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Name:[DVD RIP] [ANIME] LAPUTA: CASTLE IN THE SKY(DVD ExtraMovies+[320k MP3] Songs&OST)(JapaneseRAW) 天空の城ラピュタ(本編+DVD特典+OST&テーマソング・イメージソング(MP3)Date: Jun 23 2008, 10:24
Submitter: or2Seeders: 0
Tracker: http://nyaatorrents.org:3277/announce [L]Leechers: 1
Info Link: Completed: 3489
Score: StarStarStarStarStarStar (0 votes so far)Filesize:  1.84 GiB
Optional link for index sites: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=8286
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Kpek ( 29/11 22:35 ) -- Updates of Rosario to Vampire CAPU2 Raws and hards here: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrents&user=12432
lighter235 ( 29/11 14:15 ) -- 2 llya - imho, 1080p natsu no sora is upsacle. I have 1440x1080 version by @negi but it's really uscale and i delete it soon.
Ilya ( 29/11 13:26 ) -- plz seed http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=29198
banan ( 29/11 09:31 ) -- to Rozen-Maiden fans. "Rozen Maiden II" c08 (Young-Jump No.2008-52)(Raw in jpn) is released by 蔷薇园资源组.^^
HShin ( 29/11 08:54 ) -- @syrenyx: for AVI encoding you should definitely check out Virtualdub, gives you all kinds of video and audio filters not found even in commercial packages.
ZzZz ( 29/11 08:12 ) -- misteriawebsite S・A ~スペシャル・エー~ 第01話 「光・彗」 (D-tvk DivX6.6 1024x576).avi YS2YSUOe1cLtf --> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GYP2IRI0
banan ( 29/11 07:00 ) -- to lighter235. I think so it is not a false report. The Japanese broadcaster TV-Tokyo has announced that it will begin streaming English-subtitled episodes of the Naruto anime series as same as Shikabane-Hime.
lighter235 ( 29/11 06:09 ) -- 2 banan - DB always write about that. It's just trolling, imho. PS wow, i wanna hayate OVA *_* thx for a news
banan ( 29/11 01:31 ) -- to Naruto fans. "Dattebayo will be dropping Naruto Shippuuden permanently on 1/15/2009" following [TW] and [AonE], it is very regrettable.
banan ( 29/11 01:28 ) -- to Hayate fans. Before the 2nd term series of "Hayate no Gotoku" starts, the OVA as ep00 of its Term is released. Please expect like this. This release is pleasure for me^^
banan ( 29/11 01:24 ) -- Finally, it was connected with a homepage and Tracker ^^
orangpelupa ( 29/11 01:02 ) -- please help seed http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=8816 and http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=10196
syrenyx ( 29/11 01:02 ) -- thanks m1el ^o^
m1el ( 29/11 00:48 ) -- syrenyx, mencoder =)
syrenyx ( 28/11 23:25 ) -- hi... whats a good program for converting to avi format?
shade0 ( 28/11 23:18 ) -- please seed http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=39406 too
shade0 ( 28/11 23:17 ) -- please seed http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=39237 1% remained
lighter235 ( 28/11 22:29 ) -- 2 Azorex I wrote about it on IRC ~1 month ago... I upload all 720p-raws by @HOPE sometimes.
Nyaa ( 28/11 21:48 ) -- Starts at post #23, by the way.
Nyaa ( 28/11 21:48 ) -- Read about the recent downtime here. Yeah, the ISP of NyaaTorrents is badass. I love it.
Azorex ( 28/11 21:46 ) -- sukebe, your batch torrent of Zero no Tsukaima Princess no Rondo 720p is HARDLY damaged. No one file with correct stream - too many lost chapters... Same thing on IRC: losses in the same places. Can you fix it in new relise, please?
empty_ru ( 28/11 20:15 ) -- please seed: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=28657
Priix ( 28/11 17:17 ) -- one knows where it has Kaleido Star in SOFTSUB? In Link Direct..
Priix ( 28/11 17:16 ) -- PLEASE SEED: ( Kaleido STAR ) RAW.. : http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=17356
Priix ( 28/11 17:00 ) -- PLEASE SEED: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=17356 ONEGAI!!
DConan ( 28/11 16:38 ) -- please seed Unico (Tezuka Osamu) http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=37445 T_T two peers, one with 40,9% and one with 5,6% :/
Kpek ( 28/11 16:23 ) -- 2 lighter235 - thx, but now i'm downloading OP&ED in flac from PD = )) Realy thx lighter235 you are great man = ))
lighter235 ( 28/11 15:55 ) -- 2 kpek crapped-mp3 you can DL here
Kpek ( 28/11 15:39 ) -- Seed please http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=26734
Kpek ( 28/11 15:28 ) -- Rosario to Vampire DVD Specials Vol.1-6 (DVDRip 704x480 x264 AAC) here: www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=41407
Mefres ( 28/11 14:56 ) -- Seed please http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=19871, thanks you very much.
DzirT(True) ( 28/11 14:29 ) -- seed PLZ http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=32474
lighter235 ( 28/11 14:26 ) -- about new red notice from above - :D I mean, all russia couldn't connected...
lighter235 ( 28/11 13:03 ) -- but 480p dvdrips maybe better than 720r DVD ^_- (and, of course, better filesize)
Kpek ( 28/11 12:45 ) -- 2 lighter235 - But DVD upsc raws better than 720p upsc from AT-X channel. imho = ))
Kpek ( 28/11 12:41 ) -- i see. thx lighter235
lighter235 ( 28/11 12:40 ) -- 2 kpek - and about Kanokon - that's hentai - DVD source already have isn't good Q for upsc. imho (even it's from PD :P)
lighter235 ( 28/11 12:38 ) -- 2 Kpek - Such trouble continue often 2 days. (lighter235 ( 27/11 19:17)). I upload raws on datrs =_="
Kpek ( 28/11 12:31 ) -- Sorry for my bad english: "It's typing than" --> "Error"
Kpek ( 28/11 12:30 ) -- Why i cann't "Submit New Torrent" on TokyoTosho.com. It's typing than: "This torrent cannot be submitted. The torrent URL is invalid." May be someone knows the cause of that.
Kpek ( 28/11 12:25 ) -- Kanokon + DVD Specials Vol.1-6 (DVDRip x264 1280x720 soft-upcon) here: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=41362
Tomib ( 28/11 11:37 ) -- Please anyone, seed this file: [Shinsen-raws] THE TELEPATHY GIRL RAN 19 (NHK-E 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 -->Link:http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=39186&showfiles=1
misteriawebsite ( 28/11 03:43 ) -- Anyone has SPECIAL A RAWS??
empty_ru ( 27/11 22:15 ) -- please seed: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=28657