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Blockbuster Has Tears comming to Its eyes!
Shout it up. If you have something interesting shout back. If i like it I will digg it up also.
Interesting Discussion about Usocial
Interesting about the legalities of buying diggs, or maybe I'm just a law nerd.
Thai Government Ousted: Now if they'll just open the airport
The Thai Court has overthrown the government, just thought you'd like to know
Forced out: Animated Xmas lights raised >10K for charity
After they kicked him out, Holdman switched from 45,000 lights on a 176 channel controller to 150,000 lights on a 215 channel controller for this year's display.
Stop the Madness in Thailand!
As most everyone knows, Thailand's airport is closed. As someone living here I can say its really not that bad since Thais are some of the nicest most gentle and gracious people on Earth, but it is annoying and killing tourism.