Ahmed Samir

Something I read , Something I know about PHP

PHP Frameworks

PHP Frameworks

There are over than 40 frameworks available. it’s difficult to decide which framework works best for you, especially as each framework offers different functionality. I like Zend , Symfony and Prado

Below is List of most famous php frameworks , I found it at PHP Frameworks

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WorldWide Telescope (WWT)

WorldWide Telescope from Microsoft , is a Web 2.0 visualization software environment that
enables your computer to function as a virtual telescope


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Apache vs IIS in July 2008


Apache web server

July 2008 Web Server Survey from netcraft.com

In the July 2008 survey we received responses from 175,480,931 sites.
The web has grown by 3.14 million sites over the past month,
2.2 million for Apache web servers and 1.4 million for Microsoft IIS

netcraft - July 2008 Web Server Survey

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The 100 oldest domains on the internet

The 100 oldest domains on the internetWhat are the oldest domains ever register on the internet ?

I make a serarch and I found this list, the list below represents the 100 first domains ever registered on the internet…it includes some
expected names and some unexpected names

The longest domain in www is ( 63 char )

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Wikimania 2008 Alexandria, Egypt  July 17-19Wikimania is a regular conference for all Wikimedians who contribute to one of the many Wikimania Foundation projects 

Wikimedia Foundation’s fourth annual international conference in Egypt , Alexandria - July 17–19 - Registration is now open and The program is being planned


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MySQL History

What is MySQL?

MySQL, the most popular Open Source SQL database management system, is developed, distributed, and supported by MySQL AB. MySQL AB is a commercial company, founded by the MySQL developers. It is a second generation Open Source company that unites Open Source values and methodology with a successful business model.


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PHP History

what is PHP?

PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a computer scripting language, originally designed for producing dynamic web pages. It is mainly used in server-side scripting, but can be used from a command line interface or in standalone graphical aplications (GTK+).


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December 2008
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