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    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2008
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2008
    Yeah. If you couldn't handle it, you will now HAVE to self-implode. It's mandatory.
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2008
    voltage, your a jackass.
    forget the MM,that hot dog man is freaky he's the only non-major character to not die.

    • CommentAuthorBarax123
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2008
    I got two theories about the Madness storyline.


    The Higher Power creates the Madness men in test tubes.
    The Madness men will then become 1337 members when they get ready.
    Hank was one of these men.
    But instead of going along to a life of 1337, he didn't.
    He stopped and ran as far as way as he could.
    Until he came to a tree. Hence beginning of Madness.
    And everyone's trying to kill him because he ran away and they want him back.

    Second Theory:

    Okay, The Higher Powers create Madness people as test subjects.
    Hank was one of these test subjects.
    They created him and let Tricky and Jebus practice on him.
    Everytime he died, they would bring him back alive.
    So in MC1, Jebus had the first blow.
    And then Tricky kinda took Hank away throughout the series.
    That made Jebus mad.
    So he revolted and killed Hank, Tricky, and attempted to kill The Higher Powers.

    It's just something I've been thinking about.
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2008
    I thought the people with the yellow blood were in the test tubes


    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2008
    [quote][cite] Barax123:[/cite]I got two theories about the Madness storyline.


    The Higher Power creates the Madness men in test tubes.
    The Madness men will then become 1337 members when they get ready.
    Hank was one of these men.
    But instead of going along to a life of 1337, he didn't.
    He stopped and ran as far as way as he could.
    Until he came to a tree. Hence beginning of Madness.[/quote]

    I don't really think the real series started off at #1.

    Your theory still sounds like you got something, but than we'd have to explain why he seized the sheriff in #2.

    Unless the sheriff works FOR the Mystery Man...
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2008
    Barax i think your onto something. btw im new, but am not a stranger to the Madness world. I have been on this forum looking at it for months, just never made an account. But Barax i think you are right. But with only 2 episodes left and if Jebus is the protagonist. How is it going to end? Is Jebus the protagonist still? Why is Hank different than the other 1337 members. If he is a 1337 member and in the begining episodes they were so weak. Why was Hank dominating them if he is just like the rest of them, they would all be created equal. And if he was a 1337 agent and is on the top of the deadly list of 1337 members ( like Tricky, Jebus), why are the weak agents sent agianst him besides Tricky who is decesed and Jebus who for some reason wants to be the bringer of armagedon ( the text in the intro to MC8). It doesnt make sence, but it does at the same time. Like were missing a part of the puzzle. Also Tricky and Jebus seem to fight him for short times then flee, like they know they are not eqaully matched. For all we know Hank is Krinkles and the episodes are him sleeping at night. Sorry if i rambeled on there, i am sleep deprived so things might not make sence.
    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2008
    The "missing part of the puzzle" will most likely be explained in the 2 last episodes.
    Did Krinkels say he was gonna do 10 eposides?
    Shit, I need to lurk moar.
    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2008
    ya, he did...i guess...
    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2008
    Krinkels has never said anything, these cheapshots on .net and mcwiki are just full of crap.
    • CommentAuthorannuuld12
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2008 edited
    i dont think hank is dead frankly he's probly just waiting to strike somewear like when madness 7 jebus came whats stopping hank from coming back he's gotin hurt worst than than that when he got hurt in madness 7.i mean comon he got shot in the head in madness 2 stabbed with a sword in 3 he was blown up by a bomb in 4 got his hea riped of and smashed by tricky in 5 got threw of a cliff in 7 and you expect me to beleive that he gets shot a few times by jebus and he's dead and gone oh no he'll be backand nobody not even krinkles is going to run with hank as the main guy and then just drop him after 7 epasodes.
    anyways dude you mite be on to somthin.mabey hank did run off and they know he's a killer so when hank seen that the sherif was after him.he new he had to get rid of him.and jebus was his right hand man so when the sheriff was killed it was up to jebus to finish the job.and MM brought tricky back to life to kill hank because he new that a zombey whould be a formitable aponant for hank.when all trick wanted was revenge and thats why he tries to kill jebus because he new that jebus would kill him and he would'nt get the satisfaction of killing him hiself.
    remember in madness 2,3,4 jebus and tricky were on the same side mabey tricky was there "little toy".and jebus broke him by bringing him back you know.
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2008
    [quote][cite] biodeath:[/cite]Krinkels has never said anything, these cheapshots on .net and mcwiki are just full of crap.[/quote]

    Hint: One of those cheapshots is Krinkels.

    Also, the MM's computer had a download going before Jesus started wrecking things. MAG V.3, assuming the jumbo guy in MC7 was MAG V.1, the big guys in MC8 were MAG V.2s, (look at the chat window), the guys in the tubes were MAG V.3s in the making.

    Or as Krinkels said, it was just the series of tubes where the internets are connected, not like some big dump truck.
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2008
    I wonder wut happened to the people in the tubes at the end of MC 8...
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2008
    They blew up and went to kitty heaven. And fatalist if you have any proof that krinkels stated that there is going to be 10 episodes share it with the world why don't you? And lol i thought the people in the tubes were being mutated into the yellow blooded morons.
    • CommentAuthorannuuld12
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2008
    wait i got an idea.hank keeps coming back right.after being killed over and over again.what if jebus was the creator of the proximity drive remember in 3 i think it was it shows the sheriff activating the drive.mabey MM took the drive from jebus and when he sall that jebus was trying to get it back he created stop him.
    because think hank always fighting jebus and tricky mabey hank was created by MM to kill of the peaple trying to take over.and we never heard of hank trying to fight MM.
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2008
    Sorry biodeath, no direct proof. It came out through several MSN/Aim/.net conversations in between the release of 5 and 6.

    Also, you are a faggot, faggot.
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2008
    Biodeath, shut the hell up about .net being bullshit. For one, Krinkels is actually on .net - by "Actually on .net", I mean he posts regularly and he actually talks to us.

    Also, I am almost 100% sure a few of our members knows about the entire Madness series but he won't unveil anything because he finds everyone on the internet dipshits. One of the users is Dwyn and he is one of our underdogs.

    Besides, we have no direct proof because the forum was reset around 5 - 6 and no one here wants to go through one million pages. Why would someone just say, "OH THERE'LL BE 10 MADNESESZ"? To stir up shit? No. We don't make threads on that until we have direct evidence, and there was some at the time.

    I know I'm an asshole, because you need the occasional asshole to knock sense back into fans and basically gauge their perception. For instance, Sheriff will never be a cyborg.
    • CommentTimeFeb 16th 2008
    um, ok...anyway, annuuld12, hank didn't stay alive long enaugh to fight MM.
    • CommentAuthorannuuld12
    • CommentTimeFeb 16th 2008 edited
    well hank could have bean sent to kill tricky and jebus and got killed himself and thats were 8 pics up.hanks out of the way so now he's going to kill MM and what makes you think hank is dead.and it in 7 the drive reivives him not jebus or tricky or anything.
    • CommentTimeFeb 16th 2008
    Hahaha, seriously voltage you have nothing to do with this, so please shut the hell up and stop acting like a faggot. And fatalist I'm so sorry for you that you have no proof of whatever crap comes out of your mouth these days.
    • CommentTimeFeb 16th 2008
    Hmm...maybe in MC 7 when hank got revived it was the same kind of blue ray like in the end of MC 8. So if that revived hank, maybe it will fix up everybody else who's dead.
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2008
    I don't think so. And the ray in MC7 was white, not blue.
    • CommentAuthorannuuld12
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2008 edited
    dude voltage stop acting like you now everthing.because you dont and all the stuff you say is just gay.
    but anyway TML you may have a point because remember that blue ray came from the drive so whats saying a white ray couln't rivive him.see i still could be rigt and MM is together with hank.
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2008

    For example, today Krinkels revealed that the second bulding in Innundation is the same building as in avenger. Look at the first room.

    MC9 will contain heavy vehicle use.

    Also, MC9 continues directly from the end of MC8.

    Look at all that crap coming from my mouth, oh wait:

    td;lr: I'm right, you're 10. Shut up.
    • CommentTimeFeb 18th 2008
    RandomGuy, both of the rays were both white & blue and anuuld12, MM really could be with hank cause jesus want's to kill em' both.
    • CommentAuthorannuuld12
    • CommentTimeFeb 18th 2008 edited
    thank you TML im glad you agree it could be possible and for ya'lls info this is a place were we all like to come and talk about madness not have you guys tell us.
    and its spelled guys not guis.
    • CommentTimeFeb 18th 2008
    • CommentTimeFeb 18th 2008
    [quote][cite] TML:[/cite]RandomGuy, both of the rays were both white & blue and anuuld12, MM really could be with hank cause jesus want's to kill em' both.[/quote]

    Not the one that resurrected Hank. Are you perhaps color blind? Even slightly?
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2008
    well excuse me, but it could have been a smaller version of the ray and doesn't have much colour, or krinkels decided to make it different in number 8 cause he found a new colour to use aswell. Trie not to reject everything people say...
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2008
    I only reject what other people say only if it's clearly incorrect, like what you just said. The ray in Madness Combat 8 was also white, only with a blue glow.
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2008
    It was also a giant fucking sky shattering god beam. Not a little revive one like the blue lightning bolt things in the earlier episodes.
    • CommentAuthorannuuld12
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2008
    well i guess we wont find out till madness 9 comes out
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2008
    i got a question, did Tricky get revived by Jebus. And Jesus in the spiritual sence has been known to come back from the dead called reserection. Could Jebus possibly reserect and bring back Hank as his partner or something to end what ever their mission was or is? That and why did Jebus turn on the 1337 crew? And now that reality has returned to normal does that mean Hank can no longer come back to life? Im just trying to bring up some points and get some questions answered.
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2008
    [quote][cite] Ibanez:[/cite]i got a question, did Tricky get revived by Jebus. And Jesus in the spiritual sence has been known to come back from the dead called reserection. Could Jebus possibly reserect and bring back Hank as his partner or something to end what ever their mission was or is? That and why did Jebus turn on the 1337 crew? And now that reality has returned to normal does that mean Hank can no longer come back to life? Im just trying to bring up some points and get some questions answered.[/quote]
    It wasn't Jesus, duh... use your common sense. I think it's probably the "higher powers."
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2008
    For the record, the Auditor is/was the "higher powers", or at least part of them anyway.
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2008
    RandomGuy, i was not completely wrong. They were both white:ish, if i'd say they were pink and green, i would have been completely wrong...
    • CommentAuthorannuuld12
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2008
    in the early madness it says he was given anouther chance so mabey MM dicided to let him try again.
    • CommentTimeFeb 21st 2008
    [quote][cite] TML:[/cite]RandomGuy, i was not completely wrong. They were both white:ish, if i'd say they were pink and green, i would have been completely wrong...[/quote]

    The one from MC7 is completely white. Don't tell me that white is a tint of blue, 'cuz it's not.
    • CommentTimeFeb 21st 2008
    o, i always thought Jebus made the zombies come back to life. Im a DeeDeeDee
    • CommentTimeFeb 21st 2008
    [quote][cite] Ibanez:[/cite]o, i always thought Jebus made the zombies come back to life. Im a DeeDeeDee[/quote]
    No he doesn't. Once a zombie dies, Jesus doesn't revive him - again.
    • CommentAuthorannuuld12
    • CommentTimeFeb 21st 2008
    he is right the only thing he does after a zombeis killes them is throw there dead bodies.and a message to TML and random guy.
    Thank you
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2008
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2008
    but what? You can't tell the difference between red and green?
    Whatever, this argument is stupid and TML clearly lost.
    End of discussion...
    • CommentAuthorannuuld12
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2008
    thank you random guy with agreeing with me about the lasers coler not being
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2008
    [quote][cite] annuuld12:[/cite]thank you random guy with agreeing with me about the lasers coler not being[/quote]
    So anyways... I kinda found the ending of MC8 kinda disappointing. Oh well, I bet MC9 is gonna kick ass.
    • CommentAuthorannuuld12
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2008
    yea i now it was like its leading this big thing thin it goes "thin there was nothing"
    • CommentTimeFeb 23rd 2008
    i agree, and anyway we'll find out what the strange white & blue lazer thing was in MC 9...