
The blog will be opened to people on a gmail basis, ie you send me a gmail and i will send you an invitation to view or post on the blog.

This means there will be a limitation of 100-200 users. I'm not quite sure if the 100 user subscription means 100 users for each upload and download, or 100 users total so we'll see about that.

If you are an uploader and wish to upload to the site, request an uploader account
If you are a downloader request a downloader account.

I will englishify most of the 244 entries hopefully by the end of the year.
(I will probably not get around to it. I'll try to relabel them all for easier navigation for English speakers)

Contact me at acertainindexofmanga@gmail.com

I would prefer the sharing of accounts and if you know a person personally, try to request a single ID as a group. However, keep it private amongst yourselves. If I see it in a public place, (2chan, someone's diary, someone's link list) I'll simply delete the ID.