeia 62 1993 143 Crossan, John Dominic The Challenge of Multicontextual Interpretation Semeia 62 1993 149 Long, Burke O. Textual Determinancy: A Response Semeia 62 1993 157 Moore, Stephen D. "Mirror, Mirror...": Lacanian Reflections on Malbon's Mark Semeia 62 1993 165 Burnett, Fred W. Characterization and Reader Construction of Characters in the Gospels Semeia 63 1993 1 McCracken, David Character in the Boundary: Bakhtin's Interdividuality in Biblical Narratives Semeia 63 1993 29 Darr, John A. Narrator as Character: Mapping a Reader-Oriented Approach to Narration in Luke-Acts Semeia 63 1993 43 Bach, Alice Signs of the Flesh: Observations on Characterization in the Bible Semeia 63 1993 61 Donaldson, Laura E. Cyborgs, Ciphers, and Sexuality: Re-Theorizing Literary and Biblical Character Semeia 63 1993 81 Fowler, Robert M. Response: Characterizing Character in Biblical Narrative Semeia 63 1993 97 Rashkow, Ilona N. Response: In Our Image We Create Him, Male and Female We Create Them: The E/Affect of Biblical Characterization Semeia 63 1993 105 Reinhartz, Adele Anonymity and Character in the Books of Samuel Semeia 63 1993 117 Beck, David R. The Narrative Function of Anonymity in Fourth Gospel Characterization Semeia 63 1993 143 Craig, Jr., Kenneth M. The Character(ization) of God in 2 Samuel 7:1-17 Semeia 63 1993 159 Thompson, Marianne Meye "God's Voice You Have Never Heard, God's Form You Have Never Seen".: The Characterization of God in the Gospel of John Semeia 63 1993 177 Polzin, Robert Response: Divine and Anonymous Characterization in Biblical Narrative Semeia 63 1993 205 Thibeaux, Evelyn R. Response: Reading Readers Reading Characters Semeia 63 1993 215 Robbins, V.K. Using rhetorical discussions of the chreia to interpret pronouncement stories: an introduction Semeia 64 1993 vii-xvii Anderson, O. Paradigms in Homer, Pindar, the tragedians, and the New Testament [pronouncement stories in early Christian discourse] Semeia 64 1993 3-31 Branham, R.B. Authorizing humor: Lucian 'demonax' and Cynic rhetoric [surprise and incongruity in chreia] Semeia 64 1993 33-48 Averypeck, A.J. Rhetorical argumentation in early rabbinic pronouncement stories [chreia in questions of religious law and behavior] Semeia 64 1993 49-71 Speight, R.M. Rhetorical argumentation in the Hadith literature of Islam [authoritative traditions of the Prophet Muhammad used in regulating Muslim behavior] Semeia 64 1993 73-92 Deanotting, M. Biblical sources for pronouncement stories in the gospels [rhetorical elaboration in argument in scripture] Semeia 64 1993 95-115 Parrott, R. Conflict and rhetoric in Mark 2:23-28 [chreia elaboration in early Christian communities] Semeia 64 1993 117-137 Salyer, G. Rhetoric, purity, and play aspects of Mark 7:1-23 [chreia deconstruction] Semeia 64 1993 139-169 Blount, B.K. A socio-rhetorical analysis of Simon of Cyrene Mark 15:21 and its parallels [epideictic rhetoric in the synoptic gospels] Semeia 64 1993 171-198 Tannehill, R.C. The story of Zacchaeus as rhetoric: Luke 19:1-10 [studies of pronouncement] Semeia 64 1993 201-211 Gowler, D.B. Hospitality and characterization in Luke 11:37-54: a socio-narratological approach [chreia in scriptural pronouncement stories] Semeia 64 1993 213-251 Oakman, D.E. Cursing fig trees and robbers' dens pronouncement stories within a social systemic perspective in Mark 11:12-25 and parallels Semeia 64 1993 253-272 Scott, B.B. The chinese-box: method within method [procedures of chreia elaboration] Semeia 64 1993 275-281 Mack, B.L. Persuasive pronouncements: an evaluation of recent studies on the chreia Semeia 64 1993 283-287 Ledbetter, M. Telling the other story: a literary response to socio-rhetorical criticism of the New Testament Semeia 64 1993 289-301 Gigante, Marcello Attendendo Posidippo SIFC 11.1-2 1993 5-11 Michel, Alain Lucrece, Ciceron, Horace: La serenite et l'acedia SIFC 11.1-2 1993 12-25 Pucci, Pietro L'io e l'altro nel racconto di Odisseo sui Ciclopi SIFC 11.1-2 1993 26-46 Ferrari, Franco Tre note ai frammenti di Pindaro SIFC 11.1-2 1993 47-54 Valakas, K. The First Stasimon and the Chorus in Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes SIFC 11.1-2 1993 55-86 Minadeo, Richard Theme and Plot in the Philoctetes SIFC 11.1-2 1993 87-105 Albini, Umberto La falsa convenzionalita degli Eraclidi SIFC 11.1-2 1993 106-111 Burlando, Annalaura Luci e ombre sul Reso SIFC 11.1-2 1993 112-128 Livrea, Enrico Contributi a Callimaco, Hecale SIFC 11.1-2 1993 129-156 Jori, Alberto Platone e la 'svolta dietetica' della medicina graeca. Erodico di Selimbria e le insidie della techne SIFC 11.1-2 1993 157-195 Adrados, Francisco R. La fabula en Bizancio, entre Grecia, el Oriente y el Occidente SIFC 11.1-2 1993 196-204 Marini, Nicoletta Il personnagio di Calliroe come 'nuova Elena' e la mediazione comica di un passo euripideo (Charito III 10-IV 1 = Hel. 1165-1300) SIFC 11.1-2 1993 205-215 Giusti, Andrea Nota a Niceta Eugeniano (Dros. et Char. VII 247-332) SIFC 11.1-2 1993 216-223 Solimano, Giannina Il corpo nel teatro plautino SIFC 11.1-2 1993 224-242 Gigante, Marcello Una misura per il vitto (cultus miser, Hor., Sat. II 2, 66) SIFC 11.1-2 1993 243-246 Mesturini, Anna Maria Vitanda est improba Siren desidia (Hor., Sat. II, 3, 14-15) SIFC 11.1-2 1993 247-250 Marianetti, Marie C. Socratic Mystery-Parody and the Issue of asebeia in Aristophanes' Clouds SO 68 1993 5-31 Kraggerud, Egil The Spinning Parcae: On Catullus 64, 313 SO 68 1993 32-37 Horsfall, Nicholas Aeneid 6.852: a Reply SO 68 1993 38-39 Feichtinger, Barbara Casta matrona -- puella fallax. Zum literarischen Frauenbild der romischen Elegie SO 68 1993 40-68 Wehrle, William T. Gurgulio at Persius 4.38 SO 68 1993 69-71 Kraggerud, Egil Hadrian's animula vagula. Diagnosis and Interpretation SO 68 1993 72-95 Whittaker, Helene Numenius' Fragment 2 and the Literary Tradition SO 68 1993 96-99 Wyller, Egil A. Das Hohelied Salomos als ein nach Origenes szenisches Epithalamium SO 68 1993 100-115 Buchheit, Vinzenz Bildung im Dienst der Wahrheit (Min. Fel. Oct 14) SO 68 1993 116-128 Adkin, Neil Tertullian in Jerome (Epist. 22,37,1f) SO 68 1993 129-143 Baldwin, Barry Half-lines in Virgil: Old and New Ideas SO 68 1993 144-151 Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam Punished Peoples - An Update on the Situation in the North Caucasus and Kalmykia: Introduction SovAA 31.4 (AAEur) 1993 4 Anchabadze, Iu. D.; Arutiunov, S.A.; Volkova, N.G. The North Caucasus: The National Situation and Ethnic Problems SovAA 31.4 (AAEur) 1993 12 Soldatova, G.U. The Former Checheno-Ingushetia: Interethnic Relations and Ethnic Conflicts SovAA 31.4 (AAEur) 1993 63 Zhukovskaia, N.L. The Republic of Kalmykia: A Painful Path of National Renewal SovAA 31.4 (AAEur) 1993 85 Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam Introduction SovAA 32.1 (AAEur) 1993 3 Ivanov, V.V. Problems of Ethnosemiotics SovAA 32.1 (AAEur) 1993 9 Ivanova, Iu.V. Behavioral Stereotypes [Blood-guilt rites in the Balkans the Caucasus SovAA 32.1 (AAEur) 1993 36 Guseinov, Gasan The Russian-Ukranian Conflict SovAA 32.1 (AAEur) 1993 53 Vakhtin, N.B. Toward a Typology of Language Situations in the Far North SovAA 32.1 (AAEur) 1993 66 Balzar, Marjorie Mandelstam Introduction: The Semiotics of Self, Gender and Spirits SovAA 32.2 (AAEur) 1993 3 Baiburin, A. K. Ritual Forms of Gender Identification in Children SovAA 32.2 (AAEur) 1993 9 Chesnov, Ia. V. Male and Female Origins in the Birth of a Child As Perceived by the Abkhaz-Adyge Peoples SovAA 32.2 (AAEur) 1993 19 Levinton, G.A. Male and Female Text in the Wedding Ritual SovAA 32.2 (AAEur) 1993 47 Golovnev, A. V. The Khanty Living World SovAA 32.2 (AAEur) 1993 74 Abrahamian, L.H. The Secret Police As a Secret Society. Fear and Faith in the USSR SovAA 32.3 (AAEur) 1993 12 Samoilov, Lev Ethnography of the Camp SovAA 32.3 (AAEur) 1993 32 Kabo, V.R. The Structure of the Camps and Archetypes of Consciousness SovAA 32.3 (AAEur) 1993 59 Shchepanskaia, T.B. Women, Groups, and Symbols. Based on Materials from the Youth Subculture SovAA 32.3 (AAEur) 1993 70 Pope, John C. What the Seraphim Do in Line 396a of the Old English Advent: A Scribal Cover Uncovered Speculum 68.1 1993 1 Morey, James H. Peter Comestor, Biblical Paraphrase, and the Medieval Popular Bible Speculum 68.1 1993 6 Paden, William D. Old Occitan as a Lyric Language: The Insertions from Occitan in Three Thirteenth-Century French Romances Speculum 68.1 1993 36 Aers, David The Self Mourning: Reflections on Pearl Speculum 68.1 1993 54 Cannon, Christopher Raptus in the Chaumpaigne Release and a Newly Discovered Document Concerning the Life of Geoffrey Chaucer Speculum 68.1 1993 74 Partner, Nancy F. Introduction. Studying Medieval Women: Sex, Gender, Feminism Speculum 68.2 1993 305 Bennett, Judith M. Medievalism and Feminism Speculum 68.2 1993 309 Caviness, Madeline H. Patron or Matron? A Capetian Bride and a Vade Mecum for Her Marriage Bed Speculum 68.2 1993 333 Clover, Carol J. Regardless of Sex: Men, Women, and Power in Early Northern Europe Speculum 68.2 1993 363 Biddick, Kathleen Genders, Bodies, Borders: Technologies of the Visible Speculum 68.2 1993 389 Partner, Nancy F. No Sex, No Gender Speculum 68.2 1993 419 Frantzen, Allen J. When Women Aren't Enough Speculum 68.2 1993 445 Scammell, Jean The Formation of the English Social Structure: Freedom, Knights, and Gentry, 1066-1300 Speculum 68.3 1993 591 Winston, Anne Tracing the Origins of the Rosary: German Vernacular Texts Speculum 68.3 1993 619 Watson, Nicholas The Composition of Julian of Norwich's Revelation of Love Speculum 68.3 1993 637 Kaminsky, Howard Estate, Nobility, and the Exhibition of Estate in the Later Middle Ages Speculum 68.3 1993 684 Dunbabin, Jean What's in a Name? Philip, King of France Speculum 68.4 1993 949 Kidson, Peter Gervase, Becket, and William of Sens Speculum 68.4 1993 969 Kelly, H. Ansgar The Right to Remain Silent: Before and After Joan of Arc Speculum 68.4 1993 992 Mooney, Linne R. A Middle English Text on the Seven Liberal Arts Speculum 68.4 1993 1027 Gruen, Erich S. Cultural Fictions and Cultural Identity TAPhA 123 1993 1-14 Callaway, Cathy Perjury and the Unsworn Oath TAPhA 123 1993 15-26 Edwards, Anthony T. Homer's Ethical Geography: Country and City in the Odyssey TAPhA 123 1993 27-78 Race, William H. First Appearances in the Odyssey TAPhA 123 1993 79-108 Miller, Andrew M. Inventa Componere: Rhetorical Process and Poetic Composition in Pindar's Ninth Olympian Ode TAPhA 123 1993 109-48 Mercier, Charles E. Hekabe's Extended Supplication (Hec. 752-888) TAPhA 123 1993 149-160 Reiche, Harald A. T. Heraclides' Three Soul-Gates: Plato Revised TAPhA 123 1993 161-180 Bing, Peter Impersonation of Voice in Callimachus' Hymn to Apollo TAPhA 123 1993 181-198 Parker, Hugh C. Romani numen soli: Faunus in Ovid's Fasti TAPhA 123 1993 199-218 Graver, Margaret Quaelibet Audendi: Fortunatus and the Acrostic TAPhA 123 1993 219-246 Casson, Lionel Ptolemy II and the Hunting of African Elephants TAPhA 123 1993 247-260 Elwyn, Sue Interstate Kinship and Roman Foreign Policy TAPhA 123 1993 261-288 Flory, Marleen B. Livia and the History of Public Honorific Statues for Women in Rome TAPhA 123 1993 287-308 Parker, Holt N. Sappho Schoolmistress TAPhA 123 1993 309-352 Walker, Andrew D. Enargeia and the Spectator in Greek Historiography TAPhA 123 1993 353-378 Devine, A.M. and Laurence D. Stephens Evidence from Experimental Psychology for the Rhythm and Metre of Greek Verse TAPhA 123 1993 379-404 Kovacs, David A Cautionary Tale TAPhA 123 1993 405-410 Bliss, Francis R. The APA and the Regional Associations TAPhA 123 1993 411-413 Clack, Jerry The APA and the Regional Associations: A Reply TAPhA 123 1993 413-416 O'Donnell, James J. An Electronic TAPA TAPhA 123 1993 417-418 De Jonge, M. The Transmission of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs by Christians VChr 47.1 1993 1 Krueger, D. Diogenes the Cynic among the Fourth Century Fathers VChr 47.1 1993 29 Rebenich, S. Jerome: The 'Vir trilinguis' and the 'Hebraica veritas' VChr 47.1 1993 50 Woods, D. A Historical Source of the Passio Typasii VChr 47.1 1993 78 Hansen, G. Chr. Zwei Splitter fruhchristlicher Literatur VChr 47.1 1993 85 Ehrman, B.D. Heracleon, Origen, and the Text of the Fourth Gospel VChr 47.2 1993 105 Joest, Chr. Proverbia 6,3 und die Bruderliebe bei den Pachomianern VChr 47.2 1993 119 Doignon, J. Souvenirs ciceroniens (Hortensius, Consolation) et virgiliens dans l'expose d'Augustin sur l'etat humain d'"ignorance et de difficulte" VChr 47.2 1993 131 Sivan, H. Anician Women, the Centro of Proba, and Aristocratic Conversion in the Fourth Century VChr 47.2 1993 140 Eno, B. The Significance of the Lists of Roman Bishops in the Anti-donatist Polemic VChr 47.2 1993 158 Vinzent, M. Gottes Wesen, Logos, Weisheit und Draft bei Asterius von Kappadokien und Markell von Ankyra VChr 47.2 1993 170 Baarda, T. John 1:5 in the Oration and Diatessaron of Tatian. Concerning the Reading KATA ABANEI VChr 47.3 1993 209 Story, C.I.K. Ignatius to the Romans 2:1c VChr 47.3 1993 226 Kruse, H. "Gemeinschaft der Heiligen". Herfunft und Bedeutung des Glaubensartikels VChr 47.3 1993 246 Allen, P.; Mayer, W. Computer and Homily: Accessing the Everyday Life of Early Christians VChr 47.3 1993 260 Harl, M. La 'Bible d'Alexandrie' et les etudes sur la Septante. Reflexions sur une premiere experience VChr 47.4 1993 313 Ernest, J.D. Athanasius of Alexandria: The Scope of Scripture in Polemical and Pastoral Context VChr 47.4 1993 341 Loessl, J. Religio, Philosophia und Pulchritudo. Ihr Zusammenhang nach Augustinus, De vera religione VChr 47.4 1993 363 Quispel, G. A Diatessaron Reading in a Latin Manichean Codex VChr 47.4 1993 374 Tubach, J. Synkellos' Kalender der Hebraer VChr 47.4 1993 379 Bartelink, G.J.M. Les Apophtegmes des Peres. A propos de deux etudes recentes VChr 47.4 1993 390 Bechert, H. The Controversy Concerning the Dates of the Buddha's Parinirvana and the Rise of the Therevada Chronology [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 3 Grace, E. The 'Altogether Xenos' as Killer in Attic Law [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 25 Smagina, Ye.B. Sources and Formation of the Conception of the King of Demons in the Manichaean Religion [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 40 Danshin, D.I. Phanagorian Community of Jews [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 59 Karyshkovsky, P.O. New Olbian Dedications of the First Centuries A.D. [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 73 Blazquez, J.M. Characteristics of the Hispanic Society of the Late Roman Empire [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 97 Kisel, V.A. Stylistic and Technological Attribution of the Silver Mirror from Kelermes [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 111 Bayun, V.; Orel, V.E. A Linguistic and Cultural-Historical Interpretation of the Sitovo Inscription [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 126 Ulyanova, I.L. New Papyrus Fragments from Menander's Comedies [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 136 Seleznev, M.G. The Bible in the Hellenistic World (A Story of World Creation and a Greek Rhetor) [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 142 Shabaga, I.Yu. Analysis of Gallic Panegyrics by Quantitative Methods [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 147 L'Huillier, M.-C. Strategics of Domination and Regulation of Politics within Transition: The Production of the Imperial Image by the Latin Panegyrics [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 161 Lyubin, V.P.; Kulikov, O.A. Eurasia at the Beginning (The Recent Discoveries in Caucasus) [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 173 Karpyuk, S.G. The Case of the Appointment of a Professor of Greek Philology to the Staff of Moscow University [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 175 Tunkina, I.V.; Frolov, E.D. Zhebelev's Historiographic Studies (from unpublished scientific heritage) [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 182 Afinogenov, D.Ye. Tatiani. Oratio ad Graecos. Introduction and Commentaries [in Russian] VDI 204 1993 238 Lelukhin, D.N. State, Administration and Policy in Kautilya's 'Frthashastra' [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 4 Saprykin, S.Yu. From the History of the Pontic Kingdom of the Polemonides [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 25 Treister, M.Yu. Romans in Panticapaeum [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 50 Usmanova, E.R.; Tkachev, A.A. Headdress and its Status in the Burial Ritual (based on the materials of the Andronov necropoleis) [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 75 Huxley, G. Cities Given by Kyros to Pytharchos [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 83 Fedoseev, N.F. A More Precise List of the Magistrates Controlling the Manufacture of Ceramics in Sinope [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 85 Semenchenko, L.V. On a Document of Hellenistic Diplomacy: a Letter of High Priest Jonathan to Sparta [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 105 Avdeev, A.G. On the Dating of the Presence of Units of the 5th Macedonian Legion in Chersonesus [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 112 Faccenna, D. Italian Archaeological Mission of IsMEO in Pakistan: Latest Results of Research and Excavations [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 123 Stakul, G. Culture of Swat (ca 1700-1400 B.C.) and Its Northern Ties [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 125 Tusa, S. Historico-Cultural Development of the Swat Valley between the Middle of the 2nd Millennium B.C. and the Beginning of the New Era [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 127 Caglieri, P.F. Early Historical Swat: a Case of Acculturation? [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 131 Faccenna, D. Problems of Holy Buddhist Architecture and Gandhar Sculpture [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 137 Taddey, M.; Verardi, G. Archaeology and Buddhism -- Contribution of IsMEO [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 152 Maigret, A. Italian Archaeological Mission of IsMEO in the Yemeni Republic and its Activity in 1989-1990 [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 162 Tunkina, I.V.; Frolov, E.D. Historiographic Studies of S.A. Zhebelev (from the unpublished scientific heritage) [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 172 Zhebelev, S.A. Autonecrology. [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 177 Afinogenov, D.Ye. Tatian. Oratio ad Graecos. Introduction,Translation and Commentaries (The End) [in Russian] VDI 205 1993 256 Yusifov, Yu.B.; Alimirzoev, A.N. On the Decipherment of Numerical Signs of the Proto-Elamite Script [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 3 Yarkho, V.N. Poetics of a Literary Play (Papyrus Texts by Callimachus and Hermesianax) [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 21 Habicht, C. Iasos and Samothrace in the Mid III Century B.C. [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 38 Yatsenko, V.V. The Treasure of Electrum Bosporan Staters from Nozhnegnilovskoye Site [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 43 Sharma, R.S. From Antiquity to Middle Ages in India [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 55 Vigasin, A.A. Some Problems of Interpretation of Sanskrit Texts (rejoinder to R.S. Sharma) [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 72 Malamoud, Ch. The Rejection of Violence in Vedic Sacrifice [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 79 Yailenko, V.P. Commonality of Communicative and Social Terminology of Ancient Greece and Early Rome: Historico-Linguistic Aspect [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 88 Pechatnova, L.G. Hypomeiones and Mothaces (Structure of Sparta's Civic Community) [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 100 Orzhekhovsky, O.S. On the 'Pre-History' of the Second Punic War [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 116 Kotigoroshko, V.G. Roman Imports and Development of Economic Regions in the Upper Theiss Basin [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 121 Haegg, Th. From Ancient Biography to Byzantine Hagiography [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 136 Dvornichenko, V.V.; Fedorov-Davydov, G.A. Sarmation Burial of Skeptuch of the 1st Century Near the Village of Kosika of the Astrakhan Region [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 141 Tunkina, I.V.; Frolov, E.D. Zhebelev's Historiographic Studies. Three Unpublished Memoirs of S.A. Zhebelev [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 180 Zhebelev, S.A. From Recollections on J.I. Smirnov; From Recollections on the Old Friend; S.F. Oldenburg [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 191 Bongard-Levin, G.M. Professor M.I. Rostovtzeff. New Documents from American Archives on His Life and Scholarly Activity [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 201 Muraviev,A.V. Athenagorae Atheniensis Legatio pro Christianis. Introduction, Translation and Commentary [in Russian] VDI 206 1993 235 Arutyunov, S.A.; Krupnik, I.I.; Turner, S.G.; Laughlin, W.S. V.P. Alexeev and the World Anthropological Community [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 5 The Last Talk (by G.M. Bongard-Levin) [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 7 Gnoli, Gh. Pars and Sagestan in Sassanian Religious Policy [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 9 Andreev, Ju.V. Awaiting the Greek Miracle (Spiritual World of Mycenean Society) [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 14 Zubar, V.M. The Area to the North of the Black Sea and Septimius Severus [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 34 Gulyaev, V.I. Scepter and Power: On the Institution of Royalty among the Ancient Maya [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 45 Vinogradov, Yu.G. Dorian Tribes in Tauric Chersonesus [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 61 Litvinsky, B.A.; Pichikyan, I.R. Achaemenid Hilt Decorated with the Head of a Griffin [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 67 Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. V. Gordon Childe and the Concept of Revolution [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 90 Merpert, N.Ya. On the Assessment of the Work of V. Gordon Childe [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 105 Pogrebova, M.N.; Raevsky, D.S. Early Scythians in the Light of Written Tradition and Archaeological Data [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 110 Possehl, G.L. The Harappan Civilization and its Hunter-Gatherer Neighbours [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 119 Munchaev, R.M.; Merpert, N.Ya. New Discoveries and Archaeological Problems of Upper Mesopotamia [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 127 Sarianidi, V.I. Achaean Greece and Central Asia [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 137 Grenet, F. The Knowledge of the Yasts of the Avesta in Sogdiana and Bactria [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 149 Rapoport, Yu.A. Out-of-town Palaces and Temples of Toprak-kala [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 161 Tunkina, I.V.; Frolov, E.D. Zhebelev's Historiographic Studies (from the unpublished archival materials) [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 187 Zhebelev, S.A. On Hasebroek's Book [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 187 Bongard-Levin, G.M.; Wachtel, M.; Zuev, V.Yu. M.I. Rostovtzeff and V.I. Ivanov (New Archival Documents) [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 210 Muraviev,A.V. Athenagorae Atheniensis Legatio pro Christianis. Translation and Commentary [in Russian] VDI 207 1993 263 Wills, Jeffrey Virgil's cuium Vergilius 39 1993 3 O'Hara, James J. Medicine for the Madness of Dido and Gallus: Tentative Suggestions on Aeneid 4 Vergilius 39 1993 12 Kelly, Stephen T. Villa Vergilius 39 1993 24 Paschallis, Michael Two Implicit Myths in Virgil's Sixth Eclogue Vergilius 39 1993 25 Hallet, Judith P. Vergilian Verses in the Inauguration of William Jefferson Clinton Vergilius 39 1993 30 Williams, Mary Frances Turnus, the Chimaera and Aeetes: A Note on Aeneid 7.785-88 Vergilius 39 1993 31 McKay, Alexander G. Vergilian Bibliography 1992-1993 Vergilius 39 1993 39 Caroti, Stefano Oresme on Motion Vivarium 31.1 1993 8 Dudley Sylla, Edith Aristotelian Commentaries and Scientific Change: The Parisian Nominalists on the Cause of the Natural Motion of Inanimate Bodies Vivarium 31.1 1993 37 Grant, Edward Jean Buridan and Nicole Oresme on Natural Knowledge Vivarium 31.1 1993 84 Goddu, Andre Connotative Concepts and Mathematics in Ockham's Natural Philosophy Vivarium 31.1 1993 106 Molland, George Roger Bacon and the Hermetic Tradition in Medieval Science Vivarium 31.1 1993 140 Newman, William R. The Corpuscular Theory of J.B. Van Helmont and its Medieval Sources Vivarium 31.1 1993 161 Shoot, Henk J.M. Aquinas and Supposition: The Possibilities and Limitations of Logic in divinis Vivarium 31.2 1993 193 Sullivan, Thomas Benedictine Masters of the University of Paris in the Late Middle Ages: Patterns of Recruitment Vivarium 31.2 1993 226 Charron, William C.; Doyle, John P. On the Self-Refuting Statement 'There is no Truth': A Medieval Treatment Vivarium 31.2 1993 241 Zehnacker, H. Apercus de numismatique romaine III VL 129 1993 2-5 Desbordes, F. L'illusion theatrale dans le Miles gloriosus VL 129 1993 6-16 Achard, G. Le Pro Sestio: un programme conservateur revolutionnaire a l'usage de la jeunesse? VL 129 1993 17-25 Aubrion, E. L'originalite et l'interet de la correspondance de Pline le Jeune VL 129 1993 26-39 Zehnacker, H. Numismatique (IV) VL 130/131 1993 3-6 Hellegouarc'h, J. Lucrece, metrique et style VL 130/131 1993 7-17 Dangel, J. Lucrece, matiere et poesie VL 130/131 1993 18-27 Rambaux, C. Le clinamen chez Lucrece VL 130/131 1993 28-34 Schilling, R. A la rencontre d'Ovide VL 130/131 1993 35-40 Le Boeuffle, A. Ovide, Astronomie VL 130/131 1993 41-45 Monat, P. Lactance: l'homme et l'oeuvre VL 130/131 1993 47-52 Chomarat, J. Lorenzo Valla VL 130/131 1993 53-57 Coutas, F. Philicinus (theatre XVIe s.) VL 130/131 1993 58-65 Ducos, M. L'originalite du systeme juridique romain VL 130/131 1993 66-71 Chastagnol, A. Initiation a l'epigraphie latine VL 130/131 1993 72-79 Wolff, E. Reflexions sur l'elaboration d'un dictionnaire des mots latins du francais VL 130/131 1993 80-86 Chomarat, J. Ange Politien VL 132 1993 2-9 Deschamps, L. Les Dames de fevrier dans les Fastes d'Ovide VL 132 1993 10-17 Porte, D. Quirinus, Auguste, Apotheose VL 132 1993 18-26 Cizek, E. A propos de quelques Vies des Cesars de Suetone VL 132 1993 27-32 Ingremeau, C. Les Institutions divines de Lactance: une composition architecturale VL 132 1993 33-40 Broodbank, Cyprian Ulysses without sails: trade, distance, knowledge and power in the early Cyclades WorldArch 24.3 1993 315 Knapp, A. Bernard Thalassocracies in Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean Trade: Making and Breaking a Myth WorldArch 24.3 1993 332 Haldane, Cheryl Direct Evidence for Organic Cargoes in the Late Bronze Age WorldArch 24.3 1993 348 Sherratt, Susan; Sherratt, Andrew The Growth of the Mediterranean Economy in the Early First Millennium BC WorldArch 24.3 1993 361 Potts, T.F. Patterns of Trade in Third-Millennium BC Mesopotamia and Iran WorldArch 24.3 1993 379 Potts, D.T. Rethinking Some Aspects of Trade in the Arabian Gulf WorldArch 24.3 1993 423 Eidem, J.; Hojlund, F. Trade or Diplomacy? Assyria and Dilmun in the Eighteenth Century B.C. WorldArch 24.3 1993 441 Healan, Dan M. Local Versus Non-local Obsidian Exchange at Tula and its Implications for Post-Formative Mesoamerica WorldArch 24.3 1993 449 Torrence, Robin Ethnoarchaeology, Museum Collections and Prehistoric Exchange: Obsidian-tipped Artifacts from the Admiralty Islands WorldArch 24.3 1993 467 Thomas, Kenneth D. Molecular biology and archaeology: a prospectus for inter-disciplinary research WorldArch 25.1 1993 1 Richards, Martin; Smalley, Kate; Sykes, Bryan Archaeology and genetics: Analysing DNA from Skeletal Remains WorldArch 25.1 1993 18 Cattaneo, C.; Gelsthorpe, K.; Phillips, P. Blood Residues on Stone Tools: Indoor and Outdoor Experiments WorldArch 25.1 1993 29 Loy, Thomas H. The Artifact as Site: an Example of the Biomolecular Analysis of Organic Residues on Prehistoric Tools WorldArch 25.1 1993 44 Brown, Terence A.; Allaby, Robin G.; Brown, Keri A. Biomolecular Archaeology and Lipids WorldArch 25.1 1993 64 Hillman, Gordon; Wales, Sue; McLaren, Frances Identifying Problematic Remains of Ancient Plant Foods: A Comparison of the Role of Chemical, Histological and Morphological Criteria WorldArch 25.1 1993 94 Westbroek, Peter; Collins, Mathew J.; Jansen, J.H. Fred World Archaeology and Global Change: Did Our Ancestors Ignite the Ice Age? WorldArch 25.1 1993 122 Rowlands, Michael The Role of Memory in the Transmission of Culture WorldArch 25.2 1993 141 Ingold, Tim The Temporality of the Landscape WorldArch 25.2 1993 152 Murray, Tim Archaeology and the Threat of the Past: Sir Henry Rider Haggard and the Acquisition of Time WorldArch 25.2 1993 175 Boado, Felipe Criado; Romero, Rafael Penedo Art, Time and Thought: A Formal Study Comparing Palaeolithic and Postglacial Art WorldArch 25.2 1993 187 Bailey, Douglass W. Chronotypic Tension in Bulgarian Prehistory: 6500-3500 BC WorldArch 25.2 1993 204 Mizoguchi, Koji Time in the Reproduction of Mortuary Practices WorldArch 25.2 1993 223 Barrett, John C. Chronologies of Remembrance: the Interpretation of Some Roman Inscriptions WorldArch 25.2 1993 236 Dietler, Michael; Herbich, Ingrid Living on Luo Time: Reckoning Sequence, Duration, History and Biography in a Rural African Society WorldArch 25.2 1993 248 Cooper, Zarine Perceptions of Time in the Andaman Islands WorldArch 25.2 1993 261 Hodder, Ian The Narrative and Rhetoric of Material Culture Sequences WorldArch 25.2 1993 268 Kraus, Walther Platon, Phaidros 229 b-d WS 106 1993 5-7 Puchner, Walter Zur Raumkonzeption der Mimiamben des Herodas WS 106 1993 9-34 Bernsdorff, Hans Longos und Lukian (Zu Verae Historiae 2, 5) WS 106 1993 35-44 Danek, Georg; Wallisch, Robert Notizen zu Longos, Daphnis und Chloe WS 106 1993 45-60 Henner, Jutta Ein unbekannter Christushymnus mit alphabetischer Akrostichis WS 106 1993 61-67 Calboli, Gualtiero Zur Hellenisierung Roms: Cato und Terenz WS 106 1993 69-83 Lieberg, Godo Demokraten oder Monarchisten? Eine Interpretation von Cicero, rep. 1, 33, 50 WS 106 1993 85-102 Calboli Montefusco, Lucia Der Einfluss der peripatetisch-akademischen Lehre auf Ciceros rhetorische Schriften WS 106 1993 103-109 Schmitzer, Ulrich Satiren zur Ehre Messallas. Die literarkritische Bedeutung von Tibulls Elegie 2, 1 WS 106 1993 111-132 Baudy, Dorothea Ein Kultobjekt im Kontext: Der Erichtonios-Korb in Ovids Metamorphosen WS 106 1993 133-165 Harrison, George W.M. Slices of Cake (Martial 7, 20, 8) WS 106 1993 167-171 Liebermann, Wolf-Luder Euripides und die Folgen: Zur Alcestis Barcinonensis WS 106 1993 173-195 Alonso-Nunez, Jose Miguel Die Auslegung der Geschichte bei Paulus Orosius: Die Abfolge der Weltreiche, die Idee der Roma Aeterna und die Goten WS 106 1993 197-213 Leroy, Francois J. Les sermons africains pseudo-augustiniens Caillau S. Y. I, 46 et Scorialensis 19 (Chrysostomus Latinus) sur l'episode de Zachee (Lc 19) WS 106 1993 215-222 Ratkowitsch, Christine Das Grab des Propheten. Die Mohammed-Dichtungen des Embricho von Mainz und Walter von Compiegne WS 106 1993 223-256 Lloyd-Jones, H. Two Conjectures on Pindar's Fourth Paean (50-3) ZPE 95 1993 1 Lehnus, L. Ecale e la lana ZPE 95 1993 6 Schonbeck, L. Heraclitus Revisited (Pap. Derveni col. I lines 7-11) ZPE 95 1993 7 Pardini, A. P.Oxy. 2623 fr. 14 e Simon. PMG 520: alcune osservazioni ZPE 95 1993 23 Bermejo Lopez-Muniz, R. St. Phokas in a Spell for Snakes (Anecd. Athen. P.83,9, Delatte) ZPE 95 1993 28 Carrara, P. Euripide, Andromeda, frr. 119 + 120 N(2) ZPE 95 1993 29 Massimilla, G. Callimaco fr. 115 Pf. ZPE 95 1993 33 Hollis, A.S. Callimachus, Hecale frs. 3-5 H. ZPE 95 1993 45 Hollis, A.S. Suppl. Hell. 1044 (Euphorion?) ZPE 95 1993 48 Hollis, A.S. Parthenius on the Saronic Gulf ZPE 95 1993 50 Last, R.; Porath, P. A Roman Stamped Amphora Rim from Beth-Shean ZPE 95 1993 52 Luppe, W. Zum neuesten Stesichoros P.Oxy. 3876 fr. 35 ZPE 95 1993 53 Luppe, W. Zum 'Herakles'-Papyrus P.Hibeh 179 ZPE 95 1993 59 Luppe, W. Nochmals zur 'Danae'-Hypothesis ZPE 95 1993 65 Luppe, W. Christliche Weihung von Ol - Zum Papyrus Barc. 156a/b ZPE 95 1993 70 Richter-Bernburg, L. Mani's dodecads and Sasanian chronology: Kephalaia, Shapuragan, and Codex Manichaicus Coloniensis ZPE 95 1993 71 Lebek, W.D. Roms Ritter und Roms Pleps in den Senatsbeschlussen fur Germanicus Caesar und Drusus Caesar ZPE 95 1993 81 Bingen, J. Sur quelques mosaiques inscrites d'Apamene ZPE 95 1993 121 Sijpesteijn, P.J. Two London Papyri ZPE 95 1993 127 Badian, E. Alexander and Philippi ZPE 95 1993 131 Sijpesteijn, P.J. P.Med. 27: Kleine Verbesserungen ZPE 95 1993 140 Argoud, G.; Roesch, P. Decrets de Thebes pour des juges d'Oropos ZPE 95 1993 141 Wagner, G. Le decurion Paccius Maximus, champion de l'acrostiche ZPE 95 1993 147 Carrez-Maratray, J.-Y. Une enigme du Sphinx: I.Metr. 130 ZPE 95 1993 149 Hussein, A.; Wagner, G. Une nouvelle dedicace grecque de la Grande Oasis ZPE 95 1993 153 Twardecki, A.; Zelazowski, J. A New Funerary Stela in the Collection of the National Museum in Warsaw ZPE 95 1993 156 Haensch, R. Ein Procurator der Provinz Arabia und die angeblichen Beinamen Aurelia Antoniniana von Gerasa ZPE 95 1993 163 Speidel, M.A. Goldene Lettern in Augst. Zu zwei fruhen Zeugnissen der Kaiserverehrung und des goldenen Zeitalters in der colonia Augusta Raurica ZPE 95 1993 179 Speidel, M.A. Miles ex cohorte. Zur Bedeutung der mit ex eingeleiteten Truppenangaben auf Soldateninschriften ZPE 95 1993 190 Sarnowski, T. Nova ordinatio im romischen Heer des 3 Jh. und eine neue Primus pilus-Weihung aus Novae in Niedermoesien ZPE 95 1993 197 Sarnowski, T. Primi ordines et centuriones legionis I Italicae und eine Dedikation an Septimius Severus aus Novae in Niedermoesien ZPE 95 1993 205 Mrozewicz, L. Prosopographica Moesiaca I: VALERIUS O[...]TIANUS ZPE 95 1993 221 Abramenko, A. Othonianus. Zur Genese von cognomina aus militarischer Terminologie. ZPE 95 1993 226 Alfoldy, G. Epigraphica Hispanica XIV. Zwei neue lateinische cognomina im romischen Hispanien ZPE 95 1993 229 Sasel Kos, M. A New Equestrian Family from Poetovio ZPE 95 1993 236 Lajtar, A. On the Provenance of the four Christian Inscriptions: SB X 10515- 10516, M G. Tibiletti Bruno, Iscrizioni Nubiane 49, 56 ZPE 95 1993 241 Lajtar, A. Zwei griechische christliche Inschriften ZPE 95 1993 246 Briscoe, J. The Grandson of Hortensius ZPE 95 1993 249 Eck, W. Marcius Hortalus, nobilis iuvenis, und seine Sohne ZPE 95 1993 251 Corell, J. Defixionis tabella aus Carmona (Seville) ZPE 95 1993 261 Lorincz, B. Register zu Lieferung 5 der Romischen Inschriften Ungarns (=RIU): Intercisa ZPE 95 1993 269 Lorincz, R. Zur Herkunft eines Soldaten der cohors I Augusta Ituraeorum ZPE 95 1993 297 Kotansky, R. P.Berol. 21220 = Theognis, Elegiae I, 917-933 ZPE 96 1993 1-5 Luppe, W. Paris' Sieg bei seinen Leichenspielen ZPE 96 1993 6-8 Luppe, W. Nochmals zur 'Imbrioi'-Didaskalie ZPE 96 1993 9-10 Harder, M.A. Between 'Prologue' and 'Dream' (Call. fr. 1a, 19ff.) ZPE 96 1993 11-13 Fowler, R.L. P.Oxy XXVI 2442 fr. 29: A Citation of Euphorion? ZPE 96 1993 15-16 Horsfall, N. P.Bonon. 4 and Virgil, Aen. 6, yet again ZPE 96 1993 17-18 Engels, J. Die Hypomnemata-Schriften und die Anfange der politischen Biographie und Autobiographie in der griechischen Literatur ZPE 96 1993 19-36 Schroder, St. Nochmals zum Ostrakon gegen Krates Athmoneus ZPE 96 1993 37-45 Braund, D. King Flavius Dades ZPE 96 1993 46-50 Lewis, D.M. Megakles and Eretria ZPE 96 1993 51-52 Wagner, G. Trois inscriptions grecques chretiennes d'Egypte ZPE 96 1993 53-57 Merkelbach, R. Ein heiliger Baum der Heiden wird abgehackt ZPE 96 1993 58 Hinz, V. Eine bekannte Tugend des Tiberius (Tab.Siar. Frg. I Z.5) ZPE 96 1993 59-63 Bernand, E. Un pretre de la deesse Triphis ZPE 96 1993 64-66 Eck, W; Roxan, M. A Military Diploma of AD 85 for the Rome Cohorts ZPE 96 1993 67-74 Eck, W.; Lieb, H. Ein Diplom fur die classis Ravennas vom 22. November 206 ZPE 96 1993 75-88 Strassi, S. Problemi relativi alla diffusione delle disposizioni amministrative nell'Egitto romano ZPE 96 1993 89-107 Merkelbach, R. Einschneidende Berichtigungen oder Bestatigung? (Nochmals Antiochia epi Daphne) ZPE 96 1993 108 Spaul, J.E.H. A Note on IAM 809=CIL XVI 182 ZPE 96 1993 109-110 Packman, Z.M. Papyrus Texts with Oaths Referring to the koruphe ZPE 96 1993 111-116 Minnen, P. van Notes on Texts from Graeco-Roman Egypt ZPE 96 1993 117-122 Muller-Wollermann, R. Ein Deich im Oxyrhynchites ZPE 96 1993 123-124 Pintaudi, R. Osservazioni su PSI XX Congr. 6 ZPE 96 1993 125-126 Rea, J. A Letter of the Emperor Elagabalus ZPE 96 1993 127-132 Rea, J. BGU I 23: The Decadarch's Colletion ZPE 96 1993 133-134 Gascou, J. Notes d'onomastique ecclesiale ancienne (a propos de P.Lond. III 1303 descr.) ZPE 96 1993 135-140 Seldeslachts, H.; Wouters, A. A Christian Word-List on a Papyrus of the Bibliotheque Royale at Brussels (MS Brux. IV 590) ZPE 96 1993 141-152 Garner, R. Achilles in Locri: P.Oxy. 3876.frr.37-77 ZPE 96 1993 153-165 Clauss, J.J. An Attic-speaking Crow on the Capitoline: A Literary Emigre from the Hecale ZPE 96 1993 167-173 Knox, P.E. The Epilogue to the Aetia: An Epilogue ZPE 96 1993 175-178 Hunter, R. Callimachean Echoes in Catullus 65 ZPE 96 1993 179-182 Slater, W.J. Riddles and Hallucinations ZPE 96 1993 183-184 Brunner, Th. F. P.Amst. I 24: A Romanus Melodus Papyrus ZPE 96 1993 185-189 Garbrah, K.A. On the Enumerative Use of te ZPE 96 1993 191-210 Johnson, W.A. Column Layout in Oxyrhynchus Literary Papyri: Maas's Law, Ruling and Alignment Dots ZPE 96 1993 211-215 Huss, W. Eine umstrittene Passage im ptolemaiischen Amnestie-Erlass des Jahres 118 ZPE 96 1993 217-219 Stephens, S.A. An Epicrisis Return and other Documentary Fragments from the Yale Collection ZPE 96 1993 221-226 MacCoul, L.S.B. The Coptic Verso of P.Princ. II 84 ZPE 96 1993 227-229 MacCoul, L.S.B. Further Notes on ST 439 (=P.Lond. V 1720v) ZPE 96 1993 229-233 MacCoul, L.S.B. A Bilingual Scribe's Complaint? ZPE 96 1993 233-234 Csapo, E. A Postscript to 'An International Community of Traders in Late 8th-7th c. B.C. Kommos' ZPE 96 1993 235-236 Hamilton, R. Archons' Names on Panathenaic Vases ZPE 96 1993 237-248 Billows, R.A. IG XII 9.212: A Macedonian Officer at Eretria ZPE 96 1993 249-257 Bodel, J. Chronology and Succession 1: Fasti Capitolini Fr. XXXIId, the Sicilian Fasti, and the Suffect Consuls of 36 BC ZPE 96 1993 259-266 Sherk, R.K. The Eponymous Officials of Greek Cities V. The Register ZPE 96 1993 267-295 Bleckmann, B. Sparta und seine Freunde im Dekeleischen Krieg. Zur Datierung von IG V 1,1 ZPE 96 1993 297-308 Gronewald, M. Zum Ninos-Roman ZPE 97 1993 1-6 Stramaglia, A. Sul frammento di romanzo (?) PMichael 4 (Pack (2) 2271) ZPE 97 1993 7-15 Mastrocinque, A. Orpheos Bakchikos ZPE 97 1993 16-24 Lehnus, L. I due Dionisii (PSI 1219 fr. 1,3-4) ZPE 97 1993 25-28 Fowler, R.L. The Myth of Kephalos as an Aition of Rain-magic (Pherekydes FGrHist 3 F 34) ZPE 97 1993 29-42 Petropoulos, J.C.B. Sappho the Sorceress -- Another Look at fr. 1 (LP) ZPE 97 1993 43-56 Rossum-Steenbeek, M.E. van Rash Conclusions on four Xenophon Papyri ZPE 97 1993 57-66 Schenkeveld, D.M. Pap.Hamburg. 128: A Hellenistic Ars Poetica ZPE 97 1993 67-80 Dorandi, T. Precisazioni su papiri della Poetica di Filodemo ZPE 97 1993 81-86 Burkert, W. Philodems Arbeitstext zur Geschichte der Akademie. Zu Tiziano Dorandis Neuedition des Academicorum Index ZPE 97 1993 87-94 Koenen, L. Der erste Satz bei Heraklit und Herodot ZPE 97 1993 95-96 Hagedorn, D. P.Hibeh II 273 + 217: Antrag auf Bezahlung von Saulen, Saulenbasen und Kapitellen ZPE 97 1993 97-101 Kuehn, C. A New Papyrus of a Dioscorian Poem and Marriage Contract. P.Berol. Inv.No. 21334 ZPE 97 1993 103-115 Gascou, J.; Sijpesteijn, P.J. P.Berol.G 25003: Deux documents fiscaux Hermopolites ZPE 97 1993 116-124 Wagner, G. L'archive d'un domaine prive en Thebaide au debut du Ve siecle: Un document nouveau ZPE 97 1993 125-126 Wagner, G. *CHRHTH/*CHRHTIC ZPE 97 1993 127-129 Gonzalez, Ma. del Mar; Prieto, Ma. Luz Ein Abrasax-Ring aus 'La Olmeda' (Spanien) ZPE 97 1993 130 Kramer, B. Akanthus oder Akazie? Bemerkungen zu Baumen ZPE 97 1993 131-144 Kramer, J. Zur Etymologie von akantha und akakia ZPE 97 1993 145-146 Kramer, J. Die Wiener Liste von Soldaten der III. und XXII. Legion (P.Vindob L 2) ZPE 97 1993 147-158 Lebek, W.D. La Lex Lati di Domiziano (Lex Irnitana): le strutture giuridiche dei capitoli 84 e 86 ZPE 97 1993 159-178 Lebek, W.D. Eine antike Technik der Textkorrektur und die Kontrolle municipalen Eigentums nach Tab.Irn. VIII C (cap. 76) 10-20 ZPE 97 1993 179-186 Ross, S.K. The Last King of Edessa: New Evidence from the Middle Euphrates ZPE 97 1993 187-206 Ruschenbusch, E. Wortlaut und Aufbau des Freidensvertrages vom Jahre 446/5 v. Chr. (Der dreissigjahrige Freiden) (Bengtson, Die Staatsvertrage des Altertums (StV) Nr. 156) ZPE 97 1993 207-212 Kayser, Fr. Une inscription de Metelis au Musee d'Alexandrie ZPE 97 1993 213-216 Kayser, Fr. Un veteran au temple de Montou a Tod (Haute Egypte) ZPE 97 1993 217-220 Tybout, R.A. Two Epitaphs of a Lydian Family ZPE 97 1993 221-224 Furlonger, T.A. RIB 508: Christian not Pagan ZPE 97 1993 225-226 Lajtar, A. Bemerkungen zu griechischen christlichen Inschriften aus dem Koptischen Museum in Kairo ZPE 97 1993 227-235 Weiser, W. Kein 'Zwitterstandard' der Assaria der Lakedaimonier ZPE 97 1993 236-238 Thissen, H.J. ".....aiguptiazon te fone....." Zum Umgang mit der agyptischen Sprache in der griechisch-romischen Antike ZPE 97 1993 239-252 Salomies, O. Eine Beachtung verdienende Inschrift aus Montecassino ZPE 97 1993 253-258 Kuhoff, W. Iulia Aug. mater Aug. n. et castrorum et senatus et patriae ZPE 97 1993 259-271 Ferber, E.; Remy, B. Decouverte d'une nouvelle borne milliaire de Diocletien dans la cite de Vienne, a Chignin (Savoie) ZPE 97 1993 272-274 Bernand, E. Statue funeraire ZPE 97 1993 275-276 Solin, H. Nochmals ICVR 2564 ZPE 97 1993 277-278 Engelmann, H. Zum Kaiserkult in Ephesos ZPE 97 1993 279-289 D'Alessio, G.B. Nota alla tavoletta plumbea di Phalasarna ZPE 97 1993 290 Merkelbach, R. Referat. Die Gotter Hosios und Dikaios in Maonien und Phrygien ZPE 97 1993 291-296 West, M.L. Simonides Redivivus ZPE 98 1993 1-14 Smith, L.P. A Duke Papyrus of Euripides' Orestes 939-954 ZPE 98 1993 15-18 Mueller, C.W. Zur Hypothesis des euripideischen 'Philoktet' POxy 2455 fr. 17,246ff. ZPE 98 1993 19-24 Wankel, H. Zu Hypereides 1,14,24-29 ZPE 98 1993 25-26 Lopez, A. Short Remarks on a Callimachean Fragment (In Delum, 138-149) ZPE 98 1993 27-28 Slings, S.R. Hermesianax and the Tattoo Elegy (P.Brux. inv. E 8934 and P.Sorb. inv. 2254) ZPE 98 1993 29-37 Daniel, R.W. SB I 5674 and 5678 now in Erlangen ZPE 98 1993 38 Luppe, W. Uberlegungen zur 'Comoedia Dukiana' ZPE 98 1993 39-41 Liberman, G. Alcman, 17.6 ss. Page-Davies ZPE 98 1993 42 Laplace, M. A propos du P.Robinson-Coloniensis d'Achille Tatius, Leucippe et Clitophon ZPE 98 1993 43-56 Fauth, W. Dardaniel (PGM LXII 12-16) ZPE 98 1993 57-75 Lebek, W.D. Intenzione e composizione della 'rogatio Valeria Aurelia' ZPE 98 1993 77-95 Bernand, E. Une figure de la Papyrologie: Danielle Bonneau ZPE 98 1993 97-102 Bernand, E. Topos dans les inscriptions grecques d'Egypte ZPE 98 1993 103-110 Kayser, Fr. Nouveaux textes grecs du Ouadi Hammamat ZPE 98 1993 111-156 Masson, O. Quand le nom Ptolemaios etait a la mode ZPE 98 1993 157-167 Mantzoulinou-Richards, E. Four Funerary Monuments from the Aegean Maritime Museum of Myconos ZPE 98 1993 168-170 Chambers, M. The Archon's Name in the Athens-Egesta Alliance (IG I(3) 11) ZPE 98 1993 171-174 Gabrielsen, V. Contributions of Ship's Equipment in the Athenian Naval Records ZPE 98 1993 175-183 Boterman, H. Griechisch-judische Epigraphik: Zur Datierung der Aphrodisias-Inschriften ZPE 98 1993 184-194 Wallace, R. An Etruscan Inscription on a Statuette of Herakles ZPE 98 1993 195-198 Weiss, P. Epigraphisches aus einem Nachlass ZPE 98 1993 199-202 Wierschowski, L. Die Decimi Titii aus Aix-les-Bains. Das soziale und wirtschaftliche Umfeld eines Dekurio der colonia Viennensis ZPE 98 1993 203-221 Bruun, Chr. Lotores: Roman Bath-Attendants ZPE 98 1993 222-228 Laniado, A; Last, R.; Porath, P. A Dedication to Galerius from Scythopolis. A Revised Reading ZPE 98 1993 229-237 Fishwick, D. A Votive Aedicula at Narbo ZPE 98 1993 238-242 Lajtar, A. Zu einer christlichen Inschrift mit dem Gebet an den heiligen Georgios aus Wadi Bir el-Ain, Aegypten ZPE 98 1993 243-244 Lajtar, A. Bemerkungen zu einem christlichen Epitaph aus Nubien im Louvre ZPE 98 1993 245-247 Daris, S. Ricevuta di tassa ZPE 98 1993 248 Borkowski, Z.; Straus, J.A. P.Colon.Inv. 4781 verso: vente d'une esclave ZPE 98 1993 249-252 Duttenhoefer, R. Die Funktion und Stellung des ergasterion in der Getreideverwaltung der Ptolemaerzeit ZPE 98 1993 253-262 Joerdens, A. Kaufpreisstundungen (Sales on Credit) ZPE 98 1993 263-282 Sijpesteijn, P.J. Settlement of a Debt and Extracts from Census Registers ZPE 98 1993 283-291 Sijpesteijn, P.J. A Donatio Mortis Causa ZPE 98 1993 292-296 Luppe, W. Zum neuesten Simonides. P.Oxy 3965 fr. 1 / 2327 fr. 6 ZPE 99 1993 1-9 MacDowell, D.M. Demosthenes 21.126 ZPE 99 1993 10 Hunter, R. One Party or Two?: Simonides 22 West(2) ZPE 99 1993 11-14 Hinz, V. Zum Louvre-Partheneion Alkmans (PMGF 1) ZPE 99 1993 15-16 Rossum-Steenbeek, M. van Four Notes on the List of Xenophon Papyri ZPE 99 1993 17 Rossum-Steenbeek, M. van Three Xenophon Papyri. One Scribe ZPE 99 1993 18 Dedoussi, C. P.Bodmer XXV: Menander Samia Textual Notes ZPE 99 1993 19-20 Gronewald, M. Bemerkungen zu Menander ZPE 99 1993 21-27 Gronewald, M. Der neue Poseidippos und Kallimachos Epigramm 35 ZPE 99 1993 28-29 Huys, M. P.Oxy. LIII 3705: A Line from Menander's 'Periceiromene' with Musical Notation ZPE 99 1993 30-32 Huys, M.; Wouters, A. P.Hal. Inv. 31: Alexander and the Speaking Bird (cf. Ps.-Call., III, 28) ZPE 99 1993 33-36 Brancaleone, F.; Stramaglia, A. Otri e proverbi in Apuleio, Met. II,32-III,18 ZPE 99 1993 37-40 Llewelyn, S.R. Did the Ptolemaic Postal System Work to a Timetable? ZPE 99 1993 41-56 Maresch, K.; Sijpesteijn, P.J. P.Lond.III 1077 descr.: Metrologische Tabellen ZPE 99 1993 57-72 Hobson, D. A Sitologos Receipt from Soknopaiou Nesos ZPE 99 1993 73-74 Rea, J. A Student's Letter to his Father: P.Oxy XVIII 2190 Revised ZPE 99 1993 75-88 Rea, J. P.Haun. III 58: Caranis in the Fifth Century ZPE 99 1993 89-95 Ford, M. A Short Note on BGU XII 2170 ZPE 99 1993 96 Mitthof, F. Vom hierotatos Kaisar zum epiphanestatos Kaisar. Die Ehrenpradikate in der Titulatur der Thronfolger des 3. Jh. n.Chr. nach den Papyri ZPE 99 1993 97-111 Ortega Villaro, B. On a Tarentine Inscription ZPE 99 1993 112 Pintaudi, R. Frammento di un Commentario tachigrafico di Vienne (P. Vindob. G 46162) ZPE 99 1993 113-14 Cotton, H.M. Another Fragment of the Declaration of Landed Property from the Province of Arabia ZPE 99 1993 115-121 Parker, R. Artemis Lemnia ZPE 99 1993 122 Curbera, J.B. Nynphion ZPE 99 1993 123-24 Engels, J. Der Michigan-Papyrus uber Theramenes und die Ausbildung des 'Theramenes-Mythos' ZPE 99 1993 125-55 Swain, S. Greek into Palmyrene: Odaenathus as 'Corrector Totius Orientis'? ZPE 99 1993 157-64 Brun, P. La faiblesse insulaire: Histoire d'un topos ZPE 99 1993 165-83 Brun, P. La stele des cereales de Cyrene et le commerce du grain en Egee au IV s. av. J.C. ZPE 99 1993 185-96 Twardecki, A. Weiheinschrift fur Hermes oder Souchos? ZPE 99 1993 197-202 Taeuber, H. Ein mysischer Athletiktrainer in Klosterneuburg ZPE 99 1993 203-206 Abramenko, A. Die Wirtschaftskrise des 3. Jh.n.Chr. und das Ende der Augustalitat ZPE 99 1993 207-13 Abramenko, A. Ein weiterer Dekurio der Colonia Equestris. Zur Titulatur des romischen Ritters Aurelius Crispus ZPE 99 1993 214-16 Jacques, Fr. CIL XI, 2650 et la population de Saturnia ZPE 99 1993 217-19 Ardevan, R. Eine romische Inschrift aus Gherla ZPE 99 1993 220-22 Piso, I. Zum Kultus der dea Caelestis ZPE 99 1993 223-26 Zoumbaki, S. Zu einer neuen Inschrift aus Olympia: Die Familie der Vettuleni von Elis ZPE 99 1993 227-32 Solin, H. Varia onomastica XI. Ein neuer Gentilname: Rhosinius ZPE 99 1993 233-34 Develin, B. The Battle of Oinoe Meets Ockham's Razor? ZPE 99 1993 235-40 Weaver, P.R. C.; Wilkins, P.I. A Lost Alumna ZPE 99 1993 241-44 Nunlist, R. P.Mich. inv. 6950 (unpubliziert), P.Koln 203 und 243: Szenen aus Menanders Dis Exapaton? ZPE 99 1993 245-78 Vendruscolo, F. Una riconsiderazione di P.Princ. Inv. AM 11224C: Commento all'Alcibiade I ZPE 99 1993 279-85 Burrell, B. Two Inscribed Columns from Caesarea Maritima ZPE 99 1993 287-95 Cohen, David Rhetoric, Morals, and the Rule of Law in Classical Athens ZRG 110 1993 1 Wacke, Andreas Gallisch, Punisch, Syrisch oder Griechisch statt Latein? Zur schrittweisen Gleichberechtigung der Geschaftssprachen im romischen Reich ZRG 110 1993 14 Welwei, Karl-Wilhelm Gefolgschaftsverband oder Gentilaufgebot? Zum Problem eines fruhromischen familiare bellum (Liv. II 48,9) ZRG 110 1993 60 Masi Doria, Carla Inpudicitia, officium e operae libertorum ZRG 110 1993 77 Morgenstern, Frank Die Kaisergesetze gegen die Donatisten in Nord-afrika (Mitte 4. Jh. bis 429) im Zusammenhang mit dem antidonatistischen Wirken des Augustinus von Hippo ZRG 110 1993 103 Schermaier, Martin Josef Teilvindikation oder Teilungsklage? Auf der Suche nach dem klassichen Vermischungsrecht ZRG 110 1993 124 Vegh, Zoltan Ex pacto ius. Studien zum Vertrag als Rechtsquelle bei den Rhetoren ZRG 110 1993 184 Moller, Cosima Die mercennarii in der romischen Arbeitswelt ZRG 110 1993 296 Sirks, A.J. Boudewijn Reconsidering the Roman Colonate ZRG 110 1993 331 Jakobs, Horst Heinrich Fiducia und Delegation--Paulus D. 46,2,12 more historico ZRG 110 1993 370 Flume, Werner Epitheton ZRG 110 1993 424 Volkl, Artur Der Verkauf der fremden Sache im Westgotenrecht. Ein Beitrag zum Verhaltnis von Vulgarismus und germanischem Recht ZRG 110 1993 427 Radding, Charles M. Vatican Latin 1406, Mommsens' Ms. S, and the Reception of the Digest in the Middle Ages ZRG 110 1993 501 Kraus, Hans-Christof Begriff und Verstandnis des 'Burgers' bei Savigny ZRG 110 1993 552 Ebihara, Akio Savigny und die gemeinrechtliche Verjahrungslehre des 19. Jahrhunderts ZRG 110 1993 602 Ziegler, Karl-Heinz Zwei romische Kriegsvertrage in der Vita Sancti Severini ZRG 110 1993 638 Spengler, Hans-Dieter D. und D. zu einer doppelt uberlieferten Entscheidung des Q. Cervidius Scaevola ZRG 110 1993 641 Scheidel, Walter Servi alieni als Erben: Zum gesellschaflichen Hintergrund ZRG 110 1993 648 Wacke, Andreas; Schafer, Peter W. H. E. Dirksens Briefe an J. F. H. Abegg nebst einem Abriss uber beider Leben und Werk ZRG 110 1993 652