OpenUsability is an initiative that promotes usability in Free/Libre/Open-Source Software (FLOSS) development. Today, OpenUsability is a group of people who share the same mindset of an "Open Usability": Make usability transparent, share methods and best practices, and support open source software.
Get involved!
FLOSS Projects. If you are a contributor to a FLOSS project and require usability support for your project, fill in the project application form. The OpenUsability team will come back to you and publish a project opening on our openings page.
Usability Professionals. Browse the project opeings page. If you are interested to support a certain project, send us a mail to get back to us. Once you work on a project, you can document progress and successes in our blog.
Project opeings page
Why should I care?
Students of Usability, UI Design or related. For students, we provide a mentoring programme, the Season of Usability.
Season of Usability 2008 takes place from April to July 2008. It is kindly sponsored by