Hey Everyone,
Thanks for checking out my posts on MTV Iggy’s blog! I wanted to start writing once I landed in The States but I’ve been super busy ever since “Eat You Up” came out in October.
What’s been happening since I’ve been here? I went over to Vegas for an event hosted by E! Entertainment. I really wanted to stay a little longer to watch a show or do some shopping but there’s always somewhere else to be!
What else… I went up to San Francisco to do some promoting and did my first interview since my single came out. We recorded right next to the street which was difficult… but who cares?! I finally got to meet some of my American fans! Market Street was also an awesome place to walk around. I can’t wait to go back there someday.
Last week I started rehearsing with my choreographer, Misha Gabriel, and his dancers. It’s been a while since I’ve danced and it was good to get back into it. We changed some of the choreography around for “Eat You Up.” I know you guys are gonna love the new moves.
I’m writing from the studio now in Tokyo. I flew in a few days ago to prepare for YouTube Live Tokyo on Nov 22nd (your time, Tokyo time: Nov 23rd) and my first-ever performance of “Eat You Up” in Asia. Don’t forget to check it out! Okay, I’m sort of nervous but really excited and now I have to go!
I’ll try to keep this updated as much as possible. Bye for now.