Ramaze is a simple, light and modular open-source web application framework written in Ruby.
require 'ramaze'
class MainController < Ramaze::Controller
def index
'Hello, World!'
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Arrow, a web-app framework for Apache+mod_ruby
Borges, a continuations based ruby web-framework originally ported from SeaSide
Cerise, web-framework modeled on J2EE app servers
Halcyon, a JSON web-app framework built on Rack
Mack, a Rack-based Ruby web framework.
Maveric, like Camping but without the magic
Sinatra, classy web-development dressed in a DSL
ServerSide, a ruby web-server and
framework with persistent connection &
HTTP streaming support
Unicycle, an EventMachine based RESTful framework
Waves, a Ruby web-framework that uses Sequel as an ORM
Antonio announces his new ruby web-framework
Ruby on Crack on Apr 1 2008
Ebb 0.0.1 released
on Feb 28 2008
features Thin, a fast ruby webserver based on mongrel and eventmachine
on Jan 5, 2008
Sinatra web-framework
on Oct 22 2007
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