Stressed teachers indulging their wild sides with coworkers, parents — and students

Early spring brings a new academic year to Japan and, with all the stresses of graduations and getting used to a new bunch of kids, it can often mean teachers act in ways they wouldn’t normally do, frequently with carnal consequences, according to Shukan Taishu (5/7-14).

Take the case of 25-year-old junior high school teacher Emi Yasuoka, who’s now embroiled in a steamy relationship with the former head teacher at her school.

“It’s only my second year of teaching. Whenever I write something on the blackboard, the kids all throw erasers at my ass or use mirrors to try and look up my skirt. I’ve cried so many times during class,” Yasuoka tells Shukan Taishu, adding that the head teacher transferred to a different school in March was the only person who ever came to her aid. As a sign of gratitude, she took the 44-year-old head teacher out for dinner. When they finished eating, he thanked her for the chance to go on a date with such a beautiful woman.

“When I heard that, I suddenly filled with loneliness and before I knew it, I’d flung my arms around him,” she says.

They were soon locked in an even more intimate manner and her partner showed her another reason why he was called the head teacher.

“He flicked his tongue like a bullet on a really sensitive part and I thought something was going to pop out of me. He urged me on, saying, Â?eGo on, go on, finish.’ When I did, something really did start coming out. It was the first time something like that had happened to me,” Yasuoka says, adding she’s due to meet the teacher again after Golden Week.

Also likely to meet again are elementary school teacher Mie Kanai, 37, and the 32-year-old father of one of her third grade pupils.

“One day while taking a walk beside a river near my apartment, this surfer-looking guy came over and started talking to me. I’d never met him before, but he said he was the father of one of the boys in my class. I was surprised how young he looked,” Kanai tells Shukan Taishu.

The father soon showed his juvenile side, however, when he remarked to Kanai that his son had told him his teacher’s breasts were bouncy and that the boy had got his assumption right. Kanai says she laughed at the ice-breaking comment. The pair became friends and went out drinking, but the teacher took in a little too much. One thing led to another, and the pair began a relationship.

“I realize it wasn’t good, but it had been so long since I’d been with a man — three years, in fact,” she says. “Once I’d felt his touch, I just couldn’t hold back.”

There was no holding back from Meika Matsushima, either. The 34-year-old high school piano teacher sought refuge in the classroom from her sexless marriage to a 39-year-old pen pushing government bureaucrat.

“Sex with my husband was always the same. It’s boring. Honestly, I’d rather do myself than be with my husband,” she says, adding that she frequently fantasized about the boys in her classroom.

Matsushima bordered on the criminal with one of her former students she was employed to give private lessons as he attempted to get into a top music college. They ended up alone one day and his remark that she resembled a popular actress saw Matsushima transform her fantasy into a reality. She was soon naked on all fours on a bed with the teen’s attentions taken from his piano to his organ.

“It was like being in a dream land,” the seductress tells Shukan Taishu. “It was an incredible thrill to be making love to a former student. It was way beyond anything I could have fantasized about.

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