Welcome to Introduction to Information Studies [i2i]!

In this intro-level class, we will examine the myriad different ways of understanding the contemporary information universe. As you'll see in perusing the syllabus, we cover a broad range of issues, from privacy and intellectual property to business and cultural issues. By completing this, you'll not be an "information professional," but you will know what that involves and you'll get a solid foundation for navigating and getting empowered in our information-driven world.

Note that this home page will change throughout the semester to give updated information and current announcements. Feel free to bookmark it for easy access. Also note that this site will be used instead of UM CourseTools to communicate with the class. Finally, there are no texts to be purchased for this course[!]—all assigned readings are on this Web site. You should also be aware, of course, that this course is listed both in Sociology as well as in the School of Information. If you're considering going into the Informatics concentration, you should perhaps enroll under the SI listing.

FYI: The Web site for this course is optimized for Apple's Safari and for Firefox. If you have a Mac, Safari is pre-installed; you can download Firefox. We discourage the use of Internet Explorer, as it's the least secure and uses non-standard code.
The course lectures will be from 11:30am to 1:00pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, in 260 Dennison Hall. Discussion sections are as follows:

Class Schedule

Meet Dr. Data Double, s/he is you, according to marketers and the national security state. You'll get well acquainted in this course. Sadly, s/he's probably not going to be your friend, ever.
  • Section 002: Thursdays, 3:00 - 4:00pm -  142 Lorch Hall (instructor: Jason Stewart)
  • Section 003: Thursdays, 3:00-4:00pm -  213 Dennison Hall (instructor: Jason Stewart)
  • Section 004: Wednesdays, 3:00-4:00pm - 173 Lorch Hall (Instructor: Dominique Daniel)
  • Section 005: Wednesdays, 4:00-5:00pm - 514 Dennison Hall (Instructor: Dominique Daniel)
At any time, please feel free to offer your feedback on the course, anonymously or in person.