Update Date:2008-12-02

Acekard2i For DSi Released!

We are proud to announce our latest acekard now fully works on DSi, we call this new product  Acekard 2i.

Acekard 2i is completely compatible with Acekard 2, besides, the 2i works on DSi.

Acekard 2i will come up in a very short time, please keep eyes on our website, thank you.

More details about Acekard 2i please refer to: Features of Acekard 2i.

Update Date:2008-11-24

AK2 Menu 4.12 released

Fixed white screen of 2540, 2796.
Fixed 2838 and 2949.
Fixed 1422 My Sims corrupting save file when starting.
Fixed 1435.
Hot key of Soft-reset changed to L+R+A+B+X+Y

[Download here]

Update Date:2008-11-17

acekard on DSi

This is a lab work, it works ONLY in LAB. Even though we can go this far, it is almost impossible to make a commercial product.
There is a major problem that can't be resolved, at least for now.It seems DSi did many sanity checks to make sure there is no more fcards.
we will keep researching and good luck to all.

btw: we assume there are more than one modes on DSi, we still haven't found any way to access the SD card slot in origin DS mode.

Update Date:2008-10-23

Ak2 firmware 4.11 released!

Fixed random white screen of 2540 and 2796.
Fixed save file corrupted of FFXII by forcing use old engine when start.


[Download it here].

Update Date:2008-10-14

4.10 Firmware for ak2

Fixed hang up when entring name of 2712.
Fixed hang up when play intro vedio of 0675

Please [download it here].

Update Date:2008-10-11

WIFI update firmware

Thanks to .:Mik:.(Michele Toriello) to bring us this pretty homebrew to update firmware via WIFI. You can use this application to update official firmware or custom firmware for AK2 and AKRPG easily. Just copy "OsUp.nds" and folder "OsUp" to the root of your TF card or NAND Flash if you're using AKRPG and run it.


The [website] of author. [Download] from author's website.

[Download] from our website.

Update Date:2008-09-28

New package of acekard2.1

Here is the pictures of new package of acekard2.1. This time we use a paper box and add "ver 2.1" on the sticker. And in this version there's no hole and gibbose chips in the shell.

The new version of acekard2.1 is more stable with high quality and less power consuming.


Update Date:2008-09-28

4.09 Firmware for AK2

Fixed white screen after saving of 2699.
Fixed white screen of 2493,1435.

Please [download it here].

Update Date:2008-08-13

Firmware 4.11 for AK RPG. Merged bliss's firmware

Merged all main features from bliss's firmware. Thanks to bliss. And thanks to Smiths, Normmatt and gelu too.
    Improved supporting of running GBA games via expansion cards.
    Support mp3, txxt, avi, dsm, ogg, wav and so on direclty. (avi need convert first. txt support mark)
    Support AR code in dat and xml format.
    You can set uniquee settings for every single game.
    Support multi save slot for one game.
    Support automatically run after start up. You can long press b button to enter ak2's menu. Support short cut.
    Support hide files and folders. Support hide extension name.


Fixed save issue of BBDX. Now you can choose 8m save for BBDX.


Please download [it here].

Update Date:2008-08-12

Brand new firmware 4.08 for ak2.

A brand new engine of saving and reading card for Acekard2. Faster and more stable. Castlevania should be never lag on any TF cards.
Press "a" to use new engine and long press "a" for old engine.
If there's any black or white screen please disable all special functions first.
Merged all main features from bliss's firmware. Thanks to bliss. And thanks to Smiths, Normmatt and gelu too.
    *Improved supporting of running GBA games via expansion cards.
    *Support mp3, txxt, avi, dsm, ogg, wav and so on direclty. (avi need convert first. txt support mark)
    *Support AR code in dat and xml format.
    *You can set uniquee settings for every single game.
    *Support multi save slot for one game.
    *Support automatically run after start up. You can long press b button to enter ak2's menu. Support short cut.
    *Support hide files and folders. Support hide extension name.
Fixed save issue of DQ5


Download it [here].

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