Here are the last 2 chapters of Blood Lunch courtesy of Rune, Niagatrats, Decoy4924, JukanX, Cube Talh3, & netviper21. That makes another donor project done with. I should hopefully be killing off prince of the stars sometime in the next couple of days. The ddl link for Blood Lunch should be updated shortly with the full volume.
This has been a very slow week for me primarily due to my brother coming to visit for the week. I didn’t get quite as much time to sit down and translate as I normally would. I should be back to a normal speed starting tomorrow. I’m expecting to update Itazura Switch, Silver Dragon, Offside Girl, Participet, Wet Princess, Himitsu no Anazono, & Hindenburg by the end of this week. There should also be a few new donor projects starting up, as well.
And the usual reminder. Yes, I know all the old links are dead. Everything’s been re-uploaded here:
Lastly, regarding the Nekonomori Maririn donor projects(#23 & #24). EcchiVoid wants me to announce that he’s offered to match the donations that come in during the month of December as a way ot prompting people on the fence to get off the fence and donate. In other words, if you donate $x, he’ll donate $x. If those two donor projects interest you, and you want to see them completed faster, this may interest you. You can check the donor projects section for details.