Join us for the 2nd annual Cold Steel Tour! Visit all the best sights in Tokyo, take part in a traditional Setsubun festival in the historic town of Kamakura, see some of the largest snow sculpture's you'll ever see in Sapporo! And to top it all off, meet a famous manga author! ONLY from Pop Japan Travel!

January's Cold Steel tour highlights



If you've ever dreamed of making the trek to the homeland of your pop obsessions -- it's time to make that dream reality with a PROFESSIONAL, AFFORDABLE Pop Japan Travel tour!

Operated by Digital Manga and IACE Travel

Our Sponsors: Digital Manga Publishing -- Kotobukiya -- Dream Shoppe -- Marui One
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PJT Updates
December 5th, 2008

The Cold Steel Tour keeps getting better and better!! Sign up now for your chance to meet Kazura Matsumoto, the creative genius behind the hit manga "Camera Camera Camera!!!" And don't worry, we'll provide you with a FREE copy of her book so you'll have something for her to sign. We're just that nice!
December 4th, 2008
Please visit our tours page for all the latest information. We've updated information pertaining to tours all the way through May 2009! So hurry up and go talk to your bosses, parents, teachers, and whoever else might give you time off and/or money. Let's go to Japan!!!
November 20th, 2008
YOU can still save $100! Send us the questions that you want to ask Gloomy Bear creator, Mori Chack. We will ask him your question and post the answers here on the site. Plus, just for sending us a question, we will give you a discount code good for $100 off the price of our Cold Steel Tour! So don't delay, send us your questions today!
Pop Japan News
November 20th, 2008

The 2009 Michelin Guide: Tokyo, which rates exceptional restaurants around the world, has awarded its highest rating of 3 stars to a handful of Tokyo chefs. The number of 3-star-rated restaurants has increased by one to total 9 for the capital. All told, 173 restaurants were awarded stars, making Tokyo the most-starred city in the world--THE "Cuisine Capital"--for the second year in a row. Isn't it time you visit the city that has ousted Paris, New York, and Madrid in culinary excellence? Stay tuned for Pop Japan Travel's IRON CHEF TOUR!!
November 11th, 2008
Straight out of Kiri's blog comes the winter line from one of my favorite Japanese brands, Revolver. Featuring some ridculously fresh designs courtesy of electro-fashionista So Me, these sweatshirts are the product of forward-thinking creativity and design. Read on for more pics.
October 21st, 2008

My personal favorite Japanese clothing/toy brand, Original Fake, has updated their website with a new picture featuring an all black 4 foot tall Companion doll....

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