What countries is LifeOnRecord available in?
Is there a time limit on the length of a message?
Tell me about the audio discs
Tell me about how LifeOnRecord recordings get downloaded into iTunes.

Pricing & Shipping
What is your pricing?
What are your shipping charges?
Can I upgrade my shipping after I order?
Do you charge sales tax?
What is your refund policy?

LifeOnRecord Events & LifeOnRecord Weddings
What do callers hear when they call the toll-free number?
What are some tips to ensure we get as many people to call as possible?
What should we say in our personal greeting?
Are there limits on how often we or our guests can call in?
I'm having a wedding - can I choose LifeOnRecord Events?
When will my CDs be created?
When should I sign-up?
Are there any restrictions on the toll-free number?

Personal Voice Journal
Do you have any tips for audio journaling?
Can I ask friends and family to leave me stories on my Personal Journal number?
Is there a minimum subscription length for LifeOnRecord Journals?

Security & Privacy
Are my journal entries private?
Will you try and market your services to my callers?


What countries is LifeOnRecord available in?

The toll-free numbers we provide work in the US and Canada.

Callers can phone-in from other countries as well by dialing 847-943-2021, but they will pay a long distance charge to their local phone company. The 847-943-2021 number is a local "land line" Illinois phone number that routes directly to the LifeOnRecord service. It can be called from another country just like any other US telephone number as long as the applicable US Country codes are dialed as well.

We are not affiliated with this web site, but here is a tool that will let you determine what the US dialing codes are from another country.

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Is there a time limit on the length of a message?

For all of our products, the maximum time limit on the length of an individual message is 30 minutes. We want to encourage people to leave meaningful stories and thoughts and so there are no limits on how often people can call in, or on the total number of callers or recordings.

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Tell me about the audio discs

To keep the pricing simple and straightforward, we charge you the same amount regardless of the number of discs it takes to fit your recordings. A personalized message is printed directly onto the CD surface. We use a premium printing process that gives your CDs a durable, waterproof, glossy finish.

For LifeOnRecord Weddings and Events, each set of CDs we send to you is packaged in a hinged, metal case which protects the CD. A clear plastic window in the case allows viewing of the CD title.

The CD media we choose is of the highest quality and conforms to the specifications for durable, long lasting archives. Accelerated aging tests from the manufacturer guarantee storage for more than 100 years.

Life on Record Birthday CD


For customers that are trying to use LifeOnRecord Events on very short notice, or want to incorporate music, video, or pictures with the audio recordings. We offer LifeOnRecord Personalized, Blank CDs & DVDs to Go.

These are personalized blank CDs or DVDs packaged in the same high-quality cases. We'll professionally personalize the front of the CD/DVD for you with a message of your choice, and mail it to you right away so it's in transit while people are still leaving meaningful messages. 

Then when you're ready, you can burn the LifeOnRecord recordings to CD or DVD at the last minute, or you can use the CD or DVD for something else, but you can still take advantage of our high-quality printing process and our metal cases.

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Tell me about how LifeOnRecord recordings get downloaded into iTunes.

iTunes is a free program for PCs and Macs and gives you the ability to download your recordings to your computer, burn CDs, and copy your recordings to MP3 players. There is no cost to use iTunes. Your LifeOnRecord recordings will appear in iTunes as a "podcast", and downloading your recordings is simple. With iTunes each recording gets downloaded as a separate "track" and you will be able to arrange your recordings any way you wish. You can even add your own music between the recordings if you desire.

One-time iTunes set-up process

  1. Install iTunes by going go to Apple's iTunes download site. LifeonRecord requires at least iTunes version 7.3.
  2. After iTunes installation is complete, log into your personal LifeOnRecord web site.
  3. Enter your ID and Password and click the “download” link at the top of the page.
  4. iTunes will launch on your computer and will prompt you for your LifeOnRecord user name and password. Your LifeOnRecord user name is your invitation or personal journal number. Your password is the numeric password that was supplied in your account details email.
  5. Click on the “Podcasts” link on the left, then double-click on the square icon that corresponds to your recordings.
  6. When your recordings are listed, click the small triangle to the left of "Recordings for..." to list your recordings.
  7. Click on "Get All" to download all your recordings.

Now, whenever you launch iTunes you will be prompted for your LifeOnRecord ID and password, and your newest recordings will automatically appear in iTunes.

Instructions to make a CD

  1. In iTunes, you first need to make a playlist of the recordings you want, so under the File menu choose, “New Playlist”.
  2. Enter a name for the playlist (e.g. My LifeOnRecord Journal).
  3. Select and drag the recordings you want to your playlist.
  4. Drag the recordings so they are in the order that you'd like on the CD.
  5. Click the “burn disc” button in the lower-right hand corner of iTunes.

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What is your pricing?

LifeOnRecord pricing

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What are your shipping and handling charges?

When you are ready for us to create your CD, just send us an email. We create your CD, print your desired message on it, and ship your package the next business day. Your package will be shipped the next business day as long as we receive your email requesting the CD by 6PM Central time.

For example, if we receive an email from you on a Sunday by 6PM Central time asking us to create the CD, the CD will be mailed on Monday. After that point, shipping time is determined by your chosen shipping method.

For US shipments, you can choose between USPS Priority Mail, USPS Express Mail, and various Fed Ex overnight options.

Shipping via Priority Mail costs $6.00 and is estimated to take 2-3 days by the United States Post Office. However Priority Mail is not guaranteed, and to have peace of mind, we suggest you allow up to four days for your package to arrive via USPS Priority Mail.

USPS Express Mail is overnight delivery to most US destinations by noon or 3:00PM and costs about $20 (the cost varies based on your zip code). Our shopping cart will tell you your exact shipping charges. To determine whether the USPS will deliver to your address overnight, you can visit this USPS Guaranteed Delivery Time Page. The origin zip code is 60048.

There are also various Fed Ex options that are available. Our shopping cart allows you to view those charges prior to making your purchase.

For shipments to Canada, you can choose between Priority Mail International (6-10 days) which costs $11.15, Express Mail International (5 days) which costs $25.15, or Global Express Guaranteed for $31.15 (1-3 days), and various Fed Ex International options (all prices subject to change based on price changes from the carriers).

Regardless of your shipping method, you will receive a tracking number via email.

Shipping for LifeOnRecord Journals is included in the price.

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Can I upgrade my shipping at a later date?

Yes, if you originally purchased USPS Priority Mail service, you can follow this link to upgrade to Express Mail. The upgrade price is $13.75 and takes into account the $6 price you paid for USPS Priority Mail shipping. To determine whether the USPS will deliver to your address overnight, you can visit this USPS Guaranteed Delivery Time Page. The origin zip code is 60048.

If you would like to upgrade to one of the Fed Ex options, or live in Canada, please contact us to upgrade your shipping.

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Do you charge sales tax?

We pay sales tax on the supplies that we purchase and based on Illinois tax law, no sales tax is charged to you for the LifeOnRecord service.

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What is your refund policy?

Your peace of mind is important to us. If you don't think your purchase of LifeOnRecord was worth it, we'll cheerfully refund your money.

For LifeOnRecord Weddings and Events, you can cancel at any time and receive a full refund. For the personal journal subscription, you can cancel within the first 14 days and receive a full refund. After that we'll refund your purchase price, less the monthly rate for the length of time you had the subscription rounded up to the next month.

For example, if you purchased a one-year subscription and cancel after 25 days, we'd refund you for 11 months.  If you cancel after 50 days (for example), we'd refund you the remaining 10 months of your subscription. 

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What do our guests hear when they call the number?

They will hear a short introduction letting them know their comments will be recorded as part of the LifeOnRecord service. Then they will hear a personalized greeting from you, in your own words, asking them to share their favorite jokes, memories, stories - whatever you want. The personalized greeting is usually recorded by:

For LifeOnRecord Events

  • The party planner for events like anniversaries, retirements, birthdays and reunions.
  • The parents of the teenager going through a confirmation, Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah, or graduation.
  • A friend or loved one for a funeral or on behalf of someone who is sick.

For LifeOnRecord Weddings

  • The bride and/or groom.
  • The best man and/or maid of honor.
  • The parents of the bride or groom.

Those are general guidelines, but the choice is yours.

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What are some tips to ensure we get as many people to call as possible?

  1. Communicate the phone number in your save the date letters and invitations. Make sure to tell people to call in even if they can't attend the event itself.
  2. Make sure you give people a deadline.
  3. You may want to communicate a "fake" deadline. You or someone else can monitor the web site to see who has called, and when the first deadline passes, gently remind people that they have another day or two.
  4. At the actual event, have someone make an announcement that the lines will "stay open" for the next few days, and people can call in again if they would like to share more stories about the event itself. You can also have place cards that remind people to call the number, or ask them to call the number again.
  5. If you are throwing an event where you don't want people to bring presents, you can write in the invitation, "in lieu of gifts, please share your favorite story or memory with ____ by calling...."

When communicating deadlines, keep in mind that if you are having LifeOnRecord create CDs, we ship out CDs the next business day, but the guest of honor can listen to their recordings over the internet at anytime.

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What should we say in our personal greeting?

This is a sample greeting that you can use "as is" or modify:

We’re putting together a keepsake CD for <Name> that contains stories and messages from family and friends to celebrate <Occasion>.  Please share a quality, trait, or talent of his/hers that you admire, a favorite story or memory you have of <Name>, or why you think he/she is special. If you'd like some inspiration you can go to and click on the "callers tips" link in the top right of the page. You will have up to 30 minutes to leave your recording and you can call as often as you want.

If you like, you can also be very specific with your callers and tell them the kind of message you want them to leave. Some examples are:

Weddings & Anniversaries

  • "We'd like you to share your favorite story about the couple.
  • "What do you think the couple will be doing in 10, 20, and 30 years from now."
  • "Is there a song that you think the couple reminds you of?

Birthdays, Graduations, Mitzvah's

  • "What was your most memorable moment with <Name> over the past year."
  • (Reunion) "What is your favorite story of your time at high school/College?"
  • "What private joke or song do the two of you share?"
  • "What did <Name?> do in the past that most impressed you."
  • "For his Bar Mitzvah, please tell name what you think it means to be a man in the Jewish tradition."
  • "What do you think is the favorite quality of name and why do you value that?

Baby Shower, New Baby, 100 Wishes

  • Please tell <Parents> your favorite nugget of parenting care advice".
  • "What is your wish for the new baby"?

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Are there limits on how often we or our callers can call in?

No. They can call as often and talk as long as you want. We want to make this simple for you, and we want you and your callers to use the service as much as you want to record thoughts and memories.

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I'm having a wedding, can I choose LifeOnRecord Events?

Yes, the wedding package bundles together three sets of keepsake CDs, but you can choose LifeOnRecord Events instead.

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When will my CDs be created?

Is this a last minute gift? No problem. The CDs are created at your request, and are shipped out the next business day.

Shipping time is based on the shipping method you select. Prior to requesting the CDs make sure that you've used the web site to indicate the order of the CDs and to exclude any recordings that you don't want to appear on the CD. The default order is that the first call is the first recording on the CD, and the last call is the last recording, but on the web site, you can indicate how you want to order the recordings.

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When should I sign-up?

You have nothing to lose by signing up early. The number and web site will become active one business day after you sign up for the service and your account will expire one month after your event, at which point callers will no longer be able leave messages and you will not be able to play your recordings from the web site or download them into iTunes.

The order in which things happen are:

  1. You sign-up for your LifeOnRecord account and receive your account information.
  2. Using your phone, you record your personal greeting (what your guests here when they call in).
  3. You communicate your LifeOnRecord telephone number and invitation number to callers.
  4. Everybody calls in.
  5. You notify us that you would like your CDs created.
  6. Your account stays open for another month.

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Are there any restrictions on the toll-free number?

The US toll-free number is not accessible from countries outside the United States and Canada.

Callers can phone-in from other countries by dialing 847-943-2021, but they will pay a long distance charge to their local phone company. The 847-943-2021 number is a local "land line" Illinois phone number that routes directly to the LifeOnRecord service. It can be called from another country just like any other US telephone number as long as the applicable US Country codes are dialed as well.

We are not affiliated with this web site, but here is a tool that will let you determine what the US dialing codes are from another country.

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Do you have any tips for audio journaling?

Here are three things that will help you get the most out of audio journaling:

  1. Add your LifeOnRecord number to your phone's speed dial. If you have a separate journal number, add a pause and then add the journal number as well.
  2. Get in the habit of calling during a certain part of the day. Your journal is a phone call away, so it can be anytime you have a few minutes. It can be during a commute, while taking a daily walk, or right after you wake up.
  3. If you're out with a friend and they tell a funny story, call your number, hand the phone to them, and have them re-tell it on-the-spot, in their own words. It makes for a special memory for both of you.

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Can I ask friends and family to leave me stories on my Personal Journal number?

Part of the appeal of a LifeOnRecord Personal Journal is that you can invite your close friends and family to contribute to it, however the journal is still private, and others won't know what your journal contains. The terms of use allows you to let up to 10 other people call into your journal in any one month and share stories and memories. If you have a need for a wider group of people to contribute, you should subscribe to LifeOnRecord Events.

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Is there a minimum subscription length for LifeOnRecord Journals?

The minimum subscription period is two months. There is no maximum subscription length.

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Are my journal entries private?

We understand that you might be recording your deepest thoughts and sentiments with LifeOnRecord. Your privacy is our top concern, and we employ measures to ensure your information remains confidential.

  • Your recordings are stored on servers in a secure environment with locked doors, surveillance cameras, and electronic monitoring. We employ encryption and password protection. The web site which you access requires a User ID and password, and the files are streamed to you over an encrypted connection. Downloading the journal entries to iTunes™ requires you to first enter a user ID and password.

  • Nobody at LifeOnRecord will listen to your journal entries without your consent. The process to create audio discs is automated and listening to your recordings is not required or done. We will only listen to a recorded message if it's in the context of a specific support question you have or if we have reason to believe the terms of service are being violated.

  • We will occasionally look at customers call logs if there is unusual activity to ensure that the terms of service aren't being violated (e.g. a personal journal being used for a large event). Customer call logs consist of caller ID information and call duration - they do not consist of call recordings.

We take steps on our side to ensure your privacy, but we also want you to know that there are two areas that are under your control where you need to be cautious:

  1. Once files are downloaded to your computer, unless you take further measures, they are accessible by anyone that uses your computer.

  2. If you make yourself a CD, or have us send you a CD in the mail, you should secure it properly since anyone that has access to the CD can listen to it.

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Will you try and market your services to my guests?

We know that you want this be convenient for your guests, and you are concerned about anyone soliciting them.

For LifeOnRecord Weddings and LifeOnRecord Events, we do not call, postal mail, or email your guests unless you actively request that we do. For LifeOnRecord Personal Journal we'll ask if you want to receive a regular email filled with tips and information to effectively use audio journaling in your life.

We do not sell or give your information to other companies, except in direct connection with supplying the LifeOnRecord service (e.g. we need to pass your payment information to our credit card processor). Nobody connected with LifeOnRecord will solicit you, or sell or give away your email addresses

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